Will you watch E3 a.k.a Californian freakshow?
Will you watch E3 a.k.a Californian freakshow?
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so how many orphan souls do you need to make your face not look like it's melting?
>I crave more souls of children. Post natal abortions must be legalized.
Uhhh, bros thats a myth right? I'm kinda worried
It's going to be a whole lot of nothing this year. Nintendo will do another boring Direct, Sony's sitting it out, Microsoft will continue to just kind of exist, and everyone will be playing it real close to the vest, because all their big shit has quietly shifted over to next gen.
It looks like it’s not working anyway lol
Make no mistake George Soros is one of the most evil men on the planet
>Microsoft will continue to just kind of exist
i mean their e3 last year wasnt too bad, we got DMC 5 and sekiro
yea i know, he's pretty terrible
$8000? Jesus, that's a hell of a markup. I've never sold plasma, but I've known people who have done it to make a few extra bucks.
I don't want to worry you but evil doctors in Israel and New York believe infant blood has mystical powers and even published articles about it in the 80s
Unfortunately a minority of researches bought this pseudoscience
god i fucking hate amerimutts, such lowly disgusting creatures, every last one of them.
he's Hungarian you retard
I know lots people in SE Asia would literally lynch him if they could
Thats a Jew user
It's a thing, but it's not a good idea.
Of the billionaires in the world, he's not even in the top 50% of them. There is no such thing as a good billionaire.
yea, was it him who destabilized and fucked hong kong's dollar?
He's one of the main causes of the financial crash back in 1997 there.
jesus christ
the blood industry is extremely lucrative.
Donations are sold to hospitals at high price.
is their any real difference? ugly, slimy, fat, and filled with sharts. To any American here, I am calling you out. You are disgusting fat sub-human, you legitimate repulse me and I can't wait until the Mexicans breed your putrid "people" out of existence.
They already quit last february.
But there's another company that still does young blood treatments that the FDA doesn't control. Thank god for conservatives and liberals for wanting less regulation!
Microsoft had the best E3 by default because of how terrible everyone else was. And no half an hour of patch notes doesn't make for a good conference.
He did it to the bank of England too, he makes a lot of money with currency speculation and the amount people like him move are enough to mess with the value.
It's not some shadowy scheme, it's just money moving. And when you move that much, it creates massive ripples.
Surely parts of the medical industry are speaking out against this?
that is incredibly fucked up, and yea i know it isnt a shadowy scheme, he just has that much influence and pull
In a healthy society this things wouldn't happen however allowing leftist teachers to teach in high school enables all kinds of degeneracy like this.
If the government is full of people like Barack Obama what's the point of having regulations?
I honestly never heard of him. What's the story.
video games
He is behind E3, Big Bang Theory and Ubisoft
It's why there is no such thing as a moral billionaire.
>Get rich quick schemes are leftist
He made ungodly amounts of money on currency speculation and organisations which he owns donate money to liberal free market causes throughout the world. Authoritarians hate him for this, and the left hate him for being a currency speculator.
I'll watch the Nintendo Direct and the gameplay sessions that follow if Nintendo has any interesting games to showcase.
I want Switch Pro with similar PS4Pro specs
can't wait desu
>to liberal free market causes
weird way to classify antifa and inorganic immigration movements
>Authoritarians... and the left..
>however allowing leftist teachers to teach in high school enables all kinds of degeneracy like this.
Yeah, I'm gonna need a source on this buddy. Otherwise you're talking out of your ass.
>If the government is full of people like Barack Obama what's the point of having regulations?
Then you Americans need to elect a non-retard as president.
>Surely parts of the medical industry are speaking out against this?
Yes, they dismiss it as pseudo science with no factual backing but other than that there isn't much they can do. The powers lies with the FDA.
Do you remember Planned Parenthood selling fetuses and leftists saying they didn't do nothing wrong?
>I listen to Fox News and dishonest republicans and parrot their entire shtick: the post
Next you're gonna tell me that the gubernment can't be trusted and therefore this link is invalid.
Antifa don't have a funding structure, they're loosely linked groups. Not an organisation. If you're referencing the "George Soros where's our money" thing, get this, antifa folk have a sense of humour, and based on the fact places like Fox (Koch brother's owned, they don't like Soros) were saying that he was paying them, they started chanting that "demanding their money"
and yes, there's maybe 2 actual left wing governments around, both of them have exactly 0 of the organisations Soros funds active in their countries. Other than maybe the CIA, via taxation I guess.
