>Try TF2 again after a couple years
>Combo Pyro got nerfed and is practically useless now
What the fuck that was the only reason to play pyro, why the fuck does valve remove skill-based mechanics and advocate for W+M1 shit?
Try TF2 again after a couple years
Other urls found in this thread:
>M1+M2 > 2
>skill based
ok champ
Learn to use the shotgun faggot
>Getting mad you can't have your XBOX HUEG reflect hitbox anymore
Git gud
>upset he cant use le crit gimmick combo
lol rekt
the dragon's fury is literally a more powerful flare combo that you don't even need to switch to use, just M1 at people and they die in seconds
Always played degreaser + powerjack, it was never good but it was fun
>remove skill ceiling for the Pyro by gimping combos, airblasting, flarejumps etc.
>only encourages WM1faggotry even more, making Pyro even more hated than ever before
Top marks, Valve fucktards
>Implying combo pyro required any skill
There is literally nothing wrong with W+M1. Complaining about it is the epitome of scrub mentality.
>playing pyro at all unless the other team has several good spies or youre playing red on 24/7 attack/defense
why bother dead class
It's fine but when it's all that 90% of Pyros can do it becomes frustrating and tiresome, especially Pyro v Pyro when it becomes a game of spastic spammery.
better than when every pyro fight was just whoever's connection allowed the first airblast
based scout
fuck pyros, fuck furries and fuck pink pyros
too bad it sucks
Are there any community servers that aren't filled with cancer? I reinstalled TF2 yesterday after a long hiatus and I absolutely hate the matchmaking system so I was looking through servers. I was never much good at the game so I'm no match for competitive players, I just want a nice server I can play on for a few games, like valve servers used to be before MM. Do they exist anons?
It required at the very least more skill than what the most viable tactics for him are nowadays
>Equip Backburner
>Go into chokepoint
>Equip Phlog
>Kill some dudes until you fill your Mmhp meter and go into chokepoint
These current playstyles are uninteresting and boring and you'll probably die in 10 seconds using either of these because they're not very good at anything other than fill up the kill feed for a staggering 3 seconds
Combo Pyro required some actual decent timing and skill. It was your own fault if you got killed by it. Removing combo pyro is just one example of shitters ruining the game because they cannot git gut.
lime green scouts with jingle boots will always be S tier cancer don't go pointing fingers at others
wow yes it's really hard to set someone on fire with literally 1 mouse click then m2 to lock them in the air due to how shit airblast was, then take out flaregun and get a free crit kill. Simply ebin, I love crit gimmick classes, i deserve the crits for playing my class.
no it required no timing at all, literally just airblast and switch weapons while holding m1 and congratulations you've mastered the reserve shooter
I hope to god you've never complained about M1+M2 sticky spam because flare/reserve combo is absolutely just as bad
I am none of those things, also
>Lack of emotional maturity
Says the faggot who probably cries about W+M1 in chat because he's shit at the game lmao
to make people like you complain about a fucking VIDEOGAME
>1 is a bad taste of cosmetics
>1 other is a badly designed gimmick class
t. salty they nerfed his only way of getting kills by relying on crit gimmick shit
It's been years since I played TF2 last. What changed?
Why do so many people keep on saying that puff-n-sting was so skill based and the pinnacle of pyro's skill ceiling? It took more skill than W+M1 but it was still a brain-dead strat. Pyro has higher skilled combos yet nobody seems to talk about them.
>I am none of those things
lmao pyro main delusion
Go back to your Engineer bf, you degenerated fuck. Only weirdos play this class
>mentally ill pyro main
>assmad scout player
considering the axestinguisher is in the worst state it's ever been I'm definitely impressed with anyone who still uses the thing, let alone gets kills with it.
engineer takes the most skill in tf2
if you're alone, it's definitely up there
when you don't have 2-3 other buttbuddies to stack chokepoints with a lone sentrygun is pretty hard to keep alive since the playerbase shifted away from heavy toward amateur pubstar soldiers
Powerjack is fucking great now.
lrn2jetpack and become a Flanking God.
nerfed puff n' sting and fuck me whatever this is
Don't worry user, you are right. TF2 is getting worse because soldierfags, sniperfags, and compfags are adamant in making sure anything fun or that counters them is removed.
Afterburn was nerfed, axtinguisher was nerfed multiple times, airblast was nerfed, pyro's new weapons aren't good and they even nerfed the Dragon's Fury, etc.
Only Scorch Shot, Flaregun, flare combo, or shotguns are even decent anymore and most classes can literally put out fire, resist it, or negate it.
Only because everything else Pyro has is awful.
1. Airblast enemy Pyro back out of flame range
2. Switch to shotgun
3. Win fight
But user, all pyro mains are mentally ill.
If I could equip just the Powerjack and the shotgun, I'd still be happy. Fuck flames and their janky ass shit now where you cant corner peek sentries for shit.
What the fuck was valve thinking not making the jet pack a primary slot passive like the booties of demo? Flamethrowers are only useful for reflects anymore, not even airblasting itself is any good since the nerf years ago.
EZ MODE: Multiple engineers, no resistance/shitty enemy spies
MEDIUM: Solo engineer, some resistance from enemy team. Spies are decent.
HARD: Solo engineer, enemy team has good spies and focuses your buildings
So did the jetpack turn out to be good or just another useless gimmick?
Haven't played TF2 in years but I remember how TF2 players would go ballistic at the mere suggestion of the pyro jetpack.
Heavy update when
Remove Homewrecker, its too good and Neon is more "fair"
It's bad, everyone counters pyro now except spy, and even he can if he's good enough.
Total gimmick. The only good part of it is the taunt.
>no it required no timing at all, literally just airblast and switch weapons while holding m1 and congratulations you've mastered the reserve shooter
I wasn't talking about the reserve shooter, retard. Combo Pyro was Degreaser+Flare Gun/Detonator+Axtinguisher, the reserve shooter shit came only AFTER valve fucked the Combo Pyro
>I deserve crits for free
It's fun when combod with the backburner
wow yes it's really hard to stay out of the pyros range and shoot him from a distance just impossible valve needed to nerf it
>invisible walls and ceilings
It's definitely misleading at the very least, but it's not pure fabrication; the blog post that came with Page 2 of Meet Your Match suggested that, at the time, it was 'highly likely' that both classes would eventually get their own class pack (though remember this doesn't actually confirm it). The wiki only references the update page and not the blog post, so at best it needs updating to reflect that.
