>Multiple threads about a plagiarizing nigger allowed to be up
>One thread about Chadmatosis and jannies seethe
Multiple threads about a plagiarizing nigger allowed to be up
Other urls found in this thread:
There was a dangerous risk of people discussing videogames breaking out, better delete
Matt is a hack t.b.h.
That video was fucking awful, but he has an extremely high quality output otherwise.
>S rank DMC 1 no damage playthrough
It's up
nah, fuck him
The DeS video isn't the only time he's proven himself to be a retard.
Just look at his latest video (Rain World).
>"Exiting a pipe can get you killed with no time to react!"
>"Enemies can kill you right after screen transition and you can't react!"
Both of these are false and everyone who played Rain World surely knows that.
If he's too incompetent to verify such simple things then I doubt I can trust him on anything.
I'd rather watch Joseph who may be autistic and a brainlet but at least he makes sure that what he's saying is actually true.
t. Joseph
He literally said that it feels unfair but you need to practice and get good. Matts only poor video is the Lost Arts one, possibly his Dota video as well but I'm not familiar with that game
>The quality of posts is extremely important to our community
No, that's not what he said. Go watch the video again. He claims that if you exit a pipe and there's enemy waiting there you have no time to react and just die.
Also his DS2 video is by far the worst.
t. htrannyguy
epic post dude
bombermans video also was bad
also kill yourself
>plagiarizing nigger
>It's a 16er
Fuck off
i figured Yea Forums would love matt considering his use of the word "nigger"
That video was the best video he'd produced at that point, and he's 100% right.
If you actually read any of those comments you'll see they don't get around to saying anything of note. They say he's factually incorrect or whatever but then don't give any facts which he got wrong.
This, on the other hand, is valid. You can very definitely avoid getting bonked by an enemy as you exit a pipe -- taking the time and care to not leap out of a pipe like a suicidal retard is a part of learning how to play the game.
I think you're overreacting to a weird extent to say this means you can't trust him, though. It's just a wonky opinion which you can see how he reached.
Also we all know the real issue is the fact that drops to your death and drops to another area are identical looking.
>Dark Souls 2 features no niggers, as such it soars ahead of every other game released at the time
I haven't read the comments, but his Lost Arts video is awful
On the contrary, it is great.
On the contrary, it's awful
I believe I have already proven you wrong here . It is poor form to continue to argue after being proven wrong.
>"Ocarina of Cockarina"
Fuck, I've watched this video multiple times, but that edit is amazing.
He has literally never spoken about Itsuno
Here's your last (You)
odyssey video when
On the contrary, I believe I shall collect many more.
First comes the 7 hour Rain World commentary.
>Also we all know the real issue is the fact that drops to your death and drops to another area are identical looking.
So it wasn't just me then? I thought I was being retarded or something, but it's actually the game?
That's reassuring at the very least. I just couldn't realize what it was I wasn't understanding.
>Hello ladies and gentleman, this is the first in a series of 19 videos I'm doing on the Tetris series
But the armor seller in DS2 is black.
>doesn't do a video on Nioh because its gameplay BTFO Souls games and he doesn't want to hurt Miyazaki's feelings
Still not as cucked as ENB though.
No you won't and I'll prove you wrong!
wait, shit
>comments that literally have no idea what he's even talking about when he refers to the strategy to beating bosses
The point is the bosses are logically consistent and the way you kill them makes sense within the universe. You kill Tower Knight by knocking it over and hitting it in the head. Unlike Iron Golem, who is the same idea of a soul stuck inside a giant suit of armor, but who you can kill by just hittting his indestructible shins with a sword he'd barely register as a toothpick.
>Yea Forums and Yea Forums can discuss ecelebs just fine
>at most one or two eceleb threads at any given time on Yea Forums
Go make another smash thread then faggot.
why didnt he do a mgsv video?
I haven't visited Yea Forums in ages, but do they even discuss e-celebs besides Melon?
Does Melon even post there anymore?
Legit though he all but confirmed that Obra Dinn vid is coming out next
Yeah. I looked for some sort of little hint that one's a death drop and the other isn't, but never found any. It's possible I'm a brainlet but nobody else I've talked to found one either, and it is the sort of janky design decision they made when they first made the game (before all the updates).
>multiple jimquisition threads up
>ONE sseth thread gets deleted immediately
It's clear that this guy doesn't understand the point of the video at all. That entire autistically long rant is nothing but a series of "but what about THIS boss" and a bunch of statements about qualities with no supporting evidence. For one, saying something is strategic or interesting is not compelling, it's amazing how in all of that excessive verbage there isn't a single piece of tangible evidence. A great example is how he says BB combat is "not the what but how," but then doesn't say anything specific about the implementation that makes it good.
The Lost Souls Arts video perfectly captures exactly why Souls games feel so stale now. I agree with damn near every point and it helped me to figure out why I felt completely disenchanted with Dark Souls 3. If you're still enjoying the series and you think Sekiro is what the series culmination should have been at this point, that's fine, but even the most dyed-in-the-wool Fromsoft fanboys should admit how lazy From has gotten when there's a twenty minute long video detailing all of these series-wide issues going back a decade.
Everyone was covering it at the time, I'm sure he saw it as redundant to talk about it when everyone already knew it was a half finished mess. He doesn't seem to like making videos unless he's adding something new to the discussion.
I still see Scaruffi threads.
I doubt it at this point
>Want to watch more Matt content
>Don't want Obra Dinn spoiled
Ah, the eternal Matt problem. His stern voice telling me not to continue watching his videos if I haven't played them is a bane to my existence.
The fact
>it's amazing how in all of that excessive verbage there isn't a single piece of tangible evidence.
it's like he's writing a secondary school english literature essay for a book he hasn't read lmao
Honestly he probably does, he just doesnt show it anymore because of how bad of a reputation this site got. That whole fiasco with Forbes(was that it's name?) and his meme channel burned him pretty bad
>Not the what but the how
Seriously, what did he mean by this?
This guy is the de facto Soulsborne community leader; his word is law and the community obeys.
That's why I never any opinion a Soulsborne fan can have seriously.
Post expectations
I wish. If people actually listened to him, maybe the community wouldn't be as autistic and demand better games. Between DaS3 and Sekiro, I think he's pretty much off the wagon.
Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 were soulless, yes, but i think Sekiro is actually a really great game.
Well, he'd probably disagree. So would I, which is why I like his opinions on things.
He was right about everything in the DS2 video. Including and especially the bit about the combat system being awful for fighting multiple things at once. It boils the combat down to leashing stuff into layering their attack combos and taking a swipe in their recovery animations, which is slow, tedious and fucking boring. Compare that to DMC, Bayonetta, God of War, or nearly any other action game, which gives you tools to be defensive while playing offensively, or enough crowd control options to make your own openings.
Kill yourself, tranny.
Yikes! That was really uncalled for
There is no place to use language like this
Why can't we have a thread about game critics we actually like for once. Here I'll start
> TheGeekCritique
> ShayMay
> HyperBitHero
There's more but I always forget about them
Mr B Tongue, for the once in a blue moon he actually uploads something)
Super Bunnyhop, though his content is very inconsistent in quality
>Super Bunnyhop, though his content is very inconsistent in quality
his journalism is fucking top tier
his critiques are eh
Learn to read. Also e-celeb threads get deleted on sight on Yea Forums. Which is hilarious because how the fuck is it any different to discuss youtube videos vs tv shows on netflix?
Isn't NitroRad just a hiddenblock wannabe up there with BasedTheWoz?
Pretty much. His best critiques are the ones he does for stuff he loves, like his videos on REmake and the first three MGS games
>a thread died for an e-celeb shill thread
>it's still up after a whole hour
Tranny jannies aren't doing a good job today.
Tehsnakerer is pretty underrated.
Since he started his patreon his output went way down.
this is true
apparently it's because he feels like if he doesn't produce something really good he'll be letting people down, which is something a lot of other people have mentioned about patreon
>Gone Home was on Humble Bundle like 5 times
>Still no review
Fucking irish prick
>On playing Sekiro, I had come across a nigger in feudal Japan being drawn towards music that wasn't rap. This shattered my suspension of disbelief so hard it never recovered.
Jesus Christ, Matt.
>After an excellent 7 hour video he says "Something to do I suppose"
Fucking based
His videos are very hit or miss leaning towards miss for me. His autistic tendencies hold him back from fully enjoying some great games. Like reading all the pop-ups in Doom and actually grinding when he outwardly states how much of a time sink a game is.
