Remember the glory days of Maplestory?

Remember the glory days of Maplestory?

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It was aight.

No because it's shit and RO is better

Except people moving their socialising to other platforms while playing the game, what really changed? You still grind like a monkey with the difference that you have flashier skills to use while doing so. Does it come down to "Less is more"?

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>what really changed
The fact that there's no point playing unless you pay thousands of bucks on it or grind 10 hours a day on reboot.

>those days of mindlessly chatting with your friends on buddy chat
>partying with a group to grind in the ant tunnel on zombie mushrooms

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>tfw cant play because launcher simple refuses to launch the fucking game

No. Was too busy playing RO.

>getting "humped" (magic guard spamming) by a sexy mage in Maya's House

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>making friends on the ship to orbis

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It was exactly the same back then. only instead of cubes, it was gachapon for scrolls and 2x tickets in the cash shop.


Big Bang fucked everything and you know it dual blades Evans And arans were the cancer that killed it

Remember the glory days of Maplestory 2?

Based retard.

>glory ever
Based retard

>the cancer that killed it happened years before big bang
I'd say potentials and cubes killed it worse than any of those things you listed.
(and yes, cubes came WAY before big bang)

>using cash shop ever

No cubes didn\t come before big bang fucking retard

Cubing and potentials existed MONTHS before big bang. Go look at the update history, you faggot.
>not using the cash shop
then you were just grinding on the game, probably doing shit damage too since mobs dropped wildly inefficient and worse scrolls than the ones you could pay for. Good luck HP washing with no cash shop only AP resets, and good luck selling any of your shit unless you wanted to "waste 10 hours" sitting in the FM spamming versus someone who spent money on an automated shop.
Maplestory's shit now, and it was shit then. Worse then I'd argue, because at least now you have ways to circumvent the p2w shit.

I spent so much fucking time pre-BB leveling up my priest. Levels 70-100 were agonizing. At least after that I could go to himes with a dragon knight. When I heard about genesis nerf I quit in 2009 or something.

I just hung out and did monster carnival and walked around ludi what are you some kinda nerd or something

No they didn't you fucking retard, maybe you should check the update history or re-evaluate your brain

>I don't use the cash shop!
Yeah you were doing shit damage because of it.
>i-i don't care... I just hung out with friends!
Then why play at all? You didn't care about the game, you liked socializing.

>big bang
December 7th 2010
>potentials and cubes
July 13th 2010. On GMS.
These are facts. Sorry you're peabrained. Maybe go back to jerking off pre-bb maple some more, you might be able to forget that pre-bb was the start of the cancer that ruined the game, not some safe haven from it.

Maybe if we got to play the original Korean release version which actually utilized the whole map, didn't give you flying mounts right away, and was an actual adventure unlike the shitty mobile game version we got.

Implying I played on GMS with you filthy american degenerates
cubing wasnt released until post bb in EU servers you fucking cringe fatty

I was like 12 years old at the time you omega dork I didn’t care about my damage and to dumb and poor to even touch scrolling I was like lvl 50 something when I quit
>no your only allowed to play the way I like no your playing it wrong
actually fuck off

It never had "glory" days. Take off your nostalgia goggles you dumb mother fucker.
t. on/off player since beta

The original korean version was AIDS, and everyone quit after a few weeks because of the insane restrictions on content you could play, and the fact they held back content we'd played in the alpha and beta, from the full release to drip feed it back to us throughout the rest of the year. I don't like the game now anymore than I did then, but you're lying to yourself if you think it was any better, sadly. Or you're listening to people whose understanding of it was secondhand from people who also quit a month in. I stuck all the way through rune blader release, then finally quit when I realized it was just replacing shit like keys with lumistones, some other way to nickle and dime players.

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>Big Bang (EMS) July 2011
>Cubing, Potentials, & Dual Blade december 2010
oof, user. Why are you so mad that you're wrong?
>I was like level 50 something when I quit
so you barely even played the game, got it.

???? It literally took me months to get to lvl 50
I bet ur just some shitter who only experience with pre b.b is on like a 6x server
Retard leveling took forever even at 30

You are a dead set idiot for believing Maplestory 2 was ever a good game or had a hope.

t. zoomer

It didn't. It shouldn't have taken anymore than a week and a half to hit level 50, unless of course you were retarded and didn't actually play the game and just sat around using it as a chatroom. Go figure, that sounds more like your case. It was 70+ that turned into an insane grind. Before then it was absolutely laughable. Between party quests (monster carnival gave nearly 40% exp on a win from levels 40+, it would instantly level you from 30-35, each round taking under 30 minutes.)
And why are you talking about the cash shop, and how necessary it was, then backpedaling to "WELL I DIDNT CARE ABOUT IT"? Why does everyone have to kowtow to your particular playstyle? Maybe not everyone was a braindead teenager like you, some people had brain cells to rub together and wanted to progress.

