Why don’t gamers care about the working conditions of game developers?

Why don’t gamers care about the working conditions of game developers?
Is it psychopathy?

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why did you block out your own name if your going to post your own tweet on Yea Forums

That’s not my tweet?

Why the fuck should we care about people who completle fuck us dry every time ?

Why would they care though,all workers rights we have today were gained through sweat and blood of workers themselves,if game developers want more rights,they need to prove that they are determined to fight for them and defend them at any cost

>burgistan subhuman doesn't believe in worker rights and thinks everyone should be a slave to megacorporations like him
like clockwork


because i just want to play video games and have no moral obligation to give a fuck how they are made?

Goddamn you are the definition of an useful idiot

Because it’s not the devs who are “fucking” you over, you crass manchild.

God Bless mutt America and fuck the natives

Why don’t weebs care about the working conditions of animators?
Is it psychopathy?

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fuck off cuck

Because most game developers are pricks.

I don't give a fuck about people that hate me for no reason and insert their propaganda into entertainment.

most devs like these are sjw trash and forced diversity hires with no talent, why should anyone care for them

For the same reason we don't care about the conditions of who makes our phones or cars.

>not caring about the people that create the thing that you enjoy

I hate all wagecucks

I don't give a fuck.

imagine if there was half the uproar about phone company using child slavery and components factories that releases cyanide and poisonous metal directly in local water plants.
But nope. Phones are sacred after all. Don't be a killjoy.

Weebs DO care about that, mainly because animator´s shitty work conditions result on badly animated shows.

I agree, but as someone who read through the entire Sexual harassment lawsuit, Riot's case is mostly bullshit. The things they are trying to sue for are literally friends farting at each other during breaks, talking about the girls they get and such. One point literally was "this guy said the word 'pussy' more than 500 times in a month".

The only real case of sexual harassment was from a Tencent chinese overlord that I don't know if talked about a female employee's ass or caressed it. Anyway, good luck putting those in front of justice.

So glad I live in a right to work state. Commie fucks like you who pull this shit get laughed at and fired.

i'm retarded and i dont get it, care to explain whats happening?, who is replying to kotaku?
since when riven is a raccoon?

People who work at riot games get paid to do almost nothing.

Because developers need to learn to say "no" for working those terrible hours. If the boss threatens firing then fucking stop working on the game. They literally have all the power for making the company money and they don't leverage it.

No they don't. Anime piracy is an even bigger scene then vidya.

riot has been shit for almost a decade now
who gives a flying shit about what goes on over there
i'm sure those people will have a hard time finding a job ...

Who ameriburgercucks love to cuck out to corporations? Why do they worship being a worker slave so much?
Is it stockholm syndrome?

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>literally a cuckold for the corporations
>tries to call others “cucks”
Imbecile bootlickers...

And I want to eat meat, doesn't mean I want meat from animals that have been given antibiotics.

I will answer when you give source.

because we're entitled americans and europeans. why else? i don't see anyone who makes games, they don't affect my life on a daily basis and I don't witness their suffering therefore it practically doesn't exist for all intents and purposes. i only care about myself because obviously that's the most conducive lifestyle to live if I want to be a happy individual, which is also why i browse Yea Forums for 8+ hours a day, have never kissed a girl, and cry myself to sleep.

based, fuck em dude

This walkout is being done to protest the sexual harrassments and the bro-culture at Riot games. Imagine if people gave a shit about things like, 90 hour work weeks, unpaid overtime and 6-month crunch.

>Why don’t gamers care about the working conditions of game developers?
Because most of the time they don't know that shit's happending since the studio tends to keep that particular information under tight wraps as much as they can to NOT come under fire from both news outlets and consumers.

And it's not like we don't care, we do, but there's literally nothing we can do about it. We don't work here, we're not their boss, just like when we ask for them to not shit up a game with bullshit like MTX or lootboxes and they don't listen to us, they won't listen to us as well if we ask them to not be pieces of shit to their employees. They'll always say they'll look into it, but lookng into it means they'll do jack shit, say they did something, and go bak to the usual schedule of working their employees to death.

I guess boycotting the game could be an option, but that would most likely fuck the employees even harder than sending a messege.

People are fucking retarded.

There have been massive walkouts in every sector of the chinese tech industry because they’re finally getting sick of working 6 12hour days a week

>caring for sjw

No one forces you to work there. It's your decision and if you don't like it then leave (or be a sjw and complain about your own decisions and blame other for your choices).

i found it in 2 clicks and i dont even care.
fucking educate yourself


>food analogy
and it's not even good you dip

why should gamers care
why doesnt the company care
why are you blaming gamers for something a big corporation does

Cold War propaganda was basically


Why would I care about someone who works for Riot?
>buhhhh solidarity
I'm sorry you live in the Bay Area and 85k/yr is a poverty wage. Maybe stop being a shitlib and move somewhere that's not literally on track to be Brazil in ethnic and socioeconomic structure within five years? Or unionize I guess but don't expect me to "care" about you

because old Bungie didn't complain that they had to work 16 hours every day to essentially make Halo 2 two times in a row before it released. And because they loved what they were doing and truly wanted to make this shit work, they developed an extremely loyal fanbase who to this day clings to their games and is devastated at what Bungie has become, but that's beside the point. No one cares that some college kids got triggered at work that day because these companies don't have any genuine fans due to the disingenuousness and lack of passion.

It's not comparable. I don't want to eat meat that's been farmed that way because drug resisting bacteria is an existential threat to humanity.

probably because localization doesn't exist. And before you answer crunchyroll, it was decently popular until it shot itself in the foot trying to promote a western show that had its budget made from money that was supposed to go to Anime studios and what not

>I want to have electronic goods but I don't want them to be made from conflict minerals
Is that better?

Look at the many recent AAA blunders, then look at the many indie triumphs from the past few years.
The AAA work environment is unsustainable because it consistently produces shitty products which only sell due to brand power and the marketing engine, and those are starting to fail. It's a self correcting problem.

I hear you but what do you care about how the product is made.

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Lol who gives a shit. I doubt it’s real sexual harassment. Must be the SJW definition of sexual harassment, if not why don’t they go to the police?

Reporting on all these horrible work conditions is the first good thing games journalists have done in a long time. Long may it continue.

All infested with SJWism. Hope they all crash and burn

It may have taken them 40 years. But at least they are slowly starting to sometimes do what they are supposed to be there for.

time to import chinks

Developers are lazy and constantly try to scam us and seek us broken games. Why should I care about any of them?

Good. No one reads vice anyway. Too much lefty kool-aid

If two parties willingly engage in contract who am I to interfere with the freedom of either group or individual?
If they want the industry to get better they should actively work to make it better.

It's the publishers who are trying to scam you.

>electronic goods
>conflict minerals
are you a baka?

>devs and publishers are the same thing!!

I know but still.
It's utterly apalling to me to see these americans bootlick so hard for megacorporations.
Another thing I noticed is that people "take sides" and treat corporations like they are their friends.
Don't get me wrong, I love my job and work hard, but I won't cuck out to a company just because, and my well being as a human takes precedence over the company's bottom line.
I just don't understand why americans love to be wagecucked to death like that.

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They're walking out during the second biggest League event of the year and right before the anime skin line comes out? Hmmmmmmmmm.

I hope you don't buy any clothes or shoes or electronics user

They're still going to be just act as corporate mouth pieces who are constantly pushing an agenda and know very little about actual video games so it doesn't really matter

That's just how americans think. Can't worry about the rights of workers, that'd be communist

Are you pretending to be stupid or only when it suits you?

Why do you think they should care? It's amazing how you think complete strangers should care about other peoples problems, especially when the only change to remedy those problems are ones that inconvenience or fuck the consumer over in order to do so because pubs are never gonna eat the loss themselves.
Also riot is not a real studio, I couldn't give a flying fuck if they give their diversity hire lack of game design capable chucklefucks lashes everytime they don't meet targets honestly, they're full of people who have no actual place in the game industry and are a net negative for the market

i unironically think it should be illegal for men and women to work together in the same place, women are just too distracting for men and they're usually the least productive employees anyway

this person is clearly both based and red-pilled

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Years of brainwashing and propaganda.

If he had any brain cells, he’d use a proper analogy of not wishing to have the chicken that lay his eggs or cows that make his milk be confined in factory cages.

>people who think game developers aren’t disposable as fuck
it’s like you don’t know how modern movies are made, the game developers don’t run shit. it’s the executives, they’ll just hire a chink army to finish/keep working on the project.

>reasonable opinion on Yea Forums
fuck outta here with your bullshit, i want to be outraged

>Muh unions
>Living in California where it's 5000 a month to live in a shoebox surrounded by homeless people shitting and doing drugs in the street
>Thinking getting paid more is going to magically improve your skills
>Thinking you're entitled to your bullshit participation awards when you work for a company that shits out endless garbage and hasn't made a good game in years

If I'm a publisher and I give you a million dollars with the understanding that you'll have a game ready for me in three years, and you spend two years buttfucking around and have to "crunch" for the last year, it's not my fucking problem. It's also not my problem if you spend the money I gave you on putting bean bag chairs in the breakroom and can't pay your fucking employees, you didn't hold up your end and I know not to work with you in the future. You deserve to crash and burn, not be put on life support so you can hire some more dykes you can't pay to run your twitter.

I'm actually in a union and all it does is fuck us. We just got a raise, and in return people got fired, positions got eliminated, hours got cut, and because the business doesn't want to keep paying everyone three dollars more they're desperate to start snipping loose ends and you get written up in a heartbeat over shit they used to ignore. If these fucking retards think a union will fix all of their problems, they're even more retarded than we realize.

>Yea Forums - Jobless Incels
Seriously. Get a job and your quality of life will improve.

Maybe with decent work conditions we'll get better videogames from big companies, and not unfinished """""""""services"""""""". Hopefully this goes somewhere

Americans deep down hate each other
Other people exist to be exploited
They have distrust of state and society
That is why they demand guns

why all these woke as fuck games are actually nightmare to work for for women????