>The bosses [in Demon's Souls] were almost all poorly designed, simplistic and unsatisfying
This is just an opinion with actually no argument being made to support the claim
>The more "traditional" combat-based fights are the best because that's what Souls games do the best when it comes to fights. And the more focus they put on that the more enjoyable the bosses they made
Based on what? According to who? I think anybody who would argue that Demon's Souls' weird bosses were more captivating are well aware that hundreds of thousands of people disagree and like the fighty ones more, just saying you are one of those hundreds of thousands of people isn't a point.
Second paragraph is entirely reductive descriptions, and pointless ones at that. The examples from Demon's Souls are just that, examples. Examples of ideas that were once unique, to support his claim that Demon's Souls being a unique game is what drew him into it originally. Arguing about the quality of those ideas works toward little else than to say "you were wrong for finding that interesting", which is a fairly petty stance. I don't think that person actually intended that, they probably just missed the point, because he wasn't bringing up a bunch of shit that was in Demon's Souls to say "they should reuse all these interesting ideas again in a new game so it's like Demon's Souls again", he wants them to make something totally unlike Demon's Souls (and Dark Souls, and Bloodborne). Whether or not jonjon here thinks any of that stuff was any good has no bearing on the argument.
>Ludwig, Maria, and Orphan are completely different affairs requiring very different approaches.
based retard can't even reply to the right comment
I've never got these points. He KNOWS it's 100% on him and his masochistic style of playing, so why does he incorporate it into his conclusions? Ah, fuck, his critiques really do fall short of his journalism. Why can't he just focus on that.
>Tfw Noah is the fucking worst
>Tfw we share the same name
I hoped it would be obvious to anyone who played the game that I was exaggerating the lizard problem to mentally prepare players for some of the shit they'll have to deal with later. Of course I can avoid the outskirts lizards no problem (one of my favourite parts of the game is how shockingly easy early game areas become when you're armed with a little more knowledge) but it can feel frustrating when you start and there are places where even an expert player can get dealt a really bad hand, like The Leg or Unfortunate Development. You have to keep in mind it's a video aimed at people who haven't played yet.
Matthew Matosis reviews games
Why are you pretending to be me?
Grimbeard Diaries
Actman despite his taste being really really really basic
>That Breath of the Wild video
Lol wtf
e celebs are not video games you mouthbreathing faggots
you're the equivelant to women discussing the kardashians
I guessed that and sorta hoped I'd interpreted it right, but it wasn't obvious at all, no. Mostly because I wouldn't expect you to exaggerate things.
Check his youtube channel about page retard, it's his trip.
Not him, but I will explain.
Demons Souls bosses had tiny move pools, they had no additional phases, etc. Mechanically, they were simple. Adjudicator has only 4 moves for example. On top of this, they were extremely exploitable, squishy, etc.
I guess I could tear apart MM's video (I know a lot more about Demons Souls mechanically the he does) but it would be a lot of work for a visceral "gotcha" on some nobody.
>SJW tranny smash
Ah yes high quality. By the way video game criticism is videogames retard
So did you let that kid out of your basement yet??
>hey let's talk about this person's opinion on VIDYAGAEM, I think it's got a few problems but overall makes a good point
You made it sound like the game is genuinely unfair in regards to exiting pipes. With how you put it in the video people might think that there is literally nothing they can do in such situation and might choose not to play a game that is so blatantly unfair.
>His REmake playthrough
Now that was some shit.
>there are other bad threads so my offtopic rubbish has a place
then make a thread on the video game and bring up the person critiquing it rather than making a thread based around a personality
It's because Yea Forums is full of literal children.
These same children have a persecution complex about being poor
>Discuss piracy on Yea Forums or Yea Forums
>No one even mentions it unless it's specifically asked
>On Yea Forums
>Post a receipt on Yea Forums or Yea Forums
>No replies
>Post one on Yea Forums
It's insane how stupid these faggots are.
>watching MM stream last night
>he mentions ever17
>try to discuss it but no one else played it
>Offtopic rubbish
>Video game criticism
? There's literally a porn thread on the catalogue right now, that's way more offtopic
Not him. But I am literally autistic and I understood that he was exaggerating.
That made me legitimately sad. He should just make a video about it.
Ever17 is cool.
Don't you have to play like 3 other VNs before this one?
>plagiarizing nigger
who you fucking faggot
When's the podcast with Mecha coming out, my dude? I need that sweet Irish gab to fill my American ears.
>then make a thread on the video game and bring up the person critiquing it rather than making a thread based around a personality
Fair enough. I was thinking back to the times people posted his face when he'd made the GoW video or something, and forgot that this is just a random eceleb thread.
It will probably be pretty cosy
I didn't think he was exaggerating and chose not to play the game because he made it sound like it was a retardedly unfair experimental game
Gay and also American, never post on my board again
>Video game criticism is not video games
>Literal porn is
I see
It has one of the coolest settings and structures for a game plot I've ever seen, and I think back to stuff like the flooding segments, Archimedes Principle, Pygmalion, and the hacking segment all the time. Not to mention the characters are great.
Not at all. They made several 'spiritual successors' IIRC which include remember7 and the nonary games, but ever17 does it best according to most people.
Matt said somewhere either on his twitter or ask.fm that he'll probably do a MGSV review at some point, it just wasn't priority for him. He made an entire review series dedicated to the MGS games though so there's no reason why he shouldn't make a MGSV review.
for now though, watch this
Do it anyways.
The only thing that could be considered prequel to E17 is Never7 and it just barely shares one shitty plot device in the end and that's all. Which is also explained so no, you don't need anything for E17, except an angelic patience
video game criticism is video games, but complaining about people talking about video game criticism, complaining about people complaining about people talking about video games criticism, and chastising somebody complaining about people complaining about people talking about video game criticism are all not video games.
>Grimbeard Diaries
Hey Matt keep up the good work, you should read Higerashi and Umineko.
Here's your last (You) retard-kun
a drunken brawl breaks out while discussing E3
Nice normie meme, you American, where'd ya get it from? America?
That's also my first (You), thanks. I was saying that your meta conversation about whether this thread is allowed is a waste of time, and to just talk about video game critiques as the thread intended instead of debating shitposters.
Alright. What form? Essay? Video?
>Some nobody
Literally t. htrannyguy
How many spiritual successors are there anyway?
I know Remember 11, The Nonary Games, Root Double and I/O. Am I missing any?
I know remember11 is a spiritual successor, but from what I've heard the main trait between them is they reuse the big twist in some form
American games:
Planescape Torment
Ratchet & Clank
European games:
Farming Simulator
Truck Simulator
Bus Simulator
Immigration Crisis Simulator
Checkmate, Seamus Wellington von Francois
>Insanely stupid faggot industry cocksucker crying bitch tears at pirates and poorfags
Yea Forums and Yea Forums along with Yea Forums Yea Forums and every other interest board doesn't give a shit about piracy because it's the fucking norm on those boards. Yea Forums is the only board on Yea Forums that gets it's panties in a twist over piracy and has regular cry threads about how it's killing the industry because of autistic children like you.
English games:
Frozen Synapse
Cultist Simulator
Fallen London
Total War: Shogun 2
Dungeon Keeper
Little Big Planet
Expand Dong
American games:
Ratchet & Clank
I think the results speak for themselves
Is Wipeout the most British game
thats a tall Melon
>English games
>Autistic Topdown Numbers Simulator 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc
>Numbers Simulator
>Little Big Planet
Um sorryy sweety, too white and too heterosexual :)
Good bait
it's funny in retrospect that you retards ever used the OBSESSED meme
Not seeing what's wrong here
Deluded nostalgiafag
thank fuck the majority of this board doesn't follow your delusions
Half in the bag type show about video games with Mecha and Matt fucking WHEN?
>Giving a shit what the """majority""' of Reddit Jr. thinks
>that's right, Matt
>So, Owen, what did you think of Sekiro?
>Well Matt, I didn't HAAAATE it
>Y'know Owen, it reminded me of this one Hideki Kamiya game *Owen stares into the camera frustratedly*
>How did you feel about the lack of niggers in this game Matt?
>Well Mecha I loved it, about time game developers realised not to add them
more like
>I prefer the novelty and experience of Demon's Souls bosses over its successors even if its overall complexity and quality suffers a bit for it.
>Yeah sure, but those bosses were poorly put together!
