4 games (not counting spinoffs) and Kratos evolved fully

>4 games (not counting spinoffs) and Kratos evolved fully.
>Dante 5 games and he's still a weeb manchild cardboard MCU cutout protag he was back on the PS2

Why does Dante fail to ever grow?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I couldn't stop laughing at how stupid Kratos's voice is, it sounds fucking ridiculous.

He sounds like he wakes up slapping his dick on a piece of steak.

He evolved into a cuck

Anime fans haven't matured, why would their posterboy?

Kratos was an intriguing character because he was a violent psychopath though. Dad of Snore took away the one interesting aspect about those games.

first case are chad western devs
second case is the beta jap dev

Except he's still violent, just smarter about it. It's called growth.

the last devil may cry game had dante looking like Justin Bieber and the first cutscene literally involves him flying out of a trailer home naked, i don't know why you expect any level of maturity out of a game that doesn't care about it explicitly

NuGoW was the worst modern gaming experience I've ever had since The Last of Us

Sounds like boring nerd shit.

Fucking kek. DmC fans cope. GoW is better and more mature in every way. DmC fans will never have mature gameplay and cinematic storyline like we Sony fans have. I'm also looking forward to more mature games like TLoU2. I'm so glad to be a Sony fan.

>Nu Kratos
>a good character

he basically undid everything that people liked about his previous self.

to be fair, that was the edgy reboot, made by a 3rd party, that was so bad that Capcom brought back the original timeline instead of continuing the reboot

That's where you're wrong because Kratos was still a violent psychopath, he just kept it in check so it wouldn't traumatize his kid, but it ends up coming out anyway.

growth is for characters in big story, not characters in game where you do big action. is simple.

if heavy weapons guy was not heavy weapons guy, would he be in game? he would not be heavy weapons guy. he would be pansy with character arc.

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At least you can play DMC

kek This must be the reason, they won't let Dante grow because his weeb neckbeard fanbase might have a heart attack. I'm guessing that's why Nero exists so they can have a more serious character to dick around with rather than have Dante be anything other than mentally 12 and get long winded neckbeard essays written to them on how he's ruined.

>undid everything people liked about him
>most people saw him as a literal villain and didn't root for him before 4

growth of a character requires some inpetus for growth that exists in the character throughout the whole story. a character that exists as a vessel for the player with no choice of their own is not a character capable of growth, they are a vessel for the player's control.

the growth of a character in a video game, by necessity of the medium is the growth of the player. growth in skill, knowledge, ability, or willpower. if the game does not involve the growth of you, the person playing it, then it is not a game, it's a movie where you watch a character play out an act on a stage

Attached: soy.png (960x821, 697K)

Because DMC is a great in spite of it's story and God of Bore is only good because of it

Keep crying dmcfags. Only on one platform and still btfo'd your animu shit in mere weeks.

the only growth in the god of war series is the growing sense of malaise and ennui at the developers who think anyone wants to play walking simulators

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Because devil may cry is a series with different goals, retard. You're incredibly insecure and as a result cry for game characters in action games defined their silliness arbitrarily "grow" because you want to justify the time you spent playing the game.

Or you're pretending to be retarded to get replies because you've got nothing better to do but bait. In which case, good job retard.

>Turns into a pussy
This is growing to you?

>same character but defanged

>turns into a pussy

>most people saw him as a literal villain
Great so sonyfags didn't even play the trilogy.

Caring about raising your son makes you a pussy I guess. Maybe he should be an autistic dad like Vergil

>raising your wife's son alone is "growing"

>being this brainlet
If you can go back and play the old Gow watch how unga Kratos was and how overly emotial he reacted to everything and how not yelling was impossible for him, and play nu-gow and say he didn't grow you're fucking retarded.

>Kratos in GoW4 is a pussy because he's trying to raise his son and teach him how to be a man
>Vergil is based because he's a deadbeat father

Nice logic, incels.

>At the time it was understood that Kratos was destroying the entire world in his quest for revenge in GoW 3
>That one thing with Poseidon's slut
>Not a villain
Most of that comes mostly from the third game, but is easy for anyone to think you are playing the bad guy who fights other bad guys.