They sold collections of cells which have been of vital importance to medicine, because of that we now have stem cell growing vats which we can use for all kinds of treatments which were impossible only a few years ago.
Yeah, demo's stream will make it slightly more bearable.
I thought that was the VGAs
Is Yea Forums now populated by trailer trash?
Damn that's insightful user what does your girlfriend think about that?
'ate merica
'ate joos
simple as
Actually scrap the Koch part, I forgot fox was a Murdoch org. Murdoch also hates Soros though, so it works out.
I dont understand why flyovers hate California so much. Theyre the economic powerhouse of the country and their massive tax revenue pays for all the welfare, disability and opioid addiction treatment the impoverished red states require
Based caliniggers itt
>Is Yea Forums now populated by trailer trash?
im not from america but from and outside perspective it looks disgusting, frequent gay celebrations, crime through the rough, niggers slinging crack and weed on every corner where the houses dont cost a million dollars, mexicans everywhere
I mean, the fact that there is even the concept of a flyover state is kinda disgusting on it's own.
But mostly it's a convenient target thanks to it's large share of GDP and socially liberal policies and being a desert. Also all the retarded silicon valley startups. They'd exist somewhere else if the kind of retarded tech venture capitalist that lives in san fran lived elsewhere.
>No EA
>Bethesda won't talk about either Starfield or TES VI
What's the fucking point? When will this faggot finally drop dead?
>crime through the rough
It's about the same levels as any major city. Major cities have crime, criminals go there because there's targets.
is that soros? whats up with him and e3?
Not murrican i just hear the stories, it sounds like the worst place ever, them being on the whole Sony current bullshit doesnt get any good points with me either.
Never as long as he has a good supply of foreskin cream to inject into his veins.
nvm i didnt read the filename
>a.k.a Californian freakshow?
but sony isn't attending
If you ever see Soros alone just snap his neck or stab him, be a hero.
what is some modern mutt society kino?
Sounds like you need to lay off the Yea Forums for awhile lmao damn nigger
>implying that he ever is alone without bodyguards or other forms of protection
>I dont agree with his political views so he deserves to die
average trumper desu they're barely even human at this point just a cult of rage
lmao, but it is a shithole tho, most americans i know say its pretty trash, isnt there major gang problems there? Crips and Bloods?
The devil is never alone user, he knows what he has done, he will never have the freedom of the common man.
The PC show and maybe Nintendo show, then one of those "E3 in a shellnut" videos with memes
The only solution to the calicuck question is nuclear annihilation.
>Sony current bullshit
You just exposed yourself as a mentally ill weeb of course your opinions are baseless and crazy lol
It has the highest property value in the entire country
All "elite" jews are bent on destroying the white race, and Soros is one of the biggest leaders of this cult. He's behind the creation and funding of antifa, he played a huge negative role in WW2, he was a huge donor for the Clinton campaign... he just throws his money around to fund evil wherever he can.
thats due to the large amount of people living there, making housing limited, also you didnt answer my question
Soros has done a lot more bad than just having the wrong opinions
>everyone who doesn't like my international jew is a drumpf supporter
Trump is a neocon faggot, he loves jews.
passion is rage
rage overpowers fear
>he played a huge negative role in WW2
he put jews in camps? are you against that?
Doesn't change the fact that it is BY FAR the biggest GDP source of the entire country. Most americans are just buttmad because they hate to admit that California is carrying the entire US economy.
>mentally ill
look who is talking, subhuman REtardera libshit leftypol AIDSfaggot lgbtpq pedodiddler tranny
>predictable disasters
That happened on federally managed land under Donald "Rake the Forests" Trump. Why are conservatives only capable of endless streams of lies and propaganda? Isn't it tiring to constantly have to rationalize and reinvent reality?
Not that guy, but anyone that's a billionaire deserves the bullet.
>Billionaire is behind the black bloc
Fascinating idea, but you still seem to think antifa is an organisation, it isn't. You can't point me to a headquarters, or any officials.
No shit im a weeb, doesnt stop Cali from being the most hated american state, if it was just because of the weeb thing i dont think it would be as loathed as it is, but there are plenty of other reasons.