Matthew's stance on this is pretty damn subjective, user, I don't think pointing out mechanical flaws in Demon's Souls is really going to accomplish much.
>The sequels to Demons Souls are as poorly thought as God creating niggers on the earth
I'm right, no one is as retarded and such parrots as you patreon shills
the only one coping is you, buddy
Hey hey
Okay, think about me the next time you're in an Index thread bitching about pre orders because your tiny brain just apes shit you see on Yea Forums and don't understand pre orders were used to stigmatize digital purchases.
>N-no u I'm right!
>Super Bunnyhop
Success ruined his videos
Cant be bothered to watch them anymore
I don't even know why I used to like Joseph. I think he came around in the midst of Matthew's big hiatus and I just latched onto whatever bad longform content I could find.
Joseph wasn't even the worst I watched, really. That title goes to MisterCaption.
Based on his stream yesterday, his next video is going to probably be on Obra Dinn, and it's coming somewhat soon.
fuck off, shill
Does he even still do youtube or does he just do his gay furry podcast?
You know that guy in the picture has a world record for the largest mouth and that's why he's doing that right?
Are you me?
MisterCaption is such a sperg, I'm ashamed to have wasted my time watching some of his garbage
Wow same
Why are white people so pathetic? Imagine being so hugely in the majority but still feeling under threat and needed to spread /pol/shit around to trick idiots
White people are a joke. Terrified helpless faggots.
Like your stuff Matt keep up the good work
Never heard of this MisterCaption guy but he deleted everything? What happened?
He got suicidally depressed after watching EoE
No really what happened to him?
I think the issue with Joseph is more a personality thing where he can kind of just be a smug normie about everything. I noticed it at first in his streams, but for awhile there were only hints of it in his videos--at least until "Subjectivity is Implied" came around.
His Dragon's Dogma video triggers me to this day.
He made an awful video on Nier A Tomato (I've never seen the video so I can't confirm the quality, but considering the author, I'd say it's probably shit).
The video was so bad and full of misinformation that the comments destroyed his whole career and he gave up on life.
He came back a few years latter and made the most generic video possible, a DaS critique. But he deleted as well.
>Demons Souls bosses had tiny move pools, they had no additional phases
Meanwhile in Sekiro it's starting to feel like effectively every boss is loaded down with second phases and immense move pools which can feature a few fuck you die retard attacks. Gameplay wise sure they're decent fights but when the strategy boils down to violently hitting them until the poise bar fills so you can do deathblow 1/3, even applying to basic enemies with Samurai warriors taking swords through the throat like it's a paper cut the whole experience feels weirdly tedious.
His videos were never very good but he was building a following for making videos somehow even longer than Joseph's. He was one of those "describe the entire plot step by step" people. But one day he put up a video about Automata, and he misunderstood basic shit about the plot repeatedly. People commented on it, not even in a particularly mean way, and he took it down, followed by everything else. He came back like a year ago with a bad Dark Souls video that I swear could've been satirical, based on how generic of a game critique video it was, and then disappeared again.
I saw his twitter once or twice and the dude seemed legitimately a little unhinged. Depression and a real inability to take constructive criticism without taking it personally.
I liked his old profile picture better
He made a few mistakes in his nier automata video or something (didn't watch it so not sure), got really depressed and angry at himself, one of the last things he posted was how he saw EoE for the first time and he really related to it, then he made some tweets vaguely hinting at his suicide and deleted everything
He's definitely dead now
he's talking about this victorian banter
>The video was so bad and full of misinformation that the comments destroyed his whole career and he gave up on life.
Damn dude, now I really want to see this train wreck of a video
That's the one video he keeps it shot and to the point though. DD is a great game brought down by some bafflingly bad decisions like the damage calculation, leveling up system and heavy use of menus that freeze you in time and allow you to heal every damage and condition.
Jesus that's pretty bad, but at least he didn't go full LensCapProductions
fotm responses should be banned on sight, fuck this shit board and how much of a fucking hivemind it is, this place is supposed to be different but its just infested with fuckhead low effort faggots just like every other worthless site
point still stands
these are all shitty contentions your favorite eceleb preaches, and now I see it parroted everywhere
but I'm a little more self aware than your average patreon cocksucker, and see it for how absurd and hipsterfaggy it really is
The suffering of Matthew being the only worthwhile youtuber. Best Guy Ever is alright, but also posts infrequently. Well except right now because he's doing MIAMAFV 2. I really hope he isn't too harsh on Super Mario Odyssey
>Point still stands
It literally doesn't newfag
>he posted was how he saw EoE for the first time and he really related to it
Anyone older than 18 at most who watches Evangelion and feels some deep, newfound connection to it needs to seek mental help. Or maybe just an actual piece of literature for once in their lives.
Checks out
>waaah stop making fun of preorders!
Sorry shit for brains, there's literally no reason to pre order anything that isn't limited release and you are a gullible fuckwit for doing so. Keep seething.
Sseth is fun comedy. Matosis just points out obvious shit I already realized when playing the games.
Not once did he get me to jizz. Sseth did.
>That spacing
Yeah head back
Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?
there's a reupload on youtube
Tone down the autism kid.
Thanks for the videos Matt, they're very enjoyable and good for when I need to study and need some background noise.
>only worthwhile youtuber
Almost. Mechagamezilla is kino. That's why people are excited for their podcast together.
u like show ur dumb why no u read book
book is smart for smart man like me
Owen 4 was based
Owen 2 is cringe
>keeps it shot into the point
>spends 30 minutes talking about how it isn't "skill based" like Dark Souls and keeps referring to it as "just a grinding game" in a derogatory fashion.
>Lengthy section about a story he barely paid attention to.
I'll admit the game has problems and he points out plenty of them, but he didn't seem to even remotely go into how the game can still manage to be captivating in spite of its faults. Or understand how the damage and item system works because the game is focused more around game knowledge than mechanical skill.
The big revelation at the end of NGE is "just bee urself, self hatred is bad and perception can change your attitude." It's the anime equivalent of The Breakfast Club. You watch it in high school and decide to stop putting yourself down so much. That's it. It's perfectly suited for that task, but don't act like it's much deeper than that.
Knock yourself out, 3 hours of genuine autism
powerful autism tbqh
>muh hivemind
perfect description for an anonymous shitposting board where every thread is a constant shitstorm of arguments and no one can ever agree because everyone's too busy trying to one up each other in an imaginary contest to see who can be the most contrarian
Were you dropped on your head as a child?
t. actual redditor that needs to go back
>Y'know Owen, it reminded me of this one Hideki Kamiya game *Owen stares into the camera frustratedly*
Mecha was always right. Dingdong even agreed and found it funny and accurate. The only people who were ever angry about this were utterly pathetic oneyfags who felt their "friends" were under attack. They mock other ecelebs on oneyplays all the time but their fans think they're off limits? Fuck off with that shit
>Matt posts in the thread where the OP says nigger
>He didn't post in the other one
Where do I start with this guys videos?
>no u
The town made him stupid.
oh look a stupid person saying evangelion isn't deep because reasons it's like I'm 17 and posting on Yea Forums again
delusions of nostalgia, DMC1 has been vastly improved in other games later on in the series
so is the case with Demon's
>no you have to feel this thing at this age
Honestly I wish this place had fewer faggots like you. I will always take an expression of sincere emotions that might seem childish over some jaded asshole pretending he's so mature.
how to spot an actual newfag, trying way too hard to fit in
I hated that so much. Every boss being a multi-phase affair was exhausting because I just felt resigned in the knowledge that the boss was going to get some new instakill attack that I couldn’t know or prepare for. Felt like I hardly beat any of them on the first try.
Stop advertising this shit youtuber.
you can watch mechagamezilla videos in any order, watch whatever interests you, but the christmas specials should be watched in order
he's also currently making "the infinite review" which is best watched in order
revolutionary developments are more important than iterative improvements
it doesn't matter if the 500th iteration of demon's souls was the best version, it would have gotten old by then
>DDS poster
Ignore him
how to spot an actual newfag, trying way too hard to fit in
>one word responses
who's actually coping, patreon shill?
It's okay guys, you can have your emotional revelations at your own pace. Just don't go around acting like you've become 130 IQ just because you've penetrated the entry level.
>this game isn't designed by committee because had its flaws ironed out
Way to completely and utterly miss the point. There's no way I'm reading the rest of a post that long that starts off that stupid.
As soon as every other youtuber and eceleb is banned on Yea Forums I will
I can tell you're the worst type of poster on Yea Forums
>N-no u!
