What'll this madman do next?

What'll this madman do next?

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make a good game

file for bankruptcy id imagine.

A child probably

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probably smear himself with his own shit on stage at E3

How has he gotten away from many scandals?
>teen webcam porn
>evaded taxes
>assaulting voice actors
>that cringe squirt reply tweet
>that forced battleborn porn subreddit shit
He can't keep getting away


Play victim, once again.

ruin his life

>What'll this madman do next?

He will have sex

what was he thinking?

I am starting to Gearbox as a soap opera. I want a new season of Randy n' the gang.

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don't forget the completely made up story about him winning the gearbox name in a game of poker with gabe newell

I sense a twitter meltdown very soon


with this

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>assaulting voice actors
I can't imagine Randy doing very well in a fight.

Totally rad thread guys. It's pretty cool huh?

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Funny we never got any sort of follow up of Randy's "secretary" "stealing" the millions of dollars

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What's most embarrassing?
>Being Randy and beating up your employees
>Being David Eddings and getting beat up by Randy

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>assaulting voice actors
It's not even voice actors, Claptraps voice actor was actually the vice president of gearbox.
So assaulting your vp

being Randy

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Dollars to donuts: act like a victim of some imaginary conspiracy and ignore self reflecting on his own actions again.

Don't forget stealing money from his employees and Sega.

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>Putting devs through crunch, probably getting paid minimum wage

>Just going to take 12 million out of the business for myself

>Still decides to be an insecure bitch on twitter

Whats his end game? Ruining his own business?

god I fucking love Leningrad

He's going to be chased out of the industry by sexual harassment allegations. I can feel it.

Why is this guy so obnoxious. I don't get how one man can be so fucking annoying and how their shitty company is still somehow afloat.

Who cares if it isn't true? It's a cool story to tell.

be like fucking a bean bag

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they basically live off re-selling BL2 for $2 every 6 months

Is this dude the new John Romero in terms of lack of self awarness?

Snap and gun down a few workers when some dangerhair starts pushing the "unionization" topic a little too hard.


how is it a cool story?

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>crying while watching capeshit


I really think he was expecting tons of applause and praise for revealing BL3 and just got mad when people were shitting on him for the EGS thing. Pure gamma anger unleashed.

>talented magician
>makes badass video games loved by billions across the globe
>millionaire who owns multiple luxury cars and lives in a mansion
>makes steamdrones seethe on the daily
>has an aryan wife with 2 kids
Is he, dare I say it..., /ourguy/?

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I'll never understand this picture.

Fuck off bobandy

John Romero is self aware, though.

The Daikatana ad wasn't his idea (he hated it) and he's super mellowed as he aged.

He's actually really chill, hanging out in Ireland doing indie shit while Carmack gets Zucked.

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why does this image exist, there is no reason nor explanation

It's not. Randy basically lied about being friends with Gabe Newell and said that they had a poker game, and the winner got the rights to the Gearbox name.

Gabe went on record to say that he never knew Randy.

>why are you showing emotion?
>just be mildly pleased and passive aggressive about everything.

>just be mildly pleased and passive aggressive about everything.

the correct response to capeshit.
anything else is autistic

Kill himself, I hope.

That's good to hear actually.

So guess this dude is just a AAA version of DJ Phil fish.

He's more of a habitual liar than Todd Howard and Peter Molyneux.

Literally he can't stop.

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>crying while watching half-assed, CGI-laden action movies meant from the ground up to appeal to small children and third worlders

history of power rangers part 5 billion when?

the only people I know that spin tales as tall as this are cocaine addicts.

that explains that picture of him in a bathroom stall

Maybe he’ll kill a prostitute or beat another employee.

Whale of a wife



Guys, I mean this, is Randy okay? I remember years back when Duke Nukem Forever was coming out he was an energetic and excited guy. Now he's fatter and always has those eyes that look like someone's spent the last 2 hours crying and their eyes are still puffy so you can tell they've been crying


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randy is literally THAT KID but they never grew up

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>claims that he won the name Gearbox from Gabe Newell
>is an outright lie
>steals money from SEGA
>steals money from contract workers
>steals money from his own employees
>puts it all into his own personal pocket
>looks for the media and is outraged when a former assistant of his robs him and takes millions out of his personal account
>puts jailbait porn on USB-sticks to show it his coworkers and calls it "magic tricks"
>forgets said USB-stick in the restaurant and exposes the porn plus corporate secrets to the public
>says his games have no microtransactions
>they have microtransactions
>if you point out his lie he starts screaming and claims to be the victim here
>wrote and sang the "bigot song" because everyone who disagrees with him is obviously a useless sexist failure
>commissions Battleborn porn and links it on his twitter in a desperate attempt to gain attention
>assaults his former VP because he demands his rightful paycheck for previous work
>posts pictures of himself on a toilet
>constant victim complex

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Even if it's true, I'm not sure why you would brag about getting the worse name.

>He said on the dedicated for discussion of vidya.

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It’s apparently Penn Jillette’s bathroom if Randy is to be believed. Still have no idea why he’s kneeling on the dirty ground though.

The only reason I could see someone doing that would be to get pissed on
which just creates more questions

>Penn Jillette’s bathroom

What's so great about this and why do people spend money on it? Would you be interested in seeing the place where someone takes a shit?

I'm glad that everyone is seeing how much of a huge cunt Randy is.

I still don't get how he keeps getting away with all the shit he pulls and how many people will keep buying into it, I know normies are pretty retarded but there has to be a limit to it, rigbt?

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So you cry reading posts on Yea Forums
Kek what a bitch.

Fuck his landwhale wife right in her belly button.