Nigger i just gave you a reason, are mentally retarded?
jesus christ
There debate is not honest vs dishonest the videos are literally real. The judge in this case said he wouldn't persecute PP because the videos were illegal not because they were fake or staged
actually, what user means by funded antifa is that he put up craiglist ads paying people to attend protests and get "rowdy" or something along those lines
Are you fucking retarded? Lmao? Yes that's how property value works you absolute muppet. The more people that want to live there the less available desire land there is, and it costs more. Oh God it's so hilarious trying to communicate with you like your a human. Do crips and bloods exist? Yeah sure in some irrelevant shitholes nobody cares about
>dude I read on Yea Forums he's evil so I want to kill him despite there being zero evidence he's ever done anything wrong
Average conservative loon
>The more people that want to live there the less available desire land there is,
how is that something to boast about retard? do you want to live in fucking 2x2x2 cubes in the fucking future? you want a smaller population for cheaper land, fuck off retard, cali is a shithole
but it is organised
they circulated letters, told them what to wear, handed out flags, they hired coaches to place groups of them in political hotspots, and george soros's money funded it all
>leftists legalize pedophilia so jews bang kids free of persecution
>leftists legalize abortion so jews can buy baby's blood to make them live longer
Please someone nuke USA already
>zero evidence he's ever
based normalfaggot
I dont usually buy into the "America dumb" shit but this takes the cake. Do you want a cracker?
Fuck evil sexist japanese video games, fuck white people, and fuck drumpf, why can't the rest of the country just be like california?
read up about him from literally anywhere else, these facts are undisputed, he fucked hong kong economy and destablized many countries in the world
Name the specific protest, most of those adverts are actually about SELLING shit.
You too, specific protest, because I know some people who do black bloc shit, they don't work for billionaires that I can guarantee you.
t. someone that probably whines about the koch brothers despite them donating less money to politics and basically never making public comments ever.
Any people with an IQ above 45 and not compromised by leftist ideology can see that leftists took no issues with Planned Parenthood selling organs
Yeah no shit /pol/. Rich people suck. Marx told us this ages ago.
The Koch brothers are very active these days in a lot of 501(c)s that don't need to disclose donations user. They have been for years.
>Name the specific protest, most of those adverts are actually about SELLING shit.
dude idk anything about it, im just saying what the rumour i heard was, i dont really believe in this conspiracy theory bullshit
He never did anything that's not common practice in financial markets. What he did with the British pound is just some perfectly mundane exchange rate trades, he only ever got the infamy he has because he was one of the first people to employ said trading strategies and governments/central banks at the time weren't financially literate enough to know what they were dealing with.
>muh marx
Fair. Then to clear up, it's usually sales jobs.
This is the ad that that 300 dollars to protest came from.
MARCH FOR OUR LIVES anti-gun violence protest! Street team! CASH PAID (Los Angeles)
STILL HIRING 20-25 outgoing salespeople to sell merchandise at the gun March for Our Lives gun control protest. 50,000-100,000 people expected at Pershing Square in downtown L.A. SATURDAY, MARCH 24th
We will be selling March for Our Lives buttons, flags, wristbands, etc
Hours 7:30 am – 2 p.m.
Earn 20% commission on your sales. Average $120- $300++ CASH PAID
We have worked many resistance events, Women’s Marches, etc. in L.A. over the last year. Our top sales people earn $200-$400+ per event!
Interested? Please send:
1) Name
2) Recent photo
3) Cell # so we can text you work info
Thanks! We will update you work details via text message on Thursday evening!
I want to pinch his under-eye flaps.
>hiding in the shadows makes it better
I did know you know are suckers for manipulation but I didn't expect you to be flauntingly conscious about it.
Why can't this old fart just fucking die?
Oh please, and Soros isn't?
He nearly tanked the British economy during Brexit because he played the market.
There are big funders on both sides. Libshits whine about Republicans being on the NRA's leash when Planned Parenthood not only donates several times more to Democrat elections but is partially funded by the federal government, whereas the NRA doesn't get a dime of taxpayer money.
If it's going to be late at night European time, then I won't bother.
Yeah they're in south central LA, not in the fucking suburbs lmao
Man I DO have some stories to tell about jews and their lies.
Yes now please tell me about how we should ban x gun because the media told you it was dangerous.