That's correct, but it's important to remember that 'could still happen' does not mean 'will still happen'. It's all basically speculation until we get more official information. Personally, I think that when they said that both classes could get updates, they were expecting MYM to be a lot more successful than it turned out to be - I'd love to hear some actual confirmation from the TF team about this, but that feels like wishful thinking at this point.
>I deserve to get into the class's effective range without consiquences
Maybe the Heavy update will come with a sniper nerf because fuck that bitch boy faggot class in a game focused around short and medium-ranged fighting.I keep wanting to play Heavy to try and get better with giant man, but there's always some boring as fuck turbo nigger that clicks my head. When a spy kills me it's deserved because they're playing a total garbage class just to try and shit on our team a little, but when people play that low risk high reward shitbag that is sniper I get furious.
Fuck sniper, fuck sniper players, fuck valve for ever thinking the degenerate playstyle sniper brings to the table is fun to fight against.
>I deserve to have a higher effective range because I play on Virginia servers from Brazil
>fuck valve for ever thinking the degenerate playstyle sniper brings to the table is fun to fight against.
But Sniper has been a thing in TF since the original Quake mod which Valve had nothing to do with.
>sniper (jarate, headshots,), spy (diamondback), soldier (market gardener, buff banner), demoman (any shield), scout (crit cola) and engie (frontier justice) can all get free crits but Pyro can't on a melee weapon.
Sure, but they could have rebalanced him and/or rebalanced maps to limit how much of a faggot he is, in the same way spy got a cloak.
Seething and obsessed.
>implying anyone with an IQ above room tempature thinks Diamondback is balanced
Almost all of pyro's arsenal gives mini or full crits. When the other classes has 1-2 items that give crits.
Just use the flare gun
>A short ranged class shouldn't have an effective short range
Based retard
t. valve
> Pyro can harass at long range and easily build Phlog
> Flanking isn't that hard
> Enjoy free wipe
Skills ?
all of those "free" crits require either kills or giving up a much better weapon in it's place
>implying anyone on this planet uses the buff banner
In pub settings or Comp ?
Cause in pubs, buff banner is insane for last point pushes
>Combo Pyro
Are you actually fucking braindead?
>>implying anyone on this planet uses the buff banner
t. never played Dustbowl
direct hit + buff banner is aids. I use it :)
see the post you answered to ?
"I deserve free crits"
Which itself responded to a post that included the Phlog.
So no.
in 10 years I fucking never see buff banners anywhere ever
I know it's good but still nobody uses it over shotgun, gunboats or conch
>buff banner
Battalion backup is just better
II seldom use shotgun unless I have a pocket.
I like to play banners.
Conche when I feel aggressive.
Battalion when an annoying Sniper appears
When Nintendo announces Heavy in Smash.
pocket heavies would have worked better
what hitsound do you use boys
just press crtl sometimes
>which Valve had nothing to do with.
Robin Walker was half of the original QWTF team, man.
The powerjack is considered better than the axtinguisher by some, what's the problem then?
Most of what you're talking about are flares that only crit/mini crit when someone is suffering from afterburn.
1. Afterburn is the easiest debuff to remove/outheal/resist by far, many other classes can even remove it for you if you somehow can't find a kit, water, medic, dispenser, no charge for shield, etc.
2. It is impossible to surprise any non retard with a crit kill because of the reload time required to use flares
3. Backburner is trash because of the debuff to the already nerfed airblast
4. Afterburn has been nerfed into near uselessness for flamethrowers so that the only good way to set up a good flare kill is usually with another flare, which the other person can see coming in both cases
It's the worst when there's a medic/engineer camping with him and you HAVE to counter snipe or pick a waste of a weapon slot to evade shots
Maybe the Heavy update was in our hearts all along?
>pyro main combo video
>every single clip is jumping from a height on an unsuspecting f2p then axtinguishing them
I'd love to see him play against actual good players and get gibbed over and over again.
revert bazaar bargain and he's immediately fine again
rate my new game mode concept
>Supply Drop
>The map has no fixed objective
>Periodically, planes will drop supply drops in a random location on the map
>the two teams have to fight over it and deliver it to their base
>doing so earns 1 point
the random nature of the drops would ensure every game is unique and the fights are dynamic
>Pyro got nerfed and is practically useless now
Pyro was always fairly useless and incredibly situational in competitive play. The only two classes worse than Pyro were Engie and Spy.
Heavy update is canceled, just like the comic.
we already have 2fort and hightower for DM, it'd also need to be a very big and wide open map for it to not just be fights in the same couple of places every time
How is this better than Player Destruction?
>playing tf2
I dunno, we'd have to play it to compare
PD needs to be fukcing added to the normal map pool anyway
>linking to Valve FakeNews Network
Kill yourself.
It's good, user
Interesting concept but I don't think its too feasible. It's basically Highpass with random spaws.
>PD needs to be fukcing added to the normal map pool anyway
Yep. I kinda get why Arena hasn't been added but Player Destruction is pretty fun and unique.
You know that Simpsons episode where Homer really likes that good tasting sandwich and can't bring himself to throw it away even if it's getting spoiled and making him sick?
>the year of our lord MMXVIIII
>Cactus Canyon is STILL in beta
>I kinda get why Arena hasn't been added
I don't
Hey guys rate mine too
>KOTH but with the MvM upgrade system
Name a better - active - class-based team shooter. You literally can't.
sounds like shit
>Robot destruction will never be an official game mode
hey guys rate my game mode please
>one team spawns in a pit with no way out and no ammo
>other team spawns above and can shoot into the pit
after 3 minutes the sides change
It's fun
if everyone went jetpack pyro that would actually be kind of fun
Unironically remove random spread from shotguns.
Pretty sure there was a mod for that. One team spawned as Spycrabs in a canyon with covers and obstacles, the other were all Huntsman Snipers up on ledges to the side of the canyon, whoever managed to bring the most Spycrabs to the end of the canyon won.
No respawn. Imagine if the battle royale games forced you to stay in the match spectating after dying. It'd kill the games overnight. Obviously Arena matches don't last as long as BR matches but you're still asking players to sit around doing nothing.
Sounds fun, name?