Dante grows over the course of his life, but the timeline is all over the place. In 3 he starts as a complete dork that is forced to accept his heritage and responsibility. In 1 he's learned this so he's more subdued. In the anime you see how shit his daily life is after 1, and by 2 he's bored of it all. The Fortuna case and meeting Nero sparks something in him that makes him more upbeat again, but this time more playful since he's way above everything you fight in that game. There isn't a lot of growth from 4 to 5, but 5 is more about Nero and Vergil.

>and how overly emotial he reacted to everything
Maybe that has something to do with the Gods fucking up his entire life?

He was the one who initially set those things in motion, also the one who killed his own family.

Except he slaughtered anyone he met for Ares sake at the beginning.
That fucker earned no sympathy.

>He was the one who initially set those things in motion
Yeah except for when they personally kidnapped his brother which happened because Zeus was a scared little pussy.

Realistically Dante has no reason to change as a character. He does what he loves every day of his life, there's nothing driving him to become a better person or "settle down." Kratos accomplished what he set out to do so it's not surprising he "evolved" by settling down.

The only reason Dante would have to change is if every demon in the world was destroyed, and even then he and Vergil would probably have daily fights just so that Dante doesn't get bored to tears.

Calliope and Lysandra were supposed to be in Sparta. Ares teleported his family to the temple he was destroying.

Dante did most if not all of his growing up in 3, the events after that is him just being depressed and putting up a facade of cheeriness, not saying all the wacky stuff he does is to try to mask his feelings, but is clear to the player that he is not happy whenever things calm down, which is outside of what the player is allowed to see. He has already grown long ago and by the end of DMC 5 being reunited with Vergil has lifted up his spirit.
Not wanting to shit on Kratos but his growth is not that different from Dante
>Being mad at Ares in 1
>Being mad at Zeus in 2
>Being really mad at Zeus in 3
>Side games fuel his anger against the gods because it seems theres not a single benevolent divinity in the GoW
Then comes around 4 and it forces a completely new perspective and narrative in order to shake things up, despite his story being over by 3 and retards swallow the "now Kratos has CHANGED, he has MATURED, he is not the one dimensional killer from the earlier games" spiel. I dont know, i dont believe its good for both the developers and "fans" to shit up the whole franchise that came before it to put "depth" in a charachter that was already there.

>Except he slaughtered anyone he met for Ares sake at the beginning
You're forgetting that he initially went on his quest to save his daughter.

>have a long-standing character go through growth and change as a person
>gamers throw a tantrum

This is why games aren't seen as art.

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Gaming isn't art you gigga nigger

It was a medium just to have fun, most gaming don't care about long winded stories and cinimatic

DMC is more fun then God of soii

Yeah we should totally let characters be bastardized in the name of "art"

Imagine in 2005 knowing in the future people were going to talk about Kratos being a mature character lmao

you moron. you absolute troglodyte

It's very different, Dante was a manchild in 3, he's still one now.

Didn't say anything at all kek

Kratos was never only a violent psychopath. He's got a boner for killing Gods exactly because he felt too much

I'm not entirely sure what you mean?

He didn't grow in the game, he grew between the games. We didn't get to half of his growth. This is why nobody likes timeskips.

More like Kratos is a pussy because he is hugely submissive in some parts of GoW4.
That whole arc where Atreus is a cocky asshole (which was written terribly, by the way) after discovering his godhood is pathetic. Atreus makes dozens of snide comments and acts like a cunt to Kratos and others while Kratos says MAYBE a few words like "watch your mouth, boy" and there's even other times where he doesn't respond at all. It's terrible.

What sort of retcon is that? He serves Ares to save his own ass from the barbarian king

cause he is still a virgin

The ending of 3 leads into his character at 4. He knows full well he's the last guy responsible for his own pain, and he knows it's because of his rage

Literally nothing wrong with that and you are seeing it from the wrong angle.
Dante in 3 doesnt give a shit about humanity and is only going through Temenigru for the fun of it and fighting Vergil, by the end of it he understands his position as the son of Sparda and decides that he will defend humanity even if it means killing his beloved brother.
That was his whole arc, and thats good, do you want him to be dissilusioned by demon hunting, to cry and become a completely different charachter in order to fulfill an arbithrary description of "maturity"? And speaking of GoW, do you think that Kratos was not a mature charachter until GoW 4 came around?

This doesn't refute his point at all. You're still not seeing his growth firsthand, even if it's implied that Kratos is going down a new path by the end of 3.

This. NuGoW fans would probably play a game where link has to save hyrule with his son.

