I'm not crying

i'm not crying
you're crying

Attached: FO76.jpg (865x870, 146K)

Why does that neckbeard look like he's playing that lame ass game instead of the dying faggot?

he's on his phone.

crying of laughter lmao Todd killed him

>Im a fan of a corporation
Really America?

what is that face meant to convey?

>"While he doesn't get to keep the game because it's too early, just those hours of playtime made him happier than you know,"
Jesus fucking Christ he's 12 and dying what's he going to do write a hit piece?

>todd pretending fallout 76 didn't give him the cancer

They don't want to know how his last thoughts were about how much the game sucked.

I still dont understand the fixation you people have on America, Britain and random European countries when it comes to your weak banter.