Any actual good jrpgs in this day and age?

any actual good jrpgs in this day and age?

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Let's not pretend X was good.

>implying that any jrpg was ever good

You haven't played them all.

Say that to my face not online fucker and see what happens

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enlighten us on your taste user

I will. You must be underage to like X.


pick absolutely one

it's actually only an underager that wouldn't like X

>any actual good jrpgs in this day and age?
You could start by sayign what games have you played lately so people don't recomend Xenoblade and Persona stuff

You haven't played them all.

My first FF was 1. I'm older than you.

Yes, now buy my game!

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sure lmao us oldfags amirite

TWEWY (not the switch port)

They exist

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not worth the cost

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Ao no Kiseki
Rance X

Attached: DQ11 dance.webm (506x654, 1.05M)

Yes. Except Me oldfag you zoomer.

Waiting for the Switch version to come out and then them to add that extra content into the PC version.


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>Rance X

this is lit. thanks user

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Prove you're an oldfag then

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Resonance of Fate recently got ported to PC. Fucking excellent JRPG, same with pic related.

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Yoko ono ass tier. I'd still do her and then kick a bomb

I'm 30.

Boring as fuck in my opinion. One of the lesser titles of the series. Almost as boring as VII.

>Pic unrelated

I'm 36

I'm really, really tired of disenfranchised idiots who bitch and moan about not having their moviegame, corridor simulators cater to them anymore, and also pretend they were any good to begin with.

And you like FFX? fucking how?

but FFX is kino as fuck

It has excellent gameplay and music. Everything else is mediocre though.

It's mediocre is what it is. The only people who deem it "kino" are zoomers who were kids when it was released.

Gameplay is good systems with wasted potential. The whole FF series has amazing music, and mostly better than X

Despite gringey shit is Star Ocean 4 good? I liked 3

As those examples show
Dragon Quest is the best JRPG franchise nowadays

Thanks to poor quality of recent RPGs and some big disappointments (aka Dragon Quest XI), I started playing roguelike and roguelite games with random generated dungeons, loot, enemies etc. I'm not complaining.

Any recs? I feel like the rogueli*e genre is underrepresented for how fun it is

I like the Xenoblade games a lot but don't even want to talk about them because of the god awful fanbase of the last game even though 2 is actually my favorite of the bunch.
Dragon Quest is same old same old, for better or worse. Worth a look at least.
SMT is still great even if the series peaked on PS2. Regardless, I think its easily been the most consistently good JRPG series while managing not to stagnate like DQ. There are just so many great titles, and the series is so unique and distinct from anything else on the market. Persona games are well-made and bigger budget than mainline, but aren't nearly as good imo. Feels like they put too much into presentation and social links instead of dungeon crawling and atmosphere.

Please, XI was a 6.5/10 at most.
The DQ fanbase have their heads so far up their own asses. Fucking insufferable lot.

>The whole FF series has amazing music, and mostly better than X
10 is pretty up there, I'd only put 8, 9, and 12 above it for music.

>The only people who deem it "kino" are zoomers who were kids when it was released.
If they were kids when FFX came out back in 2001 then they aren't zoomers, user.

Say what you want about the game, but the OST is definitely in the top 5.


>I only play videogames for the music

If you weren't 16/17+ when it released, then yes, you are a zoomer in my book.

X2 looks a lot of fun, but X is a fucking slog.

When did I say that?

Best/most polished turn based combat. Sphere grid is so so but not that awful. Easy to farm, problem is that every character ends up being the same except for their limit breaks and the underwater restriction. Also end game is spamming quick attack
Best atb+jobs system. The int version has a roguelike dungeon and I think you can capture monsters to use in your party

Quest of Dungeons (yes, it's a "cheap" indie, but fun), Tangledeep, Chocobo Mystery Dungeon, Enter the Gungeon, Moonlighter and, of course, Etrian Odyssey series if you have 3DS. OK, that last one doesn't have randomly generated dungeons.
Btw, some game is coming out soon, Lovecraft something. Too lazy to google. Could be fun.

They'd most likely be in their 20s now. They're zoomers.

>RoF is excellent

I like RoF but come on man, the combat is extremely tedious, the hex system is poorly done, and the story is nonsensical for the most part.

This user gets it. TWEWY was and is still amazing.

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I have this on Switch, how the fuck do you play it?

I liked the combat, and story though. It's a solid 7/10 for me. TLR is an 8.

yep dead genre. all the best jrpgs were released 2-3 console generations ago anyway if you want good games just download emulators OP

Can’t say. I’ve only played the DS version. From what I’ve heard, Switch port has a ton of issues so I suggest getting the OG DS version if you can.

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Agree to disagree I guess. I consider it in the bottom half for sure. It has some really standout tracks but a lot of trash and the worst battle theme in the entire series by a mile.

It's okay man, you just have bad taste.

Not OP, but all I want is good turn-based JRPGs. There's something about FFX that felt really good, but I don't know what it was.
Also wish that The Lost Odyssey was released on PC.

