I tribute summon my wife in attack position and pass
Your turn user
I tribute summon my wife in attack position and pass
Your turn user
i cum on your card
your turn faggot
>tfw the best yugituber is a NIGGER
So what's her special effect?
>Level 6 vanilla
>Better than Dark Magician
user, I'm using sleeves.
I can just wipe it off.
Hardleg Joe the Red headed black guy with white hands.
It's a normal monster you dip
Summoned Skull was a level 6 with the same attack as Dark Magician back in the day
He was the superior choice if you wanted to play UNGA BUNGA yugioh
>Level 6 that's stronger than Summoned Skull
>Generic anime waifubait
I'm not a Yugioh nostalgiafag, but this is kinda bullshit.
*steals your waifu respecfully towards you*
Nothin personnel, kid