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It's not uncommon in media for characters to grow between installments. It's not unreasonable when the ground work was laid the last time you saw the character


the problem really isn't the growth, its the jewish bullshit. pretending that the other works never existed and re-writing (simplifying) the character into a new context. this shit is literally what the bible says about jews and religion and its no joke that i used halo as an example

halo did the same thing by pretending all of the context established in the previous games never existed and wrote new context that ignores the old, and the fact that halo is a game heavy with biblical symbolism is even more ironic.

like, what the fuck was guilty spark even supposed to be if not some dickhead AI recontextualizing a story as a lie so you do what he wants? did 343 even play the other games?

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Freya is a bad bitch, that's all I wanted. LOL. A bunch of weebs in this thread defending Crapcom and DMC like their 12 yrs old again, take a shower you disgusting fucks. DMC is trash.

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>Jewish bullshit

Go back to /pol/


>baaaaaw no more tiddies

Have sex

That word has lost all meaning

KEK in 5 he still doesn't doesn't give a fuck or did you forget how he actually never saved one human in the entirety of 5. His fucking nephew had to remind both him and his brother that the world was up shit creek as they were too busy fighting and quipping to remember. Dante didn't dgaf

i was not aware that the israelites in the bible had any relation to the israelis that /pol/ cares about. i think that is about two thousands years of separated context, my child

Attached: jesuscomputer.jpg (500x579, 32K)

>hasn't played the game


You really need to go back.

>name of thing I don't like
>follow it up with cuck
Truly enlightened

He was willing to murder Vergil and take Yamato from him in order to put an end to the Qlipoth's destruction. If he didnt give a fuck then the moment V mentioned Vergil is alive in some form he would have been happy to just go to where Urizen was and fight him like the old times while the world is being destroyed.

>when you'll never be a father so you play video games to emulate being one

You can see clearly in 3 Kratos's transition from angry and overly emotional to the stoic man he became in 4. Pandora showed him sacrifice for the greater good and seeing the destruction he caused to the people of Greece as he ravaged Olympus made him realize that being a violent spaz wasn't a good thing

>implying there was any actual growth in games 1-3 and he didn't just become mature for 4

if you are concerned about cuckoldry then perhaps christ is the right man for you

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Anime never matures

I'm gonna get a boner for you if you don't shut the fuck up.

>literally walking raging dick for 3 games
Dante vs Kratos jesus
Is that 2006?

>when you never had a father so you defend a dad simulator game

Actually, he changes somewhat between 1 and 2, becoming a lot more homicidal and a lot less human. In 3, he comes to care for Pandora. She helps him let go of his grief and he ends it all by killing himself - getting his final revenge and releasing "hope" to the world

You better step off before I suck your cock you fucking faggot

Try me fuccboi.

user, I....

>durr gow is a walking sim
kek most streamers had more trouble beating Gow's hardest difficulty, and were absolutely bored by the DMC gameplay that you were FORCED to beat on easiest difficulty which basically made the game little more than combo autism against sandbag enemies. THIS is one of the biggest reasons DMC died so fast on both steam and twitch. Most people do one playthrough of a game and they move on. And DMC had you fighting against enemies that rarely attacked back on it's first run, GARBAGE DECISION.

>2 wifes
>2 children
>hundreds of bitches fucked
>Killed gods
>Mature character

>father complex
>mother complex
>brother complex
>most likely a gay cowboy

You’re actually a retard. There’s so many moments in GOW4 that reference the original games.

>One is happy most of the time or at least tries to enjoy life however he can
>One is miserable most of the time and does nothing but sulk until he is forced to face his own demons.

You obviously never played the games because just the name is about how he is mature enough to understand that it is okay to cry and it makes you human.
>teen dante is an edgy asshole at first but cares about his brother and didnt want him to stay in the underworld
>dmc1 Dante understood that Trish never had any choice but to serve mundus and wanted to free her from that despite being his enemy
>dmc4 he is good uncle to his nephew, helps him accept who he is.
>dmc5 he accepts the responsibility of killing his brother because there isnt another choice. Wants to protect nero from having to be the one go do it.

Dante was always mature

Most steamers also die in kirby games. Using casuals as and example of difficulty defeats your point.

>One is happy most of the time or at least tries to enjoy life however he can
Dante is a caricature with almost no character outside of his clown moments so how do you know how that he has enjoy in life?

intriguing post

Who are you quoting?