IMO, best soundtracks in FF series are
2. WoFF / XIII-2
3. X

>Also wish that The Lost Odyssey was released on PC

Same. I wonder why it hasn't happened yet..

>all I want is good turn-based JRPGs.
>Also wish that The Lost Odyssey was released on PC.
So you want movies.

>worst battle theme in the entire series by a mile
What the fuck, its my personal favorite. I realize that might be personal taste, but its fucking great either way man. In general X definitely has one of the best soundtracks in the series, though it is a little different considering its the first one that wasn't all Uematsu.

Pretty good taste. I'd replace #2 with FFIX though I haven't actually played either WoFF or XIII-2.

What? This is a thread about JRPGs user.

fucking yikes


suck my dick you fucking chink

Nope they are just like pic related


Star Ocean 4 has the best gameplay of the 5 titles. Its major weakness is that the game feels like a parody of itself and its genre. If you go in with this understanding you can enjoy the hamminess and the narm

what did he meant by this?

Worst battle theme? One cannot have taste this shit. I'm a bit scared to ask what you think is the best one.

Maybe smt iv

>Star Ocean 4 has the best gameplay of the 5 titles.
The best combat, you mean. 2 has by far the best skill system and item creation, and 3 has the best dungeon design.

ff1 is a fucking classic. 2 is great. 3 isn't my thing. 4 is ok. 5 is quite good. 6 is great. 7 really good and was a big departure from what had been up until then. 8 is pretty damn great. I loved that 9 was a callback to the older games. 10's doesn't resonate with me at all, doesn't feel like a battle theme to me. ff11 was really good, got a nostalgia spike listening to it. I liked that ff12 music is so ivalicey. 13 is great because violins are great. 14s is good but nothing spectacular. 15s isn't bad at all, has callbacks as well.

I think my biggest issue with 10 is it sounds nothing like a FF battle theme, it's just a mediocre song slapped onto a fight.

>No defence stat

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I was in my late teens when that game came out, if I remember, and my opinion was that it had a charming setting and an easy to hate protagonist.

It was also the last decent Final Fantasy game they ever released.

But 12 is easily better and 13 and 15 are up for debate as well.

How much longer do i need to wait for the Rance Games to be translate before i start?

>inb4 EOP



>12 is easily better
That's the game where they found a protagonist even more annoying than Tidus, and then they phased him out of relevance to the story, right? The one where they started the practice of the player having as close to zero control of the action as possible? Also the first game to not have Uematsu as lead composer and thus a way more underwhelming sound track.

>13 is up for debate
Ha! FF13 reminds me of those Mario analysis videos that try to beat the game in as few button presses as possible. If you taped down the 'X' button, you'd have everything you need to clear Final Fantasy 13, which leads nothing left to do but parse its inane story.

Didn't play it because I'm not a masochist and I can recognize patterns.

15 is fucking trash and easily the worst game of any of the mainline entries.

X didn't have uematsu as the sole composer and the OST suffered.
13 unironically has a decent combat system near the end. I can show you a video of someone beating endgame FFX mashing X you can't do the same for 13.
15 was a trainwreck in a lot of ways, but so was X imo.

Is rance actually good or is it just a meme

Play them, or just listen to those OSTs if you haven't already.

12, 13, and 15 are all fucking abominations.

And yet... better than X or at least around par.

posting best song

>You can't mash X to beat 13
That's because you don't mash it, you just hold the button down.

I watched my friend cook dinner while playing that fucking game. No shit, he cleared a boss without even looking at the screen. Just held X while he stirred a pot of spaghetti and asked me how the battle was going.

X was not a train wreck. Say what you will about Tidus and how shallow the world really was on examination, but it was definitely a cohesive package with a sensible story.

One of the few eroge JRPG series with respectable gameplay and engaging characters and stories. Rare case where you come for the porn but stay because they're genuinely good games.

>X didn't have uematsu as the sole composer and the OST suffered.
Hamauzu is great though. Honestly the fact that Uematsu hasn't composed a single thing of worth since leaving Squeenix makes me wonder if he was one of those people that stole the work of the people under him.

Second post best post. X was super average.
Those boring as fuck dungeons, those shoddy, endless cut scenes with long pauses between the dialogues. Hallway locations.... The atmosphere was often good, the characters and all the Al Bhed stuff too, but the game often felt like playing a beta build. Could have been so good....

Alice-Soft has never made a sex scene worth fapping to so there's that too.
Also 5D is pure kusoge, but yeah, it's good aside from that.

haven't heard the themes he's done for FF14 I take it
Look at that riveting fucking gameplay!
This probably requires 10x the APM the FFX fight did.

None of them have better combat than X. XII has half-decent world building, I'll give it that. XIII has the best music of the three, and XV is just plain garbage that excels at absolutely nothing.

posting actual best song

X has amazing combat system and then blows it. Simon says bullshit for the first 3/4s and quick hit spam for the rest. I unironically prefer FF13's combat, at least it EVENTUALLY gets interesting.

