StarCraft 2: Korea Time

2019 GSL S2 Code S RO32 Group F
Trap vs Scarlett
KeeN vs herO

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Trap is cute. CUTE.

trannycraft lol

Trap (p) v Scarlett (z)
KeeN (t) v herO (p)
Winners Match (of first 2)
Losers Match (of first 2)
Deciding Match (of previous 2)

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Scarlett mainly does quick nydus right?

nope not even with tastosis


I feel you. Rather wait for KSL.

Would you say she speedruns?

Guys they are playing on GSL Cobalt!

trap vs trap
>pro game
>still blob a-move with units getting stuck on each other
learn 2 micro sc2cucks

>using the good name of Korea Time for garbage like SC2

Fuck off.

FUCK trannies

tranny btfo
does sage still work?

How do you defend against 4 immortals as Zerg?
Scarlett didn't seem to misplay, but it seems like the Protoss got an overwhelming army very quickly compared to Scarlett.

From what Ive seen this season, you dont. Everyone makes roach ravager, even though immortals counter it, so they just make more roach ravager

Is Starcraft Remastered and II worth playing for the campaigns?

Zergs seem to have not figured it out yet, but spire would counter it

Remastered yes
sc2 hell no

Ya, story sucks for part 2 but gameplay is fun for bother SC1 and 2

Wings of Liberty campaign is free, but the other two (Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void) cost like $30-40 to buy.
Try before you buy is what I say.

With a spire you just die even quicker, since it builds forever and mutas are extremely weak against all-ins.

You usually still need roaches against immortal all-ins, since mass zergling just sucks, especially if they have glaive adepts and teching up to hydras is hard against all-ins I think.

Who we rooting for?
Keen and who else?

Our girl Scarlett of course


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Trap is pretty cool.
herO kinda plays like a gorilla with really weird builds and trying to end the game early by microing like crazy, which I don't really like.

Root for non tranny zerg and terran
fuck protoss

We are rooting for Scarlett, She will come back and win it. Best zerg.


I honestly think Yea Forums is too donkey brianed to keep up with the fast paced intricate nature of SC2. This is why they like SC1 where each race makes 2 units and it takes 10 minutes before units attack each other.

If KeeN doesn't survive I'll settle for 2 Protoss advancing.

>Trap vs Scarlett
isn't scarlett the trap tho

To be a trap you technically need to pass

Trap dabbing on Hero.

empty studio
looks like it's not just Yea Forums that prefers bw

Gyuri bringing out the slutty shoulders.

bw was more empty, also less viewers on twitch and youtube, DEAD game. Sorry.

what did they mean by this

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the fact that you are competing against a game from last century means you automatically lose

Too bad. I think both BW and SC2 are great games.

There no competition to be had, jabroni. It's a wash.

i-i like sc2...........

lmao the state of this game. your biggest tournament and it barely pulls in more viewers than mid-tier twitch camwhores.

Beiber defense


Our girl is up next, she is gonna win.

Why are the casters shilling for the tranny?
I thought tastosis were based and redpilled


our girl. Girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girlgirlgirl....FACT!!!!

If she cut off her dick, she has a scar, and a dude who cuts off his dick is a manlet.


Gotta shill the foreigner.
Also Scarlett transitioned long before it became a "trendy" thing to do, doesn't really seek attention and is alright as a person, so she doesn't really get much hate.

Have sex.

his tranny brain addled with titty skittles cant keep up with korean brainpower

Fortunately I can because I haven't chopped off my dick

Scarlett is popular, brings in viewers, they said this near the s start iirc.

Tiwtch just hit 10k viewers, WE DID IT BOYS. THIS IS THE NEW CHADCRAFT 2 ERA

5k discord trannies and orbiters

the funniest thing about Scarlett is, that "she" is the no.1 in female e-sports earnings. iirc 4 out of the top 10 in that category are MtFs

mods banning anyone saying anything remotely close to scarlett being male
the absolute state of sc2

>waaah they wont let me be epic in twitch chat mommy

>is scarlet just gonna get rolled over here?
>completely dismantles the terran army with no micro
sc2 is such a shitshow the casters can't even figure out what is going on

you should be grateful for my viewership. Your dead game is on life support and will die within a year

Your boomer eyes are too slow to notice the micro, blind cloud, banelings hitting the right units, vipers pulling the right units, neurals, etc.

>1 viewer mattering in the long run
The ball is in Blizzards court to turn the game around, we all know this.

Can the fucking ksl come back already. Sc2 is fine but bw is so much more fun

when your biggest tournament gets as many viewers as your average hearthstone streamer every viewer counts

>tranny tries to speedrun
its like poetry

thursday 6 in the a m

Really activates the almonds

Our queen better not lose again

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That was Keen going too far on creep and not having vikings. Other than that Keen was playing circles around Scarlett, he never allowed Scarlett to build a bank and pretty much won when he caught all the broodlords with his first batch of vikings.

That creeeeeeeeeeeep

If she is your "queen" why post such a unflattering picture?
Literally looks like a dude in makeup which she is

Our naturally born girl did it! She is gonna take it all!

