>Starting to get bored of vidya
>Start new game
>Quit after 30 mins
Is this the end bros?
Starting to get bored of vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
it should pass eventually user. If it doesn't, it's over.
are u pirating them? when i pirate shit my interest fades unless it's legitimately spectacular
>play Doom 3
>seems good
>it stretch too much
>now boring of it and just want to finish it asap
>is this the end
Yes. You're a casual shitter.
Time to get married grandpa your gaming days are over
Get some other hobbies.
Stop playing altogether for a while, you've basically overdosed.
The formula does get tedious
sounds like you grew out of vidya, op. i've been the same way for about 6 years now, i can't even remember the last time i finished a game. i tried everything to fix this for myself but i couldn't, so i learned to accept it eventually.
>even after 6 years of not enjoying games I'll probably still be here
fuck me
I can go weeks without feeling any inclination to play games, then go weeks playing for hours daily, sometimes all day weekends. Or maybe what you're playing isn't as engaging for you as you thought it was and should try something else.
>bored of games for a few weeks
>one happens to grab my attention
>put another 70 hours into it
>don't play games for a few more weeks
This has caused me to fuck up with deadlines and such countless times.
Get high
You are a consumerist faggot who thinks he has to play games because he's a "gamer."
I've constantly toyed with the idea of playing Oblivion on LSD or mushrooms to try and get that high school feel again but I dunno.
Anybody here tried vidya while on either of those?
You're depressed. Classic symptom for a 'gamer'. You're the last one of these faggots I'm gonna say this to. Anyone after this can wallow.
same except it doesn't happen in older games that aren't designed for brainlets
It's been the same for me for a long while, since like 2011-2012 I think. I only finish very few select games nowadays. I even grow bored of games I know I like before I finish them. And games with extra DLC and postgame content after the story is finished? Forget it.
Yes. Lsd with games is great
It just seems weird so many of us got like this, I figured as you got older your attention span *improves*, so it must be something else.
This has been for two years now, its time to end it all.
Video games are all kinda samey. Actual unique games just aren't common enough
>used to spend most of my time playing video games
>now only spend maybe 10 minutes a day playing vidya, don't even really enjoy it that much
>all this despite having all the time in the world because I'm a fucking NEET
It’s not just video games for me. I don’t seem to enjoy anything anymore. I feel dead inside
Honestly its because most games follow industry and genre formulas. Nothing is ever truly innovative in the gaming sphere anymore. | mean the last time someone made a brand new genre was voxel back in 2010 or so.
Then what are you doing here?
I swear if I find a magic lamp my first wish would be "kill anyone who posts on Yea Forums who doesn't play videogames enough"
The only game that i finished in the last 5 years is Project x Zone 2, its the only game that i bought in 5 years as well it seems like i only care for crossovers now.
sounds like one of those devils bargain wishes where the only person here will be you
It's completely normal to find videogames boring when you're over 20.
most of those "gamers" that are over 25 or so, are actually autistic.
And most people that play vidya are childreen that have no standars in videogames.
Doom 3 is zoom zoomie trash. Drop it.
You guys DO have other hobbies besides video games, right?
I agree, by the end you just want it to be over, and it's not even a long game.
It needed more diverse levels and encounters.
I also masturbate.
>start The Witcher 3
>put on hold in 30 min
>boot up Rage of Mages
>complete in one sitting
Why is it like this?
>rage of mages
Fuck me, I thought I was the only person who had played that game.
