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Other urls found in this thread:

>we're going to add some more post game content before iceborne comes out
>i hope you've all beaten xenojiva

Attached: MHW achievements.jpg (2202x772, 271K)

The fuck are they gonna add? More Arch Tempered? I guess Nergi could go AT...

whats the point really when iceborne will add totally-not-G rank armors that will outclass everything you've worked towards so far

Something to do? I enjoy just hunting shit and sometimes I want to blow shit up in world, been drifting between it and tri again.

PC when?

6 months after console

Post your stats, anons.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-07 Steam Community.png (628x190, 66K)

i need crowns and that fucking black bird

It will be the biggest Kulu-Ya-Ku to date

Is there a god monster hunter on switch? Thinking about trying the series out

Got mine while I was looking for the glowing fish. There's a mosswine in the same cave in the Vale where the fish spawns.

I want to play more of this but the game makes my cpu scream like a whore

>Is there a god

Autumn 2020 will come sooner than you think, PCbro!

there's the ds one

Generations Ultimate. Be nice if it was ported to other platforms because I'm not buying a switch for one game.

Download Citra emulator and play the 3DS games, 3U and 4U are very good, avoid Gen and XX like the plague, they are Monster Hunter in name only

Generations Ultimate is alright. You certainly won't be strapped for content.

but user, it's also on 3DS with cross play
Japan only

Alatreon incoming(I hope)

Attached: emvg9xr34ug01.jpg (1275x825, 126K)

GU is a Switch port of a 3DS game with some face lifting.
MHXX for 3DS has a translation patch, as well as a networking patch which lets you cross-play with GU players on Switch.

gen-ult is the only one and its pretty good, but a little complicated for beginners. if you have a 3DS you can get 4U very cheap and its a great place to start.

do you enjoy playing the fucking game or do you just want the virtual carrots at the end of the virtual stick you fucking retard

>as well as a networking patch which lets you cross-play with GU players on Switch.
you fucking what, when did this happen

>have GU playing buddies I could play with
I may have to look into this.

*Coming to PC at a later date

they better fucking add more monster types


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*Master Rank

I haven't played since like fucking Halloween
How do I get caught up
I still don't have augments on half my shit because the fucking drop rate for the shit I need is ass

This isn't real, is it? How the fuck can game companies justify such a huge gap in release times? A week or so I wouldn't be as mad about, but this is ridiculous.

>How do I get caught up
You login right now and start grinding asap, because it's Blossom Fest and all the previous Event Quests are up. As well as AT KT siege.

who the fuck still plays this on a ps4 after the PC release?

>uncapped FPS
>instant loading
>40seconds load time for a single quest
>no mods

honestly capcom should release the expansion on PC first

otherwise no one would get it on console

Arch tempered nerg armor is already in the game, so that's definitely coming, which is good, since it's a straight up upgrade for what i got.

I guess I'll boot up Steam tomorrow then and turn monsters into pincushions once again

Wait for your scraps like a good boy, pcmutt

They want people to buy the game and not to pirate, mod it, and cheat their way into it.
Thats why PC would always be the sad lonely bastard on the party

>Used to be one of the people who thought World was way easier than all the other MH games
>Recently went back and played Tri, FU and 4U for a bit
>realized I was wrong all along
Monster Hunter is the kind of franchise where the first game MH game you play will always be the hardest. There was really nothing *hard* about Tri or 4U, and FU had its moments but it wasn't anything crazy. Once you know how to play MH none of this content is going to pose much of a threat.

sonygoys obviously, this is their dedicated consolewarring game too

i can't read moonroons

Geralt up on PC yet?

World has definitely the hardest HR content out of all the other HR games. But you must not have done high level guild quests in 4U if you think World is harder. AT Elders can be hard, but still not quite the Apex bullshit 4U had. Plus the 3DS controls were awful.

Is 4U on 3ds online dead? Just dug my 3DS back up and want to hunt some some bros.


I've been saying this for years but nobody ever believes it.
Apex and AT are both kinda bullshit, Apex moreso. They're number inflation more than anything, though I do like how AT actually forces you to appreciate the monster's strengths and respect their attacks more than you ever have to otherwise. Apex was just unreasonably gay in every single part of the mechanic.

It's mostly dead and full of cheaters.

Yes, since it's 4 years old at this point and Gen has also come out since then, Gen still has a hefty amount of players since 3DSchads got fucked over with GU. I suspect a lot of Gen players have also moved on to JP XX with the GU eng patch and crossplay patch that lets them join GU Switch lobbies.

>fix shitty controls and made the menus slightly less shit

monster hunter fags are actually just fucking stupid

I loved how Apex gave the monsters access to attacks of their subspecies. In case of Apex Diablos, it could also use Monoblos and White Monoblos attacks in addition to its own and Black Diablos moves. The bouncing was bullshit though, yeah.
AT adds some extra moves too, which is really nice, but I can't help feeling like those are just G-rank moves added to HR monsters, essentially making AT EDs just G-rank EDs you fight in HR.

Imagine buying the game on Steam and you most likely won't get Iceborne until a month or two after consoles.

Realisticaly how many new monsters can we expect from Iceborne? Reskined versions of the one already on World not included

I don't need to imagine, I double dipped on original MHW release. I don't regret this, but I hope Iceborne delay isn't as long as vanilla game was.

Yeah, AT is absolutely a stopgap solution for people clamouring for G rank. It's served its purpose but it's no replacement.

~15 I guess? I HOPE that in addition to all the new New World monsters in Iceborne, it will add all the previous flagships. I.e. Narga (which is confirmed), Tigrex, Zinogre, possibly even Lagi, Brachy, Magala and Seregios. Also Fatalis.

Reasonable expectations would put it at 10 - 15 large monsters total.

imagine hanging on to a console thats locked to 30fps and where literally hald your playtime is lost to a loading screen

15? that dlc better not cost more than 30 then

You guys are very optimistic, I was thinking in 5 or 6 at best. Not a whole new game, but I wont complain if Im wrong and we get over a dozen monsters

It's fucking Capcom, you know they'll sell it at full price. Be thankful that it's not a re-release of the same game, but an expansion pack this time, so it won't split the online.

>have that day off work too
couldn't have worked out any better

yeah i'll just wait for a sale then lmao

There's no way as a DLC pack it'll cost more than $30 unless they're completely insane.
Just looking at history. They've compared its size to previous G/Ultimate expansions so it's not too optimistic.

It's worth remembering as well that it will add "Master" versions of every monster, too, so it's worth more than just the new monsters on top of that. I absolutely expect "the dark souls of monster hunter" comparisons.

>unless they're completely insane.

it's Japs, they're not only insane but completely fucking retarded as well

Generations Ultimate is weird. It's simultaneously the closest thing to classic Monster Hunter and yet pretty far removed from it. It's a weird sell for a beginner, because it's more of a Best Of Album collection for the series, combined with some gameplay tweaks that literally no other MH has. But it's still a good game for what it is.

