Hey Gordon, it's me - A BASED BLACK MAN who FUCKING LOVES SCIENCE like you do

>Hey Gordon, it's me - A BASED BLACK MAN who FUCKING LOVES SCIENCE like you do

Why were Valve games so reddit like in appearance?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Politics didn't exist until I started pretending to understand them, around 2016.

The wise old nigger/nigger oracle trope never gets old

PClardassess love niggers, muslims, trannies, lgbt shit

I liked him better in Half-Life 1 where I could just shoot him and his dozen clones.


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>the narrative used to agree with me but now it doesn't!!!


Certain parts about history and fiction don't hold up when you look back on them - sorry if that triggers you

>trannies, lgbt

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/pol/ topics GOOD
video games BAD

>Hey Mercs, it's me - A BASED BLACK MAN who FUCKING LOVES BLOWING THINGS UP like you do

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its for the greater good of fellow incel weebs

>reddit like in appearanc
The fuck does that mean?

Based character
Cringe character

Learn the difference, it could save your life

Thanks daddy Yea Forums, where would I be without you?

Fuck my daughter Gordon
Slobber her Oreo pussy clean
Use Dr. Klieners Lamar shaped fleshligjt to keep the blood flowing to your penis
Also fart in my mouth

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Demoman is Valve's best character.

I know right? *sigh* Life is so much more challening now that I took the red pill. I used to love HL2 when I was a kid. Now when I try to play it, I have to turn it off after 5 minutes because of all the soibois and cucks and black science men. It's all so reddit. By which I mean the bad parts of reddit not based T_D.

>A liberals idea of satire

>Halo 3
>Representing 9/11

Are you sure about that

The other games were social commenrty on actual events the bf game with the girl was shoe horning a strong woman to push feminist ideology

>Not realising you could argue that with BF by saying that it's social commentary on recent events about female protagonists in games and women in the industry

You can't win with losers that needlessly interpret fiction

>Chief: the Twin Citadels are under attack by Towelheaded Flood, use your influence with the Moneyloving Covenant to secretly create an inside job and make it a homebuilt disaster to strengthen the bond between Covenant and human soldiers and wipe out the Flood from "Halo" entirely!

Yeah I'm pretty sure

Lol butthurt. Hey, by all means keep being retroactively triggered over a black guy in a video game though.

Saying this unironically when you probably get triggered over Ace Ventura, discord tranny

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>not spy

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Reddit opinion

The only reddit-tier thing is your shitty post

Everyone there did. Including the dolphin.

-Modern Warfare made men fight enemy combatants and there was one female soldier who was a pilot because women are more common in pilot roles than in frontline infantry roles. It's realism, not politics.
-In AC you play as a muslim man killing off historical men who are part of a fictional secret society, in the name of a fictional creed of an actual muslim sect. It's fiction, not politics.
-In Halo you have a sci-fi reinterpretation of the biblical stories of the flood and a regular alien invasion story flavored with religious overtones instead of secular conquest. It's fiction, not politics.
-In Battlefield 5 you have an actual historical military operation performed by real men, depicted as having been performed by women. Now what is that? And could you ever get away with having people of color represented in the ranks of nazi officers?

> no ur the reddit

nice try but all of those are sony's target audience

Eisenhorn and Finkle
Both have a mighty PINGAS

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Are these "discord trannies" paying rent to stay in your head 24/7?

>-In AC you play as a muslim man
Nah. I don't see how anyone who lives by the credo "nothing is true, everything is permitted" could reasonably be classified as a muslim (or really any religion). The assassins are their own thing.

Just assume he's a retard and actually meant "Middle Eastern man"

halo 1 is straight up an adaptation of the New testament in video game form. its thematically and symbolically the new testament. jesus is john 117 and the covenant is the covenant. in a space marine shooter. lol

halo 2 had an absolute shitload of islamic influence. it was absolutely a product of the bush era politics of the time. you see the inside of the covenant for the first time and its far more an allegory for islam than it is for the vague pharasee jewish angle that the first one is going for. the main narrative to the game is still about false prophets and salvation but its just way more arabian and islamic than the first one ever was

i haven't played halo 3 but surely, surely it does.

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>Twin citadel
It's just high charity, and it gets attacked after the covenant unleashes the flood from installation 05

>Influence to strengthen the covenant human relationship
No, truth killing Mercy had no involvement from Chief or the UNSC, this and the switching of brutes from elites caused a civil war in the covenant ranks.

