Is it worth $40?

Is it worth $40?
Why? Why not?

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>40 dollars
wtf? Where are you buying it from? It's on GOG for 15 bucks.

It's worth free. Which is what I paid for it.



Physical release

Poorfag detected

I bought it for about 8 eurobucks on ps4

Its honestly worth 40 but why spend that much when you can get it so cheap?

Considering the amount of free content they've added, yes. That being said, I'm positive you can find it cheaper.

I have over 300 hours logged on this game. It is one of the few games I have learned to speedrun at a competitive time, and one of the few games this past year I bothered to complete 112%. I would say yes it is absolutely worth it. I would warn anyone buying it though to not feel ashamed of looking up help if they are shit at mapping or exploration. These skills are fairly normal for humans to have but I feel modern society has stripped most people of their ability to explore and remember pathways well etc. As someone who studies psychology it is a pretty fascinating case study to see people's opinions rapidly change based on their own perceived ability at aforementioned skills.
9/10 I'd buy it again

He's buying it on console.

The DLC is mostly mediocre outside of NKG. The base game is GOAT and worth more than $40 though.

Oh. That's kind of steep, isn't it? It feels like it's worth 40 bucks, but the 15 dollar price tag made it all the better.

I hope it comes with a sweet instruction manual or something.

>DLC is mostly mediocre


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Definitely worth it. It'll probably hold it's value too so you can always sell it when you're done (assuming physical).

It does

That’s something I haven’t thought of. I think I’ll buy it then

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Based piratechad making buytrannies butthurt as usual

Look at this poortard lol

It was a steal at $15 before any of the updates even came out. It isn't a short game, so if you value time on the dollar you won't be let down in that regard.



Is it worth your money? Yes.
Is it worth your time? Debatable. The game really doesn't respect your time at the start as it takes a while to just find your basic movement options and hours more before the game gets genuinely exciting.

Worth getting, but you'll need some patience.

What's wrong with godmaster you pleb?

>not getting the collectors edition

It is worth $40. It's better than the vast majority of $60 AAA games.
But also, like others said, it's $15, so you might as well pay that unless you're getting one of the bundles with all the goodies in it.

you made this exact thread yesterday, fucking kill yourself

it's a nice game, but extremely easy once you get more than a couple upgrades