Capcom is on its own redemption road, but... yeah.

So is this not Iceborne news?

It makes no sense for Iceborne to cost less than $40. Every G installment has essentially been a new game, and now throw HD development costs on top of that. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I just don't see it happening.

It is, but on top of that it could also be an update for the vanilla game.
They can talk about a lot of shit in 35 mins

>wanting fatalis

Imagine having this trash taste

>your face when it's all megaman merch jewwing again

It's G-Rank.
15-20 monsters including new, returning and subs.
BUT, since there is a lot of monsters missing this time due to the game being the first one of the gen, we could see a jump like Tri -> 3U.

I'm just basing my guess on the 15th anniversary art. I don't want the old Fatty in World unchanged, because the fight is ass. If he's in, I want it to be reworked, like they did with the other returning elders.

Attached: mainart.jpg (1920x1080, 3.01M)

I wouldnt mind paying more if that means we can get over 100 hours of quality content and not just a bunch of recycled assets
Its not like there are too many decent games to expend money into anyway

My boy is coming back, r-right bros?

Attached: 2450.jpg (800x600, 661K)

thank you for this new wallpaper!

There is a pretty serious need of more thunder monsters. And water. And ice. Basically anything except FUCKING FIRE.

is this real or fanart?

give me your best map ideas you hope to see in the expansion

I wonder if that water snake that they showed on World's prototype would make a comeback

We have to believe.

Attached: lagi world.webm (848x422, 2.91M)

FUCK thunder and FUCK wind

Meant for But yes it's real. Promotional image for the 15h anniversary.

It's the render for the Anniversary
Just to be clear, this doesn't mean anything for Iceborne, it was just a celebrative wallpaper

you're going to get gold rathian and you're gonna like it

Yeah, except apparently the skeleton didn't play nice with the engine, I imagine because nowhere's flat in World and his model's so long and low to the ground. Maybe they figured it out, or maybe the new area has a couple of spots he could go in.

>that water snake
It has a name, you know

Some proper ancient ruins with a whole ecosystem inside. Kind of like Ruined Ridge in XX but the entire zone is an ancient overgrown city.

Me. Because my PC's a potato that can't even 60fps TF2 on medium-low settings and also because I don't own the xbone version anymore
So poorfags and consolewarfags, mostly.

World is my first MH
Cant blame me for not knowing the name of every lizard

Attached: primeritodia.jpg (480x360, 10K)

I imagine part of the problem might've been much of the maps was done before the monsters leaving someone as lanky and large as Lagi in the lurch. A flatter area built for monsters that aren't capable of flying away from every weird nook and cranny might just be what he needs.

PC is mostly a Western thing and they're a Japanese company so they probably don't care that much.

Didn't feel like rebuying or waiting for content.

im so proud to be a monhun fan

can someone translate moonrunes?

it says "I fucked your mom and she's fucking whore"

How in the fuck do I get the biggest black diablos

Are there any cheesy ways to trigger biggest monsters easily?

Nope. Just have to run a fuckton of Black Blos quests. Preferably investigations, because those have higher chances of increased monster size range.
But if you don't want it to take forever - you have to learn to measure the approximate size of the monster by eye.

y-you too

You keep at it until you find the biggest and blackest Diablos you've ever seen. Not much to it beyond continuing to try.

Anyone got the mod that lets you do event quests all year round?

>you're gonna like it
No I'm not. But, eh, I already have a Mind's Eye gem, so it's whatever.

Typical PCfucks. This is why no one likes you

Attached: SYO.png (1280x720, 1.53M)

Thanks, fuck consolebabs

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>shitch fags cry immediately

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that's why they release everything on console first
the game runs like absolute ass but you get content a lot lot earlier
master marketing skills there
I fucking swear to god if I ever see a mhworld developer irl I'm going to destroy them

I refuse to play with cheaters/(((modders))) and other content skipping ultratards.

>No one posted a translation of OP

Fucking epic gamers.

where is this from?

It says they've canceled Iceborne in favour of a Monster Hunter gacha mobile game with no gameplay.

What the fuck have B team been doing for years?

Switch MH Portable 5th when?

cheers big ears

My guess? E3

>Stop playing around the time kulve came out
>Turn on the game now
>No idea what to do

The early game concept movie for World.
Keep in mind this isn't a prototype build of the game or anything. It's literally just an animation representing what "playing the game" would look and feel like.

Elder dragonslayer arch tempered Dodogama.

My impression from MHW was that it was easy as shit compared to other monhun games because of player power going through the roof but monsters remaining more or less the same. My friend who has only played MHW recently got into GU, and reached G-rank recently and said the game was much easier than World from what he played. What gives? I thought MHW was easy shit.

Dodogama is designed in such a way that a crazy version like that could actually be a wild fight.

Nothing will top apex/frenzy bullshit from 4U.

Because Gen/GU gives you tools that make you literally untouchable. Of course it's easier.
And World is only a HR game, and those were always piss easy (until MH4). But World at least offers some challenging endgame, unlike the previous HR installments.

Weren't the B team brought on to help with World's development?

For me, it's the Magnet Spike

Attached: mhfzz magnet spike 2.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

Nobody is championing PC, so nobody is paying devs money for exclusivity. Steam never did it, MS, didn't, and non of the hardware companies ever paid for exclusivity, but the bundle deals probably move a lot of units.

Collecting and maxing out everything?

Imagine making a weapon that can do literally anything but looks ugly as shit and reuses a ton of animations. Wew lad.

World and GU are both easy as shit. The additions made to weapons/controls in World for a high rank game makes it pretty easy to anyone remotely familiar with the series. Hunter arts/styles in GU are just flat out fucking broken.

>oh, nice, a cool transformer weapon with a weighty moveset

Attached: 1508328693958.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Attached: vomitchan.jpg (600x600, 87K)

How does anyone tolerate still using the FU engine iteration?

based magnet spike poster

MMO junkies don't play MMORPGs for the gameplay.

Attached: mhfzz magnetspike 3.webm (640x360, 2.74M)

What the fuck is this, another variation of the swax's moveset or is this a new weapon that's completely broken like tonfas please add them in mainline were?

Geneartions Ultimate. It's got the most Kino final boss of multiplayer that I've yet come across in the games I've played in the series.

All weapons are broken in frontier

Attached: avalon.webm (640x360, 2.47M)

It's the same as people dick waving over which dark souls is the hardest, with the only real answer being "the one you played first". For all the shit people talk about world it's still the same game at it's core, so your friend went into GU after he already got over the hardest part of the series, the learning curve, it makes sense that he'd slap his way up to G-rank with little difficulty.

and hunter arts/styles can trivialize that game just as much if not more than world's added hunter mobility/power

The build you choose plays a big factor in it too. I played DS3 without a shield and was confused as fuck as to why people say it's easy when practically every enemy and boss has attacks that go on forever.

as others have said 4U definitely has harder content and so does gen/GU what with top level deviant monsters and hypers

world isn't nearly as hard outside of a couple of AT monsters

but tri had p3rd follow it

You can't even do that currently, because the equipment box has a 1000 slot limit (includes weapons, armors, charms and kinsects). Hopefully, they will raise that limit in iceborne significantly.

