Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Is Pathfinder: Kingmaker, the best RPG of the last decade? I think it is.
If only it had a modular system for custom campaigns like Neverwinter Nights, I'd vote it the best RPG ever made, unironically.

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Sell it to me. What makes it the “best RPG of the decade? Is it better than Persona 5 or D:OS II?

Nah. If the game has shitty story and shitty characters what's the matter of an CRPG?
>If only it had a modular system for custom campaigns like Neverwinter Nights
That would make it NWN with better graphics, basically. Which would make the make x10 better since they're basically giving you an engine and tons of resources to have your custom adventures or even dedicated servers to RP with friends which would give an excuse for such shitty campaign.

Its a good implementation of a good ruleset, powered by a good engine with good visual and audio assets. It features strategic map movement, and tactical map movement. It can be played in real time or with pauses for turns. It has non-combat roleplaying in the camping and skills, the base building, the rations and movement time, all of that stuff. It allows you to build your characters based on alignment, rather than good being "help the farmer for free" and evil being "help the farmer, but ask for more money". There are implied failure states in addition to actual failure states, so you can have setbacks in your journey to make it more authentic, its not a linear story from A to Z. You have the means to focus on characters you like and ignore those you dislike. There is the entry level cartoony politics that all RPGs benefit from, but few include for some reason.
Its just very solid. Not revolutionary in any way, but includes all the fundamentals, very well, and a few fan favorite side mechanics.
In comparison, Persona 5 is I don't play these games and D:OS II is almost entirely just combat, as well as being too generous on the rest buttons and not having you commit to a character.

Sadly I don't think they will release a modding kit, its a Unity game, and Unity has proven to be both a hell for patching, and a bad engine for big modding.
Which is a shame, I'd definitely play around with a level editor at least, possibly do a module. I tried that with the D:OS II kit, but it didn't suck me in for some reason.

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I think so. My only complaint is the lack of a true turn based mode.

If 3.5 ToEE could do it, so can a pathfinder based game.

>half the combat is bugged or still doesn't work correctly
>pets make any other character look like a waste of space
Not really, I wish it had more spells though. It's really weird how they have options to go into certain specs but their defining spells aren't there or are useless

Well, the devs have apparently expressed interest in making a turn-based mode, either for Kingmaker or for the next module they do.

Did they fix it?

Yeah. Took some doing, but they smoothed out the bugs pretty effectively.

>half the combat is bugged or still doesn't work correctly
wrong unless you are still stuck to last year release time

>pets make any other character look like a waste of space
Pets are strong, and so are many other things in the game. The mere fact it doesn't thrive on balance is part of what makes it good.


I do. It's pretty much the only other cRPG I've played that managed to come close to BG2, I just wish Kingmaker had a campaign expansion going into epic levels and then I'd actually be able to call it better than BG2 barring npc wise.
It is better in some areas, but I miss tougher mage battles, and having enemies like mindflayers, beholders, basilisks, things that can severely cripple you if you don't know what to do. Kingmaker mostly has high ab/damage bruisers that are easily trivialized by prebuffing or Will save spells.
>but PF doesn't have 3.5 epic progression
I'm sure they can come up with something. Bioware did for HLAs and such.

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The companions are all shit, the writing is poor, the town management is a tedious distraction and the graphics are ugly with the magic all being a neon vomit light show. Most disappointing crpg of the last decade.

is it okay to turn kingdom management to auto if I just want to focus on the classic crpg aspects of the game or am I missing major parts of the game? I really enjoyed the first chapter but kingdom management is overwhelming and I'm worried I'll fuck everything up.

You can setup to autowin in management if you dont want to deal withit

persona 5 wasnt an rpg it was a interactive comic book. one with far too much dialogue

>Is it better than Persona 5 or D:OS II?

if you think weebshit jrpg trash or casual garbage is in the running for "best RPG of the decade" then stay the hell away from pathfinder unless you plan to play on story mode (which you probably would, since you appear to be a fucking brainlet)

Massive amount content for such a small dev team, certainly far bigger than usual AAA garbage, 120+ hours
Manages to encapsulate the feeling of an adventuring in the wilderness conquering untamed lands, somewhat similar to BG
Fun gameplay if you like D&D tier cRPGs, biggest implementation of tabletop rules, including some mechanics that were only in ToEE. Size stacking with accurate damage dice increase, fatigue, exhaustion, shaken, charge etc
Great number of feats, kits and classes thus allowing for great customization and replay gameplay wise
No MUH BALANCE Sawyer tier nerfs to gameplay, no summon limit and the game lets you go as crazy with the rules as you can such as becoming a colossal sized sneak attacking spellcasting lightining breathing dragon with 5 natural attacks as a flimsy mage, prebuffing
Tons of alignment specific choices in dialogue for roleplaying, can massacre monster race and bandits on sight for Lawful Good points, choice and consequence.
Different ways of building your kindgom and resolving kingdom events, can build a necro utopia in the end, though differences are mostly text based.
The writing is also decent, though I'd say the party members are mostly average, but still better than most modern rpg characters.

Oh, did I mention the madladslavs let you romance tiefling twins for a threesome in the year 2019?

>Is it better than Persona 5
P5 is a JRPG, they're two whole different things.
P5 doesn't have any roleplaying whatsoever, the story is extremely linear, there's about zero replayability both gameplay and story wise as there's no character creation/building/developing with loads of different classes, kits, feats and ways to develop. Which might as a well sit fine with you if you enjoy JRPGs.

>or D:OS II
D:OS2 is mostly focused on gameplay and that's about it. It's just a WRPG, not a cRPG like Kingmaker. It's certainly a nice and fun game, though.

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Dud they actually fixed difficulty yet? People reported it being highly uneven, with huge spikes and valleys.

>Underrail is created by a lone Serb
>Pathfinder is made by Russians
>both are the best CRPGs of the last decade

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They have, yeah. They've evened out the curve overall, and they've also added a more specific setting system that allows you to change aspects of the difficulty piecemeal if you like.

the same people that said the game was broken when enemies immune to piercing and slashing damage weren't taking damage from piercing and slashing weapons?

Was having fun with this up until the House at the end of time, fuck the Wild hunt what a load of bullshit.

The game isn't balanced, and thats a good thing. Its not a multiplayer esport. Its a singleplayer campaign.
Do you want Morrowind to get balanced? Fuck off.

>let's not forget
>kingdom come deliverance by based czech shitposter
>ATOM RPG by russians

eastern europeans are based

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D:os2 already won kiddo

ATOM is a fucking meme machine, it's like Fallout 2 for post-Soviets, i was pretty impressed by the amount of shit they've managed to fit into it.

