>Thought the Wild Hunt were really spooky at first
>Turns out they're literally just elves
What a let-down.
Thought the Wild Hunt were really spooky at first
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They're ALIEN elves.
that scene with the one survivor at that village was so cool. Witcher 3's plot was honestly pretty disappointing but the journey was worth it. Odyssey is better though.
the witcher series is all about myths and folklore being subverted
>Odyssey is better though.
they are interdimensional elves. it's basically wh40k lore inside out. who can tell these days what borrowed from where.
I had this experience with the first Dragon Age. The beginning of the game hypes up the Darkspawn like some unknowable sanity crushing creatures, imagine my disappointment when they were just goblins and orcs.
No, it's objectively better. Better combat, a more dynamic interesting open world, and the quests are about on par. I'd say the overarching plot in Odyssey is much, much worse, but I think most of the moment to moment stories are pretty good and the DLC has been pretty solid.
Humans are literally aliens to the Earth in Witcher
>The Wild Hunt is a folklore motif that historically occurs in European folklore. Wild Hunts typically involve a ghostly or supernatural group of hunters passing in wild pursuit. The hunters may be either elves or fairies or the dead
This was my biggest disappointment when it comes to Witcher franchise.
>spooky spectral force of nature bad omen riders
Rad as fuck
>lmao these are actually some edgy elves from another dimension
Into the trash
They are neat, but If I recall they changed the armour designs of them and that was the only negative for me.
I totally didn't think that they were badass metal skeleton dudes...
Actually it's all just a berserk reference because everything in fantasy is a berserk reference, the medieval societies actually just borrowed heavily from berserk. Swords and wolves were invented by berserk. I'm really tired of everyone stealing from berserk.
ur brain's fucked, nigger.
odyssey quests are fucking terrible. the gameplay is much better but don't kid yourself about the quests.
You think some Pole was reading Beserk in the late 90s? Would be pretty cool.
the quests are all pretty top notch unless your referring to the procedural quests you get from the statues. my favorite quests were with stupideo and everything on that minotaur island. The free update quests are all pretty great. Couldn't believe there was a quest where you found Markos 70 hours later.
i'm pretty sure berserk literally invented the iron maiden, longsword and wolves; especially using wolves and other terrifying predators as motifs for architecture and equipment.
I'm just so sick of everyone and everything literally robbing the intellectual genius of berserk, you know?
lord of the rings, dark souls, game of thrones, medieval european history, its all just stolen straight from my favorite mangas
subtle Ubi shill. Lets beat him up like a Novigrad whore!
I'm unironically an Ubisoft shill. They make some good shit still unlike most AAAs. Thought I hated them but Wildlands, Odyssey, and Division 2 whitepilled me on them.
Sell me on Assassin's Creed; that's the Odyssey you're referencing, right?
I played the very first AC and liked it.
I tried the next two and thought they were literal garbage theme park bullshit 'open world' memeshit.
I haven't picked one up since because it was so painfully procedural and uninspired in every way.
Has this changed? Are they meaningfully crafted RPG's with a cohesive storyline and engaging combat instead of the braindead shit-tier bamham trash I recall from Ac3?
>cohesive storyline
no, the overarching story is terrible but what you're doing moment to moment is definitely fun and interesting. Maybe Odyssey would've been better if I went after the bad ending.
>engaging combat
yes, I'd say it's faster paced souls combat but a lot of people were upset that you can't instantly murder a giant crowd of people after a single counter anymore.
The open world is full of ways to destabilize the local government which will help you in battles to change the governing nation which is fun and a good way to get the best loot drops. Most of the quests in each region play into an overarching plot which usually culminates in finding a cultist and they're pretty memorable.
I don't know what RPG's don't have theme park open worlds except Unreal World and Caves of Qud and Cataclysm DDA desu.
Some of the lore of the witcher is really unusual.
>humans in the world of the witcher are actually from OUR world, they got there through a portal
>Ciri gave everyone the bubonic plague
>She also visited the modern world
Its not the theme park design itself, it's how completely transparent it was.
>there are 5 kinds of icons on your minimap
>the minimap expands because of icon 1. go find those. get your map visible.
>minimap icons 2-5 are 4 kinds of 'events' or 'activities'
>go about icons 2-5 after using icon 1, repeat this cycle around 8 times, you're done with our game
>great stuff, hope you had fun
The 'truth' of this design is pretty widespread, in the most broad sense, but the art of design is cloaking it effectively and breaking it up with meaningful shit so that it's not so painfully obvious and removes any sense of give-a-shit.
