Will PQube submit and censor?

will PQube submit and censor?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kill yourself, pedophile.

>care about rights of imaginary children
>meanwhile real teens are selling their virginities to fat bald old men
something something society xD


heh, fuckin pedo

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Where can I make this kind of purchase though user?

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Maybe on the Snoy Censorstation4. It's coming to PC so it's already pretty safe that we would get an uncensored version.

spike chunsoft's game got censored on pc

She's 14 and has breasts/hit puberty. It's hebephilia, not pedophilia.

Kill yourself, pedophile.

Because spikechunsoft are a bunch of pro-censorship trannies. PQube is based unlike this piece of shit of company.

>girl going through puberty is curious about sex
stop the presses

She's too old to attract pedophiles though. She's literally a middle-aged woman.

Fahey's entire career is being the weeb pervert corespondent for kotaku. He's been on that beat for like 12 years. His bitching is completely disingenuous. I'd kill to get a look at his sadpanda favorites.

>using sadpanda

It's been out in Europe for a while so it must not be censored.

>still can't get past the panda

It's pathetically obvious that his real reason for writing this article was that he got a "problematic boner" over the loli and felt the urgent need to virtue signal to "cleanse" himself of his sinful thoughts.

All the men making a fuss over this stuff turn out to be huge pedos. Like that Neogaf mod.

>still can't get past the panda
Never used sadpanda though. Why would I need to? Only plebs use that thing.

It's already out on Switch so there'd be no point to censor it just on PS4.

So you use what, fakku?

I was seeding panda torrents when you were still pensively typing 'hentai' into google search, kiddo.

>It's already out on Switch so there'd be no point to censor it just on PS4.
You think that would stop them?

Guys video games makes males violent and turn into pedophiles!!!!!

God do I love that you've chosen Yea Forums to discuss video games.

>needing translation
I use dlsite if I want to buy, otherwise I do it like a real man and use pd or share which actually has everything unlike your little ironic weeb website ;)
>torrent cuck
I bet you downloaded a game or doujin cg set I uploaded back when hongfire was a thing.

I'm saying PQube wouldn't agree to it, they'd be more likely to remove the game from PSN since they already got the initial sales and they despise censorship.

Yea Forums is not for filthy pedos.
It is for cultured people who know that traps are the future.

Oh, you someone managed to be an ever bigger pleb than i thought. congrats?

Good thing the girl in OP is not a child, but a teenager then.

Welp, it was the next logical step. Now that sony caved in to those people they'll do their utmost to shame literally anything and everyone until they give in. I expect a lot more articles about "weird japanese culture" and even namedropping companies like nintendo for allowing it on their platform. They are like sharks that smelled blood in the water, they're not going to stop now.

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>thinks he has any place calling anyone a degenerate when he's a fucking faggot

>Journos say video games make men misogynist sexual abuses for years
>Trump "I think video games are making people violent!"
>Journos "Woah hold on video games don't affect how people think! How about banning guns first!"
I fucking hate these "journalists"



I hope those companies aren't actually wasting their time heeding the requests of that retard. Well, I assume Nintendo at least isn't since they routinely allow games with interactive sexual contact, which I'm sure would give this "journalist" an aneurysm.

I don't know, I feel like once more and more game companies attempt to "expand their business geographically" to the Chinese market and start censoring homosexual content (illegal in China) you'll start seeing SJWs flip to our anti-censorship side. They aren't pro-censorship, they're only pro-censorship when it's something they don't like. I'm in favour of free artistic expression regardless of what is being depicted because I have the ability to not engage in a video game I'm not interested in without demanding that nobody else on Earth be able to witness it. tl;dr they'll turn around when something they like starts being attacked.

>get btfo
>call the guy who btfo you a pleb
Can't wait when sadpanda will crash and you will be crying because you're too retarded to use anything else :))

Don't be a subhuman EOP and you won't have to care about cuckalizations.

hongfire is still a thing and it's not even all that much older than sadpanda anyway. both predate the concept of "ironic weeb"

what games is this? if this on switch i might buy.

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It's like those people are playing a japanese game for the first time in their life.

>I-I'm not a pleb

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Our world is ended

>People calling other people pedophile on Yea Forums
It smells like phone posting normies around here.

