This company is staffed with Nintendo fanboys, Kamiya being the biggest one

This company is staffed with Nintendo fanboys, Kamiya being the biggest one.
They only work seriously when the game they're developing is a Nintendo exclusive, seeing the other platforms as just a place to make a quick buck. That's why
>Their best games in recent years (Bayonetta 2 and The Wonderful 101) were Nintendo exclusive
>Their Non-Nintendo output ranged from shovelware (Korra, Ninja Turtles) to mediocre (Transformers, Nier Automata). Nier Automata was good thanks to Yoko Taro; the combat part was pretty mediocre too.
>Scalebound was cancelled and Cygames fired them from the Granblue Re:Link project; both companies realized that PG was wasting their time and money

If you own a Nintendo Switch, you can rest easy: Astral Chain and Bayonetta 3 will be excellent. If you don't don't bother with Babylon's Fall: it will be trash.

>But Metal Gear Rising and Bayonetta
They worked seriously on both games to get Nintendo's attention. Now that they got it, they don't need to work hard anymore.

Attached: PGlogo.jpg (783x346, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how come Star Fox sucks then

The reason the Games Nintendo pay for are so good is because Nintendo has supervise their games. They want to be sure their money is not going to waste.

1. Their involvement on that game was limited to coding, with the game's direction and general design being on Nintendo hands. The same way Bloodborne is a game made by From Software but with support from Japan Studio.
2. PG's fanboyism kept them from telling Nintendo that the game was shaping into shit. "It's ok, you know what you're doing, you're Nintendo after all".

>only makes bayo reskins
the balls to call only part of their catalog shovelware

Microsoft and Cygames supervised them too; that's why they realized that Platinum was doing a shit job and decided to take the loss rather than allow the company to keep draining money.

Bayonetta is really just that; a poor man's DMC. Always was, always will. And yes everybody played it, it was multiplat.

>bayo 2 good
shigery doo

why didnt microsoft cancel crackdown 3 then?

wtf happened to Babylon Falls?

For me Nier Automata is a Yoko Taro and Square Enix game.

Because Crackdown 3 was still better than whatever PG was making.
In Platinum's mind, Scalebound was the equivalent of a respected actor taking a science fiction B movie to pay bills. But at least a respected actor does his work as professionally as possible, while Platinum just coded some cheap shit.

But Transformers way better than Bayo2.

W101 is undeniable top of P* games.

Sounds pretty based to me
Based Platinum secretly sabotaging the Censorstation

Babylon's Fall will be the highest selling of all of these games, it will sell so well it will outsell all PG games released on Nintendo platforms combined.

Plat aren't Nintendo fanboys, a majority of their games are not published by Nintendo or even on Nintendo platforms, their upcoming self published title will undoubtedly not be on Nintendo platforms at all.

Performance and the quality of assets were fine though, poor production/direction on Nintendo's part is why the game ended up being as bad as it was, and realistically it had no vision.

No, it's not based.
If you want to work exclusively for Nintendo like Monolith and the people behind Fire Emblem, it's fine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
What is insulting is using your prestige to peddle garbage on other platforms to make a quick buck.

Bayonetta is better than DMC

But Taro never did a good game before, Automata is the only one playable.

I always suspected they were picking sides
thanks for putting evidence for it

Their Nintendo games sell like shit while the rest of the Japanese dev scene is going through a renaissance on PS4/PC (Capcom, Sega/Atlus, Bandai Namco, etc)
When Cygames enters the fray when the new generation arrives Platinium will be cast away into the irrelevance they brought upon themselves

Based and lollipop-pilled

you are wrong

I think it all gets down that they have some beef with Sony (and a recent one with MS after Scalebound) so Nintendo is the only one they can work for.

sorry, but korra was their best game

its honestly funny that even tough Nier Tomato was just some sideproject it still outsold all of Platinum's Nintendo projects on PS4 alone

ok yeah but youre forgetting the best waifu game, automata

>Microsoft and Cygames supervised them too;
They supervised Rare, that didn't help them much. Nintendo is better at its job.