It looked like some kind of proto hero RTS. Amazing graphics/art style for it's time.
this is what true enlightenment looks like
>go to bed, thinking "tomorrow I'll play "
>wake up
>spend at least 2 hours just mindless reading useless bullshit on different sites
>have a twitch stream on in the background on mute that I check on once an hour for 1 minute
>alright I'll play after I get something to eat
>eat and take a shower
>decide to jerk off, spend an hour finding something good
>eh might as well take a nap so Im rested before starting
>30 minute nap turns into 3 hours
>feel like shit waking up, spend 2 hours "waking up"
>eh I might as well get dinner before starting
>read about another game and get slightly excited, dont really feel like playing anymore
>browse youtube for nostalgia
>go to bed, thinking "tomorrow I'll play "
>niggers play the same cinematic flickshit over and over
>complain they're bored of games
play different games you faggots
I'm on the same boat bro. I play games max 30-60 minutes, during that entire time I have no investment in the game at all. Then I get bored, quit and uninstall wizard. Sometimes I get excited about a game, I install it and go to the menu. Quit and uninstall. Fuck my life.
Im playing dark souls 3 now and its my first souls game. I love it, it feels like no games have level design anymore. They are empty and spacious like n64 games or just corridors. Its not bad for some games to be like this, but the world of dark souls 3 is so grim, miserable, and mystical. I know dark souls 1 and 2 will suck ass compared to this game and i dont have a ps4 so no bloodborne. Anyway, its nice when you find a random game that does the trick for you and you WANT to keep playing. Last time i got this was valkyria chronicles 4. Before that...danganronpa v3?
I think fighting games have made me lose interest in vidya. I tried to get really into them for a while and for a while it seemed to be working but I just suck at them and now I've played almost nothing but fighting games for months and don't want to play them anymore so of course I feel like I'm not interested in vidya anymore. I'll try to get back into games I like, though. Maybe then some of the magic will come back.
And mechanics are addicting. As a kid, I've spent hours upon hours covering trolls in poison mist and fire walls to level up my magic. In my recent playthrough I have found out thay you don't really need to do all that to beat the game. But I have found another exploit: stacking Strength on a warrior lets your HP, regen and damage grow exponentially. By the end game you become an unstoppable killing machine.
which fighting game have ya been playin' user
unironically turn off the internet while playing
Sometimes it's good to take a break.
Generally don't like not finishing games, but now I managed to start like five different games that I don't particularly feel like seeing through.
I've got bouts of depression that come and goes in waves, and when it really kicks in, I don't really care about much of anything. I'm coming out of a stretch of about a year where I didn't do anything but work, go home, watch Best of the Worst, and then go to sleep. I started going to the gym and eating healthier about two months ago, so I'm starting to feel a bit more myself, and I've been having fun with Borderlands of all things. I kind of wish that I hadn't listened to Yea Forums on that one, shit's fun.
Go out and walk. Or maybe work on something, study, exercise, whatever. Just avoid your PC for as long as possible. No Twitch or YouTube allowed either. Try to live like this for as long as possible. Eventually you'll want to sit down and play vidya and you'll enjoy the fuck out of it. As with all pleasures, overindulging in them makes you numb.
Play more engaging games.
- No open world shit
- No RPGs
- Nothing more than 12 hours long (doing anything longer is dull and repetitive)
>Dark souls 3 has good level design
>1 and 2 will suck ass compared to 3
user, i think its time you reconsider your life choices
games today:
>open world, generic BamHam gameplay open world with collectables
>Indie darling that utilises the interactivity of vidya gaems to tell a story, i'm sure this would be interesting if I had the attention span or the time
>JRPGs that play still play like ps1 games
nah, i'd rather sleep
you're living the dream
This is the end
You will find maybe 1/100 games worth playing to the end, the other 99/100 you will play for
Went through this same phase. Just kept restarting and restarting certain games. Eventually most of them clicked. Fallout and Fallout 2 were a chore before they finally clicked, now I replay them twice a year.
i just turned to the games i feel nostalgic about
sometimes I play new games for a few days like R6 Siege, but I always come back now to my Super NT
Bought a bunch of Super Famicom games for it and couldn't be happier
>I know dark souls 1 and 2 will suck ass compared to this game
user they made whole lotta less progress with the sequels than you're thinking. You'll probably enjoy the other games.
