Ara ara, here for the Lordvessel?~
Ara ara, here for the Lordvessel?~
>this design
how the fuck did they get away with it?
It was a different time.
>true ending of Sekiro is you impregnating a loli
how do they keep getting away with it?
I heard that she's not real, am i supposed to shoot her or i can just finish the game without doing it?
There's nothing really subversive about her design, it's just a giant lady with some big tits.
There is a special ring you can use to unlock a secret room in the chamber beneath the castle, there is a boss fight in that room you may want to consider.
>that artstyle
his arts really good even if 50% of it is literal bug women
0 gaming journalists will get the true ending they won't see it
>tfw no qt titty monster to play Dark Souls Remastered with
That's not the true ending, though.
no, actually i wanna kill Gwyndolin... so...
Source, if you please.
If it's optional i'll leave it for my next playthrough then, my build is probably fucked so i'm just learning the game this time around
I want to see if I pull fit my entire face in her navel
stupid fucking rabies infested rodent
>sexy shy batgirl
source source source source
Tits too big
Kemonokko tsuushin.
Something like that
Here you go friends
This site is blocked in my country sadly
Perfect to perpendicularly paizuri with my 8 inch cock
[Jun] Kemonokko Tsuushin ~Koumori Musume Vivi~
Jesus, you poor fuck
>nhentai blocked in my country
may as well cut your dick off
>bug women
Use the panda instead like any civilized person
Big boobers me sucky
Problem, fiend?
Where do you live? Saudi arabia?
Based and bugpilled
you had to be good enough to beat O&S to get to her
AKA 99% of journos and women never saw her
Get a VPN you fucking loser
Worse and more arabic, france.
>He thinks Japan gives a shit about western SJW views
>inb4 Sony
They're an american company at this point that is based in fucking Commiefornia.
Thanks my man
Wonder what they meant when they gave the player the option to vanquish a goddess of fertility and their reward for doing is a tranvestite
Please mass shooting at Sony headquarters soon
More games should include giant girls and women.
>that artstyle
No thanks I'd rather not get eaten.
Dude what
I am french and it work just fine.
>I am french and it work just fine.
Maybe it changed since then but I can remember it being blocked 1-2 years ago because it had loli etc.
Southern France is still salvageable, right?
This is the best post in the thread.
regura's art is so fucking shit
>it's just an ugly snek trap catfishing you for +1 Likes on his covenant
el oh el
Yeah if you nuke Marseille to fucking dust.
I can see why people don't like his long faces and his general style but I fucking love his bug girls.
Stop spreading lies on the internet.
that's so fucking hot
Still mad we never met in her in any future games.
i love this artist stuff
>throws a poison knife at you
Heh, nothin' personnell... m'lady
(tips pharis's hat)
Im not jumping through hoops to just look at porn
my melanin-enriched brother. I commend your exquisite taste
From wasn't on the map then. Dark Souls was just "that weird game from those janky chink devs" in a time where triple A Real Vidya TM was dying and your choices were "Nintendo bing-bing-wahoo rehash shit", "Microsoft brocore waypoint/FPS cancer shit", "Sony cutscene press X to win/Jason shit", and at the time the PC wasn't getting stuff ported to it.
It was after it's release that people realized it was the messiah that had come to resurrect the shitty, stagnant industry. So the devs put giant titcow in without really thinking too hard about the long-term consequences of this artistic decision.
>the long-term consequences of this artistic decision.
Oh no, the devs put a a sexy woman in the game, it's ruined.
>reverse train rape
>she wraps the shota under her shirt to comfort him
>So the devs put giant titcow in without really thinking too hard about the long-term consequences of this artistic decision.
actually one dude in particular basically designed her around his giantess fetish and miyazaki didn't have the heart to refuse him
I was alluding to this.
I'm not upset about it. In fact I like it. Freewheeling inclusions of things like this by game developers is nice.
Stop being seeing this anti-sex in video games conflict everywhere.