Why did video games get hijacked by people who barely know anything about video games or how to make them?

>Why did video games get hijacked by people who barely know anything about video games or how to make them?
Because in this timeline TLOU AAA movieshit became popular

Failed art and film students looking for a way to get their ideas out.
That's why they're trying to change vidya into an artform.

Worst fucking timeline

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Long winded way of admitting he's a moron

Nu "GoW" wishes its gameplay to be as half as good as DMC 5

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The thing spawns an endless horde of demons. It would be a waste of time trying to run around saving people when he can cut everything off at the source. For every 10 he would be saving another 100 would be getting killed at the same time somewhere else.

What the fuck does Jewish bullshit even mean in this context?

Fuck DMC, DMC is a cuckold game. Dante will never know the feeling of being a chad like Kratos.

Imagine being that retarded omegalul zoomer
Fucking poggers YIKES

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>the problem really isn't the growth, its the jewish bullshit. pretending that the other works never existed and re-writing (simplifying) the character into a new context. this shit is literally what the bible says about jews and religion and its no joke that i used halo as an example
This might be the dumbest thing I've ever read on this website. I'd love to see a picture of you just so I could put a face to this fucking masterpiece

Me. It's time to have sex already

he did GOW is shit and has magnet combat you are retarded if you think gow is better then even DMC remake

Hell it wishes it could be as good as the original series.
How people can think it's better when it doesn't even have aerials is beyond me.

Here comes the retard with GOW COMBAT.webm with nothing but throwing axe million times and parrying with le slowmo

Devil May Cry is a Hack n Slash game.
Nu-GoW is a Sad Dad game.

4 GoW games (yes, including the prequel Ascension, you brainlet OP) had Kratos whining & bitching at the Gods because Daddy Issues while he yelled a lot, and one game had him as a boring old man.
5 DMC games had Dante as a fun-loving guy no matter his age (minus that one game due to the team behind 2 being inept idiots) who can express more than a single emotion (blind idiot rage).

You'll understand this one day, OP, but your personality at 25? That's pretty much your personality to the day you die. The only changes in how you express your personality come from time available to do so, other responsibilities, money, and physical ability.

>(simplifying) the character
Motherfucker Kratos literally had no characterization whatsoever in the original games, he was pure autistic rage. He wasn't simplified in Soi of War, it would've been impossible to accomplish

Nice lack of punctuation you brainlet faggot

>Cuck May Cry is more fun than literal shit
no shit

Because Dante isn't supposed to be a "deep" character.
DMC has always focused on the action/gameplay instead of story and that's where it excels.

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This but unironically and emphatically

I'd rather have a fun wahoo wacky pizza man that I can enjoy playing as than sad dad #59604 who walks down a road telling sad dad things to his son while the rest of the "cinematic experience" loads

>Yea Forums
ahhs so you are a retarded subhuman plebbit tourist go kill yourself fag


Not being as good as DMC does not mean its bad. Also SSM created two very uunique and great combat systems with og GOW and GOW 2018.

what the fuck is wrong with sony fans that they can't get enough of this sensitive male BS?

Well in Kirby they did not give you ressurection orb shits just for signing in on the EASIEST FUCKING MODE. kek DMC was a joke.

>admitting to playing to playing DMC on easy

>went from cocky in 3, to more contained in 1, to once again more playful in 4, to finally getting into the spiral of depression in 2. After that he got his shit together and came back to be playful like 4, but a little more focused

>went from an eternally angry faggot that was literally the main cause of all his problems, to a JUST'd old man who looks like all his friends and family are dead and he seeks slow suicide trough alcohol abuse

Also, if by "grow" you mean "looking like you lost all the little slices of hope you had decades ago", then I would rather be a happy manchild forever.

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You were forced to fucking brainlet, but it's still not hard at all. Do we need to bring out the webms of cheesing the bosses? kek

Cheesed my mayonase on your face btw

>you are retarded if you think gow is better then even DMC remake
Based and redpilled.

For all the mistakes of Donte May Cry, at least the gameplay is fun, enjoyable, and have some depth. The same can't be said about nu-GoW.

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The only reason why Dante would have to change is if Capcom was to produce compelling drama lmao

>it's dmc combat vol 666.webm with easy mode, faust/dri and super costume
Try harder

>dante grew


You are actually a nigger

This dante is literally for fat lawn mowing boomerfags.