Reddit spacing

I've never played Halo, I was just guessing

No u r reddit

Why do you care so much about skin color?
Have sex

>polfag claiming anything else is reddit

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No I meant that AC is based on an actual sect of muslims, Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad being one of them but they wrote fictional motivations for that sect's shenanigans to fit in with their low-rent illuminati fiction and sci-fi creation myth. The hashashin were shia irl, but in AC they only have their creed.

Are your ancestors hebrew?

doesn't the US government betray you in the end of mw2

Yes, I too remember when Chief died and came back to life to spread his faith in peace and nonviolence.

Now get over here Gordon and fuck my daughter!

muh token intelligent nigger scientist has existed since forever
nobody cares about blacks in games until they started forcing them into places they don't belong like world wars and egypt
nobody wants to play as a black female transgender SS officer

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Doesn't Master Chief's suit have a function to jack him off or something?

>muh token intelligent nigger scientist has existed since forever

Why does that justify it?

No way fag

Implying he isn't impotent

>Halo is about 9/11
holy shit hahahahaha

Especially when Valve drones say these games have good writing (lol)

>a nigger who blows things up
how the fuck did they get away with it

>being this much of a insecure fag

they only made demo black because the scotsman trope is extremely overused and unfunny
a crazy drunk nigger that blows things up would never fly today

Insecure how? I don't play garbage games. Sounds like you're insecure considering you replied to me with ad hominem and have no argument.

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Valve is older than reddit and most redditors that are relevant here have played half life

Scottish tokenism

>Why were Valve games so reddit like in appearance?

to be fair... Half Life 2 existed before reddit was even born.

This guy is great though. Not only that he is only black because it makes sense game design wise to make him more distinguishable from some of the other mercs.

Then why is HL2 so Something Awful Forums like in appearance?

Big yikes... literally IRC the game.

Does that mean that Yea Forums is SomethingAwful in its core? Moot was a goon after all.

>This guy is great though. Not only that he is only black because it makes sense game design wise to make him more distinguishable from some of the other mercs.

"It's okay to replace white people because blacks are more distinguishable! THERE SHOULD BE A MIDDLE EASTERN AND ASIAN MERC TOO!!!1"


Didn't say this lol. But feel free to think this is what I meant though because its really funny to watch you squirm.


>A game with all 9 males? Pffft, disgusting - we need women representation up in here! Pyro doesn't count, Heavy as a woman now!!!1

>hehhe i am le ebin puppet master!!!1

Cringe my dude

You are literally bleaching his daughter, who gives a fuck.

>ad hominem
Ah yes a master debater. I tip my fedora to you my good sir. You are le gentleman and le scholar xD

>not fucking the redhead with the turtleneck

I mean do you tribalism baiting guys trying to undermine USA and globlism so that Israel can take the lead of the world by 2100 really need to post on Yea Forums?

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>Cringe my dude
So is bitching about trivial shit about there being nonwhites in video games.
Imagine giving a fuck about this.

god i would do things to alyx...

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And the HLfag reveals why he loves HL2 so much

>I get to roleplay a guy who gets dat sweet blasian poonanie

Good taste.

lol you sound a little obsessed there buddy XD

I jerked off to her jean ass when I first played it

If HL3 ever comes out, Alex would be retconned into a tranny.

the female citizens are CUTE

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What does it say when COD Zombies has a less cringe cast than most Valve games? Even the asian guy is an honorary white by being voiced by a white dude

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Gaben has probably sucked a trannies penis IF I'M HONEST

Enlighten me on how a single character having their skin changed because of a game design decision makes the game "cringe".
And quit using that fucking word its even more meaningless and retarded then soulless and shovleware.

Does this mean Samurai Jack is black?

Gib me sarina

Outside of some globo homo's liberal utopian wet dream, who the fuck has ever heard of a black Scotsman?

Google Japan and World War 2, zoom zoom

Kill yourself, homo.

This but unironically

>who the fuck has ever heard of a black Scotsman
Fucking nobody regardless it's well known at this point that his skin was only changed because they wanted every class in the game to be very distinguishable at a glance.
Why the fuck do you retards always think there is some alternator motive anytime a nonwhite shows up?

Bait thread.

No u

>Fucking nobody regardless it's well known at this point that his skin was only changed because they wanted every class in the game to be very distinguishable at a glance.

And deathly pale white guy with red hair wouldn't be?

You (((guys))) expose yourselves easily.

