What game is he talking about?
What game is he talking about?
Other urls found in this thread:
World War 2: Tycoon Simulator
Character dies.
The American hero wins just like in the movies.
don't leave me
Probably some adventure game.
By the way, that bitch is legit crazy.
you get shot and come back to life
Narancia and Bruno die
You were stuck in a book an eldritch horror brought to life trying to free itself on the world.
You were technically in a coma the whole time.
The old world was flooded
Legit crazy HOT
Knife for an eye you fucking piece of shit.
No one would get it
The game where you post twitter screencaps on Yea Forums
Bruno is already dead.
bruno is already a zombie retard
You can't stop the cycle bro LOL
How so? I liked her videos with LGR.
user... you can't spoiler a manga from 19 years ago. Everyone already knows that.
Aside from anime-only scum.
To that I may add that Polnareff is on a wheelchair and becomes a turtle for the rest of his life.
You were beautiful to her.
you find out who was phone and kill them
The bad guy was actually your barely alluded to brother and not the split personality you were implied to have
The little girl has the fastest monster
You bamboozle an undead dragon into committing super sudoku.
jesus christ your standards are low dude
Jet Jesus blows up the big gun and wins the war.
>a lunar alien is sexualy abusing you grandfather
Your sister was there the entire time, but nobody could interact with her because of the law
Easy one. RGB.
Loose Boy is such a fucking hack.
Don't have a fave game so here's two
>Character from previous game say tag line from previous game
>The sky is dead, not sure if anyone survived
She’s a dyke
The explosion was manipulated and you were asleep.
I'm waiting for the fucking Polnareff episode already. I think it's getting close.
Grim Fandango, of course.
>The sky is dead, not sure if anyone survived
smt nocturne?
She´s cute. The tattoos ruin her, tough
that means he's probably happier than the rest of us. I almost envy him. almost.
never played that game, how does it end?
Your childhood friend was actually the most powerful. That indestructible flying sword thing is hers, by the way
father was alive and kicking the whole time
autistic brothers are happy because they're fighting in hell
Hotline Miami
Memes. Just memes.
my standards are not high at all but she's easily a 4. I just dont understand the idea of someone thirsting over someone over the internet when they're so meh looking. If he had a shot with her IRL it'd be different
Nobody gives a fuck about jojo except anime secondaries
That's the whole point to spoil anime onlys. I've read every part I even know Yasuho dies in part 8
You saved the world only for shit to get much worse as a result. Now go kill yourself.
The legend of zelda spirit tracks
She also overdosed on drugs at one point. There's shit like that sprinkled throughout her videos.
In the video Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes with LGR she lashed out on the chat when people pointed out that she didn't know what lambda is, which made even Clint uncomfortable.
you destroy a moon base and save a coffee pot and an unborn fetus
The future changed. Or not, depends on the ending you get
All the player characters are actually split personalities of that neurotic schoolboy
You were an autistic teenager all along
Cute average girls are nice
A eternal sphere outside of a different dimension.
You realize you just wasted X hours playing this retarded game.
Star Citizen.
He realizes that there is no way to fight this and the nukes drop
The Desolate Hope
>>The sky is dead, not sure if anyone survived
STALKER clear sky?
Iron man dies
>not high
>she’s a 4
Your standards are unrealistically high, user.
Man, Hotline Miami 2 was such an awesome game.
>still trying a week after it was done
Similar events are actually playing out in two different time frames. This was done on purpose to summon an entity beyond time and space
>Had mental problems and relied on drugs for it
>Actually seeked help for her mental problems
>Becomes a functional youtuber
>"Yo dis bitch be crazy!"
This ones easy, the name is pushing up roses my dudes, its obviously Grim Fandango.
Some kid kills her adoptive mother after she became a momster.
he kills his "father" then goes back home to have a threeway with a reverse trap and his sister
man, I phrased this so it could be lots of things
The games I was thinking of were
Borderlands 2, Lilith says THE LINE from THE SONG and EDF4.1, you kill the fucking sky and then it explodes huge while the guy on the coms tells you to run
>completely ignore his second point
Lol based anime retard
You undo everything you've spent doing for the entire game because you hope that will get you laid.
Come back home
Everything is fucked
Even the bunny is dead
The murderers are the young author and the school teacher.
Also the therapist was the serial killer who murdered your wife years ago
bingo bango bongo
The dismissed claims shouldn't have been dismissed. Now it's too late
Mizuti was a girl and your girlfriend was a whale the whole time.