>I was alluding to this.
good for you faggot
That's because you're replying to a yank who wanted to pull le epic Muslim joke yet again
For fuck sake, I wanted a wholesome cute story dangit, not some fucking trash porn.
Wow a female with large breasts, never been done before
>implying the two are mutually exclusive
name in gif?
post your souls waifu
Amazing chest ahead
Need thrust
I said the site was blocked before doing the joke. And yes it WAS indeed blocked for me 1 or 2 years ago,
Why do they need to "get away with it"?
The people that would have a problem with the design are the ones who need an attitude adjustment.
Imagine she made you rub her feet haha
h-haha yeah that would be awful
Footfags are one thing, but ugly foot fags are the worst
How do people like ugly drawn feet
It hurts, it hurts so much.
I'm here for the milk
based and lactose pilled
haha being so small compared to her feet would probably make them really smelly to you I wonder what they smell like, just for laughs haha
Funny how the commie state makes the most money in the "capitalist" country
Nice. I also like how he has some sprinkled vanilla stuff. Kinda wish Asanagi would make some stuff with that type but i doubt my wish will ever be granted.
>pubic hair
A man of taste and dignity, just like me.
>runs on gibsmedat programs from every other state to even function
>he doesn't know
Based. Tufts of hair are the sign of a woman with class.
That's not asanagi.
That guy is a massive asshole
and a tasteless casual on top of that
Oh right, mixed up my torture porn artists
The black bull comes in to fuck hinata next page, right?
I bet she would make her brother blow you infront of her haha
She would masturbate while you fuck her brother's sissy alien lookin ass
No, the pure love of Hinata healed 774's wretched soul and cleansed the hate from his heart. It's the most lovey dovey vanilla doujin series.
No, Naruto porn by 774 is 200% vanilla.
I know about that, but i dont see why Asanagi would.
he drew it to torment Sakuafags. the torture never ends
Did Ma-Kun make it?
Made it to the oven
Japan gives no fucks
My favourite doujin ever btw
AS long as he doesn't do anything stupid. I however want to know if Onee-san ever did anything more.
I want to hug her
The game not being made by a country cucked by trannies probably helped.
funny how the richest part of the country has people shitting on the streets
>tfw you will never put a ring on a milf's finger
>letting carnivorous bugs out of their ghettos
>letting them endanger society
>not noticing kidnapping and murder rates in certain places
what a shit government. vote for bug extermination.
>that doujin with the moth mom that forces her husband to impregnate their daughter
God I wish that was me
I want to fuck a moth
>wanting to be eternally trapped in the rape shed of a cosmic horror tormenting you
>the trump card part
It's fucking top tier stuff
you sick fuck I'm calling the cops
How horny was Miyazaki?
I too want to fuck that moth
saucerino brah?
No bitch, I need to kill your brother a third time
literally the first doujin I ever read, 10/10 btw
That regura doujin about some bug chick talking about eating a man that turns super vanilla with bug girl and man falling totally in love.
My Dark complexioned amigos
I want to fuck a hors
>ends up being passed around from kingdom to kingdom like a brood mare (because of her pure god/bloodline) forced to racemix with human Kings and to churn out unremarkable 56% mutts that never amounted to anything.
she's in my personal TOP 5 of JUSTed female DS Characters
you'll never take me alive!
>Innocent and pure, wholesome bug girls
>literal murderous carnivorous man-eaters
P U R G E/10
>Giant big tiddy mermaid will never snuggle her cheek on your face and then gently push you between her breasts.
Real life is pain
Post moth girls pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaseee.
>That fucking doujin
Miyazaki designed her to be flat chested or petite but an underling gave her huge tits instead and begged him to let them stay. Miyazaki eventually relented.
It's in the design works interview if you dont believe me
user, I have some amazing news...