Counter Strike has been doing it for years and more people play CS:GO than TD2
Remove restrictions on halloween items
Oh it's long dead. I played it like, ten years ago.
Here, I found an old video.
This. Why the fuck am I allowed to wear a Christmas tree on my head year round but not a Jack-o-Lantern?
restrict festive shit to december
Nigger, every furry would be wearing that fucking medic wolf hat. I don't want that faggotry leaking into normal games.
Yes but that game is designed around that. TF2 wasn't. As seen in CTF, matches can drag on just because the game is designed for attack and defend, not just attack.
At least that's why I stopped playing Arena when it was first introduced. I'd get in, do something stupid and die then just get bored spectating an engie hiding out in one of the points.
How is this any worse than every furry currently wearing the MLP hat and balloon?
furries wear the head prize anyawy
>use direct hit rocket to airblast jump
>while in the air reflect fully charged huntsman arrow to headshot speedjumping soldier
>land behind heavy medic, puff n sting the medic, airblast heavy off cliff
>not the highest skill ceiling
>b-but muh w+m1 meme video from 2007
>le c-tap mastering so difficult, much skill XD
>point and click on heads monkey island style
>oooohh running close to someone and epic meatshotting him in the back takes so much skill muh double jump
>b-but muh aim muh meatshots XD
>muh 6s
sorry homeboys, pyro has one of the highest skill ceilings. if not THE highest. that's why comp players rarely play him, he's too risky because he's so difficult to play
any rocket/sticky jump or airshot demo and soldier can do, the pyro can do as well. with stricter timing and only when the enemy allows it, meaning you have to react faster than when you can jump at will my dudes. all scout can do is pressing spacebar twice and spamming AD with his epic null-canceling script. that's all there is to scout movement. no rocket jumps, no pogo, no headshots, nothing. even fucking engineer offers more movement options with sentry jumps.
scout mains are almost as bad as soldier mains, get your head out of your asses. play some unreal tournament or quake and realize that your 'skill' is negligible, worthless scout mains. sniperfags are even worse, he has no movement abilities at all.
medic, demo and pyro are the only respectable classes.
Based and pyropilled
you sound like you used to be "that kid"
>No argument
friendlies are the beta KEK "males" of tf2, discuss
Tbh I usually pretend I'm a friendly and then stun the enemy with the mittens and tauntkill them
mad >soldier main detected
I just ignore them. They're actively wasting a slot on their team and not hurting anyone so that's a plus for our team.
>pyro has one of the highest skill ceilings. if not THE highest. that's why comp players rarely play him, he's too risky because he's so difficult to play
Is this what pyro mains actually believe?
why ignore them when u can drive half of them into autistic fits in chat just by killing them
If it's CTF, let them hang around if that's what they want. No one is playing seriously anyways.
If it's the other game modes, either the entire server is doing silly shit or he's just wasting a slot.
>Not disguising as a hoovy
>As soon as they turn their back, backstab them
a reminder that BANny supports jungle inferno
your mr paladin tactics wont work on me
>He thinks unreal tournament and quake are hard
>Thinks Pyro takes more skill than scout
It's like you intentionally tried to make the most retarded post imaginable.
>your mr paladin tactics wont work on me
Hey, at least I start a war on hoovies since the team will be too paranoid to trust any of them.
it's trash
what you do is stab the friendlies, when they catch on, disguise as a friendly class, repeat
Yeah that's a big turn-off. Hopefully some based user can edit those out
> t. never ever played Unreal Tournament
How do you change the weapon of whoever you're disguised as tho?
It's a testament to TF2's animation and sound design that you can hear the Spy laughing in this webm despite there being no audio.
Hit B and cycle through your weapons.
I've said this before in other threads and will say it again.
The Schadenfreude is one of the greatest pieces of animation in gaming. Every class has a unique laugh, every one of them seem to really put it their all into their laugh, like they're actually running out of breath just by laughing.
W+M1: braindead but counterable
Fire, airblast, axtinguisher: braindead and impossible to counter
too bad its only used by 12 yo delfy subs
"I am none of those things"
just because you can't smell your own stench doesn't others can't you obese loser
>In the year of our Lord 2019
The perfect taunt:
Oh wait, I get what you were saying. Disregard.
>Ad hominem
Sign of being absolutely assmad
I mostly use it when I really want to humiliate someone.
>Player acts friendly
>I approach as a friendly
>He doublecrosses and tries to kill me
>I kill him
Or if they're just that very arrogant type of player, one Schadenfreude is enough to tip them over the edge into insanity. Seriously, it's insane how a simple taunt will drive people over the edge.
I'm hoping the guy behind the spy and demo in Disney movies does more of these for each class.
>all custom gamemodes are dead
>TFW just dropped Special Eyes
>pyro takes more skill than Engineer
>use direct hit rocket to explosive jump
>don't have the crutch of being able to redirect rockets so I have to bait the soldier into shooting behind me
>while in the air get shot by a huntsman
>can't just press M2 to block projectiles so I have to use my wrangled sentry to blast me out of the way
>finish off the sniper with a perfectly aimed rescue ranger bolt
>can't stun enemies and deal guaranteed crits so I have to aim my next three rescue ranger shots
>manage to synch the last three to hit the medic at the exact time I swing my wrench, dropping his Uber before he can react
>before the Heavy can turn around I hit him with rockets I fired from my sentry, knocking him off a cliff (the knockback is much smaller than airblast's, but when you're as skilled as I am you learn to make do)
>realize my sentry is vulnerable so I teleport back to it (I had an entrance behind the enemy choke just for this situation)
>manage to perfectly anticipate the enemy Spy's movement and telefrag him
Based Engie main shitting on Pyro fags
Based. Pyrofags also take the challenge out of fighting spies.
>wowee i shoot flames everywhere and reveal his location
>wowee i can extinguish you
I don't need your fucking airblast alright???
If I'm on fire, let me burn
It's MMXIX retard
>Tfw can't get the schadenfreude because it's 40 ref and my ref supply is poor
I guess I could use real money to buy keys and shit but my intention is to use as little money as possible.
>It's a team can't push despite having uber and 4 other teammates nearby ready to be attack episode
>Letting Tyler live rent-free
Let it go, user.
>Build sentry with a dispencer behind you
>Use wrangler
>Win game
Wow such a skillful class
when the poorfag enters the thread
Direct hit is secretly great.