How big is the PC/console gap right now?

After the Witcher Collaboration lands on the 9th, they'll be even.

In all fairness, World is just a high rank game and it's arguably the most difficult in relation to the others.

i don't understand this thread
so g rank isn't coming yet? but this weird master shit is?

will there be new monsters at least? i heard there are only going to be one or two

Attached: 1545885636688.gif (480x357, 1.41M)

Not harder, but the ATs and update content made it pretty much on par with the others.

>so g rank isn't coming yet? but this weird master shit is?
Same shit, new name.

Consolewarfags and shitposters like to spread confusion and bullshit, and they probably haven't played MHW since launch.

Master Rank IS G Rank, they simple changed the name to make it international, just like Monster Hunter 5 was renamed Monster Hunter World.

About the monsters, the only new one confirmed is Nargacuga.
They said it will be the same size as the other G-Rank expansions, so you can base your expectations on that.

have you fought level 10 thunderlord? dreadking?
don't get me wrong AT monsters can be quite challenging but even then I think gen HR was a step above world
and gen wasn't even close to being my first MH

Gen was more difficult than the others HR games because it was designed to be its own thing without needing a G-Rank.
Then they wanted to milk the game more and they made it anyway.

This is just another update for the base game, probably Arc Tempered Nerg and an event or two. Iceburns will be the "Ultimate" version of World, we know nothing about it except ice and Narg

So the same as all the other HR games.

I haven't played since last summer. I can't remember my gear loadout because I got azure armor from a Jap before it was released publicly. What's the best hammer setup?

G-rank is getting renamed to Master rank.
That's because with World they decide to go global, and in the west the G versions of the game are known as Ultimate. So they decided to do a single name for both versions. I mean there is no Japanese version now, since online is fully cross-regional.

That's why I said arguably, because there's people who'd make the claim Gen's hardest content is braindead when you have hunter arts that let you evade everything and shit out tons of damage.

PS4 version is like 18$, good luck finding that price on Steam, lowest it has been was $40 recently.

Some of new armors are nuts, and i could see some people splashing them onto g rank stuff. It would take god-level armor to beat drachen hands

mhm mhm
ok thank you, i hope to see you on ps4, if not good hunting.

This isn't "just another update for the base game".
AT Nerg has already been announced, and they said it's going to be the last update for the base game before Iceborne.
The 35 minute video is obviously not gonna be about AT Nerg.


Oh that's a little better. I still prefer having a physical game though.

but that claim doesn't make sense, even with hunting arts and styles endgame supers are going to kick your shit in in gen

world has it's own fair share of mechanics that make things easier like mantels and health augment

I've played both a shitton about 300 hours in gen and 500 in world and solod all the endgame stuff (besides extreme shithemoth and kulve) and I can tell you gen endgame HR offers more of a challenge in my opinion

unless they just show a 35 minute run of 4 retards trying to kill AT nerg and triple carting at the end

99% of people who played Generations quit thanks to the bloated content.

That's what Capcom Channel is for. No need for a pre-recorded video and a special announcement.

i like you

It was only 2* village that really sucked due to the sheer amount of gathering quests holy fuck who thought that was a good idea. Unless you mean needing to kill all 10 ranks of deviants multiple times each in which case yeah that was a drag

It's not just gathering. Gen is also full of shit like
>quest 1: kill monster A
>quest 2: kill monster A x2
>quest 3: kill monster A hunt-a-thon

I stopped shortly after beating HR49 Kirin.

Missed out on Behemoth, Luna, and that Kulve thingy

This. The game has the largest roster of monsters, but all they can do is
>Here's lagiacrus
>Here's lagiacrus in another area
>Here's TWO lagiacrus!

>FU engine
It's the Dos engine to be specific. With 10 years of band-aids and stitches.
And I prefer it over ledges, slopes, muddy effects and rocks instead of blood personally.

Attached: AndItsOuttaHere.jpg (1920x1080, 234K)

I do from time to time

Fuck Big fishes and fuck whoever thought it was necesary for the pets background in the guild card

Attached: stats.png (628x245, 79K)

Big yike.

>Content skipping ultratards
Tried to do Kulve Taroth the first few times it came on PS4 and got chewed out for incompetence. Even looking up the fight, I can't seem to grasp it, so I just go back to GU and hyper monsters/deviant g turns.

I'd rather die in one hit 10000000000 times than raid autism or worse - the decoration grind. No fun.

At least you don't need the cactuars.

Yeah? Because mining coals for charms is so much more fun than actually hunting tempered monsters for decos, right?

I hate ledges and slopes too

>flowering cactuar

Attached: 1502790699538.jpg (985x1000, 106K)


>Charm sniping
>Fast and simple
>Tempered monsters
>Takes ~15 min solo and doing it online is asking for dumbasses to triple cart

I hate how they locked the best weapons behind kulve
sure it was fun the first 20 times but after that you just want to kill yourself

Is iceborn going to be a paid expansion?

>Kill Glavenus
>Kill Glavenus in a different map
>Now Kill Glavenus and a fucking Great Maccao in the same map so it's the same quest but 1 minute longer

Jesus Christ, you already have a roster bigger than any G-Rank game, you don't need this crap


Most of that shit is optional and for people that just want better odds for their rare shit, it's like complaining about styles that aren't guild when nobody is forcing you to use it.

>Charms introduced
>Well these are kinda annoying but only one piece of equipment I guess
>Relics introduced
>This is really annoying now, but I can safely ignore them at least
>World comes along and gets rid of random charms
>But then adds in random decorations
>With a new skill system that makes decorations really fucking powerful
>And then brings back relics with Kulve too

Any random equipment system is fucking stupid. Give me at least some method of getting exactly what I want even if it's just dumping tons of monster parts for it. Just make it take any monster parts so there's suddenly a reason to hunt the other 95% of the roster other than the tempered elders.

Attached: 1489965778408.png (434x434, 142K)

Help me out. I bought World in golden week sale and I am working towards grinding full sets of armors that look really nice but my friend tells me sets dont matter. What matters the most are combinations of skills. So to be the strongest I need to give up aesthetics? Is there no way to transfer skills?

Reminder that MHW was created with just a 1.5 million sales budget estimate. Imagine the bigger budget now.

Attached: Image 323.jpg (550x292, 101K)


There are some glamour armor sets you can equip. Basically sets that override the look of whatever you have on.
You'll have to unlock them later on though. So enjoy the clown suit (armor made up of different parts that visually clash and look ugly) while you have it.

>1.5 million sales budget estimate
This can't be real, but it would actually explain why they planned so little content after the first few updates.

>Smack a Brachydios in the junk
>25-55 charms for 2 mins work (multi) / 7 mins work (solo)

You're a retard if you think I'm mining. Melding on top of coal miner Brachy is plenty of charms. Plus I did the Sakura method in MHG so I had a few God charms already.

