Why was Shogun 2 the best Total War Game?

I'm playing Warhammer II and I'm shocked at how much diplomacy is missing.
Has the total war series improved on anything since Shogun 2? Or is Shogun 2 kino Total war?

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Because it actually featured an expansion pack with entirely new content and gameplay.

it's a product of love, they are huge weeaboos

I wouldn't know about that.
It's definitely a profuct of love, but the game has less to do with Japanese history than Naruto. It's a gorgeous dress up of a European tabletop wargame. A far as Japan is cocnerned, it's basically like >pic related.

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weebery or not, they had
>4 seasons
>robust diplomacy
>huge amounts of playable factions that were similar enough to be able to enjoy playing without having to relearn the game but different enough to definitely notice
>4 types of non-army board pieces
>many different types of troops that were easy to understand how to use
>good design for how to build up towns
>resources per province
>world map that was easy to know where you were at all times

I really have nothing bad to say about Shogun 2 from a game design aspect. At least once you put in the mod that you takes off the time limit. So I guess that is my one gripe.

Agreed on that.
Shogun 2 works as great as it does because it can do whatever and get away with it. Hence the ease of setting up all sorts of perfectly defined roles for buildings, for units, for various elements of the game.
And in the end, crucially, wrap it up in an appealing Japanese skin that no one outside of Asia could tell is nothing more than a massive farce.

Don't forget cohesive and very well crafted overall artstyle.

Try Attila. It's probably the most feature packed TW game. But expect battles that are not really great, stupid Huns mechanic, time period that many people dislike and really poor optimisation.

I’m actually playing this now, it’s great, probably the best atmosphere I’ve seen in a strategy game too.

Shgun 2 gameplay in battles is somehow similar to chess. Everyone has same few types of soldiers each diong its thing and you have to figure out how to beat the opponent with them.-

Atilla didn't really do it for me, thought I would like it. And why are half of my troops female?


Becuase it was made in 2015.

Attila would be so great if the Huns weren't so annoying to deal with, AI would actually try to stay alive and repopulate and arrow towers wouldn't be manned with a MG42 squad.

The Japanese lines were even better.
Like, if you click a unit to attack someone, the commander sometimes screams "Retreat!", the unit cheers and charges into the enemy.
Same for some Google Translate phrases like "Double time!" which turned out as "Using double the speed!" in Japanese.

I'm really glad this thread came up actually. I've been considering getting into a TW game, cause they look fucking SO FUN. I LOVE the idea of controlling an army, and that part looks way fun. However, everytime I look up something to do with the overworld/diplomacy stuff, it looks REALLY complicated. I know I might be outing myself as a brainlet, but it just sounds really difficult

If anyone has any advice for someone that's never played a TW game before, I'd love to hear it, cause Shogun 2 looks like the one I'd like to play most

There's a mod to fix that.

attila is dogshit

Yeah, but you first need to be a Japanese speaker to hear it. Which most people are not. Especially with Shogun 2.

It's a pretty simplistic clone of Nobunaga's Ambition/Romance of the Three Kinhdoms overworld, user.
There's nothing exactly hard about it given those are both console games. If you can handle Civilisation, it will be a walk in a park.
Worst come, you can always stick with skirmishes and historical battles. Most people never actually finish TW campaigns. Get in a few games, start up, take over a bunch of provinces and leave it to dick with the units in skirmishes once they get bored of the AI cheating.

attila is fun with mods

Shogun 2 is arguably the best introduction to Total War games.

Nice argument you got there.

I used to have a mod to turn off realm divide and turn off the campaign time limit.

Trying to find it again

family tree

Real Divide is actually good mechanic to keep endgame at least somehow challenging.
Also it is good to install diplomacy mod.

That's good to hear. I might just jump in one day. I guess you gotta treat it like one of the Paradox games. You can't win EVERYTHING, so you just focus on one little goal and work towards that right?

I just wanna do some cool flanking with horseman and shoot at guys with musketman and shit

No global food is stupid because it forces you to build same town everywhere. I give you this.
What do you even mean?
Yeah. The worst optimised TW game by far.
What's up with them?
>family tree
Same as in every other Warscape game.

It's much much more shallow than any Paradox game. BUT you can actually fight battles.

>Real Divide is actually good mechanic to keep endgame at least somehow challenging.
yeah, but I like steam rolling the rest of them and I don't like how realm divide just destroys everything I've worked up and built up to that point.

it feels like you are doing really good at a game of chess and then your opponent REEEs out and flips the table over

Is Fall of the Samurai the best expansion a Total War game has had to date?

Seconding this.


>spot on atmosphere from the Engrish voice acting, to the goofy ninja cutscenes back from Shogun 1, to the god tier UI with setting appropriate hand painted artworks, great soundtrack
>A E S T H E T I C as fuck graphics
>on point in terms of game mechanics
>last true Total War game free of cancer like automatically built ships or automatically generated garrisons or troops only being able to move with a general

Realm divide wasn't handled too gracefully and the lack of faction variety obviously hurts but god damn it's a fantastic game.

Is anyone keeping an eye on Three Kingdoms?

Try this mod it makes long term allies stick with you even after realm divide.

It is.

But I just downloaded Pack File Manager and I want to see if I can alter the .pak files on my own.

Love me some Shogun 2.
Although I'm having trouble finding the motivation to finish my current campaign. I'm so powerful and have so many armies that I can comfortably curb stomp everyone, but I need to go through like 10 regions to capture Kyoto which will be a bit tedious at this stage.

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Well you are playing with extened Japan mod so the number of provinces isn't exactly the game's fault.

I really wish kneel fire was standard. Before you unlock it, it makes your troops seem retarded and after you get it you'll basically never lose a battle again since the AI never uses it.
But otherwise yeah.

I'm curious as to how it will turn out, but it's by now obvious they never intended to go anywhere with it.

The game shows all the passion of a college student doing his semestral project assignment. Even fucking Battlefield 2 was more on-point with the Chinese and East-Asian culture which clearly says something.

Just compare

They couldn't even be fucked to use taiko drums and flutes. You know, the instruments invented in China and staples of East-Asian "war music". Which, among others, made Shogun 2 soundtrack the beauty it is.

Yeah, I'll pirate it. Not buying anything from SJW Assembly anymore.

Yeah I know, probably should've picked a faction closer to the center as the amount of provinces needed to win is still the same.
Could just sail there I guess, but that feels a bit cheap.

My biggest issue with Shogun 2 battles is how GOOD yari ashigaru are.

They shred cavalry, are cheap as dirt and can hold the line like nothing else. There's basically no reason to upgrade to yari samurai.

yari ashigaru are good because ai runs into yari wall

This. If you want to experience the best fun in Shogun 2, you'll just have to play MP.
Which is dead at this point, IIRC.