Not sure if i'm conveying it effectively, but i know there's a good point here.
The Ciri part is a cocktease about CP77. She'll appear as a whore in a easter egg.
Also everybody and their mothers who touched the books knew they were elves. Only stupid secondaries were surprised by it.
I think I get what you're saying. I'd say Odyssey has more authentic exploration than the game taking you by the hand and leading you through a bunch of setpieces despite being labeled open world. There are still a couple areas of the map I never touched and I'm over 100 hours deep
Honestly this. As soon as it was revealed that they were elves, the sp00k factor dropped hard.
>Odyssey was better
Opinion disregarded.
Wost thing is that people who read the books knew this, and it was painful to see the games trying to hold back the shitty twist until the end.
Oh well based cdpr for maintaing the charm until the end though.
She's a slut who opens her legs for everybody user, don't delude yourself. It's canon.
>medieval societies actually just borrowed heavily from berserk
No, hewmahns are the aliens
t. buttmad Miyazaki babby who can't accept that DaS and BB borrow a lot from Berserk
Spooky witcher peaked in 2 with the neverending battle curse plotline.
Shit was metal as fuck.
Never said she enjoy sex, but degrading herself as a whore when the entirety of the books is her idolizing the wotcher lifestyle?
Nah, more likely to be some private detective/bounty hunter.
>ubishit games being better than anything...ever
This, even though there was still a lot that could've been done with the wild hunt, I wish they chose a different plotline for the main story. It's even made clearer when you see side content like Heart of Stone or the Tower of Mice.
I'm glad they didn't forget about Ciri and Yenefer for the final game but making it all about the former, while being very faithful to the second half of the book story, was a mistake.
It really feels like each of the three games is an homage to a different part of the original story.
Aren't the Witcher books older than WH40K?
i played the witcher 3 it was nice, tried the witcher 2 but the controls/movement were so weird so i stopped playing it
You're missing out man,the story is pretty amazing, possibly better than 3.
ill give it another try probably
No, not even close, warhammer dates back to the mid '80s.
Enjoy it, btw if you feel like the movement speed is slow just roll, it improves your movement greatly.
And alchemy is op but gamebreaking.
tfw can't post the picture because hiroshimoot disabled image posting in my ip range, as if that will prevent the degenerates from postung cunny (or whatever the fuck triggered this) somehow anyway
Gamebreaking op but boring*
ok thanks! will keep that in mind when i play it
>The Witcher short story 1986
> WH40K 1987
Why are both the guy on the left and the guy on the right cooler looking than the guy in the middle?
>what is warhammer fantasy
>implying the witcher integrated the crazy interdimentional lore right from the start.
Gaunter should have been the antagonist of the main game instead of some gay elves
Imlerith > Caranthir >>>>>>>>>>>> Eredin
Hey at least we can post now, last week I could not at all
The real villains (Emhyr, Avallach, Philippa) should have been the antagonists.
Lost all interest in the Lore when I found out their enemy was the fucking unicorns
Every time a year or two passes I start thinking maybe Ubisoft is not making garbage anymore. People are praising them for something, it can’t be that bad.
So I start their current year AC and see:
It can, it can be that bad. It’s the same shit like always.
Don’t make my mistakes, frens, never buy a single Ubisoft game ever again.
>witches that are scary as death, even Geralt avoids them.
>actually just some three shapeshifting cunts easily defeated by a single girl.
>a single girl
Ciri is THE textbook Mary Sue example.
see this
No one is hiding it tho, some things are so obviously inspired by berserk like Artorias armor.
>Odyssey is better though.
Only some visual flare is borrowed and thank fuck for only that because it's literally the only thing Miura can do. The story arcs, characters, etc, of berserk suck nuts
None of those characters were villains though.
By far my favorite character in the games
Was interesting how his script and voice actor made him seem really chilling, yet familiar and mysterious at the same time
Edgelord McElf who is supposed to be the main antagonist that only interacts with you during the final boss battle is fucking lame as shit compared to how HoS was
What's the point of making them elves? Why?
I had the same reaction
Not so much BB. There's isn't any berserk inspired artistic direction, except for the hunter's mark that looks similar to the brand of sacrifice.
What would you have preferred? Generic undead?