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But its the kind of memes westerners won't get.

the same people who complained they got demolished by a """"""""""demilich""""""""""" when they decided to take the obvious bait and rest in a campsite filled with recently slain corpses?

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Good to hear. Now I can wait for bigger discount. Given absurd base price, at least 50% off.

Do you understand the term of spikes and valleys in difficulty? It's about sudden increase of difficulty like insane scenarios of too many strong enemies without proper tools at player disposal along with longer periods where you roll over everything without sweat.

Kingmaker pretty much shows why modern RPGs are so braindead gameplay and difficulty wise.
Even the slightest semblance difficuly and strategy is already enough to send zoomers crying thinking it's bugged and unfair.
Like playing on a difficulty LITERALLY called Unfair and complaining you have to reload often

>without proper tools at player disposal
The proper tool is GO ELSEWHERE. Do something else. Come back when stronger.

>Do you understand the term of spikes and valleys in difficulty?

yes. I also understand that a ton of the complaints on the steam forum for the game were from absolute fucking shitters

> like insane scenarios of too many strong enemies without proper tools at player disposal
Except you have said proper tools from start to finish in Kingmaker, besides that part in during release where you could end up fighting the treant bear while level 2 or so.
Even Nyrissa's Funhouse is easy enough in that by the time you can easily buy 99x Heal and Mass Heal scrolls.

Best loading screen sim ever.

the dev posts on rpgcodex often and said they are going to add more stuff for free in the 1.1 patch

>Tons of shit to do in Dead City content wise - quests, dungeons, rando encounters, chance of becoming the best tattoo master in the Wastes, a new addition to the Pynchon line of quests, a murder mystery, sexual encounters, a profound Buddhism inspired encounter with a creature, we also bought and perfected some mutilated dogs and weird instectoids. It's also gonna be rich with new features.

and are working on a paid expansion:

>The huge thing we're adding in late May is gonna be free, then we'll go away to work on a large Add-on, basically Atom 1.5. Like Broodwar for Starcraft. That's gonna go for idk, 10? 5 bucks?

I played some of ATOM during release but decided to wait for slavs to add free content and gameplay overhauls.
Seems like I made the right choice.

>he doesn't have an SSD

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You haven't played Anthem, I imagine. Or Football Manager. SSD.

they already fixed up the UI and added some QOL features (like making it easier to place/remove items from companions inventory, and reworked how aimed shots work based on feedback iirc

>devs are a bunch of white male grognard slavs
How did they get away with it??

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Can you snowflakes fuck off and let us discuss video games?


nice bait

I'm going marry Amiri!

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Fun game, but that last DLC never fucking ever

This month.
When you look at it, it's probably the same as NWN Infinite Dungeons

Real time with pause means the game is a mess to play but after playing knights of the chalice for a while I doubt making it turn based would be much of an improvement.
D&D is such a mess, casters can shut down whole encounters with a low level spell while melee builds struggle to stay alive in the frontline and struggle to kill 1 enemy per round.

I'm still excited as fuck every time I find out about a new 3.5D&D game being made, can't wait for KOTP2 but Pierre keeps making videos

slavs are more white than you will ever be, mutt

How are slavs not white you braindead?

Slavic genes are spread over eastern Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. If those are not white, then you can call French or England non white as well.

Did you even play the hour required to take this screenshot, or did you save it to repost and trigger da libs lmao!

Pets are only broken if you buff them and the only reason for that is their stats already take into account the equipment they should have aviable like belts of strength and amulets of mighty fist, if you stack buffs on top of that they become ridiculous

I've played for hundreds of hours, actually, many of which during release with the dreaded loading screens
some shitposting is fun every now and then

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You did it OP, your kingmaker shill threads these past few days have convinced me to buy the game. What is a class I can play that isn’t filled by any of the companions? I don’t intend to use custom party members or anything.

I got bored and never finished it. Stopped playing after my town got attacked by owlbears or some shit.

What's KOTP2?

I liked it.

Knights Of The Chalice 2, missed a letter

Knights of the Chalice 2 aka never ever almost ready for a 20XX release!

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Persona 5 is not an rpg, it is a high school simulator for lonely virgins who never had friends in school.

To this day I still don't know why people masturbate over KotC. Game's broken as fuck and not in an interesting way. I don't get why people do it over ToEE, either, because that game has some of the shittiest encounter design I've ever seen in an RPG.

There's a barbarian, an alchemist, a fighter, a wizard/rogue, a magus, a ranger, a single-class rogue, two clerics, an inquisitor, a bard, and a kineticist. That leaves Druid, Monk, Paladin, and Sorcerer.

>D&D is such a mess, casters can shut down whole encounters with a low level spell while melee builds struggle to stay alive in the frontline and struggle to kill 1 enemy per round.
This is wrong for any D&D cRPG where martial classes are actually extremely powerful.
NWN has great cleave, NWN2 FB with Supreme Cleave is plain retardation, BG1 is longbow supremacy, BG2 has melees with 10 attack/round
Kingmaker has pnp accurate size stacking mechanics and weapons with properties that make ToB blush with shame

You also get an animal companion which is very powerful.
You can also be a Paladin and there's some paladin exclusive gear though nothing like BG2 Carsomyr

It is up there with The Witcher 3, Divinity:Original Sin 2 and Tyranny. Don't know if it's the best of the decade but it's bretty good.

yeah but the magus and clerics suck absolute ass at their respective jobs, and the magus is a fucking garbage character (and a cuck)

>Persona 5
Persona 5 is trash.

>Persona 5
this is your brain on consoles

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>tiefling twins
I don't remember them on the launch, is that a DLC or something?

It definitely have some good sides, but didn't capture me too much.

Regongon is pretty good mechanically, Magus is a strong class.
As for Harrim, he's cute
I often give him full levels into Sacred Hunstmaster past his default Cleric 1 just so I can enjoy the idea of a dumb mutt following depressed harrim everywhere

Yes, the first DLC.

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I take it you've never played KotC. Knights can't do shit unless they're being carried by caster buffs and crafted gear. I should know - I dragged a 4 Knight party through the entire game and stopped at the Norglade basement dragon because the only way to win was to savescum dragon slaying arrows until they worked.

>NWN has great cleave, NWN2 FB with Supreme Cleave is plain retardation
Notice how both of those do nothing when you're not fighting crowds of enemies who are conveniently all within reach or aren't fighting enemies who die quickly?