It happens user
Go watch a movie or read a book
omg same
I shop for dresses :3
post butt
better take the oblivion ost with you and go to a real forest with a babysitter
Never happened to me.
You're probably playing the wrong games. Like says pirating made me feel like I was bored of gaming but it made me realize I just didn't want to waste time on games that weren't fantastic.
literally r*ddit
Only two of those apply to me.
user you are retarded and late to the party
Go fucking play AT LEAST the first dark souls. Yeah, 2 will suck compared to both
Even Demon's Souls holds up great
And then play Sekiro
Same boat. I think video games just suck now. We've played all the good shit. When good games come out I'll play them 12 hours a day every day I can, still. But they're just so rare, and games now don't have any longevity unless they're trying to milk your wallet somehow. It's the industry, imo, not us getting older. At least in my case. You might just be becoming aware of the insignificance of video games which leads you to find them boring as they have no inherent value beyond entertainment, and developed complex adult brains typically require stimulation beyond entertainment, eg fulfilment.
Literally all of them apply to me. God I’m pathetic.
>I think video games just suck now
There are still good ones coming out once in a while, but it seems more likely that it'll be an indie game. I also think we need VR to improve to spur more creativity since it kind of feels like the current hardware has been mostly maxed out on ideas.
Stop smoking/drinking user
Never too late to change yourself, user.
Thank you for saying that because I only listen to you guys.
very much appreciated.
I can only play multiplayer F2P trash these days. If it doesn't have multiplayer and I'm interacting with other people I lose interest within 10 mins. It's worse if it doesn't have some kind of pavlovian rank ladder.
I'm forever ruined.
Schrooms are great man, they last like the entire day as well
Cute user, but you should show off more of the dress so it can actually been seen.
Plz no savey
i get up at 3 am
never had weed or alcohol
masturbate twice a week
don't touch junk food
not overweight
prozac is one of the few antidepressants that doesn't cause weight gain, of course I'm using it
why not?
Your dick still works on Prozac? Lucky bastard.
>i get up at 3 am
depression can push your waking time earlier and earlier (besides I had to get up at 4:30 am to travel to see a psych at 9am)
reversed my mild erectile dysfunction
I'm trying to get into fighting games, I avoided them for the most part since games like SF or any of the anime fighters didn't interest me. Though recently I found myself enjoying both Tekken and SC6. The main issue is I don't really feel like playing people online, and the one friend I know who does play them is often really busy, so I never really get anywhere.
Its a nice dress user, you gotta work on your poses more you're looking a bit manly and muscular.
Damn that's rough, i never lose sleep back when i was in that phase, as a matter of the fact i sleep more than normal.
Ganbatte user, you will learn to live with it one way or another like i am, it's not so bad
kik? can i see your butthole spread while wearing those thighhighs and you see muh dick in return?
That look like trash, if you want to be a tranny at least have some taste
>go to bed, thinking "tomorrow I'll INVENT THOSE BLUEPRINTS"
actually nevermind, i examined a bit closer. keep at it, youll be good soon
Take DMT next time, It's what the best niggas take
Get a job you filthy neet
This, faggots
Exercise a bit. Maybe see a therapist if you can. Try to eat healthier and get at least 30 minutes of sunlight a day if possible. Not even joking, guys. I want you to live the best lives you can. Depression can creep up on you and make you stop enjoying shit you used to love and you don't know why.
I wish you all the best, bros.
Yea acid works really well for vidya. The Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, Killer Is Dead, Resident Evil. That kinda stuff.
why would you nap when theres nothing to make you tired throughout the day?
It might not be depression if OP just keeps trying to play shitty games though. Not ruling out depression as a possibility of course since I don't know the whole situation, but there are other reasons it can be happening too.
>would check about the latest gaming videos pre-2012
>spend hours upon hours having laffs and general enjoyment
>try to get on today
>can't even last 5 mins without blasting my brains out
What happened?
Because your not a kid anymore dumbass
If you haven't found your "grind" game at this point you're doomed in this state forever without a game you can always turn on.
