DMCfags Get SSStyled on by RE2 Remake

>That performance was driven by two big launches in this calendar year alone: Resident Evil 2, which had shipped four million units within six weeks, and Devil May Cry 5, which hit two million shipments in two weeks.

>However, the single biggest seller in terms of units was Monster Hunter: World, which has now shipped more than 12 million units -- a record for any game in Capcom's history, and more than five million units greater than its shipments at this point last year.

>Looking ahead, Capcom stated that it is "redoubling its commitment" to esports, inspired by a larger interest within its native Japanese market.

>"Capcom is to making this sector a priority area, and aims to grow the player base worldwide through running leagues that utilize Street Fighter," the company said.


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Other urls found in this thread:

dude DMCV and RE2 fans more or less go hand in hand
at the end of the day this is good news for both considering they both did well

>dude DMCV and RE2 fans more or less go hand in hand

If that was true DMCV would have sold 4 million copies

So an entirely different genre of game that has traditionally sold more with each installment continues to do so.
And DMC5 still performed strongly, and will probably outperform every entry in the series.

And that somehow means that fans of DMC got styled on.

I guess I am a brainlet and fail to see the logic here.

point being?
there is nothing wrong with liking both games
not everything has to be fan wars

>not everything has to be fan wars

Especially when one side loses so hard

no one lost because it wasnt a battle
also op's cant bump their own thread dumbass

Thanks for the bump then

you apparently dont know how sage works either

>This game sucks because it didn't sell as many copies in two weeks as this other game did in 4 months

What? Am I missing something?

Explain it then

Leon and Dante are alternate universe versions of each other.

Cringe theory

>DMC was originally RE4
>original design was just leon till they switched it over
>unironically saying cringe

>RE styles on what is essentially just a spinoff mod of their game series
no shit?

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Okay but beyond surface level, what's the connection?

Okay now this is just pathetic damage control

Why are there no mods that fix Trish's ugly face yet?

>6 weeks = 4 months
What are you smoking?

Both are a success, your point is?

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DMC is actually pretty niche. It's surreal how this kind of game can get this type of budget and realistic graphics, manages to sell relatively well and doesn't lose the fluidity and responsiveness the genre is typically known for, not to mention how it maintains its classic control scheme.

Resident Evil in comparison uses the same framework everyone and their mother is used to by now, which is third-person shooting. One of the things that sets it apart from other modern TPS is less forgiving survival mechanics, with a stronger focus on item management and routing. Still, mixing familiar controls with zombies is pretty much a guaranteed formula for success, and the RE franchise has always been extremely popular. Unlike DMC, it's even changed its gameplay significantly over the years to keep up with the industry standard on a basic level.

There should be mods that skips the three loading screens and two cinematics when you retry a mission.

>Looking ahead, Capcom stated that it is "redoubling its commitment" to esports, inspired by a larger interest within its native Japanese market.

Both games are great.
Capcom is great.
Pls no hate.

>Both games are great.
>Capcom is great.


That they were both Leon at one point in time.
DMC wouldn't have existed if it wasn't one of the failed RE4 games.

Also, Leon in the actual RE4 ended up acting like DMC1 Dante all the time, down to the quips and wall running shit

Still not really a connection

Are we gonna get a new Street Fighter game in RE Engine?

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>Both games did great
>RE has always been more popular then DMC and OP is pretending to be shocked to create a fanbase war that makes no fucking sense

get gased

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>Street fighter with realĂ­stic actors
>We gonna see street fighter copying MK of all fighting games possible

and yet both RE2 and DMC5 are better games than FFXV could ever hope to be
what an embarrassing game!

Be honest OP, was attempting to stir up shit your only reason for making this thread? I'm not mad at you, just disappointed because I know that you're better than this.

>2 single player games and a co-op game sell great
>Double down on SF
Capcom is fucking retarded

No way, Capcom doesn't ever intentionally de-sexualize characters like NRS does. They just have some peculiar tastes that you may not agree with. And the people who do the designs for SF characters are not the same as those who design RE characters or DMC characters

Dat feel when you'll never get another Onimusha game despite how well RE2 did.

Reminder to keep telling Barry to fuck off.

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Don't give a shit about RE vs DMC. That eSports blurb is a bit disconcerting though. Are Capcom going to repeat the mistakes EA has been making the past three years? Gutting good franchises and forcing them into an oversaturated esports-multiplayer fad market?