That's something endemic to KoTC alone which is partly due to it not having prcs, and the feat selection being downright minimal for martials.
Usually what comes to people's mind is BG, IWD, NWN, Torment
Martials are very powerful in these, and especially Kingmaker now due to accurate size increasing mechanics.

>thicc tiefling
H-Hot. Also is that DLC free? I'm having a hard time orienting in shitload of patches, updates and DLCs.

I'll give you BG2 since everything in that game has insane saves so your spell casters can't effectively remove hordes of enemies with one spell.
But in any RPG that doesn't discourage resting like MOTB casters are plain better, it's not that your wizard is softening up the opposition so your frontline can fight with an advantage they either completelly shut them down (stinking cloud, shout, fear, mass hold etc) so they can't take any action while your melee hack them into pieces or they can go blasting themselves dealing ok damage in an AOE with fireball and the like.
If you can't rest that much the tables turn around and while casters still have their encounter ending spells they have to try only use the bare minimum every encounter
>Greater cleave
Cleave is shit unless youre fighting hordes of really weak enemies that you would rape in a couple more rounds anyway

Can anyone tell me the best way to deal with quests which have time limits? I want to get as much time as i can.
What would happen if i deal with them immediately? Will i save not used time or will i get drop down to the next main quest with it's own timer and just lost time which i had before?

No, it's because KotC's enemies aren't a joke like every other D&D game's and the game doesn't go out of its way to shower your party in perfect gear. PrCs and Power Attack wouldn't change you being out-ACed and out-muscled by every major enemy past level 10.

Forgot to add, I'm all for casters CC taking enemies out of a fight but spell design should be something like:
>Hard CC
>Long duration
>AoE/Ground hazzard
Choose 2

>you're not fighting crowds of enemies who are conveniently all within reach
Most enemies are always conveniently within reach since you already have reach from 2H weapons, and if you are melee then they are going to mob you

> or aren't fighting enemies who die quickly?
Friend, with Enhanced Power Attack and a 2H weapon you gain like +20 extra damage boost alone in NWN2, and that's before criticals, weapon damage dice, enhancement bonus, specialization bonus, str bonus, on hit properties...
NWN might have just +10 from improved power attack but it's also 3.0 which is broken as fuck with Improved Critical stacking with Keen, attribute bonuses stacking to +10 or so, insane on hit properties on weapons

If anything BG2 is the only where casters are truly absurdly better but that's only via level 18+ Chain Contingency, Time Stop, Wish, Sequencers etc shenanigans.

>hordes of really weak enemies
I'm afraid you never played a good melee character then, since read above, the damage you get is absurd to the point you hit so hard you're always cleaving shit unless you are fighting a horde of dragons and balors or whatever. Supreme Cleave alone nets you two free hits, that's extremely easy to chain in NWN2.

You can go to rutracker and download the latest gog version with everything

I am not saying casters aren't better in say pvp, but to say that melees are bad is downright retarded

KotC's enemies aren't a joke like every other D&D game's
They are actually pretty easy since they have average HP rolls and you can craft insane gear on KoTC. A simple fireball wand can already mow down lots of trash mobs and for the hard enemies you have gear and spells.

Yeah I'm having an amazing time with it.
There's so much good content, and I haven't had a single bug. Just unlocked tier 7 Necro spells like Finger of Death and Plague Storm... Holy christ.

If you get timed stuff done ASAP you get extra free time before the next part of the main story gets dropped onto you.

Not him but you just sold the game to me. I love ye oldie CRPGs, especially Infinity Engine games and this game just sounds like a gem. Will check it out for definite.

I am glad to hear that, user.
Remember there is gear that increases Necromandy DC

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Thanks, that's all i needed to know.

Is the game finished or are they still releasing shit for it?

I believe they have one last DLC they want to release - a big megadungeon-type deal. After that, they'll probably start work on a new adventure path.

it's shit


>A simple fireball wand can already mow down lots of trash mobs
Because the game is retarded in favor of casters and wands cast at the users' caster level and with a normal DC. Fireball also never does more than lovetap dangerous enemies or kill scrubs who can't hurt you.

FYI this is how long a single playthrough takes and that was only like 95%ing it.

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Wow, how good are the side quests?

Too bad Pathfinder's ruleset is a mountain of fucking dogshit.

It's also pre DLC

They're alright. Overall it's a modern Baldur's Gate with more bells and whistles i.e. kingdom management.

Probably not going to be that bad.

Wasn’t the underrail guy polish?

>Can't have Beholders and Mindflayers because they are D&D OCdonuts
Why can't they have have some random cthulhu people and eyeballs then? This hasn't stopped literally every single RPG including famous ones like WOW from doing the same

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There aren't really a lot of beholders or mind flayers in the Kingmaker module normally, though.

Yes, but 4e's gaming future kinda went up in smoke when the guy in charge of their digital database project killed his wife and himself, and 5e kinda shot itself in the foot when Sword Coast Legends sank without a ripple, so now Wizards of the Coast is sticking with mobile games instead of actual RPGs.

I would appreciate that. ToEE had the best combat system but limited by other factors (relatively short story and copious amount of bugs).

The only game I can think of that really matched ToEE's faithful turned based combat was the indie game Knights of the Chalice.

Gimme a good Scaled Fist or Sword Saint build, human only.
The last time I asked this question someone told me to play a Vivisectionist. Why? Are they that good/cheesy?

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>tiefling twins for a threesome in the year 2019?
i'm chubbing up already

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The story in Pathfinder is trash. The writing is shit. The companions are insufferable. The combat is even worse than the tabletop version which is quite a feat, holy shit.
You Pathfinder cucks need a lesson in humility.

>The companions are insufferable.
This is pretty much my only beef with the game. There is not a single acceptable companion.

Hello kiddinity-kun.

>if u dont like x then u must loike y!!!
I know Pathfinder cucks aren't exactly titans of intellect but try to keep up.

*circus music starts playing*

Yeah they really all kinda blow, I just found myself making my own party to use.



So what are the most powerful builds?
What are the best casters?

Is it possible to roleplay crusading paladin in this game? Can I smite the evil and eradicate evil faggots like a crusader on steroids?

>KotC... feat selection being downright minimal for martials
2 Clerics, 2 Wizards party
Clerics get Divine Power and Righteous Might making them them better than knights (fighters), and still able to cast spells (unlike Transformation on wizards)

Yes. Playing as a genocidal paladin is great
Builds with pets are incredibly strong, for example Ranger, Druid, Sylvan Sorcerer, Monster Tactician, etc.

