Wrong sounding Claptrap. This is wrong sounding Miss Piggy all over again

Wrong sounding Claptrap. This is wrong sounding Miss Piggy all over again.

Attached: borderlands-3-box-art.jpg (957x1200, 407K)

Don't care.

Thank you for sharing.

>listening to reddit : the character

have sex incel.

Having it daily, thank you. It is awesome. I also can't wait for Borderlands 3.

Just game dev things. You wouldn't understand if you weren't in the industry.

Attached: Fatal&Friends72.jpg (758x694, 78K)

Claptrap is one of the worst videogame characters ever
>He's annoying but we know he's annoying so it's ironic and funny XD
fuck I hate Borderlands' writing

I always found Claptrap charming.

>>He's annoying but we know he's annoying so it's ironic and funny XD

That's Borderlands in a nutshell.

>wrong sounding rhys
>wrong sounding claptrap
>epic games store exclusive
>randy "fuckwit brainlet" pitchfork "king of the cuck" still running the show
I've never cared less about BL3.
Loot shooters is an oversaturated genre anyway.

Shame Battleborn didn't send these talentless hacks bankrupt.


With what? The Division and Borderlands?

claptrap is pure camp

The Division
Anthem (lol)

>posting the PS4 version of the cover

I don't think less than a dozen games qualifies as oversaturation. Whether or not they're good is another matter, but it's definitely not too many.

Same, honestly i found the fact that the other characters shit on him/them constantly to make them less endearing comparatively. And frankly when considering what kind of people are in Borderlands i can't even blame INAC for going KILL ALL HUMANS when people invariably and constantly treat them like shit.

clap trap is too cute tho

Attached: claptrap hugging athena.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)


>ywn win a strip poker game with Randy and Gaben
Why even live?

>It's literally ok when Japan does it

now this is BAD-wait for it-ASS

Attached: amara chicken dance.webm (1280x720, 1.2M)

Why does it look like she wants to kill herself?

Attached: 1553909138463.jpg (811x702, 148K)

She is in Borderlands, why wouldn't she?

It won't stop me from hating him like the old one. I'm sure.

i hope the emotes are class specific and that moze can do this

Attached: one handed push up.webm (1280x720, 2.31M)

i would want to too if i was stuck in such a shitty game

>>wrong sounding rhys
As if anyone actually cares. How come Tales of the Borderlands sales absolutely bombed, even though it was the best Telltale game, but suddenly, people care about Rhys. This does not add up. If y'all whining about Rhys actually bought Tales then maybe we would've gotten the second season.

randy bobandy isnt even directing the game
hes just the ceo of gearbox

Finally some sense on this site. When will people admit that telltale games were either trash or w/e

Also minecraft telltale lol