>shoot fire everywhere
>press m2 sometimes
how intense
>There aren't many people working on TF2
Whoa... breaking news.................
Playing like that will get you killed in two seconds
>Shoot bullets/rockets/grenades everywhere
>Nothing else
Wow much skills!
>Pressing buttons at different timed intervals
holy shit such skill
>He doesn't main soldier
Why would you cripple yourself like that? Soldier is useful in literlly every situation, meanwhile other classes are highly situational.
>not demoman for that damage output
The Classic is so fucking bad
I love that thing, but it's just so fucking bad
Demoman is still less useful and more situational.
Even with rocket jumping, soldier is just so boring to me. Literally jump and shoot, all day every day, 24/7. And rockets have xboxhueg hitboxes.
I'd rather be a demo or a scout. Even med or pyro, fire is at least somewhat rare in vidya.
post exploits
>tf2 thread has the same petty theorycrafting it has had for years and years but at least it's free of fucking identity politics
bless you, tf2
Why bother with identity politics when we can call each other faggots for our classes and gamemodes of preference regardless?
Despite all the shit, these are still somehow the best threads in this board.
rocket jumping is the most fun thing in tf2. you could remove everything else and still have a game worth putting hundreds of hours into.
I love that it ended up serving the exact opposite role that Valve had intended for it.
I'm just kind of melancholic of being forced to actively search for a few specific thread topics rather than just be able to browse the front page and find good threads constantly, I guess.
It's the boomer curse.
>that guy that faked his fucking death because he didn't wanna make videos or some shit
puff and sting was a braindead strat to begin with.
>Hit a person with 1 flame particle, they become on fire for 10 seconds
>Airblast them so they are pretty much stunned in mid-air
>Instantly kill them with a 100 damage flare or a 195 damage axe crit
how was this ever skillbased?
>in the tf2 thread
>Tfw people finally voted for Hydro
About to play it, this'll be my first hydro match, what am I in for?
Scout, Soldier, Sniper (not huntsman)
Demoman, Medic (just don't die lmao)
Engineer, Pyro, Heavy
With Spy you just have to get lucky, you either fuck up the entire enemy team or get fucked by the entire enemy team
>With Spy you just have to get lucky
Luck has little to do with it, if you play with people who know what they're doing, Spy is garbage. It's the ultimate class for slightly above average players who want to fuck up pubbies.
>it's a team can't get past one fucking sentry nest episode
I'll do you one better.
the game will pretend to start, then it restarts, then the wrong admin line will play, one team will run to the others point and cap it in under a minute, rinse repeat
its been broken since mym and theyve never fixed the script
>Team can't get past one sentry
>Take it out the sentry myself but enemy team kills me in the process
>By the time I respawn the enemy engie has rebuild and no one moved in
>the sentry has an easy sight line where you can shoot rockets at it from out of it's range
>despite this no one can destroy it
>switch to soldier with DH and blow it up in 10 seconds
fucking why
Not him, explain.
Isn't it best used to airshot people?
Why does this shit always happen?
It's still fun as fuck
>he's just jump and shoot
>I'd rather be scout
you might be retarded
Sorry, only REAL skills allowed
Yes, and it has nothing to do with TF2 still being a good game.
>every game of Upward at the last point
>Kill 3 level 3's in 20 seconds with direct hit all by yourself with no help from team
>killed by the sniper that sits in sniper spot all game on last
>the engineers have rebuilt
>your team is still chasing trolldiers and spies to the back of the map instead of capping
the more I play TF2 the more I realize it's better to play meme loadouts / casually / for fun than to try and win.
So how should Pyro be reworked to make him better and require more skill to use?
Obviously fixing current flamethrower problems is a must, but what else can be done?
muh third degree
skilled as fuck
I don't even know. I'm so tired of seeing a sentry kill my entire team, quickly go in with direct hit, take it out in a couple of seconds, die because I can't aim for shit with it on moving targets, as I spectate see how my team won't move in and take out the engie before its too late.
Or even worse
>There's a sentry
>We have a med with uber
>Ubers the heavy
>The heavy runs off in some random direction in front of the sentry
>Uber ends
>Heavy and med die
red pyro is a woman smothered smells
Why are TF2 threads always full of "FUCK [class]FAGS"
Don't we all play every class? They all have their moments to be fun, even the ones I'm not good at.
Mostly just shitposting. I go along with it 'cause fuck it.
I find pretty much anything that isn't Spy, Pyro or Heavy decently fun.
>"smothered" instead of "on toilet"
you had one job
when the polyclassist enters the thread
>not playing every single class at the same time on 9 different setups
when the reddit filename fag enters the thread
I think it's all in good fun. All the classes are fun to play. Heavy is the one I have the more difficulty in having fun with but when you get a jump on an entire team and mowed them down.
That's a pleasure no other class truly has.
Some of them.
And move some stupid normal items to Halloween only.
>spent roughly 20 american cents on a hat
I felt a slight amount of shame wasting money on nothing.
Why hasn't this happened yet?
I just shitpost, though I do think due to unlocks, tweaks and map design sniper has gotten too strong in comparison to Spy
Reminder that puff 'n' sting required no skill and was a crutch
Just go work at valve yourself if you want these changes
scratch all that, just scrap valve servers and make community servers the standard
mmm artifact
user, people spend thousands of dollars on diamonds for literally no reason beyond "ooh shiny". Your digital hat is tame as fuck in comparison.
It absolutely was. I remember just running spy circuits on certain maps with reserve shooter, degreaser, axtinguisher and just effortlessly instakilling entire teams with puff,jump,sting.
holy crap guys its finaly here
Give her a Quake style lightning gun.
Reminder to show zero mercy to friendly fags.
god this and the scout update fucking sucked
at least the heavy one had two great maps
>when you realize all of TF2’s competitive player base posts in this thread
>only 200 people
Dead game.
>not being the whole Highlander team at once
Are you guys trying to lose? The only teammate you can truly trust is yourself.
>just scrap valve servers and make community servers the standard
You're forgetting why Valve nuked community servers in the first place, they all started running unskippable ads through the HTML, usually pinion and laden with malware and disabling HTML just resulted in you being unable to spawn, so the community came up with a blacklist blocker which resulted in the blacklist and pinion niggers playing cat and mouse catch up like anti-adblockers are doing now
I mean it also gave heavy one of his most useful items + a funny little short and arena mode
>youtube channel says hes from japan
>ingame text is japanese
>he's actually an Australian weeb
That's pretty fucking embarrassing tbqh
>not programming ai that far surpasses the intelligence of human players to be your teammates/enemies
It's like you don't want to be the best.