Yeah: they aren't Nintendo. That's their beef.

Nah it's based
They're actively harming Snoy, which is based as hell

Their games arent fit for Nintendo systems. They are repeating the same mistakes as Capcom back in the Gamecube days, whey they sent games like PN03 to die to that console

Nier:A is marginally better than Bayo 2 and leagues better than W101, so this post is wrong to begin with. And OP is a fag

It is okay to be wrong

hell Platinum went almost bankrupt before Nier saved the companies ass
i dont understand Kamiya's problem, is he still buthurt Okami and Viewtiful Joe sold like shit on Ps2?

Attached: Untitled.png (1217x409, 29K)

As someone who played bayo 1 + 2 to completion and the trial version of DMC5, this post is very wrong

No one understands Kamiya, not even himself
But leaving that aside the company has clearly terrible management, as if the CEO jumping ship wasnt enough warning

only Bayo 1 comes close to DMC greatness
Bayo 2 was so fucking easy i might as well play a God Of War game with even more slowmo

>still mad about bayonetta

hows Bayonetta 3

Attached: 41471c72e7f2cf26574c0a023f78a870248f0db6_full.jpg (184x184, 14K)

>Bayonetta 2
>Best recent game

Considering it’s worse than Bayo 1, Vanquish, Revengeance and Nier Automata, you just want to start some shit.

As far as I know its still a Switch exclusive.

PN03 was a pretty mediocre game, and it's not like Clover was ever particularly profitable on the PS2

>Capcom, Sega/Atlus, Bandai Namco, etc
Pretty much just capcom.

platinum games just enjoys their good relationship with nintendo because it gives them stability.
that company is small and always one game away from disbanding. deals with nintendo help them survive because games like W101 dont even need to sell.
its a nice symbiotic relationship. sony and MS couldve had the same but they fucked up.

MS definitely fucked that. After all Platinum was doing fine until scalebound was cancelled.

>Sony and Microsoft refuse to support and fund a company whose games don't sell

How dare them

microsoft and cygames dont know how to make games lmao

>Their best games in recent years (Bayonetta 2 and The Wonderful 101)
lol, they were mediocre at best. also Platinum's best game so far remains Vanquish - which was directed by Mikami anyway
Also Kamiya hasn't made a single great game since Resident Evil 2.

Microsoft shat the bed but Sony never had anything to do with them
Also considering the recent declarations of Inaba about Platinium self-publishing (much like what From Software does in Japan) they are going to escape Nintendo's clutch someday

Sony didnt want to publish Bayonetta2 which is why that whole Platinum with Nintendo thing happened in the first place.

>tell my coworker about DMC1 coming to Switch
>says he enjoyed the first one but never got into the series after playing some of the second
>tell him the second one is notoriously shitty but that the 3rd is probably greatest action game on the ps2, if not in general
>explain Styles to him and how deep they go as opposed to most modern series which are more like the original DMC1 with combat depth based only around weapon choice
>end my tangent with saying that I'm glad DMC1 is coming to the Switch and that I'll buy it day one, but that I wish it was 3
>he sits for a moment then says "Bayonetta 3 is coming"
I fucking hate Nin-toddlers

>whose games don't sell
Except their games do sell enough to become profitable despite the lower numbers.

>they are going to escape Nintendo's clutch someday
They were never in it. Even then you're not going to get w101, Bayo and Astral Chain on any other system.

What because he likes a game that's going to be better?
I mean I like DMC1 as much as the next guy but the game is clunky as fuck.

>that company is small
They have over 200 employees and are working on several games at all times. They're not some little independent developer.

W101 flopped so hard that is a miracle the company didn't go bankrupt. This game had EVERYTHING against it.
>Zero marketing.
>Experimental gameplay.
>Chibi style (accept it, it scares away loads of people).
Will Astral Chain avoid this fate?

