Use power armor and an assault rifle like everyone else or get fucked: the game

>use power armor and an assault rifle like everyone else or get fucked: the game

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Attached: psi monk.webm (960x540, 2.74M)

Attached: Psi crit.webm (960x540, 2.8M)


>be stupid and refuse to think
>blame the game like everyone else

low INT

The game gives you a ton of ways to be overpowered
I just burst-fired smgs around corners for pretty much every fight

but it is you who is unable to grasp the reality that diverges from your own limited view, so you are the only one who shows any signs of autism in this thread.

I played the same build, was pretty broken and I didn't even minimax, I ropleplayed.

However I heard that a psychic melee build is the most OP build you can have in this game. Waiting for the expansion to try it out though.


I was a charismatic sniper and did fine until the last boss. That last boss is some super bullshit.

did you do the puzzle to weaken him considerably? I killed him in two assault rifle bursts without weakening him because I'm a bit of brainlet to solve the puzzle.

How do I make a psi only crit build?

>craft psi beetle carapace vest
>craft psi headband further raising crit chance and reducing psi cost
>stay below 30% health at all times

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Кaд бyдe гoтoвo


vodka, vodka, cyka blyat

based 1 int retard

Does raising your skills above 100 make any significant changes or is it minimal?

Yes for all, except the lockpicking/hacking stuff. Crafting makes better items, combat skills are more effective, psionic skills become stronger, etc.

for sure, especially when it comes to crafting items.

Depends on the skill.
Lockpicking/hacking caps out at around 130 because there's no harder skill checks.
Crafting materials also have a cap, I think it's around 160.
Damage dealing ones can be pumped as high as you want.

Thanks familia.

this game seems extremely up my alley. how's the writing? is it try hard edgy stuff or do they try something good with it?

It's not the game's strongest point.
People talk like "normal" people would instead of english proffessor level like in a lot of the classic cRPGs.

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I mean 'realistic' dialog is fine, does it have any compelling characterization or anything?

Well there are a couple of interesting NPCs with some cool backstory if you poke around, but the main appeal is the combat and exploration.

it's not bad, the setting is kinda interesting mash of things to me, but it's definitely noting particularly memorable or original.

Ah. Oh well! Maybe the expansion'll add what I'm looking for.

I heard a psychic stealth build is OP. Anyone try that?

But my stealth sniper build wrecks almost everything in one shot

What if this game isn't as hard as people claim it to be and that most builds are viable and you don't have to be a minimaxing autist?

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people are quicker to assume that the game is unbeatable because of their build than they are to admit that they're shit at the game/doing something wrong

I tried that build, it was pretty meh.
>1-2 shots per turn max
>hit chance caps at 95% meaning you can pretty much fuck up an entire turn by missing
>base damage is not enough to kill in one shot so you need to use special attacks like snipe and aimed shot to even kill things in one trun while both of them have a cooldown

>tfw quit my playthrough because of expansion, because I snitched on the guy in junkyard which turns out to be a long and fun questline and because I raised AGI in my psi build and realized that it doesn't raise action points and the only thing it was useful for is that it let me have sprint

I thought it was coming out in a month or two but it's been almost 5 months now

There should be a cardinal rule of making an underrail thread only and ONLY when styg has an update or when the actual thing is released. Because let's be honest the game has been out since forever and noone is interested in your shitty greentext stories.

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It's not edgy at all, it reminds me of original Shadowrun and Metro books. Mostly the daily life descriptions of people living in the metro, different station cultures and trade. It's actually very cozy, exploration is really good because everything is so interconnected and because you've got no idea where you're going and it's very easy to sidetrack from objective.

>how's the writing?

theres barely any

It's good because it lets you open up fights despite atrocious initiative. You can basically end fights before enemy even has a change to react a lot of times. It's a lot of fun, PSI allows you the highest amount of strategy because you've got an ability for a wide variety of situations and adding stealth to that makes it even better.

>You can basically end fights before enemy even has a change to react a lot of times.
0 challenge. How does it feel to feed into your avoidance complex? If there's no resistance there's nothing to gain or learn from the experience.
tldr basically you're an autistic coward

When the game came out I played a sledgehammer/stealth guy with questionable attribute distribution because I didn't really know what each attribute did. It was a bit hard but I managed to do perfectly fine despite retards on Yea Forums telling me I'm gonna have a hard time

yikes, I think I'll just play psi instead retard

You're supposed to use traps and throwing weapons too.

That's gay.
May aswell switch the sniper to a crossbow and have way more utility.

lmao nice reading comprehension
play however you want, I'm SHITTING on your personality
no pain no gain, no resistance no experience, it's a basic concept to understand you autistic coward

>no pain no gain, no resistance no experience, it's a basic concept to understand you autistic coward
it's a videogame you cringy sperg

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Exactly it's a videogame and you're avoiding a big part of the experience. Getting your shit kicked in and dealing with it. Dealing with your health dwindling down. Dealing with high stress encounters. I passed the entire game on PSI only and it was the most lackluster boring experience imaginable, you're literally a fucking coward the entire way. I bet you even reload saves for better crits like the dumb frogposter you are.

Btw good luck using your "omae mo" weeb logic on tchort, fucking dumbass.

>not going full kenshiro and giving every cunt the hundred crack fist.
No guns, no psi, no nothing.
Just fists.

No mercy for the stooges.

My stealt/sniper build is pretty good. Don’t have to fight unnecessary battles.

Obvious from this post you never played a PSI build you fucking retard. All of these things happen even when you're PSI, you've got a shit ton of abilities you need to use properly in order to win fights. It's almost mandatory to utilize narrow corridors and to properly prioritize enemies with CC because you get fucked up when they get clsoe to you.