Plays Zerg really well.

>really well
>turtle on 4base until hivetech

>literally shits creep over 75% of the map

t. GM Zerg

Im sick of tasteless calling everything problematic

>Scarlett's multitasking

>> Im sick of tasteless calling everything problematic
very problematic

The casters are trying so hard to jerk off scarlet it makes me embarrassed for him
Imagine people thinking you are that sensitive

Does she even have a cock to be jerked off?


Scarlett is a tranny, why i'm not surprised.

terran mechs too OP

Ling bane muta vs mech not so good.

12.6k viewers.
Starcraft 2 is BACK

I don't know if he still has his dick that he was born with

get fucked orbiters

Rematch of TvP
Go Keen!

>tfw 30 mutalisks run into your 50 million thors

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Why would you ling muta a mech Terran?

Keen's so dead.

Is there is stream with english commentary?

Because Scarlett didn't scout it.

Protoss have 20 immortals, literally cant look up just like dogs. Maek roch

Terran has 20 Thors, have anti air missile launchers for dicks, maek muta

I dont understand.

Are you joking? Three it's 2 in OP

WCS Europe often has 20k viewers and more especially when Serral is playing. No Tastosis tho sadly.

Hi there newfriend. It's only in Korean during the breaks, Tasteless and Artosis are casting the actual games in English.

They are speaking chinese in every stream

Both not english

Mutas don't actually kill immortals before the protoss warps in 10 stalkers and can get super hardcountered by phoenix.

The replays between the matches are in korean

Based KeeN keeps GSL clean

She saw the hellbats. She should of known that it be mech Terran play.
She didn't transition into counter tech, scout and keep up with the enemies composition, and she didn't fucking predict the enemies movements properly.
Instead she wasted micro trying to 4 way flank the terrans army like it's fucking coh.
Mech Terran is not op scarlet just playing like an idiot.


If there are 20 immortals out and the zerg doesn't have broodlords the game is over anyway.

Keen hwaiting!

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Pick protoss.

protoss? more like badtoss

Go dilate scarlett

How much did you play the game during those 9 years?

Build immortals.

>tranny eliminated
>viewers back to below 10k

Why are all terrans going for tanks in TvZ and then getting rolled by infinite ling bane?

It's more about being a "foreigner" than a tranny. It's sad but people work like that.

What do you suggest they build?


Mines? Tank pushes generally end with all the tanks being swamped after getting 1-2 shots off because terrans insist on fighting on creep. Doesn't that make mines as economic even with the reveal nerf? Why not mix mines and tanks?

All I can tell you is that if Mines worked better than Tanks, pro players would go for them.
Conventional logic is that you go for mines against mutas, since they also shoot air, while tanks can get picked of by them, but go Tanks against Hydras or roaches.

I think Fantasy used drilling claw Mines very effectively in his last game against Leenock yesterday though, so they're still used sometimes.

>stim deny

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how the fuck

>the city of her0

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Keen is a fucking beast, talk about a comeback

>that pause as the immortal walks down and keen was about to gg but Hero gg'd first

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>Like 1 mineral field across all of his bases
RIP Dream

How is protoss being able to reinforce units anywhere on the map near instantly with the warp prism and warp gate balanced?

Time to go buy some Mountain Dew.

Guys you will NEVER GUESS who passed this group

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Welp, only 2 groups left for Ro32.
Group G (SC2)
Group H (SC2)
for the rest of the week.

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If either sOs or Parting delivers, 50% protoss in RO16. Nice.
It's not balanced, but the warp prism has legacy privileges and will never receive significant nerfs.

Preview of next groups style

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Because gateway units are shit.
It's a pretty difficult design to balance still though and current balance and design are in a pretty bad spot.

>the tranny with 2500 gorillion apms

>no more PvP until Ro16
Alright I guess

>gateway units are shit.
Yes and no. Gateway (especially chargelots) performs well against anything in a scenario where the protoss forces the opponent to defend in multiple locations simultaneously. Stalkers and adepts are glass cannons, but they both have a teleport which can be abused really hard. DTs can be autowin.

Nobody wants your negativety kid

The point being they are not strong core units comparable to marines. Charge Zealots are strong but being melee limits their utility, adepts are basically like protoss roaches, Stalkers even with blink are weak in direct fights. Archons and HTs are pretty strong, but archons need to be morphed and HTs need to gather energy and both are of course also lategame units.

>but they both have a teleport which can be abused really hard.
See: both games from yesterday where Stats beat Fantasy with Blink shenanigans

I'm the only one who thinks partings glasses are cute

how has sc2 not died yet? I remember 4-5 years ago it was dieing. is it any fun to play nowadays?

Marines aren't the 'marines' people refer to until after two upgrades and being supported by medivacs. Which is why I don't like them. Base marines are ass, but with all the bells and whistles they're stupidly useful, it's that kind of all-or-nothing design that sours the game.

It's as much fun as it ever was or will be.

Try it, it's free

>is it any fun to play nowadays?
As long as you're not playing upper leagues ladder.