Unironically playing a bownigger is LITERALLY the scummiest and most pathetic way to play these types of games, there is nothing worse than having your amazing duel cut short by some "HEHE NOTHIN PERSONNEL KID" bownigger who can't play a regular class to get kills so he has to sit at the back of the map with a bow, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, like can you IMAGINE the kind of person who purchases and downloads a first person medieval combat game and decides to play as a bownigger? What's the thought process? How is it fun to stand in one place the entire match just holding and releasing M1? and ruining the game for everyone else while they're at it? Bowniggers were always one of the most hated parts of Chivalry and they're back in full force in Mordhau, the devs learned nothing about the hatred people harbor for bowniggers and the people who play bowniggers learned nothing about playing a proper fucking class. They are the absolute worst part of the game, nobody enjoys playing against them, nobody says "OH WOW I GOT OUTSKILLED SO HARD WHEN THAT BOWNIGGER SHOT ME IN THE BACK", and no decent fucking person enjoys playing a bownigger. They're always low level shitters because they can't learn how to play the game properly. It's a fucking wheelchair class so shitters can get kills and pretend they're good at the game with their artificially inflated KD/R. It's always bittersweet when you finally track down the bownigger who's sniped you across the map 5 times in a row only to discover he can't parry even 1 of your melee attacks because he's a complete shitter. But instead of trying to learn the game he keeps playing his wheelchair class and some of them even enjoy how much it ruins the game because all bowniggers are both retarded and sadistic. I hope all bowniggers die of rectal
Unironically playing a bownigger is LITERALLY the scummiest and most pathetic way to play these types of games...
Other urls found in this thread:
Is that Mordhau? Explain my all the zoomers were raving about this a week back? It doesn't look novel in any way, nor does it look good.
Imagine playing this soÿfun game lmao
>Explain my all the zoomers were raving about this a week back
Cause now people who were too bad for Chivalry have a game to play for their mindless fun
>tfw you have a team that actually supports you and you top the scoreboard with 20 k/d playing footman
Never played Chivalry btw
>most of a game is built around combat within a certain range
>except for this one class that can fuck around on the outer edge of of the fight
>only way to deal with them is to either go the same class and have a faggot fight away from everyone else or to walk over to him and blow their head off
I'm sick of snipers in most games. I haven't played Mordhau but it sounds like another case of sniper niggers being annoying fucks.
The part of bowniggers is to force people to wear armor. They are a direct counter to rapiershitters without shields, and to two handed weapon wielders without armor.
Bowniggers are the worst. They need to make a melee only mode
i like how this are literally the same complains people had during actual medieval times
Post builds nerds. Rate, hate, and appreciate.
I'll start with my basic ass executioner.
What to expect in the future according to forumpost:
>compensation for lost gold and XP
>server browser fixes
>2 new maps
>ranked/competitive modes ("might take some time")
>new armor pieces and weapon skins here and there, as well as some new character customization options
>Modding Tools ("further down the line")
>improvements to the maps and gamemodes
>horde AI improvement
>balance tweaks, no major changes (good imo)
This, people were furiously medieval shitposting about crossbows back in the day. And don't even get the french started about longbows
>>only way to deal with them is to either go the same class and have a faggot fight away from everyone else or to walk over to him and blow their head off
>I haven't played Mordhau
>haven't played Mordhau
...Why did you open your mouth then if you haven't played the game? You can parry arrows in this game and your parry timing resets on a successful parry. With a bit of practice you can consistently cuck archers out of kills.
Additionally, you can take a shield or a throwing weapon in addition to your normal build just to defend against/kill them (and you can use it against other people too).
look at how content and joyous he is with being scum
Does the parrying feel different to you guys from Chiv? Feels a lot tighter and more punishing and I'm messing them up more than I ever would in Chiv. I know you have to direct your parries towards the tip of the enemy weapon and all but still.
tfw chiv veteran that gets #2 or #1 on scoreboard every game i play yet still suck shit at chambering and barely understand it
when duel servers are more frequent im gonna get fucked
kind of, but most of the time when i have an issue it's when i get gangbanged and can't parry all attacks at once
>horde AI improvement
so they can climb ladders now?
This comic is fun, but shits on accuracy. Such as: "we finished the idea of horses in war for 200 years".
us kniggers, amirite?
Oh yeah it's completely inaccurate British MUH LONGBOW FOLDED 10 GORILLION TIMES wank. Still fun though.
what neck cosmetic is that?
How does this compare to the cRPG mod for Warband (aside from not being dead)?
That's workers scarf
I'm doing my best to look like pic related.
Which armor sets are the best to achieve this effect?
thanks, I'm trying to make this dude but it's hard to find a good neck cosmetic that's compatible with the bucket helm
probably this one from the other thread
the chambering in the tutorial doesn't fucking work
I saved some dude's Hospitaller build from earlier if it's any help to you
Minus the obesity and color scheme, that's it.
Thank you, friends.
It's the same timing as the parry. You'll get it eventually
you have to start your swing at the right time
gitteth guddeth
>that map
>looks like it will be all city fighting in the streets with no catafags teamkilling everyone or horseniggers running around racking up 60 kills 5 deaths
Just got my highest yet of 21 kills to 1 life.
Archers which don't purposefully look to take out the other archers are missing out.
Literally equip long bow and huntsman and just pick off every archer you see. Not even difficult as most of them are shit arrow spammer which don't actually know how to aim.
Basted and IRONpilled or cuckolded and FREEpilled?
>"Oh no le evil roast beef peasant with his mandatory long bow with won't fight me with honor"
Said the french noblemen wearing a set of armour which costs more than the peasants entire village, and his shiny sharp blade at his side.
Chambering is absolutely useless for 90% of the time and doesn't even accomplish much.
>ever killing anyone but other bowniggers
Reminds me of pic related.
It's more of a situational thing which is fine (because otherwise the game would be hollywood edge clash simulator).
It's pretty good for stopping rapier/spearstabfags and buying your brain time until you can remember how you're meant to approach the situation.
Chambers were really good in the early alpha from what I hear to the point it was meta to use them all the fucking time and it was just chamber into chamber into chamber into chamber. Kicks were also a lot stronger (longer range and faster), so stunlocking someone with kicks 100-0 happened a lot.
People shouldn't have to worry about mastering it unless they're doing high-level duel play with alpha fags.
Chambering a swing while risky is insanely good because 90% of the time they won't expect the quick followup
Chambering spear stabs isn't great if you don't morph it into an overhead/swing, but if you do they'll rarely react properly.
The real problem is chambering rapiers does absolutely nothing since they just keep stabbing you over and over
I made that with the money i had. Just started playing Mordhau. I'm farming to make him look better right now. More like pic related with some added fluff.