The game is inherently political. There has to be races.
t. emhyr/avallach
Something something Elder Blood.
Humans and elves can cross-breed, and the space elves need the genes to make the interdimensional travel easier and conquer more worlds.
Because he has a fake skull on his face
Having a skull mask makes you a huge fucking pussy. Skulls are only good for the cool factor when they're either real skulls used as armor, or you're seeing the dude's real unarmored skeleton. Fake skulls just make you seem kinda cheesy. Like you're too much of a wimp to wear a real skull and you're too much of a faggot to be a real skeleton man, so you go to your armorer and ask him to bang up a skull plate for your helmet so everybody can totally see how cool and badass you are.
It's the armor equivalent of a fedora.
I don't know, I figured they'd be something scary and unusual. They're just elves? They're not like ancient demigod super elves? The shaokhan of elves? Evil elven Batman? Magical elf vader?
Charlemagne was reading Berserk when he decided to create the medieval era. He got his hands on a Latin fan translation and forced catholic monks to teach him how to read so he could understand it. Medieval Europe was only a little different than Berserk because it was a bad fan translation and he wasn't good at reading.
They're cuck elves. They're angry because a human literally cucked the whole race.
>They're not like ancient demigod super elves?
They're 6' elves in a 5'11" world.
>mysterious creatures flying through the air every something years
>lol just elves bro
Instead of writing fanfiction about Berserk retroactively being ripped off of half a millennia before it was written, you can just say that you don't like people claiming everything is Berserk inspired.
You can just say you don't like Berserk instead of being a sardonic faggot about it and pretending to have some retard opinion. Try being genuine for once in your miserable life instead of falseflagging total nonsense opinions on a website for discussing mongolian shadow puppet theater.
>stop telling jokes
That sounds like fun.
No fun allowed
Unironically the vampire boss fight in blood and whine was more entertaining and really cool. I at least managed to die there to the bat swarm one shot at least.
If every joke you tell is ultimately just you pretending to be retarded like everybody else on this godforsaken board, you need to get some new damn material.
I felt the same way desu
Odyssey could have been good if they cut out at least half the content since its all copy pasted relentlessly
>Better combat
XD that's a good one
Real question, did you kill the Rock golem that was guarding the camp?
I dont have this weird corporate sports team mentality so can someone explain how a game like witchery 3 is worse than odyssey or origins which at least have objectively better combat?
You seem to think they're trying to trick you or something. I don't think anyone's expecting you to believe that they actually think medieval Europe ripped off Berserk.
Well that parts true at least. I love the series but dont pretend the combat isn't the weakest part of all 3 games
>wow spook!
>btw literally all the monsters and magic and shit are already from another planet
>also the spookymen are literally just knife-eared faggots
what a fucking gyp
What? Of course they don't expect anybody to believe they're serious, the joke is that they're pretending to be retarded.
The dwarven section I think fleshed out the dark spawn pretty well
With enough mental gymnastics, literally every joke ever told by humans could be described as "pretending to be retarded".
Remember when TW1 had more dialogue with eredin in one scene than in the entirety of tw3? That was fun.
Play the first game, king of the wild hunt appears to be a ghostly apparition that's practically the grim reaper, 2 games later they're aliens.....
>I dont have this weird corporate sports team mentality
It’s not that it’s just statistics.
>witchery 3 is worse than odyssey or origins
It’s not
But assuming you mean the opposite:
>good story
>believable and relatable characters
>interesting quests
>interesting world
>interesting lore
>engaging loot
>combat albeit debatable does not turn into number crunching and grind. And on higher difficulties is actually way more interesting because of all the options, poisons and elixirs. Instead of dodge-hit-dodge-hit for every identical enemy.
Sapkowski's not very big on geek stuff like tabletop and video games, I'd say it's a total coincidence.
Plus remember that these things took time to reach Poland.
You're not wrong but that is a very disingenuous line of reasoning.
There's clearly a difference between a joke that works by the teller pretending to have a ridiculous opinion in this way and a joke that works through some other means.
Pretending to be retarded is only a tired joke format in the first place because it's like half the attempted humor on Yea Forums.
t. Radovid.
>engaging loot
What the fuck does this even mean?
The real question is, why didn't Regis come to Kaer Morhen and absolutely massacre the Hunt
Because he's dead, they resurrected him in the expansion for cheap fanservice.
