A Plague Tale: Innocence

What does Yea Forums think about this? It's coming out in a about a week and I haven't seen much discussion about it. It's from a French studio I've never heard of, but Eurogames have, for the most part, been good (The Witcher series, Anno, Life is Strange). It seems to build on the post-apocalytpic survivor buddy dynamic established by The Last of Us/Telltale etc. but with a medieval low fantasy twist. Also, it's an older sister taking care of her brother instead of older male stranger/young girl.

I'm somewhat worried that the gameplay will be repetitive (throw fire to keep rats away) and that the game will go out of its way to paint Catholicism/The Inquisition as cartoonishly evil, but the graphics seem good and the story definitely has potential. I'm not sure it's worth a buy before it gets cheaper, but I don't know the length of the game. Discuss away.

Attached: APlagueTaleInnocence-Banniere-800x445.jpg (800x445, 45K)

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Bumping with some concept art

Attached: apti.png (1726x966, 3.29M)

Attached: apti body.png (1965x1103, 3.12M)

seems pretty cool. hoping the little kid isn't a cumbersome twat like kids usually are

Frenchies make good games, I will get this one

Just another garbage walking sim. Thanks Sony.

From what I understand, the little brother has had 0 contact with the sister before the game starts. They're lower nobility/upper middle class during the Black Death in the 14th century. Maybe there will be some overlap withe the early phases of the 100 years' war (one of my favourite historical periods) The little brother is sick, but I'm not sure it's the plague. There something special about him (immunity, lineage?) and he needs to be protected according to in-game npcs for reasons we have yet to discover. The Inquisition seems to be hunting him/them.

Garbage walking simulator

Will get it for the soundtrack.


>an actually good-looking female main character in a western game
ayy pretty good i say

Looks good, will watch a playthrough on YouTube.

Amicia is cute.

Attached: A plague tale.jpg (1920x1080, 229K)

TWD was a walking simulator as well, and season 1 is one of the most emotionally impacting games ever. Plus, they seem to have put some effort in stealth and rat puzzles. I read somewhere that one hit meant death though, so fighting up close isn't an option.
Nice, I hadn't heard this yet. There are too few medieval themed soundtracks out there.
Europe generally does well in the character design department. I hope the renders reflect the game.

>this shitty game no one mentioned was a walking sim too!

The dump of concept art screams shilling for me.
I still hope your game does well user.

>and season 1 is one of the most emotionally impacting games ever.
So? Are these the same writers and people behind TWD?

What do you consider good, user?
Not a shill, just didn't want my thread to die in 10 minutes. I think it's too expensive to buy at the current price anyway.

Attached: angry lee.png (1600x900, 2.2M)

Calling it now, the sister will die.

Looks quite gay

That whole protecting innocent child in a bleak setting thing is getting really old. It's overplayed and it was cheap emotional manipulation even when it was new.


I have played this game for a week now and finished it in about 7 hours. It is very repetitive, after 30 minutes you have seen all of the mechanics that are in play to solve the puzzles along the way.

The entire game is a puzzle to create light on the road you have to walk in order to avoid the rats and soldiers on your path.

Along the way you get a few extra mechanics to use but the basics remain the same (lure rats to a location, gass a soldier, ...)

Storywise the game is a lot of fun but gameplay wise not really. I personally expected a realistic game about medieval live and the plague, but it is a dramatization that involves the supernatural (little brother has a disease but in the end it lets him control the rats)

Source: am reviewer

Lets cross fingers for incest.

Looks a bit daft

Cool design, but impractical helmet. I wonder if they'll reveal the villain's face at the end and he'll be a character you met before?

Attached: darth revan.png (960x565, 808K)

GOTY 2019 if TLOU2 doesn't comes out.

I hope it's good, but I have my doubts.
What makes you say this? What have the french done of note in the past decade beyond trash their own capital city.

Will the game feature brocon skinship?

>Life is Strange
>liking Tumblr shit

Attached: 1531980194005.png (512x512, 137K)

Can you imagine what women in medieval times feminine hygiene levels were at? The plague was the yeast if their problems.

Are you saying the inqustition couldn't be evil?


OP also seems excited about this
>Also, it's an older sister taking care of her brother instead of older male stranger/young girl.
So yeah he seems right up tumblr's alley

maybe shill your shitty tumblr indie game elsewhere, friendo

There will be lewds of Amicia before too long.
LiS was comfy and had great music.
I'm saying that there's an annoying tendency to denigrate Christianity and portray it as bad in modern entertainment, essentially misrepresenting history to suit modern political agendas. The Inquisition may have done some bad things, but the overall balance of the Church was very positive in Western history. Still, it's a grimdark game with some fantasy elements, so a big bad is needed for narrative purposes.

They're using paintings and authentic medieval architecture from hometown as references for game. It looks like it has soul, but I really hope the puzzles are more complex than light brazier x, now pull rope y.

God, imagine the smell.

Seems good.

>A game featuring siblings is tumblr
This game isn't even out yet, and you're reeeing about tumblr. There's no blacks, homos or anything remotely political from the trailers. I'm glad a European studio is making something so we can get games that aren't tainted by American stuff. Instead of shouting buzzwords, we could talk about video games/gameplay/story?

Stronk female protagonist

The co-op stuff reminds me a bit of Ico, but the rest is giving me serious Hellblade vibes. Not sure about this one.

also: fuck rats

what even are those accents on the kids, the only way I can describe it is non-anglo european

Switch version?

She's a teenage girl who dies in 1 hit and seems scared and out of her element, only doing the things she does to protect the last of her family. Brave, but not very strong if you ask me.


What is this? another walking simulator?

Its The Last of Us clone but with no guns.
So I guess, yeah, sorta.

I thought this was an actual game, into the garbage it goes.

Ah ancient times when french were still white

Looks good.

However I cannot even buy Mordhau at the moment, so I won't be able to buy it.

I made a thread about this game a few months ago and nobody replied so I just assumed nobody cared

This thread reeks of shill marketing. Is nu v really this retarded?

>talking about vidya Yea Forums is shilling
The state of this board

>From what I understand, the little brother has had 0 contact with the sister before the game starts.
>There something special about him (immunity, lineage?) and he needs to be protected according to in-game npcs for reasons we have yet to discover.
Fucking hell, that's a bit blatant.

It's another story-driven game with casual stealth as an excuse for gameplay. And they pussied out of using French as the main language, instead everyone speaks English with a horrific frog accent.

It feels a bit like Da Vinci Code meets Ellie from the Last of Us.
I think English with a French accent sounds nice/cute, but it's easy to butcher. As long as the protagonist voice isn't too grating it should be fine.

It's almost never fine. If the game is set in France and you want a sense of authenticity, you use French voiceovers. Otherwise, just use normal English. You can't have both. The only thing worse is when character say a single phrase in their native tongue and then carry on in English. It's dated and lazy. It only works in cheesy, campy stuff, or in anything else where the story's not the main focus.

I wonder, will it feature French VAs like The Witcher did for their Polish audience?

It does, only question is if you can mix and match audio/subtitles.

Attached: lang.png (287x187, 8K)

If you can have Italian or Spanish subtitles with other audio, I should think you can have French audio/English subtitles. I'd play it in French for authenticity/to improve my understanding.