that's right
how do I get a slut (virgin) gf?
Does she have cute feets
cmere bb uwu
Usually I loathe reused faces in Fate but I'm glad they've decided to recycle Sakura. Her design was too good for how shit she was.
Sakura is a good girl
>tfw can't find the effort to finish her event
if a woman dressed like this in my country she would be jailed for indecency. what a whore.
>ccc will never be translated before you die
based ahmed
very sexy wd
All cute girls do
Just learn jap
>dude just learn a language that isn't even used in any first world country
why don't japniggers just learn to write like a normal person
Sakura is the best creation ever by typemoon
Sakura without the worms
>not being big enough of a weeb faggot that nip is basically your second most heard language
fuck mandarin, fuck punjabi and FUCK FRENCH
I want to push my penis in there, weird as that sounds haha
>fuck French
Animal dégoûtant.
I want a woman to bully me like BB bullies.
Not even in a sexual way. I just want a woman to ridicule me on a regular basis.
not sure if i want to do that to astolfo or be astolfo in that situation
>wow dude look at these big tits so fucking epic lmaooooo
Fuck off.
>the part in this doujin where she crushes a guy in her cleavage
oh god muh dick
>Fuck off.
Fuck off.
i don't understand what's the point of this character and her flat version whe passion lip exist, she's much better than both
i fucking love big titties
Post more
Don't bully them user that's literally all BB has going for her
Replayed CCC a year ago and all I could think of was 'any localizer at an established western game company would get crucified for accurately translating this'
Honestly it's probably for the best that it'll be a fan translation if anything ever comes out. An official one would have had to take 'creative liberties' dozens of times.
I hated Passionlip the first time when I did the CCC route, but couldn't help feeling like absolute shit by the end of her chapter doing normal route. Her punishment time is absolutely crushingly cruel (in CCC route you skip punishing both Lip and Melt). Protag basically molests a retarded girl and then tells her that she'll always be a monster and to fuck off.
BB is smart
>An official one would have had to take 'creative liberties' dozens of times.
B.B. > Meltrylis > Kingprotea > Kama > Passionlip > Matou Sakura > Parvati
BB is shit
BB is a pure girl who only wants to troll and be loved.
Are there any big console-game localizers left that would be cool with accurately translating punishment time dialogue? Besides being very 'rapey', a lot of stuff would also be considered extremely sexist, kink-shaming, fat-shaming, etc. This is current year +4, after all.
>Probably won't make it to the end of Solomon in time before the event ends.
I'm at the end of Camelot, and I won't have much free time this week. How fucked am I? Is losing BB a big deal?
bully me BB
2 years is the only option my dude
But it's just a game
She is the best welfare you could get, but you can live without her just fine.
>cooking fishes with a frying pan
stupid Sakura
She's the only Mooncancer, so, I dunno. Moon Cancers are strong against Rulers and weak against Avengers, but BB isn't that strong.
If you're desperate, just use some apples and skip all the scenes. You can view all scensmes again in My Room.
should i use apples for more exp cards im seriously out and need to catch up to compelte bb third ascension
I was told Kintoki was the best you lying bastards!
She won't be back for another 2 years? Fuck I might just no life it all week and pray I make it in time. Is the event itself long/difficult?
She's the strongest welfare with broken skills. If you're planning on playing for the next two years set aside a few hours and follow the gamepress guide. She's worth it.
Even the rerun is 3 week my dude, just take your time until then
He is rider wise
I actually forgot about him. But yeah, rider Kintoki is amazing too.
You have time. There are eight days left.
Shame I'm o low on Caster Gems. It kinda pisses me off how Extra classes always demand for so much of fucking everything.
I'm the user still in Camelot, are BB's ascensions tied to the event too? As in I can't evolve her when the event ends
Yes, but they're not that hard to get. If you ignore all the non-essentials, it really isn't that bad.
In your case, though, unless you really speed through this shit, it's gonna be tough. The next Singularity is fucking long.
Yeah..I head Babylonia is one of the longer ones. Is Solomon long too?
No but it's a boss gauntlet so depending on your team, yeah
Fucks black guys
Time Temple is pretty short. As lomg as you have good party setups, it should be quick.
I literally just started playing FGO like a week ago. Is there any feasible chance that I could somehow get BB before the event ends? Should I just not even bother? I'm only about halfway through Orleans.
I got lucky and rolled Melty by chance the other day, though.
And a shit class that you'll never need
you're boned
Even if you somehow beat Solomon your servants won't be good enough for BB's event.
If you spent every waking moment playing and skipped all the cutscenes, sure, but even then you probably don't have enough apples.
K. That sucks. How long would is it going to take me to get to endgame level event stuff at a casual play speed?
Usually takes me a couple days to finish a Singularity. Couple weeks I guess?
Do you even bother checking the ALL tab when you are searching for a support?
If I have a grailed Quetz and a regular Ozy, which are you more likely to pick?
So long as you have a MLB Mona Lisa I don't give a shit.
what if i don't
I have an Ozy so I'd go for Quetz.
Wish it was the reverse, though. I like Quetz better as a character.
I'll be honest, if you have friends who have a better support list than you chances are they're not gonna pick your support.
she is too fatass
bb is for breeding
Why did you start FGO this late anyway? Might as well play the JP version.
>being a latelet in JP
He's even more fucked if he played JP now.
I got the game like a month before the summer event? I think. I played until Orleans and then stopped. I rolled several 5 stars recently which is why I've been trying to get into it.
My sexual fantasy is to be the tentacles, so I like Sakura.
Don't you have infidels to behead, Muhammad?
CCC was so easy
never listen to /fgog/ again
>listening to people who don't know Japanese playing a Japanese game
BB is my love and my God.
Fuck you bitch, Kiara shit on your face every days every times
BB is a pure girl while Kiara is hag slut
fucking seamonkeys
/fgog/ are a bunch of shitters who can't read japanese and don't know how to play video games.
Crossing the street would be too hard for them.
Kill yourself shit eaters
why does she have so many NTR doujins? not that I'm complaining or anything