Imagine trying to push your idpol agenda this much to a board full of retard degenerates. Like, have sex already lmao

politics were always important but most people don't even know what that subject is really about

Hiro should do this site a favor and gather a list of IPs that have visited this site from 2016 to now, and range ban about half of them.

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they mainly changed it as a joke though
they know how to make a character distinguishable without changing their skin color

>even more ad hominem and reddit memes
You sure showed me.

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>And deathly pale white guy with red hair wouldn't be?
Not as distinguishable as a drunk nigger who screams at the top of his lungs.
You guys are such losers holy shit lmafo.
Holy shit just shut up already.
Nobody fucking cares.


I love this projecting spergery that I brought out of you, incel.

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Have sex already. Nobody cares.

Women fought in WW2 brainlet:


>post 9/11 fundamentalism is suddenly 9/11 itself.

Nice try.

Is this an ironic thread? I've been out of the loop for a while and need to understand on how many layers were operating now

Kys SJW cuck. The other shit was just entertainment that people grasping at straws added politics to

I like your source.

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I'm guessing the earth is flat then.

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More pls

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>who the fuck has ever heard of a black Scotsman?

We keep them in the zoo for children to stare at.

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You know there’s a fuck ton of evidence proving it that isn’t Wikipedia, right? If you go up to a top of a mountain, do you see a curve?




People really trying to rewrite the narrative that """""we"""" always hated Eli?

cute Wokadamiku feets!

>who the fuck has ever heard of a black Scotsman?
No one, that's the joke user, he's a black scottish cyclops, he said it himself

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When was the last time people cared about the nignog again? I fucking laughed when the faggot died in episode 2

>YouTube trying to use Wikipedia articles to make people believe reptilians aren't real and 9/11 was just muslims

Cucks can continue liking Eli, but I never liked this pandering shitter - even when Yea Forums was Yea Forumsalve worship general


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Alright so if Soviets having female soldiers was such a noteworthy thing that it's clearly uncommon or exceptional then why isn't the battlefield woman soviet???

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Heard of observational science? Because there's no way to prove the earth isn't flat using this method. Thus we can conclude it's most likely based on bullshit and faulty conclusions.

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>game takes a ton of liberties that are ignored
>why isn't this female soldier shown to belong to the army that used the most women? muh realism!

Yeah man, I'm sure realism is what you care about.


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newearth on yt megalithic structures, atlanteans, dwarfs, ancient japan


it's a racist stereotype created by hollywood jews and has nothing to do with modern social justice

>halo is 9/11
every time

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thank god this thread has a reason to exist


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Why are you so afraid of challenging preconcieved notions pushed on you by (((them)))?

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I dream about cheese

He was a based black man. He even let me fuck his daughter -sip-

Finishing before the next wave of morning anons find this thread

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i miss him bros

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>that hair

better than gordon to be honest

>trying this hard to fit in
Maybe you should not play video games if you get triggered by blacks so much

What the fuck do blacks have to do with video games lmao

His brain was eaten by an advisor.

What the fuck do humans have to do with video games lmao

MW2 is literally about the US being the bad guys with a general who started war to bring back patriotism.

>What the fuck do humans have to do with video games lmao

Good thing blacks aren't human

Yeah, we should have nothing but blacks in video games.

whats stronger, his laser sight pistol or master chiefs pistol

>opposing force 2 never.

because eli has more to his character than "yea i am BLACK and a SCIENTIST, what about it white boi?"

spot on

The thing about Valve writers is just that they are excellent. They just write so well that they know the fact that agenda pushing and shit like that is not good writing, good writing is things that support the overarching narrative. Him being black is not an issue, because his an individual, not a black stereotype. Like, what race is Alyx? Nobody cares, because she feels so real and in real life nobody cares unless the person is unlikable in someway.

The real question is why have a bunch of shit unimportant west "front" battles in the game, when +80% of German casualties and everything important in WW2 happened on the East front?
Really if you wanted to make a female soldier the easiest choice would have been the red army, but presenting ebil russia as woman friendly or anyway glorious/anti-nazi goes against the leftist jew-american worldview and we can´t have that shit, even though USSR made quite a big deal about their women in jobs/army etc.

Not spy.
Demoman > Scout > Spy > Soldier > Medic > Engineer > Heavy > Sniper > Pyro

That's exactly what the image says.

Funny thing is the only reason why he was black is because one of those two generic scientist that sends Gordon to get help and retcon into characters was black

Because the USSR was way worse then the Germans and would ruin the black and white view people have of WW2.

