Is anyone actually going to buy this? Did anyone even want a sequel? Did they feel the need to splatter magenta everywhere because Far Cry New Dawn did it and they thought it looked cool?
Is anyone actually going to buy this? Did anyone even want a sequel...
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I was going to buy it until they started shilling here, it'll be a pirate for me now
>I was going to buy it until they started shilling here
That sounds funny. Do tell.
Not buying it, it looks very cringed and not based
will it have denuvo
I'm actually absolutely stoked to torrent this and play it for 10- hours before I drop it forever like the 1st one.
weird they made a sequel to a game nobody asked for. the first game was generic and i dont even remember anything specific about it even though i played it
The only thing even remotely memorable about it was the stupid blade boomerang glaive thing.
if it gets denuvo, I'm starved for FPS. it's probably mediocre, but FPS part looks okay.
It looks like a sequel in make only. And why are you mad at magenta?
They didnt copy farcry . Ubisoft saw the First trailers of this game and shat out half Assed addon for shitty farcry 5..ubisoft is know for copy pasting shit in a chinese speed
>Rage 2
I thought this game came out already and received average-to-slightly above average scores
Huh. I could have sworn
>because Far Cry New Dawn did it
how fucking fast do you think game dev is?
I still remember dead city part and that boss throwing shit at you
What's cringy about it?
He's referring to the fact someone dared make a non weebshit thread on Yea Forums
What's to tell? There have been multiple identical shill threads of this game recently and I fucking hate shills so I'm not going to buy
>Did they feel the need to splatter magenta everywhere because Far Cry New Dawn did it and they thought it looked cool
Definitely because as you know Rage 2 only started production 4 months ago
It actually comes out next week.
not that youd know because absolutely no one is talking about it and no one cares. It will be a major flop
Are gamers too underage to know what Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome is? I'm asking for reals because I've seen all these leddit kiddies who didn't "get" the character and tone of Far Cry New Dawn. Do they even know who fucking Tina Turner is? I'm scared, bros. There are children who don't even know who Tracy goddamn Chapman is. The fucking Jonas Blue cover of Fast Car has a bazillion times more views than Tracy's version. I can feel civilization crumbling around me.
i actually worked at outsource company that did art for it.
Devs are pretty based.
Did they feel the need to splatter magenta everywhere because Far Cry New Dawn did it and they thought it looked cool?
>Did they feel the need to splatter magenta everywhere because Far Cry New Dawn did it and they thought it looked cool?
far cry new dawn was announced a year after rage 2.
>It will be a major flop
Massive success confirmed
Where the fuck do you think? Here on Yea Forums
don't judge it by Yea Forums, I don't talk about it but I do know when ti's coming out
damn posers can't even check videogame websites once a day
I dont see any
Shill detected
retard detected.
I might, nothing else to play, but I'm not paying full price
dont buy mw2 remaster when its coming out cause there's been shill threads for a long time now.
t. in the know.
Far Cry New Dawn is both excellent, and it began development during final development of Far Cry 5. What on earth do you mean by "copy pasting" and "half-assed"?
Gameplay looks smooth like In doom so it will be fun because of that. Not buying tho
>Far Cry New Dawn is both excellent
no it isn't. they halfassed weapon tiers, and I'm mad about them forcing me to pre built guns.
and that pathetic dialogue quality, worst ubisoft written game to date.
The funny thing is this will be objectively worse than Days Gone, but everyone here will be shilling the shit out of it anyway while hating on DG.
I will buy it with the 40 bucks I will get back for returning Days Gone to Gamestop, which I bought with a giftcard. Then I will return Rage 2 as well and kindle the fire of rebirth till I run out of games to play, or the stars will burn out over this gay earth of ours. I regret nothing.
>What on earth do you mean by "copy pasting" and "half-assed"?
lmoa check out this gaslighting fag
how much does ubishit pay you?
Does New Dawn have enemy planes breathing down your neck every 6 seconds? That shit drove me mad in 5.
>no it isn't. they halfassed weapon tiers, and I'm mad about them forcing me to pre built guns.
The weapon tiers are fine. The whole point of hte weapon system is to force you to use guns you don't want to use instead of letting you become comfortable. It's a neat idea. Pushes the central theme of adaptation.
>and that pathetic dialogue quality, worst ubisoft written game to date.
What is your specific issue with the dialogue? New Dawn Joseph is kino. New Dawn Hurk is great. Everyone else is solid. Nick Rye is a bro.
For some reason I irrationally hate vidya nomads like you.