[Jun] Kemonokko Tsuushin ~Koumori Musume Vivi~ (COMIC Unreal 2019-02 Vol. 77)

Fuck the anons who take time out of their day to reply to a post that they got sauce but won't give it.

This is the type of retard that social media generates.

>2019 truth
>government bad
>corporations bad

I wonder if these people realize how embarrassing their manner of communicating is outside of Yea Forums

I buy clothes, shoes and electronics, and I don't give a shit how they're made.

All that matters is saying the woke thing. Actually doing anything about anything is not required.

>if you don't work good we hire CHINESE
>every time someone actually did it if was a disaster
it's all hot wind to keep the pink haired clowns on track.

What game is that in the thumbnail?

living in america rots your brain and makes you paranoid

Thanks lad, much appreciated

Last time I've heard of these faggots, they were complaining that the new logo promoted sexism because it was a fistbump

Holy shit, america get yourselves together

>Muh innocent developers
You have to be retarded to believe this. You think developers aren't happy to to sell you finished content that was cut from the game as post-game DLC that costs $5-30? You think they don't like having to make lazy skins and sell them for $5 a piece and that it's only the evil publishers that want this? Because if so then you're actually retarded. They want money just as much as the publishers. Just look at how Destiny cut out half the game and sold it as DLC, and how content from Destiny 1 got recycled all the way until Destiny 2.

>constantly try to scam us

that's the publishers

How is it possible for anyone to be as retarded as this faggot?

I don't get it.

I'm sure more people would care if it was talked about more often. Surely the hundred of Yea Forums cross-site posters would provide dozens of updoggs on Leddit and likes on Twitter, maybe even a handful of retweets! That'll show those greedy companies not to treat their workers badly!

>game devs: why don't our consumers care about us?

western shitter corporations' virtue signalling and brownie points collecting is starting to blow up in their own jewpig greedy faces.

absolutely kino. they should hire even more fringe subhumans

I really don't think they are happy. They are told to monetize by their bosses and their publishers. Deus Ex Mankind Divdided had a tacked on multiplayer mode full of microtransactions forced on them by Squeenix.

Americans get told all the time that in their country anyone can make it big (which hasn´t been true since the at least the 80s), they suck rich dick because they think they will get rich someday.

>We just got a raise, and in return people got fired, positions got eliminated, hours got cut, and because the business doesn't want to keep paying everyone three dollars more they're desperate to start snipping loose ends and you get written up in a heartbeat over shit they used to ignore.
The idea of the union is to protect you from that, too.

And/or quit crying about how now you’re being held accountable for your poor performance at work.

Not that guy, but the artist is JUN. I recognize the style. He does a series on monstergirls.

I care about devs as much as I care about any other workers. Fuck off with pretending we all don't care.

I have no reason to believe you. But I've seen people make legal claims that stupid before. So yeah.

If I'm a developer and a publisher tells me to publish a game then I don't want him to put on what engine we should use, to rush development, not give us enough time or tell us to change direction mid development.

God bless you.

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komi-san has a tiny butt!

only boomers and gen x believe that, millennials and zoomers know the 'american dream' is a rigged crock of shit

Thanks for that, but I have a follow up question
How do I search for a title on sadpanda? Is there a specific key word I need to put inside quotes to do that? I got the sauce for one, pic related, but I am retarded and cant actually get it due to muh short keyword

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I'd care far more about the working conditions of game developers if they wanted to make fun games instead of vehicles for social justice. If they want to ruin video games with their personal crusades then let them suffer for it.

Because I'm not a hypocrite. I don't buy fair trade coffee or chocolate now do I?
I don't care about Africans I don't care about Americans.

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Because nobody cares about my condition I guess, and pretty much nobody cares about the condition of their cashier

Stop being such an insufferable cunt.

>Asking for spoonfeeding for something you can bypass if you Google it, would likely be first result too

Why do Americans hate workers so much?

Thank you, now to answer your question. No webs don't really seems to care about working conditions in the anime industry, probably because the industry doesn't want you to know and Japan has a different work culture. They don't want you to complain they want you to shut up and take it, those that are a bit more educated know that Kyoto animations has better working conditions which is why their products are so well animated.

And a libertarian too. Kys.

>I wonder if these people realize how embarrassing their manner of communicating is outside of Yea Forums

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However Destiny being what it is has all to do with Bungie, who decided to switch direction and redo everything when the game was like half done.


I play Path of Exile.

I could say the same thing about any video game that thinks it's more than just a distraction between now and grave.

How do people here care deeply about protecting the creators artistic visions and freedom above everything but at the same time don't give a flying fuck about work conditions and worker rights?

Censoring an artist's work is pure cancer and the company should be bankrupted, but the same company working them like slaves and treating them like shit is fine and if people don't like they can just leave. American corporate worship is something special.

>be a disposable code monkey
>spend years and years halfassing, putzing around, doing fuck all in between staring at facebook, talking to coworkers, and eating overpriced snacks and vending machine trash in the break room
>periodically tell your customers that they're disgusting human beings that nobody wants around or likes
>accuse your customers of being sexists and racists that hold back humanity and stop progress
>6 months before the expected release suddenly out of nowhere get forced into doing 100 hour work weeks
>have no idea why such a thing is happening
>game comes out and it fucking sucks for some reason, no one can say why
>continue to blame your audience for not wanting to purchase yet another 6/10 "AAA" cinematic masterpiece even though you called them misogynist incels
>repeat this cycle every 5-10 years

No because they don’t give a fuck unlike you, spineless faggot.

Because despite living paycheque to paycheque, they see themselves as temporarily-embarrassed millionaires.

You're a fucking retard who didn't grasp at all what I just goddamm said.

>Congratulations user, you now make 18 bucks an hour instead of 15
>But you're now cut to a six hour day instead of eight so you can't take a lunch
>We only have two people in your department at a time instead of four so your workload is doubled and you have nobody to cover you so you can take a break
>Also you can't stay over your time anymore like we used to let you because hell fucking no we aren't paying you overtime now that you're making even more
>Oh you didn't finish under these new bullshit conditions? That's a writeup, boyo
>Help me, union!
>Sorry we're too busy keeping the literally retarded and drug addicts employed to care about the average joe, we'll get those writeups you got nulled but we won't tell the management to stop

You're a fucking idiot who clearly has no idea how this shit works once it's in play, you just want to parrot MUH UNIONS like the rest of the brainless fucking idiots like the absolute nigger loving NPC cocksucker you are.

literally every single company that has shitty working conditions is also a garbage western AAA game developer so I have no reason to care.
Call me when the underrail dev finally hires another person and starts exploiting them and maybe I'll care.

i buy fair trade coffee, but mostly because it tastes better

if fair trade video games were fun i'd buy those too

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What is wrong with his post? I don't want to support sjws either, but I do care about normal people.

The reason we don't have better video games is because the people and companies that make them are doing it as a job or just to make money and not for the love of the medium. The old developers were enthusiasts now it's just 20 somethings that graduated college and need to pay back their loans

Says the abnormal social reject

You are not a victim here.

the studio that made dead cells is a worker co-op, does that count for anything

God damn. The brainwashing is strong with this one.

I would certainly be more sympathetic if it wasn't Riot. God they made LoL so shit. Maybe it was always shit but they drove things in a direction I certainly didn't appreciate.

I would love for working conditions to improve. I just don't know how we could realistically get there without govt. regulation. There's strikebreakers everywhere and people are willing to outsource it all to pajeets and chinks when workers try to unionize. Don't some states like AZ basically fuck unions out of existence?

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why you faggots do this?

>This is what fucking spoonfeeding breeds

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Game dev working conditions are bad mainly cause of´em being tied to specific projects.
Also new hiring policies prioritizing diversity over talent makes hard to empatize with´em since you may end up defending someone who hates you because of your condition (straight/white/asian/gay man/whatever) so fuck it.

its a fun game so it works

>How do I search
the absolute brainletism of this post is astounding

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that sure is a lot of made up bullshit just to say you hate workers and side with bosses

>American corporate bootlickers

Imagine being this pathetic.

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I'm not a libertarian though

why would I care? I just want to play video games

You mean the people video games were initially designed by and for?

because the artist and the programmer wouldnt fuck you try if they could you retard.
They just want to make a good goddamn game.

It's the people who run the company and look at profits who fuck you dry.

Gamedevs are bigger victims than gamers because they want to make games that bring people joy but get fucked in the place they earn their living.

Gamers just have extra dlc they can choose not to buy or cosmetics they can choose not to buy.

labor violence in america will never be cool again like the haymarket riots or the battle of blair mountain

>Game journalists
>Caring about working conditions of game developers
Weren't game journalists that were shedding crocodile tears for Telltale Games' closure while ignoring the awful working conditions of the developers at said company?

If you know the title just enter it. Sometime either the japanese or the english title are used. I prefer just entering the artists name and the english tag to see if a doujin is available. google the title and find out the artists name that way if it is not apparent to you

I would never stop a man from getting his nut. We might shit on each others taste, ideas or sense of self worth but if there is an instance where we have to help each other out it is a mans quest to find proper masturbation material.

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This is why you don't hire a bunch of SJW. Most of Riot gets paid well and probably has a great job (where I'm sure a ton of them do next to nothing) but they hired an army of LBGTQ tranny feminists who need any excuse to be upset.

And i wouldn't give a fuck about ANYONES working conditions if they sucked my dick every morning. If literal slave labor(collard and chained to a desk) was used to produce the goods i'm buying, not just in entertainment but anything at all, i wouldn't care. If the guy that sold me bread at the supermarket was chanting islamist propaganda i wouldn't care and just pay the man. If the delivery guy that hands me packages had a huge cross around his neck and wishing me a blessed day as he steps off my porch i wouldn't give a fuck and just sign the form. I don't care, and by care i mean don't want to hear, about anyones problems, i don't think they are right or wrong. I just don't care and want them to keep them to themselves, just as i keep my shit down. Nobody cares, let's keep it that way.