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Too late, even games made solely for the Japanese market will be censored in the future. Be prepared for otaku purge by Olympics 2020.

imagine a world where we would need to do that. I'd need to write articles 24/7 to cleanse myself for all the problematic boners
fuck, I'd get boners while writing about that shit


based ironic weeb

Shimoneta was supposed to be satire, dammit

>All the men making a fuss over this stuff turn out to be huge pedos.
This honestly seems to be the case so often. Remember that California State Senator who spent years trying to ban violent video games like GTA because it was corrupting children, meanwhile he was selling rocket launchers to terrorists on the black market and eventually caught by the FBI?

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Don't be a Playstation owning subhuman.

Apparently, I just graduated from a university with one of the highest rates of "sugar daddies" paying for students' tuition

fuck off ironic weeb

More like
>meanwhile Muslims in Britain rape dozens of little girls for years

Don't forget it's also usually """them""" behind these agendas.

>ironic weeb
What does this even mean.

All part of a plan to give cartoons human rights and eventually give cartoons the right to vote in democratic elections.

Fuck off normalfag

to be really honest, at this point, as a japanese, I just hope these publishers stop publishing these games to the west anymore. your market is not mature enough to accept our games, seriously. You westerners cannot even differentiate real and fiction.

I mean, it is OK if your nonsensical fusss regularly happened in the west do not affect us and our markets, but actually it has been affecting as Sony has been forcing their western sensibilities on Japanese side. this game was forgiven at this time in Japan and the west, but seriously I am worried about the possibility that next time it will be censored even in Japanese market. nah, at this rate as long as they are making these news, it will be censored.

Stop publishing games having a scene of sexualized loli in the west. its only way to stop this nonsense.

the most that will happen is that some tokyo smut shops will get shuttered temporarily. they're not going to cleanse the entire country's porn industry in a stroke for the sake of olympics tourism

>tfw you own a switch and play this uncensored

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Westerner here, please don't judge me by the standards of "journalists". The media is an attempt to sway public opinion, not a reflection of it. Our faith in them has never been lower.


I thought I read that they did? Or was that just OneAngryIncel's clickbait headline?

As a westerner, I agree entirely. Anyone who wants this kind of content can very easily just learn Japanese, there's no value to publishing this shit outside of Japan when it just brings negative press from clueless idiots who can't stand any culture that isn't their own.

Fuck off pretender

Obviously, but it's not like Nintendo or other console manufacturers are completely free from censorship either if you look at their history, and it's not difficult to imagine them getting capsized as well if their higher ups also end up chasing after the sweet family friendly American dollars.

Ideally, Japanese developers should make a switch to PC and usher an eroge Renaissance.

Your english is not broken enough, you're not fooling anyone you triple nigger

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DMM has been releasing some nice eroge these days. E.g. Sorceress Alive, Missing X Link and later Ryuusei World Actor.

decent use of poor grammar

>Spike Chunsoft got Crystar instead of PQube

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Why are retards blaming Sony when the real problem is leftists?

They should submit to doing a goddamn editing pass before releasing a game. Our world is ended. is choke full of typos and awkward English,

Yeah he looks like the pedo type

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and another npc stuck on nifinite loop.

Sony hired them and let them get so high up the ladder they can now write new company policies that can be enforced globally, fucking over devs and publishers of niche games in the process. That's why Snoy needs to be fucking slapped.

Just put them on Steam. No one cares there unless it's Spike Chunsoft

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whoops, looks like his scripting got stuck. Admins, please reset this npc, thanks!

Is he using the "1000 years dragon loli" argument on this?

he's a complete fucking hypocrite?
well i am just shocked

>Crystar's western release is so butchered by censorship that is not even worth pirating
It's either buying a ps4 and importing a japanese copy or waiting god knows how long until there's a ps4 emulator

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>Anyone who wants this kind of content can very easily just learn Japanese

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the irony of someone having a fucking etna tattoo and bitching about this is staggering

What did they censor?

Are you retarded? The fags at SIE aren't the only ones doing this shit right now and the movement has been propelled by all leftists in the country. Kotaku sure as shit doesn't work for Sony

I think you're mixing Crystar up with Zanki Zero, user. Crystar isn't out until August and the only censorship we know of so far is a few frames of butt being removed from the trailer.

If I can do it, so can you.

no, the npcs are just using stock spamming shit in the thread.

