Ruined by a BR mode and going f2p

>ruined by a BR mode and going f2p

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its ruined by its terrible shooting mechanics and bullet spray.

I think it was ruined by the completely stupid aiming mechanics and ridiculous damage.

is it so hard to point and tap mouse 1?

I tried the trial of the Xbox 360 version and it's all BRs wtf

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>sneak up on an enemy, literally point blank, place the Crosshair on his head, pull the trigger
>later on, the enemy sprays from across the map with a shitty smg
>4 headshots in a row
>spray down an enemy with the M4
>98 damage in 97461694925 hits
>enemy shoots you in the foot with a 300$ pistol
>500 damage in 1 hit
What a joke of a game

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The people who actually play CS want it that way. That's why it's never been changed.

CS has always had a pretty rudimentary way of handling recoil. It was understandable back 99/early 00's when CS was just a mod but to many people it feels outdated. Whether your crouching/standing/moving has a huge impact on where your bullets go and often do not match up with the crosshairs. Guns have specific spray patterns you need to memorize when playing at a higher skill level. As I mentioned earlier it's been a mechanic in the game since the beginning but never been changed because the community does not want it to be changed.

Seeing counterstrike get contaminated by modern trends brings warmth to my heart.

Karma's a bitch.

yes user, its boomer autism at its finest

AWP is overpowered. Prove wrong.
You can't.

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>Bullet leaves the barrel
>bullet immediately decides to head towards the sun
>crosshair was aimed at some asshole 10ft away

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Well its apparently so OP that it made its way into Enter the Gungeon and its pretty good against bosses. So yes I agree its pretty busted

Just play god tier hostage maps. This is where all the fun is. Try hard faggots and cheaters are the only thing which ruins the game and they are literally playing only bomb maps.

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CSGO was never good.
Last decent CS was CSS, last good 1.1.

CSGO is good. I play them all, if I want a faster move speed I'll play CSS, if I want holding angles to have more of a focus I play CSGO.
What is flashes, smokes, frags, and literally going around him
Is it Boomer tism or zoomer? Haters gonna hate but yall niggas won't ever make any sense.
Its actually good though, the respawn system makes it play out like team arena now and the fact that they're adding new modes and maps shows its got more life as a game than your favorite FOTM shooter
Its literally just disconnecting the crosshair from the gun itself. You can reverse it and it feels like any other basic bitch shooter.
Very bad

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>want to reinstall csgo
>remember flashbangs trigger headaches

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Fuck you, BR is actually fun with the exo jump and bump mines.

CSGO is fucking garbage. Archaic as fuck.

In CS:GO you can go from 0 to 250 units per second in game, it takes roughly half a second to go from stopped to full speed. However if you are running at 250 units per second and tap in the opposite direction you can almost instantaneously come to a stop. While you are at 0 units per second you can fire your gun with complete accuracy. Rifles in particular are usually what you want to do this with, while smgs/shotguns/pistols can usually be used rather well while running full speed. Holding weapons also make you slower which allows you to stop even faster than if you were moving at the full 250 speed. Every weapon in the game has a static, unchangeable spray pattern that never changes. But on top of that there is a small amount of natural spread which slightly changes where the bullet will land. Typically the more expensive the gun the less spread it will have and the more extreme and accurate the recoil pattern will be. The Famas for instance has very little recoil but has a good amount of spread which can prevent you from long distance tapping but is cheaper and better at close range. The AUG can scope for bonus accuracy at the loss of some vision and has nearly 0 random spread but has precise shots that fit very tight on the recoil pattern however it requires 2 headshots to kill at mid to long range. The AK47 would be a good balance example of the rifles as it allows 1 hit headshots with good spraying and tapping accuracy but has noticeable random spread which can be reduced to a pinpoint by crouching. People that bitch about CS's mechanics are the same people that are dogshit at fighting games and get bullied out of them because they cry about how the game works not pandering to them, counter strike has mechanics you need to learn over a long period of time similar to a fighting game. Honestly to me counter strike is so fucking easy I dont know how anybody can have trouble grasping these concepts but even to this day zoomer incompetence amazes me.

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youre retarded

get gud

just close your eyes lol

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CS is awful and Pavlov is far better than it could ever hope to be. This will upset poorfags who can't afford VR, but it's true.

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rather not play vidya with my eyes touching 2 screens in a visor, my eyes immediately start burning