>Gamers just have extra dlc they can choose not to buy or cosmetics they can choose not to buy.
Hello shill.
Devs could also just all quit and not work for shithole publishers. its their choice.

You're awfully hostile at someone that's just tired of hamfistsed political bullshit in video games. What's your view on this subject?

Loads of these kinds of people who complain about working conditions are irredeemable commie losers who think they are entitled to everything. Like I'm sorry that you voluntarily signed a contract to work in a dream job making games all day, how terrible for you than you aren't entitled to things that you didn't negotiate as part of your employment. Literally can't do anything about it except y'know the option to walk away if you are unhappy with your job which is completely viable if you're as gifted as you seem to think you are.

is this late-stage capitalism?

You're seeing the immediate results of helping people search for things. It leads to people who can't find anything for themselves. This was not some rare title that has long since been off the Internet. It's a ridiculously popular current doujin. You are part of the problem, and really shouldn't even be on this site.

Maybe I'll care when we talk about companies that actually make good games instead of utter garbage.

I assume you are working 100 hour weeks in terrible conditions for less than minimum wage?

Gaming is a hobby white middle class teenagers. Coddled manchildren who have never faced any real adversity in their lives and who spend most of their day actively avoiding socialising. No shit they can't sympathise.

>Devs constantly shit on their audience
>constantly smugly act above them, especially if they are making changes in a sequel
>still cry that gamers don't do their own jobs for them
Oh what a shame, poor devs

>walk out
>get fired
>find a job in software dev that pays 10x more with better hours and more benefits
I don't sympathize with game devs because they willingly put themselves there. This isn't the case for a ditch digger where there is no where to go except down.

fuck off no one cares

AAA games suck for the same reason every product from large companies sucks.(or is "worse" than a similar product made by someone with passion.)
ANY large company will devolve into a mess of assholes who only care about power and bonus checks. THose people will get in control, then they tell the people who have a passion for making games what to do, even though the people who have passion should be calling the shots. They don't try to get in charge though, because they: "Just want to make games."
It's a shitty cycle.

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The government gives people the ability to break their contract with their employer by refusing to do their job and still somehow avoid getting their ass fired.

Truly the free market in action

Most humans don't care about things that don't directly inconvenience them.
It sucks for the developers but it's their battle. Rapidly unionize or take their skills into a less oppressive field of tech.

>missing the point so much

>No one cares
>Two other people replying the same way to your idiocy
>Replying to my post in general
Yeah, you do care, but you're retarded. Just as retarded as the idiots you spoonfeed.

>Gamers just have extra dlc they can choose not to buy or cosmetics they can choose not to buy.
I think what you mean is
>Gamers have to sift through an increasing amount of products that are targeted at whales and people who barely care about games at all.

I dont think Westwood (or whoever made cnc4) were happy to have only 11 months to make a multiplayer spinoff then in the middle of it be told to add on a campaign mode to make it a "true" sequel so they had to rush storywriting and the whole game felt unfinished.
And thats just one example. Im sure other anons know more examples.

Nah, Devs are just dumb faggots that agree to work insane hours to get work, then cry that they had to work so much.
Plus, with the endless shitting on fans to sell new games to different audiences, it's quite satisfying to see the shit situation Devs got themselves stuck in.

That is not at all what is happening here. You're mad at corporate. Guess what, so are the workers.

Fuck off. There is no such thing as a free market.

Remember, at will employment means you will always be a serf.

Kinda curious how many people in this thread have never had a serious job?

I assume you think that your facetious comment has a point

So this isn’t even about working conditions?

>mad at corporate
Nope, I'm mad at the Devs too. Look at MK11, no sympathy from me!

Everyone's job is fucking shit, nobody outside of the cunty whiners in the entertainment industry get a voice / platform to complain and garner attention for it though

this thread is about shitty game devs striking and here you are bitching about Yea Forums and /jp/ shit from 7 years ago

social media has made every stupid fuck on the planet feel emboldened, I don't understand why. Maybe its just made it too easy to see the people criticizing you and you can actually respond maybe, then the human element kicks in. People its actually scary how many people lack the ability to reflect. Every time I've been harshly criticized it put a chip on my shoulder to become better for it, not just lash out and call people retards and take a dump on them.

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Not when governments interfere, that's the point einstein

>Devs are just dumb faggots that agree to work insane hours to get work, then cry that they had to work so much.
You realise there's not much choice in the industry and that the lack of unions is the cause?


>Yea Forums and /jp/ shit from 7 years ago
>Implying they're not like that now, and that Yea Forums didn't also hold the same mentality
Boy, you're sure showing me how little you care.

That guy is probably some underageb& high schooler who is just figuring out how web 2.0 works and where to get his dose of degeneracy from. We all need help to start out and I am sure he will figure out how things run around here eventually. Until then why not help?

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In that case we would just have company. No free market needed, just 1 corporation doing it all.

>Some franchise holder said something I disliked
>Therefore the workers of this completely unrelated company don't deserve my sympathy
You have an utterly warped moral compass.

WOW! Its like Warner Brothers and NRS are the problem going with weird decisions design wise and an awful monetization/unlockable system! Man, if only NRS and Warner were big corporations!

No bottom of the barrel QA tester shit on anyone yet they are treated the worst.

I think this relates to your point.

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Your idea of a free market is one in which workers have the choice to beg for scraps or starve. "Freedom" only for the capitalist class.

imagine being proud of gatekeeping shitty porn from people, f/a/gs are dumb as shit

>You are part of the problem
what problem?

Socialism is an IQ test and everyone who wants it has failed

Riot encouraged it. They JUST themselves.

No an argument.

why don't devs care about their work environments? why do they let themselves get walked all over?

>dozens upon dozens of games ranging from Call of Duty, Deus Ex, Halo, Metal Gear, GTA, Half-Life, Fallout, Bioshock, to even Final Fantasy are full of politics
>”good games, I like!”
>mortal kombat makes their female fighters not dress like strippers
RDR2 was full of progressive politics that I’m astonished none of you thin-skinned incełs bitched about it and called it a shit game.

>supposed to feel sorry for people making 100k/year

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Nothing about this is socialism you dumb corporate bootlicker.

They do, but at will employment means they are easily replaced so they don't speak up

Because it's an actual good game, and not the trash "fighting games" NRS shits out

Because most of them know they aren't very skilled and are lucky to have they job in the first place.


HR departments shouldn't exist
They're make work jobs for women and diversity hires

That was because of how they did it. They just canned all those people with no notice, no severance and cut all health insurance. Employees were told they needed to be out of the building in 30 minutes.

Fuck off 3rd worlder, ofcourse everything is shit where you live. Over in the civilized world people have been able to publicly voice their problems for a very long time. Mostly blue collar workers.

Basically you're starting from the point where there are distinct "workers" and a "capitalist class" which means the marxist economic bullshit is hardwired into your arguments and you're just wrong
People who own factories are workers too you schmuck, the factories don't come into existence because of nothing
People can always start their own businesses
Competition is good
Low skilled worthless people aren't entitled to employment
It's just so tiresome.

I thought your supported game devs.

A good game presents an issue, yes, from both sides,, a bad game tells you what to think or judges you for making the "wrong" choice.

I support them.
AAA game development is worthless in it's current state.

If conditions improve or the companies implode it's a win

Management literally gave them permission for the walk out lmao it's basically just a 2hr lunch break


You’re calling MK11 a shit game because a ninja assassin is dressed like one instead of a stripper.
Consider hanging yourself by tomorrow.

I wish I had someone to step on my balls and call me a beta its not fair

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working conditions is a socialist dogwhistle.
It means "I believe employees are entitled to things that they haven't negotiated with their employer"
Which implies "Someone needs to make these horrible bosses pay their employees more"
Which implies government inference in private business and the forced redistribution of wealth / equity doctrine
And basically you're a coward for pretending this isn't your aim

>Until then why not help?
It's easier than ever to search for things. There's no excuse for it. It's not like 10-15+ years ago where you had to register across multiple forums, sometimes in languages you didn't understand, to find either a single image, or hopefully the whole set. It's literally just a single search in most cases. You're actively babying these people, and doing so makes it so they're going to be reliant forever on other people.
Imagine claiming you don't care about something, then replying 3 times increasingly upset with every post. Keep spoonfeeding, it'll just result in people who never pay it forward because they literally don't know how to.

>People can always start their own businesses
The startup costs to starting your own business are prohibitive and you will be stuck relying on bank loans.

>Competition is good
So you want the opposite of how the current market works.

>be treated like shit by my peers from a young age
>withdraw like anyone who is rejected by their peers
>grow up online with other people put in a similar position
>20 years later
>same people who put me in a proverbial box are now upset that im a bitter outcast who cant socialize or sympathize with others
what the fuck do you niggers want from me, seriously

>Which implies government inference in private business and the forced redistribution of wealth / equity doctrine
Oh no, you're a Libertarian. I'm so sorry.

>it's hard so give up
Typical socialist voter

Of course it's hard to start a company, that's why people who own successful companies want to prevent useless retards like you from trying to come along and "fix things" with your amazing insight into how workers should be treated

Now try living in the real world a little, instead of pretending this is how it actually works.

>RDR2 presents you with the KKK outside Rhodes, a place infamous for civil war battle grounds and plantations with slave shackles in their basement
>all you can do is antagonize or kill the KKKs, and antagonize the ex-slave owners
Nah, you’re pulling excuses out of your ass because you just want to complain about outfits like a manchild virgin.
You consider hanging yourself as well.

Nah, Yea Forumsermin. It's called learning google-fu. Newfags need to learn to fend for themselves instead of relying on others, or at least go to /r/ instead of asking here.

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They don’t make that much, game devs make half of that.

Give me 1(one) good reason why someone competent can't just make their own game and shill it themselves without a publisher?