>>>>>>>>no NieR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>no Deus Ex 1
The children on this site are getting ridiculous

best characters:
soldier > spy > heavy > demo > engi > medic > sniper
kiddo tier:
Scout > Pyro

Say what you want about BFV but Last Tiger is kino as fuck


Were the nips always edited out like this?

t. tranny freak

Demoman is based as fuck, don't know why people here are such faggots



Sarina Valentina

>Jesus is John 117
John is Elijah and instead of killing 300 false prophets he kills 3

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I'm not going to defend Stalin and Bolshie jews, but the majority of slavs ended up siding with the communist because Stalin at least guaranteed the survival of their people and culture.
Best case scenario for East Europe if Germany won was maybe 50% get "lucky" to work as slaves and the smartest kids will be allowed to be German.
Stalin was shit, but at least casualties would be in the 5-20% of the population at max.

Don't give me the Hitler did nothing wrong bs, Germans were absolutely retarded with their Herrenvolk mentality in east europe.

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take your meds
have sex

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who did he lose his leg btw?

halo was about a none diverse faction beating the shit out of a diverse one

>all games are clearly supposed to be fiction
>battlefield vagina was marketed as a historical shooter based on true events
totally the same tranny ;)

Fucking got em


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Should be a banner

the fucking state of this site now

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this thread is fucking trash, jesus christ. arguing about representation in video games is political, not vidya, fucking take your autistic seriousposts to /pol/ so we can go back to e3 speculation and sonic autism

I don't get it, though.
They did it because they want it to be "inclusive"
but why the fuck would anyone want to feel included in something as terrible as war?
Hell shouldn't that also mean that any representation of slavery should include white slaves so they would be "inclusive" even though it's terrible?

You Valve cucks haven't given a reason to like Eli other than he's in an old game; so good work my dude.

I like when he goes ahhhh after telling his daughter to fuck some dude

Would be based if he did, but there is no Half Life 2: Episode 3, The Son of Gordon (but face it, because it's a numale game by a numale company, it'd be the daughter of Gordon)

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heh yeah and like, degeneracy libtard npc too

It's unironically leftist that come up with the same reasoning as Trotsky, who say that violence and war is good as long as it is done to the right guys. People on the right to be clear.

*braps in your face* If the shoe fits.

Wow that's fucked up
Glad we on the right would never wish to genocide in such a way

To be honest i have no idea what the far right is thinking deep down, they meme some messed up shit, but if they genuinely believe in it such as Antifa does i don't know.


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HL was a garbage game anyway. Linear as fuck, boring setpiece fights, slippery-feeling controls, and a story that's just a bargain basement discount generic version of Doom anyway.

Based and accuratepilled

high Iq post

>set in Post nuclear apocalypse Russia
>franchise created by a Russian and made by Ukrainians
>Government is depicted as corrupt on almost every level, enacts no due process, and lies to control its people
Hm. What did they mean by this?

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what would (((they))) even gain from lying about the true shape of the earth?

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Round earth = women in the workplace (or worse, in games). Do you really not understand that?


their points are the same

I really wasn't and will be posting this thread again soon

what does the shape of the planet have to do with women having work?

You are so fucking bluepilled holy shit.

this. always funny as shit

throwing around buzzwords like a disturbed monkey doesn't help you in the slightest

so angry

>Baiting this hard
I am convinced that you are just pretending to be stupid for (you)s.

>(((soviet))) information
Yeah just like that female sniper that totally got a bazillion kills

this is so cringe and retarded


Congratulations, you have pierced the veil. Welcome to the real Yea Forums(nel).

post more

>((( )))

Reminder that the Combine is too big of an empire to be defeated.


i got rejected today, what game do I play to deal with this bros

Eli was in half life before reddit or resetera existed you retard

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>Defending niggers in games
Fuck off back to retardera and remember who OWNS this board.

the gook who's literally siphoning your data for money? face it, retard; you're not in charge, you're just a pawn.


Kill yourself you nigger kike

You need to have sex. Both of you left and right leaning faggots need to have sex.

based sexually active centrist

As long as it's proportionally accurate

So by OP's logic, Valve created Reddit, since Valve, Half Life and Eli Vance predates Reddit.
What other insights do you want to share?

Im a jew, you're a jew, we're all jews.

he was black in half life 1 albeit with bare bones character design
fuck nigs tho

all those games suck

france had niggers in both ww but dice and ea just fell to the french surrending monkey meme