HTML shit got banned way, way before community servers were in danger of dying
It was never ever worth nuking them the way they did and that you think a few shitty ad servers that everyone with half a brain could avoid meant all community servers were bad just makes you a zoomer
God I miss arena, I used to play that so much years ago. Does anyone actually play it still?
No matter how hard you try to push this meme, it will never EVER be true
You heard me.
If you're lucky you can find maybe 1 vanilla community server with an active playerbase. I know there is a randomizer server that's usually pretty full, and that shits always fun.
>a few shitty ad server
It was the majority you absolute sped, you were too young to remember
Did any of you guys play Arena Respawn? That shit was fun as fuck
Why the fuck does Party Van have shitty meme maps popularised by that seriousmartin faggot like cp_2points but no arena maps?
Arena is universally loved on Yea Forums, why does it's own server miss it?
Nigger I've been playing since beta, just because you didn't favorite the shitton of good servers but went for skial.com every time doesn't mean they weren't great, the better ones having their own small communities (sometimes not even that small)
Are you really saying nuking community servers from orbit for a standardized, single set of rules matchmaking system was a good thing? Come on.
surely you will get the k̶a̶r̶k̶l̶a̶n̶d̶ heavy update
>Does anyone actually play it still?
This is the only server that showed up for me that wasn't saxton hale or freak fortress shit and it's empty, anyone wanna join?
Here's the IP:
matchmaking is better than community servers.
5/10 bait, may actually fool someone
I had two server groups favourited and when I outgrew them I was incapable of finding a higher skilled server without ads, it was every fucking server, most didn't have paypigs for regulars
>Are you really saying nuking community servers from orbit for a standardized, single set of rules matchmaking system was a good thing? Come on.
That's a strawman I never said it was good, I explained why community servers are kill, the ads and the malware laden ads especially was why Valve took a heavy handed approach, same reason sprays have been disabled ever since someone found a way to inject malware into them, Valve always bring down the hammer when it comes to serious shit like malware
But HTML was being disabled way before the Valve server shit happened, not sure what you're on about.
Sucks that you never were able to properly search the serverlist, I played on Fighting Amphibians, TriggerHappyGamers and Hampshire Heavies servers, both of which (well, more the latter) always had skilled players and paypigs, never ads.
>Arena Respawn
Wait, isn't that just Control Points? Wasn't the only thing changed about Arena that you couldn't respawn?
No, it was a mode where it was Arena, but modified with the cap being very fast to cap and when you did, everyone who died came back. It made for some really intense matches and crazy comebacks like with some Scout sneaking in and bringing his whole team in again.
Why do people suddenly meme Arena mode as being this forgotten masterpiece? The idea is fun, but the gamemode isn't fun when its filled with bugs. Remember when they took it back into quickplay rotation in pre MyM 2016? Shit was Broken ass hell
Oh hey that does sound pretty fun. Is it a plugin or are there maps you can download with that feature?
I'm pretty sure it was a plugin, it was ran on regular maps + normal customs + customs made for the mode
Just spam the scorch shot like every other faggot who play's pyro
>faggy colours
don't tell me you fucks play like this
you sold them when business was booming, right?
>Eerie orbiting fire
Literally the most underrated effect in the entire game. Way more based than most "god tier" effects.
>any unusual effect
>anything above shit tier
>not buying when the economy is dead
>not acknowledging the fact that internet gambling is going to be illegal in the EU soon
>not making money off of eurocucks
Nerfing the airblast so I can't do the reserve shooter combo was gay as fuck.
literally anything you sell now is a zillion lightyears away from the money you'd get five years ago
t. poorfag
shhh user.
He doesn't understand economics
>instakill combos with zero skill get nerfed
>gay as fuck
face it, airblast should always have been momentum-based instead of this weird set distance hop
old airblast is still better than the shit we have now
>effortlessly deny ubers, bombing soldiers, and throw people off cliffs at 100mph
You guys are the modern equivalent to Amazon naysayers.
You'll be kissing my golden shoes next year.
Just switch to Spy, faglord
>he wants to play a class that can take 7 grenades / 10 rockets to the face with a pocket medic and still have 300 health
>wants one of its only true counters removed
there was a Yea Forums server that had it at one point, it was pretty fun.
Would Sniper be more respected if his rifle was projectile-based instead of hitscan?
And he was shit because he had to charge up shots and players were flying around at light speed with conc jumps.
Why ?
The economy is dwindling and you won't make gold anytime soon since a lot of traders won't leave because of the sunk cost fallacy.
If anything, prices will only go down or at the very best, stagnate.
You should have been into trading years ago, made your big bucks and left.
He'd be completely garbage
Like it or not, he's necessary for the game's balance. The only reason Snipers dominate is because of bad map design. Same goes for Engineers and to a lesser extent Demomen.
He just needs quickscoping removed and less ammo/movement speed.
>Taking skill = complete garbage
okay retard
Modded ones.
>The only reason Snipers dominate is because of bad map design
Sniper is strong in every gamemode and every format with the exception of 6s where he's still the most picked offclass and occasionally brought to mids which you can't say the same for any of the other offclasses. Hell just watch the no restrictions grand finals where one sniper was fending off the entirety of froyotech in the first round, if that's not broken I don't know what is. It's time he got hit with the nerf bat.
Dude, just look at the last Sniper projectile and how much "skill" that generally takes. With Source's wonky hitboxes you need either a massive crutch, as explosives and arrows do, or have it be completely useless.
its harder to pull off but still super lethal to 125 hp classes
>countering sniper
What's wrong with gold ? :^)
>2008 was 16 years ago
Reminder the game is graphically worse now than when it was released 12 YEARS ago.
He's strong, but never really was OP because he can't manoever anywhere near as well as anyone else, or 6s would be running them in the base lineup, and there would be something solid beyond "sniper on Upward fends off enemy team with the rest holed up". Yeah, no shit.
Reminder to stop gong to 32 man instant respawn servers if you have a personal vendetta against pyro players.
God I want that ass on my face.