Most women I see IRL are well above this. She's not my type at all, but I probably would if I had the chance. you do you I guess
its almost like she isn't a perfect human being!
Stop whiteknighting you faggot holy shit how do people even still do this
Correct but then again, not getting it would be embarrassing
You betray your boss to save what you came to destroy.
She's an adventure game youtuber so probably The Last Express or something
19th Century battleship blows up the moon.
You DON'T fuck any of your hot female classmates.
can you give timestamp of the keep talking video?
My favorite game series of all time user
>stop defending people I shit on for no reason! GOD
The witch is "killed"
>Most women I see IRL are well above this.
She looks like a guy
And then they had sex.
The end is never the is never the end
Sup Pushing Up Roses.
Your fat homie betrayed you
>this bitch is crazy
>she lashes out at people for playfully joking around
Yeah totally rational.
>calls someone crazy
>people BTFO you with facts
Fear 2
Your friend isn’t actually your friend but some evil scientist lady experimenting on you. The manipulative bitch is actually your friend and is best girl
Turns out it was you from the future
Infamous 2
turns out you had no sex after all.
That game was great
Big bad is replaced by a bigger baddie
Then the protagonist goes back to sleep.
Depends. As a background:
>God/The Great Will has been building and destroying realities until he can finally get to one with absolute control
>A few humans are left alive in the Vortex World to decide how the new world will be built and the cycle repeats
>Lucifer decides to throw a spanner in the works and turns you into a half demon, a Demifiend and tasks you with reaching him at the base of a labyrinth
There are the Reason endings, which vary on who you chose to side with and recreate the world in that image.
There's then the Neutral end, where you reject God's avatar, Kagutsuchi, and force him to recreate the world as was
If you fuck that up, Kagutsuchi leaves you to die in the Vortex World for eternity
Then if you manage to prove your worth to Lucifer, you destroy the universe in its state of rebirth and lead the legions of Chaos to fight God
Asura's Wrath?
You know, unless you bought the ending DLC
>we have to stop this crazy authoritarian madman
>so that we can become the crazy authoritarian madmen instead
One of those games that's 8/10 until the story butts in
For one faction, you decide that discretion is the better part of valor so you leave once things go south in your operation. And one of the commanding officers commits fratricide.
For the other, you eventually win that part of the war but the overall fate of the world is left uncertain.
Dany kills the vomiting bald fat guy
Jon kills Dany
The angry fuck-up who ruined everything in the first place ends up sacrificing themselves to save the day, everything is sunshine and roses afterwards, their kid even gets to live happily ever after
He fades away because he's a dream
The plot gets hijacked by super AI and ancient Mesoamerican conspiracies and it’s all just kinda dumb bullshit at the end
The girl was saved, and then the dog and the evil guy went away.
Grim Fandango
>LGRs jewish tranny boyfriend who's still using 2005 era video cameras
Ah yes, the woodgrain programmes socks are best used for discord
You were in a bus accident and are destined to be one of two survivors everything you saw was the collective dying dream of others on the bus to prep you for the real world
Fable 3
Local dad genocides humanity
And so he left, more machine than man.
Came here to post this
Shit fucked me up the first time through
GTA San Andreas
you save the princess from the bad guy
Meat moon fucks the earth regardless
The Helicopters crash because the anomalies move dynamically and can't be mapped.
You leave this world. It's not as scary as it sounds.
Everyone dies at the end
And then she flew off to the moon.
Good hunting, Stalker
but wait! the ending might still be happy because the flying helper robots carry the human robots away from the rubble
Commit genocide, everybody stops fighting and teams up to kill you, you kill them and commit even more genocide.
They wake up and she sings a song
QTE, followed by the new recruit thinking you're a traitor and giving you up to the space feds. Didn't even get to rail the chick or say goodbye to your dead bro.
After all that bullshit you still get gunned down like a dog. Your son follows your footsteps anyway
postal 2?
Bad guy get crushed, you get crushed, but your brother saves you.
I'm pretty sure the fact that I was stuck playing as Jack killed any desire I had to keep playing once I finished the story.
You win. Then you have like 800 of endgame farming to beat a fag with bloated stats
You lose or the game stops working.
>Kill God
>Become God
>Kill God
>Without giving any context
>Gives context
One job nigger
One of the Armored Core games.
It's all a simulation and you're actually the alien who has to choose between saving humanity or destroying it
You beat up the robot boss and save the sexy tanned girl.