>*can't kill a single guy without having 2 or 3 of his teammates attacking them too*
the caliphate shall rise again
That's great.
I was worried with the point system I wouldn't be able to make an actual deus vult meme man without needing to cut corners.
>level 7
>only 4 loadouts
>implying I'm reading all that shit
I had kills 6000 and deaths 300 in chivalry duel mode.
How similar is it? Will it be familar enough for me to continue my legend?
Yes, by design. The parrying in chiv was cheaply done and just shit. It had a fuckwide hitbox and you didn't even have to aim at what you were blocking, and you could sometimes even manage to block attacks from behind you.
In Mordhau, you have to aim it, the window is smaller, and as you say a lot tighter. You genuinely do have to wait until the last perfect second.
my stats say i've chambered 128 times but i have no fucking idea how that's happened
is there a short example video of what they actually look like so i know i've done one?
You see this shit right here?
>It's got a slashy side for soft niggas
>It's got a smacky side for hard niggas
>It's got a pointy side for real niggas
Name a more based weapon.
If you have ever stabbed at someone and they've stabbed at you at the same time, you've chambered. Normally there will be sparks and a schingy noise.
So many dicksuckers using executioner's sword and zweihander now. It's really funny.
It's probably you thrusting back a thrust attack. I don't have a webm but there's a grinding sound and some small sparking particle effects when you do pull off a chamber.
that's what that fucking clanging is? i thought it was just weapon collide
I dont get it
Post your stats Yea Forums
>not tinting your furs green
oh shit nigger what are you doing.jpg
Ahh, one of my favourite things back when I played Chivalry was hunting down archercunts. If they didn't one-shot me, I'd go on a relentless hunt for their faggy little asses. Nothing beats the desperate knife stabs and terrified keyboard movement once they run out of places to retreat to and then gleefully one-shotting them with one big hit of my zweihander.
It wasn't just 'shitposting', but legitimate moral outrage at how easy it was for crossbowmen and archers to kill people en masse. As a matter of fact, the Second Council of the Lateran went out of their way to ban the use of projectile weaponry against Christians on humanitarian grounds, analogous to the Geneva Convention's prohibitions on weaponry. Of course, no one really gave a shit.
weapon clashes make the same noise, yes
muslim expac when?
weapon collide IS chambers, yep
not to be rude but strongly advise playing the tutorial more than once, i've gotten to the point where i play the sword section of the tutorial each time i boot up before getting into a match just to refamiliarize myself with everything, it helps a lot
It's even better now, you will knock the bow out of their faggy hands if they have it equipped while you hit them
Imagine reposting this thread every day.
you literally can't
Not bad advice but it sucks having to go through every single thing again when you just wanna practice one thing.
There should really be a separate practice mode where you can practice any of the mechanics individually.
Weapon clashing and chambering are two different things. Maybe you should play the tutorial again
did they ever get similar butthurt towards the fucking gun going, or did they learn their lesson with the crossbow?
then do this
The big assumption you're making here is they're not going to be good at melee too and carrying a decent secondary weapon. Don't forget they may not be working alone either.
kill yourself bownigger
>Weapon clashing and chambering are two different things
Since I'm anonymous I can be a dickhead all I want without losing face. How are they different?
whats the best way to get cash?
also why does everyone use executioner sword?
I'd rather not
Binds are objectively better but they make chambering harder.
95% of the time archerfags are easy to beat. The biggest problem you will have is indeed their knigger buttbuddies backing them up
you are stupid and your build is stupid
This kind of salt is why I pick sniper in every game.
>knightfags think they can take me
>parry everything they throw at me with cleaver and kill them in four swings with headshots
Couldn't feel more nothing personnel if I tried.
Give it to me straight bros... How long is this game going to stay above 10k players on steam? I want to get on this ride but dont wanna invest money/time into it if it dies of next week. How long do these game tend to stay alive?
firebomb > everything else >>>>>>> horses
Rapier Chads report in
Weapon clashing happens when you both attack at exactly the same timing, and the weapons collide in the air
Chambers are when you start attacking when your opponents weapon almost hits you, and you start a counter attack
With weapon clashing both you and your opponents can start an attack right away after. With chambering your opponent has to parry or chamber your attack
Also both of them make a different sound. They're entirely different mechanics
>11 points
he looks better than your solaire you don't even have the right legs
6ish months
then it will just be exploiters like in chivalry
buy it now or regret it like foxhole
3 more days
Why does it need to stay over 10k to be considered not dead? I have played games with a community of 1000 and it takes me no time to find a full server every day with that many people.
Post mordhau wedms
That's a really good question. I personally haven't heard of any similar Papal/religious prohibitions against firearms specifically, probably because destructive ranged weaponry was practically a fact of life. However, the use of nuclear weapons has been explicitly condemned by several popes in the 20th and 21st century, with Pope Francis extending it to possession as well.
>naked with 3 fire bombs
Everything will be fire.
>These theoretical 1v1 archers ruin
>Pretty much every encounter is you vs 3 others scrolling the mouse wheel as quick as possible
Chivalry:MW (the closest game to this game) managed to go 5 years with a daily pop in the thousands. Its alltime peak was 25,000 people when it went F2P.
Mordhau has already reached an alltime peak of 60,000 people at full price, and it has more content apart from maps but mod tools is on the way and is more noob friendly. So it's going to last at least that long, if not longer.
Do I look like I'm made out of buttons?
if you have a mouse with two sidebuttons you should have no problem
Stolen. Original title "horseniggers 4" i think
Nah I just liked the idea of an old musclebound executioner
My stats will make you happy then
Then to be honest you shouldn't be cursing the other teams archers but your own. They should be wiping them all out, after all they'll kill them in hit if they have huntsman.
I would say my main role as an archer on a team is to constantly kill every other archer trying to spam arrows into them.
Agree with this. I would say any game with an average 2.5k active players online at one time is typically a very healthy game and I think Mordhau will manage to have much higher than that for a many months to come
im here brother.
What the fuck were they thinking?
they were being typical horsefags and not looking where they were going
Any /billhook boys/ here?
There's no way it wasn't intentional that they added those specific cosmetic combos, it's too perfect.
Question is if we'll ever see a City of Heroes-style situation with this game where the lawyers get involved and people get their characters reset to generic if they look too much like copyrighted characters.
most OP scrub-bait weapon in the game and i love it
Fucking hell why the fuck cant game keep their playerbases anymore? Is there simply to many games now? Seems like every time a new game comes out its dead within a month and people just go back to whatever BR, Moba or CS:GO... FUCK THIS TIMELINE...
>the pasta is too big for the OP post
absolutely fucking based
Have sex.
Brits love to believe that they were the first truly modern people and nation in every single aspect.
Bows literally facilitate you faggoty ass "honorable" duels you dipshit.