And I should care because?
>because he can't manoever anywhere near as well as anyone else
he's only slightly slower than medic and he doesn't suffer from falloff so he doesn't need to get in range in the first place.
>or 6s would be running them in the base lineup
he's not run in the 6s lineup because hitting headshots on the 3 most mobile classes is hard and they can close the gap with him quickly. the fact that is he still run as frequently as he is regardless shows how strong he is. any other format where that isn't the case he stomps.
i'm more bothered by the fact i get worse fps than i did ten years ago
Thing is, you're fucked by walls. Snipers are intrinsically hampered my good map design, and become crazy good when map design is bad - and everyone worth their salt know sightlines and what to watch out for.
Note that that same unrestricted tournament had constant class switches and often didn't have a Sniper at all, which underlines more how the game is pretty decently balanced considering.
Why not the detonator for that extra mobility?
>barnblitz, second point, blu team, sentry shitfest
>the stars align and we somehow get 3 people on medic
>they all über some badbox retard because we also have 5 of them for some reason
>meanwhile I'm the only demo and get activeky ignored, even if I spam the charge command these faggots just fuck off at the last second
This was honestly one of the most bizarre experiences I've had with this game, it was like 10 random people got together soley to fuck with me, I was even topscoring, the entire thing seemed so unreal
Old airblast was actually useful now it's fucking worthless.
What a brainlet.
Imagine if Valve added this into the game as an april fools prank haha
lmao a fucking heavy does more damage than a meme crit pyro get gud
>Defending anti-consumer tactics
The absolute state of valvecucks LMAO
haha imagine if they decoupled the taunt from the jetpack?
If you were forced at gunpoint to play either Dustbowl or Goldrush, which would you play?
>Snipers are intrinsically hampered my good map design
and yet maps that everybody loves like upward and badwater have some of the best sniper spots in the game. how about we just fucking nerf sniper instead of rebuilding every fucking map just to keep his broken ass in check. open maps are fun for everybody but as soon as you include sniper it becomes "everybody cowers behind cover until the sniper 1v1 is over". Sniper sitting in one spot and charging up shots is not an issue, sniper walking around wherever he wants and quickscoping everything is the problem and map design doesn't address that.
>Note that that same unrestricted tournament had constant class switches and often didn't have a Sniper at all
go check the logs, the majority of matches had snipers in them. pretty sure sigafoo is releasing data on the matches later this month too.
I meant most matches often had teams switching off Sniper. Pretty much every match had a Sniper at *some* point, but the same goes for Engineer.
Also I don't know what to tell you, Badwater and Upward are really great for Snipers but still are insanely popular? That goes more to show that it's not that much of an issue, really.
You move my man Red Robot up to "good" right fucking now
Just play? I'm leaning toward Goldrush.
>strife in good
I recognize none of these but jerma and star
thank god
if you recognize more than 10 of these you need to go outside
What are some payload maps with more unique concepts like Frontier?
>Telling people to go outside
>On Yea Forums
>you need to go outside
Dust last map last point on red can be fun as soldier or pyro
Cactus Canyon
Whatever did happen to ArraySeven?
Move Star down to Passable, Jerma propped up his content and he turned into a whiny cunt toward the end of his TF2 videos
>all these fucking zoomer youtubers
>zero classics like EvilDaedalus or worms
fuck this
Replace ArraySeven with b4nny.
You know, don't say s-swears
casualtf2 is by far the best tf youtuber
Anyone who doesn't support community servers must be dealt with.
i know like three. are there any popular ones from europe?
What was the concept of cactus canyon? Never got the chance to play it
You have to push the cart in front of a train to win.
>Also I don't know what to tell you, Badwater and Upward are really great for Snipers but still are insanely popular? That goes more to show that it's not that much of an issue, really.
Because open maps are fun and balanced for every class except sniper and most pub snipers are shit. as soon as a really good sniper joins an upward server it becomes unplayable.
Why replace? Array's long descriptions/comparisions were great.
2fort is the best map prove me wrong
replace lazypurple with b4nny
Yeah but he supports casual mode so he's a faggot
Do you mean he supports casual over quickplay?
I can play pyro and sniper, still feel like a giant fag doing it though.
>They all have their moments to be fun
pyro hasn't been fun since the degreaser nerf, watching paint dry is more fun than w+m1
i love burning faggots soldiers from behind
I can't. Objectively, in terms of getting the objective, it's shit. But because no one bothers to get the intel, you pretty much get all the highs and lows of TF2. People tend to be more chill and more willing to fuck around, people seem to talk more in chat, it's just fun to relax.
couldn't say it any better desu
>Scout voice actor
Meh. Even on the rarest of occasions when he plays Scout in character, he isn't as entertaining as he should be. He isn't a very good player in general, so I think he should be going for maximum laughs with this build while roleplaying as Scout
-Shortstop (only use right-click Shove attack)
-Bonk (use it just to run around and not die whilst bantering with people)
-Sandman or Wrap Assassin (a non-hitscan projectile he can just fling from a mile away and get laughs when he manages to kill or even kill somebody with it)
That build would make his roleplay sessions a little more fun and could inspire him to be more jolly and say something funny as Scout
>snipers are encouraged to camp one spot
>the only way to avoid the single sniper sightline on the map is to either not leave your base or use the sewers
>narrow corridors everywhere
>too few flanking options
The last two together are an awful mixture.
Yes, look up his "the casual tragedy" video
based heavy bro, le respect
>The Virgin Circlejerk Hugbox vs The Chad Russian Exploiter
Delfy is based as fuck and his non-exploit videos are still pretty good
Why the hate for Soundsmith
He produces vapid and soulless content with pretty much zero substance.
I can see where you're coming from, and him getting angry on reddit over losing the saxxy nomination was cringe. Got any TF2bers in mind that still make content with soul in it?
>r/tf2 hates him
>Yea Forums hates him
No love to go around.
>him getting angry on reddit over losing the saxxy nomination was cringe
kek, seriously? Can you find a link to that?
Reminder that if the Pyro update was anything to go off by the Heavy update would have both teams steamrolling with stacked Heavies, maybe a bitch boy healslut Medic or two pocketing with a Vaccinator/Kritz.