Oh user there are so many other things you should be sorry for, instead.

I didn't say politics are bad. Notice my use of the word "hamfisted." Nobody minds a well written story. Retconning a character to be gay now even though it doesn't affect the narrative just to score Diversity Points is retarded. Most of the obvious shit writing lately happens to be political in nature, because of attempts to pander to the Woke crowd who don't really buy that many games. At least before the obvious pandering was to the demographic most interested in games.

>lazy eurocuck who thinks his fee fees are more important than producing and keeping social hierarchy stable

Pay your taxes.

Yea Forums is filled with all kinds of freaks, no surprise. it's all they have.

It's not my job to fight for their working conditions, if they don't want to be treated like shit they should get a better job.
It took me like half an hour of research to realise that if you want to make videogames you should do it yourself in your spare time, you can make better money for better hours and less work in pretty much any releated field, people who go work for a game developer when they are qualified for better positions are retards

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"Americans" means Boomers and some Gen Xers. Anyone born after that thinks the government and corporations are terrible.

>Basically you're starting from the point where there are distinct "workers" and a "capitalist class" which means the marxist economic bullshit is hardwired into your arguments and you're just wrong
No, it means I've actually looked into the issue instead of regurgitating capitalist platitudes.
>People who own factories are workers too you schmuck

>social hierarchy stable
yeah america is so stable now with fascists and antifa openly fighting in the streets and incels shooting up schools or any place women gather

Difficult, and luck based. You're absolutely right that it can be accomplished though.

I do not buy AAA trash, only indie games and japanese games


Hamfisted is a buzzword for things you don’t like, aka MK11 because you jerk off to fighting games for some reason like a loser.
I repeat, hang yourself, you oxygen waster.

>have a useful degree
>can't be replaced by low iq curry niggers
if my boss wants me to work longer hours he has to pay me more or compensate me another way, my time is valuable and I can find a new job anytime. those people at riot games should not have spent their youth at studying how to become code monkeys, a job so easy even pakis and chinks can do it.

>It means "I believe employees are entitled to things that they haven't negotiated with their employer"
No, it means believing employees are entitled to a position from which they can negotiate with their employer.
>Which implies "Someone needs to make these horrible bosses pay their employees more"
And that someone is the worker.

>Be a lazy Dev
>Make a pile of shit
>"I-it's the publisher, I swear!"
And you faggots just eat it up. All issues in this industry can be traced back to the consumer, because gamers love to consume shit


The difficult working conditions of the video game industry have been well documented for 20+ years. The people in the industry now chose to put themselves there in spite of that. It's literally no one's fault but their own. But good luck with unionizing, I look forward to the $150 MSRP games of the future bringing the western industry to a grinding halt.

why do americans identify and side with bosses over employees in everything?

this board is cucked and these SJW's are incessantly repeating the same arguments that we shot down yesterday and the day before. it's like we never had those threads, they pretend it never happened

To act like a human being. I grew up under the same conditions but I still have a moral compass. The fact that you've suffered injustice should allow you to sympathise with others but instead you're just a bitter little prick.

how about games stay the same price, devs have their unions and rich executives get a paycut or a headcut

Still twice what I make and the guys at Bioware don't even work. They are on leave because "muh stress!"

>he thinks the social hierarchy is predicated on being kept under the boot under threat of job loss, bankruptcy and illness due to overworking.


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And still safer and more stable than any euro communist country like scandinavia or france.

>Retconning a character to be gay now even though it doesn't affect the narrative just to score Diversity Points is retarded.
Fuck off, if a character is "retconned" to have a heterosexual partner no one would even notice

It's not about siding against employees. At all
Most employees are decent people
You shouldn't conflate employees and marxist retards.

Japs have it worse, but you'll never hear about how your favorite devs get fucked sadly, I bet the stories are awesome.
You won't hear directly from them anyway, there's plenty to read about corporate Japan and work if you want to online.

The jews won. Now go make me some more money, I need a Tesla X.

Dilating while forcing your views into everything you make takes a lot out of you.

I have not played RDR, i was thinking more of Bioshock Infinite and how outraged progressives were when the slave chick got corrupted by power. That's an example of politics presented well.

CS student here : Ppl who want to work in vydias are the biggest retards.
Video game companies can replace them with pajeet anytime they want.

>The fact that you've suffered injustice should allow you to sympathise with others
And I do, just not with the people who put me in the box.

>The difficult working conditions of the video game industry have been well documented for 20+ years. The people in the industry now chose to put themselves there in spite of that. It's literally no one's fault but their own.
Can we just say this about everything? The progressive influence on video games is well known. Anyone who still gets into video games without being progressive only has himself to blame. It's useless to complain or try to change anything ever.

Is that one of that, all the circles are the same, optical ilusions?

america has one, sometimes more mass shootings with 10+ dead a week now, when was the last time a truck of peace struck people in some european country?

Give one example of this ever happening. Pro tip: You can't

How's those no go zones you "eqality" cucks produced? Heard you can't even live in your own capitals in the news these days.
It's time to face it. Conservative American models work. It's a natural society based on natural darwinism. People need a hierarchy if they're to work for the greater good. Something to aim for.

Gonna spoil you. That's any job out of CS degrees. Its basically one of the worst degrees to get career wise now.

france has had rioting for months, over real issues, not muh imaginary fascism

I do care, but its a widespread societal problem. I'm no Fred Hampton, gonna neet it up and watch it all burn from the sidelines.

>Lack of Unions is the cause
Look at this man and laugh. Do you think Unions have done anything in America since the 1800s? Unions now are corrupt organizations that muscle their way into forcing every employee to pay them dues in order to get "benefits" they will never see. Why do you think that teachers go on strike so often for more pay even though they have THE LARGEST UNION IN THE COUNTRY? Why did all those automobile factories get shipped over seas when FACTORY WORKER UNIONS ARE SOME OF THE OLDEST AND MOST POWERFUL IN AMERICA? Why are wages stagnant and prices of goods rising across the country when we have unions in most major fields? The answer is these unions are not interested in fixing problems anymore. They want to give the people who join them just enough so that it is very moderately better than before, but then they don't want to actually fix anything because then the union would be useless.

Were unions good things? Yes, absolutely. Unions were important in getting 8 hour work days and 5 day work weeks. However, now the model for unions is just for a few select people to get money and power. The same thing will happen in the vidya industry should they unionize.

wtf are you meant to do if all you know is sitting at a computer

That's objectively wrong lol. You should take an action packed trip to Detroit

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I hope they are marching out to protest the blue-haired pronoun office culture.

>he actually believe commie propaganda about peace in europe
Kek, anons on /pol/ tells a different tale as they've woken up to the harsh reality. Every day in Europe someone gets killed.

Except if video game developers in America forced you to work for 100 hour weeks for less than minimum wage they would be sued out the ass and go broke before the week was out.

go look up a list of your favourite games

then look up the working conditions them games were made under

then go look up your biggest disappointments

and look under what conditions they was made under

Translate hentai.

Lmao @ the average trump supporter
Ignorant and delusional

Remember kids, you are literally pro-union if you don't buy AAA games from the studios that "abuse" their employees. You're not SJWs are you?

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Were Americans born with no sympathy and spite for their fellow man? Yes they are.

US univ maybe, not in my country.
But you are right in some way : What makes the selection for the best masters is maths more than anything.

But AAA games are full of SJW crap.

Because I live in a third world shithole and I will be damned before I give a fuck about some first worlders game developers

Boo fucking hoo you chose a shit career in a great, working country, get over it

I saw white french girl walk down a street with an algerian mudslime today, this is whyte genocide

It sucks to work in america, more news at 10!

>New IP
>No argument
Lmao imagine getting this riled up

>reading about doom or halo
>talking about pulling all nighters to get shit working
>turn out to be great games


Look up murder statistics, brainlet
The US is way more dangerous than anywhere in the EU

LUL those "no go zones" are a myth perpetuated by alt-right reactionaries wanting to be outraged. Go back to /r/YesSweden.

I too, love the taste of hardened shoe leather.

lol yeah having a twitter account, reading kotakus twitter, replying and then making a thread on Yea Forums is totally based

>as a girl I don't mind working with men that say how sexy I am

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We just put that in there to fool the developers into thinking they're doing something they care about. I can assure you that you're combating the leftist SJW unions by buying my game

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Why do retards end sentences in question marks for no reason at all?
Are you brain damaged?

It's an Anglo trait. You can see it in all the anglosphere. It's why they have no guilt over shitposting and ruining everything they touch, like Yea Forums. They're a rat race with a golem culture, bred by jews thousands of years ago to always work for their masters, wittingly or not. Only by eradicating this vile sub human race can humanity start progressing, free from wars and destruction the anglo seeks upon us

all-nighters should be standard fare for programmers. if you're not spending all night fixing bugs youre not passionate enough to make a good game.

To be be fair, the ID guys also all had a stake in the game and made a fuckload of money from their hardwork. People at Netherrealms or Rockstar pull the same all nighters and are given $8.50/hr. To paraphrase Office Space "Why should I work hard to make the company money when no matter what I do, I don't see an extra dime of it?"

>with a 16 yo poltard who watches fox news unironically


Why would I give a shit about internal affairs at some company that I already don't buy from

>protesting 80 hours workweek crunch- bad
>made up harrasement shit- good
I just love how big company Jews distract attention of their goyim

When you look into the world of anime licensing how the hell do you not pirate? It's like they want the western market to die. Better off just pirating anime then pre-order shit from Japan if you really care.

>knowing subreddits by name
You have to go back, i'm sure you have an episode of Game of Thrones to discuss, reddit.

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Yeah, if those boots didn't work so you could be fed you'd die a lazy starved euronigger by now.