I haven't played the other two, but SorcAlive was merely alright. First part's too long and full of cliches and the real deal portions didn't deliver as well as I had hoped either.

Besides, we need more eroge with gameplay.

>Leftist progressives: We must stop the sexualization of underage cartoon characters in a country on the other side of the world
>Meanwhile in leftist America

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many things: dialogues, some scenes altered angles or cut off completely
pic related is one of them

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Weebs need to be shot

Of course if he's ever confronted about it he will say 'It was a d-different time, w-we all make mistakes' and 'I-I've been planning on g-getting it r-removed'

Snoy is definitely the only one going this far, and the biggest difference here is that Snoy has absolute executive authority to deny a game from releasing completely if it doesn't meet their standards and the company doesn't bend the knee to censor it. Big difference from other SocJus-compromised publishers and developers/localization houses. As far as things go the takeover of SIE is one of THE holy grails of the kind of media control that SocJus wants.

Sorry, I thought you asked specifically why people are spitting on Sony right now.
Yes, all SJWs demanding censorship are cocksuckers, but the ones actually doing it are worse. See: Sony, Steam, Spike Chunsoft


no. PQube is based and redpilled

Why are you making shit up? Is this Billy?

seems to me the pedophile is the author that article

I do't care about age, I just follow my dick

>using google translate


>wanting busted, used up, loose af, roastie JK pussy

Have some fucking standards man

wow! machine translation!
Literally no one cares that you know chicken scratch


I wouldn't worry too much about pqube. They had to deal with the britbong government. Some faggot from kotaku isn't going to make them forget who butters their bread

Promotional trailers have been censored in the past, and the actual game turned out to be untouched. It is spike chunsoft, but the possibility is still there

heh, everyone who whines about lolis is actually a pedophile

prove me wrong

zenki zero has a lot of stuff censored even on steam, like young kids in beds
crystar has ass in the trailer censored already, which is picrelated


How long before Fahey is revealed to be a pedo? I'd actually bet money on this.

What about lolicons?

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Crystar is not Zanki Zero, so why are you talking about Zanki Zero's changes and acting like they apply to Crystar?

>Promotional trailers have been censored in the past, and the actual game turned out to be untouched. It is spike chunsoft, but the possibility is still there
The problem is that they completely refuse to address it in any way which pretty much confirms that they are going to censor it since there's no way they wouldn't come out and reassure people if they weren't.

>Thinking that the same company that butchered Zanki Zero is not gonna come up with creative ways to censor the fuck out of another game they got their hands on
Stop being naive

Stop spreading misinformation based on assumption instead of confirmation. What are you, a Kotaku writer?

they are both published by the same company, spike chunsoft

what are you trying to argue with?

so the dude's basically just writing clickbait articles using outrage to get more clicks

>Replying to the same post twice
Spike Chunsoft is retarded and Crystar will most likely be censored. You are an idiot who is lying about what is actually known of the censorship and in doing so you actively harm the act of opposing censorship by misinforming people and making everyone look like idiots such as yourself. Criticise Spike Chunsoft for the shit they pulled with ZZ, and criticise them for what they do to Crystar when it releases, but don't make shit up, because that's just stupid.

He's right though, he game isn't out for another 4 months and no one has any idea what's the been changed. Writing a checklist of things like "Oh they changed the dialogue, they changed certain scenes they changed this and that" before you know anything is just retarded.

It's important to listen Japanese poeple's opinion when it comes to Japanese games. and as I said above, this matter is not only related to the west anymore because Japan is actually affected by this nonsense. to be really honest, we do not want to get involved in the west at all, but you the west has been making us to take seriously what happens overseas.


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dozens? try thousands, and that was just in rotherham

>pqube. They had to deal with the britbong government.

>Still pretending to be Japanese
give it up already fag

>Untick the (you) box for one post and take a cap thinking it proves anything
>That fucking colour scheme

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blame sony for caving in
their bosses are your fellow bugmen

You don't think they got a knock on the door by the fag police after omega labyrinth z got banned?

there is no other means to prove I am actually Japanese than writing in Japanese, so I will be using it if you want. but I know you are retard and cannot understand our grace language, so instead I have to use this dirty language to talk with gaijins :(


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trying to hard

I wasn't sure of the number so I went with a smaller estimate.

