Stop being scrub and start playing fighting games instead of newest God of Onions AAA-shit.
Street Fighter is pretty good for starters.
Street Fighter
Other urls found in this thread:
Fighting games are a deep low point right now, just let the genre die.
Fightans will never die, they are most entertaining e-sports.
Fighting games are for niggers, no white man has time for that garbage genre
I don't play fighting games because I'm not willing to invest the time into getting decent with them.
more like street shitter haha
You talking about NRS games, not fighting games in general.
Actually I'm emulating Third Strike on my toaster lately, it's pretty fun, I aim to get all the endings for my favorite characters for now
Not playing online because I am completely new ti fighters. Every move requiring half/quarter circle motions is fucking hard for me still
agreed except dont play SFV, its not good
>Street Fighter is pretty good for starters.
>post sfv image
What is this new meme?
Everything else is dead in Street Fighter franchise.
they have been taking out the cheesecake of old game series known for it, so old me wont take out my wallet for them.
All fighting games are infested by niggers, no exceptions
Capcom actively shills SFV here ever since the release of Arcade Edition. If you've been stuck in this shithole for a few years, you've probably noticed it.
I don't really jive with jive though. The way it's so volatile playing against the notably strong characters isn't very fun to me; I think most of the cast is well designed but being put in a high risk blender that your character can't make at all isn't fun
Shill is a fucking meme, nobody gives a fuck about Yea Forums.
>Yea Forums memed Trump in office
>lol no one gives a shit about us
We had shill threads ever since Borderlands
I meant the onions bit.
what ? SFV got censored
yeah camera angles and some character models had to be "improved" for western release. you can thank cunts cut from the same cloth as jim "there not gonna suddenly take your anime titties" sterling, and all the dangerhairs that has infiltrated most of hobby spaces today, comics, games, tabletop ect.
I'm not a gay furry with depression sorry.
Nah, I play Tekken, SC and Im just starting to learn Under Night in Birth. I'm done with Street Fighter man.
Considering how easily impressionable people here are and the amount of underages here, IO could believe it
Of course I play fighting games, user. I love Smash Bros!
EVO 2017. Tokido.
>10000000000 hours just to be decent
No thanks.
But I'll casually button mash in Guilty Gear.
>being bad at pressing buttons
>over 1/2 the characters are dlc
i dont mind the gameplay for sfv but its ridiculous that they got away with this
I was about to give up, but I'm glad I stuck with it. I barely maintain a super bronze rank still, but I don't get uncontrollably angry when I lose anymore. I feel like I'm actually learning and understand what I failed to do.
It's weird too, because that change in mentality occurred the next day after I was getting my ass whooped. It really helps going into a fighting game with a fresh mind after hours of trying.
On a side note, I was wondering of moving past Ryu. I started with Nash but realized I wasn't any good with him.
I really do wish I could get into fighting games, but even the simplest like Smash Bros is way too technical for my retard brain.
I do. I think I peaked in KI 2013 though.
by far my favorite multiplayer genre, and maybe vidya genre in general. unfortunately my connection is dogshit at the moment so i haven't played much.
never touched sfv though.
You would have a point if you didn't open your post with ShitFighterV OP
Nah, Tekken is where it's at lmao
I miss the uncensored ass slap
just lmao
SFV is absolute bottom of the barrel casual shit, though
Smash unironcially has more depth
Assume everyone is a shill.
t. shill
God i wish my old harddrive didn't die on me so i could still copy past my "shilling on Yea Forums" folder to retards like you.
It's really not that hard to notice after you have been here for more than a month.
>Yea Forums memed Trump in office
no user, the disenfranchised American working class did
>casual shit
Do people still (if that ever was the case to begin with) really use this descriptor to decide on what games to play? Any Souls game (as well as Sekiro), and action games like Bayo and DMC are extremely "casual" compared to your average fighting game, SFV is really no exception.
Execution alone on certain attacks -- not to mention full combos -- is harder to pull off than anything in those games, as well as reacting to each situation and strategizing.
What's your rank on SFV if you think it's that easy? What other competitive games do you play and what's your rank in those? Genuinely curious.
So how many of you actually play fighters? I don't care if you play casually or not.
just point to the regular OAG threads :^)
3K PP in USFIV, Diamond ranked Juri in SFV, somewhere in the orange ranks in Tekken 7 (haven't played it since release).
Tried SFV during the free weekend. I sank 200+ hours in SFIV but V makes me want to vomit. So, no thanks.
current day white boys can't compete in fighters, you need to be either a high testosterone black bull or a high IQ Asian savant
Actually Russia did
>What's your rank on SFV if you think it's that easy?
why would i waste my game with a shit game though
What about LowTierGod
90% of Yea Forums is poverty-tier neets and disgruntled, minimum wage IT workers - they're the same people.
The "SFV is bad" is still going strong, I see. No wonder they say Yea Forums is populated with redditors.
What does it say about the state of this shitty board that even shills bring more worthwhile discussion about games than the typical stealth politics or literally who twitter screencap threads?
For about 20 years. I've always played them since I was a kid, but never played them properly. I just liked doing cool attacks and mashing buttons.
I've only gotten "serious" (meaning I'm actually trying to learn how to play) like a few days ago with SFV.
I agree, high skill ceilings are oppression.
>why would i waste my game with a shit game though
Sorry man I don’t play mobile games.
he gets bullied by jews
I stopped playing SFV after the first year. Is the netcode still shit? Is Ryu still completely irrelevant after the season 2 nerfs?
As if you would reach even half of it. Besides, SF has always been about spacing, not flashy combos. Way to show you're just another 09er.
Where get that dick out of your mouth
Spoken like someone who never played them.
But asians always win and they're the whitest race.
That was a pretty good set. You can tell Punk cracked after Tokido reset the bracket. Tokido is almost twice Punk's age and his tournament experience and better stress control showed.
Post your rank. Be honest.
Super Platinum here.
>God of Onions
LMAO so randumb xD
Ryu is in a decent place right now. He has been seeing more use in the upper ranks after they improved his fireball game and his combos.
What if you play street fighter everyday but your still trash and the only good ones (alpha and 3rd strike) are dead ?
Fighting games have always been terrible. I rank them slightly above turn based/card games, but they're still far below shit like competitive rts games and side scrollers.
Agree'd, I don't know why anyone thinks Yea Forums actually has any notoriety outside of teenagers discovering the website for the first time or the news running a one off story every five years.
I'm on a new PC and in desperate need of the best Mikes. Can you guys help out? That would be excellent.
Fighting comp rts and arena are the holy trinity of vidya competition.
I wouldn't say he is decent at all. You never ever see him in tournaments. Has he ever had a placing in top 64 after S1?
>SF has always been about spacing, not flashy combos.
cool, let's reduce combos to one button inputs then, very welcoming to new players and won't make them any less exciting to see than they are right now.