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Your point falls apart when you realize that Bayo 2 is a lot weaker than 1 and that Transformers is better than either of them. Bayo 3 is also clearly having a rough development period, and as cool as Astral Chain looks I'm extremely excited to see What Babylon is.

Svalebound was also a ploy from MS to buy Platinum by funding a dream game and cornering them financially. Automata selling millions kept the company afloat without needing to sell.

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>W101 flopped so hard that is a miracle the company didn't go bankrupt
I don't think you understand how Platinum works. They basically get commissioned to make a game so once it's done that's money directly in their pocket. Sales are just numbers to them.

>Bayo 3 is also clearly having a rough development period
Based on...

Bayo3 will still not hold a candle to DMC proper post 2

Nintendo tanked that loss. Nintendo owns W101, Platinum "just" made it.

Maybe Kamiya just likes butts and knows the new sony management would lynch him for it.
Did you forget they made Nier too?

If that is the case then why they almost go bankrupt before Automata saved their asses?

Oh really? What about

Scalebound and Microsoft fucked them
It's in that very article.

starfox problem is that it's a 2hour long game.

>Cygames fired them from the Granblue Re:Link project; both companies realized that PG was wasting their time and money
But by your own logic Platinum would have made a good Granblue Fantasy game, since Nintendo owns like 5% of Cygames.

Attached: 1502433304282.png (156x168, 53K)

>Talking with coworkers about not work related things
You're an idiot

They fucked themselves. Just as they were cut out of their deal with Cygames.

They had a good gig going there, with sequels for years to come, but they fucked up as usual

Source ? I never heard of this

>being too retarded to read

His ass is the source. Platinum games never mentions Sony. Like ever, they avoid them

Are you really trying to shift blame from Microsoft of all companies?

Announced 17 months ago with nothing to show and no release window since. Bayo 2's director also left the company a few months ago.

But it doesn't matter since those games are on Switch, retard.

About the cygames thing, it wasn't just because their work was over?

It’s literally just Capcom

They fucked themselves up by making such a shit game that even Microsoft was disgusted.

Attached: 1402337584105.jpg (662x2516, 420K)

The Scalebound situation is known. MS was giving Platinum deadlines and requirements they couldn't meet to force them into a situation to sell, and Platinum never wanted to be owned by a big publisher so they would've just died if Nier didn't sell so well.

Not him but the closest I can find is this.

>Without funding we didn’t have the possibility to continue development, but we wanted to get this partially developed Bayonetta 2 available to the public one way or another. So we offered it to various publishers, but as it is a big title, we couldn’t find a partner company. Finally, Bayonetta 2 was about to get terminated completely, when…
>Nintendo came in and lent a hand and we were able to restart the development we so desired
So at the very least we know Nintendo was the very last option.

Weird, I'm pretty sure the first one is plenty playable.
It also has a better story/ characters.

Sometimes the big evil company is innocent or only 20% guilty (see: Anthem)

Yes, I blamed MS too at first but seeing how PG keeps screwing deal after deal and failing to deliver anything beyond a mid sized project made me rethink things.

They deleted any mention of Platinium on the official site for the game as well as in the copyrights
Clearly shit went down internally, much like when CyberConnect2 was pushed from FF7Remake

Welcome Platinum development.

They begged Sony from funding and even offered a mostly done game as an exclusive in exchange
They told them to fuck off
Nintendo said sure bro

>Only wanting old shit
Go take your meds grandpa

>but seeing how PG keeps screwing deal after deal
Deal after deal?
There hasn't been one instance where its been their fault.

Are you seriously trying to defend Activision? Because the Platinum games for them were the only ones that sucked for the most part.


I love Shiggy but god damn he makes a massive turd from time to time

Well if that "exclusive game" was Scalebound then Sony was sound in turning them down considering how it turned out in the end

>but seeing how PG keeps screwing deal after deal
>Microsoft breathes down their neck giving them ridiculous deadlines and a heavy workload
>Cygames boots them for absolutely no reason

>lol dindu nuffink

Sekiro and the whole "easy mode" controversy proves that Activision let Japanese developers to do their thing unmolested, only collecting the checks.
If the game is good or bad, that's on the developer.