Can we at least agree that the Sonic Dream Collection video was kino?
not his best video but I remain really impressed that he timed it all out so perfectly. i'm still not sure how he timed reacting to the video with the conversation so well
>Tails taking a big stinky poopoo
Wish I had a PC
You're the one flaunting his meager intellect.
>I mean, have you ever read actual LITERATURE?
The most highschool sentiment imaginable.
Hamsterson looks like a hamster and as an Abdl fetish (according to his wife on discord)
Ps Matthew fucks his wife and he kids are actually Matthews
thanks mate, also
>3 hours of genuine autism
>revolutionary developments are more important than iterative improvements
nice meme
only, what happens when the "revolutionary" developments are considered archaic as the years pass?
matt has cuckhold you so hard, hasn't he?
I loved it. I think people who don't like it are distracted by how weird the games are themselves. Or to say the fact that Matt came to feel something after playing them, and wanted to give his opinion on them, is overshadowed by how bizarre the games are themselves, as if he just wanted to be quirky. I'm not sure I agree that the developers were going for anything so meaningful at all, though Matt mentions he isn't sure either, he's just explaining his intepretation and that's what's interesting.
>no u
Literally anywhere
>only, what happens when the "revolutionary" developments are considered archaic as the years pass?
Smart people know what's important and why.
>matt has cuckhold you so hard, hasn't he?
You're really butthurt that Bloodborne isn't all that great, aren't you?
>Video games aren't video games
I see
jannies don't make the rules
Personally I thought some of the appeal of DeS is encapsulated in how the prosthetic tools interact with certain bosses. It's no way near as much, but finding out you can use the Firecrackers on Gyoubu, The Whistle on the 2nd phase of the Ape rematch to get the other ape to attack the boss and similarly using the apparition whistle to stun the Demon of Hatred were all decently satisfying to pull off. Pretty much every boss has at least a few of these tricks you can pull off to tip the balance in your favor, which is what kept me engaged throughout the game.
I want this so fucking bad now
Matthew I just finished Five Pebbles and am making my way to The Depths, even though I’ve already been there. Did you make it there before you had to go back?
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
allowed to talk about reviews and reviewers
>Yea Forums
not allowed to talk about reviews and reviewers because waah waah ecelebs I'm gonna throw a fit :(
Hello Digibro. Don't shamelessly plug your own content, now. Stick to anime, where you are unfortunately the best of the shitheap.
Bloodborne is an objective improvement, the PvE is far more consistent and higher in terms of quality.
You literally haven't seen any other anime content then
"Objective improvement" is an oxymoron, but I wouldn't expect some dumb retard on Yea Forums to understand that.
>best of the shitheap
Kill yourself digi
Those boards are also cancer so it's not surprising
>That hivemind of /pol/
What do you think of this GIF I created?
You don't seem to understand the meaning of words yourself. Objective does not mean an irrefutable fact.
>everything I don't like is shilling
turbo schizo
Jesus Christ the whole bottom half of that image needs to be deleted.
Everybody south of /vr/ is due for execution
I think this requires nothing short of amputation to be desu
I've watched a decent amount and I'm willing to be proven wrong on this one, because, don't get me wrong, he's still pretty shit and I only ever enjoyed watching him slowly descending into madness when he was effectively a shut-in. Who would you lads say is better?
Stay poor
>objective improvement is a oxymoron
No it isn't. It literally, categorically, by definition is not an oxymoron you faux-intellectual cuckold.
It can run on an igpu just find. Any toaster will do.
This is quite old already.
I'm curious to see if it has changed significantly
I make more than you. Seethe more.
Eyepatch Wolf, athough having an annoying cadence is great and is actually willing to correct himself.
BestGuyEver is pretty funny
Gigguk is pretty good but pretty normalfag in his opinions
Clemps is good too
Literally anyone is better than fucking digi, whose favourite anime is K-on
>but when the strategy boils down to violently hitting them until the poise bar fills so you can do deathblow 1/3
Why do you and so many people act as if this is all you do?
You don't have to attack posture at all, and no it's not the only effective method of play.
Yeah that's literally what it means. Something which is objective is based in fact, something which is subjective is based in opinion. "Objectivity" does not means "by the standards of opinion which I presume are ubiquitously agreed upon to be correct", unless you're a dipshit on a video game message board who doesn't understand how to think.
You think Bloodborne is objectively better than Demon's Souls because you objectively have an IQ of 80.
>the Stirner image on Yea Forums
Anybody who isn't a self-important horsefucker is categorically better than digibrony
>Being THIS fucking new
The anti-paynigger stuff is in response to payniggers on Yea Forums autistically screeching at piracy for the last 2 years.
Clemps is gay and stupid, overall bad
Literally anyone that wastes their time looking up torrents and patches can't be making enough to enjoy the hobby comfortably buddy.
Time>money and most poors can't wrap their tiny poorfag minds around it.
Post another terse reply to pretend you're not seething I'm not poor like you.
Where’s your argument school shooter-kun?
Jealousy isn't good digi
What did he mean by this?
You're delusional, I've doubt you've even been here longer than 2 years since that's your fucking cutoff
What is your argument for how an improvement can't be objective? I'll wait.
I haven't watched a clemps video since back when he was doing nier reviews, but his videos at least at the time were pretty devoid of substance and not very funny.
He's gay he just summarises the plot, if you like him you're dumb
Hey digi, why aren't you seething on Yea Forums?
I still can't find the reviewer who reviewed Mario Sunshine in his backyard during summer, or Zelda while trekking through the woods and actual caves in said woods.
I wonder if his channel even exists anymore, but I can't even remember his name.
>The game I like is OBJECTIVELY good and you're a faux-intellectual if you disagree.
You're right, it's not an oxymoron, I spoke hastily. It's a contradiction, which is similar to but not exactly the same as an oxymoron. Good thing you're here to keep faux-intellectuals like me in line.
Someone take that audio clip and then put it before a loop of his Wonderful101 review being played 100 times in a row
Noah Gervais?
I have no fucking clue who digi is my man.
>Eyepatch Wolf
He was pretty decent from what I watched of him, still wouldn't say he's great but he probably is better than him on the whole.
He's pretty entertaining. Can be a bit obnoxious at times but, then again, Digibro is probably moreso than him. Also probably agree here, on balance.
Extremely hit-or-miss as far as I'm concerned. More miss than hit. Overall he's not very good.
Haven't seen anything from him, I might check him out.
Nah, he doesn't do nintenbro
digi you're beyond transparent
Nah he doesn't touch Japanese trash
Bro you might not read this but I want you to know you are the best. Keep up the good work
> when the strategy boils down to violently hitting them until the poise bar fills so you can do deathblow 1/3
It doesn't, so that's easy, retard-kun.
I have an XPS 13, should I buy Obra full price?
Also Shaymay is pretty great, extremely informative and funny
>Ys poster
How do they do it bros
No idea why so many people felate this game, it feels like floaty garbage.
I remember RDR2 getting shitposted to oblivion for the delayed inputs but this game gets a pass for god knows what reason.
And don't even pretend I'm a console nigger, I don't even own a PS4, I just have the ability to read shit and this isn't my first week here.
Is this the guy that said difficulty in demon’s souls wasn’t the point when Miyazaki has been interviewed and said that it was, and the original JP release features this fact with a dead guy on the cover
>Miyazaki has been interviewed and said that it was
He's said exactly the opposite on many occasions and you can tell just by playing the game that it's not the point lmao
>Being this much of a turbo bitch about piracy
Nobody makes posts like these on Yea Forums or Yea Forums or other Yea Forums boards about people who can't enjoy their hobby if they pirate because they're not filled fat retarded autists like you who are eternally butthurt because people rightfully pointed out how dumb preordering is
Of course I make more than you, so keep seething.
based taste. couldn't even imagine the guy behind Majora's Mask HD texture pack would've been such a good analyst.
dustforce is good and rdr2 is shit. thats why
>when Miyazaki has been interviewed and said that it was
>Delayed inputs
Pick 2 and only 2
What do you mean? ENB spent like half a year doing nothing but playing Nioh on stream because he got sick of Souls by that point.
This post has less self awareness than the shit I just took. You couldn't be more delusional.
I never said anything about any game. My only post thus far has been pointing out how much of a pretentious middleschooler tier faux-intellectual faggot you are.