Good to see someone else recognises just how much of a fucking tool Leandros was
Dragon's dogma?
Soldier leaves his virtual girlfriend to go into a frozen tube so he can go into a comatose for an indefinite amount of time
You got it, pretty easy one though.
Leandros was right except he should have told the company's chaplain, not the =][=
Your close friend is actually the antagonist but corrupt politicians controlled him the whole time
I tried to save the galaxy but some asshole and his squad of niggers said no, and now everyone's fucked.
It wasn't a simulation. You were held in captivity because you were a weapon sent out to annihilate the entire planet. The people you fought against were the last guardians who could stand up against you if you ever broke free.
you fuse with your other half and destroy the world, its one of 2 endings and its the only way to exact vengeance on one of the villains
this one is easy lads
Gears of War?
MC comes home, does a sick air guitar and steals the girl
All you had to do was follow the GOT DAMN train CJ.
>your plan to destroy the world fails and you end up saving it instead
Red, blue or green?
Or none of the above?
The protagonist spit the deuteragonist & tritagonist out of his body then fight them 1v2.
>sheds single tear
I'm sad lads...
You defeat a God.
Good luck getting this one.
the onion saves your ass
The main character goes to heaven with his wife.
The devil cries
Not what I was thinking, but it works
Oldking did nothing wrong
pic related
literally any JRPG
The mastermind was that sleepy looking nurse
But which one.
Fuck thots, go to space
Dragons Dogma
>you kill the fucking sky and then it explodes huge
EDF is crazy
the master mind of the incident comes over for tea
Are we talking about the same game?
Mine was Prey (2017)
You put the moon back
You were dead all along. Except you weren't, so you kill god and take his place.
>go to her twitter
>one of the first posts is of Hitler
You weren't wrong
He's now King of the School
Everybody in your entire class and party dies, except the newbies.
Grim Fandango
Speedrun 64?
The main antagonist gets cucked out of his one and only goal.
>villain brings forth the apocalypse in hopes of stopping you
Two anime lolis get murdered with jet propelled spears and magical songs so that the trees can be real
Greeks get btfo'd by the US
Sounds like Resident Evil 2.
>Jeanne-Louis didn't believe it.
You're wrong. It's not that you're dreaming, you are the dream
You kill God, then you become God and kill all your friends except for your waifu of choice.
>God is actually a douchebag scientist from a previous universe, and you kill him with his own reincarnated supercomputer
Xenocringe 2
Muh nado boy?
Xenoblade 2?
SMT:DDS, specifically 2.
Drawn to Life 2
You kill the gods with the power of friendship while crying like a bitch.
DARKNESS was actually LIGHT
Then you close a door
That's the one.
I've actually not played XB2 so if that game follows the same plot as the first that's pretty funny.
Not my intention, but actually sort of yeah.
My buddy
Op game is grim fandango, heres mine: so they entered the portal and remained there to cut down a big tree
BioShit Infinite
Your fujobait boyfriend kills your evil father and you kill interdimensional dragon mech but your fujobait boyfriend dies and your evil father is actually alive but your fujobait boyfriend is somehow alive and secretly working for your evil dad who turns out to not actually be evil but blackmailed by interdimensional hatred ayy lmaos and so you all kill yourselves but not really and revive because gary stu timeline powers and fuck all the girls in your harem and cuck your male party members
the end
Metal Gear Rising
Your childhood friend was humanity's worst enemy and you kill her.
Try as much as you might, you cannot get the dolls to go away. Because you don't want them to.
If you don't cum during the footjob, she will die
Phobos, one of the moons orbiting Mars, is actually an apocalyptic weapon.
He didn't have a plan after all.
You're trying to save your daughter or sister from an evil spirit that was actually you the whole time and you just slaughtered a bunch of infants.
You beat up a robot you with the power of boners.
Hint: the game is based on a children's cartoon.
They met up at the statue after about four weeks.
The ride never ended
You punch the final boss into the sun.
The dog was controling everything
You lose The Game
I dunno but it sounds kind of fucked up,what is it user?
the 2nd play through of that game when you start realizing all the atrocities you committed and then continue to do them again is goat
just nothing and buildings and crowds and stuff. same thing.
Dragon's Dogma
>you can't spoiler a manga from 19 years ago
But I can spoil a manga from 35 years ago
Son Goku is actually an alien who was sent to earth to kill everyone on it.
not my favorite game by any means but,
They get eaten by a moon
lightning returns
You and your army kill the evil scientist and you get to live in a post-apocalyptic world with a gender-bent clone of said scientist
between Hanzel & Gretel, the Wolf, and Beepy that is what really put me over the edge
Oh my god, he fucking opened it.