>He nearly tanked the British economy during Brexit because he played the market.
Brexit was in 1992?
too late
he has already spawned many children
his evil influence will only increase
Brexit is what almost tanked the British economy you retard. Brexit being such a colossal economic fuckup is also why they haven't being able to agree on leaving yet
Guns are dangerous though. It's a fair argument, even if it's one I strongly disagree with, that you value the perceived freedom from shooting beercans over a safe society, so just say that since it's what you mean. Pretending guns don't kill people is dishonest at best.
>Still seething nearly two years on
Anyone against Calofornia and New York actually being able to have a voice in the elections is a racist ctetin
1. The electoral college was made to allow slaveholding states equal footing without having to count slaves as citizens.
2. For the most part, red and blue states aren't of equal importance now: A plurality of "red states" are tax-sinks, put plainly. Texas is a producer state. Florida is, marginally, as a shipping and tourism destination. The border midwest, some. But for the most part the agra and industrial sectors the bulk of the populated red states existed to support are on life support subsidies or are done, so even if I WAS going to entertain the argument that citizens of a low-population state should get artificially-inflated votes to account for how important their state is to the lifeblood of the country... dude, it's not 1973. It's 2019 - we're not using that shit anymore.
You're basically arguing for Nowhere County, Trumpsylvania to get 20 votes to every ONE person because they supply our nation with the precious resource of avocado-green shag carpeting.
(California is also currently enjoying a 6 billion dollar surplus under Jerry Brown, FYI)
Nigga u retarded, wishing the death of the white race does not equal supporting the "black block". He's currently using arabs for that.
>played the market
That's not Nigel Farage, who's actually guilty of market manipulation.
It's always late at night European time.
Hammers kill people, should they be banned as well?
Just say what you mean. You value authoritarian rule and being coddled by the federal government over freedom.
Maybe next. Guns are more important and what we're talking about so stick that whataboutism back up your anus, kid.
calling someone a racist on Yea Forums literally means nothing, it has no effect
I wonder how many people died because of him being born.
Ah yes just fucking ban every single thing that is capable of killing people.
You don't even know what the black bloc is and you're talking about protest politics?
Here's a hint, the black bloc is what you'd call "antifa" because you don't know shit.
>guns scary and bad
Have you ever tried not being a faggot?
The children of rich farts are always more retarded than the rich farts themselves, a clear case of that are the rotschild who in each generation get less and less effective at maintaining control over the world currencies. Soros son is a LITERAL retard. That's what pampering does to people, they become weak, and just while those rich families become weaker, white people are becoming stronger due to the crisis that are being forced upon them.
He's a billionaire who made billions by destroying governments. Then he decided he was a strong progressive, and funded antifa, BLM, and many far leftists organisations, of which things like the SPLC and media matters are only the tip of the iceberg.
He is hated by rational leftists because he did a tremendous damage to the poor of the countries he ruined, and he is hated by rational rightists because he is a cunt that literally want to replace european with niggers, and fund a large lobby for that.
This is well documented, but you shouldn't buy in the conspiracy theories either, he can't be everywhere at once. I hope.
also, he ratted out other jews just to survive, turn against his own people, killed innocents, i reckon thats pretty bad aye?
That's a nice positive outlook user
I was kidding about the hammers in case that didn't pass the NRA deflection field. Guns are much more dangerous and hammers and don't have any reasonable civilian applications. Don't you fucking dare pretend you are going to fight the brits or your own government with them because that's just too cringe.
why not?
KIDS program.
well, i think we should be allowed guns to protect from criminals such as theives home invaders etc
Nigga u retarded. Someone says he wishes white people would go extinct and then u default to "black bloc". Stop replying like a fucking bot.
>locking up the warrior class and drugging them complacent, mandatory "anger management"
>"we fight with words, not fists you brute"
fucking britbongs remnants I swear
Bushido niggas rise up
>guns are much more dangerous
Well that can't possibly be, seeing as how hammers kill twice as many as rifles every single year
>don't have any reasonable civilian applications
I don't know man I think defending yourself if someone kicks down your door is a pretty useful application of a tool
>fight your own government
Sure I would. Everyone dies, so if it came down to it I'd rather die fighting for something important than be a little bitch sucking uncle sam's cock
that shits only true if you live in pretend world where reality and fact aint a thing. But eh to protect your faggy feelings and ego ill just say sure.