DMC5 is just a toxic masculinity power fantasy and it deserves to be dabbed on by more PC games.

Inafune leaving is the best thing that could have happened to Crapcom. They're firing on all cylinders lately and making some good fuckin games (with weak DLC).

Does that mean we won't get a DMC6, Yea Forums?

Why wouldn't we get a DMC6

Why is Monster shitter so popular?

>We will never get a Leon and Dante team up

>crapcom revisiting anything besides with ports

Go away, numale.

Why redditor always ruin dmcthread.

Project X Zone 2.
You can put Dante and Leon together as the same unit.

>Capcom stated that it is "redoubling its commitment" to esports
Time for another fall


You can't beat claire

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Why is this surprising? RE has always been a bigger franchise than DMC.


DMC should be a niche series.
5 was almost ruined by the live action scanning and not toning down the style of the visuals.

DMC always aimed for realistic graphics, since 1

How can anyone lose if it's the same company and pretty much the same fanbase.
You guys are fricking retards

keep coping DMCuck

Why did you make 3 threads seething this hard Barry?

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>imagine being so in love with a shitty game like ff15 that you can't enjoy any other game and have to shit on them
Really makes you long for death.

>there are actually people on this board who think Capcom is redeemed
Fucking cringe.

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he literally doxxed a girl and threatned to rape her because she said FF15 sucks lmao

Did anyone actually think DMC 5 would outsell a Resident Evil game though? Resident Evil is a way bigger, better known, and overall established/successful series than DMC.

I personally prefer DMC as a series anyway, but I, and I imagine almost all, fans know it's a much more niche series.

RE is one of Capcom's biggest cashcows, it's literally impossible to DMC5 outsold it, but i'm happy DMC is becoming more famous

>I will have my revenge!
holy shit this guy is like a cheesy comic book villain

>>Looking ahead, Capcom stated that it is "redoubling its commitment" to esports, inspired by a larger interest within its native Japanese market.
another way to say "we already milked our main franchise that are not dead yet"
capcom is creatively bankrupt

yeah I'd like to see them put out a new IP

>Bought both
>Enjoyed both
Is this you OP

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Fuck off, Barney.


they have nothing else
they doing a re3 remake would be seing as a cash grab and DMC doesnt have that much to move or improve for a sequel.

Mental illness personified.

someone should kill him already

DMCringe fags blown the fuck out

This, they have no iron to strike with, like a Marvel phase 2. RE3 won't be out for awhile, DMCV might get a special edition or DLC (???), and MHW they want to focus on monetizing first before making a sequel

Capcom can probably only afford to do shitty fighting games nobody is interested in

>>That performance was driven by two big launches in this calendar year alone: Resident Evil 2, which had shipped four million units within six weeks, and Devil May Cry 5, which hit two million shipments in two weeks.

four million units within six weeks = two million shipments in two weeks

>Monster Hunter: World, which has now shipped more than 12 million units -- a record for any game in Capcom's history
They're still going to delay the PC release, aren't they?

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>they doing a re3 remake would be seing as a cash grab
this is what I think too. So many people seem to blindly assume they will be releasing REmake 3 in like a year when they haven't said anything and when re-using so much shit from RE2 would make the game look like an obvious cash-grab

What? It's been out for like a year.

I'm an idiot, I meant to say Iceborn's PC release.

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So can we have Dragon's Dogma 2 now?
>Looking ahead, Capcom stated that it is "redoubling its commitment" to esports, inspired by a larger interest within its native Japanese market.
Wait, what?

Itsuno is already on DD2 chill

Joke's on you, fag. I bought both games at launch night and had an absolute blast with them both, despite my bias towards DMC. Both are fantastic games. Capcom is back.

Quit trying to create a nonexistent shitpost war surrounding two of the best damn games released this year. Fuck your faggot ass right on off.

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Does this sound like Street Fighter 6 is in development? I don't see why they would still put in effort for SFV.

Their three recent major releases have all been fantastic and delivered on exactly what fans wanted. There are strong indications that their next game is DD2. The only thing they're missing now is a successful New IP. I dunno what it would take for you to consider them redeemed.

How is 2 Million for DMCV? I know DMC generally doesn't sell gangbusters.

For those unaware, Banana Buster is now available for free on Steam.