So who’s excited for 10 minutes to be wasted on AT Nerg, 15 on worthless events, and maybe 5 minutes teasing more Iceborne stuff

You don't need to minmax skills in a game as easy as monster hunter world. Look as cool as you want.

>mfw Iceborn on PC in 2021

Attached: 1338994939764.jpg (401x253, 26K)

>nobody is forcing you to use it.
>Monsters all have retarded aoe attacks that encourage use of shit like absolute evasion

Why do you have to be so negative?

Attached: c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg (800x534, 84K)

>15 on worthless events
That would still be new stuff. The only thing left we know about is AT Nergi.

Also everything people want is an iceborne trailer plus release date.

Why are there no giant bee/wasp monsters yet?

>MvCI 2M
It definitely isn't real.

>not "why do you have to bee so negative?"
Fuckin hell user. Get your shit together.

I wish it would be more like 5 minutes on Nerg and new events, and then the rest is dropping huge bombs about Iceborne, but let’s be realistic here man.

Then use evasion+2 like everyone already did in the previous games, you act like defensive skills never existed before adept style. Behemoth encourages people to use the baby blanket too but that doesn't mean you have to be a bitch.

Because Vespoid queen was dogshit

Those are wasps

1.5 million times 60 dollars is actually a lot especially if they keep absorbing the development costs over the years (they'll write it off as engine development or special R&D or whatever).

But still.

>MHW direct is longer than Sony's state of play

Attached: 1358032625457.gif (278x340, 74K)

There's also that MHO lightning beetle.

Attached: VespoidQueen.jpg (656x647, 108K)

Nintendo can waste 40 minutes explaining fucking balancing changes and menus for Smash Bros.
35 minutes (let's say 25, considering AT nergi and maybe some surprise shit) would be barely enough to give a complete overview of Iceborne.

The biggest and most active community is in ps4, so obviously they are going to prioritize consoles

>only bug in the series that uses a skeleton already implemented in World
I swear to God if we actually get Vespoid Queen in MHW

>tfw I burned out MHW completely by the end and I am both excited and dreaful of returning with Iceborne
More Kirins, less Kulves

Attached: 1362856185047.jpg (480x620, 40K)

>More Kirins
Well, hope you like Oroshi

Insect skeletons are fucking cancer to make and the devs get lazy

Seriously? Because everytime I call for SOS I only get Japanese players. Been playing for 3 weeks now.

This is MH we are talking about.

Attached: 1357019968478.jpg (250x233, 14K)

I hope it will fix MHWorld. It has the worst endgame content, even than even Tri, and that is saying something

>No more RNG farming please!
Have sex, stop playing Monster Hunter.

Japs lways had a hard-on for MH, so it doesnt surprise me in the very least

MH console sales were never that good. 1.5m is pretty much what they would expect when they look at their old sales.

Whatever. Behemoth managed to do what no other monster has done; making me hate Monster Hunter. I have 0 faith in the developers behind this game if they can unleash such a turd on what was formerly my favorite series.

Attached: monster-hunter-world-behemoth-1122774-1280x0.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

>It has the worst endgame content, even than even Tri
t. I didn't play Tri

I still don’t get why Oroshi Kirin and Alatreon never came out. I guess they decided to save them for Iceborne.

I would rather take Kirin recolors than Teo recolors

At least Ancient Leshen is fun.


Attached: 1556903264921.gif (360x270, 2.72M)

I see you've never played 4U and never experienced apex "Cancel my moves mid attack and do another" Zinorgre.

>brainless AI
>no mechanics
>the slowest most unsatisfying gameplay ever made
>shit customization
>terrible story
>ugly characters
>minimal variety
>no depth

Attached: 297834899.jpg (246x342, 8K)

>MHW PC has more players than MHW Xbox
>still gets left behind

>Having trouble with 140 GQ zin

lol. It's not even the stygian verison with the homing dragonblight spheres. And it has much less HP than Hades did in 3U.

No, if they made a "top 10 worse monsters in MH" list every spot would be Behemoth because that's the only objectively terrible fight in the series.

user, they can still add RNG armors and RNG layereds in Iceborne.

>create like 30+ different armor sets
>while they might have shit skills, pretty much all armor sets still have very high quality costume design and look awesome
>even have FULLY WORKING transmog system in the game
>refuse to let players transmog armors
Capcom is like a lovable retard that is physically strong but has little brain

Attached: 141910926373.jpg (620x541, 36K)

show me your sub 10 minute solo hunt bb

diablos are easy because the spawn point (camp 15) is right above their nest. you just put on your hidey cape and walk up to the monsters and see if it's large enough to fight. you'll eventually be able to tell what a large b.diablos looks like. Alternatively, you can put monsters into shock traps, if you're worried about uneven ground or something. they always assume the same pose so it can be easier to distinguish large monsters.

Kirin is objectively the hardest monster to find crowns for.

>implying they didn't save the full layered system as an Iceborne selling point

Don't remind me, Apex monsters in general were simply unfun

Attached: spongebob.png (254x263, 178K)

Never fought it. What's so bad about it?

>World adds a neopteron monster.
>It’s an invading giant wasp.

Attached: C1B15FE4-68C1-41E8-8E45-2B483432112E.jpg (370x320, 23K)

The main reason is so they could give a more valuable reward for ATs than 'here's some decorations'

>locked behind events
>special layers armor starts from base game armor sets, you gotta wait months to get to anything you might want

At least on PC you can just use mods, like put all the NPCs in the gathering hub making it worthwhile going instead of just being a Kulve hub, or transmog anything.

Are the adorable miniature monsters in World?

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To make playing the game regularly pointless and only events valuable?

I don't think that's right, you can only play MHXX with people who have MHXX on the switch, not GU.

>tfw theres still no giant centipede monster using Najarala's skeleton

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Yep. Games as a service is the big meme now.

MHW's campaign is easy, so much so you don't even have to think about builds or weapons, none of it. post game HR has some legit challenges though.

I hated how much of this game's content was impermanent and locked behind rotating events. Has that changed yet?

There is an Odogaron in the Megaman quest, and Great Jagras and Azure Rathalos in the USJ quests.

there's a quest with a miniature odogaron and one with a tiny great jagras

It just sits still and shits homing AOEs all day, one of which sticks around for a full fucking minute. You only get 35 minutes too so without grinding for hundreds of hours to get endgame gear you have no hope of soloing it regardless of skill.

The quest even tells you "you're not supposed to solo this monster" which is devspeak for "we made a kusomon"


No, and Iceborne Events will probably follow the same rule.


lol no


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>Can't solo the monster
Sounds like something to avoid when I get back into it.

Here's my Twin Terrors. Your move, faglord.

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I do and it plays fine. I mean obviously it runs better on PC but you also paid 3 times as much for your hardware.

>Game has been out for a year
>No sfm porn of kirin sluts

I love this so much

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Source is a completely fucking garbage engine. Use any real animation program.