I'd always recommend starting with Ryu to be honest. If you learn to play him, you can effectively play four main characters straight off the bat.
Not even the bbw mod managed to make sf5 fun for me.
>most entertaining e-sports
Yea back in 3d-strike and SFIV era where the game had some suspence. Now fighting games scene is fucking trash. The biggest esport scene nowadays belongs to the shit battle royale games, the professional scene belongs to MOBAS, and the niche, smaller scene belongs to some FPS and Starcraft. Imo, the most fun esport scene to watch is Broodwar scene.
Yes, and they all suck dick.
Recently bought UNIST, haven't played it yet. Any tips before I start?
>Good for beginners
Nope. Footsie finesse will ruin everything.
tf just happened here lmao some sort of mod
Alpha and 3rd strike mainly.
Some skullgirls every now and again.
Want to try SNK vs Capcom but that shits super expensive outside of emulation.
What makes you an authority? I actually play the game. And muh tourneys are not an accurate measurement of a character's tier rank.
You're just not competitive. That's ok, just don't try to talk to your betters.
I mean, I hate SFV a lot but it's so dumbed down that I wouldn't even question that it's actually good for starters. Problem is sticking with that game once you realize how shitty it is.
Where is the argument?
Well I'm glad you like netplay, but it was a lot more fun when people actually met up to fight imo.
Low point? The only real bad thing is that the market is SATURATED with games right now. Should be interesting seeing how evo goes.
Competitive games are sterile, boring, and unrealistic.
Just one opinion among them all, just like you. If a character never sees tournament use I can't see how they can be good or even decent.
*clacks loudly and breaks after a few hours of use"
just play third strike.
Why are SFV shills always so aggressively shitposty? Is it just one guy who is super angry that people still dunk on SFV?
>And muh tourneys are not an accurate measurement of a character's tier rank.
How well a character can do regularly in the toughest environment, isn't a measure of how good they are?
Playing people in person was ok, but one person always outpaced everyone else. I like being able to compete with a variety of folks. Go to locals if that's what you want.
They're intense fun and realism is the last fucking thing a videogame should be attempting.
shoulda got the drone lmoa
Why does Akuma look so much better in Tekken than he does in Street Fighter?
>Be FGC shitter
>Calls Kage "cage" as in "Johnny Cage" instead of "kah geh"
You guys are dumb as fuck.
>Finally back from work, now I can spend 3 hours alone in the training room trying the same 4 combos over and over again
Neh sorry fuck that shit, I'd rather play a game that lets me get better while playing and having fun instead of forcing me to spend the first 10 hours doing tedious shit.
Realism is important because it adds immersion.
I enjoy fighting games and own SFV but idk if it's really worth investing 500 hours in to get good. I'm playing Smash right now
>The only real bad thing is that the market is SATURATED with games right now
Pretty much this. SFIV's success inspired other devs to make fighting games again. Choice isn't bad, but there are so many games to choose from it could spread your skills thin. Also, there's so much pointless bitching going on. I think a few years down the line people will realize we have been reliving the golden age without noticing it.
Why is Akuma so retardedly strong in every Street Fighter? The dude makes all the other shotos completely irrelevant.
Do you like Yuzu? Don’t play her.
>How well a character can do regularly in the toughest environment, isn't a measure of how good they are?
Because at the end of the day, it's the players who make the character. Question is how easy the character is making it for them.
Realism isn't important and games that shoot for realism almost all suck. Video games should be videogamey.
Are you a zoomer?
He doesn't.
daily reminder
Because Capcom doesn't realize that lower health isn't a weakness in the SF system of mechanics.
Completely wrong. Games that shoot for realism are far better.
Redpilled and based fellow republican! trumpier than trump! Fuck minorities ! Up the south! Make slavery great again! Build the wall! Yeah kill em!
>it's the players who make the character
And no one is making that character apparently. Which shows that the character isn't making that easy enough for them. So it seems at the end of the day, Ryu is too shit for serious players to bothers with.
Nah. Zoom on though child.
Where do these posts come from? Is that how people see fighting games? Or is the average gaymer such a skillet he needs hours in training and never learns from matches?
I only play Blazblue Centralfiction and some Guilty Gear the 2D ones every once in a while
t. 30 year old boomer
>it hurt itself in its confusion
I just hit orange ranks with Jin, I'll probably never go back to Kazuya again
I'm 30, we grew up with the least realistic games dude.
I'm 29, muh realism was the obsession of 5th gen gaming, at least on PSX.
Post the cfn you used to play the matches. I want to analyze your gameplay to see if your opinion is worth something. You played online, right user?
Except it absolutely is. Akuma is no doubtly strong, but it takes a somewhat skilled player to make him work. Hell, his SFIV counterpart was even stronger and yet I've rarely seen players bitch about him.
Thing is, most Akuma players shouldn't play him. So when I encounter one online I chalk it up as an easy win.
Play Melty Blood.
the only FG I care about is kof98
maybe I will get unist
boring predictable and finite
Bitch, please. Bison was left untouched for 3 seasons until Problem X made waves and suddenly Bison was broken tier and it was fair to cry about him.
And? I started with the Atari and NES. And I disagree, I played a lot of off the wall weird gamey games on the PSX.
>I wouldn't even question that it's actually good for starters.
I would, SFV's design is weird. To me it is hard and easy in the wrong places much of the time.
Like say little billy picks up SFV as his first fighter ever. Motions are going to being confusing for a start, but okay execution is easier in general. This has the knock on effect though that you have to learn the longer combos straight away. Everyone has access to that stuff much earlier so you have to be way more prepared for it. Yet at the same time many completely new players will be pretty confused by it. Whereas something like Tekken is pretty hard at an intermediate level, but doing the basics is pretty easy as it is all string based. You aren't going to be doing the optimal stuff for a while, no one in low ranks is so no need to worry. You can play the basic version of the game till you progress and learn to use more of your options.
But despite requiring this quick grasp of stuff, there isn't much to progress in after in SFV. Just generally get better. A lot of SFV is designed like that. Which to me says it appeals to the type of person who has played fighters, but never quite got good at them. SFV offers them appearing competent for less work.
UNIST is good for a KoF head. Retards call it anime street fighter but really it's anime KoF
E rank with 2B in SC during her release.
Red Square in UNIST somehow.
Yellow square in BBTAG/DBFZ.
I don’t know my GG rank
He was definitely not left untouched. He has been buffed every season since S1. Even in S4 they buffed him a little despite 1. already being strong 2. winning EVO 3. having the single highest win percentage online out of all the characters
Are you really trying to push that Ryu is slept on? Just everyone forgot to try out Ryu? Fuck off
Might as well post these as you brought up Problem X
Not a fan of street fighter, give me soul calibur any day. 3D and weapons are better than the other options.