There are no airplanes in New Dawn aside from one wingless plane that you drive during a mission.
every single ubishit game is halfassed copy paste in everything but artwork.
Even fc3 blood dragon was a shit game, repetetive, brainlet game in a great setting with cool visuals. It was literally reskinned fc3
Do what you must, I have already won, dear user.
>Even fc3 blood dragon was a shit game, repetetive, brainlet game in a great setting with cool visuals. It was literally reskinned fc3
Blood Dragon is literally a joke game.
what did they copy paste in For Honor?
Wow that is pretty blatant.
The open-world will be probably bland and generic, but the gameplay looks like a mix of Doom 4 and Bulletstorm and I like that.
pretty lazy to use the same image and text every time
>falseflag bait for easy (You)s
>Yea Forums fall for it
>but the gameplay looks like a mix of Doom 4 and Bulletstorm and I like that.
along with the driving combat, it looks alright to me
This is now a Far Cry New Dawn soundtrack thread.
It's not quite as immaculate kino as Far Cry 5, but it's better than anything else released this year.
I pre-ordered it for $30. Looks like a fun game.
>make a thread 4 days in a row
>each offset by a few hours
I'm too lazy, and too stupid, but looking at it I'd rectum that those times are covering primetime in all major markets.
>10 hours
>a few hours
me, just to say fuck you to the Epic Store.
i'm kinda looking forward to this and i don't know why, help anons
tracy chapman is garbage and im glad that bulldog looking bitch isnt relevant
>tracy chapman is garbage
Fuck you.
!!M06 2213 +3h2m
!M02 1911 +1h1m,
!!M06 1810 +1h38m
M05 1632 +3h27m
M04 1305 +22m
M03 1243 +00m
Start in cali (really 1143) add 10 hours EU, 2143 end in cali (2113) add 10 hours EU, 0800.
Of course there's been other threads as well, but not blatant. I bet there's around the clock RAGE threads now though. This despite the fact that originally every time the game was shown it was briefly discussed by interested parties at which point the threads died below bump limit from what I've seen. Unironically the threads follow the same trend, only a few posts are made and it promptly dies because nobody gives a shit.
Whatever grandpa
i preordered it on pc, dug the first one and how meaty the weapons and combat felt. liked that you got to shack up with wasteland chick in the dlc with her hanging out in your apartment. music was nice. it was simply a well made game that lacked a killer ending. the final wave based fight in the base was fairly easy, especially with the turrets.
>Is anyone actually going to buy this?
Is it coming to GOG?
Well i'm not buying it that's for sure.
Just reinstalled the first game.
I remember dropping it half way through when it first came out. Let's see if anything changed.
Borderlands 3 killed all hype for Rage 2.
I just realised that it’s developed by id software. I hate the way they develop games. Also it looks like a knockoff of Borderlands.
I'm going to rent it
Preordered it. GCU plus $10 rebate at best buy makes it $37
the game got the shitty color scheme before New Dawn was announced, but yeah, that's what everyone's going to be thinking
lots of bethesdrones will buy it to support the company after fallout76 failure.
I wanted a sequel to rage where you saw the hellstorm you unleashed with the raising of the arks, with all the super soldiers inside of them buttfucking the authority six ways from sunday, and annihilating the clans as you bring law and order back to the lands.
Instead we got some world where for some reason, the arks you literally brought up, and we see being brought up, are actually not brought up, the dozens of clans you killed off are now back, and the authority, for some reason, is stronger than ever.
It's a reboot and not a sequel. It pisses me off greatly, because I worked on the comic book and while it wasn't exactly canon it's pretty shit to see all of my work just being thrown in the garbage because LMAO WACKY BLUE HAIR RAIDER
To me it looks like a cross of Doom 2016 and that Mad Max game, which actually sounds pretty appealing. I also have nothing else to play so yeah why not
Do we know where the protag of 1 is?
>game has colors
>Weeb game/anime have colors
I haven't talked to anyone from bethesda (or rather, zenimax) since after the impact came out. I got a call saying "Hey we're releasing the scorchers, want a copy?" And I got a free copy from some PR guy, but that's about it.
I haven't been called or asked about it. I wasn't lead writer so I'm not exactly saying it's my work, but still. It's like seeing a guiness world record pizza you helped knead the dough for get shit in by some dog. Even if it's not yours alone, it's still a bad feeling.
It's a reference to an actual Assassin's Creed shill. This wasn't done by Bethesda
The promotional stuff is pretty (Even though the characters are ugly) but the game itself is mostly brown
That's a bummer but who knows. We haven't seen the story yet and the world is a big place
It is, but what they have shown shows that they're not following from the first game at all.
