>airport security
Airport security
Does this anger the Muslims?
>provocative normiecore """porn""" game is provocative
>hobby: watching porn
how boring of a person do you have to be to say that?
Exactly. When people ask me what my hobby is, I always say browsing the video games board on Yea Forums. Makes me sound like a very interesting and intriguing person
Reddit cringe
Cmon man, I gotta practice my stand-up routine somehow
>expecting a meme ironic weeb game to not be filled with memes
Shouldn't she be fasting now? No porn while fasting young lady.
Where was this supposed to release again?
i'm a muslim and no
it depends on the kind of muslims you're talking about
it can anger any prude conservative and SJW for sure
there are also the mossad falsefag niggers, who are likely to hate it while pretending to be muslim
go to minneapolis and this is what the airport looks like
Islam is prude and conservative
not the way you think everyone is
christians are also prude and conservative on the surface, but with friends they masturbate with each other in their own alone time
maybe because it's youth is why I think it's different
muslims youth love anime, you can clearly see there are huge fanbases in Saudi Arabia and Indonesia which are majority muslim
is there any actual porn in hunnypop? I want to fuck these repressed sluts
Considering how the TSA made of point of hiring muslims as airport security in the aftermath of 9/11 to prove how they weren't 'racist islamophobes' (even though the Muslim Brotherhood hadn't coined that term yet), this isn't unusual. You aren't an 'Islamophobe' are you, OP?
>i'm a muslim
Do you prefer raping children or goats?
How many times were you raped as a child?
It's not rape if you get married after, inshallah.
All the girls in the new cast are ugly
You can marry a goat in towelhead lands?
the most hardcore religious fanatics are usually the ones that are mentally ill to commit rape and violence, SJWs would fall under that cultist category
usually it's best to stay away from them
Not yet, but as the progressives make inroads...
>repressed slut
imagine the shadow of your dong in front of her face haha
>SJWs would fall under that cultist category
Is getting a muslim gf worth it?
Or before
Depends on whether her family is cool with it, otherwise you'll both probably end up dead.
please let Jessie get a happy ending option. I want to save her from suicide and put a baby in her old womb
retard boomer being retarded
who knew
but being a faggot is still no excuse
As progressives threaten to destroy traditions, based muslims will entrench themselves against the rotten west and legalize zoophilia, pedophilia and incest.
SJWs will be furious!
When is 2 coming out?
>playing touhou with a controller
You'd probably have to convert unless you get lucky and have a gf whose family aren't tied heavily to the book.
Other than that they're just like any other woman and your experience will vary.
That's cause degenerate American influence corrupts all over time.
If I was a sandnigger and was looking at America and saw shit like "Desmond is Amazing" I'd join ISIS too.
They'll be taking a page from the book of American rednecks I see. Wish I still had that old greentext about the /k/ user who fucked a deer.
I worked at MSP on and before 9/11
It wasn’t always like this :(
Christians fucking suck, but even Dawkins himself said that they deserve the credit for inoculating us against the muslim subhumans.
Christians do rape children, but muslims rape more children and also rape goats and murder adults.
Got you, buddy
The area is full of Somalis now
Why would sjws be furious if they're legalizing all the sexual preferences that sjws themselves want legalized? They don't even complain when muslims throw homosexuals off tall buildings.
ah, god bless you user
You're welcome
You confused SJWs with muslims
They both have beards and want women covered up in vidya, but that's pretty much where the similarities end.
U think Muslim niggas even know this game exists, the majority of the population doesn't play dating sims.
SEA is full of muslim and full of weebs
keeping conservacuck fanatic shitheads out of anime is just the same as keeping SJWs out of anime
i live in SEA, we even have an idol-group
>tfw hijab fetish
automatically best girl
post more
I know they're almost completely dissimilar, and yet they're often allied in their war against straight white males and Christianity, so go figure. Sjws refuse to condemn any of the practices of muslims even though if anyone else was doing them their heads would be exploding, because muslims are at the pinnacle of their 'protected minority' list, completely immune to criticism.
Why are Arab bitches so fucking thick
This is the reason we went to war, not oil. Dick CH
Do you think Muhammad was a fanatic shithead, you dumb chink?
Is the game fucking out yet? I just want to watch Ashley getting fucked while half of the cast can fuck off.
>muslims are at the pinnacle of their "protected minority list"
nah, get real, jews will always be at the top of the protected minority list. Anything less and the media would throw a bitchfit.
>Sjws refuse to condemn any of the practices of muslims
So people like Dawkins, who spent most of their life shitting on christianity, are not SJWs according to you?
Because he shits on muslims much harder than on christards.
islam is more of a tradition than "religion" here to the youths
not my fault i was born in a shithole
some care, others don't
not everyone is a zog chink slave to religion like you are to the kikes
Yet when muslims say bad things about jews, the sjws are silent. Plenty of conservative jews, especially if they support Israel, are attacked by sjws for sounding the alarm about muslims though. Muslims are more disruptive, so they get better treatment.
And he gets condemned for it, and is hardly ever brought up in leftist circles anymore outside of the ignorant young new atheists who don't know any better.
If he shits on muslims more than christians, he's not a sjw. Do you even know what a sjw is?
>Do you even know what a sjw is?
I certainly do: a SJW is a meme buzzword used unironically only by retards who can't actually describe the person they oppose, but want a generic meme word to describe all their enemies.
Sjws themselves say they're striving for 'social justice'. You're just an idiot.
OK, literal retard
So anyone who doesn't say they want "social justice" is automatically not a SJW then? Or do you agree with my definition but just don't have the intellectual capabilities to say so?
When did we go from hating muslims after 9/11 and the London bombings, to where we are today, sucking their dicks and pretending like they never do anything wrong?
Post Libya and Arab Spring, America funded color revolutions in a bunch of Arab countries that kick-started the mass migration into Europe. Thus the shift in public opinion.
What does that have to do with shitting on muslims more than christians when muslim countries typically rank much lower on the Freedom Index and lack many human rights?
They aren't republicans or democrats so you can't rally against them by saying they're "the other side".
Burger politics is an oligarchy of fake opposition where two moderate rightist parties pretend that the other side is far left and far right, so that their own side feels compelled to vote for own party to prevent "greater evil". This prevents third parties from ever getting votes.
>Game about mediocre porn that people play to hear women attempt to moan.
>Gets /pol/ discussion.
>uninteresting "game"
>interesting topic related to game
This isn't even a US thing. Europe has a much larger problem with Muslims and defending their bad behavior.
Most sjws are silent on the well-documented human rights atrocities in muslim countries. When was the last time feminists protested in front of the Saudi embassy, for example? I'm guessing never.
> human rights atrocities
>Muslim immigrants aren't a problem
back to lefty pol
I sincerely hope this game becomes popular enough to generate more hijabi fetish art because my fucking god there's not enough of it
But we also have constant media attention centered on them, especially in countries actually have muslim morality already.
poland can't shut up about how evil muslims are, even though polish catholic morality is already halfway muslim
Here's to hoping
>Muslims play more games than Yea Forums
Love how not a single word of that is wrong kek
in awe at the size of that hand
What episode was this?