ITT: most overrated games of the decade

ITT: most overrated games of the decade.

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Risk of Rain 2

The Last of Us. Good story, voice-acting etc. mediocre gameplay

This + cuck of war and rdr


Overwatch, just TF2 with porn skins

What do I win?

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>contrarians are STILL butthurt about w3

It changed lives though?

Every fromshit game.

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Nu-GoW is really fucking shit, still beyond me how that garbage got all these scores and GOTY.

Every battle royale game

Every single fucking From Shitware game.

I get what they were trying to achieve, but the immersion is severely at the expense of gameplay. It's a fucking slog to go through.

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ya ive had like 5 failed attempts to get into that garbage game

Not so much against the zombies but when fighting humans I really liked the brutality of the gunplay, the realistic inertia of aiming, the crunchy feel of melee even though it was a shallow system, the way human enemies reacted when you got the drop on them etc. Even if the actual shootings mechanics werent great the way gunfights were designed made them tense and satisfying. I even liked the things everyone else hated like the exaggerated bullet spread to make it feel more cinematic with bullets whizzing by. The combat in Days Gone is just a tightened up version of last of us so I ended up liking that a lot too.

ITT: Yea Forums post good/great games

Because the combat is incredibly fun and embodies "easy to learn difficult to master", even if enemy variety is lacking; the game is designed well with a nice sense of pacing and satisfying side content; and the writing is slightly better than a soap opera which basically makes it the Infinite Jest of videogames. What else does it need?

I put more hours into the singleplayer alone than any other game last year. Thank God Rockstar didn't give a shit about zoomers when making it

To be fair a good game can still be highly overrated. I would say Witcher falls into that category, also Dark Souls. Good games, highly overrated by their fanbase

>Didn't care about zoomers
>easy as fuck tutorial fest where the mc is an openminded antiracist nonsexist male in the 1800s.
Kk brov.


cope and seethe

Soulsfags are the absolute worst fanbase
>Muh game is so difficult and I play it because I'm good kill yourself casual for looking at playthroughs or asking for help get good I'm the best and not a fucking casual
They make me not want to touch the games.

I know this game has is problems but is GOAT for me. The highs are just too good

Literally every single game that came out this decade, and the last was overrated.

and mario odyssey

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yeah okay retard

dark souls is objectively an easy game dumbass literally no one says that

Breath of the Tech Demo

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The game was comfy as fuck. Felt like I was sitting with grandpa and he was telling me folk stories. Was way too long for its gameplay, though - it was good enough but got repetitive halfway through the game. Never finished it.

all games past and future OP

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wtf man I was so upset.
>beat game
>”that’s it??”

>noone replied
Don't be upset boys, here's your (you)

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