Holding X to fight only works in FF10 if you've done a lot of prebattle setup like grinding, acquiring powerful equipment, etc.

In FF13 its possible to just go along on the story without any other prep

It looks to me like in the second video, he's just doing the occasional "paradigm shift" to make the AI play differently. If you hold down the 'x' button it would cycle through everything without you having to look at it.

Did you not play 13?

You cannot finish 13 without switching paradims. FFX is just simon says until you can hold X.

Some of the games are great, specially 6 and sengoku, but some of them fall a little short.

13's combat is heavily restrictive for 90% of the game. The combat is as linear as the rest of the game for so fucking long. You're an absolute retard if you think 13 has better combat than 10.

Lightning Returns has the best combat system in the series, and OST is pretty good.

yes. that Simon Says phase lasts up until you do 100 hours of grinding to redo the sphere grid so you can actually survive holding X on nemesis, which is about 70 hours longer than a normal playthrough


Yes I did. Did you? He's switching classes midfight like you did in FFX-2.
So is 10s from a practical standpoint. Bird use wakka, wolf use tidus, armor use auron, flan use lulu. That pattern takes up the majority of the game.

Dragonsong is fucking awful user, and the other one is alright but mostly for accompanying that video and not by its own merits. Neither of them are anything like Uematsu's older work.

You have options in 10. You don't actually have to use Auron for armored enemies if you can get piercing on another character. You can also use "deathtouch" or "stonetouch" effects to 1HKO a lot of basic enemies with Wakka or Lulu. You could rely on the Aeons if you like them. Lulu's magic is dangerous against most opponents even if it's most effective against flans and other magic-specific enemies, and Tidus is fairly effective against high evasion enemies like birds so you don't HAVE to use Wakka.

The point is, you can lean into whatever approach you like the most. And for boss battles there's a variety of approaches as well. I never messed with the Aeons because I felt they were slower and less effective than the humans, but a lot of people would max all their overdrives and take down bosses with a parade of summons.

I don't know when things got interesting in FF13, but I assume it must have been around the same time the story started to make sense. That's so many hours into it that I can't fathom why you'd chew the gristle to that point. I stopped playing when the tiny Chocobo flew off the black guy's head and there was a mandatory "minigame", if you could generously call it a game and not a fucking chore, to find it. I mean holy shit, that was some blatant padding just in case running down 13's endless hallways didn't already feel like enough wasted time.

Persona 5

It wasn't long after that actually. They make buffs and debuffs and status useful. The chain system gets some expansion.

I'll admit the early game is ass in 13, but I think it is in both games.

But story and characters are the most important things in RPG, so it's still great

>You cannot finish 13 without switching paradims.
Yeah, because there's a tutorial that makes you.

boring and shitty music

X doesn't have a 20 hour long tutorial before you finish unlocking all the gameplay functions.

FFX released 18 years ago.

>It gets better after it bores you so badly you give up on it
You know, I hated Tidus. I legitimately resented him being the main character of FF10, but at least the game had me hooked with its setting and story enough that I wanted to keep going and get some answers. Where was I? What's with these ruins? Who're these people?

In FF13, it feels like they started with a tech demo and designed a lot of hallways to do fights in. They designed some bosses, and then at some point later added details to the background and tried to write a story around a bunch of consecutive, unrelated settings. Part of FF13's story revolved around having totally unclear objectives.

And here's the worst part, I've had FF13's story explained to me in-depth, and the details still feel extremely fuzzy to me. I get it, that there's like these gods, and they choose people, and the people have to do a task but they're not told what the task is. But meanwhile the story of FF10 is extremely clear and I know exactly what everyone was doing and why I was supposed to care.

this. I like Dragon Quest 1 to 5, but everything after is mediocre at best.

I'm glad it hooked you, It didn't for me. It was one of the biggest disappointments of that area of my youth. Realizing the airship was a menu was soul crushing.

Ironically I probably enjoy the games after because FFX killed the magic of FF for me.
It has simon says followed by quick hit.

Lost Odyssey was ok

To me the main problems with FFXIII's combat system are
>takes too long to get going (the whole intro before they become l'Cie should have been cut)
>crystarium is boring and restrictive
>long animation the first time you paradigm shift (fixed in XIII-2)
>can't switch characters during battle (fixed in XIII-2)
>party member dies = game over (fixed in XIII-2)
>no way to customize AI, could have literally copypasted XII's gambit system
>no way to reliably position characters during battle, even though enemies have AOE attacks (also a problem in XII)
>Sazh and Snow get screwed over late-game

Otherwise I think it's definitely better than regular ATB.

oh yeah I forgot
>summons are useless 99% of the time
such a shit feature that I didn't remember they were a thing

I've been on a randomized content kick for a while now. Roguelikes, Doom mods, ROM hacks, anything like that. It's nice to fall back on games with so much variety.

Not the greatest games of all time or anything but far better than porn games have any right to be. Some players don't even care about the porn anymore.