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Sorry Todd, but I pirated Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout 4. I'm also gonna pirate Skyrim 2

Because bad localization and BDs so expensive they're fucking highway robbery. The industry fucked itself over in Japan by hinging all of its success on super expensive discs and merch that only loony fanatics would buy. Anime has been normalized quite a bit and has a bigger audience than ever before, but the industry habits are so ingrained that nobody wants to risk dropping the prices and even if they did the sales would barely change because people who didn't buy BDs before wouldn't even notice the change without hardcore advertising all over the media.

>I want to work at blizzard because i grew up on their games and respect how good they are
>These games were a product of the employees working harder then the competition
>For me to be as competant as the people im trying to replace i need to work as hard
>No ill just complain instead

If you dont want to do this then why take the job it takes 15 minutes of googling to realise whats expected of you, and if your really competant you could get a job in any other field of software development easily

> knowing that reddit calls their sub forums "subreddits"

It literally is. But a fine upstanding cuck like you probably congratulated them for causing your extinction...

>this entire thread
Stay mad, Eurocucks.

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i get people not wanting to do it

but no one is putting a gun to your head and forcing them to, just quit and get a normal job instead of a high pressure high expectations job in AAA vidya

It's more than likely he is a shitskin himself.

Because we foolishly allow liberals to live. But we're rectifying this grave mistake.
Meanwhile United socialist Europe is hard at work to destroy your very own people.

The greatest bootlicker on earth

No, I don't care about politics, only dumbass millennials do.
Also, you know a subreddit by name, don't try to change topics.

You are an unironical millennial, one who unironically discusses politics on the internet, and unironically visits reddit.

You need to kill yourself, you failed generation of autismos.

>Skyrim 2
>not TES 6


Do you care deeply about the working conditions of everyone that worked on your favorite film or TV show?

Do you care deeply about the working conditions of everyone that helped produce your favorite music album or song?

Probably not. The bigger issue here with anyone that works in the entertainment industry is that we all have the dream that some day we will be the next Todd Howard, Kojima, Christopher Nolan, Jimi Hendrix, etc, and because of that we are willing to sacrifice any sense of work-life balance as a "starving artist" to make that dream come true. The reality is that less than one-tenth of 1% of us will ever reach anything remotely close to that dream. So these cases of worker exploitation will always exist until we all set more realistic goals for ourselves.

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How's mohammad's dick tasting?

>implying I read MSM cuckery
Only actual unbiased sources for me. You should try it one day. Might be an eye opener

Go die in Israels wars, faceless drone

>But we're rectifying this grave mistake.
No you aren't, you are the source of all that cancer.

>Meanwhile United socialist Europe is hard at work to destroy your very own people.
Funny, because, even by 2050, even in the highest immigration cases, even the least white countries in Europe would still be 70 to 80% white.

Meanwhile the USA is 56% white today and you are not doing anything to stop spics.
Hell, you are the lapdogs of Israel, no matter who you vote for.

why are you writing the hourly rate in dollars

theyre a uk company

and their employees are well paid

>muh shootings
Less likely to die in a mass shooting than from fucking lighting

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Film and TV have unions they literally fought and died for decades ago.

>unbiased sources

name 20

Ask your mum

t. Mohammad

Fuck spoonfeeders. I didn't even have to use keywords or other googlefu to find this, a reverse image search engine just gave it to me. What's the point of having all these reverse image search engines when we actively encourage people not to use them?

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> claims to not care about politics
> spewed nothing but alt-right dogwhistles about imaginary no go zones just 2 posts ago
Lul, go back cleetus

Nice reddit speak, dipshit.

The absolute STATE of amerimutts.

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Dont be an idiot and try to take someones spot as an employee then and make something of value for yourself.

oh wait you dont actually want to game dev,,,

then quit

Do you have any argument that isn't "Muslims", mutt?

because prices are absolutely bonkers. they specifically aim for collectors with loose wallets, not for your average anime fan. manga are more reasonable when it comes to that, I can get a ~200 pages volume for 7 bucks.

Maybe the next time around these developers shouldn't treat the people they develop their games for like shit.

It's true though, you beady eyed rat goblin.

There's countless people out the door desperate to get in.

It's actually impressive how fucking spineless Americans are. They're complete cowards who eat up Cold War propaganda to the point that they actually think Worker's Rights are a bad thing or that Unions are bad. They unironically don't care that their lives are legitimately negatively affected so long as the establishment lets them know that it's 'necessary' and that thinking otherwise makes you a commie.

There's legitimately no hope for America. It will continue to slowly devolve into a neoliberal shithole, and the elites will continue to blame the left even though the left has been completely neutered in America for more than 40 years at this point.

The games aren't good enough for me to care.

They have ro do their little rise in tone at the end of the sentence no matter what, even in text form

“White” Americans are fucking pathetic

I'm not him, my first post is this one
I called you out for being a redditor.

>alt right
Look, even more millennial ebonics.

I think it's about time we start finding solutions to the idealist problem.
Next time neo-nazis, antifa or feminists make a rally, simply send in the military to deal with them.
It's about time we deal with this generation of cultural terrorists.

What does it matter? They get paid the same amount no matter how much work they do. Comparing a small start up where everyone is sharing in the profits to an hourly rate employee is not a good comparison. There is a reason to pull all nighters and work hard and put all your passion into something when you directly see the benefits. The only reason an hourly rate employee has to work all nighters is just so they don't get fired.

>the chinks will never fire all of the social justice feminists and replace them with people who actually want to improve the game instead of permabanning anyone that says nigger or faggot and making tranny champs

it's dead

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>do my work for me
As expected of a communist eurotard.
I'll throw you a pity example though. Daily Stormer.


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Shouldn't you be out bombing innocents or raping a goat?

>imaginary no go zones

>Daily Stormer

Takes you meds you schizo nazi faggot, then go back to 8gag with the rest of your mentally-ill incel buttbuddies.

>America is being ruined by lack of Unions
>Not decades of costly, terrible wars that have destroyed our economy, national reputation, and put is $20 trillion in debt combined with the erosion of civil liberties and domestic surveillance.


La criatura de las americas...

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Bombing innocents is a trait muslims and Americans have in common

Yes, please treat me like shit, daddy. Give me an 80 hour work week and cut my benefits! Make sure to fire me before the last quarter so my CEO can take home a fat bonus that he clearly deserves! Fuck the commies!

>mfw my videogames aren't cage free

Imagine being this much of a bootlick.

Wrong. I've seen the evidence, I've heard anons recount how they barely survived going into these zones and I know this is what muslims want.

Meanwhile I have never seen any proof of the opposite. And no, your socialist masters pretending everything is fine is not proof.

Well, your middle school class is devastated, I'm sure

Turns out I don't need need game devs to get daily blowjobs and 400k a year.
See how these two things have absolutely nothing to do with each other?
See how Kickstarter produced shit upon shit because when publishers aren't there to crack the whip the game is shit 95% of the time instead of 70% of the time?
Turns out Kotick was right and devs were wrong, shocking I know, turns out when someone becomes a CEO it's not because some low rent teenager knows more than them about what they're being hired to do.

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it's kind of a mixed bag.
you look at cherrypicked tweets from high profile douchebags in the industry and think "god what manbaby scum" so you think little of their working conditions.
but then you see stuff like Rockstar making these "woke" games while working employees to death, and of course companies like EA, and wonder if such hostile conditions are good for the creative process.

In this case I err on the side of supporting the employee. In general it is best to do the opposite, or at least fairly consider, the absolute opposite of whatever a Kotaku headline is suggesting. They are like the Soviet press.

What the fuck would an american know about keeps stability?
The USA is the embodiment of cultural decay.

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I'll start supporting devs when they start supporting me. Until then fuck off

nobody reads vice so that's fine

That's not what I was saying at all, but more unions wouldn't hurt, desu.

Post yfw not living in America, can get a livable wage no matter what and actual laws that protects you from corporate cucks

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How can you eat food if there are people starving in africa? How can you watch movies if stunt doubles injur themself a lot? By simply not thinking about it. It's not that hard to understand.

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>so weak you dont even have morals


How's that third world shithole you live in going? Comrade Premiere issue you your allowance of tendies yet?

>I've seen the evidence
Anecdotes on Yea Forums aren't evidence.

>Literally no character in the history of fiction has been revealed to have (had) a wife at a later point in the narrative
wow ok

why do you view people as heterosexual by default anyway

Unions exist to enrich union administration, protect lazy niggers, and make sure no one makes more than that lowest common denominator lazy nigger.
t. works in a union shop


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Why did you describe an average day in Europe? Because you dumb fucks get ripped off daily so Muhammad and his 20 children get the good shit you made with your own two hands.

>american game """devs""" begin to screech about worker rights
>mr. rubbinghandsvitz replaces them with spics that will do anything pennies pennies

lmao. neoliberals and communists deserve to be skinned alive.

>Euros literally have to be worried about being isekai'd by mudslimes

Majority of devs these days are leftist cucks shoving their personal politics into games. They deserve their suffering. Stop using games as your personal political platform and maybe I'll be willing to support you

>m - man
every time


>I've heard anons recount

What proof of the opposite do you want? People could literally just show you a picture of everything being fine in their city and you'd just go "ah, but the Muslim rape gangs setting fire to churches are just out of frame, no doubt!"

Nice example you fucking retard.

Most of us actually do. The issue is that you're looking to Yea Forums for rationality and compassion.

> not being a Muhammad
lmaoing @ ur life senpai

Nice memes, but France is already 40% white, Norway 70% white, Germany 45% white.

>I dont understand unions

>he doesn't know

half the fucking time you cunts post cropped porn and reverse image searches obviously can't find anything from it so its easier to just ask sauce.
if you have to post epic porn images just post an uncropped sfw page

There is no left or right in America. There is virtually no difference between a Neoconservative and a Neoliberal. They purposefully put themselves on sides of useless and pointless issues (OH MY GOD, GAYS GETTING MARRIED! OH MY GOD, SHANEQUA WANTS AN ABORTION! OH MY GOD GENDER NEUTRAL BATHROOMS) yet both sides support: War, Debt Spending, Spying on Citizens, Censorship, Illegal Immigration, Massive Corporations, Wall Street, Citizens United, and other terrible things.

