Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Both are right. Top is right for casual trainers and bottom is right for the elite trainers. The tippedy-toppest elite trainers would follow the top theory, though.

All I know is that I'm gonna play Aegislash AND YOU CANT FUCKING STOP ME!

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Are you going to listen to a woman or a true gentleman?

Top is for casual battles for fun, Bottom is fortournaments and serious battles.

>Elite 4 member vs random npc

>elite 4 member
Old man:
>veteran trainer chilling on a post-game island, meaning he must've been the champ at one point
Gee I don't know who's right. Let's have a battle, OP. I'll pick Mega Rayquaza and you can pick 6 shitty PU and LC pokemon

That's a pretty far reach m8. Does that mean everyone on that island was a past champion?

>The tippedy-toppest elite trainers would follow the top theory, though.
Yeah, not sure about that. If they're choosing an outlier Pokemon, chances are it's a meta counterpick.

Karen of course is wrong. You can't pretend there are no such thing as good and bad Pokemon, especially if you're going against actual human players. It doesn't matter how good you are, you're not winning against a mildly competent person with a team of psuedolegendary Pokemon with your lone Caterpie.
Imagine saying this in another video game, "there's no such thing as good or bad weapons, I used my bro, the broken straight sword"

You can beat any Pokémon game with a team of shitmons. Bottom is only right if you're talking about competitive Pokémon autism.

>Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorite.
If only this were true. Unfortunately, GameFreak are a bunch of hacks who can't balance a game to save their lives.

>I'll pick Mega Rayquaza

They're both right in a way. You can play casually with any mon you want in-game and with friends, even shit like Sunflora with good support from its teammates or just overleveled as fuck can go through the E4. However if you expect same result by hopping online or on Showdown, you're more than just mistaken.
>b-but Pachirisu!
1.the squirrel played a very specific role on the team and Shejun only picked it because it fit the best in said role
2.it's not one of his favorite pokemon, stop it with this misinformation already

So yeah, you can have as many shitmons as you want your favorite pokemon and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but don't start crying when your team gets curbstomped by a Landorus and Tapu Koko double team.

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Ash followed Karen advice and look how far he reached.

>Not putting your top favorites in your team then filling the rest with meta picks that will fill the needed gaps

These are my ten favorite pokemon. R8 my taste

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Gengar is great, the rest suck.

The truly skilled seek to test themselves by facing equally or more skilled opponents.
Defeating an opponent so weak as to allow you to win with your favorite collection of shitmons is not skillful. This is different than deploying unconventional strategies to confuse and counter opponents, you now ARE picking the Pokemon you feel can win rather than being purely motivated by personal taste.

Pretty good. I'd suck your dick.

As usual the woman is wrong.

Karen is just a hint about EVs. If you just use the Pokemon you like consistently it would be competitive with most untrained stronger Pokemon, except for legendaries and if your favorite is weedle or something (and if you play LGPE even then)

Both are faggots.
The patrician way to build is to pick your favorites among the viable mons.

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My favorite Pokenmon are winners though. Checkmate Athiests.

none of them are talking about fucking their pokemos, both are wrong

It's me and my main man against the world all day every day.

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>1 Mega Ray vs any PU/LC team I want.
Bitch I wouldn't even need 6 Pokemon. Against Wynaut and choice band imposter Ditto it'd already come down to a 50/50 prediction on turn one.

Poliwhirl and Alakazam here. The others are irrelevant.

they aren't even mutually exclusive
karen thinks a truly skilled player should TRY use their favorites
gentleman knows that you must be able to realize when your favorites aren't cutting it
at least that's my view

They are both right. You should use strong meta Pokemon to back up your weak favorites.

they're both wrong, truly strong trainers fight pokemon themselves

>Not using absolute meme teams to enable your favourite

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