Last game with a clear end that I've finished was Sekiro, before that it was Prey. Everything else I dropped 1 hour in.
But I still play a lot every day, for me my go to games are Total War games and osu.
For other people(most) it's some online game like MMOs, regular arena shooters, MOBAS(god save their souls) and other online games.
Let's plays is what killed machinimas and creativity.
the feel good juice in your brain (nordrenaline, dopamine, serotonin) isn't lasting as long in your brain because you're depressed
That's a good point
Here's the actual solution: stop starting new games and playing them for only 30 min. What games could you be playing that show you everything good about them in the first 30min? Push through and open yourself to enjoying the experience. Of course you're gonna feel burnt out playing prologue after prologue.
D44M is the zoomer one retard
Because before was:
>Rocket Jump
>College Humor
Now its:
>Let's Plays
>Let's Plays
FUCK this gay earth
No way fag
I'm in the same boat since late last year. With a few exceptions I mostly turn of most games after playing them for a hour or two. Not sure if it will get better, must be age related.
I only really get engaged with narrative driven games like JRPGs but fuck me if they don't all include some shitty grind that expands a 40 hour game to 70 hours. Last non-JRPG I played was DMC5 and there's absolutely nothing going on in the story despite half the budget probably being spent on fancy cutscenes. It's just walk down corridors and mash buttons. Whole story can be told in two minutes.
Rage videos aren't allowed on trending
Are you me?
Get a secondary hobby, one that actually gives you skills. Use vidya as a break from that hobby.
No Im not white trash
>Tutorial for a game is too long past 5 minutes
>Get bored and turn off the console to go back on the internet
To be fair I'm 26 and still play a lot of game, but clearly I'm not patient or enthusiast for games like I was like 8 years ago, except maybe for Resident Evil 2, I enjoyed the shit out of this one
Dont take a nap, what are you, 60?
You sound in desperate need to start working out
Grrrr meanie I deleted the photos because of your comment
I take naps too but I'm working.
I think it may be the lack of the sun light and/or vitamins that makes you tired all the time
Real talk, this is something I've been wondering for a while. Obviously a lot of us have problems that inhibit our ability to enjoy media to some extent. Whether it be depression, anxiety, grief, loneliness, whatever, we aren't able to enjoy media as much as we would without these problems. And the extent in which these problems affect our ability to enjoy said media varies from person to person, but my question is: is there any point to consuming media when you could enjoy it much better by fixing those problems first? And obviously you SHOULD be trying to fix your problems instead of running away from them, but is there any point consuming that media even on the road to recovery? Like, you'll have a much better experience if you just wait till you're happier.
I ask this because I've been purposely avoiding a lot of media for a very long time because of this. Media I'd want to consume, but just... don't. I probably have OCD or some shit, but I legitimately want an answer to this question. I want to fix my problems, but I don't want to isolate myself from media I actively want to consume.
lmfao look at this pathetic faggot admitting to enjoying games solely because of buyer's remorse
Is it the end? No. You’ll probably live at least 50 more years. Assuming natural cause of death.
>open world, generic BamHam gameplay open world with collectables
I am the only one who realizes that this is literally just recyclating the origin GTA 3 idea? Like it's almost 20 years and all we have are GTA 3 variations.
>The main issue is I don't really feel like playing people online
That's the only way to get anything out of fighting games if you don't actually socialize
acid made games with a high level of sync between audio and visual stimuli fun. Lumines and Wipeout HD (especially zone mode) ruled
Unironically play Mordhau
What are some good supplements you take?
Magnesium & Zinc - Immune system and cell regeneration
Omega-3 + D vitamin - Mental wellness
B-12 - Energy
What else is good for you so I can hide from the roots of my problems and try to patch them with supplements?
All I seem to want to do anymore is play multiplayer shit with my friends.
