keep it vidya please
Filename thread
Stop it stop it STOP IT STOP IT One of my legs is shorter than the other and I need to have it extended please stop posting this.
imagine being awake during the surgery
not vidya related. You're not doing this right.
Made me laugh, fuck that video is great.
what happened here? that is fucking nuts
whats their band name
41 people died in Moscow because the plane got struck by lightning and they had to do an emergency landing with no comms. Most of the people died because people in the front were trying to get their luggage
whats the story
is there a version with audio? that's funny as shit
did he dry
the police officer just says "stop resisting" and sprays them
some context?
american schools?
Why did he do that?
Probably police cadets. I heard you get sprayed as part of training to see what it feels like.
These guys in the video are actors btw
Leaf military here we get put in a gas hut with a fuck ton of tear gas shit stings like fucking hell
holy shit.
My friend studies in a police/military school and he got sprayed too
He said the pain isnt that bad but when you start melting from every hole posible its pretty bad
kill yourself
Nice filename retard.
>That ridiculous, hysterical, shrieking
Have these kids never tripped and scraped their knee or something, holy fuck you'd think they've never experienced any discomfort or pain in their lives.
Very nice.
a Reddit screenshot with a Yea Forums file name is fitting
Damn user I'm laughing my ass off.
Based surgeon chads
>This reminds me of when one of my nails dug in to my flesh and got infected, so the doctor shoved a needle in the infected flesh and then while I was still awake started cutting the nail out. It sounded like wet plastic and bone crunching. I refused to look.
really weird how one newer pokemon anime got soul
those lips and mouth animation god damn this is my fetish in anime
That isn't leg extension you retard, that guy had metal bolts for a broken leg and then he was in a car accident or some shit, they're trying to remove it.
You had an ingrown toenail you fucking faggot, grow up holy shit. Why would they put you to sleep for that you fuckin gaylord
>It doesn't hurt until it starts to hurt
Wait goddammit I want to see that line completed
When I had eye surgery and the laser was burning my eyes I sniffed the sweet scent of cooked meat and started salivating, I got hungry at my own eyes getting cooked.
This guy died, btw
only one person on the whole bus thought to duck? dumb chinks
cease existing in the chan
Didn't say they should have, it just reminded me, since I was awake.
I believe it's Tag (2015)
contribute or fuck off
Isnt that something you have corrected at a young age? There was a girl I knew who had the procedure when she was young. Therefore i think you might not be old enough to be here :/
She dropped something and went down to pick it up, retard.
It's some chink version of Final Destination.
That's so cool
holy shit, source
No, he was injured
the guy punching himself in the face always gets me
To be fair if you saw the bus in front of yours getting cut in half and bodies everywhere you'd go into a mental blackout for a couple of seconds just to process all of that.
reminder filename threads exists only to become material for redditors
fucking hell
That's it, thanks user.
man this fight was overall a disappointment
Which season is it?
Mercury is cute
I'm going to fucking sleep
fuck yo
The waitress boobs are shaking at 0:22
haha those dumb fucking teeth
Delet this.
what cut them?
This is why esports will never be taken seriously
The Wind.
Goddamn it, lost
So just like wrestling?
hahaha, what would you do with the bottom half of the females.. haha... just imagine
What are you talking about? Esports are epic!
Looks like GTA 4 to me.
You trolling? Thats retarded if true, and makes me not want to bother watching it.
>call a tractor a robot
>crew safety is only concern so longrange weapons are restricted to tennis balls and paint balls
>people expected this to be interesting or even good
It gets far worse than that. It's an amusing movie but it's also fucking retarded. The entire movie is a video game
Literally no different than any other competitive sport where they parade the competitors out in front of the crowd.
Do it right next time then you fucking faggot
It wasn't that bad, burned my skin moreso than my eyes or lungs. Fuck St. Jean and fuck Farnham though.
you gotta be 18 or older to use this website
Not how filename threads work, you retard
>police cadets
Those are kids.
Are they arresting him for being too fat? Holy shit
i dont get it
Yes it is. Like it or not there's a difference between seeing built athletic men and fat professional gamers dick around. Context matters, user.
Fuck man it was shit for me once you get out the pain stops pretty fast though, also St. Jean is ass candy, never been but heard stories, also
>tfw you forget if you are supposed to wear PT gear or Cadpats
It's a 50/50
unironically fucking love these guys, Really unique concept executed well. check out the neck gyrations on leftie bro.
>It isn't painful until it is
Yes, good observation
>Fatass asks for refund and whines about getting treated like a fat piece of shit
>meanwhile his lard helped kill 41 people
They were kids yesterday
Today they are tomorrow's enforcers
What did you do to my sweet neptune?
Mars is a treasure.
No, because people died so he could save his luggage.
Crazy how black people look like this and think they're attractive
I've done this twice now, and am beginning to think there's just a random chance any airshots will deliberately spawn a duck. It's been a fucking duck every time too.
You just need to get sprayed for a mace cert, not the academy itself. This is usually how they do it. By the way, tear gas is a million times worse. Did the tear gas chamber in the Navy. I was also the last line out so the chamber was at its fullest. That was fun. Some of these kids are just bitches.
t. I was there
some of these designs are pretty good honestly
>Some of these kids are just bitches
There's also the fact that they're kids
Sailor Venus can sit on my penis.
I've seen this picture shitloads of times but this is the first time I've ever noticed the clock is almost exactly at 12:30
what does it mean
not cool bro
I hope that dude knows what's he doing.
The context is people are going to watch a game played at a high level, because that's all professional sports is. Just like the context for this conversation is you posting an autistic green frog because you yourself are also autistic.
