Now that the dust has settled, was it a commercial flop?
Now that the dust has settled, was it a commercial flop?
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someone post V please, I need more for my folder
How do I get in there?
Fastest selling game in the series so no.
didnt it sell more than every other dmc combined or something like that?
That sounds like someone's wishful thinking, to sell more than every other DMC combined would put sales number around 15 million and none of Capcom's franchises sell that good in just few months.
No user, It sold 2mill so far. No DMC game sold that much within the same time frame.
2 million sold.
Not a failure but not an outstanding success either.
once a niche serie, forever a niche serie.
2M in like a month is pretty good.
DMC5 will easily hit 4M in the long run, even before a re-release.
It's approachable from another hallway. Keep your eyes glued to the corners of the ceiling and eventually you'll find some small ledges high up that you can jump on.
no but it's still disappointing.
DMC5 is just a finished DMC4 with worse graphics, no level design & forced levels with the worsts character in any action game.
Thanks. I must've run through the area five times before calling it quits. Gonna try again when I wake up.
>judging the commercial success by absolute numbers without considering the target sales
>DMC3(the best in the series) sold worse than DMC2(the worst in the series)
nani the fuck?
People bought DMC2 expecting it to be as good or better than 1. When it was dogshit they had no reason to have faith in 3 being decent.
>1 was great, people jumped on 2
>2 was shit, people were skeptical about 3
Sadly it’s just something that happens with good follow ups to bad games.
>sold within Capcom's expectations
>fastest selling DMC ever
>only two months after release and it's matching the best selling in the series
Yeah, total flop bro
How much did 4:SE sell? And would they just fold that number into Vanilla 4's sales and would it be prudent?
not a flop by any stretch, but it didn't exceed any expectations either. DMC could only become a mainstream hit if it underwent a God of War-like transformation.
I don't think Devil May Cry will ever be mainstream. Casual and hardcore games are more polarized than they were 20 years ago and it's not going to change.
They never combine rerelease sales with sales of the original. No one knows how much it sold, except that it was less than a million
well I meant mainstream as in sell more than 10 mil but I guess that's no longer the case with the kinds of numbers that Minecraft and Fortnite pulled
>Resident Evil 2 is defined as a “major hit,” having shipped over 4 million units. Devil May Cry 5 shipped 2 million units backed by its “popularity in overseas markets.”
> Devil May Cry 5 “Performed Strongly.”
>. Devil May Cry 5 (for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC) targeted overseas markets and also performed strongly, backed by consistent demand.
Is using google that hard you fucking retards. DMC5 did great. Shitposters on suicide watch.
The exact same pattern Resident Evil has been in for 15 years now. RE4 is good so people bought RE5. RE5 was...enjoyed by a large number of people so they bought RE6. RE6 was bad so people didn't buy RE7. RE7 was good so people bought RE2 remake.
It came after 2.
It's shallow and easy, like all Capcom games but a decent enough addition to the gaming landscape
DMC2 burned people too hard.
absolute brainlet
It's the equivalent of tricking almost 2 million people in playing Bubsy 3D.
Brainlets are people who think Capcom have ever made a good game. They require slightly more thinking than the average modern game, but compared to even the worst Cave game these games are nothing
Played the other DMCs when I was younger and thought the game was cool so I picked up DMC5 and I can see why I enjoyed it as a kid but now that I'm older the quirky characters with their quips and personalities really seemed a bit "too much".
Although I do understand that the characters are just like that in DMC and that's the allure but to me it just seemed something more for a younger "teeny" audience because it felt like I was playing as members of a K-POP band.
Whatever you say retard
You've never even heard of Cave have you?
It didn't flop, but the fact that it was outsold by Sekiro really says a lot about the lack of demand for anime games in the market.
Game was at 200.000 first week on steam
It is now at more than 1.000.000
Just on steam
So the game sold far more than 2.000.000 now
For a DMC game that's a huge succes
>the quirky characters with their quips and personalities really seemed a bit "too much".
That might be as a result of them adding more and more cutscenes to the games. 1 had an hour or so of cutscenes, while 5 has around 3 hours.
>Comparing shoot em ups to Capcom who specialize in fighting games and 3d action games
Wew lad.
>Shmups and character action games are the same thing
Capcom games are fun and so are Cave games, you big faggot
>Comparing skill based games to the swill Capcom puts out
You're right that was dumb
>anime games
Sekiro is literally samurais, think you need to look for the reason elsewhere.
game selling more units at launch doesn't mean shit. SFV also sold better on launch than sf4 did, then the sales came to near a complete halt. Games sell more at launch these days because of the preorder and hype culture
I fucking love dmc5 but there is every chance that the game is a flop commercially. Don't forget that it also has bigger budget and marketing than dmc4 had so it's not enough to reach a similar success
Imagine sucking yourself off this hard for playing shmups.
Why are you jarpigs so anti-skill? Progressfaggotry has ruined gaming
Capcom have already explicitly said that it's sold within expectation and they are happy with it.
It's not a flop dude
Samurai isn't anime, I could play Sekiro in front of people without any embarrassment while there are scenes in DMC5 that are definitely cringe.
