I tribute summon my wife in attack position and pass

I tribute summon my wife in attack position and pass

Your turn user

Attached: 1557090833590.png (813x1185, 1.24M)

i cum on your card
your turn faggot

>tfw the best yugituber is a NIGGER

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So what's her special effect?

>Level 6 vanilla
>Better than Dark Magician

user, I'm using sleeves.
I can just wipe it off.

Hardleg Joe the Red headed black guy with white hands.

It's a normal monster you dip

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Summoned Skull was a level 6 with the same attack as Dark Magician back in the day

He was the superior choice if you wanted to play UNGA BUNGA yugioh

>Level 6 that's stronger than Summoned Skull
>Generic anime waifubait
I'm not a Yugioh nostalgiafag, but this is kinda bullshit.

*steals your waifu respecfully towards you*

Nothin personnel, kid

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being my wife

Them milker's though

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Is she meta

Don't worry, they'll be censored.

Are normal monsters used in yu gi oh anymore?

Why werent the Amazons tits censored? Only the lolis got coverd

Shes a crossover promo for a phone game, she has to have some niche use.

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>Lv6 2600ATK beater
>Essentially shitting all over Dark Magician which is basically their second most popular nostalgia cashgrab
What the fug is happening

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I don't get why people call it caveman yugioh.
Counting card advantage was everything back then and you had to your 1 for 1 trades right or you were fucked.

This guy is TWELVE years old

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Why isn't it the most powerful card in the game if nothing else can resist it's ice?

Yeah, but he's not le magical cowtit girl, he actually looks like he could fuck up Summoned Skull.

What's that one card design everybody hates but you secretly love?

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>love magic
>love early pokemon (they went to shit with ex cards in gen 3)
>hate yugioh

What makes it any different? It always felt like there was a huge card bloat with tons of broken shit.

This guy is SEVEN years old

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Love when Nostalgia faggots get BTFO

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>Also not a generic anime girl
Your point?

magic is boring as f

Based. Nirvana Paladin is a bro. I only regret having an economical crisis when The Dark Illusion came out.
Alternatively, here's another based text wall bro.

Attached: 1102196.jpg (309x450, 53K)

Which one though?
Theres lispy speech impediment nog, the edgy angry one that uses cutaways, and WHATS UP YOUTUBE CAPITAL G HERE

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I haven't played much since around 2010 but I used to love it. It felt like there was less card bloat and you could make a viable strategy with some pretty bunk cards as long as you planned around it. IDK why but Yugioh always felt like you built your deck around a couple of broken cards and everything else was designed to set it up or support. I'd be down to give it another shot though, is legacy of the duelist any good? I want a solid digital version of the game to fuck around with but with a full ruleset unlike duel links. LotD switch looks like my best bet but let me know if there's a better option. I don't mind going back to PS2 games or w/e.

>moving goalposts

You cuck. Proper response would be to immediately kick his ass for disrespecting your wife. The fuck kind of man are you?

I didn't, my point was that a generic waifubait was strong enough to kill Summoned Skull.

Dark Magician has a fuckton more support cards, retard.

Ygopro Percy is free, automatic and has all the cards. The /dng/ discord will turn you into a competent player by bullying you.

Not him but Capital G seems like a cunt to me idk why
Team APS is alright and have some nice skits
The best one is dpYGO mainly because he presents new OCG stuff in an entertaining way with the other niggers shouting random shit

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It's a Monster Strike collab, of course its going to be stronger than Summoned Skull.

The DS world championship games are great and you aren't forced to tag duel with a pants on head retarded ai, except for just a couple of story duels.

The state of zoomers

i like vampires how viable is a vampire deck in this game

The fact it's there to shill mobage makes it even worse in my eyes.

>LotD switch
It's alright but the engine is a bit too slow

I recomend playing YGOPRO first since it's free and you don't have to grind for cards but I guess playing portable on the switch can be real comfy if you want some offline fun. Plus playing throught the story mode actually teaches you the new mechanics and what not.

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>Blue-eyes WHITE Dragon
>Strongest vanilla monster from the original set
>Red-eyes BLACK Dragon
>Literal trash, can't even compete with monarchs and has the worst support
Is Kazuki Takahashi our guy?

