What would you guys do if I told you a new Jak game was currently in development?

What would you guys do if I told you a new Jak game was currently in development?

Attached: Jak and Daxter.jpg (1024x768, 160K)

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Jak&Daxter 1 was awesome, what the hell happened to that series?

Are you going to steal cars in the new one?

There is vehicles, yes, some returning from the old games and some new ones. But they're handled A LOT differently. They're used more or less to get from one area to another, races, and in a couple set-pieces/combat sections.
Yes I said set-pieces, the game's pacing is honestly a lot like Uncharted with a mix of action (guns return) and platforming. And yes it's actual platforming reminiscent of the older games, only with vastly improved animations.
The game isn't as linear as Uncharted though, there is a couple hub areas (not gonna spoil what they are, but think of the areas in Jak 1 only about 10-15x bigger) and like I said you can use vehicles to travel between certain areas, and there is a decent focus on vehicular combat.
And there is obviously a much bigger focus on story this time around.

Don't toy with my heart user.

never gonna happen with current naughty dog

It should stay as it is to avoid what happened to Crash Bandicoot after Crash Bash.
Jak & Daxter is very important to me, I don't want my memories ruined by new game that'd not meet my super high expectations.
Better make new games with new characters and world.

Scroll further down the webpage.

Ironic considering.

I never played the game after jack x but what story is there to tell?

Demand to know who the fuck is making it because Naughty Dog think they're above games like Jak and Crash so I'd like to know if I should be worried or not by who's handling it.

Nothing. I disliked the GTA-esque direction the series took.

Such a shitty art style. Just look at that disgusting shit.

Small side-division of Naughty Dog. It's not a giant game, it's only about 6-8 hours like the older ones.
And you'd be surprised how many assets they were able to reuse from Uncharted 4 and TLOU

All I'm gonna say is that the story involves a big focus on time travel

Prequel. You play as Mar.

>And you'd be surprised how many assets they were able to reuse from Uncharted 4 and TLOU
If they're not making it cartoony I don't want what they're selling. Jak is a fantastical world. Making it look like the real world is the dumbest fucking thing imaginable. God please don't tell me any of those dogshit """concepts""" for Jak and Dax are being used. For the love of God and all that is holy don't tell me those aids ridden pieces of shit are being used. I'd rather take my fucking chances with Sanzaru Games.

I know that remastering the past is now a lucrative business, but video game developers should seek innovation instead, new, better games.

You mean like the second game?

>And yes it's actual platforming reminiscent of the older games, only with vastly improved animations.
If I see those slow as fuck wall clambering or ledge climbing animations it's a pass.

How do you know about this?

Is this for PS5? PS4? Or is it going to be shown at State to play?

Hopefully they go back in time to JAK 1 and ignore JAK 2 and 3.

I wouldn't believe you

I wouldnt belive you unless you told me it’s just something like a ps vr tech demo using the ip. Like they did for the ps move

Sad because modern naughty will ruin it in every single way.

>If they're not making it cartoony I don't want what they're selling
It honestly stays true to the original style, I meant reused assets in the way of reusing the engine. The characters look nothing like the realistic stuff from ND's recent games, it's more or less the Jak you'd expect only with much better detail
>You mean like the second game?
Kind of but it's handled differently, it's a mechanic in some parts of the game. Kind of like that level in Dishonored 2
That's classified

Shit I meant to include this guy

So a rehash of the old plot, this already sounds worrying if true.
Are they going to make it fun like jak 1 or snore fest like jak 2

It's not gonna come out until probably a year after TLOU2.

That said it’s my 2nd favorite series of all time so I would be overjoyed to have a new one, but it’s never gonna happen. I just hope we get a remake of 1 or 2 in the same vain as the shadow of the colossus remake, but that’s extremely unlikely as well

I want it but at the same time not, i hold this series in high regards and already had to forget the mess that was THAT game, also i'm very scared of the writing as we're in 2k19 and with current ND, at the same time i'm very conflicted about what kind of game i want, if something like j&d or jak2/3 as they're all very good for different reasons.

It feels like a mix of the 2, not as GTA-esque but not a strict platformer like the first one. Like I said before it's paced kind of like Uncharted now

I'll find you if you are lying

When did ND start development on it and who is the director/writer?