I'd say that wizards are overall the best casters followed by sorcerers and druids.

Absolutely! There are LG choices aplenty that allow you to slaughter your wicked foes with righteous fury. While Iomedae is the standard crusader-type deity, I might recommend a paladin of Erastil - there are a number of enemies that forsook his worship, and punishing impiety alongside iniquity is fun.

based erastilchad

>genocidal paladin
>slaughtering wicked foes with righteous fury
Alright I'm sold. Thanks lads.

Have too look it up yourself; people post their fresh "OP" builds all the time.
I heard pure keniticists are good, using double earth to constantly land ranged AoE trip attacks.

>Erastil condemns suicide, and the souls of his worshipers who take their own lives are condemned to Avernus, the first circle of Hell.

Here's a good guide and list of build recommendations. This guy knows his shit:

Game with rtwp can't be best.

Played through this recently and got a hankering for more. Even decided to give PoE another chance. Unsurprisingly it was still dogshit.

I remember Tyranny being pretty good. How is the expansion?

Looks like shit, don't know why the neckbeards are sperlging over it

>Baldur's Gate
>Baldur's Gate 2
>Icewind Dale
>Icewind Dale 2
>Planescape: Torment
>Neverwinter Nights
>Neverwinter Nights 2

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Tell us enlightened user, what hip cool JRPG are you playing?

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Nah, Underrail is still the best WRPG in recent years.
There's the circle of eight mod and Temple+ that fix the lack of content in vanilla ToEE.

Tried to get those ToEE mods running but always ran into crashes and other problems. They look good though.
Also, wasn't vanilla ToEE capped at lvl 10? Even BG and IWD had hard caps at lvl 8. Impressive that they made Kingmaker cap at 20 and had content through all of it.

I have never played an crpg before but I'm interested on this game, should I read or do something before playing this game to understand the mechanics?

Watch let's plays or twitch streams. You'll pick it up the mechanics by osmosis.
I first learned about the game from Cohh's stream. He's been streaming it since September when it came out.

buggiest maybe. the characters and their jobs are terrible. cleric has the worst school, warrior is a 'shield specialist'. also if youre not a wizard youre forced to a rogue/mage as the only companion that casts magic, and the character is easy to miss. the magus is complete shit unless you constantly micromanage every turn for him, making him just a pain in the ass to play.

oh and you get two fucking clerics. why the fuck would they think it was a good idea to give you two fucking clerics, instead of a fucking druid?

the only good character is the black guy, and arguably the goblin.

the gameplay does spike ridiculously, most of the hardest fights in the game were clearly not intended to be hard, the developers just never played on anything but easy difficulty or something, because the first level at the hardest difficulty is essentially 'one hit and you die', without the ability to rest your characters. it is the hardest sequence of the game, and near impossible to win without save scumming if you happened to roll a wizard.

resting is retarded because you can only rest outdoors, because in caves you need rations, which are expensive and not to mention heavy as fuck. so you just spend 10 minutes going through loading screens to rest outside, which is a pain in the ass.

overall its not a bad game, but the concept of a 'explore this world!' game where every hour you have to go back to your capital or you lose is kind of inherently retarded, as they contradict each other. i realize one could say the fun is in balancing the two, but its not hard to balance them, just tedious to constantly go back to your castle every week (which usually takes like 3 minutes in real time, one way and god forbid if you get encounters). the caste management isnt very hard or fun either, its all save scumming dumb rolls for obscure rewards.

overall its an ambitious but bloated and buggy game, without a clear direction. 7/10, have fun in spite of the game itself.

>Tried to get those ToEE mods running but always ran into crashes and other problem
Disable autosave and you'll be fine, that's what makes the game crash when you use those mods.
>Also, wasn't vanilla ToEE capped at lvl 10?
Yep, which is another reason why you should use Co8 and Temple+ since it raises the cap to 20 among other additions like more races, more spells and so on, Vanilla ToEE is decent, but that's about it.

vivisectionist is op

They are basically alchemist but instead of bombs they have rogue sneak attack.
They still get alchemist spells
It's also a very useful class for a splash since you gain +1d6 sneak and mutagen that gives stacking attribute

>actually can play as a powerful dragon sorcerer

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My wife Valerie IS cute! She IS cute! (She is! She is!)

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Vivisectionist takes the rogue's sneak attack, and adds it to a character class that can pump its physical scores and combat abilities through the roof with infusions and mutagens. The result - a literal combat monster that hits where it really hurts.

Yes and you even gain Lawful Good points for killing monster and bandit scum on sight with but a word said

Well, yes. Why wouldn't dragon magic be powerful?

Looks like Cersei in a wig

>because the first level at the hardest difficulty is essentially 'one hit and you die'
>low level d&d
>on a difficulty literally called Unfair
>he expects it to be fair and balanced

>resting is retarded because you can only rest outdoors, because in caves you need rations
Except you soon get minor bags of holding and str enhancing gear meaning you can carry a fuckton of rations without even getting lightly encumbered as the limit is based on total party STR

>where every hour you have to go back to your capital or you lose is kind of inherently retarded
You can now build teleportation circles between settlements that guess, allow for immediate teleportation between them.

That IS cute! I love my wife!

>actually can turn literally every single party member including animal companions and certain summons like the gem wyverns into dragons via alchemist infusion

Remind why there are no DnD RPGs anymore. Why are we getting games with custom made systems like Pillars.

Because it has been implemented like garbage in past D&D games aka NWN1&2.

There was a period post NWN2 where the license got stuck in limbo due to an ownership dispute between hasbro and wotc, which is also why even D&D Online had to go with literallywho Eberron and only managed to add FR years later

>eastern europeans

>Remind why there are no DnD RPGs anymore.
Because D&D is an awful system outside of anything that isn't related to fighting, and it's especially awful for videogames where you mostly fight thing and the D&D fighting system is inevitably implemented horribly in 99% of them.
I'm grateful more and more devs are finally moving away from it, it never worked well outside of a handful of instances, most of which were still castrated versions of the rulesets, made it even worse by the atrocious combat design that is RTwP.

play roguelikes, the superior genre

For example?

Two reasons, actually. The first, getting a license going is expensive and time-consuming, so companies that want to make money off the Infinity Engine crowd tend to just make a knockoff (and considered that D&D rulesets have long been available to the public via the SRD, who can blame them?). Secondly, they attempted to make a 5e D&D game. It was called Sword Coast Legends, and it was dismissed as an utterly mediocre game, with unsatisfying, cooldown-based combat, repetitive questing, unremarkable storytelling, ugly art, and a completely barebones creation kit that failed to attract a healthy community like past toolsets had. It did poorly, both critically and commercially, and ever since, Wizards of the Coast has limited itself to cheap mobile games and an adaptation of the Tomb of Annihilation board game.