"Objective improvement" isn't an oxymoron and it isn't a contradiction, not by any stretch of the imagination. Claiming as much and keeping it up while trying to argue your own intelligence is very telling. You ARE a brainlet retard.
>Wojak poster whining about off-topic shit
Oh, the irony
Okay I pick
>delayed inputs
Now name me one (1) game.
>Miyazaki stated that the notable difficulty of the Souls series had no intention of being "more difficult than other titles on purpose". Rather, the difficulty was a part of the process that gives players "a sense of accomplishment by overcoming tremendous odds", while also having a certain level of difficulty incentivizing players to "experiment more with character builds and weapon load-outs".
Imagine reading this shit and thinking "oh so he just wanted to make a hard game" and thinking the boxart supports that.
maybe its your brain that has the delays tho
>If sprinklers has to be shot at 10 o'clock at night we're turning the game off and we're not finishing it.
Was he in the right?
>Digibro, the disgusting pedophile hypocrite, best at anything
Literally any other anime youtuber is better.
I can't because delayed inputs are retarded and wrong
If you live in a third world country I legit pity you friend.
Posting images online to pretend you're not living in a hellish warscape every day and your one victory online is bragging about free digital shit while dodging bullets puts a tear in my eye.
He's not wrong.
Gaming Brit is good too.
Digibro used to be decent with his anime history analysis videos but now it’s just dumb e-drama and unimportant shit. Because nerds with zero social skills love drama over literal nobodies.
>People take the piss out of him over his opinion on Jojo anime background
>Makes a video about how hard it is to make money as a youtuber
>Oh woe is me
Was he talking about Silent Hill? I don't remember having to do that at all
Canada made him stupid
He wasnt, since he forgot how fucking baby tier gameplay in danganronpa works.
The Sims
>Good at anything but being a repulsive faggot
RPGs because input recognition doesn't matter during the actual gameplay.
Go on to dustforce right now and tell me the inputs aren't delayed.
I realize this is a Matt thread but taking his entire dick down your throat while denying any shortcomings in his bias' is insane
>Also Shaymay is pretty great, extremely informative and funny
Didn't realize he started to cover anime.
It was Danganronpa.
He wasn’t in the right for not covering his balding lmao
Danganronpa stream
Okay man we get it, you gotta reply to me several times to get your point across, I'm not impressed.
Now post your shopped image after you get the laundry out of the drier for your mom.
You don't seem to actually understand how words work, objectivity is simply striving towards not having your argument or opinion influenced by subjective criteria or emotive language. An objective improvement in gameplay for example would be to reduce input lag, tighten up hitboxes, give the player more ways of damaging the enemy, improving camera tracking, etc.
Objectivity in this context does not mean irrefutable facts "like human beings need to eat or they die", it's about working with the facts available to us without injecting our own subjective impressions or agenda when arguing about the topic. Claming that an "Objective improvement" with regards to gameplay is an oxymoron only shows you're not arguing in good faith or you're getting stuck in semantics rather than engaging with the argument fairly.
>If you pirate you must live in a third world shithole like me
Get a load of this dumb nigger. Perfect example of why Yea Forums is a fucking joke compared to the rest of Yea Forums
digibro was never good.
>Noah Gervais
Isn't that the guy with the awful audio that people always post a copy pasta of?
Don't forget
>goes on drunken rants about how all the other anime youtubers are trash garbage people with bad content and bad followings
>then whines to his fans about how nobody in the community wants to be his friend or collaborate with him
>also is a horsefucker
t. ocdonutsteel hipster who thinks DMC1 is better than DMC3/5, and DeS is better than BB
unironic crrrrrringe
He has one anime video and he talks about it in a few other videos
>Awful audio
Yep with no editing
Haven't seen this copypasta
>literally anyone who opens one of their browser's bookmarks and types in a title cannot POSSIBLY be able to buy it normally
Imagine uniroincally being this retarded.
An "improvement" is qualitative and quality is an intrinsically a subjective judgement. Something cannot be objectively "better" than something else. For example, 1920x1080 is objectively a *higher* resolution than 640x480, but it is not objectively a *better* resolution than 640x480.
Understanding this is completely fundamental to understanding the distinction between objectivity and subjectivity, and an inability to understand that distinction is a consequence of basic stupidity.
Yes, and he's also a complete retard.
Why would a third worlder be anti piracy retard.
I know you're going to try to backpedal and say America is third world because blah blah blah "jewish dick" wah wah wah "I'm poor and paying for shit isn't fair"
Niggers like you can't make a coherent argument, that's why you're pretending to troll, but you're not trolling, you're running the edge of an argument and trolling so when you get shitter shattered you can protect your ego while samefagging to agree with yourself, it's pathetic.
don’t feel it
I'll only watch another video when you let out another goddamn Tales video.
The only things Noah ever reviews are western RPGs and shooters.
No, he hasn’t.
He has.
Imagine strawmanning this hard.
Mathew has created a legion of unthinking parrots. He deserves a bullet in the brain.
Except you're the one throwing an autistic temper tantrum over people enjoying free digital shit while you pay for it. Get a grip retard.
*blocks your path with ultimate autism*
Tbf Danganronpa 1 was the fucking worst in the series and deserves to be shit on.
>failed novelist can't accept storytelling he can't understand
I still feel like that's his best video and a perfect example of what makes him better than basically every faggot on Youtube who talks about video games. People who reduce it to THING GOOD THING BAD are not worth talking to.
Post when he said it then
You are not fooling anyone poorfag, kill yourself.
What the fuck are you even talking about you retarded mong. Take your meds holy shit
Worst pseud of all time
Digibro is the best at having his head shoved firmly up his own ass
It still triggers me that he calls himself a "gonzo journalist" when the guy just talks to a webcam like he's always done
>1:34 after last reply
I'm smarter than you dude, get your phone out and double post now
He's not on nearly enough drugs to be called a gonzo journalist.
Why is this guy so insecure about anime and anime inspired video games?
*fails to understand subjectivity and calls you a coward when you won't agree to a 3-on-1 debate with his retarded furry friends*
>only makes capeshit reaction videos now
>Niggers like you can't make a coherent argument, that's why you're pretending to troll, but you're not trolling, you're running the edge of an argument and trolling so when you get shitter shattered you can protect your ego while samefagging to agree with yourself, it's pathetic.
Decent at reviewing Vidya thanks to being very thorough and sourcing arguments to counter-argue when discussing the game, also structures his game reviews in a fairly rational fashion. Terrible at reviewing film/tv due to god-awful structuring and only ever focusing on plot structure and consistency and basically nothing else.
There has to be something in your brain's wiring that predetermines whether or not you'll like anime. It's the only explanation as to why some people are so vehemently anti-Japanese storytelling even when it's not bad.
>quality is an intrinsically a subjective judgement
You can quantifiably measure whether or not something has better quality than something else. Just stop embarassing yourself you fucking pompous ESL.
Obligatory double reply after post timer soon bois
What is it about criticisms of Souls titles that brings out these autists? You never see people go to these lengths on his Bioshock and God of War critiques.
If we could somehow take a piece of all of them and mix it all together we could make the worst youtuber of all time
>Waah samefag
Take your meds
>Forgot to take off the name
gg nigger
>What is it about criticisms of Souls titles that brings out these autists?
Because it's the only games they play.
>movie comes out
>two weeks later, he has a video up that's longer than the movie
This dude seriously thinks this makes for good critique. I don't even know how his videos stay up, considering he rushes them out so fast that he has to use illegal camrip footage to make them.
Obligatory seething from the autistic obsessed antipirate
>Claming that an "Objective improvement" with regards to gameplay is an oxymoron only shows you're not arguing in good faith or you're getting stuck in semantics rather than engaging with the argument fairly.
Your argument is founded in uncritical a priori assumptions about what quality in a game ought to be that precludes counterargument as a starting point.
"Bloodborne is objectively superior to Demon's Souls, such that to even suggest Demon's Souls is superior is to necessarily be arguing in bad faith."
Anybody who thinks that "objectivity" can mean "not having your argument influenced by subjective criteria" is an idiot who doesn't know how to even begin thinking critically. Matt is arguing on a level that you don't even understand, and that's like, a highschool debate class level.
>won't agree to a 3-on-1 debate with his retarded furry friends*
You mean agreed to do a 3-on-3 debate on his own podcast with the other members of that very podcast? Calling out people hiding behind "IS JUST MY OPINIONS MAN!" while they act as if they're hot shit making any worthwile critique is not a bad thing.