The main villain, or hero depending on your point of view, escapes taunting you to try and out smart him. All your hard work means more or less nothing as the city isn't any better off than before you arrived.
Drawn to Life
Drawn to Life : The Next Chapter
The whole game was the story on how you got crowned king of all the land
Dead Space 3?
Second best credits song in the series, topped only by Silent Hill no Uta.
you die
She gets OFF the train, though
Half as Long
Twice as Bright
You win the race against god.
Soul Sacrifice?
Too easy
F-zero GX
Local clergy causes major headache for adventurer.
Persona 4: Racing All Afternoon?
You are Dracula. Surprise!
Grim Fandango.
you press a button
Hi I'm the final boss fight me
Doesn't matter when it's from, spoiling secondaries is not only great fun, it's also your duty
Fallout 1.
Your kinky butler was the villain all along... somehow. You shoot him.
You kill the one person most determined to stop you from reaching the horrible, unavoidable end, and then spend 15 minutes being disappointed
There was cake.
If you are about to call me a zoomer, think again.
killer7... again
/Vg/ simulator 2019
Bing Wahoo 64
You stop a meteor from killing the main antagonist
And then shit blew up and cut to 500 years later
The final boss is a scientist who was trying to save the world but went nuts. Every boss (and possibly every monster from random encounters?) used to be a human but was experimented on and twisted into whatever they are now.
And hey, remember that dude from the beginning of the game and his pet wolf? It's strongly implied that after they died the scientist fused both of them into the third most horrifying monstrosity you can find.
Chopin goes berserk
>Objective: Survive
Dark Souls ?
>spoil without context
>gives context
how do you even do this without giving a context? by outright naming the game?
Katana in a suit case.
The enemy army was led by a clone made by an ayy in order to weaken and capture the world
Halo Reach
Girl you thought was dead is alive, has no knowledge of you, but still somewhat recognizes you.
Who is promptly defeated by a teenager with a wrench.
Protagonist and antagonist settle their differences over a tea party and flower viewing.
The princess was in that castle
Your friend tried to kill you in the beginning and he's also running a mafia
The extended story in the HD remake of a 10 year old game includes a boss that is the amalgamation of nostalgia and unwillingness to let go of the past which the main character and final boss work together to defeat using the power of fanservice.
Everyone gets it, dumb zoomer
Power of friendship.
ghost trick
Harry Potter probay
You kill your parents, then your love turns out to be evil and possesses you, then you eat your siblings.
worst end
Purseowner 5
The world was actually destroyed long ago by the main threat. Your father was once head of the crime syndicate before they lost their way. The memento he left you is key to defeating the main threat
Mario 64
Attack on titan
The woman that's been helping you throughout the game is actually the time traveling avatar of your ship's AI from the far future after it ascended to godhood.
Green threads stop a meteor.
A planet blows up in one of three different colors depending on your previous actions.
Washing machine
You do a colony drop to kill a parasite
you ARE the demons
>Close your eyes
“Fuck you nigga, we ending the world first”
>The racist warmongering crusader is actually your autistic adopted son from the future
The galaxy is at peace
3 people come out of the rubble, as they escape the ruined prison they wonder if everything was as they were told
I’m never eating calamari again
Into the breach
"Dead" Eldritch abomination makes you indirectly kill other three Eldritch abominations in different timelines then merges the three timelines so all stay dead
Your sister dies
You killed her
You ruin the big bad's vacations so you can enjoy yours
The real treasure was the friends who stole it and left a bomb that blew your ass up
You weren't changing the past, you were seeing the future.
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
>colony drop
>hitler jokes=crazy
the reddit invasion is real
Nigga I walked out of that bitch
Dude she doesn't you retard. Don't give fake spoilers. Unless you're from the future?
Super Mario Sunshine
You have two options:
A: become king of the snake people
B: set yourself on fire
pic related
you lay a bunch of eggs and jump off a balcony
everyone dies but not really
The protag's son's half sister kills an edgelord.
planescape torment
You were the evil god all along.
You save your dad after he gets vored by a giant space dragon
You triple-kys
you kill yourself to avenge your gf
Get shot on roof, see red
Another one
Find dead guy
Shoot team mates
Get killed by them
The shit is with all these spoiler assholes?
I want to go through this thread while laughing at endings I recognize and maybe say something obscure shit every now and then.