Otherwise everyone will be running around with no armour for max movement speed, and using shit like rapiers which outspeed 99% of the weapon that can block.
I have played almost sixty hours and I still haven't gotten on a fucking horse even once. I would at least like to try it.
>trying to find a game in aussie primetime
>like 8 official servers, literally impossible to get into
>all the community servers are either 64 player shitfests or fast respawn / no team damage games
Just kill me now.
It's really frustrating to see a helmetless exec sword fag running around dominating your teammates when every time you get to fight him yourself you just chop his head off immediately.
these kinds of posts are exactly why i play a bownigger
People insisting on honorable duels are honestly even gayer than archers
Where my M&B RPers?
I'm trying to make a Rhodok but I don't have enough lvl or cash to get some of the most fitting gear, which is kettle + tabard.
You got rekt by some dude with a a bow and got so fucking mad you ALT F4d, started the browser and had to make a thread on Yea Forums
I can imagine your nasal pubescent voice reading all the shit you have written.
How long did it take you to type this? 20 minutes?
>try to find a game in aussie primetime
>get into a server in less than two minutes every time
Get good
This happens so often. Some faggot in shitty leather armor, often times with no helmet, coming in with their zweihanders or executioner swords destroying the entire team by just spamming LMB but then you beat the shit out of them easily. I get so tired of joining the team full of retards that go with only like 1 or 3 kills the whole 30 minute long match.
I've seen someone make a pretty good Rhodok Crossbowman on Reddit
billhook the enemy off of their horse
Now want to play an engineer with a billhook, thanks
What's the best polearm? Bardiche, Billhook or Poleaxe?
Just join a low pop server, I'm in the Queensland one right now that's running Grad.
Billhook's niche is specifically destroying cavalryfags.
Why is there no way to counter shieldfags? is the only way to counter one to equip your own? Kick is completely worthless.
Halberd may very well be the best weapon in the game by far.
It's also the most expensive.
>Why is there no way to counter shieldfags?
Getting good, unironically. Learn to waterfall.
If you're too shit for that, then either kick if they're close, back them into a corner until there's no way they can avoid being kicked, or incorporate firepots into your loadout.
They also automatically lose their shield if you trade 11 hits in any 1v1, because every weapon except Dagger can beat them in a stamina battle.
>Kick is completely worthless
You do realize you have to aim it and use footwork right
you don't just press F and pick up your free shield kill
Feels so fucking good when you dab on someone with feints.
Chambering is the funniest shit to pull against rapiers and spears
just heard one of the voices say "so it's treason then"
but people don't want to even think in games. they want their direct counters
I think common voice has a "thanks" line as
>And they say Chivalry is dead!
learn to parry
just imagine Yea Forumsirgins attacking castle in 1300
After playing this I just miss Mount and Blade multiplayer.
It was way more diverse and much better, a shame it is dead.
soon™ brother
Bannerlord is in closed testing my friend
What does the toolbox do?
be a turkroach, probably
Build stuff, stakes, shield panel things, small ballista called a "mounted crossbow" but it shows as ballista in the kill feed, when in reality its more of a scorpion but whatever
>soÿfun game
What does that even mean
>There's no way it wasn't intentional that they added those specific cosmetic combos
you think that the "launch a 90kg projectile over 300m meme" or the "well, what is it" emote accidentally made their way into the game?
of course they are aware of stuff like this
in addition to what he said, you press R to cycle through building types, and you need 6/6 ammo (from resupply box) to build a ballista
All of it is negated simply by walking backwards
Which one was it? I'm going to use it for my quarter staff meme character.
it sounded like the plain voice
if i was to guess, he used the friendly fire voice line
someone need to make a mordhau version
in which case you back them into a wall eventually and they have nowhere else to go
What good is footwork if 2 cunts come and skewer you from behind?
Bows fucking suck anyway, who cares.
better than chivalry where it takes literally no skill or effort to even aim
Give me one reason why the Friendly perk isnt mandatory
Is hating on third person a meme or is there actually a reason in these threads?
Yeah cute baby halberd you got there, but I like the real thing more
>Most archers wear no headgear
>OHK decapitations are immensely satisfying
>Killing archers is the most satisfying thing in the game.
game sounds like for honor but for casuals, baka
there is no benefit to third person in mordhau because its not cheap like it was in chiv
Are you kidding?!
Having aim to avoid hitting allies, and situational awareness to avoid being hit by allies, so you can maximise the damage you do to the enemy team, thus helping your team
>Being trash that you actually regularly hit teammates to begin with
It's also good for when autistic faggots on your own team start trying shit any way..
here's a pity (You)
What does pressing R while holding a billhook/bardiche actually do?
What's the most aesthetic heavy chest and why is it Tabard?
swaps from the blade (slash damage) to a point (piercing damage)
It is better against armoured opponents
I wish that was an intimidate line instead of the charge line so that I could spam it more frequently.
consolefags will never ever play this game
show me chad thundercock
3 major diferences.
It's big-scale, not 1v1's.
For honor is played locked while mordhau isn't. it's a huge difference in the power of movements ( you don't really outrange your oponent atacks in for honor)
The player that parries (there is no block in mordhau) loses more stamina than the guy who atacks, making agresive play rewarding, and not the opposit.
But in the end it's still retards swinging swords at each other, yeah
>just make sure they're alone and retarded bro
Not an argument
use chamber morph against rapier niggers
>All wanderer rags.
>Old gray man beard.
>High Pitched Voice
>3 sets of rocks.
Local insane hermit throws rocks at people and runs away laughing, enemy team chases him across the map to no avail.
chamber morph loses against a rapier nigger who decides to champer your chamber and not cancel
I'm thinking of trying this out, should I?
lmao, I love how many laughs this game has given me. it's greatest fun i have had for ages in a video game
Does switching to piercing damage affect the slashes too or is it just stabs?
2 Bear traps and a smoke bomb.
3 Smoke bombs.
3 Med Bags.
3 Shields.
With a Billhook it swaps the head around so that instead of pulling frenemies towards you, you push them away like most other weapons. Damage changes slightly too, I think.
I just wish you could mix and match some of the heavy skirts with it.
Thanks for beta testing pc friend
Typically against light armour the piercing damage is fine, their lack of protection means they die quickly anyway. I often use it in this manner and it yields good results.
>it's strong if they have 2 people and you have 1
yeah man Lute strats are fucking OP when you have someone helping you amirite
Enjoy your 2012 Medieval Ballerina Battle Sim
>you don't really outrange your opponent attacks in for honor
you actually do, but it's only really noticeable on the two extremes of the spectrum
don't know when you played FH but they are pushing in making the game more offensive-focused instead of a turtle snooze-fest like it was early
oh sorry I misunderstood your question. Yeah it affects slashes too, your horizontal and overhead etc attacks will be doing pierce damage instead of slash damage.
fucking saved
beta's the most fun part of any game, enjoy your (probably never) sloppy seconds
I recurve/longsword with 1/2/0 armor and shit on longbow niggers with my superior arch and hit them on the top of their head like a rainbow or by walking up and point blanking their face because I don't sit in the back and I get in it.
