>being scared of a daedric invasion
>being scared of a daedric invasion
Daedric invasion is for pussies, however an Akaviri invasion...
Is this the scalie thread?
>install SAM to play a nice looking argonian character
>game crashes every 5 seconds
>implying bethesda would ever add snake people when there's normies to cater too.
Also it's been a long time since I read up on Akaviri lore, but I don't think it's clear if they were literally snake people, or more of an exaggerated cultural description of sorts.
Oldrim? Check the S.T.E.P Project.
Will there be snake ladies in Star Field or whatever it's called?
It's probably a memory problem, it just outright CTD without an error.
You can see their ghosts in oblivion and they're humans while people have mentioned they're snake men when they ruled tamriel. I subscribe to the theory that like khajit their form is based on which cycle when they're born so some could look like snakes others like humans
remove lizard
Any mods to make skyrim not shit?
They wouldn't add because that would require effort into making new models instead of just reusing the old ones.
I can see them using this excuse in the future if needed but that would be as lame as saying
>le unreliable narrator, tsaesci are just azn people lol
because of the ghosts in the Cloud Ruler temple
But the only thing i need from Akaviri lore is some love to Tang Mo. Monkey people is rare in western fantasy, i want to see more of them. Would be rad if they added a follower in one of the future games from Akavir or Pyandonea. It would let them explore new lore while also keep the setting of the game fairly generic.
Go back
go to nexusmods and pick the ones you want you stupid worthless fucking faggot.
There are a billion to sort through and most of them suck, any that make the core gameplay not shit?