i'm not crying
you're crying
I'm not crying
Why does that neckbeard look like he's playing that lame ass game instead of the dying faggot?
he's on his phone.
crying of laughter lmao Todd killed him
>Im a fan of a corporation
Really America?
what is that face meant to convey?
>"While he doesn't get to keep the game because it's too early, just those hours of playtime made him happier than you know,"
Jesus fucking Christ he's 12 and dying what's he going to do write a hit piece?
>todd pretending fallout 76 didn't give him the cancer
They don't want to know how his last thoughts were about how much the game sucked.
I still dont understand the fixation you people have on America, Britain and random European countries when it comes to your weak banter.
>the last videogame you ever play
>it's fallout 76
>it's glitchy as fuck just like your cancer diseased brain and you die convulsing and seeing your crying mother morph into todd
>A cameras flashes as I drift into the abyss.jpg
Everytime I think I'm having a bad day, things like this put a smile on my face.
>be on death's doorstep
>want to play a great game before you go
>it's Fallout 76
fucking hell, can you imagine? also
>crying to that
you are smalltime, bitch
>Thanks for letting me play the game, it was fun. I can't wait to play again tomorrow.
For me it's 'spawn camping.jpg' from the 2016 ghost busters campaign
Fucking kek
Reminds me of that one Ghostbusters pic. Black Comedy at it's finest.
Imagine the last game you ever play is fallout 76. Fuck I feel sad now.
don't forget china, israel and australia
That dude could probably snap you in half, faggot.
Purdue kid is sadder
t. Yea Forums
Why does this kid look so fucking smug. Does getting cancer actually just make you a secret chad?
It's not smug, it's coming to terms with the inevitible
america is singlehandedly responsible for 95% of moronisms in english on the internet
retards from other countries who write shit that triggers the "really americans?" response are usually too stupid to learn english, so they can be immediately identified as esl if they try to use it
>be 12
>stage four neuroblastoma
>make a wish ask me what my dream is
>I want to get a canvas bag
>big day comes
>can't wait to get my canvas bag
>"We managed to get your nylong bag, isn't that great?"
>Nylon? But you said it was canvas.
>The door opens and I hear shrill laughter and mumbled ebonics
>My ugly as sin parents and Matt Grandstaff shamble in to the room holding broken plastic rum bottles.
>My emaciated, a barely human father swaggers over to me looking like he thinks he's made my day
>"The game was rigged from the start lil guy!"
>The rest of them roar with laughter
>I hear a voice screaming "Ay fellas, lemme holla at ya"
>My dyke mom runs in to my room and starts whooping.
>The 2 wiggers begin to whoop along with her and chant "PHOTO OP, PHOTO OP"
>A camera flashes as I drift in to the abyss
when the void stares at him hes stares back
fuck that got me
I'm not crying and wouldn't. Kids die everyday. Your parents will die your family members and friends will die. It's just life man
this never fails to make me feel like shit. fuck.
Shut up! I'm n-not a fag
ouch that's some serious edge there fampai
yea know shit people die, that doesnt make it any less sad, and you arent a alpha for not crying when people die
Look at that kid's face, he knows its a joke. He's used his dying gasp to be ironic.
What a legend.
How did all this rain get into my room?
i think we left the window open m8
why does this fake story always get posted
This is so obviously fucking fake
Classic understanding: It's all Australians playing their game.
Alternative interpretation 1: It's the exact same people you just cited trolling other countries in retribution of people trolling their countries.
Alternative interpretation 2: It's the exact same people you just cited trolling their own countries/Just wildly posting what sticks for (you)s
My theory: breeding ground for first nationalistic meme virus so pungent it causes apoptosis in the designated target nation.
>obviously trying to ape on "we are two of soul" but manages to make it the least believable thing ever
Haha okay sure
Hmm. Wasn't expecting to feel anything tonight.
Video games bring people together. and for some, it's the only way. I hope my old online friends are doing okay. People that don't play games will never understand how close you can get to someone you'll never meet in person.
>fan of Bethesda
Doubtful. Bethesda target audience are neckbeards in their 30 nostalgic about DOS turn based PC games. Looks like a marketing stunt.
And probably having more fun
>neckbeards in their 30 nostalgic about DOS turn based PC games
no that's Obsidian.
Aren't bethesda games usually 15+? Sure you play them a bit earlier but to be a die hard fan at 12 means he's probably at least played it for a couple of years. A 10 year old shouldn't be playing them.
You sound like a faggot
This is the fate all tf2 zoomers should get.
It probably gave him double cancer and made him die twice as fast honestly
What insane age standard is this? Fuck off, Europeon.
has any dying kid with cancer ever asked for sex?
OH NONONO. I hope it was the test version not the broken release version.
obviously fake. Reads like something you'd get from some cartoon episode, you guys are such suckers.
I get the feeling almost all kids do but also are made to believe or they themselves fear that orgasm will kill them faster. at least thats what I think, why cumming wouldn't kill an almost dead person and that kid looks specially thin and weak
Who cares life has no meaning there’s literally billions of people you faggot
>Who cares life has no meaning there’s literally billions of people you faggot
fuck bro, you just blew my mind, do you watch rick and morty too?