There's nothing wrong with having quests for the same monsters in a different map. That's actually something I really missed in World.

Don't worry, the only thing you get out of it is an armor set and an Insect Glaive.

The women in the RE7 engine are so ugly I'd rather see an actual Kirin.

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Pfff whatever thats not that hard

>no good Ice weapons for Area 4 AT KT besides SnS
How to git gud with SnS?

Furries are too busy making porn of rathalos fucking Jill to care.

>No proof

Too hard for you it seems. Twin Terrors is the DLC quest, not G*3

Depends on the artist. REmake 2 girls look great.

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Reminder that G rank is always easier than high rank postgame.

>Ask for a sub 10 minute hunt of apex zin
>Shows something that's objectively easier

Don't listen to slam jam shield junkies. Figure out how many quick swipes you can do (for circle ones, the stick has to be neutral) and use turning swipes (move stick to your side and triangle) to continue.

>want to dress up my handler as a cute slut
>have to pay extra

World isn't on the RE Engine, it's still MT Framework. You can bet Monster Hunter Solar System will be on RE, though.

I have given proof of my skill, while you have not. Impress me, casual.

Do you still use the old R+X, X, X, A, A combo?
Do you use the roundslash? I know that they buffed its MV by a ton

as he said, it's a patch
you need to apply it, it's not something you can just do out of the box

What are mandatory skills for the GL?

There aren't any because GL is so weak that it's basically a novelty regardless of build.

Depends which type you're using, but artillery and capacity boost are usually go-tos if you intend to blow shit up. If you're intending to memeslash then get the fuck out of my face and just use a real fucking lance.
Not true in World.

Should I switch from ps4 to pc? Are the mods/loadtimes worth it?

Motherfucker, I didn't ask for your shit opinion, I asked what are some good gunlance skills. I'll never stop using the gunlance. I'll never stop spamming slams into fullbursts. Fuck all you fags that are too retarded to get out the way.

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I've always been a solo hunter. If I bought world and iceborne the day they come out, how fast can I catch up?

>people arguing balance of weapons in a singleplayer game

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For Generations Ultimate, just remember to always keep this link handy:
Get ready for A LOT of quests where you're just collecting materials in early game, and to check out the training quests once you unlock them to find what weapon/style works best for you.

>Not true in World.
It's still one of the weakest weapons in the game.

>slams into fullbursts
My hunter from another village.

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Mods are nothing but cheats and dumb shit like Thomas the Tank Engine. Load time difference is fucking massive unless you've got an SSD in your PS4. Random matchmaking is based on your Steam download region so if you're not in burgerland and on a coast at that you're going to get fuck all randoms. The randoms you do see will be cheating in one way or another, usually just cosmetics.

>to find what weapon/style works best for you
Or he can just pick up valor LS right away because it'll be that.

Also Guard and Protective Polish

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He’s fine. The leshen is one of the worst fights in main line

MHW is a live service mmo.

If PS4, you can get carried by a Japanese player
If PC, I don't know, since I'm a consolebab, but I'm sure you can get carried regardless

>it's a "balance doesn't matter in PvE games" episode

Entirely up to you. If you're already on PS4 and don't mind how it currently performs there isn't much reason to switch beyond NPC's in hub mod and you'll get Iceborne sooner. If not you can always wait for a sale and try it out.

People like you literally ruined the community

>I'll never stop being a worthless casual

Glad to see the hipster magnet is still working. They should replace the reload animation with a fedora tip.

I used the gunlance too, you know, back in 2007, before I realized it's basically just a Lance but terrible in every way.

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Must have skills for glaive?

Are the sleep and poison element weapons worth crafting?

As long as you can conceivably beat the game with every weapon, that's all that matters.

If one weapon happens to do it 3 times faster that's irrelevant.

No matter what your retarded opinion is, World is by far the best Mon Hun because it gets consistent 60fps on PC. Nothing else matters.

To the endgame? 10 hours. 12 hours unpatched.

To the postgame? 9990 more hours grinding the same 3 monsters over and over for streamstones.

Good. That makes me happy.

>Weapon is bad and requires far more skill to use to perform optimally

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stop pretending retard

go shove your bow up your ass

Generic attack/tenderiser skills.
Poison nah, sleep maybe if you're into sleepbombing but probably still nah.

Eat a penis

Only Ada looks decent. Claire is disgusting.

>look at me, dragging down everyone else with my nonexistent damage output, look at how little I care about this hunt
>not a casual

Aisha means person of love!!!

it sold more on PC than on cucksoles

You're wrong. Weapons are compared to former iterations of the same weapon and not other weapons. For example

>Hunting Horn can solo Brachydios in 3U in like 6 minutes
>Gets nerfed to absolute shit
>13 minutes in 4U


You think it takes skill to gunlance?

Crit skills, Weakness Exploit, Max Might, that kinda stuff. Go for the Empress Styx/Deviljho glaives

You shut up right now. She is cute.

Iceborne better have a fucking official dps tracker already

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>look at me, mashing r2 with the bow
>not a casual

>8 million copies before PC release
>now 12 million copies total

Who gives a shit how long the monster takes to die as long as it dies?

If a woman doesn't have a completely flat face and nonexistent jawline: they're hideous.

I'm getting results, you aren't.

And micro-transacations mid-hunt so you can buy flashpods on the go.

To gunlance properly? Yes.

Literal retard.

I have 1500 flashbugs, it's not going to work on me.

Just in time when I got back into it after a huge break due to extreme burn out.

AT Xenojiva/Teostra are down. Xeno took me 2 days and a lot of builds to find something that works, almost uninstalled. Still trying to figure out Kush/Luna and most importantly, Behemoth. And maybe AT Zorah, if its even worth doing.

Deco/Streamstone grind is still soulcrushingly boring and bullshit, might burn me out quickly again. Hope the announcement is something fun.

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>Hah! All I had to do was grind bugs for 50 hours instead of paying 5$! Suckers!

Can we all agree the botanic is absolute shit compared to the cool little evolving farms you could have?

HH didn't get nerfed at all between 3U and 4U. Other weapons got buffed, and monsters became far stronger.

>all the weapons get extremely similar TA speeds
>keeps saying a weapon is useless

>grind bugs
i just picked them up when convenient


You outed yourself as an ESL.

>all the weapons get extremely similar TA speeds
Blademaster weapons, yes.

Guns are so far ahead of melee weapons that you might as well be playing a different game.

Luna is fun and I took her down with really early high rank gear. Don't start the Behemoth questline or the game will lock you into an impossible fight.

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HH got nerfed to death, with a huge reduction in overall damage values (they were higher in 3U) and reduced range on the backslam. Plus they removed the god-horn Sandsoother and Awakening.

The moment you begin getting upset over monsters kill times, you have either been playing the game for too long and should take a break, or just are autistic spaz
This being Yea Forums, I can guess both apply at the same time

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I meant AT Luna though.
>Don't start the Behemoth questline
too late...

