Is it possible to learn this power?
Is it possible to learn this power?
Not from a nigger
Nigg- Jackie Chan.
fucking kek
how many years of meditation is that?
Apparently they were raised as monks from childhood.
Not from an incel.
i can say nigger when im not playing videogames
To master such a form of self control you must first watch DSP playing DS1, DS2 and DS3 without saying a word or hitting your desk.
Tibetan monks are the most redpilled humans alive
America can't
The real zen thing to do is take a vow of silence and let karma deal with it
Power Word: Nigger
>ywn transcend the rest of humanity and escape the eternal cycle of suffering
it hurts bros
based fpbp
unbased cringe tranny
fuck niggers and fuck trannies
By not being American and having manners.
please do
>ywn get the cheevo for playing a game without ever saying it
Playing video games is just about the only time I don't say nigger.
Jackie Ch-NIGGER
That's some galaxy-tier mind power.
A fucking monk
top fucking kek
Based & monkpilled
Muslims are so oppressive that even buddhist monks are tired with their bullshit
This thread reeks of gangweed
Sad because it's true.
Not sure why but I somehow got the feeling that he does not like Muslims very much.
Yeah, I'm not the one making threads on Yea Forums
He's right, you know?
>jannies are deleting n-word posts but not the whole thread
I find it depressing and hilarious that westerners just can't accept the concept that a group of people just can't integrate into their society. Those "people" they want to let in are just the equivalent of human cancer
To think Aung San Suu Kyi was once the darling of liberals everywhere, then she gets dropped hard because she doesn't adhere to muslim support
Based and redpilled
CS:GO without kids screeching the bad language would be less fun and, in all likelihood, less friendly rather than more.
I'm gonna say it!
Because even she is sane enough to know that Mussy is fucking bad news.