> Fried nights at marleys
I expected a splat
Made me laugh fsr
>neither of them have dicks
What if there was a professional gamer that was also built and athletic?
This game is legitimately hard as fuck if you play a melee guy and you don't kick the hell out of everything that moves.
How do you know user, did you check inside their panties?
>The context is people are going to watch a game played at a high level
No. It's about the nerds who are playing the game. I'm going to forgive that autistic jab because I'm sure you're a nice human being when you're not behind the shield of anonymity.
Then it would be fine
Crybabies would just bitch that they're taking the fun out of games or something by turning it into a sport.
That it's almost exactly 12:30 at the time the picture was taken.
So you really are autistic? Because it sounds like you think the focal point of the event after the initial introduction of the teams is staring at the guys holding controllers or mice, rather than watching what's happening on screen. I'd call you an autist in real life all the same because your opinion is stupid.
there are plenty of those
Yea Forums just cries and says they're not "real gamers"
Retard is trying to walk the cables, falls off?
I need this, like, bad. I've never need something this much.
I thought the same thing the first time I saw that webm. It's the kind of tiny detail rockstar could easily bullshit in but most people would be fooled into think it's more than what it is.
damn he gave her the ol' muff buff
Are those butts?
>Calls himself deku as a way to feel important
Most pathetic thing I've ever read.
>get in, wait for gas to me
>scramble through drills, get mask on.
>bit sloppily done, but it's on and secure
>"...go back outside and do it again. Remember your drills."
>god fucking damn it
What is the context?
>not slitting her throat afterwards
Do you have the one where he's shocking the nude woman? There's 2 or 3 like that, one of them is amazing.
>experiment gone wrong
looks to me like it was working as intended
That's actually an intermedullary nail used when your tibia fractured. It holds the bone in place and they screw it in. I'm guessing the nail length was wrong but usually once it's in, they don't remove it.
Does it include that moment I realise that it doesn't fill the hole in my heart and I truly begin to weigh the fact I can't eat tonight?
What a loser that kid is, haha. Hah.
Does anyone else find the awkward way models bend kinda hot sometimes? Something about how unnatural it is.
>not "Scroll of Icarian Flight"
I can hear it
Doom Patrol. Weird show. But it has Brendan Fraser and getting him back on track to the unjustening.
You're correct in saying what's gonna happen during the gameplay will be far more memorable than the players walking on stage, but when the camera focuses on the equally important fat fucks who are PLAYING the game they're gonna hold your attention.
fyi he lived and is fine
epic filename, friend
at least 4 or 5
Guy in the middle really showing the other two up. One on the left is shite.
Lol so what faggot, I had a pajeet do it to my toenail and I watched it because it was cool.
This sort of stuff always makes me laugh.
>Second bus nowhere to be found in later shots
I don't get it.
What. The. Fuck.
You're a brave boy, huh user?
And you want them to just walk there rigidly like awkward autists
One on the right needs to work on his move variety. One on the left doesn't have that robotic accuracy but still really nice.
One in the middle is perfect and downright creepy.
>1 frame
Not fooling me, faggot.
I'd rather not see them at all unless they're behind their monitors
this gif made me a trans lesbian
Jackie Chan plays Chivalry.
So can all black guys just naturally pop and lock?
Also regs or reserves?
what game?
what video game is this?
>not pol_plays_WatchDogs.webm
I have been
not videogames.
gay and not funny.
>not Respecting_Women.webm
Where's the joke?
this one hit me in the feels. Good one.
Holy shit this thread sucks with a few exceptions.
Alpha Protocol
Nice filename. Could've at least named it "game remaster.jpg" or something
Those eggs are unironically becoming more and more like gatcha. I remember when they had some legit cool lookin toy now I watch my brother open up 5 eggs to get 4 wizards with crayons shoved up their asses or a goddamn reskinned tiger that was actually a leopard.
>not diving headfirst
what a noob
What game is this?
I don't get it.
>being this much of a fucking pussy
It's not a real game, I think it was made in MMD.
"ah fuck not again, it can't be helped"
so, a straight man?
Wow a manly tears joke. Had to wipe the cobwebs off that one huh?
That paper hostage had it coming, he didn't have a hostage permit, don't do the crim if you can't do the time, the guy with the gun on the other hand has a hostace license, so he can go.
>fat bitch can't jump
that was a good movie.
Yes I saw the picture too
>he still doesn't see it
>the one fatty too insecure to pull off a chad esports stride
probably couldn't keep his balance
Fuck, what is the name of the comic with the guy who does this and the hostage taker just looks horrified?
but why tho
What's to see? Nothing except the dumb fat bitch. That's all there is to the image faggot.
Niggers, why do you think?
Wait one of them is missing in the second shot
Try counting.
oh my fuck
They were cool when they had blueprints for small toys with lots of various parts. Tiny parts included.
And not just some single piece moulded toy, or some sub4 part clip-on figure.
That's Generations, a short series with ~2 episodes about the first 5 gens each.
No. Counting is for nerds and draculas.
Joan Cornellà
Zoom zoom's OWNED
Thank you user-kun.
What the shit? You could actually fucking die to that
That's the joke, retard.
>t. manly tears
They're just building up immunity to it.
this is nice
You're the retard, that shit is painful but it's not so bad you need to be acting like you're burning alive.
Sharks have a huge amount of delicate sensory nerves in their "noses". Directly touching and petting them sort of paralyzes the shark and it won't know what to do
That'a not tear gas, though, it's OC. The effect is completely different and I'd take tear gas any day over OC.
needs a name
Whatever the shit is wasnt fun I can still remember how it felt to this day
You have very clearly never been pepper sprayed
"You have been banned for toxic behaviour"
This stupid chuuni bitch is the best side character.