Attached: 1551992543482.jpg (600x640, 205K)

I tried. Didn't really click with me. Sorry.
if you´re keen on rpayyin, then MUDs/text would be a better choice (hellMoo), however roguelikes are still the best

>central european defense force
Yeah I'm sure brits call you central european immigrants as you clean their toilets

Not superior but still fun

Attached: necrobold.png (1894x873, 394K)

nah, i´m an actual eastern european lol, bohemians would get super mad if you would call them eastern europe since it´s associated with soviet block and czechoslovakia split, moravians are chill though, just bohemians are stuck up tards like prussians


Attached: Extract Brain.jpg (1920x1080, 462K)

looks like a boy

How enjoyable is this game for someone with a mild amount of dnd and pathfinder experience?

why would anyone play anthem?

Czech here. Not really. Half of the nation doesn't care, other half is okay with being Eastern Europe, proud even. Only Prague cucks and people from Pilsen screech incoherently at you because of it. Prague because they are libtards and Pilsen because they were freed by Americans during the WWII.

You'd probably enjoy it. At the very least, you probably wouldn't get stuck trying to kill swarms with normal melee attacks, like some people did.

Only people around Prague get bootyblasted. The rest is pretty ok with it.

That IS cute!

Linzi is for ____

Attached: linzi spank.png (1247x413, 40K)

I really like the character building side, you've got a absolute fuckton of options and the systems are complex but well explained so long as you've got a pretty good grasp of logical reasoning.

The combat is rather bland though, I'd take D:OS II over it anyday. The plot is bland but the basic premise is godtier and makes up for a lot.

Nothing beats that blend of city building, light kingdom management, and playing Lewis and Clark exploring your newly aquired lands. When you get tired of exploring you head back to town, dump your load, relax a bit and deal with the problems of the kingdom, when that gets tiring you head back out into the wilds and explore random shit.

The game also puts everything on a timer so you've constantly got a fire under your ass keeping you busy and pushing you to get more done before you rest. You've got that drive to make the most of every spell slot and skill. That combat could be better though.

>game not only lets you massacre monster and bandit scum on sight but you can also COLONIZE

Attached: kingmaker COLONIZED.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)

what are the best and the most fun and enjoyable classes user?
who are the best npcs you do not want to miss?

>not the broken version
Its like you only love her for the beautify of her face, and not the strength of her resolve.

Valerie is a very, very scary girl!

Attached: kingmaker dazzling display.jpg (1920x1080, 271K)

>Mind flayers can instagib colossal fucking dragons if they hold onto it long enough
Also we really need more big brained shenanigans, dumb isekai brain sipping a mirror was weak back in NWN.

Attached: 300px-Sir_Brian_small.png (300x523, 196K)

Erastil is the god of pioneers, user. Surviving the wilds is one thing, taming them takes hard work and good morals.

Attached: Erastil.png (687x856, 760K)

lol i didnt say that at all. the game is very easy. after the first level. its just that the first level is ridiculously imbalanced, and not in a fun way, just more of a pain in the ass way, especially if you roll a wizard.

i had shit tons of bags of holding. the game has levels of burdens that give you penalties after like 33% of carrying shit, so even then the most rations i could carry was like 12 or some shit, which is nothing since it takes 4 of them per rest and they randomly get eaten even when youre outside. its a lame mechanic designed to take up a shit ton of weight for no good gameplay reason.

teleportation circles doesnt address what i said at all. when youre out at the borders of the map you still have to walk 2+ minutes of real time to a settlement just so some fucking retard can walk up to your throne and go 'hi!!!!' and you can roll some dice for rewards that dont even matter. if you dont do this you lose the game. its not a good mechanic.

the game should have let you delegate all that shit to... you guessed it, fucking advisors that the game pretended would be so important that ended up being useless.


Attached: Fulllength.png (692x1024, 1.12M)

I do NOT play this game so I do NOT have scar picture! Give me scar picture Valerie!

(She is! She is!)

That IS Reviewbrah Valerie!

Attached: 1510065091051.webm (576x432, 678K)

Why are the women in this game so fucking terrible? You either get cucked by a green boi or have to fuck this constantly on her period man chin bitch.

>I do NOT play this game
Dumb waifu poster.

Why do you think the tiefling sluts got in

I tried to play this game coming of Divinity Original Sin 2. The combat is just eons behind DOS2.

>Amiri praises herself as being one of the best warriors of her tribe
>Dies to literally everything in the game including a harmless cup of spiders

Give me 1 reason not to fire this cunt

How effective are fear builds in the game? I know that in some Adventure Paths, a lot of enemy types have fear immunity.

You can't.

Fuck now I cant unseen. Cersei in the show is a uggo.

Yeah actual tactics isnt nearly as satisfying as spamming necrofire

Extremely powerful.
Only undead basically have immunity to fear and there's only a single chapter that's undead heavy.
Though fear is far better left to martials with Dazzling Display and a Thug level, as the check is far easier than DC and the ability is basically spammable with no cost whatsoever besides an action

She's a fun character. And smashing things into pulp with crits always makes me smile.

I dropped it when I botched dwarf companion quest while picking kobolds and got kicked out of that area for no reason.

>Is it better than Persona 5

Tell me about these tiefling sluts.

Been fixed since December

Anons, I want to give this game a try but some of the reviews don’t look too good. What’s up with that?

I can't stop playing as a loli vivisectionist

are slavs white, yuro or asians

What is there to say? You can marry them or fuck them in a threesome

The game was pretty buggy at release courtesy of slavjank
Also it has the minimum semblance of difficulty which is enough to make zoomers cry


Definitely had a rough launch with bugs
Some idiots didn't look too hard at the difficulty settings
It definitely can be a bit rough around the edges
It does not hold your hand

That's my conjectures, personally I think it's great. Feels like an adventure, similar to BG1.

Apparently, there's a Good one and an Evil one. You can pick one or the other, or you can convince one of them to change to Neutral and then have sex with them both.

This, 174 hours in PKM, can't progress, or progressing is so easy I may have well rolled 6 fighters. Even with speed increases kingdom management broke my ability to enjoy the game. People straight up lying about the difficulty being "challenging" when veterans of the pen and paper campaign absolutely hated the game. Lot of broken brains on Yea Forums

You can't marry them both and then fuck in threesome?