>flat chested
nigga you should not have said that to me
>Broke my dick a few days ago
>Open this thread
On the bright side, bugs that live in places like China or India probably get chopped up, fried, and sold on sticks by sketchy street vendors. Fair turnabout.
miyazaki didnt design her, he just gave a vague description to the artist
the artist also didnt beg him
miyazaki said the artist looked so happy with the boobs, he didnt have the heart to tell him no
she was also supposed to have a mouth on her hand
>tfw Gwyndolin wasn't giant
>no giant trap with snake tentacles
She falls in love with him, they move to a better place together and they actually live happily ever after
This is a shitty story, what the fuck is wrong with that faggot dude? surely any sane man would be content within that shed.
Based and christpilled
>She actually truly loves him but knows that if other insects find out, they will kill them both.
Now that's a doujin I can get behind
What’s so good about a giant flat chest? It’s just a barren plain you can walk across.
>tfw he'll never do anymore lolidom
>being married to a moth girl and impregnating her on a yearly basis
>having your very concept of reality shattered so that you literally cannot even descern your own fervent halucinations from what is truly real
That's one of the only doujin I ever read that fucking scared me deeply.
>tfw she had lip sync and animations
"haha" aside the idea of being smaller also making smells more intense drives my dick insane.
Go on.
based Japan
cute and funny
>Getting to walk on a giant hormonal woman like shes a landscape
O my dick
It is
Getting lost in the valley of her chest
I wonder why they got rid of it. I got so used to it that I was surprised in Sekiro when NPC's actually had lip sync.
Because Japan has balls and doesn't care about progressive ideas in terms of making things you want to for the sake of being PC
Is that while she’s still super insecure about their size and keeps reassuring you that they’re bigger now even though you’re stepping across a completely flat surface?
What if you asked Gwyndolin to make her even bigger?
Man technology sure is amazing!
It's why India thinks it'll be a super power by next year
this, it's sad to think the west is gonna give ever increasing shit to the japs for fanservice as time goes on, I only hope they never stop not caring what baka gaijins think
>her father is King
>she's Queen
Was Rosalina meant to be her Gwnevere in 3?
I remember some theories on that but I forgot the details.
I’m looking for Gwyndolin and I don’t have the ring, sooo
I need the source, for research
I need to understand how they made this
I don't really follow the story, the moth girl who is clearly real is trying to use her magic to seduce a realistically uptight normie instead of the usual "wow a big titted monster girl!" love story? maybe a rereading is in order
She eats him alive once he grows too old and she doesn't find him cute anymore, even though he behaved well. It was a horrible and painful death, as carnivorous insects are incapable to sympathy. Then she just gets another one.
Despite being only 13% of the demihuman population, carnivorous bugs account for for over 50% of society's violent crimes. Vote for population controls and oversight today!
She traps his consciousness inside of a time loop to make him forget every meeting her so that it's always his first time
she basically fucking deletes his memories, making it impossible to tell how many years it has actually been.
>miyazaki didn't have the heart to refuse him
I like to imagine the dude showing Miyazaki the concept, all proud with big puppy eyes, and Miyazaki just going "Oh, why not."
No one posted the gif of her boob physics?!
It's a horror story with tiddies. It's actually quite a good horror story too.
Ignore the housewife chapter, that's just some spinoff excuse to draw vanilla monster girls
fug, last panel
Rosaria has some connections to Gwynevere in that if you transpose Rosaria's soul you get one of Gwynevere's miracles, she's most likely a descendant of hers instead of her proper
Gertrude is also implied to be one of her daughters and there's a whole bunch of stuff pointing to her as the Queen of Lothric
By not being gay.
Yes but what about when she starts eating your limbs? Would it be worth it?
A bit more of a mind fuck than that. They first met when he was a child.
when is Gwyn referred to as the king? He's usually called Lord or something similar
>AND a handjob
You also get one of Gwynevere's miracles if you transpose the Dancer's soul
Damn it. Knew it didn't sound right. Thanks for the correction.
This is what makes it so good. The specifics of it are left up to the reader, but there's enough clues that it's something really fucked up and there's many interpretations.
sauce me up fampai
Apologies friendo. Went back to check and you got it.