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>How is 2 Million for DMCV? I know DMC generally doesn't sell gangbusters
Since it was 2 million on the first 2 weeks, it's the most successfull DMC launch ever. Things looks good on the horizon, my bet is 4-6 million lifetime sales

Noice. Game is fantastic. I hope the sales are enough to justify some post-release content. Doesn't have to be Vergil or anything, just some additional costumes would make me happy.

rumors points to SE release with PS5 and XBOX 2
vergil campaign
lady trish campaign
more costumes

>within the same company.
What a basedboy.

>Capcom is making quality games again
>trying to force in some kind of rivalry between two franchises which are only comparable in the sense that they're both made by Capcom
Fuck off. I bought and enjoyed both of those games and just didn't buy MHW because I heard the PC port was ass. There's no beef here, the cringe is you trying to create controversy because "muh internet hate machine".

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I get the twewy and kh hate, but why does this spreg consider dmc to be a threat as well?

he hates everything that isn't ffxv

Cry more


Is there anything to back it up?

>No sales numbers for both REmake 2 and DMC5 even though the full year results just spout a vague "sold super duper well"


>Trying to create an imaginary rivalry between 2 Capcom series with shared fanbases

I know it's hard to admit that life didn't turn out as you expected, OP. But this isn't how you're gonna fix i.

What is happening this time ? We still don't know more than we did a few weeks ago when it comes to RE2 and DMC5 sales, so what is this shit all about ? We still don't know how much each sold right now.

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Way to show you're a newfag.
Go start some flamewar somewhere else.

>Be REfag
>Love RE2
>Try DMC5, first DMC game
>Love it too
>Now other REfags are making me look like an asshole
Fuck off, retard. I'm happy Capcom is doing well, regardless.

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shipped =/= units sold
why won't Capcom give us actual numbers? Did they actually flop that hard?

There's only rumors
They only release full numbers at the end of fiscal year

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That's some top tier word twisting OP

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Yeah, but coming from where? I haven't seen a single even "anonymous, unofficial" source for any kind of rumor. Where are you seeing these rumors? Or by rumor do you mean people hoping it'll happen?

I loved both games, sucks to be a retard like you

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That was actually shipped, not sold. I'm thinking Capcom wants the both of them to sell as much as possible before announcing any numbers since they're always expected to sell record numbers.

>I haven't seen a single even "anonymous, unofficial" source for any kind of rumor.

Capcom only gets the money when they ship the game, not when the store sells the game. Also, they undershipped hard DMC5 because they didn't put much faith on it, some stores ran out of the game copies

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It's actually a LGBT game as all the characters are all either gay or like it up the ass. V is a literal metaphor for being gay and at the end when he reunites with Urizen it symbolizes Vergil finally accepting his sexuality. All the qlyphoth roots that are found all over the game are phallic. Also trish and lady are a lesbian couple while Nico is bi

>Capcom only gets the money when they ship the game, not when the store sells the game.

Capcom gets from both, actually. But point still stands that Itsuno's slide was wrong since it was actually shipped, not sold.

>That image

Sounds like Capcom's old MO. But they better release it on PS4/Xbone too.

I am a huge fucking REfag but comparing its sales to DMC is just sad.
The RE series has over 20 games, a couple of animated movies, comics, (shitty)live action movies and a huge fanbase all around the world. Everyone and their mother knows the Umbrella logo.
DMC on the other hand has always been a much smaller franchise. They just got their first legit game in 11 years and it's a miracle this many people bought it considering the last "DMC" game was that absolute fucking garbage by Ninja Theory. Comparing DMC numbers with RE's is not fair and really pathetic.

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What the fuck, Nero literally is married to a church girl, Lady wants a boyfriend, Vergil fucked a woman and is Nero's dad, Dante fucked alot of womans in the novels

Is the Arc Sissy assblasted that no one is playing Goku FunctionZ and Boobertag due to them being just shit meme games after the hype died down?
Came back when those hacks can make a game that isn't fighting game shit.

It's a shitpost, user. Nico is probably bi, though. That one's believable.

Yeah, Nico is probably bi. She finds Lady body hot, tells to Kyrie call her a bitch while sperging out with Dante and Nero

Can someone make a wojak with that many masks

>Implying the FGCucks deserve a new fighter after their pitty tantrum over MvCI.
Nah they should wait 8 or 16 years before they can get a new Capcom fighter. Seems like a good punishment if you ask me.