You can do that

Fear procs AoOs
Your reach fighter (Amiri) with Combat Reflexes can take a swing at every fleeing mob. Not to mention the CC value of fleeing and taking threats off the board.


bros played this on release and made a shapeshifting sorcerer which was really fun. I'm thinking of starting again. What other builds are fun to play and are pretty good?

Monster Tactictian of Erastil with Animal Domain for Animal Companion
Get all the summons, all of them

Can monster tactician still have all their summons at once?

>barbarian female wielding a giant sword that no normal human can wield effectively
>strong female knight that hates being objectified, also hates god for extra fedora tipping
>gay orc
Nah, it's a typical modern fantasy RPG plagued by the SJW propaganda

I preferred Divinity OS1+2 because they had multiplayer

Ok, thanks for answering. I have no problem with difficulty but I can do without bugs. Strange this game doesn’t have a ‘story mode’ difficulty.

>Strange this game doesn’t have a ‘story mode’ difficulty.
I think it does. Haven't looked to close at the easier options.

It does, though.
>The damage you suffer from enemies and traps is reduced by 80%. Enemies have significantly decreased power and cannot critically hit you. Your character will not die after suffering a deadly injury. Instead, they'll fall unconscious until the end of the battle. If all your characters fall unconscious, the game is over.

I enjoyed mystic theurge 10 (cleric 3, empyreal sorcerer 7); you can cast any cleric spell on the fly at the cost of being one level higher from you massive number of sorc spells a day. Uses just wisdom attribute for spells. Lots of utility.

The arcane trickster is fun for Octavia.

>gently kissing her tears away
a gentleman right there

Which companion cucks you? I wanna know so I don't bring her along.

It does and difficulty is extremely customizable in general.
But people who beat Pillars on hard think they should be able to do so here too


Nobody actually does, but Octavia makes attempts to sleep with others.
You can cuck her or Regongar f you go exclusive with the other

Romance options kinda suck. I guess go for tieflings.


> Ranger. Rank S+
> Sorcerer. Rank S+
> Alchemist. Rank: S
> Bard. Rank A
> Inquisitor. Rank A
> Wizard. Rank A-
> Barbarian. Rank B
> Cleric. Rank B
> Druid. Rank B
> Monk. Rank B
> Rogue. Rank B-
> Magus. Rank C-
> Fighter. Rank D

Attached: nerf rangers.webm (930x504, 2.16M)

Thanks OP, i'm pirating it right now

Romance Valerie!

>Druid that low
>Ranger that high

>Ranger. Rank S+
redpill pls
it is a destroyer of worlds like in dragons dogma or a machinegun motherfucker, or just a powerfucker annihilating everything in a single shot?

What about Kineticist?

does the GOG pathfinder version 108b 24344 include the DLC or is that separate?

Both, you get some pretty bullshit bows by endgame

>Oversized bow
>Hurricane Bow
>Sense Vitals
Bows are king

>by endgame
Hello Devourer of Metal

Depending on your build choices, ranges from B+ to S. Since it's a combat heavy game and some mechanics are simplified, you can rain damage that the opponent cannot dodge or resist completely to your hearts content

Spell and feat selection is quite barren on top of the druid's narrative power being completely dampened because its a videogame and not the tabletop. The only thing left is the animal companion but since the ranger gets bonus feats out the ass, he can easily pay one for boon companion and be a full BAB druid that can shoot motherfuckers to death.

Okay fine by Chapter 2, i never figured out how to get Elemental Punisher though

SS+ Rank

>Rogue. Rank B-
>in a game where only 1% of the content is SA immune
>in a game with dex to both damage and ab

By virtue of how sneak attack works in this game, Rogue cannot be that low. He has better survivability than something like Barbarian too.
Though the best option is going VIvisectionist

do they have any fun and interesting skills or abilities?

it's b- because people just go vivisectionist.
plus there's a million and one ways to splash sneak attack onto a char and still have a party skill monkey without a rogue.

>Rogue. Rank B-
>Rogues are a noob trap. Yes, they have good damage, but so do other classes. What really hurts them is slow BAB progression and no ways of AC stacking. And the fact that vivisectionist does their job 10 times better. Useless class feats before lvl10 - best used for combat tricks.
Sounds correct

Well, not really.
You just make sure your bow becomes like a fucking ballista and bypasses concealment etc

How do you feel about a bow that automatically fires extra phantom arrows every time you fire it?

Either this or Age of Decadence.

do they have a shotgun

Attached: dd tenfold.jpg (960x540, 69K)

Wizard A- is kinda bullshit, since you can a Thassilonian to get tons of casts and get the Arcane trickster benefit, plus no full round metamagic like sorcerer.
Arcane bloodline sorcerer is still better overall, but wizard is not far a whole tier behind

Manyshot is essentially that

thank you m8
there's so much in it's hard to choose a single class

>plus no full round metamagic like sorcerer
metamagic rods fixes this

Did they add a "speed" pacing button like Pillars had? If so, I will purchase it. Default walking speed in these games gets me on my nerves. I almost didnt beat OS because of how slow you walk, Id prefer 1.25 or 1.50x.

Also, how are the load times?

it's a ranking of base classes, subclasses are covered seperately

>Did they add a "speed" pacing button like Pillars had?
I don't think so
>Also, how are the load times?
Fine with SSD. Not so good without

True, but the ones that cover spells above 3 come a bit late IIRC. And it's still 3 uses per rest. As a wizard I could fill the screen with Animate dead in 1/3 of the time. My point is that whatever tier sorcerer is, wizard is a tiny step behind, mostly because of the limited spell selection/applications

Attached: 640820_screenshots_20190131033324_1.jpg (1920x1080, 582K)

There is a decent mod to speed thing up, but officially, no.
Load times are improved in SSD, especially kingdom management transitions and walking out of your city

I always have a shit ton of haste spells ready to zoom zoom around OoC in maps. Same like with BG and IWD.

Fair enough. I should have guessed by not seeing vivisectionist mentioned specifically

Will nips finally learn from westernchads or will they keep making shitty DQ clones with the same boring gameplay and linear anime plots?

Does Pathfinder even have epic levels? I tried looking it up, all I found was about "Mythic levels" which didn't seem to be equivalent at all

Mythic levels/paths are their 'Beyond 20' approach, yes

bros, are there any good halberds or spears?
or just rather use something more basic?

Not really. Level-wise, you're capped at twenty. Mythic tiers can be used similarly to epic levels, essentially counting as a 1-10 prestige class, but you're not actually required to be at the level cap to use them, and they improve separately from your normal class levels. Of course, the developers themselves have stated that the mythic rules are busted as hell, and recommend you think carefully before using them.