>Forgot to put it back on for this chain
>Bioshock and God of War critiques.
Because those are shit games and there is nothing worth defending.
I would love if this became a regular thing. Even if it was just a casual chat.
Stay delusional
Where's the strawman?
>Hidetaka Miyazaki: I have no intention to make the game more difficult than other titles on purpose!
I can't be strawmanning Miyazaki, because that's a direct quote. Is it you? But what I described is precisely what you did. You read the interview and were so brain damaged you couldn't parse such a simple sentence. Or was my mistake in assuming you had actually read it, or done any research at all? You didn't just regurgitate some secondhand information you found posted on Yea Forums, did you?
I have innate hatred for cringe avatarfagging furniggers.
You're retarded.
>improvement is qualitative and quality is an intrinsically subjective judgement
But it's not. That's not true. You have a fundamental misunderstanding here and you refuse to acknowledge it. We're talking about the quality of a video game here you gormless pedant, in the context of this discussion 1920x1080 IS an objectively better resolution than 640x480. I swear you have some crippling fucking autism if you can't even grasp a basic social nuance like the context of an entire discussion.
The stubborn insistence on one's own flawed understanding and the lack of common sense and social awareness you are displaying peg you as somebody with crippling fucking autism. Good God damn.
Am I the only one who likes his Dota 2 video?
>ESL samefagging pirates telling people to get self awareness
Oh my LOL
Is it accurate? I know nothing about Dota
That Matts girl?
It's sad that I learned more about Dark Souls 2 from 40 minutes of the DaS2 critique than this guy's extended cut Lord of the Rings trilogy length response to the Das2 defense video. It's like how people here argue not for the actual subject being disputed over, but just to say that they've won.
>still crying samefag because you tilted out of the argument and lost like a dimb bitch
But seriously, what did he mean by this:
If it was the first 2 Bioshock games he would've gotten a lot more defenders than Infinite. Everyone knows Infinite sucks.
>Is it accurate?
Fuck no.
>t.someone with 1.7k hours
Just came back, I'll prove your retarded ass wrong for him
>But it's not. That's not true. You have a fundamental misunderstanding here and you refuse to acknowledge it. We're talking about the quality of a video game here you gormless pedant, in the context of this discussion 1920x1080 IS an objectively better resolution than 640x480. I swear you have some crippling fucking autism if you can't even grasp a basic social nuance like the context of an entire discussion.
The stubborn insistence on one's own flawed understanding and the lack of common sense and social awareness you are displaying peg you as somebody with crippling fucking autism. Good God damn.
adjective: objective
(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
"historians try to be objective and impartial"
Saying "Bloodborne has OBJECTIVELY better gameplay than Demon Souls" is not a fact, and is obviously influenced by your personal feelings and opinions. Before you start telling people they "Don't really actually understand how words work,", maybe look in into the meaning of words yourself retard.
Sorry, not my fault you didn't pay attention in English class. Do better.
>Not using Tomorrow
If you're talking about framerate, bigger number is better than smaller number. A game that runs smoothly at 60 fps is objectively better in that aspect of quality than a game that runs at 15. Quantifiably. With numbers.
>Just came back
Hey buddy, I can un(You) myself from posts too
You got caught red handed, it's pathetic at this juncture.
what game
Where’s your argument? Semantics?
Read what you have written. Did you believe that this will be a quality thread?
I improved your image.
Botnet shit, firefox is the last uncucked browser.
Others have cucked out and moved to shit like chromium.
>B-But muh extensions!
Never had that problem and nobody I know has
>Assravanged deluded antipirate with literally no self awareness deflecting with random ESL and samefag accusations trying to deflect while implying the antipiracy autism is coming from more than just him
Keep seething
Looks about ten years too old to be Matt's gf
Tomorrow isn't a browser.
He's a fucking moron, isn't it obvious?
Nothing more pathetic than pretending you caught anyone "red handed" after being proven wrong. You're as dumb as a brick
Uh...yes? Bloodborne does not have objectively better than Demon Souls. THAT'S objectively true. There is no way you can prove that bloodborne's game plays better than demon souls. You can make a compelling argument for it, but you can't just say "it's flat out better and if you like demon souls better you're wrong".
Saying "Bloodborne has objectively better gameplay than Demon's Souls" would most definitely be wrong. Shame for your argument though, because YOU are literally the only person here who has said anything even remotely close to that just now.
The claim you're ostensibly arguing with is more like "Bloodborne is objectively an improvement over Demon's Souls" and by pretty much every metric that is entirely an accurate statement. Your only avenue of disagreement is the writhing autistic insistence that somehow improvements can't be objective in the contex of this discussion.
It's a good thing I never made an argument as vague and meaningless as "Bloodborne has OBJECTIVELY better gameplay than Demon Souls" then, and you posting the dictionary definition of objective further reinforces my original argument which was that you can indeed make objective arguments with regards to gameplay improvements. Try to keep track of who you're arguing with m8.
if the game is designed for 640x480 it's better in 640x480 pckek
Oh really? Well fuck I just assumed you were were bitching about the browser.
I know buddy, you just so conveniently only post outside of his post timer and when accused of samefagging resort to some child like retard shit anyone can replicate.
Stay cucked poornigger, shame so many poors put this much effort into justifying their negroidic antics instead of getting a job.
Right, I guess all those people playing older games emulated in 4K are just getting a terrible experience.
Alright, how can you un-(You) your posts like that? If I used Inspect Element the (You)'s would appear after the page got refreshed so I couldn't be using that.
Never play a game for the first time with an audience. Especially If you're the sort of person unwilling to accept your limitations. You end up committing forever to that one opinion you were recorded saying. You're playing a character for the audience without even knowing it rather than playing the game as yourself.
>We're talking about the quality of a video game
Doesn't make any difference.
>in the context of this discussion 1920x1080 IS an objectively better resolution than 640x480
No it is not.
>grasp a basic social nuance
It's not a basic social nuance, it's your biased, narrow-minded presumptions about what video games are supposed to be like, and what is supposed to make them good or bad, which is not objective in any way whatsoever and never was and never will be and never could be. When somebody impinges on your biases, you lack the intelligence to interpret it as anything other than incoherent nonsense, because that's the way stupid people think.
>The stubborn insistence on one's own flawed understanding and the lack of common sense and social awareness you are displaying peg you as somebody with crippling fucking autism.
Your inability to grasp such a basic concept as, "no, the thing you like is not objectively good", pegs you as a low-IQ paste-eater who has no business pretending that you know how to construct an argument.
Whether or not their experience is terrible is subjective.
But if you could make it 1920 that would be an improvement. Objectively. Numerically.
Not him but oftentimes it causes unnatural stretch of the pixels that ruins the look. But then these games were never meant to be played on anything other than a CRT because it causes pixel blending that isn't there otherwise.
They're getting an inferior one, definitely. In the case of 2D games there's no extra detail to resolve. In the case of 3D games too many assets such as text, HUDs, etc. are designed for the native resolution. If having aliased and artifacty 2D elements cluttering up your screen in glorious 4K is a better experience by all means, delude yourself.
with all that input lag, it's definitely inferior. Now go post about runahead because you know your PC can barely even handle SNES with it, let alone any 3D games where 4K would have some sort of benefit in image quality (while also having significant detriment.)
No, it's objectively a higher framerate. It's not objectively a better framerate. It's subjectively a better framerate. "Objective" does not mean "something I really really really agree with".
you do realize that the ability for a reasonable person to disagree with you on something, when you have no """objective""" evidence that they're wrong, is what makes something subjective right
like, 2 is an objectively higher number than 1. that can't be debated because those are the rules of how numbers work. but if i tell you that i prefer games in lower resolutions, there isn't some rule coded into the fabric of video games that proves me wrong. almost no one would say they like low resolutions better, but that's the extreme end of the spectrum. plenty of people like the simplistic visuals of older 3D games better than modern, photorealistic graphics, and there's no objective evidence that one is better than the other. it's the exact same argument there.
On his podcast you can hear him talk about other aspects but yes his reviews are all about plot.
>resort to some child like retard shit
You mean like throwing a bitch baby temper tantrum about piracy and then claiming everyone who calls you out for being a retarded nigger must be a samefag because you have no argument.
Only one getting cucked here is you, by people who get to enjoy media for free and make more money than you while you rage autistically about it in random threads that have nothing to do with piracy. Keep seething dumb nigger.