Attached: God of War_20180510182858.jpg (1920x1080, 1.45M)

nah you think GOW is good then complain about punctuation on Yea Forums im above you bitch i made sure to remove the ' in im

Wait do dmcfags actually unironically believe DMC is hard? Even it's bloody palace was a joke as every character has exploitable abilities to cheese the whole way through with V especially all I did was spam square and triangle and SSS heh

>I hate fun

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If you call GoW a walking simulator, you clearly haven't played it. Simple as that

>Wait do dmcfags actually unironically believe DMC is hard
As opposed to thinking Dad off War is?

Yeah nah.

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>dmc post original 3 hard
Make up your mind
>exploitable abillities

Attached: 1556049655320.png (141x311, 95K)

DMCfags gets assraped by the valkyries, so they get butthurt and ragequits out of shame.

>everything is cringe

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Hold yourself to some standards, cool guy

Delete de "maybe she dies" part of Kyrie. She is waiting completely safe in their house for his return already fecundated by Nero. Probably even making a special big dinner for him, his manchild uncle and his hoes, and his long lost deadbeat dad.

Nero is the most Chad character in modern vydia.

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subhuman and no value to the human race

*Grabs you by the throat*
You forgot *action*

My grandfather still goes out to dance and have fun, nigger, and I intend to go the same way. It's not because you are old that you are now forced to act like if you had lost your will to live.

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Boy I love fighting reskinned chickens with 9000000 hp. Reminds me of Sekiro now that was the game

>topic is about dante being a child
>user brings up nero

Look, man having low standards for entertainment like you do is something not to be proud of.

>DMCfags gets assraped by the valkyries
Yeah sure that totally happened.
The two games don't even appeal to the same market.

cringe is cringe

cool story

this is not posted to defend it the longplay is 9 hours the cutscenes are 5 hours


*grabs you by the throat*

unlike GOW and its failed non story or gameplay

Here's a tip kiddo. People didn't drop GoW because it's hard, they dropped it because its such an unbelievable slog.
Every enemy has extremely bloated HP but they also do nothing for damage even on hard so you're left with a war of attrition where you're just mashing the attack button over and over until something dies.

You're right, its a sliding simulator

: ^ )

>4 hours of gameplay in the main story

Attached: 1553477809976.jpg (249x239, 17K)

>but they also do nothing for damage
Bullshit. Pure bullshit



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Isn't there a lot of side content, though?

Why don't you go ahead and replay the game without those brand goggles?

Did not expect that. Made me laugh, user

That still only brings it up to about 15 total. So that's 10 hours for a game that was sold at $60.

Imagine his flaming dick ravagin mortal pussy

Guess how long people took to beat GOW, and how long they took to beat DMC, one day. Hence why 2 weeks later GOW was still on top twitch. DMC? only one day after release and already dropping below 15k

What does any goggles have to do with the damage values of enemies?

>muh maturity
How insecure GOWfags are

That retard again

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That's roundabout the length of the other games, though. Only, they didn't have nearly as many cutscenes

Sekiro also whooped DMC's ass on steam

Why do you do this shit?

By the way, is that an empirical estimate, or are you guessing?

>Guess how long people took to beat GOW,
Less than a day. You had people doing 100% completetion runs day one.

>now brings Memezaki into this

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Kucktos evolved alot because he now takes care of his wife's son lmao

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Because DMC5 is a game and GoW is an interactive movie.


>cringe is fun
When I saw that cringy shit I had the same "this nigga" face nero had. Even he knew his uncle was fucking retarded.

>That's roundabout the length of the other games, though
Which is the problem, the older games that were sold at a lower price and have less cutscenes are just as long total as 2018.
That means the older games have more content for less money.

Did you think Kratos watched while his giant wife got fucked by the giant Jamal or Odin?

Real talk, why did he name him after some mook?

True enough, I suppose. I don't know how many hours of content GoW 4 has exactly, though, so I am hesitant to judge

Yes there is lots of side content and side bosses that most people did, hence the game lasting long on stream. DMC side content? literally nothing but point A to point B. Literally a ps2 era game made in 2019 and charged full price for. Most people thought DMC should've been no more than 40

>Kratos is getting himself into another predicament involving his family and gods
>Dante's getting to hang out with his estranged brother in hell enjoying himself

>hence the game lasting long on stream.
I wouldn't call a few days long.