They are fun in duel links but i rarely encounter them on ygopro

There's the tag force games but it aint updated

Ah yes, I forgot they also made DM a shitty solitaire deck.

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>Literal trash, can't even compete with monarchs and has the worst support
t. never played REDMD and the new variants.

Nigger what?
Its a control deck with Unga Bunga elements now.
If you want to see flowchart solitaire go look at dangers.

Red-Eyes does suck ass though.

Nice pic related as well, I have a thing extra deck monsters with pen scales.

My dick will go diamonds if Konami ever releases a link pendulum monster.

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Cool. I'm fine with the basics due to the crossover with other TCGs, but how would you recommend tackling the huge amount of cards? There are thousands of them, it's a headache trying to build a deck as a new player even if I know roughly what I'm doing.

Wow, Lucifer look like that?

Just emulate one of the DS games.
2010 or 2011.
We have a cancer of a flowchart meta right now so I would not recommend jumping in the deep end of the pool with no floaties.

Pick an archetype you like and build around it

Unironically ask /dng/. Do not listen to Marzipan if you do. Listen to honkhonkchen or getter.


They all sound like d*scord trannies he shouldn't listen to

I activate my cute and funny card

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there are actual trannies in /dng/ and those aren't.

How much longer will sky sluts be meta?
I don't mind them desu

I ritual summon relinquished and using his special effect, I'll equip your wife to him.

Attached: relin.png (544x544, 592K)

They are no longer meta as of DANE aka this week.

Mystic Mine is the absolute kind tier 0 of the current format

i set one card and end my turn
your move

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I attack your wife with mine

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Its only so bad because the game is so cancerous that people no longer main deck basic outs to backrow.

>hurr durr 2600 attack maek Dark Magician bad
>despite all the support for Dark Magician like Eternal Soul that makes it actually playable over shitty vanilla beatsticks
You think you're smart but you're actually retarded.

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I know DM support is decent, I just find it a bit shitty that some generic waifubait from a mobage is better than Summoned Skull.

>That may be stupid, but it's also dumb

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Why doesn't ygo ever print the artist's name?

My "wife" is cute.

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What's up with those leg tumors and only one boob

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Have we finally got a Goblin Archetype by now? It's been ages since I last played,but the amount of Goblin themed cards that existed without a proper deck structure always bugged me

that's a bit toxic now, isn't it, user?

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There are at least 1 trillion ways to special summon dark magician for free

"She" is a sort of half male half female demonic thing.

Ok but what's with the leg tumors

Post cardfus.

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If you're going to bait, at least put some effort into it.

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Why are DM nostalgiafags so annoying and retarded?

The are alright, the annoying ones are the pokemon idiots and specially the magic fags who can't compehend someone liking yugioh and try to post their SJW game run by trannies here

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>current year
>level 6
>not even a tuner

What's the fucking point.

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But user the duel is already over, I FTK'd you with my solitaire deck.

Yugioh is for dumb niggers and offers no gameplay


Attached: DestinyHEROPlasma-LEHD-EN-C-1E.png (477x694, 748K)

>YGO offers no gameplay
>all five cards in my hand are potentially live at all times during my opponent's turn
>knowing when and how to use each card is the difference between winning and losing
>both players dropping handtraps and spells and activating a dozen effects every turn

>meanwhile in Magic
>opponent does something
>try to play an instant
>no mana :^)
>try to summon a creature
>no mana :^)
>try play a land
>already played one so it's dead
>or you didn't draw into one so you don't get a turn
>the one turn everything goes right, my entire play consists of casting one (1) creature then passing
>so much gameplay

Yeah, no, YGO is the only TCG with gameplay.
t. Pokemonfag

Her design is sort of a patchwork of different male and female body parts. Parts of her body are clearly meant to look more feminine, other parts more masculine. It looks especially weird in some places because the dividing line between male and female is all over the place. Specifically, the lumps on her leg are meant to look like muscles, like a buff guy would have. They're just arbitrarily cut off by a more feminine leg part.

you're just bad at brewing decks in mtg. mtg is the only game that gives you actual control of the game during your opponents turn instead of just sitting there like a cuck watching your opponent do their le ebin combo

used to play yugioh when I was a kid but could never go back after magic. nice to see yugioh's card art went from dogshit to moe dogshit now

I can smell your neckbeard from here man.