>1920x1080 IS an objectively better resolution than 640x480
this is the case, often times games will have issues running past 60fps, with some having fucked up timing running past their intended framerate at all. There's just some things you don't want to fuck with as it'll cause a lot of inconsistencies, unpredictable behavior, weirdness and result in the game just playing worse. Like that mario 64 60fps hack is neat until you see how it fucks with the movement of enemies and objects like coins, screwing up with their active time and it just results in headaches that aren't worth it. You're ultimately resorting to these new hacks and mods just because you can, definitely not because it plays better.
>Doesn't make a difference
Yes it does. The inability to pick up on social cues unspoken but commonly understood contexts is a sure sign that you're on the spectrum.
>No it's not
Yes it is.
>It's not a basic social nuance
It IS basic social nuance you absolute retard. You are the one who is letting your narrow-minded presumptions about the nature of this discussion direct your arguments because you are just that fucking autistic.
>no the thing you like is not objectively good
You don't know the thing I like. We're not talking about the thing I like. I haven't said anything about the thing I like one way or another. The fact that you can't even follow this conversation closely enough to see that is more evidence of your autism.
You shouldn't be calling anyone narrow-minded.
No, a game that can run smoothly at a higher framerate is objectively higher quality in that regard than a game that cannot run smoothly at as high a framerate.
I don't get how this is so hard for you to understand.
See this is why people keep calling you a retard. 1920x1080 is not objectively better than 640x480, no. Taking a game with sprites and blowing up the resolution for no good reason is usually a disaster, and someone might prefer playing games on a smaller, portable screen so a lower resolution makes sense. Finally, a lower resolution will mean better performance even if you have a PC that can handle 4 fuckin k, so OBJECTEVILYYYYYYYY UUUUUUUUH settling for a lower resolution when you have no real reason to go higher makes more sense retard.
Nah I definitely had that happen once,the lizard was literally right in front the pipe in the next level transition and I got eaten, this happened after the section at the first level on top of the hole with grabbing grass
it was pretty damn accurate at the time. iirc they actually changed most of the stuff he complained about besides crits and uphill miss
> is objectively higher quality in that regard than a game that cannot run smoothly at as high a framerate.
this says nothing about the quality of the games, only the speed at which it performs at. High framerate is good although beyond 60 there's serious diminishing returns, that's another discussion entirely. It's best to play the games the way they're designed to be played.
I like games to run at 30 frames instead of 60 because it's more cinematic. And I believe that games which allow you to choose 60 instead of 30 are compromising on artistic integrity.
Objectively disprove that statement. Tell me what written, objectively provable rule of video games means that statement is wrong from any perspective.
It was pretty bad.
>what is integer scaling
There's also many games that were designed for 8:7 and look wrong on a 4:3 display, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution to play games at their "intended" resolution.
>being a nigger pirate
I'm neither, poor, black nor a criminal. if you pirate you are all 3.
Maybe if you didn't just pirate everything like some third-world niggers, or actually got a job instead of some autism allowance from mommy and daddy, you'd learn the joys of spending hard-earned money.
You're objectively retarded
>a game which has higher quality is better than a game which has lower quality
>this says nothing about the quality of the games
Ok retard
God, imagine being this butthurt that someone gets their vidya for free.
>it's more cinematic.
Then watch movies retard.
>objectively higher quality
Not true whatsoever. There are modern games that run and play total shit but can manage higher framerates than older games that play without any problems.
Eceleb threads should be a ban on sight.
>There's also many games that were designed for 8:7
No, there aren't any. 8:7 displays don't exist, just because Nintendo doesn't know how to manage their weird aspect ratio doesn't mean it's the intended way to be played. They were designed and played on 4:3 monitors because with few very exceptions, that's all that existed at the time. This is such a retarded argument it's not even worth entertaining. Kill yourself if you ever post it again.
It's not quality, it's your own ignorance showing.
If you just hold the key in the opposite direction before exiting you will always survive.
None of this responds to the substance of what I said. No, "objectivity" is not a social nuance, it's a part of logic. The fact that you're socially accustomed to people making stupid illogical arguments is not surprising, but it also isn't relevant to this particular discussion about one person's critical output. It isn't that I don't understand the way you think, it's that I think you think like an imbecile.
I don't get how it is that people like you can't understand the difference between subjectivity and objectivity when I immediately and perfectly understood it when my teacher explained it in middle school.
Smooth gameplay at a high framerate is a performance quality benchmark.
It's okay that you like games which perform at an objectively lower quality, I like games which have objectively lower quality textures. Liking a game despite it being measurably lower quality in some aspects does not mean that some aspects of quality can't be measured objectively.
i am not butthurt i own literally all games i could ever want right now
im not the poorfag cuck looking to legitimize himself by double posting and lying about it
you aint done shit but be a little nigger bitch pretending that shit is worth it, its fucking dead after the first day and most people dont fucking care enough to b other doing it
good luck with your FLIPPING like a little fucking retail whore, most niggers just buy games instead of jumping through hoops to justify theft like the good nigger cuck you are
Samefag retard
It has nothing to do with "performance quality."
you don't know what quality is, that's why you've convinced yourself its all subjective
have sex
>Framerate has nothing to do with performance quality
Speak for yourself, retard.
Yeah, he's wrong. Games are designed to run at target framerates, there's a few exceptions but even games like Quake have a framerate limit, and even within that limit the game has quirks that change based on the framerate such as physics and enemy behavior. You aren't being very objective.
It entirely responds to the substance of what you said.
I never claimed objectivity is a social nuance. The nuance is that were are TALKING ABOUT QUALITY ALREADY you massive fucking autist. We are talking about the quality of a videogame. There are many aspects of the quality of a videogame that can be measured objectively to compare to other video games, ESPECIALLY aspects of technical quality and performance where bigger numbers are better even if there are diminishing returns past a point.
The fact that you still cannot fucking pick up on this even at the most basic level is pure fucking autism.
It's a hypothetical, brainlets
>lower quality in some aspects
Tell me what "quality" means in this context, you absolute buffoon. You're using it as "thing good" and acting like it's a substance you can put in a jar and measure the volume of. Tell me what thing you can prove exists that is present in higher framerates as opposed to lower framerates, or resolutions, or anything at all.
Again, 2 is objectively higher than 1 because the defined rules of math say as much. It would be true no matter what, even if I thought 1 was a way cooler number than 2, or even if 99% of people thought as much.
I like your content.
If you could decouple game logic from framerate and up it for Quake you would be objectively improving the quality of the game. Your argument hinges on a development quirk for a particular game. You are trash man.
How is having a higher framerate cap "Objectively better"? For instance, if a game is intended to run at 30 fps, then is remade and has that limit bumped up to 60 fps, you might say that having this new option actually makes the game inferior for presenting the player with a "Worse" alternative, the average experience with the game has been lowered. So while you can say "it does run at a higher framerate" you can't say "It runs at a higher framerate, therefore it's better" even when only referring to how the game runs.
What compels people to write these walls of texts on the youtube comments section of all places
>Speak for yourself, retard.
>Tell me what "quality" means
>you would be objectively improving the quality of the game.
No, you would be changing the nature of the game. Making it a different game entirely.
>Your argument hinges on a development quirk for a particular game.
all games function this way. Don't tell me you fell for the "don't tie logic to framerate" meme. Don't tell me your entire argument hinges on hypotheticals like this user, that's just pathetic.
>performance quality
An arbitrary, subjective notion.
You can objectively measure framerate. That doesn't mean that a high framerate is better. To determine that high framerate is better is a subjective determination. It can't be an objective determination. That's just basic logic. That's what the word means. Quality is subjective, in all cases, and it cannot be otherwise. Objective quality is a contradiction in terms. End of story. There isn't an argument to be had. You're just wrong.
>For instance, if a game is intended to run at 30 fps, then is remade and has that limit bumped up to 60 fps, you might say that having this new option actually makes the game inferior for presenting the player with a "Worse" alternative, the average experience with the game has been lowered. So
And you would be retarded for saying that.
If you are talking about the quality of a game, running at 60fps smoothly is an objective improvement over running at 30fps. Whether or not YOU PERSONALLY care about the framerate is irrelevant.
Smoothly running at a high framerate is a performance quality benchmark.
Actually, that's just your opinion.
>mention Bloodborne is an objective improvement
>thread derailed by an ESL autist who thought it was an oxymoron
Fucking kek. Nice thread.
all ecelebs should be banned from Yea Forums
and faggots like you too
Many official ports which change the framerate often introduce quirks and oddities not present in the original game.