I'll just have to be careful
That can't be the end of it. I demand more.
Why do you people even exist, this wasn't a thing until these last few years, what even happened.
is that fungus or coral growing on her shell
what? there's nothing wrong with the pic.
Is this the mind of an actual american puritan?
>that bug doujin where his wife is getting bugified and they have to break-through the weirdness of it to make her happy and secure
heartboners in doujin make the penisboner stronger
foot fetish has been a thing for a long time
fucking king of the hill had a foot fetish episode
>this wasn't a thing until these last few years
the fucking ancient chinese were foot fetishists
footfags transcend time you goof
Vanilla and incidental/accidental vanilla make the boner grow fonder
Ironic footfag posting turned into actual footfag posting.
Just like brap and scatfags. Jokes on this board go too far way too often.
It wasn't as widespread as it became these last few years, it exploded suddenly kind of like the brapposting nonsense but out of nowhere.
bug women are literally the only reason I read his shit
Just coral.
She's an enemy in Bloodborne.
>not being able to save him from aldritch
>having to put down his half eaten meat puppet of a corpse
it hurt
friendly reminder that unlike human daughterus, monster daughterus need regular dickings from their fathers in order to grow healthy and develop a proper bond with their parents.
Dick your monster daughteru today!
What's she gonna do, bore me to death while I wait for her to come over?
foot fetish is like the most normalfag fetish there is
so a lot of people like saying they have a foot fetish to appear wacky and different
you cant go around saying you like girls with dicks or getting peed on, but saying you're into feet is fine
most people who do it dont actually have a foot fetish
It wasn't even close to being as obnoxiously prevalent as it is, you can't have a slightly sexy pic of a girl or they start posting their trash fetish.
I didn't want to think too hard while fapping, the MC is a little bitch and the and art wasn't sexy enough to make me simply skim through the text and fap. the guy should have just made a one off manga book or something.
please tell me there's a translated version
>the one on the left
People literally do the same with tits, ass, armpits, legs, bellies, etc
>foot fetish is like the most normalfag fetish there is
next thing you're gonna say is that anal sex and rimjobs are vanilla as fuck
The second he's too old to satisfy her mommy complex, he's bug food.
Why are you guys even posting bugs in a Souls thread
They're still not as obnoxious about it.
I love mimic chests!
Based Nippon
Ah yes, the obscure tits and ass fetishists, really obnoxious.
>the phoneposting zoomer's world is shattering as he realizes things were popular before he re-tweeted and upvoted them on reddit
She's pretty fast when she leaves her shell, mind you.
Artists of the picture in the OP is well known for sexy bug women. There are only a few h-mangas about sexy bug women, so people with this niche interest tend to know them all
fucking girl fetishists are the worst.
It's literally a case of stop posting what I don't like.
Presumably because of the artist for OPs pic
>demoness and/or non-human girl who is promiscuous and animalistic
>can't seem to woo MC despite the fact that she gets men at glances
>obsesses over mc trying and repeatedly failing to seduce him; sees him as a hurdle to be surpassed
>he secretly already loves her but wants her to prove that he isn't just some piece of meat to her.
>miraculously manages to not get seduced for weeks.
>she eventually breaks down and just starts crying and shit into his arms begging for him
>He agrees but starts with little things like going to the movies and going out to eat and etc
>she keeps getting blue-balled to the power of 100
>time skip and she hasn't gotten any for almost a year.
>her personality slowly changed from pushy-sex-maniac to quiet and reserved.
>Basically gone into a kind of lust-dormancy where she shoved away all her lustful emotions into a bottle.
>MC proposes to her.
>MC tries to initiate but she says she's not really up for it
>MC takes it as a joke, seeing as how she used to be a sex monster
>She warns him that it's a bad Idea, that she doesn't know what will happen.
>she can feel that well of emotion deep inside her begin to flow again.
>he eventually convinces her.