I'm a crab in a bucket. If I have to have shit work conditions, you should have to have shit work conditions.

Threadly reminder that 9/11 was an inside job.

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>Some shitty amerimutt SJW infested company

>France is already 40% white, Norway 70% white, Germany 45% white

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I understand Riot doesn't have one

Then isn't the alternative solution good unions rather than no unions?

It's one of those, some faggot opened mspaint and drew something so now it's true (according to /pol/).

When was the last time you opened a bible, christcuck larper?

>Yea Forums - Political opinions, rarely on video games
fucking nuke the thread already

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I work for 300$ a month and game on a second hand PC that costs me my month's salary. I couldn't care less for those fat ameritards that make 5k a month(or even more) and whine cus they work too hard.

First use wait, then use iqdb, then use the alternative links iqdb provides, then ask sauce. I'm not asking much here.

See lads? It's afraid. It's afraid the bubble xe constructed would burst if he saw real investigative journalism

w-whiter than you

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Ok, now compare those 2-3 terrorist attacks in Europe to America's bi-weekly school shooting epidemic.

Everything looks fine in San Fran if you ignore the shit everywhere.


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>slave to megacorporations
>slave to the rabid "free" collective
Either way you're a slave.

>anons on /pol/ tells a different tale

Yes, that is the problem with that photo. Americans are so fucking mindbroken holy shit.

America sucks if you're poor, but it is awesome if you're middle class and above. I got a promotion two months ago and now make $92,000 a year. It's awesome. I love America. I am not even from here, I am from Lithuania. I can say and do almost anything I want, I can even own a gun.

I can't imagine being poor here though.

"just quit your job bro looooooool"

What part of reverse image search doesn't work with cropped porn don't you get, yes this porn's whole page was posted ITT but that isn't the norm.

The absolute state of /pol/tards
Claim to be redpillef while being completely delusional. Funny how memericans project their ethnic insecurities onto europeans when so called white americans are on the verge of extinction

That is patently untrue

Remember who they really serve.

Attached: America.webm (574x382, 1.24M)

>Caring about faceless code monkeys

Nah sorry dude. I will pirate the games so the corporation dont tale profit from your slavery. That will show them ;^)

lmao that gook is whiter than any amerimutt

>be a eurocuck
>have to give mohammad 50% of my earnings while he rapes my women and kills my children
>get arrested if I try to speak up
>not even allowed to have knives

I'm from the UK and we used to have fire drills, bomb drills, and other things especially after 9/11. Maybe it was just in the UK, but that sign isn't especially out of place to me. A few years after 9/11 they gave us a relatively child-friendly pamphlet that we read together in class that talked about what to do during a potential terrorist attack, which included pictures of smiling kids getting under desks.

Wouldn't need so much preparation for hiding if they gave teachers a gun and five minutes of training to know how to shoot any suspicious fucker who walks through the door with a gun.

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>anons on /pol/ tells a different tale

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Yes, sure thing Muhammad. That's why the entire world speak our language, why you listen to American music while American shows run in the background, as you take another bite of American food in your American brand clothes, using American technology to go on an American website to cry about how little cultural influence America has.

>real investigative journalism
>Daily Stormer
Choose 1 and only 1

>the amerimutt resorts to spam pictures of dead nazi soldiers when confronted with the cold hard truth

There's images you know.

A better question is why do game dev companies force production to carry bloated marketing and HR departments on their back while blaming the consumers who can't really be anything but reactionary in the current bull-shot, down-grade, preorder-beta, left-hand-as-DLC, right-nut-in-the-day-one-patch era?

Why not just give all the kids guns too? And armed hall monitors.

I think you're confused

>our language

Mutt education

>bi-weekly school shooting
You mean like the "shootings" that get reported with 0 injuries or casualties meanwhile "No go zone" killing aren't reported.
Strange, for an entire year of "mass shootings" only 7 kids got killed

Attached: Shootings in a year.png (1686x936, 198K)

That one ginger cunt pointing to a sign that says "sharia law" is not proof of no go zones. Try actually living somewhere before believing all this shit.

>That's why the entire world speak our language
I believe your language is called English, not American.

America is nothing but a nation of traitors to the west.
Your very own country was born out of betraying the west.
And you have done nothing but betray western civilization over and over again for 300 years.
It's no wonder that Israel chose you as their lapdog, since you were already used to attacking the west.

Attached: the absolute state of america.jpg (900x1200, 206K)

I assume that you, being a logical human being, have statistics to back up this claim?

>angry screeching
that's a yikes from me dude

Yea Forums doesn't talk about video games, maybe you should go reddit for that.

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>Be American
>Just chilling in my house, work my 7-4 job as a teacher on the week days during the school year, pay my taxes and try to be friendly
>Every European on the internet hates my guts even though they've never met me

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>unbiased sources
>Daily Stormer
They don't even pretend to be anything but a proud Nazi mouthpiece.

>"No go zone" killing aren't reported
That's because they don't exist, fuckwit.


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Imagine being afraid of guns when they can't even reliably kill children kek, imagine being a euroslob

Here's an idea for you game devs: stop working for greedy big publishers and self-publish. Scale back all of your assets, so you don't have much in the way of graphics or advertising or professional voice actors. Make vidya for the sake of passion, not profit. Then be thankful if your game is profitable.

>hurrr durr commie
Yeah go ahead. Tell me I'm a commie because i think a good game doesn't need billions of dollars on advertising and professional voice actors.

This is only true for France, but the rest are on their way to being just as cucked

>be based retard anonposter
>read greentext
>themes of greentext are clearly karma, the consequences of your actions, and being the perpetrator of your own torment
>based retard user doesn't get it

>United States
>hate people uniting
Explain this shit.

>it doesn't work all the time so I shouldn't check any prerequisites before spamming the thread

>meanwhile, Yea Forums and Yea Forums get constant "black queen" and "asian gf" threads during American hours

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"T-they just don't exist"
Funny you dropped your point of all these crazy shootings when you got BTFO, enjoy Bongistan


holy shit i was just kidding about the bi-weekly shooting meme, i didn't actually think you ACTUALLY had bi-weekly shootings

what the actual fuck is wrong with your backwards fucking nation

That's not your fault personally, but of your government and its geopolitical ambitions that run unchecked. Smallminded people will hate all Americans for it though, nevermind that the average Joe like you has zero input on what the country really does.

What does that have to do with anything? Isn't it normal for white guys to fetishize asian women?

Deep seeded jealously

France is over 85% white and that’s counting their oversea territories, you delusional retarded mutt

France isn't that bad, but like in the US the more non-European the country becomes the more general dysfunction and crimerates increase.

Lmao. Made my day happier.

I'm not the person talking about your shootings but thanks for proving the shooting meme right.

>Counts BB guns

No it isn't, racemixing is a rare thing.
Even then, asians is understandable since its Yea Forums, but nigger women?
That's pure amerimuttness.

>Literally thinking BB guns are dangerous weapons and count as mass shooting tools

Silly yurpoors think it's a problem that people go around shooting in schools when they don't even kill anyone or just a few.

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This. As an European, I can confirm it's true, and so are no-go zones for that matter. We are literally destroying ourself. We need to let Russia save us and integrate into their great empire if we are to reverse this trend

thanks amigo

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No individual in any western country has any say about what is going on. I am pretty sure every major western country is ruled by a small elite oligarchy. I don't mean some secret Jewish/Free Mason cabal, I mean like faceless committees and Alphabet Soup agencies that are appointed (not elected) and control vast swaths of our country.

Anglos are like orcs then? So naturally the children of the orcs, the Americans, are goblins. Makes too much sense

what game developers? those are all diversity officers, social media managers, and idea girls who want unions to secure their unmerited jobs with massive benefits

Thats because white women are fucking disgusting inside and out.

Kek no it's not you lying shitskin faggot
>and that’s counting their oversea territories
Oh no it's retarded

Prove it

>Come into Bongistan with a BB gun
>Take over the royal family

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>that picture

I understand some of these jokes.

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Israel has proven to be a trustworthy ally, unlike our "NATO" """""allies""""" who is nothing but parasites demanding gibs while giving nothing themselves

Crunch time would be acceptable were it not to last for so long/be unbenefitted.

Get better development cycles and stop crunching people to near death, assholes.

Or, maybe user, maybe just maybe... okay, so maybe user listen to this. Okay, I got an idea, what if... okay, so wait this just popped into my head, okay, you ready? Alright, listen:


No, the thing is that in American woman is pic related.
But that's because there's no such thing as white Americans, there's spics, niggers, and niggers with fair skin.

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Good idea, should have a gun class for learning how to shoot better.

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What the fuck lol.
Mutts aren't just brainwashed, they are also legally bound to servitude to Israel? Why don't any americans speak up against this?

Euros who don't hate you never identify them selves as euros as it most likely is irrelevant to the conversation.

There were two actual entries for bb guns. One was from 1910.

Attached: bbmeme.jpg (1839x501, 287K)

I've got some Americlap online friends that are children of the middle class(all in their mid 20s) and none of them seem to be able to get in on that middle class juice. Might just be that they are lazy and have more issues than times magazine.

I live in a Euro country and earn $45,000 a year. I'm pretty solidly middle class here, own my own home, saving money every month, buy whatever vidya and other things I want. I got some friends that earn more, some that earn less, but life is pretty harmonious because of that.

I also get 30 days paid vacation every year, get 80% of my salary paid to me if I'm sick, can take several months of paternity leave if I'm ever dumb enough to get a kid.

Russia is worse m8, wtf? But yes, something has to be done soon.

Because Israel owns the USA.
They are the true rulers of America, not the government.

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>Third worlder weighs in what is white
I wonder. Does a single day pass when you dont angrily clench your fist thinking about America?

