Here’s a challenge, create netherrealm style pre-Fight intros for the smash characters

Here’s a challenge, create netherrealm style pre-Fight intros for the smash characters.

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melty blood best fighting game

Mr. Game And Watch
Mr. Game And Watch

I'll take my BAFTA now thank you.

What does any of this mean

Whaddya mean you wont fuck me? Listen, slowpoke, if I'm not full of your spunk in 5 minutes tops I'll make sure your whole neighborhood knows you fucked a shack scavenging animal. Now fill this spikey pussy, uh, I mean meow.

>Grrrr I shall hurt/kill you
>[movie reference]

Toon Link:
Toon Link:


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Lame idea. This is now a Codec/Guidance thread.

"Otacon, this chick looks just like Samus!"
>"That's Dark Samus, an evil counterpart formed from Samus' DNA, among other components, so it makes sense she looks just like her."
"Hmm. Let's see if I can get her to take off that bulky armor as well~"
>"I... wouldn't try that if I were you, Snake. The other components include a mutated metroid, and a more than lethal dose of Phazon, the deadliest element known to man."
"... Eh. I've met worse women."
>"I don't disagree, but..."


Rob: .....
Rob: .....
Rob: ....!

Lotta tryhards this morning I see...


>I have full control over the president of the United States of America. He gives us dozens billion every year. You think you're a threat to me?

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Zelda: Wow Ike, your arms look so smooth
Ike: Thanks, I apply Nair every week

>Doc Louis: Just one more golden triangle left, son! Now show this princess who's the king of the ring!
>Zelda: What would you possibly do with the Triforce, anyway?
>Doc Louis: Go back in time and prevent the slavery of my ancestors. Chocolate is best when it's free range - ha ha hah!

>This is Joker, the mission is go.
>This is Snake, the mission is go.
>This is Fox, the mission is go.
>This is Sonic, the mission is: Go

I second the motion

"Colonel! That kid over there...she's got a gun!"
>That's no ordinary kid, Snake. That's an Inkling! Don't be fooled by her appearance, they are fearsome combatants from an alternate dimension!"
"Inkling, huh. And that gun seems to mostly shoot paint. Are you sure I'm in any danger?
>Absolutely. At any time they can transform into their squid forms and move through the ink like water!
"A squid? Now we are talking. Now tell me, how does she tas-
>(Paramedic speaking) Don't even think about it!

Actually funny, good job
Shock isn't humorous without an actually funny punchline, apply yourself.

This is stupid and you are stupid. Please rid the world of your stupid.

>Pikachu enters
>Ridley enters

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"Otacon. They're letting teenagers get a hold of guns?"
>"Snake. That's the leader of the Phantom Thieves: Joker."
"The Phantom Thieves?"
>"They're a group of rebellious individuals who enter a victim's mind through what's known as a 'palace'."
>"From there, they steal the victim's treasure -- a manifestation of their wicked desires."
"Sounds like brainwashing."
>"Could be. After all, once they steal the treasure, the victim has a change of heart and change their ways, often confessing their sins to the public."
>"You're thinking about HIM, aren't you?"

What's the joke? Seriously this is just a what if scenario with no punchline? Do normies actually laugh at this?


"Mei Ling! What IS that thing?!"
>"Watch out, Snake! That's Ridley, the captain of the Space Pirates, and Samus's nemesis. He's a ruthless fighter, and not above dirty tactics."
"Seems fitting for a pirate captain. Though I didn't expect Samus to find her nemesis in a dragon..."
>"It all started in her youth, when he ruthlessly killed her parents in front of her very eyes. It's such a sad story, but it's also inspiring to see how she used that sad past to become stronger."
"So what you're saying is... If I get rid of this thing, I've got a shot with her?"
>"Always a romantic, huh, Snake? Remember, weeding a garden will leave it barren; planting roses will make it bloom."

Alright shortstop, I dunno who you think you are but I'm the only bad guy who commands minions around here!
Fascinating! It appears this Bulborb variant is not only possesses a pair of arms, and armored shell, and horns, but is capable of speech. Its lack of intelligence is evident, further observation is required.
Huh? Intelligence? You calling me stupid pal? That's it. I'm breaking that fishbowl on your head with my fist. Then I'll deep fry your little friends for a snack. Bwa ha ha ha!

Top jej

A lot of people ITT are doing that, and then there's the fag that thinks offensive == funny
Those aside, there's a few neat jokes. I'm quite liking the codecs.

the punchline was the tonal difference between two characters

>he doesn't use THE list

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Your sense of humor is fucked up.

jokker; have i ever teld you how i got tehse scars

Would have been better if the "and so are you" was cut. Brevity is the soul of wit. Having Ganon barely aknowledge luigi instead if going "by the way viewer I'm insulting luigi did you catch that?" Would have made the simple joke flow better.