>he leads up until he starts to touch her.
>all of that lust from 1+year of abstinence explodes like a fiery hurricane of carnal desire
>She consentually rapes him for hours
top cute
It's a case of stop posting your trash where it doesn't belong.
But her brother is right there why me.
i fucking love regura
If Gehrman fucked Kos, I don't see why I can't fuck the Snail Girls.
. . .
Regura has mastered both bug girl design, and making clothing look sensual even if it's covering them completely.
Based Regura
>tfw no bug gf who can tear me limb from limb
Her going into that cthulu chanting at the last page , going teethy and eating them was kind of badass.
Mother and Daughter is a instant nut from me
Based as FUCK with that idea
Man of culture you are, hot damn
fucking garbage taste that ruins any doujin it's in
I'm fine with the bugs everyone's posting but anything involving minors is a fat fucking no from me chief
Would you a Great One?
>don't talk to those butterfly bitches
hard pass
>cthulu chanting
Look carefully. She's speaking actual words to them.
Yandere is shit and so is your awful mothgirl doujin
>Dad dead
>Older brother disinherited
>Little brother no one knows about
Besides, she's the Sun Princess. She lost becomes Queen of Lothric long after Anor Londo is abandoned.
God that's ingenious, just hide all your controversial shit in the real ending so no review outlet will find out until its too late and the sales are out the door.
>anything involving minors is a fat fucking no from me chief
>Gaudy flaunting self-absorbed butterfly sluts who think they need to prove how beautiful they are
>Humble, fluffie, modestly colored moth girls who are confident and don't base their self worth on the opinions of others
>literal bugface
I love monster girls but that's too much for me
Moth girls are among the best things ever conceived
I always interpreted her face as being at a 90 degree angle and just having holes in her "face." She probably absorbs energy through her tendrils for sustenance and uses those holes to interpret her surroundings like a snake does with their tongue, but more complex.
Turning her into a generic reddit anime girl kills the whole appeal... though the tits can stay.
wait a minute, this isn't videogames
Reminder. just has giant tits ?
He died as he lived: unloved and forgotten
Is this by the insectlady artist?
Someone like Mirai sounds perfect for that kind of thing. Just imagine her picking up Haruka and holding her against her chest while bragging about how hers is technically bigger now.
>face biting
This may or may not be a new fetish for me.
It's just a crunchy kiss
*shoots you with a bow and arrow and leaves*
I want to be doted on by Shub-Niggurath!
me on the left
>actually lying
Thats ambygli or something. not a moth.
>No using console commands to try and check out her ass.
>Accidentally fall on her
Best part of the episode
who's fucking idea was this?
And it seems highly counterproductive to evolution to have umbilical cord attached to your face.
Ah yes anime.
When there's an highly detailed foot on an anime body.
>Tfw found out about the oyakodon chapter just after some time without jacking off
>What is a VPN
You deserve it
>talking to other females by choice when you have a gf
The face looks like the umbilical cords. Implying those were the cords of is attempted babies. That's why you're able to resist it, you're inoculated against its power
Journalists couldn't get that far.
No lie, I'd fuck Dvorah from nu MK. I'd let her use my seed to lay her eggs right.
>tfw no hanging fly mommy gf
isn't her ass unmodeled? Even best princess has modeled legs and butt.
I like to be
You can only choose one Yea Forums, which one is it?
left, or right?
It gives a whole lot of context to the scene where she buries her head against your abdomen. The design for her face is most likely not a coincidence, given the game's overt emphasis on childbirth and umbilical cords. There's fucking a lithopedion (a calcified fetus) you can gain from the Yharnam Queen boss fight. Name ONE game that has this. BB has a lot of attention to detail and visual narrative, and Miyazaki has most certainly done his research.
>past the knees the legs just turn into snakes
what the fuck Gwyn
/ll/ is better
>tfw beefriend sounds the most appealing but I'm allergic to bees
Give me that fucking, FUCKING link right this instant, or I am going to come over to your house and replace the milk with kool-aid.
left, dark sclera is hot af
dont care about yandere shit
I'll take left anyday.