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Also don't bang the kids

yeah except shithole publishers on your cv tend to have most importance as they can afford to hire best talent.
yeah they're all shit but you gamers, as a whole, are the only ones to blame. You are the only reason why the business model works.

see above.
You're all to blame. Stop buying dlc and harass and bully everyone who does.
Stop buying shit copypasted cashgrab games and harass everyone who does the same. Like for example right this very moment.
What the fuck are you retards doing? You're just getting raped in the ass and not only are you content you are making countless threads saying how its the best shit ever.
"muh i have some buttons that I can ignore to buy some microtransaction shit"
"The way I make money the conditions are shit I am working for low wage and doing unpaid overtime every single week"
At least the devs are unionizing and fighting against it.
SJW tripletransgender custom pronouns fags have more balls and spine than Yea Forums.

>inb4 angry replies
I'd be mad too if I was the reason industry is in a shit anticonsumer state.

Somehow regular dudes don't go around starting White woman threads. Fetishists should be banned.

It's ours. We didn't create it, but everyone thinks about us when using our language, not UK who is less relevant these days than fucking Nigeria.
I like how you ignored the rest of the truthbomb though.

Look Wikipedia /pol/niggers, even though it’s not as reliable as dailystormer or Yea Forums

This level of delusion comes close to mental illness

the ending of a declaration with a question mark is used to imply a related question. you have to be assimilated into a real hivemind to seethe over something like that

>making the 1% richer

>most dangerous country in the west
>least white western country
>owned by jews and Israel
>calls others third worlders

The April 25th one is a BB gun dipshit
There's also one where a staff member caught the kid before he started, and one where it simply discharged while in his pocket and it still counts as a "school shooting"
Get the fuck outta here, go ahead and move goalposts and tell me a "school shooting" isn't connotative to unloading on all the kids instead of accidental discharges so you can skirt away from being BTFO

Say pussy 500 times a month.
Assuming 22 work days a month, that's about 23 times each day.
That's actually impressive, considering that's likely not even all of the instances (the complainant wouldn't have been around the person all day every day) and only happens in an 8 hour period each day.

then hunt yourself, you whiny faggot.

lmgtfy.com/?q=france demographics
Feel free to substitute "france" for whatever

I'm pretty sure that picture is considered a hatecrime in the us

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I am a highschool teacher and I actually had a 16 year old girl offer me a blowjob if I gave her a B (not even an A) on her final exam. I had to call her parents and everything because if the faculty catches even a whiff of anything like that you get fired instantly.

Thanks for the confirmation that you're a retard.

Waiting for your source, faggot.
>France is over 85% white and that’s counting their oversea territories

Didn't Woolie unironically answer this in the last podcast? Gamers don't care because caring would ultimately require paying more money for the products due to the ramifications of the moral high road.

Of course the irony is that in not caring about the working conditions the best brightest who could/ would work in the industry either don't go in or leave the industry for greener pastures. Any comments saying Riot should fire those hundred some people and hire others in their place is willfully ignorant of the state of labor pool that actually exist in the industry.

>Why don’t gamers care about the working conditions of game developers?
>Is it psychopathy?
It's what capitalism does to people

Why are right wingers so willing to defend megacorporations that see them as nothing more than slaves?

You realise that other countries don't have fewer school shootings because they're better at catching the shooters, but because there are close to no attempts to begin with, right? Going "Oh but these few were unsuccessful" doesn't really put America in a more positive light.


Is this how capitalist middle management drones really view the world?

>Russia bad
You seem like a rational man. Don't fall for the socialist propaganda. Russia is great and the happiest, stablest country in the world. And also merciful because Russia could conquer Europe any day yet choose to let yourself willingly integrate your nation. In return Russia will protect you, chase out sjws and bring back sanity.

Back to plebbit

Learn English.

Oh, my bad, you're right.

...That's the last entry.

Not right wingers, only Americans.
Notice how Americans will desperately defend the right of a big company to fuck over citizens, no matter if its a right winger or a lefitst.
The USA is a project to see what happens when people are educated to have a life that revolves entirely around consuming.

Why do you think American politics are all about the amount of minorities there are in the latest superhero movie?

Megacorps and jews have successfully brainwashed most of society (with the aid of Boomers) that any and all forms of workers rights is communism. So, brainlet right wingers get a sense of worth by defending their masters

See? This is the problem all Europeans have. They don't understand how large, segregated, and different America is. Yes, Detroit has some of the worst standards of living, least amount of white people, and is dangerous as fucking fuck. However, if you go outside of major cities, especially to places like New Hampshire or Vermont, our crime rate is LOWER than most European countries, the percentage of white people is like 95%+, and everyone gets along.

Big cities were a mistake. In all major western nations the big cities are cesspools of crime and shitskins. Look at London, Paris, or Berlin. But of course if I say that, your response would be "BUT THE REST OF THE UK ISN'T LIKE LONDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Be honest user, was she hot and did you consider it for a nano sec?

If you have a better source we'd all love to see it. But you don't have any source at all, do you?

decades of cold war propaganda, mainly

Are you legitimately retarded?

Because the left does the same for companies like Twitter even though Twitter hosts government officials and government entities like the USGS use taxpayer dollars to pay people to post on Twitter, while completely being unaware of how privatizing social networking with the President OF THE UNITED STATES is a Constitutional issue and will defend Twatter because they ban people that hurt their feelings.
Constitutionally Twitter has 0 right to ban american citizens because of their willingness to accept government entities and leaders, and running government fundraisers through their service.

>not taking the bj and still calling her parents to rat her out so no one will believe her when she comes forward

>the percentage of white people is like 95%+
How long until spics invade?
Nah, the USA is controlled by Israel.
The only way the US could redeem itself in my eyes is declaring war on Israel.

idk about that Ivan, somehow "multicultural zionist hellscape" beats getting shot in the head by the mafia then getting my corpse raped by accordion blasting muzhiks.

Bring back the tsar and we'll talk.

Thats just their inferiority complex speaking volumes, keep it up bro.

feeling is mutual over here, a lot of Americans got some deep seated need to try and blame everything on us Euros, taking every opportunity to try and belittle us by pointing to our immigration problems even though they are not nearly a fraction of the problem of central/south american immigration to the US, and not to mention the black population in America

it's honestly quite bizzare how misinformed people are. I'd say it was better in the past but honestly I remember playing online games in the early 2000s, and you'd get nothing but the most infuriating "saved you from the nazis stfu ;) " comments all the time

Is there anyone who hates white people and western nations as much as white people from these nations?
How the fuck are you gonna "unify" when you're more likely to fuel wars with each other than working together?

The problem is that France does not have any statistics on race, because it is against the law, so proxies have to be used.

I do care, I just have no power to do anything about it.

A "good boss" (highly dependent on the company business running in a humane way) will hear at least some of these things occasionally.

>I have no reason to believe you.
Don't worry, I can provide the actual document used for the sueing.

you tell me. The things consideres harassment nowdays are scary.

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It's interesting how much more left wing Yea Forums is when it's morning/afternoon in Europe.

The Americans are gonna wake up soon, boys. Pack it up.

I don't have any saved but all you have to do is go to /pol/ and watch any of the numerous webms showing the streets filled with shitskins.

inb4 doesn't count cause /pol/

I don't know what they put in the water these days, but yes. She had huge tits and a huge ass. Bigger than most adult women I've seen all while having the tiniest waist imaginable. She was absolutely gorgeous. Did I consider a blowjob? Not really, no. However, if she did offer to have sex with me that would have taken a minute to decline.

I am genuinely concerned for girls nowadays. I've seen 9th graders who look like they're 18, body wise. Why are girls going through puberty so fucking fast?

It is not worth the risk of losing my job and getting a statutory rape charge over a blowjob. Unprotected sex where I get to cum inside? Maybe, just maybe.

Jews own Europe as much as they own America, whats your point!?

>hurr durr

Are you? No one's going to click your faggy reddit IP miner

If you honestly think "Shootings" aren't interchangable with any other kind of attack you're a fucking moron.
It's obvious that even with a gun most attack mostly end up injuring and not killing folks because at the end of the day a gun is still a tool that works like shit to someone who is untrained.
Apply yourself and stop being afraid of objects nigger

Every time white people unify they start mass genociding people, forming hate groups, stealing land from people. You guys have proven you can't be trusted with any sort of unity or power.

It's hilarious that eurolards need made up cartoons to portray Americans as nonwhite despite their insistence that all Americans look like their drawings.


My fucking god, every thread is amerifat vs yuropoor while the kikes laugh at it.

Vermont and New Hampshire are in New England and are some of the coldest places in America. They will be the last bastions of white people in North America before we're eventually overrun by goblinos.

Is that a video girl aï reboot ?

No they don't.
The USA has AIPAC, the USA literally pays billions a year to Israel for no reason at all.
The entire war on terror was nothing but Israel asking the USA to get rid of all the muslims around them so they can make their beloved greater Israel.

As long as the USA isn't at war with Israel, it means the USA is an enemy of the west.

>"saved you from the nazis stfu ;) "
Which is patently bullshit. The Soviets would've won the war regardless and they contributed far more than the US did anyway.

It's only once the Cold War got underway that the US tried to downplay the USSR's role in the defeat of Germany and amplify it's own role.

Attached: 797a142b2c9bdea8ad3d1f55fa6010f64cf0915f22de7e5a34c36186641c35ed.jpg (1267x856, 171K)

It's mostly asshurt trannies leaking from /int/

Cities gave birth to some of mankind's greatest ideas, works of art, and discoveries. It's when they become alienated from its nation's people and culture (and when those people cease to even somewhat resemble a collective) that they become shit.

In this case London is occupied by foreign invaders.

>excuse us sir but forensic officials found trace amounts of your semen in the girls shirt, mouth and teeth.

>Israel has proven to be a trustworthy ally
Literally the opposite. Why do give them billioins anyway?

Remember, there's over 30 000 no go zones in eurostan. That's 5% of the entire geographical landscape.