>Kratos was never only a violent psychopath
He brutally killed hundreds of mortals literally just because they were in his way.

I suppose it's a fair bit for a non-RPG singleplayer

>never only


>had way more people playing
>lasted weeks in top
>dmc didn't even last 3 days before decline

>3 games of being the same boring character
>4th game has him 180 out of nowhere into an even more boring character
>DMC3, chronologically first, has Dante embrace who he is
>continues to be absolutely based in every other game he’s in
Dante grew more in one game than Kratos could in 4. 4/10 b8, made me reply

>>lasted weeks in top
A week isn't less than 7 days you know.

>giving your son the freedom of choice to an extent is beta

>letting your kid act up and not actually doing anything about it
>not beta

Old Kratos bad
New Kratos VERY bad

>Rapist and murderer
>GoW director is like the biggest pansy ever
>sonyfags eat that shit up

Who has he raped?

DMC is just juggling braindead sandbags for style points. People complain about how you have to watch your back in GOW but at least enemies will fucking attack it

Except Dante didn't grow at all. He's still the same cringy mentally stunted manchild he was in all previous games. Kratos had more development in one game than Dante had in 5 of em. 5 games and his arc is still muh sibling rivalry.

>GOW but at least enemies will fucking attack it

Attached: 1552101831765.png (603x453, 531K)

>literally no u
Sounds like you didn’t develop either

if you wanted me to post video proof you could've just asked

Attached: GOW enemys attack.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

>3 games of being the same boring character
Not strictly true. You can clearly see a character shift from 1 to 2. His character is also changed by the end of 3

This looks like shit

Attached: dante combo.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

It is not great, but at least is something. Nu-Gow as it is now don't give you many paths for gameplay amusement.

>enemy is a braindead sandbag
proving my point


wow really a character evolution

Why oversimplify to discredit me?

This but you forgot about the handheld game.

You just hate him because he BTFOs you so hard every time that you have to abandon thread. Video evidence > Yea Forumsirgin shitposting

>Bawww no mor sexualization
>LOL Have sex XDD

So is kratos daughter ded?


GOW4 gameplay is shit senpai

Attached: rodeo.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>caring about character development more than gameplay

new kratos is fucking onions cunt

>what its training mode
Fucking braindead morons.

>GoW series has more than 4 games
Op must be a retard.

That is a training mode, my dear brainlet. It serves the point that even completely isolated the gameplay gives player freedom, while in GoW beating an enemy in a training mode would get tiresome in 30 seconds.

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Hi Anakin
Where is wojak edit dmc combat webms?

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LMAO dmcfags actually think their combo autism on bots in the void (when you don't even need to combo autist in the actual game because enemies are sandbags) makes DMC have "good gameplay". Dmcfags the most retarded fanbase or wha?

Regular gameplay is the same shit except you have other enemies standing around off-screen waiting for you to finish your epic combo

Yeah dude FFXV has a better gamepl-

Attached: ff15 x DMC.webm (1178x332, 2.85M)

What's wrong with that? Or you want shit like strike evade strike evade etc? Wow

The in-cutscene character should not disconnect from the gameplay-character

After the man who saved his company's lives?

It doesn't in GoW 4

god of bore 5 is castrated gameplay to the finest. ofc millenials will gobble this shit up like their masters want em to. GoW had so little in common with this abnomation ya´ll call goty 2018 it´s ridiciulous.

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DMC is a game. GOW is a movie. Therefore, DMC > GOW.

That's what you get for playing on easy. In higher difficulties, they will slash you in the air with a high atack unless you get smart.

The point is, user, that GoW gameplay is extremelly shallow, and by itself it gives almost no player freedom, from easy to hard you will be doing the same shit. Comparing DMC5 to nu-Gow is like comparing an hyper fightan, with one of those shitty no name arcade games where you only have normals.

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>enemies just do absolutely nothing while you pound them to dust
Is this what you call fighting back?

because the devs care more about gameplay than the story. kinda like how GoW started out.

they attacked the player like 8 times, while he was constantly stunning the ones in front of him.

Daily reminder that wacky pizza man is still a more flexible character than cucktos and could beat his bitch ass

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it's like that on Devil Hunter mode, which you fucking have to complete the game on to even be able to play it on Son of Sparda

Well yeah I mean people actually died repeatedly against simple minions on gow's hardest difficulty. You literally can't die in DMC as it's pay to win, also sign in to win lmao

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Ill be waiting for your no hit run video, since the game is so eazy.