Your telling me you actually laughed at that? Not smile at the what if concept of MK style intros in smash but actually appreciate the dialogue and laugh out loud?

I refuse to believe that wasn't a troll post.

"Otacon, I'm fighting a... a dog?"
>"Try to remember, Snake! You've fought Fox before, in Brawl."
"I can remember what Fox looks like, this dog is definitely different."
>"You also fought Lucario before, Snake. I know there's quite a lot of Pokémon, but you only fought a few of them."
"Again, I know what that one looks like too, and this one's not it!"
>"Then... could it be Duck Hunt Duo? They only joined after you left Smash, after all."
"Duo? They? This dog's all alone, Otacon."
>"Then I'm afraid I'm all out of ideas, Snake. I suppose standard protocol applies. Stay alert, keep your guard up, and ensure victory. Oh, and watch out for Isabelle's fishing rod."
"Isabelle? So you do kn-"
Call cut off

Just seeing the thumbnail makes me cringe now.

Well no, I didn't laugh. I just smiled.

>Brevity is the soul of wit
I love how I have never seen a single person use this quote correctly.

The thumbnail alone is enough to make me nauseas

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>"Snake, watch out. You're facing off against the legendary vampire hunter: Simon Belmont."
"Did you say vampires?"
>"Correct, Snake. Armed with his whip and many other tools, he managed to slay Dracula himself."
>"Snake. You look a little pale."
"No, no. I'm fine."
"So what should I watch out for?"
>"Like I said, his whip packs a serious punch. He also has axes that he can throw in an arc, a cross that returns to him. And watch out for his holy water. If he throws a flask on the floor, it leaves a trail of fire."
"Got it."
"Something doesn't feel right though. He feels... familiar."
>"Snake. Turn the console off. Right now."

“Otacon,that man is awfully...yellow”
>Thats snoy boy,snake.
“Sounds just like a normal person to me,colonel”
>No snake he has a power involving his anal cavi-

Oh wow Bayonetta in the flesh! I didn't know I was gonna meet such a big name celebrity today. Hey, d'ya think after the match I could get your autograph?
Darling. You play your cards right and after this battle I'll show you what else besides lollipops I like to suck on.
Suck on? Haha, well I think Lady Palutena has some hard candies...some...why are you getting closer? Why do you have that look on your face!? Hungry? What? Ahhhh!

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Except that user did.

Gah! Hah! Huah!
>(Otacon) Snake! What's wrong?
This whip guy! I can't get close!
>Ah, that's Simon Belmont. Yeah, between the axes, crosses, and holy water I'd imagine you have a lot to worry about.
Weird choices of he's going to fight vampires...
>Exactly that! The Belmonts are sworn enemies of Dracula, and have vowed to hunt him whenever he-
>Well no, not right now. But these guys are always down for a fight, no matter what!
A soldier who hates vampires, know, I bet we have a lot in common...

>ywn fuck pit


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No, he didn't. Have you even fucking watched Hamlet? The entire joke behind that line is that Polonius keeps going on and on and on rambling in full wordswordswords mode, and in the middle of his ramblings he drops the line "Brevity is the soul of wit" without a hint of irony regarding how he's not being brief at all. The whole joke only works because the dude isn't being brief at all.

Enlighten us, user.
What's the correct usage?


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Hes old enough to consent(30)
Also as a kid I thought all angels including pit where females so i called people who played him gay

It turns out i am bisexual
I am immune to traps

Also btw,traps are gay but futa is bisexual.I personally dont like futa but it has a vagina and penis making it bi,traps only have the penis making it gay

of the population

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see The line itself is a gag that only works because there's no brevity in context.

>how does she taste
Snake is a perv

So you're saying that the joke hinges on the incorrect usage of the phrase?


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>My foreskin makes my penis look like a turtle
Every fucking time

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Snake codecs just show how the NRS intro dialogues are gimmicky and lame. How is it that 2008 nintendo can have more charm with character dialogue than 2019 NRS?

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"Mei Ling. Who's the guy with the rags and headband?"
>"Oh. You haven't met Ryu, have you?"
>"He first appeared during the last Smash Brothers tournament."
>"He may not have weapons, but he's an extraordinary fighter capable of incredible feats."
"So what's his deal? Seems like a pretty intense guy."
>"Ryu has traveled all over the world in search of battle and improvement as a fighter. All he cares about is fighting, whether it's to save the world or to get stronger."
"He loves fighting that much?"
>"It's his passion, his true love."
"Got it. Guess I better show him a good time."