Not to get spoilers
I must...
With Morganna
G Senjou No Mao?
Why you must do this?
Karin no Kuni
I never actually did finish it, got past the second household and just kind of gave up is it actually worth it since I know the twist?
Isn't it hinted a lot?
If you believe it can change, it will change.
Sorry, *Sharin
The king pardons him
Heroine reconnects her world with the outside world. Resulting in her and the original her to be reborn again as sisters instead of ceasing to exist and being carried by her older sister.
This may appear to be an answer to a gess, but I like to think it's actually a spoiler for system shock 2
The world ends with you.
No need t guess what game.
A average Man saves the day and does a better Job than a tactical team and a survivalist that punch really good
>dude, it was all a dream, lmao
>Tha alien you've beaten isn't really dead, and is revived as your doppelganger
>Turns out this angry spirit you've fighted all along was an experiment from the government. You're another successful experiment by the government. You nuke the city.
>Those stones you collected during your journey only resulted in reawaking an ancient evil. You beat this evil nonetheless with the stones.
>Your partner was the love interest from the baddy all along. The only reason the baddy wanted to destroy the worlds was that he was heartbroken by her dissapearance.
>The inhabitants from this village were acting crazy not because of an angry spirit, but because of fucking insects.
>You didn't understand the ending
Same here, completing the remaining sidequest as another person didnt feel right
Dragon's Dogma
Spec Ops: The Line
As for mine: "The dream interjected a world trapped in a never-ending cycle and the dreamer managed to break it."
Don't open it
It turns out you’re the one who killed your co-worker’s parents.
persona 3
Blonde kills the zombie necromancer Centurion and the god of tentacle rape and death kills all of the other gods and rots inside of a temple.
She was Chinese.
Shamu puts on a show
Evoland 2
You are strelok
Dance ending is canon though
The cosplayer is the mastermind
You find your lost sister, and end up fighting her
But they were actually all dead the entire time
you defeat a sea creature but you need to destroy your clock so the sea creature wont come back
you change your reality
Game doesn't have an ending, but i'll do my best.
>You're the only one who has to play by the rules because the Pope is a double nigger.
>You kill the one person most determined to stop you from reaching the horrible, unavoidable end
Marauder Shields?
Indigo Prophecy
local moon ruins everything
>Get shot
Cut to credits.
kuja is zidane's brother
(You) are you
What game
You see your past present and future to awesome music
You ride off on your horse, never to be seen again.
Yes. Especially for the true end.
I rarely play all routes in vn, but I did finish sharin 100%
Google clockwork orange ending
You were a cat the whole time. The lamp was a dog.
Well there's multiple endings but god dies in all of them.
Better explanation
A madman speaks to you in platitudes while messing with time
Turns out the main villain didn't actually cuck you and your gf is just his fantasy waifu.
Ow the edge?
Rest in peace Missile
Was the final book of the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe ever made into a game?
Any game written by Uchikoshi?
After killing the wish stealing omni-demon, hero goes back to sleep on his home planet.
You start all over again
This time the bug exterminator didn't die, but we lost a doll because of this mute bastard.
San Andreas
One of the characters gets crushed, friend tries to save him and fails, gets put in a wheelchair. Other characters surrenders to the police to let those 2 friends excape.
Ends up escaping from the police helicopter anyway.
Why the fuck are you faggots so obsessed with shit from Twitter?
The game was so bad the ending of the game is the main character going back in time to never set off the event that started it to begin with.
Disgaea 2
Sonic 06
Town with no name
that's not hitler it's a character from a Murder She Wrote episode
You get into a coma after being raped by kindergartner succubis.
Jumping from a moving spaceship to get stranded on a desert planet is a good idea. Also the shit about torches and numbers in the opening scene never came up, unless it was just referring to the number of planets.
There's a ball on the tower and time has stopped.
To be continued~
>Has to ruin one of the greatest animes of the modern times.
you become a god after killing all of your brothers and sisters
Only diference was in color
It was all the dream of a man on his deathbed.
your former employer kills your auntie and you beat him up
Pucci succeeds in resetting time and killing Josuke after evolving his stand twice but is stopped by Emporio after several resets causing Jojo canon to completely reset
Eternal Sonata
>Yea Forums is basically twitter now
Wow I didn't think people even played it.
and so they flew away on the wreckage, the experience changing them (or not, depends on the character)
the bad guy was your friend the whole time
Dark Souls
>Ruining the anime for other anons
Okay I gotta find out what this one is. Sounds absolutely batshit
the nexus explodes
Not the right game but I guess it works though
Ray is the mastermind
you and your friends vandalize everything and kill an old hipster trying to find some vinyl.