Just got lobotomy corporation, maybe I'll get into that
That's why I only really play with the one friend. My knowledge of fighting games is next to none, so I don't really gain much from fighting random who's online. At least with the friend I can ask questions about stuff, improve bit by bit and then fight him again afterwards showing off the shit i've learned.
I think the great problem of our generation and past a certain is that you can't enjoy things anymore because let's face it when you were young you had a handful of let's say ps1 games. You enjoyed the shit out of them because you only had them.
Now you can have fucking everything quickly, hundreds of games at your disposal, or tv shows or whatever. Too much choice is boring because you spent more time choosing than playing.
Not to mention for the working anons that you work the entire week and you have like 2-3 days of resting, it's isn't much and you don't want to spend your time playing.
Also you have adults problems like paying bills and such, I'm 25 but yet I don't half the shit the "young" are talking about, Fortnite, Apex or randoms youtubers for example
Hitting the time of responsibility, even games seen tedious af unless I'm lit. 30yr boomer meme is real
it's over man. We're older now, games are for kids. You may play some occasionally but other than that no more hardcore gaming for you (and me)
>getting bored with vidya
>getting bored with music that I usually listen to
>getting bored with my job
>getting bored with working out
>getting bored with my house
>getting bored of everything
your mind is shifting
have sex
That's what playing Doom 3 felt like even at release.
Same with Nu-Doom
I got dumped 2 months back ironically.
fuck :( this hits to close
Same, only game i actually wanted to play was DMC 5
Drugs are for degenerate normalfag scum, stop being retarded
I might as well just kill myself because those two things are the only source of joy anymore. Except I don't smoke weed (I hate it) but use Tramadol.
Get a job wtf
I just play TF2 nowadays. Helps me save money by not buying new games.
Finally mastered scout and playing as him gives me an adrenaline rush that never gets old.
I think a large issue is also people are becoming more critical of media. We live in an age of endless entertainment, creating a good story that stands out is harder than ever. I've seen over 2000 movies, endless tv shows, anime, comics, manga, video games etc. The average person today has experienced so many good stories that nothing excites them any more. I have a little brother and every time we leave the cinema he's ecstatic and says whatever latest film he saw is his favourite of all time. Everything is amazing when you're seeing it for the first time and when you're a kid those good memories stick with you because they were the most amazing thing you'd ever experienced. Humans are badly programmed where we get bored of anything with enough exposure to it.
I've been with the same cunt for 5 years and I wish the bitch would. You got off lucky
depression will do that, user.
Take up (1) more hobby
Hope you OD
>>4612590761259124593470781>>46126119161261257261898208628>>4612640081264372653219571>>46126691961267246267326750980>>4612681351268304683835588>>46126905161269236269343946232>>4612701121270367704958721>>46127125661271302271439162764>>461272190theres more to life than vidya gaems
You should try playing mobile games, unironically.
I've been one of those "tired gamers" for years but mobage absolutely still work. They don't require a ton of time, you can just play instantly on your phone for 5 minutes and stop whenever you want, and they're addictive enough to keep you going.
>go to sleep at 4:15 am
i fucking wish
There's no point in depriving yourself from the things you enjoy, user. If you don't think you are going to enjoy it to being with before your problems are solved maybe you just weren't that interested in the first place?
no there isnt shut up
Greetings traveler
Here's your (You)
>mass replying still isn't a bannable offense
It is though
then why do these posts never get purged
Based and Melopilled
Kinda was my point yes, but you're right.
I picked up Days Gone for my birthday, wasn't too sure about this one but I was like "oh fuck it"
I have the bad impression of playing an old 360 game, like I don't know, Alan Wake mixed with the last of us and SOA, I was more bored than ever after a few hours. Even I do like some of the mechanics of the game, but I have the bad impression of seeing old stuff from 2011.
If you report them they'll usually get deleted, but it seems like mods don't ban people as often anymore for shitposting. Someone said it was because they want people to keep filling out captchas for revenue.