The notion that if there is ever utter civil disobedience that no one will be able to get guns unless they can buy them is a laugh.
As if storming armouries wasn't the way most revolutions armed themselves.
He doesn't fund "leftists" especially not these protest movements which don't have hierarchical funding, he funds liberals.
About as evil as every other billionaire
Yeah he's a pretty shady guy. I'm just saying the thing that got him his fame in the first place, the financial speculation stuff, is really not at all some supernatural display of pull or whatever. Just someone being an early adopter of modern financial instruments at a time where most of the market didn't know how they worked.
Ban cars then. It kills more people in a year than guns. What a baby. Just live in the UK if you want your nanny state
>This is well documented, but you shouldn't buy in the conspiracy theories either, he can't be everywhere at once.
Heh you one funny guy you know that.
>that shits only true if you live in pretend world where reality and fact aint a thing
he admitted in an interview?
Sorry pedo, no more games for you. You're just gonna have to find a new hobby :)
We should really ban alcohol. Drunk driving kills more than guns every single year. We need to control this part of our society. What is the worst that could happen from banning alcohol?
Thank you.
>He doesn't fund "leftists" especially not these protest movements which don't have hierarchical funding, he funds liberals.
He funded the buses. He funded the propaganda. He funded the journalists. He literally donated to the cause of the three girls who started BLM, and not a small donation. He funded the agitators. Your "distinction" is a deeply invalid one, and shows only the depth of your misunderstanding.
Without support, buses, agitators, journalists, and money aplenty, BLM would have most likely died.
Please quote exactly where he said "I want to destroy white people" The one that gets thrown around about "Destroying america will be the culmination of my life's work" is just a fabrication, he never said it.
I'm no fan of the man, but there's actual things to attack him over that matter and aren't white genocide tier nonsense.
The increased influence of the mob which took decades to fully decline and lead to at least 1 president being assassinated?
A few hissy fits and then actual dialogue between people over whatever their issues are.
The most hated billionaire in the world.
-He is destroying economies through media. censorship and politics. UK had a hard hit. Germany will be next.
-He funds propaganda aka gender studies, left media, Clinton campaign and Antifas
-His funded organizations were exposed and kicked out in Hungary, Russia, Iran and other Asian countries.
-He is the chief of Open Society Foundation. Claims is a good cause but it's actually a corrupt mafia origination.
doesn't Assassins Creed mention Ambrosia too? How deep does it go?
You need to get nuked buddy. Basically everybody outside of Californians agree.
>t. inner-cityfag
Please show me where Soros did this, which foundation the money flowed out of and into.
And "funded journalists" as if every billionaire on the planet doesn't fund journalists.
Jews are white
>The increased influence of the mob which took decades to fully decline and lead to at least 1 president being assassinated?
Yes it's called sarcasm, the US learned that ban happy soccer moms are retarded and leads to fucking disasters, near societal collapse.
Then we forgot and the ban happy soccer moms are back. A gun ban would probably create the biggest firearms black market and surge in gang violence the world has ever seen.
why don't we ever hear of the billionaires above even the US President? The secret society billionaires?
how the fuck do you even shave without ripping your shit apart when your face is that droopy?
Fucking kek and the guys running people down in their cars are the bullied Christian victims right?
>A Way Out came and went and was forgotten almost instantlyh
>Shadow of War got nuked for all the lootbox shit
>Battlefield V flopped
>SW Battlefront 2 failed
>Dishonored Ugly Nig Edition flopped
>Wolfenstein 2 flopped
>Crackdown 3 flopped
>Far Cry 5 turned out to not be the "Fuck Wypipo and Fuck Trump: The Game" that leftist faggots were hoping for, to much butthurt
>Beyond Good and Evil 2 is never ever coming out
I think the market is leveling itself out naturally.
>Please quote exactly where he said "I want to destroy white people"
Nigga u dumb, u retarded, tu think he would literally say that? U judge what people want by their actions, not their words.
>but there's actual things to attack him over that matter and aren't white genocide tier nonsense
Yeah I'm sure that importing millions of shitskins with a genocidal culture, ridiculous birthrate into white countries where the natives can't even mange to have two kids won't erase the natives, right? U retarded, u dumb.