Damn. I think this may be the most stupid post I have ever seen on this site. That's quite the feat.

Imagine being as cucked as eurofags.
First BB guns now this


>saved from the nazis
Oh yeah, thank you Americans from saving us from those evil white supremacists and letting us be ruled by our beloved kike overlords.

Attached: 1538261348225.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Growth hormones in food is the cause.

And it's also a meme pushed by fragile right-wing retards .

so many boomer ellipses

>poll of french
>50 year gap

>Jessica Negron
lol. Would be funnier if she were a black.

lmao kys

>source: my ass

t. seething shitskin
Instead of crying try to be better. You can't

>Israel has proven to be a trustworthy ally
And here it is.

Attached: 1527717632070.jpg (989x5094, 937K)

Good, now take your tranny ass back to plebbit, you'll never be white you curly-haired maghrebi mutt

Europe is not one country. How many times does this has to be repeated before you dumbdumbs get it?

t. actual Mohammed.

You do know the amount of money you have given to Israel is in the trillions, and that they built an entire nuclear arsenal out of stolen nuclear material from the US, right?

I love Europe. I actually have visited Europe before (I am a History teacher, working my way to becoming a Professor) and I loved it there. I got along with plenty of people. I even went to a small village in Poland where almost no one spoke English. A group of guys there took me to a bar (Or is it Pub in poland? Tavern? Not sure honestly) and kept giving me beer while calling me "Cowboy" and singing Polish songs. I think one of them was about Soccer (football).

I want Europeans and Americans to get along. We should be friends.

Attached: 1555408563451.png (668x936, 1.38M)

>we need to support Israel, the only democracy in the middle east, even though we've actively undermined middle-eastern democracies, and the fact that we, ourselves, don't actually like democracy and have systems in place to make our elections as undemocratic as possible

We've literally usurped the stolen land you call a country and are outbreeding you more and more every day. The media portrays you all as spineless whimps and your next generation is capitulating to this image. You've already lost user

All you have left is to lament all the mistakes you've made and how you've gotten to this point and maybe pray the east asians somehow wrest power from us. They wont.

Attached: 1373329388886.jpg (960x720, 86K)

while it is undeniable that the russians were the greatest opposition that the nazis faced, isn't Britains politicizing and intelligence work especially pre-war but also during it a more significant contribution to the allied cause then the US military intervention.

It doesn't count because it's fucking cherry-picked anecdotes you twat

You cited statistics, every source with actual statistics shows them to be completely fabricated, and now you're telling people to lurk /pol/ and watch webms.

Maybe the men get the promotions because they don't spend all their time complaining about not getting promotions. Women act like every man gets promoted and every woman doesn't.
Be better, faggots.
Also, I bet a woman scanned this file crooked then complained that the male intern (who always scans the files straight) got a job while she didn't.
Fuckin hell.

Attached: Capture.png (562x63, 9K)

And there goes any of your credibility, sjw faggot.

You just described the rest of the world, retard.

I don't know how healthy it is for a girl to have DDs and a rap-video tier ass at 15.

Try passing laws that contradict your German overlords, then.

Interesting how much of the left wing shilling on Yea Forums comes all at once after the thread was pretty normal for the first 20 or so posts, it's as if discord fags find problematic threads and start spamming them

Right there with you. but the governments benefit as long as people look outwards towards the perceived external enemy, instead of inwards to solve domestic problems, while people get fleeced and robbed blind.

lmao @ france cucking Britain though, they'd never admit to it, but you can seriously argue that the UK did far more than the US to defeat the nazis. The UK(and the USSR) is the equivalent of the endurance boxer that keept getting hit and kept hitting back, tiring out their opponent. The US is the heavyweight puncher that jumps in last round and delivers a KO, then claiming sole victory.

Why is this always the same thing all amerimutts say?
Why can't you help yourselves but suck jewish cock?

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Good thing you shitskins can't fight. We can easily beat you whenever we want.

I don't understand the point you're trying to make. You think other countries just have biweekly "attacks" because they don't have access to guns?

lordy the amount of people that think corporations are their friends and care about them is insane

Germany doesn't rule the EU, retard.

>let mentally ill trannies work in your company
>company falls apart
like clockwork, get woke, go broke!

Shitty smash mouth version because that is somehow more fitting

>this delusion
We haven't even begun to unite. You subhuman IQlets don't even stand a chance. Now keep using all the stuff us whites allowed you to use.

what do they do to dicks?

What about Japan and Italy? North Africa? America fought in those fronts, especially in Asia where it was primarily America vs Japan. If America were totally and completely neutral in the war and never gave supplies to the UK and USSR, they would NOT have won the war. They would have lost to Germany/Japan/Italy eventually. America also would NOT have been Germany 1 on 1 too, so it's not like I think America was gonna somehow beat everyone alone. We needed the USSR/UK, and they needed us.

I don't know why it has to be a competition. Can't it be "Wow, these nations came together, sacrificed, and did a lot of work to stop the Axis"?

What's wrong with unions and worker's rights?

How when half your race is on our side and the other half considers you insane nazis and their ancient enemy. You can't win user. Your race dug its own grave and now sings praises in its final hours

>be los angeles diversity code monkey
>get chink'd because you gave away your rights via your employment contract

>I don't understand the point you're trying to make
Of course you don't, trying to nuance it would just make you break into semantics because you probably ACTUALLY believe that if someone is using a knife they're not trying to kill you the same way someone using a gun is, or whatever tool comes after knives when you ban all of those.
Funny when I look up "School knifings" nothing comes up because school related stabbings aren't recorded into a specific branch unless it's the Osaka massacre.
Go ahead and pretend that people won't find something else to kill themselves and others with if they're determined to do it, it's obvious you're delusional.

The amounts of irony in a single post... but I guess you're too far brainwashed to realize it, sad.

I'm going to go with what I can actually see, but you keep on being stupid enough to believe a website that can be edited by anyone.

>b-but Israel! :(
Start paying your share of the NATO budget if you want to pretend you're a decent ally

Jews are the biggest allies of white people.
We should all fight for the well being of Israel.

That's your only hope, isnt it? You can't do anything by yourselves and would lose any war.

And looking at history Europe has pushed back you dirty fucks plenty of times and perhaps will do the same soon again.

Does race even exist? Are greeks white? How about cypriots or turks?

Why are right-wing incels in both america and europe obsessed with demographics?

Jesus christ, this is why you NEVER hire females.
They turn everything into a fucking drama.

It's almost as if 20 posts likely represent two or three people going back and forth and then the fourth person to come into the thread is a lefty

You do realize that the majority of equipment and supplies for the USSR was supplied by the US, right? This combined with the UK and US taking back the resources from Africa to starve the German war machine is what allowed the Soviets to push all the way to Berlin.

Nothing, anons here are just too retarded to realize it is the difference between civility and the dystopian Chinese economy.

I know you don't even believe what you just posted because you're falseflagging, but the mere thought that someone could take your post seriously and believe what you said makes me want to kill myself

Workers are plebs and deserve nothing but abuse, if they don't like it they can quit.

Attached: IMG_4783.jpg (197x256, 14K)

>Of course you don't, trying to nuance it would just make you break into semantics because you probably ACTUALLY believe that if someone is using a knife they're not trying to kill you the same way someone using a gun is, or whatever tool comes after knives when you ban all of those.
user, I don't know how to explain this so that your American mind can grasp it. This just doesn't really happen outside of the US, with or without guns. It's not normal here. I think the fact that you can't even imagine it is probably part of the cultural malaise that makes random attacks so common in your country.

Yes, it's irony, because the american is defending the jews due to his programming.

Because white people make things great, shitskins only ruins everything.

Most European countries aren't even white anymore, all of you have been subverted by the arabs and the ones who havent-- they have national leaders who are trying their damndest to bring in refugees with open arms. You don't get it do you user? There is no fight to be had, the fight was already had and you lost it. Your race only has its last death throws left. The occasional insane cult in the hills, the occasional school shooter. Thats. fucking. It. You've already lost.

Not just wikipedia, user, literally any source you can find.

You know, I look outside my window, I don't see anyone right now. I guess I live in a barren wasteland. Don't cite my city's population statistics at me, I know what I see!

No one would ever figure out how to get past sad panda if someone didn't explain it to them.

I had no idea euros were so sensitive about their no go zones problems

Because race does exist. Non-European are a netloss economically, their cultures are rarely compatible with Western values, higher crimerates, etc.

This is something everybody should be worried about, regardless of political orientation.

Is this before or after you take 20 mudslime dicks in the ass?

>Kids don't attack each other outside of the US
Okay dude, conflict and violence literally never happens outside of the U.S.
Gonna tell me no one gets murdered/attacked in the UK either?
No one believes you

>Most European countries aren't even white anymore
[citation sorely needed]

>Most European countries aren't even white anymore
Why is the 56% amerimutt projecting this much?

Attached: 1552868954482.png (1000x880, 405K)

>why dont gamers care about the working conditions (wah dont be mean to me!) of female and tranny diversity hires who dont contribute to the actual end product?

Hmm, real tough question there.

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So in California, you CAN discriminate based on gender, right?
It only outlines in the law that 'sex' can't be discriminated against and all those lefty, tranny faggots keep arguing that 'sex' and 'gender' aren't the same thing.
Since they aren't the same thing, gender is NOT covered by law and can be discriminated against.
Is there some other law that covers gender that I'm missing?

Attached: Capture.png (634x160, 22K)

They literally have thought police

Says the shitskin. Meanwhile you have been kicked out plenty of times and we can easily do so again. When the inevitable economic downturn comes peoples attitued might very well change.

It's true. These random attacks are so rare that one of them would be in the news for weeks. I've heard of maybe two in my lifetime.

Nonono goy, whites aren't supposed to like each other, thats how white supremacy begins.

>I've heard of maybe two in my lifetime.
I've seen many more instances of acid attacks and stabbings by simply opening up google, you disingenuous fuckwit

Now bring the birth rate to the math.