That's right -- PlayStation 4

Attached: That's right -- PlayStation 4..png (616x209, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Let's not waste people's time and sum up the rest of this thread in one pic.

Attached: 1548008141823.png (1522x854, 310K)

with 1 game

Nice. That's one more than pc+xbox+nintendo combined!

*blocks ur path*

Attached: xbox.jpg (1080x377, 27K)

Attached: BONE'D.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

Witch one?
God of War?
Persona 5?
Uncharted 4?
Last Guardian?
Gravity Rush 2?
Infamous Second Son?
Horizon Zero Dawn?
Days Gone?

Bloodborne, I said game

his hands are chink-colored, filthy xnigger subhuman

Attached: 1554259643859.png (870x760, 248K)


>stops releasing sales numbers because they can't even keep up a 2:1 ratio

Attached: 1541380732009.jpg (623x702, 177K)

>our blacks in gaming


epic for the win fellow gamer

Attached: 00309537.png (712x1191, 152K)

Did they really?


Y'all ready for another snoozer of a Sony Direct?

Nice fat nigger snoy wojak. Now let's look at reality, xnigger.....

Attached: 1517367860607.png (1214x1224, 2.22M)

yeah, they didn't like it too much


Attached: 190763460_09e13314-483b-4de8-92c7-ce08f5c10305.jpg (816x612, 50K)

>Which one?
>Last of Us clone
>Uncharted Snore
>12 FPS: The Game
>Shitty launch game
>Literally who
>Meme zombie game

Wow it turns out he was right

Attached: DD2A74FC-905D-44A7-9C47-A3A4F69D3B3E.jpg (472x536, 37K)

How do xniggers even deny it anymore.

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nice samefagging posts seething loser


Attached: 1556890242862.jpg (1648x1426, 1020K)

>this thread
pretty embarrassing bringing up tweets from 6 years ago

Damn, no wonder PS4 is pushing 100M these days.

Evidently not you since you're having a bitchfit over me fusing two words.

absolutely based

Watching Nintendies seethe never fails to amuse me

Attached: NINTENDO.gif (640x360, 2.01M)

Xnigger subhumans deserve the rope

So you really don't want to talk about State of Play, huh?

I know its you faggot lol

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Attached: xnigger.png (1647x823, 589K)

based, fuck xniggers and pkeks

I'll take the rampant continuous offtopic as no.


We know you do, xnigger

Attached: xtrannies.jpg (1024x683, 223K)

dude sjw shit is the last card a sony fanboy wants to play.

uh oh

Attached: 4TheGayers.webm (1280x720, 3M)

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oh no.....

Attached: xgay.jpg (1600x720, 124K)

This kills the SNOY

It's been out for 6 years and all it has to show for that is one game and a bunch of trash? lmao

>mfw sonygg󠛡ers cant play on the go

Attached: 1497545775646.png (593x443, 361K)

Based. I'd ask him if he wants to play

Typical NPC response

xbox and ps: arguing over who supports gay rights more
>oh ok keep going
xbox: you support gay rights
ps: no you do

Snoyboys going off in here. Did your manager tell you the new word is xnigger? Sad

Gravity Rush is a lot of fun. With the exception of Bloodborne all those games can be beaten by a game journalist.

Attached: 1557216359442.png (800x445, 476K)

Being a Nintendo fan for these threads are the best.


lmao cardboard

faggot recycles the same 4 insults Xcuck, Xnigger, Xfag, and Asher Madan whoever the fuck that is.

Attached: Your Brain On Soy.png (1270x1981, 230K)

Get help retard

Attached: 1553588595544.png (287x346, 88K)

>only good ones are Infamous, GR2 and Bloodborne

Attached: 1527885196633.jpg (282x161, 51K)

loving every laff

You mean
>Dark Souls 2.5

Should I get Netflix for these or just use YouTube?

Attached: WatchStation4.jpg (938x381, 146K)

Attached: 1557217933551.png (870x760, 230K)

Weird maybe it's his irl friend and hes a little slow. Where can you search keywords from multiple threads? The archive?

why's the logo a goatse


>considering bloodborne to be its own game instead of demons souls 2.0

Nvm think I found it is that fireden?

yes it is. look up xcuck to see how bad it is.

Single player punch enemies
>God of War?
Single player punch enemies
>Persona 5?
PS3 and PC
>Uncharted 4?
Single player punch enemies
>Last Guardian?
Single player punch enemies
>Gravity Rush 2?
Single player punch enemies
>Infamous Second Son?
Single player punch enemies
>Horizon Zero Dawn?
Single player punch enemies
>Days Gone?
Single player punch enemies
Single player punch enemies

Damn what an amazing list of action "games"

wow nice selection of games faggot

Why the Libyan flag?

You only said three games though

I looked up Asher wtf the mad man. That's either a bot of some kind or idk. It's always the same picture too lol. Cant believe I havent heard of this

Replace Infamous with Persona 5

>Another Xbro meltdown

At least you skipped the falseflagging this time

but what a game it is

But the kiddy slap fight is between snoy and ninty
Xbox is dead

Attached: PCMR.png (569x802, 484K)

>hating on the based single-player-punch-enemies genre

let me guess, you were the enemy in your dad's single-player punch game

Reminder to report off-topic pokemon threads.

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Is it true Days Gone has a better metacritic than any xbox exclusive this gen? I only ask because I can't think of one.

Also why do Epic get shit for buying studios but you were all celebrating Microsoft who spent about 30 minutes announcing companies they bought at there last conference?

>xbox exclusive

Attached: 1555741547737.jpg (229x238, 10K)

Yea Forums

As much as I love to bash nintendies, I can't break myself to hate them. they're like our mentally impaired little bro, they just happen to like more childish vidya

Attached: 16e.png (200x224, 34K)

>a shooter is now a game where you can just punch enemies and only punch enemies
>Gravity Rush 2 is a game that's combat heavy apparently
>the last guardian
>>>>>punch enemies
>Persona 5 is on PC
>inb4 hurt durr emulator
Why be wrong in purpose? I'm not a Snoyfag but this just bugs me

>Persona 5 is on PC
>inb4 hurt durr emulator
Yes, actually

Dead stranding