How the fuck this crap is so well received?

How the fuck this crap is so well received?

Its not even a FPS game. There is no bhop so you cant strafe, jump and point blank meatshot enemies. Glory kills won't even let you shoot enemies with guns, they go into shitkill phase instead of dying and require an extra bullet to die which looks completely ridiculous and unsatisfying as fuck, some even seem to have iframes till they finish their knocked down animation. I don't wanna watch at poorly animated execution every 0.5 seconds, I want to play the fucking game.

Combination of both lack of bhop and shitkill makes this an unplayable mess. You either take cover and wait for enemies to come there so you could kill them like its some COD zombies mode or play cutscene the game pressing F more times than LMB.

The amount of med kits that even respawn is ridiculous, you have so much health even on hardest difficulty that its worse than HP regen.

Visuals also suck, devs was so obsessed with creating the most realistic looking image they forgot what art direction and style is. Game look like amateur shitty unity project from kickstarter.

Its not even a doom game, its ZOOM 2016 made so kids could play it and feel special about liking "old school" "fps".

Even doom 3 was better, it had too much corridors and too little enemies but at least you could bhop there and it felt more like quake with bots rather than COD with demons instead of zombies.

Attached: zo.png (900x507, 737K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Even doom 3 was better

stopped reading there

Manufactured hype, aimed at console-zoomers who've never even heard of "Doom" before.
They pretty much took the "lol rip & tear!! :^)" memes from the internet and made a "press F for kool!" -game out of them, totally ignoring and streamlining everything else.

Zenimax went all nuts on the internet, even on this very Yea Forums, to ensure that any criticism would be stomped before the release.

D44M and nu-RE2 are both prime example cases of cancerous modern devs, re-booting a classic IP for the modern mouth-breather audiences, who then THINK that they're playing a "tru oldschool gayming experience!!", since they obviously have never played the originals. Little do they know that under all that marketing slogans and visual splendor lies yet another modern, copypaste-rehash console game, like all the dozens they've played in the past decade.

>b-but X gon' give it to ya!!
>i-i-it's totally the closest thing to XYZ in years!!
These are the meme excuses these plebs spew out, every time. Ignore them.

>Manufactured hype,
game bombed in reviews.

Lol what no it didn't

Nice cripchan repost

show me

I'd take 8ch reposts over reddit and twitter reposts anyday

uh i thought i was the only person in the world not enjoying this game

Its fun af tho and i usually hate shooters granted the combant isnt as fast paced and fun as the original doom games but they added enough mechanics to make it fun and stand out

I like the gameplay, it's smooth compared to what we're used

>It's not even an fps game
Did you play over the shoulder perspective somehow?

You clearly don't lurk enough.
Yeah, plebbit and XBLA forums sure love this trash, but anyone with even some experience and love towards the 1990's ego-shooters sure as hell don't care for this poorman's Painkiller wannabe.

>they added enough mechanics to make it fun and stand out.
No. It's not fun, it's unbalanced and aimless.
and it's generic as fuck to boot; upgrade trees and shit stolen from modern Far Cry and shit, and I've lost count how many "press X for cinematic kill" games there's been in past decade.

Agree to disagree i guess i never really play a lot of games with treeskills in them so maybe thats why it didn't bother me as much

So you read most of the post then, nice.

>and i usually hate shooters
So your opinion isn't worth shit?

>and nu-RE2
You were passing for not a retard up until that point.

Classic doom had none of that. NuDoom is basically 2016 Brutal Doom before it got retarded. It's great and it makes me hard.

What kind of revisionist history is this?

It's an abortion of game design and yeah 3 is better for the reasons you listed but not by a whole lot

>How the fuck this crap is so well received?
Everybody thought it was going to be terrible, and it turned out to be pretty okay. It was also a great vulkan tech demo.

>bhopping is the only thing that makes an old school fps legit
what a fucking boomer faggot. you know you can enjoy more than one type of game, right?

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>Its not even a FPS game.
It is though. The point of view is in First Person, and you Shoot things. Those are literally the only qualifiers for an FPS. All those other things you mentioned are arbitrary nonsense that you're throwing in to justify your criticism.

>Its not even a FPS game.
stopped reading.

When you have a mediocre game in a sea of trash games it makes said mediocre game look like a masterpiece.
Name at least 3 fps that are considered to be "more fun" than Doom 2016 by most people, that has been released in the past few years

youre oversimplifying the glory kills though. they implemented them way differently. the gameplay is way more fast paced than most of those games and the animations are short, so it barely interrupts the gameplay. what exactly is more satisfying about shooting them one more time vs getting a gory animation that requires a tradeoff between getting close/putting yourself in a bit more danger for some health regen? the game doesnt have to be a carbon copy of the original Doom to be good.

because it's braindead and so slow and piss easy even on the highest difficulty that even zoomers can enjoy it

I thought it was fun, but finding the secrets wasn’t organic. A lot of the time I found myself running back through an empty level. Kind of lonely. Made me realize that most locations were just arenas for battles instead of organic levels.

Devil dagger
Bunch of indie games coming that are way better than this nuDoom trash and "most people" don't have a fucking clue to begin with

The only fun part of Doom is the shareware episode and everything else including all of Doom 2 is incredibly tedious.

>Its not even a FPS game.
stopped reading there

You are over simplifying them, no matter how you slice it they take control and reposition the player, enemies and combat are balanced with staggering in mind and doing it at all on nightmare is just risk with no reward completely defeating the point of having the gimmick in the first place
It just goes to show how little Hugo martin and the rest of id understand what made doom and other classic shooters work

you retarded faggot, go back and play doom 1 and 2 and you'll see that there is no bhop. I'm not saying doom 2016 is better than doom 1 or 2 but your definition of what an fps is retarded.

Stay salty in the face of a fun game.

Apart from some indie and AA shooters like Dusk, there isn't a lot

>Its not even a FPS game.

Couldn't read past this. You can't show your idiocy that early in your blog post OP.

>Its not even a FPS game
No words

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Dont worry user. Im with you. I would rather play doom 3 than this trash

play an actual FPS like the original Doom, because having to aim on the y axis and jumping aren't skillful

Masterful. People are taking this seriously.

Attached: male-chef-kissing-fingers-DW13F5.jpg (1300x1057, 105K)

>nudoom takes ski-