Easy games to platinum thread

I’ll start

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AssCreed 2

Spider-Man 2018.

Terminator salvation

REmake 2 was. Fun to do as well.

Is this a bait thread? Bloodborne has a pretty easy platinum, but I can't help but feel that you're baiting.

It’s definitely easy, I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

>this thread again

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Not sure if he is the user himself or someone pretending but he has been posting that pic + this for years

>newfags exposing themselves

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It's funny because savescumming XD

Nobody cares about your meme game

>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere

That's not rare at all, I have achievements on steam that only 0.1% have

>He did it again

Check this 8

>le meme thread lol newfags xd
Everyone knows that you monkey fucks recommend easy to plat games

Hitman Absolution
Life is Strange
Fallout 3

based, fromdrones on suicide watch

Hey OP which guides would you recommend for my blind playthrough? Also best place to farm? I hate to be challenged.

Imagine playing a game for fucking trophies.

>These Arab platinum hunters are forced to play every cod game and a lot of anime games
The middle east is going to get the same fate as Japan, I see

post ur rarest plats
>rainbow six shit 0.6%
>until dawn 2.9%
>driveclub 0.5%
>god of war 3 2.6%
>bayonetta 2.9%

I don't have that much, I only go for plats if I'm REALLY into that specific game
RDR2 is kinda rare I think, not that hard if you go in with the intention to get the plat, can be a pain in the ass if you decide to get later like I did though
I didn't plat the evil within in the end, I wanted to but I didn't feel like looking around for collectible shit, still did the Akumu run that's rare I believe, but I don't remember how rare it is
IF I manage to plat DMC5 it's gonna be a rare one too for sure

Mortal Kombat X 0.1%

That guy always likes to talk shit about bloodborne, saying he was so good that he got plat in 10 days playing blind. He's literally been doing it for years.

This is an old fake copypasta

I remember you. It took you over 100 hours of gameplay to platinum, by your own admission. You played 100 hours in a week and treat getting the platinum as if its some sort of accomplishment. It's not. It just demonstrates how little of a life you have.

Only platinum I have is Isaac and I got it by cheating
I am working on the nioh one is which is fairly easy,I am just missing the 60 requests trophy.

That's actually surprisingly high. I know you can just savescum for all endings and it's not the longest game in the world, but I'm surprised so many people bothered with Chalice Dungeons enough to get to Queen Yharnam.

>OP samefagging because nobody takes the bait

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>p-please fall for my b-bait

I'm sorry about your mom, bro.

the ratchet and clank series

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>4 years 8 months to plat a single game
>ez plat
Don't think so

took a 4 year break

Chalice dungeons are kinda fun if you just skip all the shitty generic enemies and run straight to the boss. The hardest thing in the whole game for me was the defiled dog, though. Not fun at all.

I never minded the Chalice Dungeons. I liked them enough to get all the lost and uncanny versions of all the weapons, as well as all the runes (except for Guidance level 3, which I don't think is possible).

Not all plats but I don't have a chance to look into the list in-depth

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it “took” me 2 years to plat BB because i sold my PS4 since it had no games and only bought one again when GOW came out