>OD'ing on psychedelics
go back to r.eddit if you want half of messages to be deleted
it's not reddit to dislike mass reply low quality shitposting you fucking retard. you sound like someone from reddit trying too hard to fit in.
you are just pretending to like something you already have forgotten how to like in your adulthood because you dont have other interests you stick with it and you are afraid to discover new things.
not me btw I love video games :^ )
Felt the same, then I just started playing, and commited, after like 10 minutes or so I got in to it and ended up using up entire days on it, I've got like 174 hours in it now and still haven't finished. Deus Ex Mankind Devide's main game hooked me instantly took me like 24 hours to beat and I felt sad when I was done with it. Would also not recommend the DLC since it doesn't really keep track of your actions in the main game, unlike the main game.
You're probably on to something, I went through moments when I didn't feel like playing anything. All it took was me actually doing other things to instantly realize that vidya was like 10 times more enjoyable.
Just play a game that last less than 30 mins
>tower of heaven
>let them come
>super hot
>the witness (if you are good enough)
>world of goo
>katana zero
>tfw intellectual gamer
>only like games that are deep and cognitively challenging
>however, since i'm not autistic i find it pointless to play out a game when i've understood the core systems
>instead it makes me feel like i should be putting that effort towards something that matters
>try to do something that matters
>realise that merely being too intelligent for video games doesn't make smart so i don't get anywhere with that either
oh my sweet summerchild
dopamine reuptake inhibitors
take the /vr/ pill
play stuff you loved as a kid and you might find your interest coming back
I just spent my weekend doing the endurance races on gran turismo 1, loved every minute of it
That's gotta be it. From what I gather, sex is so addictive that your life loses meaning if you don't get it for a few months. Should've stayed virgin.
Same bro.
Have cutie gf
Travelling is even boring nowadays. Is it times to have kids then? 29 years old btw.
Lsd is fun. I havent played many games on it, but I've tried a few. I beat Gael in Dark Souls 3 for the first time while I was on acid and it felt amazing. Also seeing the phantoms of other people around the bonfire before the fight was trippy.
It'll be hard not to be distracted by the visuals no matter what game you choose, FYI
>Mfw the main menu theme of the game I haven't touched in over a decade hits
Yes, I was on that ride 2 years ago. I no longer play games, only browse Yea Forums for occasioal videogames new or I watch gameplay of retro, obscure games I've never heard about.
I don't even remember the last game I completed.
Games I have bought/pirated
Kingdom Hearts 3
I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting.
Just there I finished rdr2.
If you're trying to give him a bad trip, recommend something like Hellblade. You've clearly never done acid.
>already went through this
>theres still a few games that i can really get into again like FFX or something
>i know that empty feel after finishing it
>i just get near the end and start over
>like a girl at the office
>anything close to a confession risks complete dissolution of company structure
got me on like 5 of them
Because you're not a little boy anymore with a infant brain where achieving pixels is fun.
You're not an anime. Just ask if she wants to fuck.
Vidya isnt really all that rewardung it just dopamine sometimes i'll replay some classics or try a new game but honestly they're all kinda boring to me now ive been using vidya as a escapist way to to cope with shit forever so idk what to do now lol im probably jist gonna read books on buddhism and get in touch with nature
are you fucking retarded? you will get #metoo'd and fired the next day
>undead nightmare
On the off chance you actually know what that'll be like, your a bad person. Why would you recommend that?
it's called depression
They do not though
>tfw can easily get bored of anything now
>even other things besides vidya i used to really enjoy like bike riding get boring
>my weekends: get up around 10
>go on Yea Forums to see if i got any (you)'s
>go on reddit to see if i got any (1)'s
>go on twitter to see if i got any (1)'s
>get my twitch to see if i got any (1)'s
>watch twitch for 5 hours
>mabye run to the store and get a few snacks and a energy drink
>come home
>mabye play vidya for a bit but its usually just watching twitch or youtube videos till 3 in the morning
That's just a phase. Happened to me a good dozen times total.