Anyway, it's disgusting.


>Can't enjoy both
I honestly pity you

Why do japs make vibrator noises when they laugh?

You are like this dude in the OP, assuming and accusing everyone of your own sins to hide yourself.

Do you want real answer?

>It's hebephilia, not pedophilia.

Hebephilia implies that you fuck young teens exclusively.

If 14 y/o are simply withing your range of acceptable then it's called "heterosexual".

>assuming and accusing everyone of your own sins to hide yourself.
So the poster you're replying to is secretly a censorship proponent? Were you possibly dropped on your head as a child?

That's even worse!

I've grown to hate liberals.

I've grown to hate both sides

Cunny is good and its completely normal wanting to fuck one.

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fuck radlibs and their identity politics, become an actual leftist and wage class war

No. Why would you want to penetrate a hole that can barely take half lf your dick?

Have you tried not being a nigger?

Bald hairless smooth puffy cunny > rotten roastie cunt that got fucked by 50 niggers

>Pedophile pretends to be outraged over pedophilia
Like clockword

Lolibutt is better though.

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Yeah sure.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with sexualizing children and it should be prominent across all media, amirite bois?

Hahahaha in Japanese is ハハハハハハ, which looks like wwwwww

This but unironically

If you try to argue the semantics of pedophilia, you're a pedophile.


I love legal lolis

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No. Childhood should be preserved and adults have no place taking that away from. The adults role is to inform the kid on how to be healthy about it and do their best to make sure they develop normally.
The consequences of failing to do this are pedophiles on the Internet that cannot attract women in real life, furries, cuckolds etc

if you insist on using medical terms incorrectly, you're an amerimutt

trump will be reelected
does this make you mad?

Yes, the thing is that this is already happening anyway. But when it's anime that makes it a problem somehow.

Amane is best girl, /drag/ agreed, don't bother them about it.

>one jew cock slurping neocon will not be replaced with another jew cock slurping neocon

oh no, you sure showed me

What does Trump have to do with criticizing Spike Chunsoft for voluntarily censoring games they publish?

definitely not mr. FBI

He has to insert his isreal overlord into every fucking argument

your gonna have to provide sauce on this one buddy, Ive read it before and can not remember the name for the life of me

But he called literally nobody a degenerate


LMAO that Michael looks like a fucking pedo

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>What. The. Fuck.
who talks like this

Someone feigning outrage on social media.

someone trying way too hard to virtue signal

Can't wait for the follow up where the author is caught for CP or molesting a kid

If it is censored on nintendo switch, I'm not buying.


>If you disagree with social justice you're a racist

What, was the guy isolated all his life? I got a teenage sister, we talk about boobs all the time, we joke about sex, we call each other pervert, we do retarded shit, I see her underwear all the time, fuck I wash it for her and then she calls me a pervert every other day, is all fun, is all innocent, does the guy think real girls don't act like that?

can't wait for the salt

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It's not censored on anything, feel free to buy it right now.

>not only guilty of waifuing a demon loli, but getting a FUCKING TATTOO of her as well
getting any anime-related tattoo is questionable enough, but holy shit imagine fucking up your credibility this bad

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>no one is coming for your games, Nazi!
>have sex!

doing my small part. I was going to pass on OPs game because it looked kinda generic but now im going to buy it

Attached: censored.jpg (720x832, 190K)

>tattoo of one of the sexiest and loli design in video games
>ugh like oof ughgghbalaboo ugugghghguughuguuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhh sexualized loli so uuuuuuuuuuuuughghghghghgh
Why are ironic weebs so fucking stupid?

Isnt the game already out? What the hell can they do?

>Has a Etna tattoo
Is this a case of "she is 1400 years old so it's ok"?

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another drone that needs to have sex, sad!

I guess its not completely unreasonable to suggest there is a difference between a character looking like a child in an entirely fictional setting (etna) when compared to a character looking and acting like a child in what appears to be somewhat of a "real" setting. Cant say I agree with splitting that hair since either way its sexualizing a fictional underage character. Which is either obviously fine or obviously not fine.

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This is a normalfag ironic weeb with an Etna tattoo on him complaining about loli.

I swear this fucking clown world is just getting more and more retarded.