Granblue? That canceled mobile game with Okami vibes?
And that game they are doing now for the Switch stinks to low budget tier. They lost any goodwill from me.

But only TMNT was actually bad.
Korra was alright and Transformers had better combat some of their bigger titles.

Nintendo. We want a new game as good if not even better than Starfox 64, but they think we want a remake/reboot of Starfox.

>Cygames boots them for absolutely no reason
That the reason wasnt made public doesnt mean there isnt one, dumbnut

No, it's an action game. It wasn't cancelled, they just changed developers.

Why are people saying Cygames fired platinum. Sounds like to me that their contract just ended

Attached: Platnium.png (706x463, 29K)

First of all, Sekiro came out years after those Platinum turds. second it's a original project and not a license Activision holds. If they could they would have fucked over Fromsoft.

Okay? Seems like you personally just hate anything to do with platinum whether or not its their fault.

And erased any PG mention from the credits, sure, just because
Are you guys this dense or just fanboys?

>a poor man's DMC
Yeah, DmC: dmc is what rich boys wanted!
Bayo plays too different from the DMC series. It only has some references because Kamiya always do that

Putting Astral Chain as the big announcement at the end of the last direct is arguably already more marketing than W101 ever got.

So there's no reason then.

So? Activision was still there

My point is that its pretty much their fault and I'm tired of people taking pity on them.
Just like Bioware and EA, its not just "bad evil EA corrupts everything" its Bioware being utter shit too.

>Are you guys this dense or just fanboys?
Loving the irony, senpai.

Cygames not wanting to muddle their new game with controversy, because they know that loud fanboys will defend Platinum to the death

>My point is that its pretty much their fault
So where's the proof of your claim?

Activision worked with Platinum because one guy there pushed for it and they contacted Platinum. From came to Activision for Sekiro and From has sway these days.

Still kind of shady that they won't be credited at all in the final game iirc.

Then why did they get rid of them? If they were that worried then why purposely cause more controversy?

Just so people know, Astral Chain is 100% Nintendo owned. Platinum is just contract developing the game based on the recent interview with Inaba.

Why platinum games trigger Yea Forums so much? Don't tell is all because Bayonetta 2.

The effects of Bayo2 still piss people off. Does anyone have an archive of the Angry Joe rant of him making an ass of himself not understanding the situation?

I want to say it started with Bayonetta and maybe solidified with MGR.

That they only released shovelware since the last 5 years, and Automata was a low budget title made by a new team and saved by Yoko Taro

>Cygames not wanting to muddle their new game with controversy
>oppai loli game
>gacha game
>series build from the very concept as a franchise for otakus
>caring about controversy
Calling bullshit. What Platinum related controversy would there be?

Pretty much yeah, Bayo 2 broke Yea Forums.
Looking back on it that was the moment everyone here started to hate both Platinum and Nintendo.

Yeah, its enemies actually do something, executions are cool, weapons are cool, combos are longer, evade-dedicated button, no Style-switching bullshit, she can transform into Amaterasu, can Red hot kick and Jeanne boss fights while you change platform are cooler than almost every boss in DMC except for Vergil

I'm surprised Nintendo hasn't bought Platinum shares yet.

So you have no proof beyond working on some licen


>Platinum wants to make a cool game
>Nintendo is willing to fund and release said cool game
I don't understand people user.
There isn't any real controversy and he's just making shit up.

They don't want to be buy.

I liked it. Platinumed it easily

Aren’t allowed to Anti-monopoly laws stop them.

>Then why did they get rid of them?
Because they were making a bad job / no job at all. The same reason you fire someone.

>If they were that worried then why purposely cause more controversy?
They're savaging the project with the least amount of noise

I think they want to respect their wishes of staying Independent. Nintendo also don't need them for extra development help like they do with MonlithSoft.

>don't understand people user
It all goes back to that old adage.