> want to try out a new MMO
> spend hours patiently waiting for it to download, install, and patch
> suddenly have second thoughts and uninstall it
> a few days later, get interested in another MMO...
I've uninstalled and reinstalled Mortal Online at least three times this year, not counting all the other games
Jokes on you, buddy. I'm coming to terms with my autism.
t.26 year old "gamer"
It's not you m8, it's the games, they're retarded nowadays, for retarded people.
I fall back to playing old games and have as much fun as when I started.
You're an internet addict, literally the worst aside from drug addiction. Block those sites on a timer or something and try your best to fill your time with anything else.
That's not how it works and it's a tell you're still a virgin
>take a shower
How new.ru
iktf bro
Fucking Yea Forums and twitch
Play Perfected Doom 3 with more/new monsters addons to it
this. I can't tell you how much old shit I'd never heard about gets brought up on /vr/ that I end up loving. If /v2k/ or some kind of consistent 2000s games general happens I'll be all over that shit
Proof that Yea Forums doesn't even play games. People just get on here to shitpost.
Honestly it might just be a mix of bith getting older and the industry being filled with souless greedy scum who want to milk our wallet just look at the doom games and how id software would let fans make levels id software but we one of the few big name developers that actually care about making a quality product also some indie games that actually try something new and different because they kinda have to in order to make it big (like how fight knight seems to be and how cuphead was purely a passione product)
>grew out of vidya
>grew out of a hobby
no nigger,you're just bored.
>I'm 26
god damn you're ancient
>just playing tf2 every night
>starting to hate it
>stop playing games for a while
>design levels in some other games
>try to make my own game
>paint, make music, videos, sculpt clay, etc. for a while
>go back to playing games
>appreciate the good ones even more now than i did as a kid
>realize tf2 sucks
I know whats happening to you OP, its not vidya, its NU-VIDYA, most games are fucking boring and retarded nowdays, not like the good ol games that were challenging and taught you a lot of stuff with riddles and make ur brain work
Im old school, late 30s and i can beat ANY game at first try, no deaths.. and im also top 1% in pvp games
Those drugs are for inner exploration and using them as a toy can have unforeseen and serious consequences for your thought processes and general well being. If you wan't the high school feeling smoke some weed.
kek, faggot.
I've done shrooms and 2ci nbome countless times just as recreational drugs and i'm still fine.
If you're weak minded, you shouldn't do drugs, period.
>Think about playing video games at work
>Come back home, too tired to start anything
>Just watch someone else playing
Is this a copypasta? if not it’s about to become one
People who's lives revolve around escapism aren't the best candidates to handle such experiences. I've seen plenty of abuse in psyconaut circles for people who thought they could handle it or you get people who get addicted to the experience. I've had friends who thought it was a good idea to smoke jungle spice all day every day and they both wound up needing to be put into mental healthcare because they lost all touch with reality and started to think they had superhuman abilities.
>i’m fine
>counting your chickens before they hatch
stay away from knockoff acid buddy, it’ll wreck your brain. i died off 2ci back in like 2012, not fun
what if they do have superhuman abilities and you’re a bunch of denialist sheep?
That JUST face
Yeah i've stopped that shit a long time ago, i could feel my braincells roting when i was on it.
hence why i said weak minded people should stay out of drugs.
If you're going for the all day erry day mentality you probably fall into that category.
I'll give you an example of said crispy potato brained super powers.
>One thought that the light from spot lights at a car dealership a few miles away moving in the sky and reflecting off clouds was his supernatural abilities
>The other thought that because he could get up and do things while on Jungle Spice that he could do anything he wanted and needed stronger shit so he started smoking crack on the down time
>Spotlight superstar also thought that he could make himself invisible to people because he would go on drug fueled walks at 2AM and steal plants used for landscaping. He would come back with a trash bag full of succulents and other plants used for the local apartments and created his own little kleptomania nature preserve.
Dark Souls 3.
>Who is skateboard