>bitch boy healslut Medic
I don't know what's more embarassing, being a bitch boy heal slut or willingly letting a man heal you while he pretends to be a girl and you pretend to ignore he's gay
Nice. You can just taste the salt. The saxxy that won was actually pretty good though. I don't think any of the janitor videos have really found a nice personality to the character that's not just a mix of one or two of the main cast.
Visceral Cleanup Detail - TF2 edition when.
Snipers are possibly the only bad thing about 2fort but roughly the same as any other map honestly.
I really enjoy the tight corridors and few flanks it makes for fun pushes most of the time, even in casual with the most trash of players
Pretty impressive. After 2000 hours, I still can't consistently do that sentry dodge.
That would be insane.
I get that Heavy is the poster boy, but Soldier always struck me as the most fun character if he was Smashified
Still mad that they never made a hit scan flamethrower
This is where all my LnL Demo time goes. Tired of playing Demo.
Pre inferno phlog was kind like that
Engie could've easily two shot him with a shotgun.
It's still a pretty big brain move he pulled but his survival was mostly achieved through the Engie's own idiocy.
>play scout
>miss 4 point blank shots
Name ONE (1) feeling worse then this
I'd want Soldier just to hear his domination lines against every other opponent.
it was my own clip and yes that engie was super stupid
losing uber
>missing a revved up brass beast heavy
>missing an easy airshot on a target you just juggled
>missing easy pipes on a sentry
>dying to a sentry that should've been an easy kill as demo
>übering the fucking spy
>wasting your med's kritz/über after he entrusted you with it
Just to name a few. Some probably don't affect you, but fuck me, I still dislike getting pocketed just because of the fear of dissapointing my Medics.
sticky spam isn't OP, just move away lol
soldier is a bad class just snipe him lol ez
medic+heavy is so easy to counter just run away lol
that's what you sound like
He just needs his time between scoping in and being able to headshot increased. There's already a delay, but it's not enough. You should have to stay still for at least a second before you can fucking insta kill someone from across the map
Anyone got a trading site that does away with the keys and shit and just charges straight money?
Bonus points if it allows you to use your Steam wallet
>Play heavy
>Get medic to pocket me
>Medic puts on uber
>Switch to my sandvich and start eating
>he's too risky because he's so difficult to play
no he's shit
getting sweaty doing your little combo frag kills is not high skill
Assblasted soldier main detected.
The fact that you are bad at the game and can't properly utilize Pyro to her fullest potential doesn't mean she isn't a good class
Those are all true though
steam does that
a good soldier will destroy a pyro 9/10 times
>this concept was too big brained for retards
>comes back in plr_brazil
Steam Marketplace does exactly that. What are you looking for?
I haven't played in like 10 years.
What the fuck did they do to this? Why is it even in the game?
Heavy mains are unironically babbies
what ever happened to this map
I don't see it anymore and I used to enjoy it a lot
Another victim of Valve's fucking "work on what you want" policy, like all of their projects that look promising but never get finished.
People complained that the close range class could kill people at close range so it got nerfed into oblivion.
Well that fucking sucks
It was such a good map even
You saw a shitload of heavies during the original heavy update and as insane as it sounds having lots of heavies everywhere actually sped up the game. It was like some kind of weird paradox.
All the lone wolf types would just end up getting focus fired with hitscan damage, and it turns out that when most of the players in a game stop running around like headless chickens the pacing of a match improves dramatically.
>join a new server as medic
>Not sure which players are retards yet
>Bet on the heavy
>Uber him
>He just slowly walks out of spawn revved and doesn't reach anybody to even shoot
A spy is only as good as the enemy team is stupid.
The game sucks now. Everytime I'm tempted to come back everything is worse than ever.
Still-playing-copefags are bitching, but you're right. You almost never saw pyro ran unless someone is dominating as spy or someone practiced their ass off to be good with pyro, even when it was at it's strongest.
Better buff le soldier again! And I say that as someone that played soldier far more than pyro.
If Valve got it's shit together, would it cause mass leavings, or mass rejoicing in the ranks because there finally would be direction again?
>Combo Pyro
>Skill based
Yeah, ok buddy
He's not wrong. But people aren't happy unless pyro is shit, apparently.
No point trying to flame people when you can meatshot them to much better effect.
Maybe if combo pyro didn't require stun mechanics, I'd be happy with it. Now excuse me while I main Medic and be a help to someone for once.
>muh furries
What a fucking retarded reason to restrict Halloween cosmetics
Because Pyro shouldn't have to use 3 weapons to equate to one rocket launcher
Fuck furries.
>Bet on the heavy
>Uber him
>He just slowly walks out of spawn revved and doesn't reach anybody to even shoot
I hate you faggots, uber me instead why do you always default to a fucking heavy?
You mean Banana Bay.
You know what takes some balls?
Ubering a SCOUT.
When you do this, you give the most fragile class in the game a free pass to get right in the enemy's face, where he's most effective, at absolutely zero risk. As long as it's a Scout who can hit his fucking shots, this can actually be a really good decision, especially since the two of you can MOVE really fast while you have it.
>dood... That meet the Medic video was so kool... I wanna do that lol
scout ubers are the fucking best but only 1 in a 100 scouts are actually good enough to do anything with it. if I see a competent scout on my team I always go medic and pocket him.
>he's the biggest class with the biggest gun so obviously he's the best!
meanwhile I'm at the top of the board and fully loaded as soldier ready to bomb in and the medic won't even fucking flash me
removing the airblast stun is fine but what they did instead ruined the whole fucking playstyle
Dumb competitive related question
Is that froyotech team only the best around because no one wants to even attempt to get that good on a 10+ year old game? Comp TF2 is trash anyway just curious.
Most people tend to focus on the heavy once they see him.
You gotta pull out your unusuals as a free "i'm better than you" ticket.
>soldier's a hard cla-
It took me this year to get that achievement for killing 3 people as an ubered Scout.
all the big name tf2 players left years ago, whether they would have been able to beat peak froyo is debatable but the current players in invite suck dick. the current froyo roster is a mixed bag. blaze, habib, and b4nny are top notch the rest are meh.
>my favorite play style is the only one requiring skill
Essentially. Competitive TF2 of any degree is a joke.
Genuine question. Imagine you've been tasked with bringing TF2 into Fortnite numbers. How would you go about it?
open source tf2
make tf3
>WM+1 for a simple kill
>"wm+1 cunt"
>Do multiple weapon switches and kill with the melee
>"wm+1 cunt"
You just can't win.