Sleep yes poison not really. I use the luna/xeno IG so I run blast attack. My IG set right now has blast attack 3, crit boost 3, weakness exploit 3, handicraft 3, evade window 3, stun resistance 2, attack boost 2, speed eating 2, airborne, flinch free 1 and razor sharp.

Getting better is the point of MH, you dumb casual.

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If I wanted to play the same old content day in day out Id still be playing Freedom Unite. Come on, dont be a faggot.

I meant that in blademaster, I'm a bow main too but I think playing mostly ranged is so safe that it gets boring quickly.

Monster Hunter is not a competitive game

I fully expect a new weapon for Iceborne a new gimmick equipment like the mantles and slinger. Sue me.

>wanting to give dps elitists a metric to be massive assholes online in random rooms

Fuck off

>GS gets a 4th charge

If it was there would be no point in getting better at it.

that's why

You are competing against the monster dumbass

there is literally nothing wrong with being dps elitist

>LR Kirin
>HR Kirin
>Tempered Kirin
>Arch-Tempered Kirin
>Master Rank Kirin
>Master Tempered Kirin
>Master Arch-Temepered Kirin
I like this game!

there's nothing wrong with being a speedkill autist until you bring it into a random room with you. If you join a random room and bitch about people not playing optimally you're the biggest homosexual the MH playerbase has.

Exact same MVs between P3 and 4U. So unless you're suggesting that they randomly buffed it in 3U (which they didn't do for any other weapon) and then reverted it again in 4U, there was no nerf.

Youre setting yourself for disappointment user

Why would I? Since I can easily solo every monster I don't care about what the rest of you are doing.

>Not 3U

I take it you read the 3U values and realized how wrong you were?

Being a cancer to humanity its a pretty bad thing

>friends are tryharder dps autists from other games like Destiny and The Division
>meanwhile I just use the same generic set I like changing 2-3 jewels for some fights
>do as good if not better than them

Dickheads like you are the reason I'm glad there's no dps meter in the game. Everyone in the fucking party could be pumping out massive damage and you'd bitch that one person was doing 998 instead of 999.

you're right until someone starts sperging out in a clearly casual room. You fags are in the minority, if you want speed kills and such search out other players who share that interest, don't be a faggot in a room of people just chillin and enjoying the game.

You'd have a point if the gaps were that small, but bow does more damage than 2 gunlances combined.

Well that 998 person should get better and shut the fuck up.

>So what if I'm playing a braindead weapon that's objectively the easiest incarnation of said weapon?

who to believe?

>DPS elitists

lol? If they were any good at the game they wouldn't be playing online.

So what? Fun isn't always optimal you dingus. As long as I'm not actively ruining other people's quests I can give less of a shit about how bad my weapon is as long as I'm having fun.

I didn't even want a dps meter until World, I shouldn't be doing 4 man clears slower than solo and with the risk of some turbo shitter multicarting.

there is that buzzword

>Vespoid queen developed into an actual large monster fight
I kind of want it. Though seeing how they handled Kirin and Kushala in World and later the blue bitch that is Lunastra I might be a little worried.

All the 3U values are just copy pasted from P3rd. Hard data on it is hard to find because the game was so unpopular in Japan, but here you go.

Exactly the same. Happy now?

You do you user.

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health scales in world dumbass lmao

Remember when Yea Forums said this was going to flop hard? Kek

Actually, in terms of sheer DPS, GL in World is stronger than Bow, Bow's advantage is damage uptime and being able to reach any weak spot.

Yeah, but not to 4x dumbass lmao

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of course

>Literally spam to win weapon
You are one of those faggots who mained the Kelbi Bow in 3U ain'tcha?

>how dare anyone enjoy things I don't!
kill yourself you dumbass

I don't read hentai, what does that mean?

I am coming for your asshole Yea Forums

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I haven't played World on PC for like 6 months after getting bored of farming decorations. Is there much else to come back to now or do I just forget about it until whatever the expansion is comes out?

It scales exactly like it does in the older games retard. There's the solo values and multiplayer values. The point the user is making that the other 3 players are not contributing much to the fight which is why it takes longer than most solo fights if you're good. A DPS meter would certainly point out exactly who is under performing but it could also be used as a club for assholes online who are obsessed with muh deeps.

>>With a new skill system that makes decorations really fucking powerful
Yeah, without decos you can kill every monster in 3 minutes. With proper gems you can make it in 2. Fuck you shitter, stop crying and git gud.

Are you retarded?

Metal bagpipe in 3U: 90 true Attack

Metal bagpipe in 4U: 60 true Attack

I literally cannot make this any clearer to you.

Spring Developer Update on Thursday.

Can't wait for World to rape his battle theme like it did Jho's

>Don't even have indomitable because I only hunted each Tempered monster once or twice
>Same deal for Elderslayer
>Have literally none of the MP achievements because fuck MP
Sounds about right. Fun game though, and clocking at 124 hours well worth the cost.

No, I mained Warflare Demolisher and Rysurrection because Great Kelbi Deershot was just a suboptimal crutch for shitters who didn't want to bother with aiming.

Keep an eye out for events, big jagras and the lavasioth quests give decos out like crazy.

>It takes less time to kill a monster with less health

>assholes online who are obsessed with muh deeps

Unlike the assholes obsessed with killtimes, you mean?

Reminder Iceborne will have a minimum of 2 zones because Nargacuga is not an ice monster.

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>Warflare Demolisher
>Spread up

Here lies Silver Rathalos
He never scored

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Starting weapons in 4U are weaker across the board, retard.

And your "god tier" Sandsoother literally only had 270 true attack, with -25% negative affinity. That's fucking garbage.

They are 100% putting it in ancient forest

user you drooling retard if the 4 players are playing optimally the kill times should be faster than a solo fight. The health doesn't scale up per player, otherwise the monsters would be waaaaaay beefier.

>It scales exactly like it does in the older games retard.

t. retard that doesn't even know how it scaled in previous games

I don't care about dps meters but what I do hate is misinformation

Or they'll just have new quests on the old maps, dummy

We'll see who's big barbs go in who's asshole, mister.

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>A monster with health that's balanced around 4 players wailing on it shoulder be quicker than one balanced around 1 player

Not as weak as the HH. LS only lost 20 true attack.

Sandsoother has 480 Ice you Worldsperm retard. Thanks for proving me right on every account. Ignoring you now.

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How many Rathalos recolors will Iceborne have?

The rng drops in this game is too much. To get the material I want from a monster I have to kill him like 5 times. It starts to feel like a korean mmo.

>hunted a hundred Nergis and Black diablos
>only got one crown for BD, nothing for nergi
>get small crown Kirin first time

I don’t even know anymore

does anyone know if you will be able to transfer save files when iceborne hits? pirated the game btw

Wot? There's the guild values and village values, but the split in MHW is solo or online.

That´s adorable. Anyway, I only hope we get the usual "G/Master rank armors have different designs" threatment

>It scales exactly like it does in the older games
Except it doesn't since you don't have the option to play with online health pools solo.