>I meant reused assets in the way of reusing the engine
Still Dropped. I know how those controls feel, they're shit. Jak had tight as fuck controls.
If they're using the current ND control and movement style I'd rather still take my chances with fucking Sanzaru.
Also they could at least keep the shooting the same as the Jak series has been with 2 and 3. I already hate how Uncharted and TLOU play. Like fuck I'm going to accept that with Jak. If it's not going to be tight as fuck with its controls and movement like Jak always has been, then it's not even worth the time.

If it's any consolation it will probably not be out until PS5 and there is talk of 60fps but nothing totally decided yet.
Also the auto-aim from 2/3 works the same for the most part, but there is an over the shoulder aim. There is also contextual cover in certain parts but not a full blown cover system like Uncharted, it actually works pretty well

Are Ashelin, and Keira returning? How badly did they fuck up the redesigns?

I'm going to doubt this till I see it with my own eyes.
ND managed to put me off western third person shooters.
Also the melee better not be Uncharted style and just the good ol' punch and spin with combos from mixing the two, none of that gay "contextual animation" automation shit. Also no fucking auto-tracking shit on the melee.

They're there but not for much of the game, the story focuses heavily on Jak's "past and future" and there is a bigger emphasis on just him and Dax on an adventure rather than side-characters giving missions. I think the designs for all the characters stay faithful for the most part.

Melee is the exact same as 1/2/3, with a couple extra moves and the animation is incredibly well done

So is jak that Mar? If not are we seeing the other charachters?

It's not a prequel, don't listen to this dumbass It takes place a decent while after Jak X. Although like I said time travel is a thing so there is actually some parts that take place before all the games

So it's a sequel.
Is it "Jak 4" or "Jak and Daxter : Subtitle"?
Also is TLF canon or are ND ignoring it?

>the animation is incredibly well done
Like I said, I'm doubting till I see it for myself. I've seen what people are calling incredible animation in ND games and all I get is that it's going to get in the way of the gameplay and it does. I'm going to be harsh on this since I love the series for its gameplay first and foremost. That and the Jetboard. Jetboard was way too much fun.

It's looking like it's going to be just called "Jak".
Also yes TLF is basically being ignored.

I would say "you have to have ebola to know de weh"

Attached: knuck.jpg (174x149, 7K)

It was between that or Jak 4, still not totally settled yet

>Called Jak
>Totally ignoring Daxter when he's just as important as Jak is
Why not just "Jak and Daxter" since the first game had a subtitle anyways?

if its made by current neil drukman naughtydog it will suck ass

What even is the point of Jak anymore?
Don’t get me wrong, the Jak franchise is legitimately one of the most creative platformers I’ve seen when it comes to world design, but the age of mascot platformers is long gone.

It's kind of a story thing, Daxter is there the whole time but it's almost entirely focused on Jak's story

What makes you think that? Do explain instead of having a tantrum.

What will be the new game design ideas?

>like uncharted
And that's what I was afraid of..god fucking damn it.

mario and ratchet proves you can still make successful platformer

That sentiment you and other people have is seemingly based on nothing. Devs stopped because other games became more popular and so could make more money. But platformer never because less popular or made less money. They can go back to them and make as much money as they were always making with them. PS4 Ratchet was insomniacs best selling game before spiderman

It would most certainly has sjw shit in it, like white people and jak are evil and need to stop what they are doing, or Keira is a lesbian or something

Druckman also hates gameplay. It would be simplified and feel like shit and be boring, a big focus on set pieces and not core mechanics

will it be 60fps or will it be dogshit like the ps4 ratchet

Nice reading comprehension

As I already said there is a time-travel mechanic that works similar to that one level in Dishonored 2, it makes for some pretty cool platforming. Other than that there is vastly improved vehicles, hoverboarding is still there but also a bit different

You’re right, I’ve misspoken.
Thing is, would the chance of seeing Naughty Dog remaster the Jak trilogy like Vicarious did with Crash even exist? I rarely ever see it discussed or brought up in the usual nostalgia trip all gaming discussion forums go through, so I doubt it’s as popular as Crash or Mario or even Ratchet.

>hoverboarding is still there but also a bit different
If it's not different in the sense its more like Tony Hawk Pro Skater gameplay I'm platinum mad.

I dont see a remake happening, but maybe a new game

Jak Trilogy was the best selling one out of the trio of trilogy remasters on PS3.