The latter
You argument is about skill and not health. This isn't a counterpoint.
Ive played soulcalibur sense 2, got to B rank in 5, working my way to C rank in 6, but I play too many characters to rise quickly.
Delete this image
Never said you don't learn from matches, but you still need to put in the hours in the training room, especially if you just started out. Now, why would I want to do that shit when almost every other competitive game lets you learn the mechanics while playing and doesn't require you to waste hours and hours repeating the same tedious shit over and over? Give me a single good reason nigger.
Lower health leaves less room for mistakes, and Akuma has the lowest health in the game.
>Retards call it anime street fighter but really it's anime KoF
That's cause way too many people think KoF = XIII stupid combos, so while in reality the comparison is more true it gives them the wrong impression. I hope that perception can change with XV.
Post the buffs then. And the nerfs.
>Are you really trying to push that Ryu is slept on?
No, you dummy. I'm saying he's not nearly as bad as you make him look.
A player taking out the opponent's soul is always entertaining to watch
>"Yeah I play Tekken, everything's fucking dogshit these days except Tekken, fucking casualized Sleep Fighter garbage and anime bullshit. Tekken is hype tho"
>you still need to put in the hours in the training room
lol it takes half an hour AT WORST to learn a character's basics along with some bnbs. And learning YOUR character is not even the hardest part. You spend the majority of your time learning to deal with the other characters' shit BY PLAYING MATCHES.
I'm beginning to doubt you played a single fighting game in your life. Go back to Smash.
>1st - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
>2nd - Tekken 7
>3rd - Street Fighter V
there are a lot of mouth breathers in this world
But I like playing good fighting games.
So play Street Fighter V, a good fighting game.
What games do you play?
Let's wait for the actual attendee numbers.
Same seems to have happened at Combo Breaker, could switch up for the last numbers reveal but seems set to be MK, T7 and then SFV 3rd
I do partly put this on the total lack of SFV news though. That game depends on regular updates
>you have to buy a stick to play
Not gonna buy a specific controller for a single game.
>my face when preparing for EVO
If Capcom is smart, they'll announce a big update at E3 or CEO to get people excited again in time for EVO, but Capcom isn't always smart
>he fell for the stick meme
Yea and they all play Street Fighter.
Popularity does not mean quality.
>EVO champs are pad players
Are you people retarded?
No you don't understand, it does when it's something I like that's popular
At the moment mainly tekken, GG and melee. Considered picking up UNIST but don't have the time to invest.
>they all play Tekken
tekkenfags are like that sickly nerdy loser in high school that grew up to get a high paying job and a mail-order wife and now they're lashing out at everyone who ever wronged them in the past
5 is horrible
>they'll announce a big update at E3 or CEO to get people excited again in time for EVO
That is actually a really good idea. Part of me thinks that is likely, the next reveal will probably at least be 2 characters. Even if it is the final edition they could push it as we were willing to fix the game in the end (even if it really didn't). But then again, this is the company that revealed Abigail at EVO instead of Menat.
yeah, tekkenfags are always seething about something. even now that their game is popular, they still have that chip on their shoulder from street fighter. it's sad to see.
Who? Which game?
You're responding to people pretending to be retarded user.
why does /fgg/ seethe so much about Tekken
why do you keep updating us about your current status? try counting to 10 and breathing deep
But im learning tekken everyday, and probably will pick unist, sfv is pretty awful
Fighting games are in the golden days, there's more variety and content being produced than ever, late 90s/early 00s capcom contrarians can suck dick
Street fighter has lame characters and they're too hard to use. Charge characters? What the fuck is that? Mk all the way.
>and now they're lashing out at everyone
You're not talking about Yea Forums are you? Yea Forums's always sperged out about Tekken is if it's personally ruined people's lives on here, and randomly brings it up to do this even when no one else is talking about it. It's fine to simply dislike it but it's one of those games people here just act like retards over for some reason.
/fgg/ exists to shit post about SFV, if it's not #1 they need to shitpost about whatever else.
>Yea Forums's always sperged out about Tekken
see this is the persecution complex I'm talking about. you're so blind to reality that you unironically think Yea Forums is anti-tekken and not anti-SF
You tried
Were you not born yet in the early 00's?
Kof is still going strong. Arcana Heart is fun too. SF is just boring
This makes me wonder whatever happened to bloody roar fag? I haven't see his shitty wojack posts in a few months.
>not being here for superior limb based combat
SFfags can't handle that they aren't the darling child anymore.
They really should get over themselves, every fighter have bad games from time to time but they just fucking refuse to let it go.
The game is always in slow motion for me.
Yea Forums has 1(one) (uno) faggot who kept making anti tekken threads and challenging everyone to furry roar 3, it isnt anti tekken or anti sf because no one here actually plays fighting games
It is the game a lot of people moved to, has received pretty consistent praise and is actually growing. It is in the kind of place most games want to be, where despite lack of money people still play it in good numbers. Remember when /fgg/ spammed how every pro was quitting because of money, then that never happened despite a minimal increase this year?
>Kof is still going strong
XIV isn't going as strong as I'd like. At least SamSho is set to have a good EVO but I really hope it can maintain a presence.
Maybe he finally killed himself
Didn't that turn out to be some promotional shit for Death Cargo? Or am I confusing the two postings?
Josie is actually is only good looking female in Tekken. Wonder what went wrong.
>a guy spamming threads of how Tekken is the most advanced fighting game ever made
>related to death cargo
The spam was around the same time maybe? I don't remember properly as it was ages ago now.
Maybe, it was kinda enjoyable seeing the evolution of his shitposting as more people just called him a furry.
I didn't even say anything about SF, I was replying to someone talking about Tekken so I only mentioned Tekken
For the record I think Yea Forums is, or at least wants to be, anti-Capcom in general. That being said pretty much all games involved in that get about as much positive discussion as they do negative (except Marvel Infinite) which isn't the case with Tekken from what I've seen.
Also pretty sure that SF, Tekken and maybe DBFZ are the only current fighters many people in these threads have spent more than an hour with though despite other games being mentioned a lot, so that's a factor too
Who all will we see the most in tournaments character-wise?
because it had a bad launch and it's not possible to escape something like that in the modern internet climate.
Did Death Cargo end up being real in the end?
Geras mirrors and some Scorpion
Not him, as far as SF goes the only EVO champ I know about is Luffy a couple of years back, but there's CC winners like MenaRD, nuckledu, and players like Punk, Smug, Wolfkrone, etc who have all done very well. Some GG guy recently won a tournament with a steering wheel. Nobody *needs* a stick.
Yes actually and it's even worse than you could believe.
Punk is the best SF player in the world right now and uses a stock PS4 pad
People all hate it for different reasons
>launched with no content
>is ugly
>is apparently new player friendly
That Tekken and UNIst surge
That SFV and DBFZ drop.....