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Smash itself hasn't done something as good as the Snake codecs again though. Really, I think the characters who speak kind of suffer in Smash due to how silent everything is.

See Dark Pit who is barely distinct from Pit in Smash for example.

No chinese proverb/10


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Partially. It's that combined with the fact that the joke itself only works with a lack of brevity, so the phrase itself was basically just Shakespeare shitposting. Using "Brevity is the soul of wit" unironically is like unironically wojackposting.

Most nintendo characters aren't snappy like Ken.


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Shadman stop

Yeah, its a real shame that we didn't get more codecs or WOL cut scenes. Like why even tease the fucking voice acted cut scenes if we only get one?

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It's not over until we get anal piercings, user.


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Wait, I'm fighting Ryu again?
>(Naomi) Snake, stop being dense. That's obviously Ken Masters, the American Martial Arts Champion!
But he's got the same moves! Fireball, Hurricane Kick. That uppercut has some extra pepper on it though...
>Ken and Ryu are old friends and training partners, going back to childhood. They trained under the same master, so they may seem similar, but don't let your guard down. Ken favors bolder and flashier moves than his rival, he'll roast you in an instant.
Constantly fighting a friend...a rival...yeah, I know a thing or two about that.
>I imagine you do, Snake....
I also know a thing or two about dealing with blonde copycats!
>(Raiden) Hey!!!


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>"Oho! I see you're fighting Joker!"
"What? Who is this? You sound like a little girl!"
>"I'm not little! A-anyway, you can call me Oracle. I only wanted to drop by to tell that you don't stand a chance against the leader of the Phantom Tieves of Hearts!"
"What, this kid? He's skilled, but his training barely even matches mine."
>"Just wait until he show his rebellious spirit! We'll see who has the last laugh, Solid Snake! By the way, is that also a codename?"


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Definitely cringe thread between the really bad Snake roleplay shit and the guy joke policing

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You guys just wanted to post riddles huh.

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The name of my mother?

>"Watch out Snake."
"For who?"
>"Don't you know? That's an anonymous user on Yea Forums."
"Yea Forums?"
>"Yes. It's a website filled with neckbeards, virgins, and faggots and you've encountered the biggest one of all."
"Doesn't seem that threatening."
>"But he is VERY annoying."
"And smelly."
>"Well, this IS Smash we're talking about."
"Alright. I'll be on the lookout."

Ironic coming from Otacon :^)

Riddle me this Bat, what has a greater genetic distance than wolves do to dogs but is still considered the same species?


I can't be assed to bullshit up the actual puzzle but you're going to steal a tree.


>"Hrrg, Otacon, who's this?"
"Snake, don't tell me you've never heard of Tony Hawk?"

Reply to this post, OP specifically, or YOU will die in your sleep tonight.

>"Hrrrg, Otacon, this dude looks like Tony Hawk."

Otacon, who is this weird looking guy? Kinda...creeps me out...
>You're one to talk, Snake! Anyway, that's the Villager, Mayor of Animal Crossing! You'll never meet a more helpful or friendly guy.
Helpful? Friendly? That's great and all but this is a fight, not a party. He seems a little outclassed.
>Ever had a bowling ball fall on your foot, Snake? What about a pot on your head? These things always seem to happen to people who try to fight The Villager, though I'm sure it's not his fault.....I think...
Huh. A master of improvised weaponry and guerilla tactics...this might be my most challenging battle yet.
>Plus if you win, maybe he'll introduce you to Isabelle!
That's all I needed to hear. He's going down.


>Who is that, Otacon?
>Cloud Strife, huh?
>Hmm, sounds like a real threat...

Good job ruining it there at the end.

Where the fuck is the proverb you FOOL

Otacon, what am I looking at now? Its waist seems to be on fire...
>Come on, Snake, that's Incineroar! It's a fire type Pokémon that fights like a pro-wrestler!
Another fire and fighting Pokémon? I could think of like six better fighters to fight with right now.
>Oh, don't be such a grinch, Snake! You don't see wrestling moves in Smash often, plus his flashy poses make him fun to watch!
I don't know, that sounds more obnoxious than fun. Alright, time to crush some pu-


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Oh shit, here comes pacman

ridley: *autistic dragon screeching*
kirby: poyo!
ridley: *slightly less enthusiastic screeching*


Not in character, you can do better.
Try this:
Ridley: [autistic dragon screeching]
Kirby: Poyo!
Ridley: [even more autistic dragon screeching]