I hope they add zamtrios. I love that shark dude. Just please, anything but fucking khezu. Please not another endurance match with that screamy piece of shit.

A big silvery one at least.

Event quests.
If you don´t want to farm decos for xx hours just use the all items shop mod.

Hopefully they bring back Gold and Silver raths so more people can complain about the end game.

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>dps elitist in a game where playing solo gives faster kills most of the time and mosters already dies fast in MHW
In a game like Monster hunter there is. Sure, the tool is amazing, but being elitist here means that the cluster HBG bandwagon will increase tenfold and people will prioritize dumb damage instead of not fucking carting with it and will turn plenty of hunts into withdrawfests when Teostra farts in their general direction.

Things would be different if we were in a scenario like rajang hunter 4U or most of the game were supermonsters like behemoth, evil tree or 3U boys like super brachy. Or some frontier bullshit.

Sure you can, just join a room and dc your internet and you'll get your beefy boi.

Tigrex is practically confirmed right with the ice biome?

My PC started to self destruct with monhun for some reason when it used to run it just fine before, even with mods. Now I had to lock at 30 fps to stop the crashes. It still runs and loads a lot better than on ps4 and I already started getting hardware upgrades. PC is great for monhun, aways hated playing it (or anything else, honestly) on portables

That's not how it works in World.

Not really. 3U had Nargacuga but not Tigrex and 4U had Tigrex but not Nargacuga. They probably hate each other.

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I hope not. Him and Rathalos need to take a break. I am tired of seeing their faces.

I don't see why not but I'd rather iceborne not be mostly tigrex skeletons. I can already imagine all the nargas, tigrexs and barioths being added all at once.

>480 Ice
Yeah, now if only the entire roster was weak to ice, huh.
And why the fuck are we even discussing disparity between STARTING WEAPONS?
Meanwhile 4U gave HH an autosharpening natural purple 280 raw +20% affinity HH with 2 slots.

So what the fuck is your point?

Honestly, I love Lagi but without water combat there´s no point in having him. I know he was in 4 (or was it in generiations? Don´t remember) but it wasn´t the same thing I it just didn´t do him justice. I want water combat back and improved

>Taking a break
The more people want this, the more he appears in other media.

Yes it is, once it has the online values the monster won't scale down if you lose connection with the other hunters.

>Things would be different if we were in a scenario like rajang hunter 4U
you mean like kulve taroth?

this is correct
but I don't feel like they're exactly the same, since you can fight guild value monsters solo and if soloing guild you'll have to deal with the increased values

>PC when?
>6 months after console
>Autumn 2020 will come sooner than you think, PCbro!
>Wait for your scraps like a good boy, pcmutt
>Thats why PC would always be the sad lonely bastard on the party

Make sure to beta-test it for us again.
PC already has HD-texture packs, faster loading speeds (50s+ loading screens on cucksoles) and is getting all the tested by peasants content already.

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as much as i'd like to see tigrex in in iceborne i hope they focus more on new monster and bring maybe 3-4 old monsters back and maybe put out older monster as free updates for the future

Why is bagelgeuse such an asshole?

Lagi in Gen was fantastic though. Agna is still a cunt though.

This user gets it

Ah I meant more that the monster didn't scale per player, just that there were the 2 different values.

>Capcom finally sees PC players exists and want to play their games

The future seens bright

bring back nerscylla and seltas/queen seltas

Have you SEEN the new monsters in World? Zombie dragons. Alien dragons. Sneeze dinosaurs. Dear lord... One's sillier than the next.

>as much as i'd like to see tigrex in in iceborne i hope they focus more on new monster and bring maybe 3-4 old monsters back
Too bad, G rank expansions traditionally focus entirely on returning monsters and subspecies and only add 2 all-new monsters (flagship and final boss).

kulve is actually a bad example because it's more about accurately breaking parts than raw dps
besides the other guy already mentionend behemoth as a good example in world

>Playing gacha shit

I just bought world completely blind but I've played all MonHun games. Spoon feed me bros what kind of monsters should I expect? Will I get bored and return to 4U and GenU like everyone says?

>I want water combat back and improved
Me too user, me too.

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Both of you need to leave and never join another MH thread ever again.

Yes. But at least stick with it until you can fight Lunastra before passing judgement.

>thinking stats matter much on horns
it's all about the songs brah

I just want some actually hard endgame monsters that aren't held back by a need to make them beatable with every shit weapon. I don't give a fuck if some weapons end up being unviable, I want a real challenge.

t. corner horner

Just because the execution was flawed doesn't make the concept so. I'd never want it back on a handheld device though.

Narga skeleton so pretty much I'd say, yeah.

atleast it's something new, might aswell do a hd remake if people only care for the old monsters
true but still monster hunter to me was all about killing new monsters and getting hyped for the new stuff, i just hope they go with their free update concept like they did for jho and luna


>he doesn't know about attack up XL
lmaoing @ ur life kiddo

Wide Lv 4 shelling is a safe and effective strategy to killing any tough monster and Wyvern Fire and Wyrmstake just pile on the damage.

actually kill yourself.

I actually enjoyed water combat. I even used different weapons underwater then my bread and butter in 3U. Mained hammer but underwater I loved the mobility that lance and gunlance gave you while also being able to shield. I think people who didn't like water combat just never got good at it.

Now we have a better camera movement with actual analog stick to control it. Water combat is interesting and great for a change of pace, it just needs to be improved. Fightning Lagi underwater was terrifying in a good way. Stop wanting interesting ideas gone just because they didn´t work in the first try, else we´ll be playing the exact same game forever

The absolute state of this fanbase. The elitists were right.

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>Will I get bored and return to 4U and GenU like everyone says
Pretty much yeah.

If it weren't for mantles, infinite recovery items and enviromental status toads I would agree :^)

older mon hun games are garbage

This is literally true. DPS autists are anti-fun. They can go join their own 4 player HBG lobby with spreadsheets open in the other tab and let the rest of us fuck around.

pc gaming is irrelevant, deal with it already

>Nargacuga armor in World

God I'm so ready.

Gens Lagiacrus was a goddamn travesty compared to the original, its HP was way too bloated and it only spammed AoE attacks to make the fight even longer, to hell with it

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>environmental instant megapots
Truly the dark souls of third person action games

>Wide lv 4 GL in world
It actually became my go-to set for anything in MHW, especially against pms cunts like luna or behemoth. Healing augments heals a fuckton and guard up means I barely take damage form anything. I just chug my way to victory as I watch everyone carting left and right.
Worth the extra minute in hunts

That aside, notice how Hammer went from godlike in 3U to shit in 4U despite not getting any nerfs. Or how LS went from decent in 3U to shit in 4U despite getting buffs. Or how DB, despite being godlike in 3U, had to get a broken gap closer as a crutch to function at all in 4U.

4th gen marked a massive shift in how they approached monster design from a gameplay standpoint, but too many of the weapons were basically just not equipped to handle this, and still designed for the kind of game 3U was. This is one of the reasons why 4th gen is probably my second least favorite generation of MH, just ahead of 1.

