Day 2 of Ramadan

>day 2 of Ramadan
Feeling good, what are your wishes for gaming in the best part of the year? Just got the newest Devil May Cry

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>Not giving up games for Ramadan

Playing Sekiro now. Combat reminds me of MGRR, I like it a lot.

green people aren't muslim you retarded Yea Forumsfag

stupid post

OP what's so special about Dennis Radaman and why do you celebrate him?

high iq post

>muslim coworkers cant keep up because theyre starving themselves
why are you like this

Work harder goy, maybe Mr Shekelberg will give a cookie lol

god I feel like dying

>Imagine living in a country where it’s actually illegal to eat or drink.

This post was made by Christian gang!

>most Muslims gain weight over Ramadan because they fast all day and feast all night
Sorry I can't work today but still have to collect a paycheck because my religious beliefs, also as soon as the sun sets I'm going to intake 4000 calories and still sleep on a fill stomach.

>imagine not putting effort into getting your dream job, meeting new friends, providing for your kids and feeling fulfilled in life whilst maintaining a balance with your hobbies
genuine concern

then why are you here

>and still sleep on a fill stomach.
Well yeah why would you run out of money and food after one day of missing work?

I like playing video games


> dream
> job
LMFAO imagine being this fucking cucked

Jesus user you dont have any of those things do you?

Literally defeats the entire point of a fast. Bwahahah imagine being a towelhead.

Why are you and your ilk aggressively invading and replacing white people across Europe? No Taqyia answer pls!
