I feel like playing Mirror's Edge, but I'd already replayed it recently and ran through those time trials...

I feel like playing Mirror's Edge, but I'd already replayed it recently and ran through those time trials, so I'm contemplating whether or not to play Catalyst. Is it any good?

Attached: mirrors-edge-faith-colorful-city.jpg (1920x1080, 446K)

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It's not as good but you'd like it if you liked the first one.

Don't do it. Mirror's edge was the last good DICE game, and Catalyst is like seeing someone wear the skins of your friend and pretending to be them.


It's actually a graphical and gameplay downgrade (somehow they managed that). Don't give EA the money.

How the fuck did they mess it up so bad? Is there really nothing redeemable about the game?

Catalyst is alright, if you enjoyed the first game so much you'll enjoy Catalyst

It has an upgradeable Parkour system in which you need to spend points in order to roll when you hit the ground. Keep that mind when comparing the two.

You can pretend it might be good for a couple hours before the generic open world game repetition kicks in.

The Chrvches song made for the game is nice.

It's terrible. I only payed 10€ or something but was still mad.

If you can get Catalyst for like $5 I recommend it. Gameplay is pretty similar once you get the hang of it. Navigating the map sucks because they have the runner line. They should have designed the map more intuitively. I had fun despite initially not liking it, only paying $5 helped.

It is okay, open world was just a mistake.

It's still a fun game. It's a downgrade, but not to the point where it's trash.

The gridNode sections are pretty good, but the game turns into a whole lot of backtracking and suffers incredibly hard from open world syndrome. Some of the parkour moves are gated behind a skill tree, but it's less of an issue than most people make it out to be. The real travesty is that they removed guns but put in forced combat sections that kill any pacing the game had left.

the world is genuinely unfinished
the actual levels are at their best just okay, the open world is complete irredeemable shite

Attached: 1539469606983.jpg (2907x3264, 999K)

Catalyst is my go to for “be careful what you wish for” games.

Catalyst is alright. Yea Forums was just determined to hate it from the start so it never got a fair shake.

feel free to post a reason that you think it's as good as or better than mirrors edge then mate

Attached: wait a minute that wall.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

I didn't say that. I agree with

Why does every game need RPG elements now?

Attached: 1281703374954.png (429x410, 11K)

if the game is worse than the first in the series then it's by definition bad

Only if the first game was barely passable.

you can't judge a sequel in a vacuum, the first game must be the bar against which it's held

Attached: skyway.png (1080x1440, 2.46M)

I actually like that more than Still Alive, so they did one thing right.

>more than Still Alive
How? I listened to it now and I just can't understand.


>Just sunshine and blue sky
>Is this all we get, for living here

I liked the instrumental version from the first trailer better.

Because western devs need something to cover up the fact that you see everything their games have to offer in the first 20 minutes.

Of all the games getting indie copycats or spiritual successors I wonder why Mirror's Edge was never one of them. And before you say InMomentum, it's not a bad game at all but it's closer to a jump map in Quake than it is to Mirror's Edge.

Yeah a theoretical indie copycat of Mirror's Edge won't look as nice but won't the simpler graphics actually help it? It would make it much easier to create new levels for it and a custom map scene is something the original game needed really badly.