>climb to the top of the scoreboard just by chucking fire and punching people naked
shit game
Best helmet/neck combo?
t. armourfag tryhard
Hood/short mantle
>you deal shit loads of damage with the perk, even against fully armored opponents
No it isn't
>being this dumb
A shield user can easily stall for a long-ass time so his teammates can arrive even if they were nowhere near when you started fighting
The catapult is really something when you manage to be in a situation where you find that sweet spot where the enemy forces congregate. Then after testing the altitude and knowing where to aim exactly you can have a field day. Got like 15 kills in a row today before a horsenigger beheaded me.
Is rat and second wind really worth it when there is dodge?
And you just block his strikes and kill the teammates until your teammates show up, retard
>he's allowed to have an endless stream of teammates in this scenario but you aren't
because what i see in the game all the time is shieldfags getting mobbed and dying
it's gonna get to 100k, invest now
The only times I play archer is when there is a line of sight on something like the ballista or catapult and managing to kill someone on the other side of the map.
>some fucking idiot moves the catapult right into range that the enemy can just take it
>fagapults calling literally anyone else niggers
Even bowfags aren't as bad as you, I can parry an arrow.
>Fucktard on the catapult fires into the capture point and wipes out 5 players on his own team
>After respawning we all run over and kick him to death
Bait them into moving forward, then morph into a kick
>yeah bro u just let him stall for as long as he wants bro that's not broken at all bro
I have trouble finding servers but that is because the best 8+ servers with good ping for me are always full and then I'm left with like 3 or so servers were my ping is 60-70 and the dozens/hundreds of servers that are 80+.
They need to make some official Arizona servers fuck Dallas and fuck LA.
>as long as he wants
Except he can't because you have teammates too, retard
the first time I saw the non looped version, thanks.
Yea catapult can either win or lose you the game depending on who’s on it.
That guy with Zweihander looks standout compared to other generic characters
Hmm, so what you're saying is that killing a shieldnigger fast in 1v1 is peactically impossible regardless of skill level? I agree.
If he is just sitting there turtling like a little bitch you have nothing to worry about. He is an inert little bubble of faggotry that you can forget about until his/your teammates arrive and then there will be an opening.
Alternatively, stand there doing the come at me taunt and spamming insults at him.
I like how the players in back are just watching like gentlemen.
The moment you turn around he WILL stab your ass
Chivalry was the mindless game though. This one actually takes skill.
Shields are bugged right now, patch fix soon.
Horde mode would be better if you had a point that you had to defend and a set amount of free barricades every round yes/no?
Yes. That's why they're getting nerfed hard.
Meanwhile, I'm poking 50 people a match. Git gud faggot
>Getting good, unironically.
Wrong. No matter how good you are, shields are a slog to kill. Shields literally punish good players who fight against them by eliminating mindgames.
>because every weapon except Dagger can beat them in a stamina battle.
Also proven wrong. Shields win the stamina game because they negate 12 stamina damage for every block. The heaviest weapons only deal about 17, meaning you take less stamina damage for blocking than parrying.
>start game
What's the point of the exec GS when the maul exists? They seem equally slow
They only negate the stamina damage on a parry
Don't turn your back straight away, back up a little, sprint toward him at an oblique angle and turn fully away while sprinting, that way you're already putting on speed and he has nothing to do. If he chases you might be able to 180 and do some damage, if he doesn't chase he's no longer your problem.
Nope, that's been disproven. Holding down the button also negates stamina drain.
Haven't played Chivalry before, is the stamina system and health regen taken from that game?
I can't believe anyone would come up with a system this shit by themselves.
>people who skipped the tutorial and literally get stumped by an easy kill
>good players
Spearniggers are the worst
>get gangbanged
>turn away and run
>they are always faster than me
>have light loadout equiped
How can a fucking knight in full plate with his big ass sword run faster than me and stab me in the back? Is there a system in place for it or is there some trick I'm not getting?
Poke poke, faggot
Shields can tank way too much, and on top of that, can block in what feels to be a 180 degree arc. If I swing and hit the inner rim of the shield or the edge of it, there should be a massive stamina penalty for tanking a hit that would’ve sent your shield flying or broken your shield arm. Like 20-30 stamina.
If you attack towards an enemy who is running from you there's a speed boost
They get instant top speed when they're pursuing you.
Just bought this game today because of these threads. Anything I need to know to not suck shit?
I made some peasant build with a rock and a lute, that seemed to work.
It gives you better situational awareness all around, what are you smoking?
You got what you deserved, running away from fights actually being viable would make every game boring as fuck. You get punished for having poor positioning or being too shit to 1vX.
If you must leave, never turn to run, always back up and keep your guard up.
you get the same effect with max fov in first person without 1/3 of your screen being blocked
there's a system to stop people running away forever that if you're chasing someone with their back to you then you start speeding up
You don't even have to attack, just keep the crosshair on them
Your cowardice empowered your enemies and increased their speed.
I wanna get matched with retards again.
It's not fun anymore when everyone knows how to parry-riposte or respond to your feints.
>throwing knife x2
he's right. if you don't understand why, you're dogshit at this game. good players tear through bad players at a fast pace. all it takes is one good feint or morph to fuck somebody over, and that's what good players do every fight. good players can't do that to shield users though since shield users are immune to the game's mechanics, so they take forever to kill compared to real players and just aren't worth it. especially since there's always backup coming to help the shield niggers and the good players are frequently alone on the point. basically shields ruin the game for people who understand how to play the game and don't suck because the game is about fast kills and mindreads, which shields negate entirely.
Max FOV is not comparable. But whatever works best for you. The “blocking” of the screen is really not a thing.
This. Shields ruined the game entirely for good players who just want to actually play the game the way it's intended. Luckily they're getting nerfed to shit soon.
Maybe it feels like it due to your poor observation, but it's definitely not 180 degrees. It has forgiving hitboxes vertically, but not horizontally. Go play against a bot as protector class, have your shield not directly facing him even slightly, and you'll quickly find out the radius for even kite shield is only about 30 degrees at best. I just went into a bot server now to check.
A collision with the rim of the shield (not the actual face of it) still is a full damage block, even if the hit should have landed on the body, and as far as I’m aware a normal stamina penalty. I’m just happy that when they get a balance pass the shieldies will have to learn actual blocking.