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Why are magicfags so insecure?

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Who /maha vailo/ here?

I used to have a Prisma Dark Magician deck. It was pretty cool even if it was just a mediocre R7 engine.

Why do weablacks love YGO so much?

Shut the fuck up honk

Because when people aren't shitposting their arguments against Magic are all either personal taste or new player problems such as getting manascrewed or not knowing how to play around counters.

It's like you don't actually understand how chaining works in Yu-gi-oh

I play both YGO and MtG and don't act as if pros aren't getting screwed or flooded all the time. Or just plain don't draw shit that helps them. It happens every god damn tournament stream, so there's plenty of proof.
YGO is just even more retarded because it's Don't Brick + Draw Your Handtrap Or Get Fucked: The Game.

>impying you can handtrap mystic mine :^)

just ash the metaverse bro

Attached: DarkMagicianGirltheDragonKnight-LEDD-EN-C-1E.png (476x694, 816K)

wait a minute... that card...

Attached: ColdWave-SDZW-EN-C-1E.png (300x439, 285K)

Oh fuck it's not out in the west yet

can't hear you faggot over the sound me forcing my cum points in your mouth via my dick passage.

Just because his country's name is literally Black Mountain doesn't mean he's black user

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Don't open it. It's forbiddn.

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Why does playing Sky Striker require next to no thinking skills?

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>Yugioh's entire existence is built upon some of the worst powercreep in all media, as instead of having a modern format where only the newest decks are legal, any card/deck, no matter how old as long as it's not banned can be played, forcing Konami to create a system where every single viable deck in almost 19 years history had to be powercrept so that people would be forced to buy new viable decks
>DM Retards:100 attack points on a Normal Monster??!! This powercreep has gone too far!!!

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I always find powercreep discussions absurd because if you look at just about any card game the strongest cards usually came from the first few sets (Bill in Pokemon TCG, Pot of Greed in Yugioh, Ancestral Recall in Magic for three similar examples.)

If anything the common link I see is that the OP as shit cards simply shift over time from being spells to being the creatures that were generally meant to be your main focus with the spells being support.

I enjoy Rank10 vids

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Attached: EXODIA.jpg (249x365, 39K)

>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "holds up summoned skull let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate extra links" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaughtering my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>its another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>its another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>its another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" "w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>its another "flips Despell you activated my trap card!" thread

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Me too, I just wish he learned to enunciate. He talks like he's reading from a script written from a computer with a broken spacebar.

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>>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
Out of all the ones in this copy pasta, why do I only get angry at the implication that Monster Reborb should be legal?

it is legal

Well yeah, but I never liked the decision for it to be legal. It isn't pot of greed powerful but it is still up there.

>mtg is the only game that gives you actual control of the game during your opponents turn
>Actually saying this unironically in the age of smug cat cunt

Where do I fit if I don't really know how MR4 and Links work and don't really bother playing anymore because I can't keep up?

You just KNOW

Playing MR3 format with me and my dead Skull Servant zombie synchro

i use my wife to make your wife also my wife

Attached: ChangeOfHeart2.jpg (310x450, 40K)


So a mirror match then. Skull Servant is great.

>normal monster
does she have OP support cards?

Why does Lucifer/Lucy from Monster Strike have a Yugioh card?

>if i say to kill all the niggers

She is ours now

Attached: 1557217983653.jpg (623x702, 177K)

It's a collab, they got Marik I think.

Didn't they build an entire deck around a single vanilla sea serpent at one point?

Fusion is the master race.

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Thought as much, though now I want the card

I steal your wife with my tribute summoned wife and attack for 4600 points
Your move

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Yugioh's superiority leads to some controversy.

Move over faggots. Best card coming through

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With no cards left on my field, I can summon my wife and destroy yours.

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From now until I'm an old, ancient fuck.

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Well I use Super Polymerization to fuse myself with my wife(Male)(female) who is using my boyfriend and win the duel and save the world.

Attached: super poly.jpg (186x271, 12K)