The best weapon in the game is a glaive I believe.

fuck me nice thanks mon

There are some bullshit 2-hander reach weapons, yes.
Your best bet is a glaive

so, a barb then?

Pathfinder was SJW before SJW was a term. Some weird proto-SJW. When I was a kid, they called themselves "progressives" but that term has fallen out of favor as it became known that people who are "progressive" want to take rights away from people.

Paladin and fighter are better, but pick what you like. You already have a barbarian companion.

Thing is it's different. I like 3 and 3.5's epic levels due to the NWNs' expansions, epic levels also open up a lot of interesting abilities/builds, though it's still pretty much just like the levelling up to 20

Bit of a shame. Weird that Pathfinder stuck strongly to 3.5, but didn't carry over epic levels at all.
Maybe they weren't good at all for tabletop player, never got to play

The barbarian cannot wield it effectively either.
She is also a blowhard liar that makes things worse for everyone.
The knight is also portrayed as a humorless cunt that sucks joy unless you specifically help her change her perspective.
It's funny since the first adventure path has women npcs specificly seeking charismatic players to fuck, no homosexual npcs, fairies raped by trolls, goblins chewing on people while their kid watches and a villain who is a Lamashtu faithful after getting a monster pregnancy, and you can see the scars of the pregnancy on her bare midriff.

heaviest armor with a glaive sounds awesome too
ill have to look into everything heavily

the fembarb is a character from the actual tablegame, similar to Elminster or Drizzt mon

Any non-sneak melee class and Inquisitors can utilize it well. Even ranger can actually work with it.

Early on, yeah, but they got new writers and blah blah blah. A lot of it was toned down by the Russian devs.

Its not really. It just gets a lot of viral marketing here for some reason. Its a decent little game but it doesn't stack up to more old school choices or even some more recent ones. The story isn't that good. The characters range from bad to decent. The gameplay is basic old school DnD with wonky balance everywhere. The difficulty curve is all over the place. Admittedly I haven't touched it since about 2 months after releease, but, that it took forever and a day after release to finally iron all the bugs out doesn't help either.

Aside from the bandit bitch Kressle who was unrepentant and threatened to have Oleg's wife raped in the original AP, I would not say Kingmaker toned down anything else.

What class is actually fun to play? Everything I tried was pretty meh. I also hated weapon classes because they did a pretty shitty job of giving you a good selection of weapons of each type. Why have 40 different weapon types when only 10 have a good power progression?

If you play as Paladin or inquisitor, the weapon type does not matter that much.
As for 'fun', it depends on the person. I had a blast smiting people with Paladin, but the safe answer is Wizard (or sorcerer while consulting guides for the spell list to avoid a few traps)

The SJW hullabaloo was toned by the devs.

Because Wizards of the Coast is a retarded company.

This is shitposting but I can't help but agree. This shit would get absolutely slammed if it was the literally exact same game made by a western dev, but because its slavs its given a huge pass.

do you HAVE to be lawful good as pal?
if id like to be a true neut should i rather go pure fighter instead?

My biggest issue with paladin is fear that a lot of shit I want to kill doesn't qualify as Evil. How can you enjoy smiting evil if nothing is evil? When most enemies are fey, won't they qualify as chaotic and/or some kind neutral most of the time?

If this game was turn based it would be perfect

Anons did someone tried this on Linux?

There might be a sub class that can get away with something else, but generally yeah, lawful good.

Best weapon but do you need to go through any bullshit to get it? Like I have to murder an entire town while carrying a special amulet during a very tight period of the game to get it?

>Pure fighter
Perfectly viable,but you only really need like 7-8 levels of two hander specialist. Then you can be cute and throw barbarian, vivisectionist or maybe bard. I think I saw a ranger hubrid once that worked.
You are still immune to the bullshit they tend to throw and your divine weapon bond lets you hit hard regardless.

It used to be a simple perception/trickery check at chapter 5 (simple, as In you should be maxing these skills as you level up). It's in the final dungeon of chapter 5 (out of 7) now.

>Then you can be cute and throw barbarian, vivisectionist or maybe bard
goddamn i keep forgetting how deep the rabbithole goes
you have any tips for the vivisect followup as an example?
the glaive is the incorruptible petal?

Vivisectionist gives you mutagen(flat bonus on strength, dex or con that stacks with everything), sneak attack dice and a bite attack (not that useful for a reach build though, unless you gang up on one enemy and you do not need to hide behind the tank and get attacks of opportunity on multiple enemies). Also makes you self sufficient with casting Enlarge on yourself (and you can suddenly cover like 15+ feet area with your weapon) and a few other abilities that make you more durable (like 25% chance to negate tricks)

>do quests, kill things with ease
>let's go off the beaten path
>one leopard annihilates my whole party

what the fuck

And yes, the glaive is the incorruptible petal.
But before that, you can get early on a pretty sweet +2 flaming one.

thanks bros
any other good variations/classes for the glaive build?
what would be the best party setup?

What alignment tiefling sluts have ingame?

Don't mess with leopards, user. They can carry carcasses weighing more than themselves up trees.

Attached: Tugwaan-Carrying-Warthog.jpg (700x467, 104K)

You can be a ranger to have lead blades spell on your own, or Inquisitor to have Judgement+Bane while you reap people apart, plus extra support abilities. And Barbarian with Rage is straightfoward damage dealer.

As for party, since your job will be damage and maybe triping or dazzling displayes, you need at least one Proper fulltime tank, one full time arcane spellcaster and a cleric.
Bard will cover most of your other needs, but other hybrids can cover the buffs if you are careful, and it would be best to have another frontliner (aka 3 front, 3 in the back). You get the most out of feats like Seize the moment and outflank that way.

Really though, as long as you cover 'Tank who does not get hit/Arcane spell list/Divine spell list', you can be freeform with your party.
Do not be afraid to try out thinks on your own

Chaotic Good and Lawful Evil

>RTwP combat
>Pathfinder ruleset
>fey-themed adventure
>SJW characters
>made by slavs

Yeah, no.

I feel paladin would be better full tanky wouldn't they?

Oh, there are plenty of evil fey in Pathfinder - and a lot of evil enemies in Kingmaker. Though if you want to play it safe, throw out a Challenge Evil on potential Smite targets to confirm alignment.

Paladin is quite flexible. You can make a great paladin archer, a two hander mauler(mark of justice and th occasional smite) or a Hospitaler sword and board tank that has tons of supplementary healing.

how do you tolerate these stiff animations ?
or do you simply not care ?