>higher performance quality is not objectively better than lower performance quality
Wow I didn't know that when something is better it isn't necessarily better.
samefag retard
Your argument hinges on a development quirk for a particular game. You autist.
>quirks and oddities
Which would be subjective.
that was my first post in this thread
kys faggot
and don't @ me
You keep using the word "quality." I'm not convinced you know what it means. You're very evasive and non-committal to these kinds of arguments, merchant.
>using vague terminology without defining it solely so that you can use it to put yourself on the high ground without earning it
What you're doing is the equivalent of me saying "lower framerates are objectively more cromulent."
Oh, you don't know in what way I'm using that word? Fucking idiot, it means "better," except the connotation of the word carries more weight than that, so I can get away with making subjective arguments while passing them off as objective ones.
Btw Demon's Souls is objectively the most cromulent game in the series, and as we all objectively agree, cromulence is the most important factor in determining a game's embiggenment. That makes it the best game in the series, because of the cromulence and embiggenment.
>if you decouple game logic from framerate and then raise the framerate to a smooth 60 you're not making the game better you're making the game a different game entirely
>game logic is tied to framerate in all games
No, they're objective.
Nah, on every game.
>hurr durr quality is subjective you can't say it's objectively better!
If we want to get into intolerable first year philosophy, nothing can really be objective. That doesn’t mean you can’t attempt to judge things with an objective eye. Could it possibly be that although we can recognize the objective qualities of things we also have subjective preferences
You can't be wrong about how you feel, but you can be wrong about the legitimacy of that feeling. For instance, I can't be wrong about whether or not I like a movie, but I can be wrong about the quality of the movie. No matter how much you appeal to subjectivity will change the fact that E.T. for the Atari is a demonstrably awful, poorly designed game.
Relativists are the worst fucking people to deal with. Period. What's the fucking point of having a discussion about anything if "hurr its everyone opinion dey all matter the same!"? Someone can eat shit and say they eat shit but it doesn't mean that shit isn't objectively terrible to eat.
30fps really embiggened Blighttown
>It's a fact, you can't disprove it
>Here is a counterexample
>game logic is tied to framerate in all games
Yes, it's why Doom is limited to 35FPS, why quake is limited to 72fps, source games are limited to 330fps, etc. There is always some logic tied to framerate, everything functions this way. Back to your grave total biscuit.
You keep using the word "objective." I'm not convinced you know what it means. You're very stubborn and socially retarded in these kinds of arguments, autist.
>It entirely responds to the substance of what you said.
>autism autism autism
uh huh
>The nuance is that were are TALKING ABOUT QUALITY ALREADY
Yeah, we are talking about quality. That has nothing to do with objectivity. You post your allcaps as if to clinch the point, but it proves nothing.
>There are many aspects of the quality of a videogame that can be measured objectively
As I have explained to you, you're just wrong. You just don't understand what you're talking about, and then when I explain to you why you're wrong, you call me autistic for not just going along with what you say, because you I guess assume that if somebody is saying something you don't understand, there must be something "socially" wrong with them.
Scaruffi isn't a eceleb tho, he's the Truth.
>>Here is a counterexample
A poor one for reasons explained to you
Also If you're going to post an all caps I AM SILLY strawman at least make it somewhat resemble the posts you're replying to you literal autist.
>frogposter is too autistic to follow a discussion
As expected
The fact so many posts still name Scaruffi as intelligent proves how far Yea Forums has to come
>reddit walks in
>What's the fucking point of having a discussion about anything
That is exactly the point. The people the prescribe to this way of thinking are empty husks. It’s basically a way to sabotage an activity that requires honesty and a sense of self.
There isn’t discussion, only semantical word games
Why would you save this autists non-argument and repost it?
Imagine failing to understand the social implications of the words objective and subjective and insisting anyone else is autistic. You've lost this one, go cry into your emulaters, you don't know shit about vidya.
If you knew anything about intolerable first year philosophy, you'd have learned that appeal to authority is a logical fallacy, brainlet.
>vague terminology
On the contrary, it's people who arbitrarily decide some things are just flat out better than others that stifle discussion. If someone refused to acknowledge that people can interpret things differently, then once they've come to their own "Objective' conclusion all discussion is meaningless to them. What's the fucking point in having a discussion about anything if everyone just plants their feet in the ground and says "Uh well game A runs at a higher fps and higher fps is always good so therefore game A is the best game and I am right"
what a twist the retard was a frogfag the whole time
quantify quality
That's the joke
Higher is not synonymous with better. It's not really that difficult to understand. Just because something is commonly agreed upon does not mean that it is "objectively true". This is fundamental to the distinction between objectivity and subjectivity.
I'm absolutely convinced you don't know what it means.
I know right? Imagine failing to understand the social implications of the words objective and subjective to the point that you cite the dictionary definition in an attempt to claim that there's no such thing as an objective improvement.
Do some self-reflecting.
Unfortunately all your cited objective improvements also had a lot of objective faults that you didn't like being pointed out, indicating they weren't objective improvements but rather subjective preferential improvements.
Saying that something is objectively superior to another thing isn't an appeal to authority. Stop trying to call out logical fallacies when you don't even know what they are, you absolute brainlet.
>What's the fucking point in having a discussion about anything if everyone just plants their feet in the ground and says "Uh well game A runs at a higher fps and higher fps is always good so therefore game A is the best game and I am right"
That's not even remotely close to what anyone said in this discussion. Not a single person ITT said a game is the best purely because it has higher FPS, you strawmanning fuck.
A game can be made to run at 30fps. This was the intent and the whole experience is designed around this. Said game can later be ported and have a 60fps mode added. You can easily make an argument that playing in this new mode will be worse since the game was not designed with this technology in mind. Therefore you can not say that having a higher effective fps is "Objectively better". The only thing you could say is that "more options is better", but to use an analogy people love so much that's like saying a restaurant has a better menu than another because it also lets you eat shit fresh from the toilet.
Someone make a new Chadmatosis thread
>On the contrary, it's people who arbitrarily decide some things are just flat out better than others that stifle discussion
The only way to confront these “people” is to point out they are subhuman, you’ll learn soon enough. We all will.
Yes, moron. Because "good" is a vague word. "Bad" is a vague word. I learn nothing about a film if the only word you give me is "bad." You have to define what that means, likely by explaining what was bad about it.
You can't walk in and start using "quality" as the lynchpin of an argument without properly defining it. Is quality a physical substance that a game excretes if it has a higher framerate? Does a higher framerate give the player a better feeling, releasing a "quality" chemical into their brain? Is "quality" a number, which a game comes closer to by having a framerate closer to that number? Tell me what it fucking means if you're going to use the word over and over and have "quality" be this objectively desirable thing that games should achieve.
The image you posted, moron.
Quality is not exclusively arbitrary. You can discuss quality objectively. There are some aspects of quality, especially of technical quality, that can be objectively examined and discussed. When you enter a discussion about quality, you accept that something that is better has objectively higher quality than something that is worse.
How is this so hard for you to pick up on?
There is such a thing as an objective improvement. The quality of one thing can be objectively higher than the quality of another thing.
Please stop pretending we're not talking about quality, and please stop pretending you don't know that quality means.
>You can easily make an argument that playing in this new mode will be worse since the game was not designed with this technology in mind
You can easily make a retarded argument yes.
>Therefore you can not say that having a higher effective fps is "Objectively better".
You can if you're not retarded and understand context.
>I am a qualified dietitian
jesus lmao
>A game can be made to run at 30fps
In many cases the game will have a lot of things designed around this limitation beyond just visuals. 30fps creates a defined and easily observable speed to the game which developers will know to pace the AI, animations, etc. all around. A 60fps port could require re-writing the entire AI code, animation code, redoing all animations, changing logic for numerous game objects, etc to the point where many devs wouldn't even put in that level of effort as has been demonstrated numerous times in the past. This makes the game that runs slower the better version at the end of the day. This is not a difficult concept to grasp.
>you accept that something that is better has objectively higher quality than something that is worse.
Begging me to accept your flawed views wont legitimize them.
>There is such a thing as an objective improvement.
you've yet to name any
Your post is a case example of the intolerable first year philosophy user was talking about. You literally cannot grasp the concept of being able to recognize objective qualities in things while also having subjective preferences about them without taking "people can interpret things differently" to an extreme.
The dietitian one is the only one that can be quantified properly with numbers so it's the only one that is objectively correct.