*walks towards you*

*walks towards you*

Attached: 1426414426202.jpg (281x230, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 1552012079071.jpg (476x349, 73K)

Maker save us. Where are the Space Marines? Where is the Guard?

Attached: 1554103015129.jpg (480x418, 18K)

Nice Relic unit you have there. It would be a shame if something happened to it.

Attached: Avatar of Khaine.jpg (1920x1080, 326K)

Yes, wouldn't that be terrible.

Attached: 1456322864974.webm (480x360, 1.86M)

Squiggoth's loose boyz' clear out!

not enuff dakka

first ere den dere MAKE UP YER MIND ALREDY

Attached: 1379838406902.png (600x700, 154K)

Attached: Absouletly not Digusting enough.png (128x116, 47K)

Clearly it was weakened sufficiently. In any normal situation an Avatar straight-up murders commander units.

What pisses me off about the new DG models is that they look too clean. 5/10, no rust, no decay and need more puss-filled blisters and cancerous growths.

Look'it me flash boss!


>spams basilisks
heh....nothing personnel....

Attached: IG_Basilisk_Earthshaker_icon.jpg (64x64, 6K)

*gets stuck*


They don't even make those figures anymore.

Orks had their stuff revamped as they were just too pricey for GW to make compared to a baneblade or land raider.

But user! the mainstream appeal!
Remember this?

Attached: yvvsv1bc9gzkr0jjrvmx.png (800x450, 424K)

>Loads shell

Attached: baneblade_by_elcachone-d3l46ft.jpg (1111x719, 70K)

>11 barrels of doom

Man, unit executions in DoW were so kino. I always zoom in whenever there's a big melee going on

Warhammer 401k: How to lose all your money

Attached: 93495e0.jpg (640x440, 80K)

Heard that in the end, it's not as rage-inducing as it was believed.
>The Joakero is best character. LITERALLY.
>Also Necrons disintegrating kids.

You're the one who is supposed to be painting on rust user.

Attached: img5aa01eec76b90.jpg (2765x1843, 1.3M)

Yeah, that eliminates a lot of the problems with the new DGs. But the mainline ones don't have this and that's the problem. Not to mention that the new Nurgle Daemons look a tad too happy. Though we could chalk it up to them being insane and that's that.

>the new Nurgle Daemons look a tad too happy
Isn't it canon? They call Nurgle "grandfather nurgle" and he acts like a father figure