>Thing is, would the chance of seeing Naughty Dog remaster the Jak trilogy like Vicarious did with Crash even exist?
Nope because as they have said, they're too mature for these kinds of games now

Devs stopped making them because they were tired to make videogames for kids. I doubt the next Jak will be developed by Naughty Dog. It will be handled by a second rate studio because no one take these games seriously.

Don't you fucking give me false hope user i will kill you

Oh shut the fuck up, you thin-skinned, paranoid piece of trash.

It was remastered for the PS3? I didn’t know that.

No not like that, it basically just comes down to shifting your weight and there is actually realistic momentum.
You can still flip and do tricks and all that though

I asked what will be the new game design ideas, not shit you picked left and right.

>6-8 hours like the old games
Never knew they were so short. I remember Jak 3 took me like 2 weeks to complete as a kid. Fun times.

>thin skinned
that's you
it keeps happening in media, i am just noticing a pattern
Last of us and uncharted both had this shit in them, so how is it "paranoid" to think they would do it to jak?

>there is actually realistic momentum
Way to kill all hype for Jet boarding asshole

Fuck yourself, you're lucky I'm giving you any info at all

>they were tired to make videogames for kids.
you pulled that from nothing
they followed what made most money, which the devs themselves have said
In the case of neil drukman you are right though

>n-no, you’re the thinskinned one here!
Insecure and defensive as well.
Stay there with your paranoid virgin ass

>Druckman also hates gameplay. It would be simplified and feel like shit and be boring, a big focus on set pieces and not core mechanics
This. Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin actually thought gameplay was really important and wanted to tinker with it in detail.

With them gone and the modern direction Naughty Dog has shown to take, I wouldn't be interested in anything they create anymore.

and when it does happen you will move the goal post

It's honestly really fun, I'm probably just describing it like shit.
By realistic momentum I meant stuff like going down a steep hill will pick up speed. Hitting jumps at high speed and chaining tricks is just as satisfying if not more than it was in the old games.

Jak 1 is 6 hours long.
Jak 2 is 12-15 due to how much it takes to go from a mission to the next + no checkpoints.
Jak 3 is 8-9 hours.

Please tell me it's a smaller, different team that's working on it and not the Last of Us team lead by Duckmann.

>Jak 2 is 12-15
Maybe if you're bad at it. I've beaten it multiple times and it has never taken more than 9 hours

Then I'll have to see it first. Because as I have said many times, I love this series and I don't want to see it just given an Uncharted coat of paint. I play Jak because I don't care about Uncharted or TLOU. If the game plays anything at all like those two series then I'm not interested and to me the series, like ND, died after Jak X.


What can you say about the optional content?

That's fucked, I have all 4 save files filled right now and my max time was 9 hours and 10 minutes.
I beat it multiple times back when it came out too and I never remember it taking that long.

Hidden eggs are back. And small challenges like the oracles around the maps in 2 and 3, but not nearly as many. They are much better designed though rather than just being shitty filler challenges.
Also some routes have multiple paths

you are being to non specific
fake as fuck

orbs* can't believe I just called them eggs. I'm sleep deprived

Whatever you say, pal

I've said basically all I can say, and I gotta get to bed. Take care, anons

Jak X? Oh wow, how come I didn’t know this existed?

Do you skip cutscenes or something?

Nope. I honestly don't see how the game could possibly take longer than 9 or 10 hours unless you're constantly dying over and over

I believe you. I thought having Jak & Daxter as a pre-order download for Uncharted Lost Legacy was a bit fishy. PlayStation don't do remasters for no reason. Remember God of War 3 remaster?

fuck you don't get my hopes up if this is fake
Jak was the best collectathlon and platformer sony ever had and I miss it so much

Is the ps4 collection good? heard it had some performance issues

Sony dropped their balls with the lack of exclusive platformers in their supposedly "Most successful gen since PS2!!!!11" Where's the variety then?

bitch please. Jak 4 was oficially cancelled LOONG ago, and it was supposed to have semi realistic graphics (thank god it got cancelled). Jak X is not canon and we DO NOT talk about that one game

They're way worse than the ps3 ports, there are some videos on youtube pointing out every problem, the best way to play them is still on the ps2.

I dont trust current Naughty Dog not to fuck it up.

I think that would be awesome, no matter what form it took. I was always one of those weirdos who preferred the Jak series to Ratchet and Clank.

I remember when Jak 3 came out, I was so hyped that I played through it in one sitting.

I'd hope that it's better than that Lost Frontier shitpile