>which you fucking have to complete the game on to even be able to play it on Son of Sparda
>he doesn't know

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>kratos coddles his kid despite being a person haunted by his bloodlust
>vergil tests his kid's mettle while being a person who has always strives to prove his power
if you ask me one is a revision of a character and one is actually staying true to the series.

>Well yeah I mean people actually died repeatedly against simple minions on gow's hardest difficulty
Imagine taking pride in dying to GoW's literal sandbags.

I know about beating urizen at the beginning. But 99% of people would rather just play the rest of the game on devil hunter than go through that bullshit their first playthrough

If you can't beat prologue Urizen you aren't good enough for harder difficulties and therefore shouldn't be complaining

>care about gameplay
>fight in the whole game 4 different types of bosses with minimal move variation : Trolls, Fairys, Humans and the valkyries
>have 3 different weapons with maybe 6-8 moves each
>have 9 different worlds but only 3 are acessible

if the devs would really care about gameplay, they did a shit job. otherwise if they wanted to make mad dough on the legacy of the game, they did splendid.

>coddles his kid

If you can't complete the game on Devil Hunter, why do you want to play on Son of Sparda?

Also, you can unlock every difficulty available on the game if you beat Urizen in the first mission, where you get the alternative ending.

>waa it's too hard!
If you can't do it, then you have no right to talk about difficulty.

99% of people have no motivation

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>But 99% of people would rather just play the rest of the game on devil hunter than go through that bullshit their first playthrough
So you're saying that the game is too hard.

I liked NuGOW, I have beat it 100% like seven times but my greatest gripe is how Kratos was handled.
I like him, but we didn't see 75% of his change into a person, what we see in this game is that last 25%

NOW dmcfags are pretending the first Urizen battle is representitive of the rest of the game. Do dmcfags ever stop coping?


Last boss on SOS btw

Attached: Nero SOS is OP.webm (854x480, 2.63M)

Prove it is on SoS, Barry

I'm saying the enemy AI is too easy on its default difficulty and for some reason they make it a pain in the ass to even unlock the hard difficulty. In GOW, you can play GMGOW difficulty right from the start.

I meant DMC cares more about the gameplay, and that GoW started out in mostly the same way.

both have its ups and downs and i want the sequel for both
though i'm more invested into gow since lore focus keeps me more hooked than unga bunga fun gameplay focus
the hate gow gets is mostly through falseflagging since this place is a mindless drone hivemind and hate on things for the sake of it, and most people falseflagging didn't even touch the game
no wonder Yea Forumseddit is such a laughing stock

>one of the characters in the game who mostly never pulls aggro actually only requires that you run in circles while frantically spamming square and triangle to win everything
>dmcfags be like the game is hard

Resorting to lies now? I can see the damage output down there, my dear nu-GOW fanwhore, even on normal mode it isn't that high. That shit is straight up on easy.

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that's normal difficulty.

So, is a Aterus his son or not?

If he's supposed to be Loki, and Loki is the son of Odin

Anyone who loves DMC but shits on Batman combat is a massive hypocrite

Loki was adopted by Odin, even capeshitters know that

Atreus is literally Kratos wife's son

And the same applies on SOS, Vergil does the same moves and can be cheesed the exact same way, hell Nero can cheese literally every boss with charge shot spam, game is not hard, stop this meme.

It's not even on normal, that is on easy. This is the damage output of that sequence on normal difficulty.

user got btfo so hard he is now resorting to lies. His next line will be "I was only pretending to be retarded".

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Why does Barry seeths so hard on DMC to the poins of lying saying that easy is SoS?

You'd have a point if bosses got harder on SOS, rather than getting more hit points for more sandbag gameplay lmao. I'm baffled that some are actually pumping up SOS as hard. Same cheese applies in all modes.

You kept claiming that the whole thread
Let's see if you can source it

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Loki is Odin son/ice giant

Shit Dante must die isn't even hard
>never combo autist at all
>literally play it by mashing buttons
And I beat DMD all the same. Even the fans were complaining on twitter about game being too easy.

That's true, but he is also Kratos' son. He is the son of Kratos and his wife.