Geras, Sonya, Sub, Scorpion
Just wanted to get into SF because i like soundtrack, like to watch tournaments and overall game is appealing to me.
Suddenly everyone on Yea Forums telling me that SFV is fucking unplayable garbage, why god.
What a great time that was
Can’t stand SFV. Feels less fun than USFIV
Right now I’m playing a lot of UNIST and Power Rangers just to fuck around. It’s honestly decent if a little janky, and the new characters are cool. Mostly I’m just waiting for Samurai Shodown
i thought it was the only one that remembered that
What's MYST?
play what you enjoy, user.
Tekken uses the superior 4 button limb based system of combat, something all 3d fighters should use. It is the most intuitive control scheme for a 3d fighting game, and it amazes me others don't use it. With Tekken you have more options than other fighters, thus adding more depth. Look at other control schemes when compared to Tekken:
Virtua Fighter - 3 buttons, punch, kick, and guard. Now this is extremely limiting. Unlike Tekken, where you can choose which limb you wish to use to attack with, in VF the game determines it for you. I press punch with Jacky, I could get a right jab or a left jab. Compare this to Tekken, where if I want say a left jab with law, or a right cross, I can hit the corresponding limb buttons. This allows for maximum intuitiveness.
Tobal - This uses 3 main attack buttons, High, Mid, and Low. This is one of the worst control schemes imaginable. You have no control over limbs or your attacks being punches or kicks, the game determines all that for you. The buttons simply decide whether your attack hits high, mid, or low. This is highly unintuitive and extremely limiting. It is also shallow. In Tekken, you have to figure out on your own which moves hit at which heights. Tobal it pretty much tells you, you know when you hit the high attack button, any attack done with that button will be high. Where is the depth in that? Instead of discovering things for yourself, the game just hands it to you. Tekken makes you work for that information.
Is Power Rangers out? I remember hearing about it and then kinda nothing.
Samurai Shodown looks like it’s gonna be a great game. I hate being combo’d to death in all these anime fighters.
>because I’m bad at games
Mystery game tournament
I want to like that game more but the amount of hitstop on everything is bugging me. I know it's intentional design but still.
Now another thing, take a character like Hwoarang. If he were in a game like VF or Tobal, he'd be ruined. Tekken's superior limb based system of combat allows him to have so many moves. he can switch freely between stances, and has many kick attacks using both legs. Were he to be in VF, he'd be extremely limited and shallow, as now you simply press a single kick button for all his attacks. Tobal would be even worse, you'd now all the heights of the kicks laid out right before you, making him extremely predictable. What if someone was watching your stick as you play, and they saw the buttons you pressed as you attacked, they'd know which way to block since the buttons freaking tell you what height the moves goes.
Lastly, Tekken's control scheme allows for something that is simple to learn, but hard to master. Games like VF and Tobal try to cover up their shallow control schemes by making the moves harder to do, using complicated motions. Look at Akira's movelist in VF, his moves are loaded with nonsense motions like down back, down forward, diagonal up left, punch guard, forward kick. It's needlessly complicated to fool players into thinking the game has depth.
Honestly, any new 3d fighter now is going to have to adopt the 4 button limb controls of Tekken if it wants to thrive. It's simply superior to all other control schemes.
Oh right, I was thinking MYST as in the game for some reason.
I think they wanted to make a footsie intensive game that resets to neutral a lot. Huge openings if you get hit or wiff an attack.
I wish I could understand what people see in tekken
2D fighters are for brainlets
I assume the game.
I do play street fighter, just not street fighter 5.
i agree.
3D fighters > 2D fighters.
Sidestepping / strafing is based
Do not play SFV if you plan on playing online. It still has some of the worse netcode around. A 4 bar connection is often time as bad as 3- 2 bar.
98 and 2002 are doing good in fihhtcade
as well as fightcade can do, I guess
I already am.
You get use to it. One of those things that seems like a long time, but once you get into playing/watching the intensity means you need that breathing room. A lot of stuff in SamSho seems like it shouldn't work or be that way, but somehow does. It is like if divekick had been made with a bit more serious intentions.
Mikado arcade had a stream yesterday, matches seem mostly like people figuring out the game but there is some fun stuff in there
But i do. Unlike most of Yea Forums, i enjoy games thats all you faggots bark and bitch about.
Nig-nog, if you think fighting games aren't in a pretty fucking good state right now, you must be clinically retarded, was born in like 2005, or extremely fucking ignorant.
The genre almost died before 2008, and it's a small miracle called Street Fighter 4 that it didn't. If you hadn't experienced ~2000-2008 for fighting games, you have no business talking about fighting game state.
>The genre almost died before 2008
terrible terrible meme
>Yea Forums
>fighting games
SFV is a great game and they're all shit at the genre anyways.
terrible terrible, I give you that, but not a meme for sure
not that you would know anything about it, zoomer
>Street Fighter is pretty good
>subtle SFVAE_Kage_Back_Turn .jpg
year sure eat shit and die faggot nigger bitch, sf5 is the worst fighting game ever fucking created, go and drink some bleach
I like SC6 for the gameplay
Looking forward to samsho too
Fuck off 3Dcucks, 2D is classic.
at least its not DBFZ lmaooooo
Yea Forums loves claiming that SFV is this casual baby game, but nobody here is even above gold or could beat me in a ft10
It is. Kinda got steamrolled by MK11 as far as the release went. The roster is still small but they just added 3 new fighters and the season pass fighters should be coming soon. The game itself is pretty easy to get into with some room for really crazy combos. I’m hoping they eventually add a combo challenge mode of some kind
Crosstag took my blazblue main from me and no character has clicked really hard with me in any other fighting game.
SFV's ost is mostly garbage. There are like 3 decent tracks that aren't inferior remixes of previous songs
Brazil best stage theme
t. low tier god
I'm pretty comfortable being gold, user. I don't want to take games too serious, or they'll become a chore.
I play UNIST at locals, but I haven't netplayed in the last year due to bad internet.
I lab Melty almost every day for some reason.
umm low tier god is a smash player now
Imagine not liking Djent Fighter Five OST. Silly you.
I can't even get out of bronze.
you could beat me in it because i don't play it because it's a casual baby game
if you weren't retarded you would have figured that logic out before posting but you're a jive player so being retarded is a given. see me in 3s or any tekken
Competitive MYST, it's pretty big
>cant even beat people in casual baby games
He's still losing and complaining too. It's hilarious.
You can do it user, believe in yourself!
Because god knows you'll need to believe in yourself even more after that
Wanna play the 3DS tekken?
Games released in the """dark age""" between 3rd Strike and SF4:
>Capcom vs SNK 2
>Marvel vs Capcom 2
>The King of Fighters 2002
>Tekken 5
>Soul Calibur 2
>Virtua Fighter 5
>Melty Blood
>Hyper Street Fighter 2
>Guilty Gear XX
>Samurai Shodown V Special
>Fist of the North Star
>Arcana Heart
>Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate
Wow, what a dark age.
