Thank you, Yea Forums

I had a coworker that I knew for a few months. He and I got to be pretty good friends. He had a rough home life with his parents. Whenever he and I were the only ones in the office I would catch him scrolling through waifushit and watching Bioshock videos, game reviews, browsing Yea Forums, shit like that.

He killed himself the other day. And I just wanted to thank you guys for taking care of him as long as you did. I think you guys made him happiest.

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Now go join him.


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Not video games, kys yourself you raiding discord tranny piece of shit.

Neither is all the waifushit y'all post.

I hope you're doing alright, user.

Why did he kill himself?
If he had a rough life, he could have just changed apartment or smth wtf.

Fuck off nigger

nigger nigger nigger

if i ever replied to him i probably called him a fag for liking bioshock

It's my understanding he was taking care of both of his parents.

God i hate trannies

>hates on waifushit

Knowing me I probably argued with him over some trivial shit. Sorry.

imagine needing to put on a front of being an edgy faggot on an anonymous imageboard.
If you reply to this post to argue against that you're just seething over me being right btw

Don't be. He probably enjoyed it.

Nice blogpost, now make a thread about actual videogames instead of some random dude we know nothing about


Uh what's the chance of him dead because of Yea Forums

Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself

Attached: 30ci8s.jpg (500x890, 72K)

>Yea Forums
>video games
How new


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Hope you have a good life, man.
I would get mad at you for attention whoring but losing a friend always hurts.

nice job seething retard


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one less weakling on this board

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why is everyone on Yea Forums taking care of their parents. I hear that so often it's insane

No future so they wageslave and take care of their parents instead of moving off and sending them to nursing homes


a lot of old people had a shitty life due to circumstances or even themselves, and without proper psychological aid they can't handle their own problems, often transmitting shitty behaviours/traumas/insecurities/fears to their children

happened to me

Is it really surprising that this shithole is populated by people who are from broken families?
I think families are more often than not responsible for depression and suicide in general. If your origins are shit, you are like a botched rocket failing to leave atmosphere and have no choice but to crash and burn or to orbit the same place forever.

why can't that be me on the bottom

You doing alright, user?