Tell whoever gave me that task to suck some eggs. Appealing to mainstream is how shit games are made.
why would you ever kill someone with melee as pyro
Froyo recruit all the best players and the big fish of other teams get recruited to play OW by the promise of prize money as they can't compete with froyo
People uber heavies because they're consistent. They don't miss and their gun is never unloaded.
Unless you happen to get a crayon eating retard, you're pretty much guaranteed to get good performance out of ubering a heavy whereas even good soldiers can choke.
>fix the fucking hit registration and general shitty net settings
>fix spy so he doesnt have to rely on gimmicks and network exploits to do his job
>nerf sniper so a good sniper doesnt 100% outclass an equally skilled spy all the time
>add more weapons for every class (3 minimum for each slot for everyone)
>have a special playlist where the stats are fucked around with to see whats fun and what isnt for the main "casual" mode
>bring quickplay back and remove the competitive mode that no one even plays
>VAC does hardware bans now
>do beta maps like cactus canyon and rd_asteroid except they actually get finished and arent left to rot
>stop adding in retarded cosmetics that slow the game down & dont add anything worthwhile
>general optimization so you dont need something like mastercomfig to just play the fucking game
>sv_pure 0 & sprays in pubs
>a quickplay playlist that has good community maps that cycle out each month and you can vote on which ones get into the playlist
>People uber heavies because they're consistent. They don't miss and their gun is never unloaded.
except for the fact they're slow as fuck so they're easily juggled by a pyro or kited. I understand soldiers can be inconsistent but when it's one at the top of the board you really don't have an excuse for not ubering him. pub medics are just shit.
I know there are vanilla tf2 servers but are there any heavy update servers? I wanna say that was the peak of TF2
>trap in a tiny ass room with another player
>he knows he is fuck
>toast his as
>dies right away because he was at most 20 hp
>"yeah w+m1 faggot no skill"
At this point I do whatever I want
I pull my backscratcher against other pyros, smart ones airblast me, dumb ones think they can flame me and forget the bloody rakes does extra damage
I try to but you keep fucking rocket jumping away, nigger.
>kill someone with the dragon's fury of all things
>"w+m1 no skill wooow"
Make hat drops .5% more common.
>95% of games topscoring
>usually on soldier
>almost always on shotty instead of gunboats
>nobody ever ubers me, let alone pocket
What am I doing wrong?
Yes. Thank you.
Literally everyone can be juggled away by a pyro, and kiting would mean ceding control of the point.
>but when it's one at the top of the board you really don't have an excuse for not ubering him
Like I said, even good soldiers can choke. I do all the time.
I remember once ubering a lime scout on turbine and he took out the whole blue team intel nest by himself. Shits magical
Did he do the laugh tho?
>>usually on soldier
>>almost always on shotty instead of gunboats
>>nobody ever ubers me, let alone pocket
I feel you. I think is because I dont use the classic "super serious tryhard soldier main" cosmetics
That is a fun weapon. Shame it's pretty bad
I could do this for money. I don't, but I could.
I only jump because you ubered so prematurely that there's nothing in range to shoot PUSSY
An anime flair and objector helped me alongside a weapon skin and killstreak kit, if you're not good you'll be ridiculed for parading that shit around drawing attention to yourself
Not as effective as an unusual though
>play scout
>see enemy scout
>both players are equal and both make an accurate shot at center of the player
>you do -13 and they meatshot
>scout 1v1
>both of us miss of our shots and strafe in parallel
Ubering scout is better than ubering a solder with gunboats, that is slow and only has 4 rockets to fire. What am I supposed to do? Rocket jump out of range of the medic or do a mini rocket jump then only have 3 rockets and kill maybe 1 person before I have to reload? Most scouts are shit so I prefer to use kritz and pick the top scoring soldier.
I hate it when I use kritz on demo and they don't use there stickies. Can a tf2 eceleb tell people to use the fucking sticky launcher (also to kritz demos in setup time so they lay stickies, it only takes 10 seconds to get 100% kritz again). Seeing that kritz+demo on the other team completely fucking us should have been a hint but no.
I think I've been ubered as scout once in my life and got the achievement. feels good man.
For the hell of it.
I have a killstreak hale's own RL and shotty, and wear two hats.
Conga, you fools.
It's conga time in Oz.
Heavy is credit to conga line!
stale pasta
>Literally everyone can be juggled away by a pyro
Heavy is the biggest and slowest, easiest for a pyro to juggle. Soldier you can just rocket jump over him.
>and kiting would mean ceding control of the point.
if the point is close enough that a heavy can clear it before the uber ends you weren't going to hold it anyway
>topping the pub, fully loaded, ready to blow up the sentry nest
>medic pops uber, I run in ready to kill
>the pyro airblasts him or us back and we fly 300 meters back around the corner
>when I try to push back an uber I maybe push them a bit up in the air before dying and the nest going down
>all those (You)s you got
Good to see the pasta still has some flavor
>Soldier you can just rocket jump over him.
Yeah, leave your medic behind and make it even easier for the pyro to separate you from him. That's also a great way to get flung into another fucking dimension if there's a sentry around or the pyro airblasts you as you're ascending.
>Yeah, leave your medic behind
If he's looking at the medic he's not reflecting my rockets
>attempt to play game
>crashes on map load
It became way too effective. So they basically took the 2 weapon combo and gave it "alright" stats when used in tandem, and "dog shit" stats when used separately
I swear degreaser has been at least 3 completely different things at this point
fucking stupid
Airblast is based on the direction you're looking, so look upwards when you airblast to increase airblast distance.
my favourite mechanic in the game
>no sonic the hedgehog
>0 to 6
You killed the man who was on a suicide mission anyway. Great work.
Except that your medic was pushed away and a significant amount of, if not all of, his uber was wasted meaning that pyro successfully accomplished what he set out to do in the end.
either autobalanced or it was round 2, what's difficult to grasp
who the fuck thought matchmaking was a good idea
its complete trash, where the fuck is quickplay
>play tf2
>consistently do well but start getting bored regardless
Is this burnout?
I haven't been playing much at all recently and when I do I get bored within 30 minutes
No wonder no one ubers you.
>who the fuck thought matchmaking was a good idea
compfags, who else?
You can win
by playing a better class