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Just release it in japan in jp and in Hong Kong in chink and english
Everyone that wants the game will import it no matter what anyway

If it's too tight, enter while flaccid and grow once inside.

This liberal sjw own an anime doll. Why would you own an anime doll like that?

this isn't resetera you retarded tranny

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considering what this game was. I hope the writer didnt mean women to mean that girl in this situation either. otherwise [x]Concern

Forgot my image

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dude its over, he has this CHAD on his side

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He really is one of those pedo's who complain about lolis but probably has xx GBs of lolis and CP on his PC.

Is that the buttfuck Senran?

I always thought that it was because 笑う when written on a qwerty keyboard starts with W

Looks like Kim Jong-un's retarded brother

You bet. The best butt of all Senrans.

why do people have difficulty at differentiating fiction with reality?

sure is

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this guy is obviously a pedo
he probably molested a kid irl and got scared so now he's pretending he hates loli shit


Why is she so good bros?
I want to be her sister and have her abuse me all day long.

don't bully fahey, new kotaku owners are demanding clickbait and thus he delivers.

and it worked

Reminder that the west doesn't deserve anime and its culture.

Normalfags just cannot understand otaku culture. Please just stick to your capeshit trash instead of wanting to destroy anime culture.

Fuck off kotaku tard

What does it mean?

>I bet you downloaded a game or doujin cg set I uploaded back when hongfire was a thing.
I bet you downloaded stuff I scanned for Plasticman

>typical Yea Forumstard pedophile journalist create a bait article to generate views.
>retards in this board actually biting.

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cute doll. why the owner is such a faggot though? something to hide?

it was a matter of time until they would come for anime too. You guys better start learning japanese bc japan will go sooner or later full north korea with they export of games to the west bc of you american piggus

Fahey has been writing for kotaku about weird "creepy" japanese games for years and praising them, there is no way he is serious, this shit is for clickbaiting.

its away's something like that

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Way ahead of you.

>to the Chinese market and start censoring homosexual content (illegal in China)
That's kind of irrelevant seeing as whether or not it was censored it wouldn't be allowed without changing the entire game from scratch.
Basically only western games will get that treatment.

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Why is loli such a controversial topic for the west? I thought most of western society was liberal in nature.

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It's because they are drawings and not a live action reality tv

horseshoe theory

the only tsun I like

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Oh the irony.

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>actually biting
Oh yeah, im sure that's a viable economical model, people talking about your shitposts through a screencap and responding to you on twitter.

Because most people in power are pedos in the west.

Wait a minute.
Man. Why can't people just be honest with themselves?

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Seeing a post like this on Yea Forums, the place that literally invented the pedobear meme, is really a shocking wakeup to how far this site has fallen

Also, what will you do once your country cracks down and bans all things cute and funny?

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I think Japan's fine.

maybe the dude actually likes this kind of stuff but kotaku forces him to write these shitty clickbait SJW articles or he's out of a job?

i'm more turned on by how clean and nice that kitchen is. everything in my kitchen is greasy

Etnas not young though, just flat.

So, let me get this story straight, a guy that has a fucking ETNA tattoo is complaining about a loli type character?

We really live in the clownest hellscape possible, If you have a loli tattooed on your body it's almost certain you are a legit pedo. Somebody should search the pc of this fag I'm sure we would be surprised.

Not sure it's very respected, protected or tolerated in Japan either. I have a feeling it's just there because there's nothing stopping it. Like the U-15 industry, but that's going away now like actual CP in the late 90's. Wouldn't be surprised if loli is next.
Atleast we'll still have a million mangos to jerk off to when that happens.

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The female representative of Japan basically pointed out this exact hypocrisy when the UN tried to bully them into not selling any manga depicting sexual violence toward women.

>As she very sanely concludes, “There is nothing to be gained from regulating fictional sexual violence. However, while you're trying to fix the rights of fictional characters, you're leaving the human rights of real women in the real world left to rot. As well, in Japan, the entire reason we have a media genre such as manga that developed to take on themes such as the sexual exploitation of women came from an attitude to tolerate "drinking the pure and the dirty without prejudice." It's because we had the freedom to express our views and with that to express the view of a world of humans that live and die, that there are pure and wonderful things and dirty and nasty things mixed with each other.”

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Olympics ruining everything soon user.

Nah breh. They'll just hide the ads in Akihabara for a while.