>tfw deflecting an archers last second panic arrow as you charge them down
I hope that terror goes with him into the next life
Even in the best circumstances, hitting around shields is janky and not a reliable strategy. There just needs to be a way to outsmart/outplay shield nigs. As it is, they're literally immune to mindgames which is what the entire game is about. They should be forced to think, not just hold a button.
I do know that in WW1 Germany tried to ban American Trench-Shotguns because they were deemed a cruel and inhumane way to kill someone.
>Kniggas in poland were using Horses in WW2
This comic is pretty fucking cringy.
>All these people getting mad at archers
>those who don't complete the tutorial together, stick together
Amen brother, fuck shields, fuck feints, fuck morphs, fuck bowniggers, fuck rapiercucks. The only way to play W+M1 with a Zweihander
Same with shield. Mark my words, everything but two handers will get nerfed. Have fun with your shitfest of game. I stop playing when that happens.
I EXCLUSIVELY play my Recurve Chad class and live for the moment someone complains about archers in the chat.
>Anything I need to know to not suck shit?
Play the tutorial once, then play the sword part of it again, so that it sinks in.
As for stuff that's not in the tutorial:
Friendly fire is on in almost every server (it's the default setting), so if you want to avoid hitting your allies and losing points, make sure to use up/down swings, stabs, or kicks, and don't get on the catapult.
Frontline or Team Deathmatch are the most fun modes for newbies because you don't spend long periods of time dead like in Skirmish or Horde. If you like PvE, play Horde though.
Bear traps are a thing and can't be set off in any other way than stepping on them. They'll instakill any class that doesn't have leg armor.
There are 3 regions you can damage someone (head/body/legs), 2 damage types (base and anti-armor), and 4 levels of armor you can apply to each body region (unarmoured, light, medium, or heavy).
What all that above means is that if you swing a sword at an unarmoured guy's head, he might die instantly. If he has a light helmet against your sword, that could be 2 attacks. And if you have a hammer against his helmet, that might go back to 1 attack again, because hammer is anti-armor damage.
Of course, you can also forget about all that resistances/region thing and just hit people because you'll always do some damage, but it's useful to know if you want to know how many hits you'll take to die.
Archery is balanced, it won't get touched. Shields are literally, objectively gamebreaking at the moment and need an enormous nerf. The devs and every top player agree, which is why they're being changed soon.
>go 3/3/3
>go bloodlust
>take arming sword
>poke someone with a zwei/halberd/spear/rapier/shield
>take their gear
>congratulations you are now brokenly OP
Fun game does it come in balanced?
How? Just kill an enemy horsemen and take his, or pay attention to when/where they spawn. I get multiple horses every match.
Same with shields.
People will cry for nerfs, while it's the underlying mechanics that make these weapons unbearable.
>being satisfied with just bloodlust
You are like a little baby. Watch this.
>can't be set off in any other way than stepping on them
Guess again bucko, you can poke them with a weapon and they'll activate
Here is the ultimate counter to shield fags, okay, ready, here we go:
Use a long range weapon like a spear, halberd, poleaxe, Estoc, or anything like that. All the one handed weapons have shit range, and if you just poke their shield with a spear from max range they LITERALLY cannot hit you back. You either poke their shield like 4 or 6 times till their stamina is gone then you kill them, Or you just poke them back several times till they run away, then you murder his team.
Yeah, I know, it is annoying you can't kill them the same as others, but if you use a long reach weapon they're no problem at all.
I wish your teammates could see your traps and be less likely to wander into the fucking things
On the contrary all two handers are being nerfed.
>Shields are literally, objectively gamebreaking at the moment and need an enormous nerf.
Well that isn't true at all. As long as the shield user doesn't use a rapier and the two hander knows what he is doing the shield user is at a disadvantage. The shield is not the problem.
It's ganging on people that is.
>1 pants
Here is your 90 hit damage
>The devs and every top player agree
Where's the source on this?
You literally cannot do that with his nigger teammates rushing you, and while you're dealing with them there's nothing stopping him from getting up close to you and hitting you. And if you ever glance in his direction he can turtle up again until it suits him. Shields are easily beaten 1v1, no one's saying they aren't. But they're literally broken in group scenarios and cannot be countered when the shield dude has even a single ally present, even by the best player on earth.
I was playing a frontline earlier where I got into some intense duel with some guy and after like 45-60 seconds of fighting I killed him only to turn around and see like 3 enemies watching. They even let me regen. then all 3 gangbanged me and I died
>take arming sword
I enjoy killing fags like you while you scrabble around for scraps in your weakened state.
Bloodlust is too strong, though.
Oh thanks.
Exe is longer, and is the only weapon which oneshots unarmored legs.
>playing skirmish
>two shitters on enemy team keep whining
>suddenly 2 fucking level 30s join their team
>they start trash talking and calling us noobs
How do you respond to that?
How do you do this in groups?
Yeah, colors are hard. I also got this thing to hide character faces, and scarfs are over used. I also need more gold, dunno how much that would help though
I doubt it, arming sword is lowkey one of the most powerful weapons in the game. Iv never met a single spear/halberd/two hander user who can beat it. Only rapiers or equal sized weapons can.
Stay on the bottom of the leaderboard where you belong pleb :^)
>Modding Tools ("further down the line")
Holy fuck what a mistake. We need the workshop open NOW. We need maps ported
I transcend time and space and use halberd.
If you have projectile they can catch up
If he is with his team he still has terrible range, and presumably you are also with your team. You can start poking him and basically make him useless, while you can still turn and poke other people. You're less effective, but he is useless and your team should be able to fight theirs much more effectively.
I think shields could use a minor nerf to how much stamina they take when you get hit and I think they need to cover slightly less (people posted WebMs of sword stabs hitting empty air near the Kite shield, yet it blocks it) but I've never found them super OP or anything. Hell, I PREFER a 2 handed weapon and don't even like using the shields.
I just don't want shields to be nerfed into uselessness like Blizzard or Riot would do. The game has barely been out, give a bit more time and make some reasonable adjustments.
You have a group of guys too right? You're not trying to fight 5 people on your own.
You faggots always act like you 1v5 vs shield users. That's the only argument i hear "b-but gis team". Maybe don't be rambo and get in situations like that. There are shields on your team too you know.
So how did I kill arming sword users today? Was it magic user?
switch to their team, tk them a couple times, then switch back
yes they should press the "code it into the game instantly" button, i mean like duh?? hello??
Bow users are only under horse dick riders for the most satisfying people to kill
Is it good or this game's getting shilled to no end?
>I just don't want shields to be nerfed into uselessness like Blizzard or Riot would do. The game has barely been out, give a bit more time and make some reasonable adjustments.
Thank you, finally some fucking sense in this place. Niggers are acting like the Chivalry Balance Council after four days and 40 hours of playtime.