And before you get all up in my ass from
>It would instantly level you from 30-35
I obviously mean it would level you once, per round. And it would. Feel free to go find videos, there's plenty on youtube talking about win trading and other shit.

Sorry, I didn't mean to say it wasn't shit, but that there would have been at least something mildly interesting about the game more akin to the 1st Maple.

There wasn't. At launch, the game involved:
>1: Making a character and going through tutorial/maple island
You're a beginner up to level 10 so everyone has a couple skills you use to learn how to play, how to ride mounts, the little JQ to get your poop on a stick weapon should you desire it, and basically how to play.
>2. Getting to Tria, then realizing there's fucking nothing
No epic storyline, which I preferred, but what I disliked was the way you had to grind.
There were a very VERY scant few maps that had a really good mob population. And the way that mob tagging worked (hit any mob for any amount of damage and you would get full exp/mesos/item drops so long as it died in 30s) meant you went to one map, ran around with a clusterfuck of assholes, slapped mobs, and leveled up rapidly. Very easily to cap (at launch, 30). Plus queenstown events like the jqs, quiz game, and pvp which at that point was on an offset timer from the queenstown events. I think it was :15 queenstown :30 pvp :45 queenstown :00 pvp. PVP was also p2w, you could buy elixirs. But that's rambling and a whole other can of worms
>3. Endgame
There were TWO dungeons at launch, that you could do. One in pic related, I can't even remember it's name honestly, because it had a less than .005% droprate for gear, and there was no guarantee it would be your type of gear, and at that point the black market had (maybe it still does, don't know) caps on the meso costs for gear. So this super rare item was worth like 5m mesos at max, which you could get in a week.
OR, you fought world bosses, like the griffey in my other post. Doing the tag-n-run method of fighting, hoping you got a purple (the only boss that dropped purples besides the rock giant, which you needed the griffey weapon to have the ilvl to damage sufficiently)

Worse than all that though, the mobile game shit you mentioned? It was worse. Look at my hud in this image. See the keys? Those were your dungeon limits. Regular AND raids.

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>comparing maplestory 2 to maplestory 1
One is 3D with lego graphics, the other is 2D, which even today is unique as far as MMOs go.

You retards pay way too much attention to the name. Maplestory 2 was always completely different to the original and never had a chance.


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As it progressed, they removed keys and instituted the limit they have now, flat and resetting at a specific time as opposed to giving you a new key every couple hours (or allowing you to pay real money for them to replenish them instantly), raised the level cap and gave us content we had in the beta (besides zakum, that 3d zakum was never to be seen again after beta), released rune blader (pic related I won 5k NX from a logon event), and a lot of other stuff. They also started to take measures around this point, to change the way you progressed. Removing beginner and having each class have a story, the overarching epic story, etc. It made the game more cohesive, because despite what you may have heard, you rarely looked at any parts of the world at launch. None of the world bosses but griffey dropped good shit, and otherwise you sat at a raid entrance begging for a party to carry you (you can see in that other image I wasn't exactly top damage) so you could get better accessories. The game was a total mess, and failed for a variety of reasons. Them changing the entire progression structure of the game a multitude of times is c ertainly one reason why it can't retain any players. Even GMS2 is facing this issue.

But the biggest, baddest, loudest reason the game has failed is:

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>feeling like i mattered and was wanted because I could smuggle moon bunny seeds from henesys PQ

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I know what trade wins are also your a huge dork it’s just a game

>can't go home
I miss ya Fef. You're the only real friend I ever made in an MMO

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It is just a game, but it was a shit game that always rewarded you throwing money at it. The time you played it made 0 difference in that absolute fact. That was the whole point I was trying to make. I was horribly horribly addicted to it and saw just how bad it was. People have this rose-tinted vision of pre-bb when it was just as bad or worse than modern maple.

Any chill non-dead MMORPGs to play nowadays so I can relive my early days?

literally no

in what way? If you mean low playercount, there's dozens, try the old republic, fun-ish story. Champions online and DCUO scratch that superhero itch if you're sick of waiting for the CoH shit to get sorted out.

If you mean social, then no. Month 1 of a game's release is the only time you'll find people socializing, otherwise, cliques will have been established, guild discords set up, and everyone having moved AWAY from the game's included methods of socializing. You also have LFG for nearly everything in every fucking game.
That time of your life, and that period of the internet is dead and gone, never to return.

jp ms2 when reeeeee

Never. It was failing super bad in china and korea, and I still wonder why they brought it stateside.

You DID hit 250, right?
fucking glad i quit this shit game

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No I quit after I hit level 151.

My account got compromised for no apparent reason and I lost a lot of stuff. I got it back but it never felt secure after that. I think Nexon's database got fucked with or something. After that I heard about the upcoming genesis cooldown and said fuck this game.

>he didn't hit 275
You can't even pretend you didn't know about it either, if you were playing during the black update.

>the new chiptune tracks of some of the maps

Is it time to start another Yea Forums guild? Are you guys ready?

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>some dumb ass private server shit where everyone's minmaxing all the time and there's like 100 people on the entire server
no fucking thanks.