Bro I'm just drunk enough to play FT10 with you, but we're probably going to have some serious lag issues because I'm russian and I also haven't been playing in like half a year now.
If you bitch ass wanna go still, then I'm game.
It's literally the best he's looked since CVS2.
Fighting games are good but SFV is terrible.
Fuck off degenerate, SFV is best of them
What a unique and leet opinion
how can anyone defend sfv atrocious graphics and design is beyond me, ryu and ken look better in smash than in sfv.
being retarded probably isn't hard either but you beat me in that too so yeah
Because it's not as ugly as 4
>h-heh, this game is so easy and casual, I can't beat you in it because I'm not DUMB ENOUGH
most of those games would be lucky to get twenty entrants in that era.
the FGC suffered and sales for many of those franchises did too.
SNK fucking died in that period. VF never recovered and more obscure stuff like Bloody Roar is dead forever.
in that time the only successful games were like Tekken and SC.
The best thing about SFV is that it was so bad that it made people try and get into other fighting games. This is coming from who actually enjoys playing V.
How could anyone compete?
At least SFIV had proper lighting and consistent artsyle.
What's beyond me are the retarded mocapped weightless animations. It looks so fucking bad.
thats not even truly the case. SFV has more entrants and players in general than SF4 had.
the FGC just grew larger as a whole.
if you put effort into being retarded you'll be better at being a retard than someone who doesn't put effort into being retarded. who would've thought? not a jive player, that's for sure, because jive players don't think at all
relax, vappa
I never played SF until 4. I liked KI back in the day though. KI4 when?
You mean the money prize grew larger right? That's literally the only thing keeping this trasheap alive.
>At least SFIV had proper lighting and consistent artsyle.
its horrifying that this retarded "argument" gets brought up in these threads. it has to be the same idiot every time because I cant imagine multiple people thinking that.
>SFV animations
>weightless compared to 4
yeah m8, 600 people show up to events because they all think they have a shot at the prize pool. money is clearly the only motivator lmao
SFV has the best animations in the genre, unironically
Comfortably the best game in the series as far as I'm concerned
Shame it got released nestled in between CoD and RDR2, it probably would've been better as a December or Q1 game. At least it did well enough to get a season 2.
Also SFV girls are best looking girls in vidya.
DoAfags please not respond, your dolls all look the same.
talk about low standards.
older SF games and even some older SNK games have much, much better animations
Honestly this. Every character has a different facial structure and body type that fits them
SFV has the best animations in the genre of games that use 3D character models
Even Mortal Kombat, today's juggernaut, was dead during that time.
>SFV has more entrants and players in general than SF4 had.
It also loses players faster, SF4 managed to grow even past SFxT's failure. SFV would have sub SF4 numbers at EVO if not for the whole free tshirt thing last time.
SF4 came in from the franchise being quiet for years, SFV came in from the best position a fighter could ask for and squandered it.
Reminder that third strike is an unbalanced piece of garbage and it's still the best street fighter game
>SFV would have sub SF4 numbers at EVO if not for the whole free tshirt thing
The characters always clash in a bad way with the background, which look fucking horrendous. The lightning is also all kind of fucked up on the characters hairs looking like clay don't do the already ugly characters any favor.
You sound like some obsessed spastic.
Combobreaker this year has twice the amount of SFV entrants than SF4 had in 2015.
Its also clearly still above SF4 at EVO but you gotta do some mind gymnastics to rationalize it lmao
>SFV would have sub SF4 numbers at EVO if not for the whole free tshirt thing last time.
dude, do you even read what you type before sending? lmao
You don't even have to bring up the models being outsourced and looking like different artstyles from character to character.
SFV is a joke. 2D Fighters are a joke. The only people defending this are actual sub-90IQ.
3D fighters reuse assets from the PS2 era. Especially Tekken.
fighting games became shit again when they became esports.
fuck esports. fgc has always been a den of degenerate stoners, autistic nips and chimpout africans and some nerds, all with politically incorrect verbage. and thats exactly how it should be
you will not get me to buy Samsho by shitting on my maingame.
enjoy your inevitable sub 100 players online one week after launch.
Okay? There's still nothing that looks like Ken.
Also, characters look different from 6 to Tag 2 to 7. You'd know that if you played the games.
I think I'm the worst fighting game player in the world. I've never gotten past the nervous stage where you forget everything you tried to think through and practice as soon as the match starts. I generally just alternate between flailing like a retard and blocking. Even though I've stuck with some games for 100+ hours of practice and hundreds of straight losses. The only game I saw anything resembling steady improvement was SFV, but even winning in that game was boring compared to never winning ever in something like Guilty Gear or KOF.
Literally nobody used the words re-use or assets
ken unironically looks better than most tekken characters.
and tekken literally reuses PS2 animations and custom items which makes everything look janky and shit, especially combined with the garbage movement making everything jittery if you want to move above a snails pace.
3D fighters are lazy and stagnant as hell. failed subgenre that took over twenty years to adopt fucking meter and projectiles.
post cfn
don't beat yourself up over it, as long as you're having fun
I do though. Picked up SFV last month, currently got to silver. Mostly because bronze is nothing but Kens spaming H DP and H Tatsu but still. Having fun with it
Last FG I played was almost 2 decades ago
the fuck are you talking about, i don't even play tekken but it shit's all over every other fighting games in terms of animations, you've got not only better animations but also for absolutely everything, plus many other fighting games like gg/dbfz and kof13 use 3d models
if you don't agree with what he says at least acknowledge the animations
Tell me why do you think those shitty animations are the "best" of the genre.
Everyone does a retarded obviously mocapped movement after any attack, which look out of place because the person doing the mocap doesn't match the characters bodytype at all. It's all so fucking tiresome.
Don't even get me started on the lackluster super attacks, with the anticlimatic "KO" when you happened to beat someone with one.
you don't play 3D fighters, I take it. There's literally nothing wrong with Tekken's gameplay, you know, the number one thing that matters in games, especially fighting games.
I agree that custom items and shit are cancer though
>but it shit's all over every other fighting games in terms of animations
what am I reading
tekken 7 reuses animations from TEKKEN 3
there's tons wrong with tekken gameplay. only aris dickriders disagree.
It stopped being fun. I couldn't go back to SFV after having a taste of better games even if I never got off the ground in them.
don't fix what's not broken.
Fuck no.
that being true or not they are extremely well done and much better than sfv
I know you're a shitposting retard but what went wrong? Why did Akuma become more attractive than Ken?
Also those "PS2 animations" as you say are still there because guess what, they are still good. Only few remains of PS1 animations look ot of place in 7.