Attached: sony_fanboys.jpg (450x360, 30K)

What monopoly in this case? Nintendo almost buying Bandai Namco was a way bigger deal.

Why they don't stop disney then?

I'm guessing he thinks Platinum are the only ones who make CUHRAZY type games.

Despite the fact we just got DMC.

I think it was around after MGR's release when people started clamoring for but made by Platinum.

It isn't against the law to monopolize a genre. Even then, anyone can try. Platinum and DMC just are the only ones really doing it. I miss the days of more efficient character action games like Ninja Gaiden.

I'd be a fanboy for a company too if they were the only ones who would pay me to make games.

The fuck are you talking about.

>ended the WiiU reveal presentation with literally nothing even though W101 had a trailer and playable demo all ready for them
Why does Nintendo hate Platinum so much bros?

Attached: sonic this is happening.jpg (326x278, 26K)

>______________ game by Platinum when????????????
Is the most annoying environmental noise in existence, and we've been suffering it for almost a decade, non stop.

There's Indies out there. Assault Spy is good, but also very DMC-like.

lmao look at how many MS games did not come out this gen or the absolute state they DID come out.

Is Astral Chain popular at all in Japan? NoA is advertising the fuck out of it with a Twitter gif every week or so, with each post getting around 1k rts and 2-3k likes.

He's a huge Switchfag and owns like 3 of them. Its a common thing in the office.

>He's a huge Switchfag and owns like 3 of them
Way to throw out any credibility you had.

Its the literal truth.
One for him, one for his wife, and one shared between his 3 kids.

Platinum's a private company.

Yeah sure.

Fuck off faggot, I bet you don't even live in the real world.

So you somehow broke into his home to learn this?

He talks about them, A LOT.
He's literally ascended manchild, met his wife on WoW like a decade ago, and only plays games on portable now.

as far as i know its still just a number a few years after anouncement :^)

Yeah, but I really want those games made by Platinum tho

Wow, your story went from unlikely to ludicrous faster than Sonic the hedgehog.

>me like ass it gud gaem
thanks for sharing retard user

Platinum was hired to code the combat for Granblue, and nothing else, when their work was done they went their way. It's the exact same thing with Battlefront 2 where Criterion was brought to do the dog fights part and nothing else, and when they finiahed it, Dice picked up from there.

DICE wasn't deleted from the game credits and copyright like Platinium was

I haven't played Nier but you're still wrong for implying that Bayo 2 is better than W101.

Can you even read?

Where did Cygames say they deleted Platinum from the credits?

That you unironically think Bayonetta 2 is a better game than Transformers says everything that needs to be said about you, your opinion, and your thread.

Less than TLOU2 and Death Stranding.

All credit to them has been removed, and all mention of the game has been taken down from Plat's homepage.

How would Yea Forums react if Nintendo bought Plat games?

Again, Platinum doesn't want to be bought.

Did I ask their fucking opinion just now, huh?

You know how Bayo 2 broke Yea Forums?
You would never be able to speak of them and Nintendo again.

Vanquish and Revengeance are the only good Platinum games and neither are Nintendo exclusives.
Bayo games were also codeveloped with Albion, which as I see it from their own games like Malicious were probably the real brains behind the series since Malicious is has a much more solid core system behind it than Bayo or most other action games.
It's not a matter of being Nintendo fanboys when Nintendo is the company that moneyhats you, everyone does that, in Platinum's case it just so happens Nintendo does most of the funding lately, which helps having a good relationship between the company, you could also bitch and moan about Vanillaware being an unofficial Sony first party, but that brings you nowhere, that's just how business work in this industry.

Bayo2 did not break Yea Forums
we did not need bayo2

The amount of Bayonetta 2 port begging is still insane, it's hilarious.
But it's okay if sonyfags do it.