People who min-max in any game just ruin it. Ever since MH had proper online I've never once kicked someone for having shit armor or triple carting. Sure if I'm playing within earshot of my brother I might make fun of someone for not having armor skills or some shit but other than that it's too much effort to constantly police everyone and worry about every little thing. If the people are intentionally dying or some such (which literally never happened to me in any MH) than that to me would be way worse than people with suboptimal gear/skills.

This is correct, though. As long as you can hold your own and get shit done, play however you like. Noone should be forced into speedrunning builds by autists. Most often than not, having skills that help you stay alive and are focused on support are more important for the average hunter, since he´ll stay alive and beating the monster longer than doing a few really strong hits and carting soon after

not him but I just don't want to feel like Dead Weight

>g rank armor is literally a downgrade of the high rank one
I just hope they will make a new one.

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>having any defensive skills at all

Nobody's going to call you out for running health boost 3, because even speedrunners do that when they're playing normally. But if you're running complete garbage skills and gear just for the sake of being "different" because "fuck the meta" then that's different.

4U had enough cool new shit to justify it being 10/10, but 3U was perfection. Helps that we didn't get MH4 so everything was new.

Lagiacrus was built for underwater fights. Gen's Lagi was just ivory with more retarded aoe bullshit.


4U was a lot of fun if you played it with the weapons that were actually designed properly for the game's content, but fuck me, actually using the shit weapons in endgame content is a quick way to ruin it for yourself.
But all they really did for 4U was buff the worst weapons in 4 (CB and DB) without even checking just how much the mediocre weapons from that game (Lance, GL, LS, Hammer, SA, etc) would be hurt from the G rank content. Because they never actually balance anything around G rank, they just make sure that everything's functional enough early on.

Can I have a gender swap mid game? My friend and I keep making the same armor sets and its so boring.

>muh balance
Shut up autist.

As I said. As long as you can do your job well enough, I don´t care. If the guy wants to run artillery, ammo up and bombardier using a fucking greatsword, he is retarded, yes. But as long as he can deal enough damage to not be a worthless idiot, I´m cool with it. Hell, if I can tolerate a friend that doesn´t give a shit about skills and only cares about the raw defense armors give him, I can tolerate that. The motherfuckers even mocks me for caring about my skills and having different armor sets for different weapon types

Sometimes you just don't want to look the same as everyone else
Eventually you just begin to hate the eyepatch

kys casual scum

I got my PC key for 15€ when people sold their nvidia keys.

HH was always the worst weapon in 4U and DB wasn't too bad with extra sharpness. Honestly, if you remove the HH and IG in 4U the game is mostly balanced. Mostly.

>If the guy wants to run artillery, ammo up and bombardier using a fucking greatsword, he is retarded, yes

They called me a madman...

Attached: gunblade.jpg (1003x564, 79K)

I have no idea of what to do with custom platters. Whats the best plate I can make?

To answer your question, no, it hasn't been said one way or the other. Once the Witcher content is out, consoles and PC will be at parity. We may see a simultaneous release with AT Nerg which, if so, would bode well for a simultaneous Iceborne release.

Autoreload HBG is also dumb (funny how they keep trying this shit again and again and it ends up being broken every time huh) so Furia Sedition needs to go, punish draw needs to go so GS isn't the KO king of 4U for no reason, SA also needs a damage buff badly, and yeah I guess then it's acceptable.

How much Iceborne will cost?

40 bucks

Shit, now I want gunblades in monhun. I know gunlances are a thing, but I´m not a lance person

Nah, Ivory could actually cart you, Gens Lagiacrus hits like a wet noodle even wearing thunder-weak armor, Ivory also had thag electric slide and running towards you while shooting the electric spheres,wich was quite dangerous

oh and they HAVE to do something about hammer but I really don't know how you can even save that weapon in 4U G rank, it just does not work

Tick tock console poorfags

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I gotta say I thought world would have more content by now. I got it on sale 6 days ago and I already killed Xeno and Tempered shitters so the only things left would be Luna, KT and Behemoth but as far as I can tell those are meant to be done with groups and grouping is for fags. I could farm decorations but I don't see a point as I can already kill the harder monsters quick enough and without hassle and there's nothing better to kill that isn't a bloated HP bullshit that'll take forever

Your friend sounds like an idiot.

>Was farming Lavashit for Ironwall and Charger Jewel
>Getting fuck all
>Decide to run AT Kush to finish grinding his set
>He drops a Charger Jewel from the only Warped Feystone he dropped

Desire sensor is real, but thank fuck I can swap out one of my Damascus pieces. If I can get that Ironwall I can finally be rid of the Urgaan Arms too.

Pretty sure they claim that PC release will be at a later date though, we can only pray that it's not too long.
So iceborne will have new moves for weapons, what would you guys like to have for your weapons? Personally I'd like to have some form of jumping attack rather than just finding ledges.

Come on, proper autoreload requires literal hundreds of hours of grinding lao shan lung in g-rank. They've earned it.

Only thing this proves is that Xbox is no longer a skeleton, just dust on the floor

What's your stance on gunhammers?

I'd prefer a reduction of moves.

Attached: 372.gif (368x265, 1.73M)

>Your friend sounds like an idiot.
He is, and he dies all the time. It´s a pain in the ass playing with him but that´s life

Extremely dumb weapon. Love it

They haven't committed to a PC release date but they also haven't said it would be later either. I think they were leaving the door open for a staggered release if they need it but, based on the pace of content lately, I think there's a good chance they'll come at the same time. There's really no logical reason to delay it if they're otherwise already content identical.

I'm hoping we also start seeing event quests align across platforms so there's only one quest board to track and everyone in a given community doesn't need to specify platform really.

>Great Gunswords
>No charge attacks
>Slow slash combo complemented by shelling
>Shelling can speed up sword slashes
>Charged shelling ends in a charged sword slam
>Wyvernfire TCS
Fuck regular gunblades, I already tasted the wyvern ignition blade, give me this anime weapon.

There's an event quest Lavasioth and Jagras to farm deco once in a while. EX Behemoth is nigh impossible to do with randos, though its rewards is cosmetic only so somewhat skippable. Luna is soloable and Normal Behe and AT KT are pretty ez to do with randos though. But if you don't feel like farming then don't, it's for min-maxing anyway.

Because Evasion+ doesn't exist. Because the dive doesn't exist.

i got Lavasioths two gold crowns within 5 hunts. shit is wack af.

>World has definitely the hardest HR content out of all the other HR games
Not really no. Its still just as slow as lr the health is just a little inflated.

>Monsters all have retarded aoe attacks
Welcome to literally any MH game before world.

>Complaining about optional content

God fucking damn it how come it's so hard to play MH when I'm standing on my head? They should flip the scren upside down so I can play it while standing on my head.

How much will NeXT borrow from World? It's clear that MH has now separated into two different audiences, forcing World-shit into the Portable games will not bode well.