How to appropriately nerf shields:
Make blunt damage do more stamina damage to shields, and make chopping weapons (the axes) do significantly more. That way you can adjust your loadout to beat shields if you have to, but a shield user can just put away their shields and fight like normal because the axes have short range.
>horde ai improvements
Too bad this means no more getting past wave 11 since they already snipe you with ROGUE THROWING KNIFE shit
You don't.
What do you want me to say to that? If I call it good you'll just think I'm shilling.
Just go look at footage of the game, if you like the look of it then it's good. And Steam has a 2 hour no questions asked refund policy on top of that.
Kniggers* thank you very much.
Instead of blocking at the last minute, you attack in a mirrored direction, at the last minute
>that webm
HOW. whenever i hit horse riding niggers the weapon just goes straight through them and barely just damages the horse.
if your score is better than theirs then simply reference it
The amount of maps is pathetic. They should just release mod tools so people can just port over the Chiv maps without Torn Banner sueing them.
The dumbest thing about shields is being able to poke with a fast weapon and be completely 100% safe because you can put your guard up at any fucking time. I'd take a fix for that over anything else right now.
>That way you can adjust your loadout to beat shields if you have to
That's retarded. I don't want to have to die and respawn before I can do something about shieldfags. If you're going to nerf them just nerf them.
no one aims for the legs.
I think blunt should do more stamina damage on block for anything, axes could do more against shield though.
In a team game it makes shields have more incidental counters (People using Blunt weapons/axes) while not making the shields useless. I specifically said "if you have to" Like if your team is entirely zweihander using morons who can't kill a shield user 3 on 1, you can at least take out the axe and get to murdering.
They've got 2 maps in mid-production. Feitora and Castello. One of them is an urban map, a city on the waterside.
sounds exactly like these 4 other guys must've thought before i slaughter them all with downward strikes
But what if i do
They were just bad, like you shitposter :^)
no thanks
i wanted to play a skill based game not overwatch scissors paper rock
It's finicky because there is a large area that's obstructed by the horses head, and you need to be the right distance otherwise the horse will stagger you before the hit connects. I've only ever consistently done it with long ass weapons like the bardiche while swinging high.
That map looks really inconsistent with the art style desu
I literally only aim for legs and its insanely powerful. People never block properly when you go for them and it deals shittons of damage.
Woops I meant to say no user no one goes for legs you keep going naked into battle.
>when i kill people they're skilled and my weapon combo is therefore op
>when you kill people they're bad
Even 1v2 against at least one shield guy is objectively impossible though unless he's genuinely retarded, and it's very very possible to 1v5 if you're good. That's the problem. Shields negate highly skilled players in group settings, when they shouldn't be allowed to.
bardiche is pretty short compared to most of the polearm type weapons actually
>All axes have mediocre range
Did you even bother reading my post? It's not like if you take out the axe the guy cannot win. He can either try to use his shield, or say fuck it, put it away, and beat your ass the old fashioned way.
If it's hosen you're wearin my axe will come tearin
48 players Frontline was alot better than 64. it's way too chaotic and dumbed down to just spamming
>swing up
>broken hitbox clips through ground and never gets stuck
>easily hits legs
>Free Real Estate
Yeah, no one does for sure user you keep never using armor.
It's got a long grip alternate mode that reaches for days, especially if you add running to the equation
>And don't even get the french started about longbows
Fucking rozbif, pussy faggots since the dawn of time
but i am rambo, and i regularly 1v5 and win if there's no shields present. i don't deserve to have my enormous skill advantage taken away just because some no skill nigger took a shield. that's literally the definition of unbalanced, and that's why they're getting nerfed.
>rather than try to argue the math, which proves the arming sword is insanely powerful, tries to rely on his shitty anecdotal arguments which no one buys
You're trying to save face and mad I called you out on your bullshit, its okay kid you'll learn how to play eventually. Have your last (you).
More maps AND mod tools are in production
Being at a significant disadvantage against someone because you lucked out in loadout select and picked the scissors to their rock is bad game design, and should be minimized whenever possible.
There's absolutely no reason your rubbish "solution" needs to happen when we can just nerf shields any other way, and avoid having a luck-based countering system.
Are you autistic or underage by any chance? You keep spamming this when everyone has told you it's a bad idea.
I never knew I'd love it as much as I do, but it has carried me through safe and sound.
So is this game any good actually? Would you recommend a buy or to wait for a sale on this?
there's something really homosexual about your character
>the math
post it
oh that's right, you have none
stay btfo
>200 years
This man speaks the truth, anything over 48 people is too annoying to play due to you getting surrounded by braindead teammates blocking your swings/movement
You're gonna need to add every weapon yo this, I use none of these
kills my fps too
r.tonemapper.sharpen 0 makes the game look alot less shit. Why isnt there a sharpening toggle in the video settings?
Nah it's terrible. We're all here having fake fun to trick retards into buying it.
Get in here and kill some archers faggot.
Is there any way to just switch the side of my attacks without having to use binds or move my mouse around too much?
I even raise the sensitivity but my attacks always seem to keep being focused on the right side.
just flank
>Why isnt there a sharpening toggle in the video settings?
they were probably too busy with the ten million other settings in the game, as well as launching it
it has a battle royale mode lmao
Why is there so much rapier hate?
whats the best way to deal with crowds outside of firebombs?
Look at the cursor on your screen and you'll see you only need to move it a tiny way to alter swing directrion
How many weapons are there? From what I saw there is some kind of gold grind for items/armor?
acquiring proficiency
pierce spam is more effective than it deserves to be for how brainless it is. some weapons feel like they just physically can't push a rapier thrust spammer.
Because they are quick and therefore can bypass the large majority of mindgames, as well as not being punishable by chambering and infact benefit from you doing it.
That's what I came here to say. Agincourt.
From my count just now there's about 45 weapons, and that's not including the frying pans and scythes and shit you can get with the Peasant perk which I haven't tried yet.
There is only cosmetic grinding, there's no grinding for gameplay advantages. The game comes with some default loadout "classes" which have viable gear ready to go. If you want a weapon on your custom class it takes ~2 games to get enough gold to buy it.
Keep crying for nerfs instead of a rework faggots. The same will happen like in chiv everything but 2 handers get nerfed to death, so no one uses anything else.
If that is what you want go on and you get your so beloved ballerina shitfest back.
But it's really satisfying fucking up someone's face while they gurgle and die.
That's fair I suppose. A buddy of mine is pretty good at countering my thrust attacks though, so I always gotta mix it up when I fight him.
I do dig how fast they are.