They literally aren't. Tekken has notoriously fucking awful animations.
Not gonna lie they had good bodies, but then I realized every female characters except for Chun-li has the same body type. Same goes for the men too, all roided up witht the exact same looking muscles.
>every female characters except for Chun-li has the same body type
no way
Good bodies my ass, the proportions are shit roid rage trash. Looks bad.
People say a lot of weird untrue shit about SFV but to say that its animations are bad or that they're god forbid worse than SF4 is just insane.
Sure they are kid, sure they are.
good argument, because i've never seen or heard someone complain about them, what you're saying is as valid as me saying your are a notorious faggot
Tekken 7 doesn't have memorable moments from EVO or other big tourneys, while SFV is full of them.
the animations are janky garbage that people have been making fun of for literal decades and T7 akuma is blocky as hell. his Gi looks like its made out of paper.
you can probably not tell because Harada loves spamming particle effects and chromatic abberation to cover up the sub ps3 era level models.
But he IS a notorious faggot...
>because i've never seen or heard someone complain about them
sounds like you're a sheltered tekken babb then. probably just watched some aris streams only.
i want to main cammy but i get rekt anytime i play her .
mike is an international treasure and should be given immortality
>dhalsim, ryu and abigail have the same body type
How about you tell me why they aren't worse than SFIV? The only good thing I can think of compared to it are the different ending animations if the attack was blocked. The rest look like food fight garbage,
then work on your play. cammy is good.
Lil Majin run was overhyped as fuck, basically because he is nigger in Fighting games filled with koreans and japanese players.
why would anybody give you the time of the day when you're clearly blind?
If Majin won EVO that day it would have been legendary, alas he dropped the ball. This will only be remembered as "that one good match"
I only play DBFZ
>sheltered tekken babb
oh shit i recognize those words, took you long enough
>Street Fighter is pretty good for starters.
You and your shit fighting game can suck my fucking cock, you capcom drone
Concession accepted.
What if you just find fighting game boring as shit to play?
I'm not Nubi. Bloody Roar is gay. But so is Tekken desu.
i played 5 the other day for the first time since last december, turned it off after one match. its just so fucking predictable and boring now, and with no one new to mix it up, i can think of literally zero reasons to keep playing it - and i still play MVC2, 3S and VS all the fucking time.
Nah, I already grew up playing tons of 3S and USFIV with good fighting game players. SFV is boring.
I'll stick to Smash Bros Ultimate instead.
People literally don't even know why they hate SFV
Because some youtuber told them so.
I'm playing SFV right now and 9/10 times accepting a 4 bar connection matches me with some one in Brazil
It's just boring.
You don't even know why you think it's boring
What about my post is a falseflag? Are you trying to say that this game isn't laggy as fuck? Even if those are two broken cabinets, its a fucking slideshow half the time you get into a match online
Correct me if I'm wrong. But aren't the top SF players currently a gay furry, and a transwoman?
You're wrong.
I don't even play Street Fighter or fighting games in general and I'm still mad about them removing Cammys nipples.
Theres very little variety in the fights. It all comes down to baiting for crush counters, 50/50 wake up coin tosses and punishing with BnB combos. If you've been playing it since it came out, its really fucking hard to not be bored with it at this point
no. best SF players are japanese+one american black guy with fucked up teeth.
DBFZ and MKXI are gayfurry dominated.
gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8
You sound mentally ill.
Eh, I think sc6 has better animations. Partly because I find tekken's juggles to look a bit stilted.
It really doesn't though
I wish Cammy was my wife.
Even scrubs like yourself can get decent if you put in the time to grind my friend. The question is do you have the time and dedication to spend on the grind?
t. former scrub.
USF2 and Anniversary Collection still have some people online
Nice argument. I've been thoroughly convinced that the game is actually much deeper than i realized after playing thousands of matches.
How many cents an hour is capcom paying you to defend this game, Pajeet? Can't be more the 25 at this point, since they don't give a fuck about the game anymore.
UNIST mostly thanks to those nightly lobbys that have been going on.
I've been getting pretty good at skullgirls
Post your CFN
you wanna rumble? i gotta go get my laundry in about half an hour
I don't. Cuz I modded it back in. Along with all the other shit they changed for the sake of ESPN.
god, I wish that was me
SFV isn't as bad as people make it out to be but it leaves a lot to be desired. Every character is neutered, options are removed or locked behind v-trigger for who knows what reason, normals have stubby hitboxes and most moves that look like they should be good are usually massively negative and give you nothing. Everybody plays with a hand tied behind their back in SFV and it simplifies the neutral a shit ton
If you intend to stick with it in the long run, make sure you play a character you really like though like said it might be best to avoid playing Yuzuriha until you understand the mechanics of the game since she has a fairly tricky playstyle that is pretty unique compared to the rest of the roster.
Modders fixed all this nonsense though
>Every character is neutered, options are removed or locked behind v-trigger
bad meme
Who's Chun Li caninically dating?
dont we all.
post your CFN and make a lobby, i got a little time left
yes brah, urien should have access to aegis as a regular special.
She's a single mother who don't need no man.
>SFIV Cody
Could have his knife, his rocks, and his pipe all at one time on demand
>SFV Cody
Knife locked behind VT1, pipes and rock locked behind VT2, all of them are worse compared to how he played in SFIV and he doesn't have criminal upper in his arsenal anymore. Additionally his only good normals are his mediums which don't reach for shit
Not that guy but fundamentals are far more important for beginners to learn than combos.
Said fundamentals can only be learned by playing against opponents who won't sandbag against you so it's best to find people who are high skilled to beat those fundamentals into you.
It's nice to fight opponents who are equal in skill level but starting early out it might be a bad idea since you are less likely to learn the fundamentals if neither of you have them built up yet.
do you really want to go up against a super diamond
he also has entirely different moves, but I guess that doesnt count?
cody literally only kept his ruffian kick.
>cody lk and hk
Doesn't help all the subsequent characters who were introduced later.
I really thought Capcom was fucking based when 5 was released and didn't give a shit about this kind of stuff and then they fucking backpedaled like the pussies they are.
sure, a good fight might make me want to come back to the game for more than a match. i'll be back in about ten minutes
You forgot how Cody isn't total low tier garbage now
Ok, who's father of the kid then?
SFV cody got an actual fireball, a one button DP that beats crossups, and guy's final fight target combo
VT rocks are way more versatile and tricky than old rocks, also has a command grab
only thing cody lost of any merit in SFV is the novelty of the knife in mirror matches
>Cody HK
Holy fucking bronze. His LK is all right but it's just as positive as his MK so there's no real reason to use it except in specific situations where you need something a couple of frames faster since MK has more coverage
>cc button with this range
shut up bronzie. you were completely wrong about the other things about cody too.