Depends. Base paladin actually makes an absurdly powerful ranged combatant with solid support and survivability into the bargain. Nicely matches the flavor of Erastileans, too.

>let's go off the beaten path
And now you begin to realize why most adventurers die young and penniless
boy you'll love the cave... yes, THAT one

Attached: bg beholder idle.gif (137x127, 67K)

Oh shit i know the artists.She has a thing for beards and dwarves.

Attached: BG NPCs.jpg (1276x1920, 1.28M)

I want to impregnate MAZZY

halfling girls never ever

Is that drawn by the Dungeon Meshi lady?


What's the best CRPG for roleplay and immersion? Kingmaker was my first and I loved every minute of it.

When's Trox?

Attached: Trox Gladiator.png (1280x1024, 806K)



Then NWN2 Mask of the Betrayer

What others have said plus fallout 1

Planescape Torment but do note it's extremely text heavy with not much combat

Attached: ankheg.png (567x549, 482K)

Very good single target i.e. bosses
good saves and smite

>wanting to play an Lawful EVIL paladin

Attached: Expectations Subverted.jpg (1080x1440, 233K)

Isn't that a hellknight?

Antipaladin with the Tyrant archetype

Those are usually CE, though. Cheliax is ruled by the Thrunes, who are noted diabolists, and their hellknights tend to be LE to match. Save for the few orders that are LN.

The best weapon type is the fauchard, as it's got reach and a 18-20 natural crit range. However you'd need an exotic weapon proficiency feat for it and they'res not a lot of magic fauchards in the game unless you craft your own using the crafting Craft Magic Items mod



Attached: STRAHD.jpg (300x391, 41K)

Time sensitive management shit was not fun in BG2 and I doubt it's fun here. I'm not going to invest in a character only to have some poorly implemented game condition cut me off from content (encouraging the use of savescumming and wikis/guides).

The game literally warns you multiple times of obviously time sensitive things.
No wonder rpgs nowadays are all braindead shit with sidequests that try to portray urgency yet have no timit limit whatsoever

How do I build a Paladin as my MC in Pathfinder? What are the feats i'm looking at? I took Power Attack at level 1 since that's supposedly a decent level 1 feat.

Here's a build that might be up your ally:

I don't think so. Its another isometric buff- and-mulch game with little tactical decision making once you have your buffers and mulchers outfitted. The last half of the game is an incredible slog since you won't ever use anything but the same like 5 or 6 skills before every combat (haste / enlarge / shield / ele resist etc. )

It had a lot of potential but fell into the same pitfall as its predecessor d20 games. Not once did I see an enemy dispel my shit and go for the guys in the dress. Just bunch up on my melee and get mulched.

Divinity OS 2 is leagues ahead in both storytelling and combat imo.

>Its a good implementation of a good ruleset
>relies on cheating heavily and mass mob combat for gameplay
nah dude

Can I just go full Paladin without multiclassing too much?

Fuck that, Iron Gods when?
>Mad Max with Aliens: Pathfinder Edition

I guess... but where's the fun in that?

>Its a good implementation of a good ruleset
>Real time with pause
>For a turn based game
>Control spells that rely on being able to cast them before everyone closes into melee literally can't work since enemies can charge right at you as soon as combat starts
Yeah, nah.

>Divinity OS 2 is leagues ahead in both storytelling and combat imo.
Pathfinder is retarded for the simple reason of being RTwP, but D:OS2 is definitely NOT better off despite being turn based.
In fact D:OS2 is even more of a mess than Pathfinder when it comes to gameplay, and even at its best it doesn't reach the extents of the systems of Pathfinder.

Narrative wise, they're on the same level really so I won't comment about that, they both have massive flaws but in different places.

RP wise, Pathfinder wins hands down, it doesn't help that D:OS2 is structured linearly and more like a Ultima game than a generic RP campaign liek Pathfinder, though in that sense it mostly comes down to your personal tastes, it still doesn't change the fact that D:OS2's roleplaying is next to no existent, with multiple options that all amount to the same exact results with a slightly different wall of text to read, Pathfinder fares a bit better in that respect and offers more meaningful player agency in terms of game progression.

And I tell this as somebody who vastly prefers D:OS2 to actually play, but Pathfinder is the better RPG in most respects, it just lacks the polish and production values for visuals, coupled with the garbage RTwP system that keeps on plaguing WRPGs, though on the other hand it's still not as bad as the usual FPS/TPS with stats.

I just want to keep things simple until I know the Pathfinder system a bit better. All I know is AD&D2nd edition and that's only from Baldurs Gate games.

Can I be a necromancer in this game?

Yes and there is no summon limit.
You can turn into a black dragon and spam 90 skeletons

>build your own class
>approach quests your own way
>world reacts to your race, intelligence, beauty, etc.
>some branching quests depending on alignment like Bates and Appleby or Helping the Dark Elves or not.
>NPCs are mostly killable except for a few. This means you're given alternative routes if you killed an important NPC like Edward Teach.
>Only 1 romance so waifufags stay away from this game

Yeah you can play it straight as a pure paladin, sword-and-board or two-hander. I heard Archer paladins are good too, it uses the Deadly Aim feat which is like Power Attack for ranged weapons.

time to edit this in and start my animu baldur's gate playthrough.

like this

where's my default main man!?

Attached: baldur's gate main.png (210x330, 109K)

Attached: kingmaker necrotopia.jpg (1920x1080, 236K)

>only 1 romance so waifufags stay away
Implying that ever stopped anyone

Attached: pathetix.jpg (7680x4320, 3.82M)

Does this affect actual gameplay? Or is it an ending blurb?

Sounds like they're broken.

Just like in pnp except there you can command them to do things outside of combat, even.
t. improved familiar mage with imp who has a wand stuck inside his imp hole for shenanigans

You can see skeletons patrolling your towns after a certain point.

There is a point in the story where you can choose to recruit undead workers as laborers.
They add a boost in kingdom building, and you get to see them shambling about in your main cities
You can also recruit a Lich as a mage advisor

You can cheese pets in vanilla pnp.

They are contributing members to your kingdom (they add BP I believe). you can also make golem workers out out of trash if you prefer

Do they actually do the dangerous work, or is that something you have to do despite being a baron/king?
most hype fight in the game, too bad it's too easy

Attached: kingmaker vordakai feels.png (787x952, 611K)

Best caster?

Welp time to play BG2 again

Sylvan Sorcerer, pick Memedon as animal companion