Face it, doomsayers. Capcom won this round.
>From Softwares latest game after they became basically a household name after Dark Souls and Bloodborne outsold a game that came back after a near 10 year come back.
Stop trying to imply that Sekiro was going to be Niche in anyway.
>I could play Sekiro in front of people without any embarrassment
>People start pitying you as you die again and again to the same enemy because you're a scrub
>Not embarrassing
But then again you'd have the same problem with DMC.
>Samurai isn't anime
Are you serious? That's like saying cowboys don't appear in westerns.
If DMC5 makes you cringe it's because you have poor taste, hell the only actual scene that would make one a bit embarrassed in front of the family is the one influenced by the legend of western music scene.
>Playing video games in front of people
If that doesn't embarrass you already, your friends will appreciate the objectively cooler looking game.
>Not dancing along while your family watches
>Expecting pleb weebs to have taste/shame
Funny how you've only used "weeb" as a descriptor without going into detail as to why something is shameful.
that scene sealed the games fate.
>plays videogames in front of other people
>thinking you have any right to talk about shame
>He's less ashamed to play with this children's toy than this children's toy
If you're playing video games, in front of people no less, you can't say shit.
>anime game
it was a nice sendoff
they'll just reboot the first game like RE2
nu-GoW style, more story, less complicated combat
What about the parts where it fades to black because of intimate conversations between a little boy and his slave? From are too lazy to animate these scenes.
2 millions is a damn good number and everyone else in the insdutry should aim to that and not wanting to sell bazzillions.
>nu-GoW style, more story, less complicated combat
Are you fucking retarded? They already know that shit doesn't work. The next DMC, even if it IS a reboot, will play just like 5.
Can we let it go? we had DMC threads for a year. The game was great and I'm glad mission Cuhrayzee worked but can we please let it go without making these threads even worse? Fujos and Vfags shat up the threads after release, please don't make this like NG threads and start shitflinging for no reason
Face it: It would have sold like hotcakes if they gave us DmC2. DmC was perfectly mainstream, Capcom just refused to give it the marketing it deserved.
lmao it was marketed a fuck ton, no one wanted it and that's why it sold mediocre to DMC4
It would've sold thousands, that's for sure
Let's say you're right user. I still got DMC5. Nothing else matters.
Capcom already said it was successful. Stop trying with this bullshit.
3 hours?!? I'm at like mission 14 and nothing significant has happened so far. Why are the female characters even in the game? They haven't done anything and I don't give a shit about them.
They are in the game so it wouldn't be a complete sausagefest, but dev team didn't have enough money to make them do something relevant.
>but dev team didn't have enough money to make them do something relevant.
Nor to make them any attractive it seems.
>but dev team didn't have enough money to make them do something relevant
Man I'm suck of this retarded misunderstanding going around.
In the interview Itsuno said that the girls didn't get the focus because they decided to put all the money into the story and characters that actually matter, not that they had plans for them but couldn't do them due to budget restraints.
If they had more budget it would still go into the characters that matter well before it reaches Lady or Trish
Why niggers keep saying that 2kk is great? It is 2019, not fucking 2005, even Assasshit sells A WAY better EVERY YEAR.
So yeah, it is a flop, do not expect another DMC game in next 10 years
Nico makes Devil Breakers, Faust and Kalina Ann 2 while her backstory furthers the core theme of the game. Lady and her baggage about her dad is also to reinforce that theme. Fuck if I know about Trish because she does nothing or even talk all that much. She just kinda shits on V, expositions about the tree then sits in the van.
What've you expected from weebs? They think that "best selling DMC game" is a high bar, but not paying attention that series was abandoned due to low sales
I don't have the interview at hand, but I could have sworn he said he would have liked making the two playable, but couldn't cause the budget made him focus on what is priority.
Then you're remembering wrong.
The interviewer asks why Lady and Trish didn't do much and Itsuno said it's because they focused the budget on what matters and that this wasn't their story. Then he makes a joke that if they want a story with Lady and Trish then they should give him more money (raughs)
Microsoft paid for the marketing budget
kek imagine being this delusional
ehl oh ehl
Haha or they could, like, just write a decent script where the supporting characters support the main characters and the story. Imagine that.
That's literally what Trish and Lady do in 5, bozo.
Each had a short moment of significance on the level of Nero's phone call to Kyrie, while having the privilege of actually showing up on screen. Or maybe even a level lower, Kyrie really knows how to say it so it sinks in. It makes one wonder why even bother with the models in the first place if all they'll be remembered for is a bit of fanservice.
its too anime. which cannot sell in this age. people want to see manly hero's story like avengers, not edgeloard's one swinging a sward that is ridiculously bigger than his tall.
I think 2 million is not enough to continue the series, unfortunately. you nerds are so noisy here but actually do not have a buying power to save it from dying. :) kys
>No user, It sold 2mill so far. No DMC game sold that much within the same time frame.