According to your idiot logic I shouldn't use a sniper because I can take off most enemies before they can react, I shouldn't use environmental hazards because they might """"trivialize"""" the fight, I shouldn't use stealth because it's an unfair advantage that I can act first or I shouldn't use bombs because they can stun and kill a group of enemies.

Stop shitting up the thread with your "PLAY CORRECTLY" autism, nobody gives a fuck if you played through the game naked high int using a pocket knife

It's definitely a game that has a normal mode worth playing first, especially if you're going in blind.

You little fucking shit. Don't fucking make me reinstall this garbage and literally screencap the thousands of damage I do after I hit all my garbage aoe spells from 50 kilometres away, and then take control of enemy npcs so I never get hit in case they come close. Are you fucking seriously telling me this is extremely fucking elaborate gameplay and 200 iq experience you're talking about? Get the fuck out of here. You are literally a fucking little pussy manchild and that's why I replied to you. Not interested in your fucking strawmans about suits or unfair advantages. I made a very clear and simple fucking points, you're a giant fucking pussy that avoids fights because you can't handle it. That's the entire fucking argument and discussion here. How many fucking saves did it take you to make those webms so you get the perfect damage you little shit, you think you're so good at the game when you're just a fucking autistic coward holy shit.

Oh and another thing I like how you completely fucking ignored what I said about Tchort on your precious pure int build. Lmao. How many days did you spend reloading that sequence. How fucking mad were you when you spent all your fucking gameplay playing like a pussy and suddenly you can't do it anymore. Lmao. I can literally imagine the seeting butthurt and anger. Is that why you decided to start a monk/psi build? just so you could pass the end sequence LMAO. Goddamn. I haven't laughed this hard on this shithole since forever.

>projecting your insecurities this hard
All I mentioned is you can finish fights with PSI before enemy can react. That's the entire point of reference you've got in all of your sperg posts. I don't know if you're trying to be funny or are actually mentally ill.

get help

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lmao what the fuck is wrong with you

>mentally ill
Coming from an autistic coward that can't handle conflict of any kind. Too bad you can't teleport behind me to stop me from posting with your dumb autistic logic.
You made this thread. You made these webms. You played like a pussy. I laughed at you. That's all that happened.

Nothing is wrong with me. is this the part where you keep posting I'm mentally ill for laughing at a literal fucking manchild coward? Lmao k keep going.

>Nothing is wrong with me.
>literally, unironically seething

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Not nearly as much when you realized you can't omae wa mo behind tchort with your autistic gameplay LMAO so you shoehorned a monk into your build to cope. I like how you even put RAMBO on the picture what a fucking manchild LMAO

Get a grip.

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Grow a spine.

>mentally ill AND paranoid

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>what is inspect element
Lmao ok buddy
Even if it wasn't you, you're as much as a pussy as OP for defending this coward behavior.

>you can't omae wa mo behind tchort

You can stealth Tchort and it actually makes the fight a shitload easier. You also absolutely can one-turn him/her/it.

Are psi builds the thinking man's choice? Infinitely more strategic and rewarding than anything else in the game. It's unfortunate that some people cant take the time to master the depth it offers and instead play other non-psi cookie clicker rng builds thinking said successful rng rolls are their skill at work.

Good. Maybe you can shoehorn stealth on your next PSI build so you NEVER get a conflict and NEVER get attacked once like the pussy OP and who's defended him is.

>20 posters for the past half hour
Ok buddy, keep samefagging your own thread with your autistic gameplay and shit personality. I'm done here.

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Can you imagine actually using ((((WEAPONS))) instead of the supreme mental capacity of the aryan race to dominate subhumans like Just imagine how ((())) must feel when a PSI CHAD telekinetic punches his gf's psycho temporal contraction

I think you've called at least 3 people the same person so far, I thought my hyperbolic post might be too obvious, but I guess not. I'm wondering why someone would shitpost an underrail thread like this so I can only think insanity fitting.

>put it out!
>shoots ice beam

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>he thinks metal armor is powered

If you make it past the first pack of psi-beetles and the junkyard, your build is probably good enough. My first run was pretty much blind as a knife-pervert and it worked out.

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Gottem, the funny part is that I don't even like psi. The furthest I've done is a weird con/will tank/psi hybrid, and expansion I was thinking some kind of melee/psi hybrid with the new abilities.

i read somewhere on the game's forum that knife builds have been nerfed to shit since the game came out, are they still doable?

Haven't been any major updates since I played last. My build wasn't really even optimal, I don't think I got the optimal agility for the lowest AP cost knifing, but I also was just playing on normal and I'm sure most things will work out so long as you can get past aforementioned humps

I found heavy armor + assault rifle to be the weakest of all the builds I've tried. You're just a total scrub who can't handle an actual difficult game.

>I was a charismatic sniper and did fine until the last boss.
>did fine until last boss

Snipers have the easiest time with him by far. You literally sneak within range, shoot once or twice, win.

very smart, but it's not trying to win an oscar

yes, by far my strongest build in terms of ease-of-play

quit giving him (you)'s
that's all he wants

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For me, it's Stealthy tactical coat.

I played a knife ninja up to about lvl 14 and it was the 2nd easiest time I've had so far
they have trouble in the endgame because of their low per-hit damage, but there are many ways around that and you can absolutely beat the game with them on the hardest difficulty without much stress

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I can't make up my mind between riot armor and siphoner leather, so I'm going to use both when expedition drops.

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the lack of running honestly ruins the game 2bh

just get speedhack if it bothers you that much
it's the simplest shit to use

Just use this, problem solved.
Also it looks like there will be fast travel teleport with the expansion, there are strange circles in various locations now with a recent update.

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>He doesn't use CheatEngine.

All you're doing is wasting your own time.