I've only read the first book but was geralt aware of regis being alive at that time?
hes a retard, i love witcher 3 but it has no engaging loot at all. literally half way through your first playthrough you realize the only gear worth a damn is the witcher stuff, and all the dogshit rng swords and armor you've been picking up at the question marks is worthless compared to the craftable witcher gear
>Nilfgaard is made out to be the big bad evil
>The worst they do is maybe enact justice too harshly sometimes, otherwise they seem pretty civilized
Why are nordlings so retarded? Name me ONE northern ruler that actually did something beneficial
muh liberty or death
Those aren't mutually exclusive.
The wild hunt in the witcher always was interdimensional elves though
I wish Eredin never took of his mask, nigga looks gayy
Imlerith's barbecued mug was glorious, that whole boss fight man...
The best part was the skip the deeproads mod
Never kill rock trolls, they're too entertaining
Troll decoction though.
Still better than AC
I was disappointed as well until I read the books and they straight up tell you in the last one that they're elves, Ciri even visits their city and meets Eredin. So if you read the books first you already knew and wouldn't be disappointed.
They also kinda mention it in Witcher 2, though you don't learn about where they came from.
Wild Hunt being interdimensional elves is mentioned in every single game and books. It's not the game fault that you started with third instalment.
The whole final stretch of Witcher 3 was great. Traveling through 4-5 different dimensions and then approaching that tower in Skellige with the clouds parting and revealing earth in the sky.
Pure kino.
> enact justice too harshly sometimes
Nilfgaard killed millions because their retarded emperor thought that he's the "chosen one".
I was somewhat disappointed the game kept going after the battle at the witcher school. It's like if ME2 went for another 10 hours after the suicide mission.
>missing the joke completely
how to spot people that started the series with 3 and knew absolutely nothing about the source material the games are based on.
>A single girl that can teleport anywhere she wants in time and space and can go super nova and destroy anything around her.
Fair point but I’m more complaining about the fact that the fight was nothing special and I can’t see any reason Geralt wouldn’t be able to handle it.
True but we'll never know.
In their defence, I'd rather they stayed truer to the books with the Wild Hunt looking like spectres when in the regular world, not just costumed as such.
I think the idea was that it was all hearsay from terrified peasants that they look like specters. Geralt only really encounters them once in the books and that's during some kind of storm that they probably created.
Empress Ciri is best Ciri and SHOULD be canon IMHO, Yea Forums agrees right?
lol no
The facial animations in this game were amazing
Fuck no. Witcher Ciri is true to her character.
Not sure if you're memeing me user, but explain why you don't think so
>I dont have this weird corporate sports team mentality
>b-b-bbut AC games are the best and if you disagree ur wrong!!!
sounds like you do and it's for Ubisoft lmao.
at least root for a competent dev lol
It's sad that to date only Half-Life 2 and Witcher III have great facial animation. I wish CDPR would release their animation pipeline toolset openly. They've described it at least.
And by that I mean not just in highly produced cutscenes, but standard dialogue scenes as well.
>Ancient demigod super elves
Literally what they are rumored to be by those who have heard of them but know nothing about them in game. I think it was poetic that in reality, they were just some elves, another race that already exists in their world
Yeah, they aren't talked about enough.
On the one hand I like Ciri as empress because she won't die in a ditch somewhere one day and it ties into my idea for a Witcher 4 where Ciri oversees a rebuilt Viper Witcher school in Nilfgaard.
On the other she doesn't actually want to be Empress and we know from the books/CDPR's own additions to them that Morvran is a total asshole of an emperor that breaks all the rules of war to win so it's clear any influence Ciri would have had was ignored.
Because it makes the whole series pointless
Unless you see the series as a coming of age story for Ciri where she realizes that she has the ability to help a great many more people as the Empress she's always avoided being than going off on her own and living selfishly for herself.
Yeah, sure. A Polish writer during the peak of Communist regime during the Cold War and behind the Iron Courtain was most definitely an avid player of an expensive as all fuck British-made, English-language exclusive wargame.
Get a grip for fuck's sake.
Wild Hunt is also a normal part of European folklore. They're just not in Scandinavian folklore so Tolkien didn't put them into LOTR, hence their relative obscurity.
Actually I started with the first game back when it came out and the Wild Hunt was fucking amazing in that game.
But yeah, I don't care much for the source materials, doesn't change the fact that them being just some unexplainable force of nature-like thing is cool and them interdimensional edge elves is like something out of capeshit.