>2m in 3 weeks is better than 2m in 2 weeks

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Bullshit. Darkstalkerchads have been waiting far longer than that.

Has DS even had a rerelease?

user, I...

Nero spends months away from kyrie and spends his time with a goth twink, a bi woman and a hot older guy who he wants desperately to be his daddy.
Nero obviously wants dick BAD.

Again V is a metaphor for being gay, having a kid or sex with a woman doesn't make you straight or else 90% of gay men are actually straight. Vergil is gay and this game was his jouney to accept his sexuality.

Trish and Lady are obviously fucking, cry as much as you want but they are lesbians

Not since Resurrection on PS3

Don't say it, I already know. I just want to believe.

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>redoubling its interest in esports

Fuck off. Play a real sport, nerds.

are you pic related?

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>Transgender lesbians
>#sons of sparda are [...]
Which is it?

No thats not me, Vergil and Dante are cis gay men

Dude, I'm actually gay and my gaydar is pretty solid.
Dante, as attractive as he is, is a suave guy who only really flirts with the ladies. He shows interest only towards feminine creatures.
Vergil is autistic. Just cause he's autistic doesn't mean he's gay.
Nero is married to a church girl.

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>Nero spends months away from kyrie
The game takes place in one day and Nero mentions and phones her multiple times.

>a goth twink
V is not a "twink" nor is he someone Nero spends time with.

>a hot older guy who he wants desperately to be his daddy
Dante hasn't even been long enough with him to tell him they're related. They probably barely see each other.

Lady and Trish don't even like each other nigga, they almost killed themselves in the anime

I mean...I could have literally typed that out. I don't think it's enough to consider an industry rumor.

I also don't see Capcom going back to their old ways unless they're going to pull an SFV Arcade and offer both a bundle and DLC option for the games.

>they almost killed themselves in the anime
I mean, so did Lady to Dante...

>Not recognizing the most obvious case of frenemies ever

Come on, user.

They still aren't lesbians wtf
Keep the degeneracy out of my DMC

Don't waste your time answering obvious bait, user.

considering all the gay art of Nero ive seen, they might as well make him V and Dante gay. It worked out great for Chris Redfield.

>DeviantArt Furfags still trying to say they play Darkstalkers though it's fandom is nothing more then degenerate waifufags.
No you fags still need to be punished. You fags had your chance and you failed. You rep what you sow.

>more people buy resident evil than devil may cry
woah, who could have predicted. Literally the only thing that matters is if each game met sales expectations, and Capcom has said as much for both

But my main isn't even one of the furry ones, retard.

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Sounds like MonHun is the based of the three, if something like this matters. It doesn't, however, so I guess you're retarded.

I think its time to bring back Deep Down then.

>Monstergirlfags in denial
Still a pathetic waifufag though.

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>six weeks is the same thing as two weeks
Why is OP so retarded

>raising the bar

So you hate Street Fighter fags for bitching about MvC and you hate Darkstalkerfags for no reason.
What fightan DO you like? Also
>Moving goalposts
>Implying you wouldn't

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>4M in sex weeks = 666666.67 per week
>2M in two weeks = 1000000 per week
Try finishing middle school before you start shitposting on Yea Forums child

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Capcom as a company does not deserve its own IPs.

I mean Console Versionsdon’t have much to look forward to other then ArchTem Nerg unless they announce something big

>Yet the FGCuck trying to also moving goal posts
Ok then faggot lets recap the massive tantrum you Darkstalkersfags threw when Resurection didn't sell enough when you clowns were blowing off Conman and Skullcucks at the time.
Also favorite fightin game is Samurai Shodown.

>YFW Samurai Shodownchads get a new game before Cuckstalkers does.

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>Yet the FGCuck trying to also moving goal posts
What the fuck does that mean, you fucking ESL nigger? I barely understand your post, either. You're lucky Samsho is based, otherwise I'd dismiss you entirely.

>no more DMC5 content
>no Vergil DLC

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people unironically swalloed up the demake """reimagining""" from capjew jesus christ

Shut up, faggot. RE2 classic is one of my all time favorite games and I thought RE2make was excellent. Stop acting like you know what you're talking about.

not an argument

Yeah because it's coming out with SE upgrade

"People unironically swalloed up the buzzword """buzzword""" from buzzword" isn't either.

If you want retards to start a shit flinging war you have to wait till the americans get out of school. Try again in a few hours.