There's a lot of shit that will CC that if you're just throwing it out bronzie. What do you even expect to get off of it at a range?
>literally the biggest it's ever been since the 90s
>low point
Can someone please tell me where people are getting the idea that fighting games are dying? I literally don't understand how anyone could come close to this conclusion.
Not that guy but maybe you should find a regular group of people to play matches with so you could build up those fundamentals.
I apply fighting game logic to action games, it's actually a lot of fun, spacing, whiff punishing, figuring out the patterns etc.
Fighting games are unironically lots of fun at all skill levels. That's what makes them such a great genre to get into.
today i will remind them
nonsensical statement. and you get plents out of it as it allows you to do a dashin combo. but you wouldnt know that.
you dont even know what lk is for.
She literally adopts them. She starts with the kid she meets in SFV, then just adopts other orphans
should i make a lobby, or are you just another person who talks big on the internet? i haven't even seen a CFN yet
I hear you. I recently started playing DMC1 and that game plays like a 3D fighting game once you start unlocking all the different abilities.
Think of all that ESPN money bro
All things considered SFV got off pretty light. I mean look at these official costumes of Chun. I guess after a while the SJWs went to complain about something else or Capcom decided to stop listening.
I'm well aware that HK gets you a dash in on meaty but I've not tried it at max range, I highly doubt it works so the range is a moot point when you can get great midrange setups just linking mediums into zonk knuckle or low ruffian. And if I'm so clueless go ahead and explain to me what LK is for as if whatever you say will contradict my assessment of it being situational rather than a neutral move.
I've only been playing Cody for a day btw
Platinum on smashladder
well the fact that it sold poorly might have helped a little. Although i dont think SF core fanbase give much of a shit about any of this .
i will never not be thankful to the gods and to Akiman for these costumes.
What region? I'm EU
NA East. Post CFN
if we're gonna do this, its gotta be soon. leaving home in like 15 minutes for the rest of the day
I play every fighting game I can get my hands on. I like to lab games a lot but I don't get a lot of netplay in for some reason. I get really frustrated when I have to sit and wait for a match for 15 minutes, then if I get one I have to keep rematching because if I disconnect I'll be waiting another 15 minutes. I like to play on my own time in between watching TV and shit so I hate that netplay demands that commitment
As a result I only netplay really populated games like DBFZ and SFV, but I play almost everything else. One of my favorite games is Eternal Fighter Zero and I'm pretty sure the entire online scene for that is like 4 people.
I want to suck on those toes.
You definitely need to hit the lab consistently to be near flawless with your combos and punishes.
I have 1GB/s Fiber and get around 10 ping in any given game I play but SF5 is a shit show. 90% of the matches turn into teleporting bullshit halfway through the first round. Went back to SF4 recently to play with a friend in the UK and it was like playing locals. How did they fuck it up so bad?
Chun Li is miracle of the universe.
I had this stick and it was complete ass. You needed 500 lbs of force to push down the buttons and the lever would drop inputs all the time.
He's actually a Bronze player. That's why he's dodging.
sfv is legit the worst fighting game out there right now lol
>posts an old ass screenshot from v1 of the game
Stop using wireless you dumb fuck
I really dont fucking know. Its almost impressive how bad the connections are. Its only two people, playing for 99 seconds at a fucking time, and its still almost unplayable. Meanwhile, fps games have 20+ people running around gigantic maps, blowing shit up, with no dips. Not even MHW, another Capcom game, is anywhere near this bad.
Worst part is, its been this bad since the beginning, and it never really improved. Its fucking crazy, man
Oh I'm aware - I've done this song and dance here before. One time, though, I actually made a lobby and the nigga fought/beat me. Good times, almost makes me feel like i'm not the only person on the board who plays vidya.
Pretty hard when I work 60+ hours 7 days a week. The closest my close friends will come to a fighting game is Smash and I'm not buying a Switch just for that.
I'm hardwired and i have 200mb/s internet. That doesn't stop third worlders from fucking up the match from their end, jackass.
>Soul Calibur 2 and fucking TMNT:Tournament Fighters are in
>Fighting EX Layer nowhere to be found
Damn, I wanted that game to succeed.
man i am just not reckless enough to play young zeku. playing way to conservative when i see the yolo shit the guys in tournaments do
What the fuck happened here? Fatty had almost no health and the Ninja had almost half, but he loses? Did he get hit with a counter super? Or is there some kind of super unsafe move you can do in this game that instakills the opponent?
That's not surprising considering it's the people who don't play fighting games and just masturbate to the characters that tend to care most about this kind of thing.
There's some horseshit lag compensation built into the game that pushes all the lag onto the player with the superior connection. Go into 10 4-5 bar matches and 8 of them will lag. Now throttle your speed to 1mb/s or less and watch how the game magically stops lagging but now your opponents can't react to you because they see you teleporting everywhere.
I first noticed this when my only local friend who plays fighting games moved into a new apartment with wifi only internet. Games were silky smooth at his place but rage inducing at mine.
It's a shame Old Zeku is tied to him. As a zoner/poker fag I love Old Zeku's moveset but it has basically no use when you can just turn into Young Zeku abd become a better character.
Sorry, still looks the same even today.
Unga bunga pressure is king in SF5. I like Zeku too but the down down pp to transform ruins the character for me.
SamSho is about big damage. Combos are only a few hits and can take about a fourth or a third of your health.
Because of the glut of female costumes there have been multiple times I don't know if I'm fighting Kolin, Cammy, or Karin until a few seconds into the match because they all look so similar. If you're just going by their default costumes then yeah you're right they're distinct.
I haven't been able to play any fighting games in a while, but I'll finally have wired internet for the first time in almost a year again soon so I'll be able to play them again then. I'm looking forward to it.
Interesting. I had really bad wi-fi in my last apartment, the matches were always shit, which didn't bother me so much because i mostly played with friends at home. now i'm elsewhere, and hardwired - its not as terrible as often as it used to be, since i only play against people with 5 bars, but when its bad, its just as bad as it ever was.
So are still in the "r/kapa said sfv is bad so it's bad" phase or do we like it now?
>biggest it's ever been
>5000 at most on Steam
>when mobas and fps get 50k or 100k at most
It's a dead fucking genre.
I wouldn't mind if they added a new character in a later game that's a disciple of Zeku's new technique while refining it to be good on its own.
People hated SFV way before Reddit realized it's shit.
we're still in the "no one on Yea Forums plays vidya and even if they do, they're fucking awful at fightan as a whole, so everyone just faps and talks shit" phase
Well yeah, it's the newest game so it's automatically bad in stream monsters' minds.
What rank constitutes not being "fucking awful" to you?
Stream kiddies like MVC3 so their opinion doesn't matter.
they're just vappa kids that love living in their own echo chambers and dont actually play fighting games. pay them no heed
I just got Tekken 7 on PC and I suck at it. I'm super new to 3D fighting games and have no idea who to even main (briefly just to get my bearings) let alone how to move well.