Yeah, stopped reading right there

Because it is a Star Fox game, nothing more, nothing less. It does not have all the QoL and playstyle that modern space shooter has. Star Fox core gameplay is antiquated and obsolete. You have to make it not like Star Fox for it to be able to grow like that Star Link game.

i haven't seen any port-begging for bayo 2 in years. but without fail, every new game that comes out gets port-begged like crazy by switchtards.

For Console based companies like Sony or Nintendo, they will bite the bullet and make games that focus on the more niche markets in order to bring in as many players as possible.

Microsoft have a huge mistake and has been trying to correct that by buying out studios, (bad idea), and I don't follow Sony enough to know if their maintaining the smaller fan bases in their community.

Rail shooters are just a dead genre, no idea why anybody believes there will ever be a good game in that style anymore.

You can constantly see them, same already for Bayo 3.

>people STILL mad over Bayo2 exclusivity

>i haven't seen any port-begging for bayo 2 in years
There's literally some in this thread. Then there are threads where people say Bayo 3 will leave Nintendo because Platinum is self publishing.

It's been almost 10 years of people begging and coping for the loss of this game.

>how would Yea Forums react if atlus kept making mostly ps exclusive games. like imagine if they had a catherine game, a persona game and a new ip, let's say a fantasy RPG exclusive to PS4
>how would Yea Forums react if fromsoftware had already a new game in development for PS5 for Sony

that would be pretty funny huh?lmao
you have your answer nincel

So snoyfags would still be SEETHING, like they are right now?

Attached: 1551008564681.png (800x800, 182K)

And thus you proved him right

Indifference. I don't own a Nintendo console so I stopped being their customer years ago.

And what of Platinum?

Fan of both series here, I think you are ___right___ but I respect your opinion.

>Nier Automata
>Worse combat system than other Platinum Games' releases (game turns into a musou way too often)
>Worse story and characters than Nier Gestalt (a freaking book is a better character than everyone in Automata)
>Combines the worst aspects of both, Taro and Platinum Games
>Just the music is on par with the previous Taro games
>Disappointing PC port
>Most financially successful game for both, Taro and Platinum Games
I fucking hate you, people.

Explain away SFZ

>Performance and the quality of assets were fine though
Actually it's one of the poorer looking Nintendo exclusives and the framerate is anything but acceptable. A locked 30fps would have been better.

Bayonetta only has the same level of customization and complexity as DMC1 and the DmC reboot.

Even if you're right, please don't comment this. DMCfags are way too insecure, especially after Bayonetta became a Nintendo exclusive. Seriously, don't attract their attention, cus the salt is still strong.

I meant Platinum.
I stopped being a Nintendo consumer around 1996, when I got into PC gaming and found that all the cool console games were on the playstation.

>Babylon's Fall will be the highest selling of all of these games, it will sell so well it will outsell all PG games released on Nintendo platforms combined.
I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be mediocre though, like Nier Automata, and still manages to outsell Bayonetta 3 or Astra Chain.

And despite everything you said, it's still a good game.

I’m sure it was Platinum’s fault Scalebound was cancelled, i mean it’s not like Microsoft forced them to turn a single player game into co-op mid development cycle.

Sony fans have mental defense mechanism that makes Nintendo the villain in any given situation.

>it's still a mediocre game
Believe me, there is no one more disappointed in Automata than me. I was seriously expecting better from Platinum Games and Taro.

Then that's on you for setting your expectations so high.

>the guy who has a space harrier cabinet in his house
>nintendo fanboy


Not really. After playing the definitive version on PC at 60 fps, I can confirm that It's not really that great.
Thank god I didn't bought an underpowered meme console

Attached: 1485759176410.jpg (1440x900, 700K)

>Uses a promotional image of the Nintendo versions and tries to simulate that it's running on a computer
This is why I don't like dealing with DMCfags or persons that just have a PC. They still are salty as fuck about Bayonetta being turned into a Nintendo exclusive. Just please, stop annoying this kind of people. they just shit the place when they go out of control with their seething.