>private server
No? I'm talking about Reboot.

How's the mobile version these days? I remember it being really popular when it first launched

>playing numaple
even fucking bigger no.

My ex-girlfriend was obsessed with this game. She left me for someone she met on some weird ass private server but it turned out it was a Chadfish and the guy was a paraplegic living in his mom's closet. CEO white Gigachads don't play Maplestory on goofy ass private servers with absurd droprates, who could have seen that coming? She came back crying so I fucked her one last time then ghosted her.

yeah big fucking no thanks from me as well
i at least have SOME fun on a private server before i get bored with it in a week
new-maple makes me feel ill the whole time

It's super p2w as all mobile games are, but pretty generous with resources to get to endgame content. As in, it's sustainable. There's no hard cap on story missions to run that block you from ever getting more of that crucial shit, forcing you to wait for events or whatever like in something like fgo, FEH, dokkan, exvius, etc. If you put time in you can progress. No energy limits besides autobattle either. Mostly just luck and willingness to spend time on the game. Money naturally will let you speed past the suckers that try to go f2p though.


Who cares if some people paid to min-max Maplestory? Especially when cubes were only released a little bit before BB.
I had plenty of fun without min-maxxing, and the game wasn't build around cubing, nor were drop rates or EXP altered to incentivize it.

Hell, after BB grinding was far less of a thing anyways, they actively made it easier to level up with each and every patch following BB.
Sure if you're extremely impatient and autistic about min-maxxing you could pay for cubes, but it wasn't a requirement whatsoever to advance to later levels, unlike rebirthing in Mabinogi.

I never really understood why people bitched about MS supposedly being too money hungry. 99% of what you can buy are cosmetics and the remaining 1% are upgrades to help addicted min-maxers.

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>the game wasn't built around cubing
not for a year or two after potential's introduction, then it was turned entirely into being focused around potentials.
Before that though, it was built around scrolling with dark scrolls if you wanted to do ht or god forbid, join a pink bean party. Good luck doing that fucking CONTENT OF THE GAME without spending real money. By the time you managed to get mesos enough to buy that shit from the FM it 5th job would be out already.

Nobody cares about your private servers, idiot.

my first redpill experience was learning most of the top merchants were often involved with hackers or used hacks.
GMs were either in on it or were too retarded at their jobs.
whenever game breaking exploits were discovered like maple anniversary glitch or chaos scroll dupes, the rollbacks never affected the main ones responsible.

>not being able to read
so you're a genuine example of what it's like enjoying all 800 classes being identical in maplestory. How is it to have no brain?

>GMs were in on it
there were like 8 GMs at the height of maplestory's popularity. There's 1 now. Literally ONE person handles the game's bot hunting. Customer support is all outsourced too. It's pretty funny when you see the player population of the game, there's a bit of irony in there being more bots that farm mesos than actual players.

You're saying Reboot is worse than pservers (doubt you've even played reboot). That's evidence enough of your stupidity.

>tfw collected surfboards i was going to sell to start my own guild
>barely even understood what an mmo was but had so much fun with my friends
Where did the time go, lads?

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>no trading
>no reason to ever talk to other people because you progress by botting to buy cubes
>numaple garbage like cubes existing at fucking all
>all classes play nearly identically, without any unique traits besides zero (who isn't on reboot anyway)
>even if you DO find a group of other people to play with, they just carry you and there's no actual teamwork that needs to be put in.
>takes more time than a fucking job
it's trash. Sorry you've got shit taste AND no brain.

Boomers: nostalgic for LPQ
Zoomers: nostalgic for Monster Carnival

>all opinionated
>thinks he's making valid points

>over 25% of all characters on reboot are kanna for the sole purpose of being meso farming mules, whom you keyweight (AKA botting with more steps)
>There are 3 guilds on reboot that actually participate in endgame content given that only 3 guilds ever participate in flag race every week
>You can count all of the hwill capable players on just your fingers

It's not opinion, it's literal fact. I played reboot for months, it's trash. WORSE than pservers because at least they make you talk to other people every now and then. The only reason you ever have to talk to another person on reboot outside of endgame content which no useless peabrained cunt here would ever reach anyway, is to beg for a carry so you can get gear to solo the bosses that drop the next tier of gear.

i'm nostalgic for kpq

>it's not just a fact, it's a LITERAL fact! plz don't disagree that would hurt my feelings. Also I played it for months and DIDN'T LIKE It! That's why I played it so long
brainlet post, won't even bother responding propery.

meheh eh eh story
may mayple

you mean min-maxxxxxing?

I did like it. I realize now that it's garbage designed to suck your soul. Why are you so afraid to address the literal facts? Besides that you have no counterpoints and you're shitting your pants in rage.
Have a list of all 225+ characters in GMS. Every single one. 29% of them in reboot are fucking kanna. Versus shadowers and night lords and dual blades, who, combined, come in at 10% for spot 2.
whingy cunt.