Left absolutely
>literally the first doujin I ever read,
Just look up Layers of White and read through the whole thing.
right because I like the way her mouth opens up
I remember when I first posted about the lithopedion on /bbg/, the reaction was fantastic.
left is moeshit
Of course you fucks had to ruin this too.
That was wholesome.
Thick thighs save lives
Was she really a giant? Her father and brother were both normal size.
go look through regura's twitter he posts stuff semi-regularly
Right by fucking far. She is just so cute.
sauce pls
>Not even housewife Mashiro
Pantyhose is patrician, but smellfags are cancer.
As far as I know, left doesn't intend to eat once she gets bored of me, the memory erasing and mind control is more than a bit scary though.
The moth on the right is extremely vanilla, user.
I don't know the source, but the sad thing is that I have watched enough mom son porn to know it's not that genre so I don't even care
>didn't know about doujin until half way through my ds1 playthrough
>googling porn of Mildred, found the doujin
Still have it saved
It was never confirmed or deconfirmed so feel free to believe whatever you want. Though the giant chair the illusion was sitting on was real so there’s more evidence pointing to her being giant than not.
>lithopedion (a calcified fetus)
I don't think I needed to know about the existence of such things.
Also called a "stone baby"
Yes I just googled it, thank you.
>tfw no Quelana lewds
looks like meme50
given that the statues of Gwyn are only a little bit bigger than his actual model I assume it's the same deal for her, the illusion was only to lure people in
How about Harlequin fetuses?
That gave me two boners.
>monster daughterus need dickings to bond
Then we'll be so bonded we're inseparable.
In my heart
Fucking tumblr face ruins it.
>still no Doll or Maria doujins
What the fuck lads?
nice try nigger
You can't fuck the snail girls because life is simply unfair
Aika, best gyaru JAV girl.
she cute
I already know of those. No thanks.
Left. Right is too human.
sauce? onegai!
I can see why some farmers in the 1600s would accuse a woman of being a witch and giving birth to the devil.
Already seen that shit, nigger
you ain't gonna make me again
Search for it through yandex
>tfw no expanded Princess Guard covenant about feeding Gwynevere
Fantastic taste
She didn't exist from behind.
Gold Experience, by Tanabe IIRC.
Next time you should use Yandex, IQDB, or Saucenao.
>Ironic posting
Despite your newfaggotry you should know that "ironic " is relatively new and pretty much because of the influx of normalfags that get scared or trigger by footfetish like you in the recent years.
Not baby related, but what about Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva?
They're too pure
too late
I showed you my spiral answer me
>gradually turning into bone
Don't be silly user, for that to happen there'd have to be skeletons inside of us. And there aren't any, right?
thanks user! i had tried (built in) iqdb and it didnt work, also tried posting full url and no luck (cause i noticed built in used the "s" version of the image)
>Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
I ain't googling that shit so I'll try to decipher it.
Something about fiber maybe muscles?
It's a sickness about misplaced bones maybe?
>And there aren't any, right?
of course not
Thank you kindly
All your muscle tissue slowly but progressively turns into bone tissue, see the elephant man
>The disease is caused by a mutation of the body's repair mechanism, which causes fibrous tissue (including muscle, tendon, and ligament) to be ossified spontaneously or when damaged. In many cases, otherwise minor injuries can cause joints to become permanently frozen in place, as new bone forms and replaces the damaged muscle tissue. This new bone eventually forms a secondary skeleton and progressively restricts the patient’s ability to move. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the disease can cause joint degradation separate from its characteristic bone growth.
Pretty accurate guess
Oh, no. All the bones are there, and a few extras and some more over time
This is what happens to your body when you chug too much
*shoots her with an arrow to instantly get the lordvessel and runs out of the room*
No prob.
