Honest question: why do women and minorities feel the need to always complain about "not getting represented in video...

Honest question: why do women and minorities feel the need to always complain about "not getting represented in video games and tv shows"?
Like, as a white male, I really don't feel represented by Geralt of Rivia for example. I don't even feel the need to be represented in the slightest. Why do women and minorities feel any different?

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>why do women and minorities feel the need to always complain about "not getting represented in video games and tv shows"?
Same reason fags on here complain that they're in, is the reason women and minorities complain when they're not. You're all gigantic cunts.

They don't, SJWs are complaining on their behalf 90% of the time

honest question: why don't you have sex?

it's only americans that complain about this
beaners, chinks or niggers of africa don't really give a fuck

>I don't even feel the need to be represented in the slightest.
Maybe because straight white males like you already permiate every facet of society and media.

Can't. Your mom left me too sore last night.

>why do women and minorities feel the need to always complain about "not getting represented in video games and tv shows"?
It's always SJWs and whites.

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Fuck /pol/ and their pretend victim complex.

In the west
Because they're the majority there
Please do tell me when exactly does the operation start to increase white representation in bollywood.

>we're opressed by the evil white supremacist capitalist colonialist patriarchy
>it's those /pol/acks that have the victim complex!
We're reaching levels of projection that shouldn't be possible.

>be white male
>see yourself in every video game, movie, tv show etc.
>don’t feel the need to be represented

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>be non-white
>give a shit whether or not you will be represented in the next mediocre game/movie
Are these the problems of a first worlder?

Show me one white male in Sekiro. They're all Asians.

silly user, only black people really count
asians, natives, hispanics, jews and any other group only count as non-white when it's convenient to let them

Pretty much this, A lot of things get mixed in the shuffle.

Strange because when I watch a movie like City of God I don't even remotely consider that there are no whites in the movie I just like it for what it is.

The people that complain about it are fucked in the head to be thinking in that way.

I'm a minority and most people would classify me as an anime waifu loving incel.
Go fuck yourself.

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I’m white, but I’m gay, and I find it annoying that we barely have any games with gay options when it shouldn’t be that difficult to include and is mostly done this way because of homophobia.

because they are spoiled

If there are X percent gays then they should be in X percent games.

Only fair way to do it.

I've always felt like women who actually say that kinda shit are a myth. Pretty much every girl I know who plays video games just wants the option to play a girl because they are one, but aren't fussed about playing as a guy if the game doesn't have character select/customization.

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>minorities don’t matter


When I play Bayonetta, I dont give a shit that i'm playing a women, because it's part of the story.

Bending words like a true Bender.

90% of what I play are Asian games overwhelmingly featuring chinks and I can still relate to the characters because I don't care what skin color or features people have.
If nignogs care so much about representation why dont they make their own fucking games? Oh wait they don't because it's a fucking trend people jump on for feelsgood woke points doubling as a marketing trick peddled by a retarded but very vocal minority

As a male hue spic, i dont get it either, Max Payne 3 happening in Brazil only made me laugh at the silly swearing the "natives" used. The closest i can relate is that i find it cool that Jetstream is from hueland, but only because it has a decent explanation behind it and i wouldnt mind if he wasnt hue either.

Representation wouldn't be a problem if these people did have such a problem with how they are represented, its why a boring straight man like Franklin is a protagonist instead of the more interesting but less flattering Lamar.

Race doesn't matter. Just make the characters hot.

Based. Weeb power.

>implying gays make more interesting characters than straight men who have morals and principals.

They don't, but that's besides the point

>be slav
>be represented
>but as an enemy

They unironically don’t.
You just keep hearing that they do from the same few stupid fucks over and over again.

based mexibros

>be french
>be represented
>as a joke character

We're past that bro its out of our hands sorry, they just do it automatically now


black guy here, i really dont give a fuck desu. media paints it like we care but i doubt anyone does outside of big liberal cities.

OP gets the award for the least self-aware post today.

fucking this.
never heard any of that bullshit outside of america, in germany nobody gives a shit either

Hello, reddit.

>move to majority white countries
>complain when you aren't the fucking centre of attention 24/7

the need to self-insert for any type of media is a mental disorder