The biggest problem I have with this is that the gaming market kept on growing and growing during this time so the rise in sales doesn't even compete with the rise in consumers
Anime sells just fine. DMC's problem is it's has a 90's mentality that doesn't interest modern audiences. Same reason Duke Nukem flopped. If you're gonna do cheese it has to be self-referential and self-aware, we live in a post- society, nothing is made or taken at face value anymore. DMC5 took itself too seriously, DmC had it right.
Only brainlets would argue against the fact that DMC5 flopped.
Every casual buy the annual assassin's creed so you can't compare both
>DMC5 took itself too seriously, DmC had it right.
Yeah, the game that tried to be the unborn child of They Live and DEMONS RISE UP definitely had it right.
It takes a special kind of retard to ignore Capcom statement regarding DMC5 being successful.
You can bet most if not all people calling it a flop are just baiting.
90% of the reason John Carpenter is popular is he makes interesting but shitty movies with just the right amount of cheese.
i just know i won't be replaying it anytime soon
Then why did DmC do fucking awful lmao
Is there any mod to buff it in dmc 4?
Now that the dust has settled, the game is a letdown. It's still an 8/10, but it could have easily been a 10/10.
Three of the biggest issues are the lackluster content, the shitty DMD difficulty and the poor loading screen design that makes replayability incredibly frustrating.
>lackluster content
20 missions divided among 3 characters makes for a pitifully short game, even if it is technically longer than the previous games. At best, Dante has 10 missions he can play. At worst, V has like only 6 missions playable. Each character should have had at least 15 unique missions. Plus there are only like 19-20 regular enemies and only about a dozen boss when indie games like Hollow Knight with only 2 people working on it easily have 3-4 times more content than that. I still blame photorealistic graphics for taking away development time from more content. If they didn't have photorealistic graphics, the game could have easily had like 50-60 unique enemies. Nero could have also had like 20-25 devil breakers. Also, where's the playable Vergil?
>shitty DMD difficulty
Itsuno seems to think that giving an enemy 10 times more health is equivalent to difficulty. None of the enemies except Vergil and Cavaliere Angelo feel any more challenging in terms of AI compared to SOS difficulty. Otherwise, enemies are just spongier. Nobody likes whaling away at a DT'd Proto, Behemoth, Lusachia or Queen Empusa. And it's not exciting when boring bosses like the Qlipoth Roots or Elder Geryon Knight go into DT and gain 1 minute worth of extra lifebar.
>poor loading screen design
It's a sad day when Monster Hunter World on PC has better loading times and less bullshit in between retries than DMC5 on PC. Why the fuck is there a loading screen just to get to customization? Why is the "THE LAST JUDGEMENT DRAWETH NIGH" screen unskippable? Why does the game keep asking me if I want to use orbs when I die?
DmC was so bad it needed a Spanish mod to make the cutscenes at least somewhat entertaining
Why is that surprising? After the dumpster fire that was 2 do you really think most people would be willing to hop right into 3?
>absolute brainlet
you're the brainlet if you think DMC 5 is deep, it isnt, they removed, turbo mode, reversals, inertia
>Why the fuck is there a loading screen just to get to customization?
I guess it's because it includes Nico goofing around? Previous games had you going into a menu only, whereas now something is happening in the back.
Good thing those are easily modded in and even without him, Dante and Nero's kits give them more depth than inertia's applications in 4 could.
Reversals are the most important loss though.
>being so insecure you give a shit about what other people say about what vidya you play
My fucking brother walked in on me playing 3 with the scene right after Dante gets BTFO in Vergil 1 and jumps off the tower, and he just laughed at how fucking over the top and retarded it was, and I did the same.
Welcome to Yea Forums, every game is a flop around here
What was the Yea Forumserdict on Megaman 11 anyway?
This, RE threads have already been ruined by nuClairefags.
Doesn't include 3SE sales, which make up the bulk of 3 sales.
3 characters were too god damn many. Over 20 levels, it is pitiful. By the time you start to master one, they switch you to a different one and then the game just kinda ends
comparing with previous generations that needed fewer costs to make a game compared with the current generation is retard. DMC5's budget is clearly higher than series other titles.
and as said, you should consider the fact that video game market has been growing and DMC5 was released in 3 platforms, unlike previous titles.
I doubt it, Barry
>2 million sold.
and no source given.
>DmC had it right.
DmC branded itself a Shakespearean and it was low quality and really bad writing.
>ugly ass MM11 with no sprite based graphics a la Sonic Mania
I wish bro
How do I beat Bloody Palace in DMC4SE as Dante. I'm trying like two times daily for a week. My best attempt ended on floor 79 (Credo fight). I hate fucking ice niggers and electric niggers
Mega Man 9 was over 10 years ago grandpa
>>sold within Capcom's expectations
>>fastest selling DMC ever
Just like FFXV, right? LMAO.
The fuck does that have to do with anything, sperg?
DMC5 sold 2 mil in less than 2 weeks
It means that their claim means jack shit when FFXV also claim the same and it is considered a flopped of the century-tier.
Nigga DMC has nowhere near the level of history and troubled development as FFXV.
What a fucking asinine comparison. You've genuinely stumped me with how absolutely fucking retarded your post is