You guys keep talking about growing up but I question if any of you are even adults. If you were you'd know that by the time your 18 people don't really grow up much. Even you 60/70 year old farts are laughing at dick jokes and farting in eachothers faces.

Sounds hot, I expect you to make the sfm by tonight

i feel like DMCV was a step back for dante
in 4 he was more mature but still had a silly side

GOW needed change because the games were becoming dated.
DMC didn't need any change because it was always perfect.

>I'm saying the enemy AI is too easy on its default difficulty and for some reason they make it a pain in the ass to even unlock the hard difficulty
So it's both too easy and too hard.
Not really good with this arguing thing are you.

And the same applies on SOS
you haven't even played the game.

>dmc is perfect
Is that why it once got rebooted?

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user I...

it was rebooted because Inafune wanted cod numbers and thought that transforming DMC into a western game would manage that

It was to "appeal to the western market".
Which is absolutely retarded since DMC was by no means a niche game in the west and probably their biggest market.
It ended up selling the same number of copies than the others (in a longer time).
Inafune is a retard.

>mentions the game no one asked for or even wanted and sold worse than DMC2
Are you trying to be stupid?

I quite literally button mashed my entire way through the game, and the only drawback to doing that? some shitty score that matters to nothing, you can't do that on gows harder difficulties, button mash. And I got fucking 53 gold orbs just by giving people thumbs up and logging in. kek easy game.

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Retard, it outsold every DMC except 4


>you can't button smash on gow
>the button smasher gow
>taking pics out of twitter
pathetic, really

lol, user. I personally hate DMC because it's for autistic manchildren but this post is far too br00tal. Prepare for the autism.

t. didn't even play the game

being a GOW fag
you lost

They changed it to 4 after 2.

And it only needed years to do so

>D ranker
>meaning he got hit
>meaning he must've used gold orbs
>meaning he was shit at the game
>hurr durr the game wasn't hard
Is a game with sandbag enemies too hard for your pea brain? And GoW's hardest difficulty was tedious why would you bring it up as a good hard difficulty?

the gold orb bullshit really is unacceptable

In what possible way would that be a bad thing?

If there wasn't gold orbs people would say the game is pay to win because of the microtransactions

I actually just spammed Nero's charged shot on most bosses until I couldn't (vergil), you can actually beat both Urizen and Vergil as Dante just by dodging the whole fight and spamming Dante's rocket, kek easy game.

like you can cheese all fights in kingdom hearts 3 standing still, where's the fun on that?
>D rank

Who gives a shit? I play games to play games, not for the fun of it.

>I play games not for the fun of it.

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>4 games (not counting spinoffs) and Kratos evolved fully.
More like 3 games of the same shit and then a well executed shift coming out of nowhere because of producers making target demographic research
It's like if they Rocky IV three times and then Rocky

Nice to see chad Kratos is handling these dmc weebs real proper.

Attached: Kratos+is.jpg (870x1118, 261K)

Dante is for Simon Pegg as Nu-Kratos is for post 2000's Eddie Murphy

games (not counting spinoffs) and Kratos evolved fully.
The way the new God of War wants me to believe that the complete fucking psychopath and bull headed madman Kratos has actually grown fucking wise and shit (only to some extents and in certain contexts, but still) all of a sudden, is honestly quite ridiculous and really stretches my suspension of disbelief.

He has got more in common with fucking Bruce Banner than he has got with his portrayed character in the prior games.
If they so desperately wanted to write this kind of character, then they should have honestly made a new game altogether. On its own it might hold up, and its connection to the prior games may be fun, but even if it may be fun it still feels really forced and I have a hard time respecting any of it.

He's older, he had a son, which changes your perception of things and in that time, he had time to reflect and stew in his past decisions, brainlet

>He's older, he had a son, which changes your perception of things and in that time, he had time to reflect and stew in his past decisions
Yes, but you're overlooking what a complete fucking retard he used to be. And how the changes are far too huge and deep to any convincing considering his background.

People change, yes. But people don't change from that to what we got.

You are both brainlets.
His current characterisation is fine, the problem is we don't see the other 75% of his characterization on the game which is what some people have a problem with.
The end of GOW 3 was the spark of his change but we don't actually get to see how this man gets to a point where he can calmly tell an intruder to leave his home even after getting punched in the face.
Maybe another game will let us see that.

GOW is sick nasty and if you don't like it ur gay

Gow trilogy>nugow
Just bring back the old style please