Had one gaming friend in high school

>had one gaming friend in high school
>all I wanted to play was FPS like counter strike and fighting games
>all he wanted to play was Mario kart and smash bros
God damn that was annoying, what’s with fat kids and Nintendo?

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>all I wanted to play was FPS like counter strike
Sounds like you have shit taste.

>all I wanted to play was FPS
>he was annoying
Bait thread?

CS was always shit. Good taste on fighters though.

shit thread desu onions is dead leddit tier meme

Of course it's a bait thread genius

But he also said fighting games, so that makes him patrician.

To answer your question OP, weak people do what weak people do. Eat a lot to feel better, never grow out of the colorful media they consumed as children. They cant help it.

what's up with manbabies wanting to only play 12 Nintendo games in an entire console gen? I dunno maybe they fuck kids and use the switch as bait.

>button mashing games
um no sweetie i don't think so
go back to sucking dicks in your fursuit dork.

>counter strike

I was over that game in 2005.

their is barely enough games in this gen worth spending $20 on and even less worth $60

>But he also said fighting games, so that makes him patrician.
Lol, no

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git gud

Get a jawline

have sex furry incel

Crushing majority of the spergs that played nintentrash grew up to be maladjusted leftist autists both mentally and physically.

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>fighting games
take a shower, dweeb

Nice projection

>But he also said fighting games, so that makes him patrician.
That makes him black.

I win button mashing, most fighting games you can just push someone against the wall and then they are trapped there, it's a damn shame 3D fighting arena games stopped being the standard and instead nerds guzzle up street fighter and it's indie clones. Only retards act like fighting games are hardcore at least chess takes actual skill
>inb4 muh button combos
you mean push and read it before killing the AI then spamming the same one for the rest of your career? I can do that while button mashing too.

>wanted to play fighting games
>"I-I have a Dreamcast and a stack of burned discs"
>all friends just wanted to try-hard Smash
Fuck the Gamecube!

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Said the sperg on Yea Forums