Just a friendly reminder that this goes for 10 minutes and will contain

Just a friendly reminder that this goes for 10 minutes and will contain

>new footage and a release date for the MediEvil remake
>the announcement of one of the three remaining unrevealed Sony-published PS4 exclusives, likely the Ratchet & Clank game hinted at by Ted Price last year, the existence of which was confirmed by Colin Moriarty in April
>the official re-reveal of a third-party multiplat which was originally revealed earlier in the gen (It's the Final Fantasy 7 remake)

The Japanese presentation goes for an additional 5 minutes and contains new Persona 5 Royal information.

Attached: State of Gay.jpg (1088x612, 86K)

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If they had that much they would save it for E3 rather than not showing up.

I wish I cared user. I really do. However I don’t can’t see Sony ever returning to who they were before the PS3.

I wish we had more details about PS5 and maybe backtrack to their censorship policy

>teaser trailer for a cash-in remake of a 20 year old game, yet another Ratchet and Clank and more multiplat Square vaporware warrants going to E3

>hyping up a presentation that only lasts 10 minutes
I know they don't have much left before the PS5, but they should have actually waited until they had some actual content to fucking show.

>>the announcement of one of the three remaining unrevealed Sony-published PS4 exclusives
>VR shit

>Another fucking R&C game
you know i like Ratchet but Sony you own other platformers too

Attached: sly.jpg (600x579, 167K)

His show is later this year. I expect nothing less than a new game, but not now.

If the show does well we'll probably get a reboot for the PS5 copping the new aesthetic. Hope you like Sly's pants!

>The Japanese presentation goes for an additional 5 minutes and contains new Persona 5 Royal information.
Why does Sony hate Persona and Japanese games so?
>fuck the west, they'll never care about something like this

it's just gonna be cod and indie games.

Remember when they "confirmed" a strong Japanese showing at E3 a couple of years ago, and all it ended up being was a Monster Hunter reveal and a P5 name drop?

>So little content Sony bailed out from E3
>Last state of play was a massive shitshow
You really need to be brain dead to be slightly hype by that shit

You know that P5R will only be released on the west in 2020 right?They can't show the game for the rest of the world right now.

Wait your turn

Who fucking cares, Capcom has a 30 minutes direct about Iceborne the same day.

Gameinformer cover story today. What do you think it'll be?

Sony are piece of shits, they can't save themselves at this point

>New Ratchet
>Sir Daniel Fortesque back from the dead once again
>Any fucking information about Final Vaporware VII
This sounds good for me desu, fuck VRfags.

Xniggie is absolutely fuming right now

Sorry, should've clarified three non-VR games are left in the tank. Japan Studio are involved with at least one of them.

2 of the 3 are existing IPs according to ZhugeEX, so one's almost definitely R&C.

no one cares about #CensorStation and #TrannySony anymore

Since he'll be relevant in a few more months, what do you want see in his next game? Hoping the announce they're remaking 2 alongside 1.

Sorry OP but i can't believe in you, the PS5 will be released next year. Why would they still have 3 PS4 exclusives left when even the biggest ones were not released yet?

>literally not attending E3 because they said they have no games
yeah indie shit who cares

That's silly. Everyone that knows about Persona 5 already knows about Royal already. And yet they have to get the information second hand from the Japanese broadcast, and without official translations.

It's the same as always. They just short of pretended that Persona 5 didn't even exist until it was nominated for GotY and they realized that they should at the very least mention the game and maybe have it in the sizzle reels.

no wonder they are skipping E3 if they can barely make a "direct" with 3 titles that includes multiplats.

user, we're talking about Atlus here, i remember very well that the Persona 5 trailer at E3 2016 was literally the same one from TGS 2015 but with subtitles.

>E3 2016
We just got this.

From the conference itself at the very least.
It was a fucking joke. Sony fucking hate Japanese games.

better than last year

I remember their English marketing head poof at E3 a few years ago showing Nioh and introducing it as "from our friends at Key-Oh Tecmo".

Very professional.

>what the hell hapened to Jack & Daxter
well heres the short answer
practicly no one from the PSX/PS2 days is left at modern ND
Amy Hennig was the last of the old gaurd leaving

lmao the absolute state of playstation

How do you know how long it will be? The last one was 20 minutes.
Just curious about the source.

Only Microsoft specializes in filler, bro.