A good selection that you'll be able to find the one that clicks with you. The gold grind is basically nothing since weapons are shit cheap, so it'll take a round or two to get something you have your eye on. The only thing that will take a while to get are cosmetics, but again, they're just cosmetics. You have light, medium, and heavy armor available to you from the beginning, so you're not going to be at a disadvantage when you start. Just that if you want flashier stuff, you're gonna have to save a bit of gold.
Oh and there's 0 MTX.
You're a retard who does not understand this game at all. There's a reason shields are getting nerfed, and he's completely correct.
I'm not "crying for nerfs". I said "if you're going to nerf them just nerf them". This implies that I don't agree with shields being nerfed, but even more than that, I think his nerf idea is shit, and would prefer other nerfs to that. Reading comprehension, mate.
Alright sounds good, I will give it a shot. Thanks for the help anons
if you kill bards you're a faggot
Have fun, and don't be afraid to kick the catapult user's face if he team kills you. It reminds him to stop being useless.
you get 100-500 gold per 10-30 minute game, based on time played and your performance.
each weapon costs 300-500 gold, but some cosmetics cost as much as 6000 gold.
grinding doesn't net you any advantages because the starter classes are all fully equipped.
a rework would be fine too, but it's objective fact that shields in their current state are busted and ruin the game by punishing good players and rewarding shitters while slowing down the pace of the game to unsatisfying levels. they are getting changed soon, so sit tight and see what happens.
if you stand around *plum plum plum xD*ing while your nearby teammate 1v5s, you're worse than an archer.
>but some cosmetics cost as much as 6000 gold
>as much as 6000
Did you forget a 0?
They play their lutes until you turn around. Fucking snakes.
>see people complain about archers
>see people complain about shields
>always some shitter on like 3-15-2
After seeing it 100 times, I still laugh my ass off when some dude comes along strumming the fuck out of the lute.
The bards in this game don't even sound good, if their "music" was at least bearable I'd be more inclined to not swing in their general direction
>catapult user's
There are ballistic weapons? Does the game also have castle siege or something? I just assumed its a battle arena
Someone say baseball?
I go 60-10 or better regularly and always score top of the team and I fully recognize that shields are objectively broken.
>lute + bastard sword loadout
>get attacked while playing my lute
>kill two attackers while spamming laugh
>friendlies arrive and clean up the rest
>laugh at them one last time before going back to playing megaman tracks
Because he isn't using a bow or shield.
no worries. see also
Fucking hell, it does too. I'm really in the long haul before I can do a Hard Day's Knight build. Plumed Templar when?
I let a Bard live as I was killing his friend. Then he turned on me and started whacking me with his little lute.
I don't care if you niggers die anymore. If I see you, I'm going to cave your skulls in.
It's funny if you run into a battlefield playing the lute then beat the shit out of people with it. It's fucking obnoxious if you just stand by and watch the other team storm your objectives.
>server bs still isn’t fixed
Good to know the devs ran with the money
it has 6 gamemodes
one of them is frontline, where you capture fortifications and castles. it's the only gamemode with catapults and horses
Go play TF2 virgin
Flourish emote is the universal sign for being ready to throw down.
Objective obnoxious rankings, from worst to least worst but still homosexual
>shield and rapier scrubs
>archer shroud wannabes
>horse riders
>braindead catapult users
>black knights with the executioner's sword
Don't sully TF2's name because he's being a retard, we don't want him either
>Punish good players
>Unable to bait a shield into walking forward into your kick
Just because you slaughter retards in frontline doesn't make you good user.
Who /MAUL/ here?
Just hit 4 people with 1 swing, and killed 3 of them.
if you don't kill friendlies you're a faggot
You're absolute dogshit at this game, I can tell from your post alone that you suck and have no idea what you're talking about. Probably never parried or feinted in your life.
>faggots starting to talk about game of thrones in the game chat
i thought that wasnt possible with blunt weapons
Why don't they literally steal all the chivalry maps? Those broke niggers can't even pay for a lawyer to sue them
blunt weapons will cleave if the target dies.
Same, but Maul doesn't seem to give a fuck about rules. I've got plenty of multikills with it.
i still do not understand the context behind that image and its memes
mod support in unreal 4 is very difficult to implement, luckily their project lead is a code wizard and not some fucking modder-turned-developer like most unreal fags
There should be a follow up strip where this faggot is hanging out in Patay 14 years later.
>be big Maul man
>join duel server
>every single person is using dodge/shortspear or rapier
Ok guess I'll leave
would rather deal with a bow than short spear and shield cunts
I always play videogame snipers the same way, balls to the wall point blank combat, I’d have my shortsword out more than my bow in chivalry, I have a hale’s own smg in tf2. I wanna get right up in the fuckers’ faces and beat them in their own territory. Also don’t give a fuck about k/d, I want epic meme kills. I’d hope that doesn’t make me a bownigger. I’m probably gonna get this game for some more close range sniper shenanigans.
Lots of lawyers work on a "we lose, we don't charge you" basis
wait it has 6? all i seen was frontline, BR, and horde
>even considering playing duels in muh medieval melee game
You should've known better
Horses aren't a problem, the problem is that spear/halberd/billhook users don't play an anti-cavalry role and don't do their job
>I always play videogame snipers the same way, balls to the wall point blank combat
>I always play snipers not all like snipers.
>Unironically playing a bownigger is LITERALLY the scummiest and most pathetic way to play these types of games, there is nothing worse than having your amazing duel cut short by some "HEHE NOTHIN PERSONNEL KID" bownigger who can't play a regular class to get kills so he has to sit at the back of the map with a bow, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, like can you IMAGINE the kind of person who purchases and downloads a first person medieval combat game and decides to play as a bownigger? What's the thought process? How is it fun to stand in one place the entire match just holding and releasing M1? and ruining the game for everyone else while they're at it? Bowniggers were always one of the most hated parts of Chivalry and they're back in full force in Mordhau, the devs learned nothing about the hatred people harbor for bowniggers and the people who play bowniggers learned nothing about playing a proper fucking class. They are the absolute worst part of the game, nobody enjoys playing against them, nobody says "OH WOW I GOT OUTSKILLED SO HARD WHEN THAT BOWNIGGER SHOT ME IN THE BACK", and no decent fucking person enjoys playing a bownigger. They're always low level shitters because they can't learn how to play the game properly. It's a fucking wheelchair class so shitters can get kills and pretend they're good at the game with their artificially inflated KD/R. It's always bittersweet when you finally track down the bownigger who's sniped you across the map 5 times in a row only to discover he can't parry even 1 of your melee attacks because he's a complete shitter. But instead of trying to learn the game he keeps playing his wheelchair class and some of them even enjoy how much it ruins the game because all bowniggers are both retarded and sadistic. I hope all bowniggers die of rectal
Benis :D
tdm, dm, skirmish (tdm no respawn)
duels are also an unofficial gamemode where DM servers pair off into 1v1s
odd, maybe i missed a list of modes. will see if i can find them thanks
No other weapon feels as good as 1 shotting people with Maul headshots. I can't stop using it and people seem to be confused because it comes out so slow sometimes.