Essentially it's a (very rare, noncurable and non-contagious) disease where any torn tissues, like muscle, turn into bone. Eventually sufferers have to choose what position to be in until they die. Usual life expectancy is around 30 years, but the years fucking suck. It's fucking horrifying. I have health issues, but I'd seriously rather not be born than deal with that shit.
Based and o̡̯͕͉̝͟͠n̟͖͉̤̞͝͝ȩ̙͈͍̟͇̰̠̝͎̞̙͟͢͞ͅͅe̶̶̤̘̻͕͔̪̕s̶̡̢̮̹̟̯̻̫͉̳͉̪̙̺̣̫̟̦̟̭͡͝ͅa̺͙̩̩̮̣͕͓̠̣̗͘͜ņ̡͚̙̹͉͈͙̱̜̟͟ͅ-pilled
The happy one of course, you know the one that doesn't make me a socially crippled in no more than usual
Fucking wornd out
Best DaS1 girl coming through
Gonna need sauce on that one chief
I like this one better
God, I love her
I think of olives when i see those, can't have a sandwich with olives.
just an Idea I had, sorry. no sauce
What I find unbelievable about that is how they end up surviving.
This thread reminds me of the start of the monster girls thread.
Thanks Yea Forums.
Why does Fromsoft have so much neat as fuck looking cut content that they never put in, is it intentional, knowing their fans will find it so they can give them an extra serving of tragic?
That's my pic, delete this right now.
Gee, Bill! Two onee-sans?
The first part reminds me of that one show with the teacher and the demihuman students. His coworker is a succubus who is in love with him.
>that boob physics that actually behaves like a bag of meat instead of a balloon full of air
It's because he can handle it
Bokujuu Servant. Probably the best doujin of all time.
Yuu-kun died that day
does this one try to get mind fucky like the moth one or is it just wholesome eldritch monster love?
>the good animation of her heaving her tits back over her arms to readjust her postion
H-manga is 100% wholesome eldritch monster love
Manga is 90% wholesome eldritch monster love and 10% spooky eldritch stuff, but the heartwarming stuff is extremely good.
Bugs don't have tits
He's all right
If Senran Kagura had those kinds of boob animations I'm afraid I'd spend more time jacking off to those games than actually playing them
This is bait right?
one: its a jap game
two: its not even that bad. and if the SJW nowadays would have a problem with it had it been release recently I am sure from software would tell them to eat it.
That's, like, your opinion, man.
The only mind fuckery is on the part of the author warping her readers
Then how will they breastfeed me?
Bugfags are honestly the new furfags
I prefer his milf content rather than bugs tbqh
but milf bugs
I'm fairly certain that we're an extremely minuscule minority
Furfags like anthropomorphic animals. We just like moth girls, at least they look somewhat human.
How can such a pervert be so cute?
What's frustrating is it will never happen again. Miyazaki is a foot fag, feet are his favorite part of a woman's body. He had it in him to say no to the designer but didn't only because he wanted his artist to be happy.
I hate you but also commend you imagination.
I'm excited for Code Vein, and Io has large breasts
Not entirely sure what happened in the butterflies one.
She's so soft and cuddleable
why does she have tennis pieces on her face
She's a moth and his mother
vague description that someone might know off the top of their head;
Anyone know which doujin starts off with a girl needing money, so she solicits 3 guys at her school to sex after hours. Charges them something like 1000 yen each or some shit?
Like I say, super vague, but maybe someone will know.
Because she is a special snak.
>I'm excited for a game that is most likely cancelled
>want nothing more than to be doted on by an onee-chan type girl
>if girls like that even existed, they'd only want little boys like in doujins
You guys know he fugged Priscilla right and had a daughter with he right?
>miyazaki said the artist looked so happy with the boobs, he didnt have the heart to tell him no
This artist is the true unsung hero we don't deserve.
Clearly they have some sort of human cattle trafficking organization going on right under their governments noses.
I think I would literally go on a crusade to purge these creatures if this were a thing.