You're basically me until a few days ago. I'm still a pretty weak player, but I'm getting better and better at my inputs, seeing what other people are trying to do, maintaining my calm to the point where some of the easier matches are starting to feel like auto-pilot.
Make sure to watch streams and videos of good players to learn the best normals for your main, and in what context to use them. Forget all about combos when you're starting out. Blocking, crouching and throwing some quick jabs and kicks when your opponent is approaching is a good enough strategy to throw more inexperienced players off balance.
Things like input buffering should come very naturally (eg. when you're delivering a crouch medium kick with Ryu, all you have to do is move the stick forward to throw a fireball, it's a relatively safe strategy even if they block it).
Hell, I just learned this today: When you and your opponent jump at the same time and you both land right next to each other, it may be a good idea to spam throw. Even if he thinks of doing the same you'll at least cancel his attempt. There's tons of small things like this you keep learning in matches. Don't get discouraged.
watch avoidingthepuddle's tutorials
Earthquake is in rage explosion (trades actual meter bar for buff) which gains access to issen (one use high damage super). He uses issen to dodge and take the round. His meter bar does not return in the next round.
The most important things are the ability to gracefully accept defeat and the willingness to learn and improve through practice and determination.
Rank means less than heart, desu
>His meter bar does not return in the next round.
That's pretty cool. It looks like the game has some interesting mechanics.
It really is amazing how good SF's character designs were. Even Retsu, a literally nobody from SFI, was recognizable to me. SFIV and, to a lesser extent, SFV haven't been quite as good with their designs even then there's a few winners like F.A.N.G, Menat, and G.
Main Josie, she kute.
>look up kage
>its literally ryu
okay what in the fuck. whats the difference between him and evil ryu? lore wise i mean. i'm sure he has different movesets
The best way to improve at fighting games is to find a rival. Literally find the Ken to your Ryu. I had never touched a fighting game in my life until SF4 but I had a friend who played consistently and we pushed each other to get better and after a few month's we were doing kara cancels and FADC combos like they were nothing. After a year we were consistently pulling off 1-frame links. We blasted through each plateau because we were motivated. Playing by yourself or against randoms will help you improve but only marginally and you don't feel the shakes if you are just playing a friend. Wish he was still alive.
>Rank means less than heart
This. Especially the people that grinded to silver/diamond during the early days of the game, and then refuse to play or disconnect when losing just so they can lord their rank over people on taiwanese basket weaving forums. I know you guys shitpost here, I've been disconnected on enough times.
Kage to Evil Ryu is what Oni to Akuma
There is no difference. Kage is just Evil Ryu that's allowed to be canon because he flew out of Ryu's ass and is his own character now.
Samsho is full of odd stuff like that. It still has weapon clash and drop. Makes me miss when fighters were experimental.
Well I am one of the top 5 Ed players and I think the game is shit but I don't have any interest in any of the other current gen fighters so I'm fucked.
He's suppose to be Ryu's dark hado given a physical form. Essentially he's a canon(?) Evil Ryu. He does exist in canon but it's not really known if he's something Ryu just overcomes or if he exists on his own.
In his story mode he meets with Sagat and Akuma who both tell him to fuck off and Ryu overcomes him.
Pretty lame character overall.
>Well I am one of the top 5 Ed players
Well only five exist so that's natural.
Why would I want to play Street Fighter 5?
SFV is shit. Now pretty much any game before V is pretty good.
Why are you keep trying?
I do but i cant seem to get good. SO now i only play third strike every now and then on fightcade for shits and giggles.
I also dislike the current gem of fighters and mostly dislike arcsys games in general because their mechanics are fucking awful most of the time and keeping up with any fighters nowadays seems like a huge ass waste of money.
Because every other 2d fighter is dead
the bad guys get pretty shafted in this game. necalli can tell you all about it
But MK has more players and entrants at combo breaker
That sucks, man. I'm sorry about your friend.
I love all Street Fighter girls, they all cute!
Also fuck Tekken.
Trying to learn UNIST right now, but I keep obsessing over trying to do the max damage hard ass combos consistently for a character before I jump online. I should just bite the bullet and expect to lose a lil bit
>sfv is free on ps4
>try it
>one hour of popups later hop into practice
>i dont like it
fuck. really wish tekken still had that team mode tho
>tfw you are better than all your friends and so no-one wants to do fightan
>western release
nigga it released at the same time, thank god the camera was the "worst thing" that was removed
>tfw the only friend in real life you play with at fighting games gets salty as fuck when you win so you have to sandbag and use mostly characters that aren't your main
>tfw no friends irl nor online
Why do zoomers hate SFV so much?
Veteran players weren't happy with it at release, which was fully justufied, and SFIV babies were upset they had to learn a new game.
MK just came out. NRS games typically have very steep player dropoffs.
I liked it at first but gradually fell out of love. The game just feels way too aggressive and homogenous, despite having almost as many characters as SFIV now.
I just dislike how stressful this game is. like i could literally play usf4 all day, i feel totally done after about 1 - 3 hours of sf v online. there is just something about the offense in this game that makes it so so insanely stressful
I miss Mike "Mike Ross" Ross
they get autistic about muh lowered skill ceiling
Is Kage as bad as I was told?
Also I hope if there's a SF6 and they decide to bring him back (probably will, Evil Ryu is more or less a staple now) they redesign him
UNIST is too expensive on PC or I would be and I'm shit at bbcf so I either play samsho on fightcade or get raped on xrd and I can't be bothered doing that anymore.
Ryu is still garbage, I still use him. The netcode is worse than ever, I still get south american mutts.
Just learn some basic bnbs and jump into the deep end. You will rarely lose in unist because you did you didn't optimize for corner carry or because you did 400 less damage than you could have. You WILL lose if your neutral, defense, and shielding habits aren't up to stuff.
Hell, I'd recommend you start working on option selects even before aiming for advanced or optimal combos.
he can get the job done but comparatively he is pretty weak yeah. no reason to not pick akuma over him.
you can get some wins here and there by abusing online so people can't always react to hk stomp tho. its the one consistent way laggy kage players beat me
Isn't that the guy who wanted to sell out the FGC but wasn't going to get paid for it? Instead he ragequit IRL?
Because V is shit and no, lol it was never the "EPITOME OF SKILL". That probably belongs to Guilty Gear which is a better game, so is Tekken and UNIST.
The absolute faggot has a name then, good to know
then you are 80% of the fgc
The entire game looks like shit. Shit artstyle and shit aesthetics.
Yeah that seems like the best course of action, at least so I actually start playing the game rather than just training mode for 100 hours
Should a black man really represent America? I would give the credit to Africa since that's what he is, an African. Instead of America which is what would be included as white, take the credit.