>be unarmed
>get shot
>"fucking agitator!"
So glad conservatives are dying out. Good riddance to sick fucks
"Emperor Palpatine is an unrealistic and a cartoonishly villainous charac-"
Nope, they/us are arabs and mutts.
>try to take a cop's gun to kill the cop
>get shot
It's not just the "trailer trash" that hates you faggots.
>why the fuck anyone outside an overpopulated shithole allowed to have a meaningful vote
>we should control the country because we shit out more kids
The US is not a democracy and was never supposed to be, democracy is a shit system and this has been known for thousands of years, hence why the US was made as a republic.
The only thing shitskin city rats deserve is to be gassed.
What's the next step of the plan once you've educated everyone on black crime stats? Do you think you'll just be allowed to legally kill them or something? Lel
When did darth sidious become real?
>how to recognize someone who regurgitates what they hear/read on /pol/ and InfoWars.
It's not just Soros, you dumb prick. The fact that you niggers only mention one man is a huge sign you don't know what the fuck you're dealing with or how big it is. You're actively spreading bullshit and half-truths.
People like you should just study, sit back, listen, and think. Especially if you *know* you're not that smart to begin with... which your focus on Soros proves.
Brotherhood of the Snake's descensants
Atlantean descendants
This is the full redpill if you look into it
>Migration exists, this proves that it's a shadowy plot to kill white people.
>Fucking kek and the guys running people down in their cars are the bullied Christian victims right?
no those would be the muslims.
I wish cancerous american politics would fuck off from my country, I'm seeing more and more people use the stupid liberal vs conservative dichotomy here too
yea i reacted like that too, how the hell is america so shit that 13% of their population can commit 52% of their homicides, thats amazing, lmao
>free market
You mean open borders
Nigga, u retarded, u dumb, u using a greentext to try to argue against fucking mathematics. Just stop embarrassing yourself already.
The moment I found out about him helping to fund this is the moment I realized it was a fucking scam.
Convicted insider trader (in France, upheld by the EU court) who've worsened and arguably caused bank runs in multiple countries like England, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Sweden etc taking money out of the pockets of regular families through parasitical currency speculation.
Subhuman redditors look up to him because he puts some of that blood money into pushing for third-world immigration into Europe.
Media scumbags even try to defend him by accusing eveyone against him and his affiliated orgs as anti-semites, even the Israeli politicians who called him out.
You're the one that can't manage to spell you.
And no, I'm saying that migration existing does not mean that there is a concentrated effort, or plot.
America's rampant drug problems are mostly destroying middle america. The crystal meth problems in a lot of those states is legendary. Teen pregnancy and other shit is also considerably higher.
Based Yusuke telling it how it is.
there were some leaks about navi, but the new Ryzen is definitely looking up
>And no, I'm saying that migration existing does not mean that there is a concentrated effort
Then explain the campaigns happening on north africa and the middle east promising free gibs to those that get into europe. Explain big NGOs literally trafficking people into europe. Explain european countries denying white farmers in south africa asylum despite clear evidence of targeted killings. Explain Soros lobbying to increase immigration limits across all Europe through the EU. Explain his lobbying to keep the UK in the EU. U can't explain shit, cause u dumb, u retarded, u put your political interests before logic, and that destroys the logic. So just shut up already, and stop embarrassing yourself.
Whats worse is some of the meth has been laced or replaced with Flakka and other synthetics.
Fly over states are seeing some loony ER visits and deaths.
Let me guess, white genocide!?
Sam Raimi was truly a cinematic genius.
It was a different time.
2070 performance + 5-10% I'd say
People saying it will match a 2080Ti or outperform a 2080 are delusional and it will only hurt AMD to over hype like this.
But it will cost way less than the 2070.
Basically the price the 2070 should have been
Daniel Shaver and Walker Sigler were both white guys, both literally dindu nuffin, and were recorded being murdered by low IQ and poorly trained cops. The police are not smart people, which makes them dangerous. The reason it became a "black" issue is because its true that statistically unarmed blacks are more often shot by cops than other races, but that's likely due to cops interacting with them more. But those cops that killed those absolutely innocent white men both got off scot free, and with little condemnation from other police for their actions. That's the shit that annoys everyone. Even though most cops aren't bad people there's a total lack of accountability that allows terrible people and their actions to be tacitly endorsed in departments