>I can feel civilization crumbling around me.
it is dude. hell is full and we let it get too bad. embrace clown world and enjoy the ride
If the gunplay is even half as good as DOOMs then it's going to be the 2nd best shooter of the year (1st is DOOM)
It's actually an Avalanche game with id supervising the development.
>that Mad Max game
well, its made by the same guys. I would compare it more to that than the last rage game
>characters are ugly
That's a design choice, desert punks were always ugly in anime/movies/games. The game itself doesn't look that bad or brown.
>Tracey 'dindu nothing' Chapman.
Yeah but they made just cause 3 which was poopy.
no u
it'a also coming to steam on time and i heard 76 was as well, that is sure to make some anons happy
>Even though the characters are ugly
those are the characters you kill
whats the problem
your thumbnail says otherwise.
>Is anyone actually going to buy this?
on sale probably, avalanche makes the best open world
>Did anyone even want a sequel?
no. but this is as much as a sequel as arkanes "prey" was. only in name
>Did they feel the need to splatter magenta everywhere because Far Cry New Dawn did it and they thought it looked cool?
the gaming industry sure loves to copy each other because they are afraid of attempting something new and failing. and it does seem like cuck devs were in talks about what should be considered artsy in 2019
those guys are ugly though
whats with your eyes
Otherwise what, you find this girl pretty? I clearly said that they were ugly.
this poster is a faggot
The first Rage was a good linear shooter the moment you entered a dungeon, so if this is more of the same, why not.
It does look bad however, it's got horrendous art and world design.
Unless you like more mixamo preset characters and outsourced chink animation.
whats wrong with it
On black friday probably, that and Days Gone. Borderlands 3 is the only thing I plan on buying at launch for the rest of the year.
Honestly the most offensive thing about it is just the personality it lays on so thick; It's just so boring, I couldn't give any less of a fuck about it.
>It's another "post apocolyptic" psuedo RPG FPS episode
It's just as overdone as brown and bloom and zombie games
I'll pick it up for $10 a year after release, like I did the first
even though Metro Exodus, Farcry 5 New Dawn, and Rage 2 all come out this year and feature a pos-apocolyptic world they are wwaaaaaay more distinct than the CoD and Gears of War clones that plagued last gen
Being more distinct that CoD and Gears Of War clones isn't a very difficult thing to do, and the games you listed barely do that.
>the games you listed barely do that.
bull shit they don't
do you even play shooters
Sure, a good FPS or TPS can be a really enjoyable experience, but those are pretty rare in a sea of clones of clones of clones.
I can guess the game play of all 3 of those games
>Go to hub, pick up gathering/kill this NPC quest
>Go do it, return quest, get reward
>Do major story mission to get to next hub
>repeat until ending
yeah you're retarded
the only game thats really true for mentioned is Farcry
and what a complaint, i can't believe i need to kill people in this game about shooting guns!
You're just bored of video games, go find another hobby.
I have plenty of fun with video games, these are just bad ones.
whats a good shooter to you
>I have plenty of fun with video games
name them
DOOM wads
>wow you just go into a level, kill everything around you, and move onto the next one
>go find the blue key
>shoot monsters
>go find the red key
>shoot monsters
>go find the yellow key
>shoot monsters
>go find the exit door
wow so much better
>doomchad makes bethesdrones abspkutely SEETHE
>d44m virgins think they're chads
Aren't both rage and doom developed by ID and published by beth?
>god i hate racing games, wouldn't they be so much better if they weren't about driving to a finish line!
All the gameplay videos I've seen look slow and boring, I don't know if it's because they are on low difficulties and controllers but something just seems off about the gameplay.
doom fuckin sucks it doesn't even have any quests or light rpg mechanics or crafting systems
>I don't play video games for fun, I play them for the 100th lootbox I can buy!
Zoom zoom
I was thinking about getting it till I saw the unedited gameplay, it looks fucking boring
I think the biggest redflag was how shitty the vehicle combat is, it's all auto-lock on bullshit
there aren't any lootboxes in Rage 2 or Metro
where are these complaints even coming from
who's telling you to think
You do know there's literal discords dedicated to shitposting right? It wouldn't surprise me if you're the one who made those threads.
>people think RAGE ripped off Borderlands
>when RAGE was in development before Randy even got the idea to steal the concept for Borderlands
Can you really call it theft when it's so generic? it's as low hanging as low hanging fruit gets.