It WILL come out! I swear!
Sorry, user. Ane Naru Mono is the best oneesan manga/h-manga, but Pochi is an extreme shotafag.
How about vampires?
With or without autism?
Either is fine.
that's why you go for mommy types
alright, enough is enough! Im giving the NEXT POSTER a CREAMMY CREAMMY CREAMPIE~
I'll take this vampire, then.
My forcefield blocks creampies ND I have vagina dentata
OHhhhhh myyyyy~~~~ :3 watch out user-sama!~ here comes my creammy weemy creampie
Oof, tough luck, I was a second too late to save you
What the fuck is your problem?
>souls nu-fags actually believe both that seven years ago was a different world AND that from software never existed before souls
Nothing was different, retard, they just wanted to have a big titty giantess in their game so they did. It's a fucking M rated game.
From software has also been a popular company since play station generation, have you heard of armored core, tenchu or lost kingdoms?
>Giant waifu thread becomes a bug waifu thread
Stupid. Bugs aren't even giants.
What a homosexual says to me over the internet matters not. I just want to talk about Io some more.
Having a vampire gf who likes to suck my blood sounds pretty hot.
I thought this was a big titty thread?
Big Tiddy Souls thread with insect girls and oneesans.
>tfw no Priscilla cuddles ;-;
cute half-dragon abomination
More like, perfection.
The Carboniferous period begs to differ.
Source? I need to learn this shit
>onee-san thread
>big titty thread.
Was going to post camilla, but dont want to cause burnout.
Remember to buy Blacksouls you filthy Darksouls fags.
Remember to use protection.
foot faggots are disgusting degenerates only slightly better than furries, trannies, faggots and scat fetishists
Jeanne was kind of like an oneesan, though she was the youngest child. She also had large breasts.
>expected a giantess thread
>actually bug girl thread
Post some giantess stuff then.
Regura > shitty vorefags
Great, isn't it?
There's no way anyone who is not blind can't see that this is extremely shitty art. delete it immediately.
ewww imagine sucking these crusty, scaly yellow feet of that old hag
What are bug girls tits made of? Chitin? Do they feel like mushrooms?
God damn why do that shit in public? Keep your disgusting shit at home where no one can see it.
Squishy bug flesh
the tits are soft like bags of sand
There has always been feet stuff on Yea Forums, newfag
People literally get mindfucked when they get in their cars. They believe the entire world disappears and the only thing going on is between their 2 doors. It's why people fly off the fucking handle when driving because to them it's other people fucking with them instead of realizing they're being selfish assholes.
Let's kill all those people so it stops.
>omg this female has breasts!
t. ameriturd
>tfw no bug girl wife
>Ma-kun just has to fuck her into submission
Bags of sand are pretty hard though.
you do realize not all females have breasts right? transwomen pre-transitioning do not...
Why does this artist always make milfs with eyes that are both seductive/looking at the target as pitiful?
Too pure.
Finally some fucking based heroes.
If you're going to bait, at least put some effort into it.
Because onee-sans and mommy’s are best when they are smug at first.
Because it's hot
He didn't. He died a virgin NEET. If Yorshka was his daughter she would not call him big brother.
Made for exterminating.
Idk but even from when I was a child I dreamed about hugging a big woman's soft sole daily
Are you born with this kind of thing?
good thread lads
Unless Gwydolin lied to her. Yorshka isn't too bright user, she believes that you flew to the prison tower.
This thread was too good.
through dick, unity
Why lie? No one makes theories about her because there's no data about her, they wanted a Priscilla call back, but having her in game and not be a player makes no sense. If anything the child of Priscilla is the Painter in Andariel.
Thanks for the thread, anons
Of course he did. That was just a ploy that Ara-bugmom orchestrated with the other bugmom so Ma-kun would think he has to be her good boy. In reality it was all so he never tries to leave her. Vanilla to the end.
male bosses are usually giant but when they have a female boss she's human size its like they hate women just like this fag