Attached: 196957.jpg (1920x1080, 235K)

>They still are salty as fuck about Bayonetta being turned into a Nintendo exclusive
But I am not, user. You can literally played it on Cemu

That's a dumb reason

Unless that they state otherwise, Platinum has this under control.

where did Kamiya touch you

I'm a fan of Platinum, but their dev cycles aren't some miraculous thing. Their best facet is the ability to stretch a budget.

Yeah, I'm totally aware that after 5 years, they still cannot run Bayonetta 2 without issues, especially sound-related. They have wasted 5 years instead of just borrowing a console or game from a family member or friend to play it. Goddamn, you're all pathetic.

>I'm totally aware that after 5 years, they still cannot run Bayonetta 2 without issues
You know, that's a good point. I have PC, but thanks to my brothers and cousins I have access to one Switch and two PS4s. And sometimes I buy them games so we can play them together.

Unfortunately, if I want to play Bayonetta 2 or the Xenoblade sequels, I rather go with their Nintendo versions rather than my PC. Not to mention Smash Ultimate.

>Babylon's Fall was announced almost a year ago, still no news.
>Astral Chain was announced this year and is almost out

It makes you think
I would remove Babylon from my wish list but I doubt it will come out in the first place.

The way your framing it, you make it sound like Cygames isn't a shitty company and that Platinum are the bad guys who did a shitty job. I don't like making assumptions but Platimun has done better work than CyGames in my opinion so I'll take their word over Cy any day.

Nintendo is old fashioned, they will buy a few shares as a sign of commitment but won't step their boundaries.

When Nintendo was going to make a new Punch Out and had Next Level lines up to develop it, Iwata still wanted the original creators consent before going through with it. Now that's obviously a case by case basis but it's very common if you look at the companies history, that's why Nintendo is better to have a relationship with the company leads than to just buy out the studio.

Announcing games early then showing nothing from them for years is pretty normal for SE.

lmao I'll never forget how Nintendo realized it was a shit game and tried to blame Platinum for it. They delayed it by two months to "give it that Platinum feel" but the only difference that was found between the pre-delay build and release build was that they removed the ability to play it like a normal game and forced you to use the weird motion controls.

Fuck P*, fuck Kamiya, and fuck trannies!

Why people still blame Platinum for Bayonetta when it was entirely SEGA's fault?
SEGA cancelled Bayo 2, SEGA gave the ok for Platinum to search other partners. Bayo is still a SEGA IP, blame SEGA not Platinum

don't forget that it came out two days before GTAV.

Right here

Attached: 1535902566238.jpg (480x640, 63K)

>astral chain
>big announcement at end of last direct

I guess you didn't see the Link's Awakening reveal then.

Super Mario Bros. was literally his only good creation

Setting the record straight on Scalebound.

It's time for all you Sony and Platinum faggots in the thread to shut the fuck up and stop bringing this shit up, Platinum says it was both their and Microsoft fault to why it got canceled and they want all you faggots to shut up and stop blaming Microsoft for everything, I swear you guys sound like Bungie faggots.


because in reality, America is an oligarch and not a true democracy. Meaning businesses and the banks really run the show while the politicians just try to make them happy. A big business becoming even bigger nowadays isn't a problem for the government. The only time that the FTC has ever tried to stop a company from being bigger is when AT&T bought Warner-Media and the only reason why they had issues getting that done is because President Trump wanted to find a way to cut CNN out of the deal and have it shut down.

But in the end Miyamoto admited his fault

>Platinum says it's both their faults
>Microsoft shouldn't take the blame

Attached: 1542068195559.jpg (792x1105, 253K)

Pikmin was and still is great.

no he didn't. He literally said that Star Fox Zero is the most underrated game on the Wii U and that people are stupid for not playing it.

Man, you're still butthurt Sega didn't fund a 2nd Bayonetta?

Speaking of, how could Sega Sammy afford Atlus but not be able to fund Bayo 2?

Because Bayonetta sold like shit and it wasn't worth it to Sega to fund a sequel whereas Atlus makes games that sell incredibly well.

because miyamoto is retarded