Your "friends" try to steal your conflict diamonds, that would've helped the locals, so you are forced to kill them
you perform heart surgery
He defeats his buddy, and his enemy.
The end credits roll
you kill everyone you dont spare in your nightmare and then you kill your crippled self.
That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg
Gta 4?
The switch is now off
Zepelli dies in the American race of part 7, which is actually a cover to find the bones of the first stand user, Jesus Christ.
And wait for it Hot Pants is a girl
jesus fucking christ
having on that much goddamn makeup and still being that ugly
you have to suck off your brother for the rest of time
You save the world, but lose the robot
we're machines killing everyone so the people we're killing don't make machines that kill everyone
Nier Automata
Mass effect
Jon stabs Daenerys after she goes insane and burns King's Landing
Lighting Returns
there's a flying carpet in the treasure chest
Your Squad won and killed loads of pigs in a world war for liquid gruel that's revealed to be pointless, but they get a really nice medal that makes it totally worth it.
French baseball player and his holy quest
I just checked, yep still mad
Resident Evil 4.
"Fucking oops"
A girl inspires a country.
A freed man wanders the desert.
A great conqueror is laid to rest.
A pretender tells the tale of his lord.
The who became the D
Chances of precipitation?
Really nice way of putting it. I can still recall all of the Saracen and Teuton campaign voice-lines.
Zero Escape?
One of my favorite plot twists in any game, ever. Everything from that point forward was 10/10.
Shadow Hearts Covenant, great game
Then she woke up and jumped out her balcony
Not really spoilers but well made.
Crisis Core or Shadow Hearts 1
vomiting loli rpgmaker game?
Turns out he was a dragon all along, and his pet an old man.
Deadly Premonition
But I'm not sure what do you think, Zack?
Your ally that got killed by one of the mid-bosses was actually the mastermind and killed all the bosses you spared behind the scenes and ended up becoming a god with the use of their powers.
Your adeventure was literally for nothing and you're worse off than when you started.
You get stuck in Hell after killing Satan.
You kill an immortal pedophile and form a lesbian harem.
You get a job.
You retire after being a Kamen Rider.
You delete a virus and become a babysitter at a junkyard.
You kill the Joker who was your fiance in a wedding dress at a church while working for Charlie's Angels.
This is all from the same game.
You unite the land after you get permission for a bunch of weaker people than you that you are indeed, the best and they immediatly become your servants.
Or you can just kill everyone.
Saga Frontier
Everyone was actually dead all along since before the start of the game and now no one knows how they are still alive if they are already dead. Also, your best friend was secretly an alien the entire time.
absolute newfag, you need to go back
>the wedding was voluntary
Terminal 7
>Shit blows up, causing you and your friends to end where it all began
Bro what the FUCK I was just finishing up the demon king piccolo arc!
You sacrifice everything you have to save a dickgirl
You turn into a door
It was under us the whole time.
2-for-1 special.
you sacrifice yourself for the future of all life in the galaxy.
You're your higher up, most of it was imagined and you may be crazy but maybe not, play through again to find out.
Eat shit asshole.
Fall off your horse
>You succesfully stop a deadly virus through whatever means you chose but it turns out you're actually a toy children in the tower are playing with and the entire town you've been trying to save is just their sandbox they're playing in but the tower they're doing it in is also part of the city meaning that the sandbox is a part of the town which is the sandbox meaning the sandbox is located within itself but then it turns out it was all a stage play and you're just an actor within it but then it turns out all of it happening inside a video game is canon to the story so you already exist on 3 layers of being fictional but then 4th wall breaking guys start asking you why does it matter if the story is canonically not real since you knew from the very beginning you started playing that this story is just a fiction
you get forcefully kicked outta their home for peeing in her mouth or laughing at their wedding photos
>It's the "user didn't understand the Stone Ocean ending" episode
I hate reruns.
Life is Strange?
Final Fantasy X
MC's dead friends come back but they're not actually his dead friends but clones...? Wasn't really clear
That's Grim Fandango
XB2 features the same god from one, he was split in two due to the experiment. The other half is actually an okay guy. XB2 happens concurrently with the first in another universe made by the same guy.
Diddy Kong Racing? I mean I didn't think Wizpig was a god of any sort, but he did always come across to me as a bit of a cheat.