Bagina x-DD
>Thinks he's good because he knows where the right mouse button and the q key are
>Unable to even imagine how far the skullcap goes beyond those mechanics.
Everyone can parry and most people know how to feint. Maybe play some skirmish and you'll see just how trash you are.
all theses motherfuckers thinking they hot shit until m&b warband pvp shows up.
They're hoping to get a kill with the one attack they actually hit for once
>people using stab only weapons in duel
free kills
Thank you for playing polearm. I always make sure to switch out my 2 point arming sword for yours when I kill you.
>that's retarded, I want the ultimate weapon that counters everything!
Rate this scumbag
This thread was born from virgin tears. From the sweaty ashes of neck-beards finest.
rate me now or else
>I wanted a skill based game
>so I bought a multiplayer melee party game
Pants not cool enough/10
looks like a lvl 15 character from world of warcraft
when did the KKK played baseball?
>level 28
>getting killed by people far below my level
Well I finally hit my skill limit, time to find a new game I guess.
very generic, you chose all the pieces that obviously go together.
>Skillbased game
You are a special type of down syndrome.
I don't want counters present at all unless it's "counter" in the sense of "I counter your block".
Spamming it? This is only the second Mordhau thread I have been in because I was banned from Yea Forums for two weeks and for some reason my IP stopped being dynamic. Yeah, I know you can still lurk but I didn't both cause I couldn't post.
This sort of self defeating attitude is why you'll never achieve much in life
I have the matching pants as well, but I don't think they look so good for this build
is it _fun_?
only for the first 2 days, then it gets boring.
Correct, sucks for me.
Uh, duh? Am I supposed to choose them randomly and hope for the best?
Not the original guy.
But whats your fucking point. You want everything to be able to counter everything?
How do you find hangout servers?
Post fashion and rate
fashion/10 but also a rapierfag, conflicted
Memebuilds and the chaos of 64 player frontline can stay fun for a long time
they definitely look better
Why do you think we resorted to using guns in real life? Because close range combat is inferior, enjoy your dead game zoomer
lmao try completing the tutorial retard
I guarantee bloodlust with be nerfed down to only refilling 50%+ HP at some point.
It's the only way to keep it relevant without raising the cost and thereby making it irrelevant.
you think it will retain it's playerbase? Need a good multiplayer game to sink all my time into before halo pc comes out.
>Play for honor
>Faggot orochi player pulls longbow out his ass and kills you while he is an inch from death
This is fine
Who fucked you in the ass lubeless to make you so butthurt?
No, all shields cover 180° and take 8+ hits to drop.
The game has a fine playerbase, wtf you talking about?
Wizard of Oz/10
yeah i suck at it but its still f u n
>gets BTFO
>starts projecting
I'm not butthurt. I'm just 99.9% sure you're a massive Downie. And that statement should let everyone else know who and what you are.
I'm not angry at you for being a retard. just disappointed.
>full plate, shield and a rapier
This triggers my autism on way too many levels
Don't want people to be countered by me or counter me based on their loadout at all, are you capable of reading?
rat is an underrated perk
Damn, you're really and truly SEETHING
>two handing a messer doesn't give it more damage according to the charts
Then what's the point?
tricking your opponent into thinking you're using a good weapon
>he keeps projecting
fasta choppin
makes your running quieter
Here's that last (you) you so desperately desire, I've got a game to play and don't want to waste time replying to your shitposts.
Any further replies confirm what we all know: You are absolutely and utterly SEETHING
>tough fight with a spear user, he's keeping me zoned
>realize he's not wearing a helmet
>just toss my arming sword into his face
>free spear
God I love the threat of thrown weapons in this game
and that's why bowspammers are among the lowest lifeforms in our favorite block games
So in your perfect world. If I had a weapon with reach, it shouldn't be able to use it's reach to it's advantage in case it annoys someone with an arming sword?
How the fuck would you have a variety of weapons and play styles and not have them NATURALLY counter one another.
How can you be so stupid?
>spear user thrusts at me
>he counterthrusts back
>goes back and forth 5-6 times
>ally walks in and chops his head off
>bazinga amirite
Jesus. you bloody amateur. Lurk more please.
Why is this always the go-to response when someone says something bad about this game?
He's annoyed because he claimed he was looking for a "Skill based game" when in reality he was playing "Floppy sword slap quick simulator 2019"
intimidating as fuck, love the helmet. is that based on anything?
r8 me someone
guy on the right is real cool
I like your style
Shieldnigger is pretty fucking scummy too, because not only are they annoying, they're also extremely fucking boring to fight because no matter what you do, it's going to take decades.
Not even overpowered, just fucking boring.
those shoulder plates look stupid and very unfitting for a viking set
He looks like he drinks from skulls
Yeah actually I agree, also the clipping with the fur neck thing is really annoying me, i'm gonna change them.
>So in your perfect world. If I had a weapon with reach, it shouldn't be able to use it's reach to it's advantage in case it annoys someone with an arming sword?
Arming swords are a lower point cost which means your build has other advantages against the reach weapon user. Therefore their build doesn't counter your build.
>replying to yourself
Uh oh, you got me.
Here's my viking, I think less is actually more with this type of outfit
You're just angry because I'm so fucking skilled. I love killing you from a distance because you get so frustrated, bro. I'm pro and there is nothing you can do it about it, fucking n00b. I can kill you before you get to me because I'm just that amazing. Of course, if we're in melee and you win that means nothing. You're just lucky you managed to even get to me, and I would have won if your weapon wasn't so overpowered. Get some skill, brah.
Oh, and stop telling me to "jump on the cart". Why would I go touch that thing? I have some kills to get. Stop shouting "the objective!" My objective is headshots. And stop using your battlecry and laugh action. It's annoying and disturbs my sniping. Don't make me attack you and then attempt to votekick you, fucker.
Also, protect me.
headshoted eight noobs who zerged me in frontline
what do I win
Those closed helm ones are good, top 2 middle and bottom second to last. I like that helmet.
Where do I type this? In the console?
>tfw got in the habit of spamming voice lines
Goddamnit. It was already bad enough in L4D2 and TF2, now here too.
Is it possible to effectively chamber a swing, or is it pretty much just getting lucky and swinging at the same time. By this I mean with similar speed weapons and not a zweihander against a dagger.
fucking this so much
I havent had this much just fun with a game in so long
I havent given a shit about winning or losing, its just all about doing the most ridiculous shit that you can pull off.
800 good boy points?
I love how they get off and start swinging punches at each other